
08 Oct 2019, 14:36 PM
October 8, 2019 - According to Independent MP Nedjeljko Rudovic, Montenegro's accession to the European Union (EU) has virtually been halted, blamed solely by its political and judicial leadership.
"I do not know if it is a balance clause, the fact is that Montenegro's negotiations with the EU have stopped," Rudovic said.
He recalled that since 2012, when it opened negotiations, Montenegro has not been able to close a single chapter formally.
"This, of course, has to do with the new approach and the connection of Chapters 23 and 24 with everything else. But that goes to show that there are no results in a critical area, and that is the rule of law, which is quite clear from every statement made by EU officials, and from every EC progress report on Montenegro," said Rudovic.
Everything happening in the judiciary, and the attitude of the court to the current affairs has a direct repercussion on the future of Montenegro's accession to the Union.
"Essentially, at this moment, that accession has stopped. Formally, probably, no one will say it, but the fact is that we are not going forward," said Rudovic.
He pointed out that it was not the fault of the chief negotiator or, for example, the minister of science.
"The blame lies solely on political top and top judiciary, which, rather than in the service of the state and the rule of law, is clearly in the service of the ruling party," Rudovic said.
He explained that when it comes to the rule of law and the need for Montenegro to have an independent judiciary, it does not refer to the presidents of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, and other judicial officials.
"We are talking about the fact that the whole of Montenegro suffers from the fact that they act as servants of the ruling party and do not do their job. Everyone is taken care of, remember the apartment affair, and in what way and who is honored with apartments, some of them several times," said Rudovic.
As he said, Montenegro is suffering damage due to such behavior, and system that radically transforms the state and all its institutions into servants of the ruling party.
Asked how, given everything he said he sees the future of Montenegro's negotiations with the EU, he said that it depends on global trends and on the situation in the Union itself, as well as on the situation on the home ground.
The fact is, Rudovic said that Montenegro could not expect any progress unless it clears up "the situation in its backyard."
"There is no dilemma here. We are not a big country that can be as influential at the EU level as much as we would like, but we can do what is right for us. Why we don't do this, I think is completely clear - because those on whom it depends don't want it," Rudovic concluded.
Speaker of the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration and Democratic Front MP Slaven Radunovic said that the EU has stopped the process of integration of Montenegro, and that the balancing clause has been informally activated, but that it is not officially mentioned for political reasons.
08 Oct 2019, 02:45 AM

08 October 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović is the recipient of the title of Honorary Member of the Mihai Eminescu Academy and the Foundation of the same name, which was presented to him by the President of the Academy, Ion Deaconescu, in front of the Executive Board.

Academy President Deaconescu congratulated President Đukanović on this recognition of political and social activism and the active role of the reformer of Montenegro. Delivering him the honorary member of the Academy and its symbol, the work of the famous sculptor Vincenzo Bianchi, Deaconescu said it was a great honour for them that the President accepted their initiative and recognition as a great politician who contributed to the peace, preservation, and affirmation of multiculturalism and multiethnicity. He praised the achievements of Montenegro and recalled the friendship of Montenegro and Romania, “small countries that can give Europe a lot”.

President Đukanović thanked Deaconescu for this important recognition and said that he was extremely privileged and honoured to be in the company of eminent members of this Academy, among whom there are Nobel and Herder Prize winners. Considering the reputation of this Academy, the honour belongs to the citizens of Montenegro, Đukanović said. He pointed to the special importance of preserving universal and traditional values, especially in times when they were put to the test in turbulent and challenging times, not only in Montenegro, but also on the European and global scene.

He agreed that relations between Montenegro and Romania are traditionally friendly, which is supported by the sincere and continuous support of Romania to Montenegro in the integration processes.

The interlocutors also exchanged views on the possibility of continuing the Njegoš-Eminescu poetry festival, which was first held in Podgorica last year.

The explanation of the decision of the Executive Board of the Academy, among other things, states that the title of Honorary Member is awarded to President Đukanović "in honour of his extraordinary engagement as a politician and humanist, in a susceptible period, marked by pain, conflict, poverty ... His Excellency is the promoter of the relationship of friendship and cooperation between Montenegro and Romania, whose centuries-old friendly relations have been strengthened by this support. We are convinced that the award of this academic title to Mr. President of Montenegro will contribute to the fruitful participation of both countries in creating a new humanism that is necessary for all of us," concludes the statement.

08 Oct 2019, 02:23 AM

08 October 2019 - Montenegro and Turkey agreed on improving cooperation in ten areas concerning trade and economic relations and signed an agreement on cooperation between the two ministries in charge of sport and youth. At the Fifth session of the Mixed Commission for Economic Cooperation between the Government of Montenegro and the Government of Turkey, which was co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro Milutin Simović and Minister of Youth and Sports of Turkey Mehmet Kasapoglu, it was noted that two countries foster excellent political relations and that both sides see room for further strengthening economic cooperation.

Deputy Prime Minister Simović noted that this conference is another confirmation that intensive economic cooperation is high on the agenda of continuous boosting of bilateral relations between Montenegro and Turkey, which is characterised by a high-quality political dialogue, mutual understanding and respect. "The Mixed Commission, through regular meetings, works hard to fulfil the tasks that are entrusted to the Commission through the Agreement on economic cooperation between the two counties," DPM Simović stated.

Deputy Prime Minister Simović pointed out that Montenegro has become a reliable and attractive investment destination through the creation of a competitive environment for business, with significant potentials in the areas of energy, tourism, agriculture and industry.

Co-chairing from the Turkish side, Minister Kasapoglu emphasised that Turkey sees Montenegro as a sincere and reliable partner, and that bilateral cooperation between the two countries can set an example not only in the region but also further. He estimated that such high-quality relations between Turkey and Montenegro need to be reflected through economic cooperation, stressing that all the opportunities offered by the free trade agreement must be exploited.

"I believe that the Protocol from this session of the Mixed Commission will give additional impetus to economic relations. I will personally monitor all activities related to the implementation of the Protocol and the agreement on cooperation in the field of sports and youth," Minister Kasapoglu said.

Both sides agreed that the next, sixth session of the Mixed Commission should be held in 2020 and hosted by the Government of Turkey.

The Government of Montenegro's delegation also included Minister of Education Damir Šehović and Minister of Health Kenan Hrapović.

Within the framework of the Mixed Commission, a business forum of Montenegrin and Turkish businesspeople took place, sponsored by the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and the Turkish-Montenegrin Business Council at the Committee for International Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Trade of Turkey.

08 Oct 2019, 02:12 AM

08 October 2019 - The legal and institutional framework, which guarantees the independence of the judicial branch of Government in Montenegro, implies a high degree of responsibility for each judicial office holder individually. Citizens' expectation that prosecutors and judges should firmly protect the legal order of Montenegro is justified, and this is the only way to build trust in the judicial and prosecutorial organisation. Unless the responsibility of the judiciary is significantly strengthened, the citizens' concern for the overall success of the reforms will be justified. Therefore, the judiciary is obliged to respond to such challenges in a timely and efficient manner, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice of Montenegro Zoran Pažin said at a Western Balkans Justice Ministers conference which was recently held in Tirana, Albania.

During the conference, organised by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania and the Regional Cooperation Council, the Ministers of Justice, senior officials and experts in the field of the rule of law from the Western Balkans discussed the key challenges in meeting European standards, improving the rule of law and strengthening regional judicial cooperation.

DPM Pažin emphasised that the high degree of independence enjoyed by the judiciary in the Montenegrin government system carries a special responsibility for the impartial and independent performance of each prosecutor and judge individually. Only in this way can confidence in the justice system be built.

He recalled that the implementation of the previous judicial reform strategy, through the adoption of amendments to the Constitution and the improvement of legislation, significantly strengthened the independence of the Montenegrin judiciary. Pažin stressed that continued judicial reform remains Montenegro's priority in the European integration process, which the Government also confirmed by adopting the Strategy for the next three-year period.

"Increasing the efficiency of the judicial system will improve the quality of respect for human rights and the rule of law, while enhancing the accessibility and transparency of judicial institutions in the coming period should result in an adequate degree of citizens' confidence in the judiciary," Deputy Prime Minister Pažin noted.

The second, expert panel dedicated to the design, implementation and monitoring of judicial reform in the Region was addressed by Nikola B. Šaranović, Director General of the Directorate for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Justice. He recalled that in its conclusions on enlargement, stabilisation, and association, the EU Council noted that the institutional framework in Montenegro was complete and that the legal framework was largely established, and that it was crucial for the entire rule of law system to produce tangible and sustainable results.

Šaranović notably presented cooperation on European projects in the process of meeting the provisional benchmarks in Chapters 23 and 24, judicial cooperation with the countries of the Region, as well as the participation of Montenegrin institutions in the work of European judicial networks. He also reminded that Montenegro is the first candidate country to which the new approach in negotiations has been applied and that our country is ready to transfer the first-hand experience to other candidate countries from the Western Balkans.

07 Oct 2019, 21:27 PM
October 7, 2019 - The first TEDx conference in Kotor was held last weekend in the large hall of the Cultural Center "Nikola Đurković." The theme of the event was "Reaching for the Stars," and a total of 10 speakers from different fields recounted their experiences and presented their views on various topics.
The first TEDx conference in Kotor was organized by Boris Bajzek, Milos Joksimovic, Jovan Radnic, and, Nevena Korac as the second TEDx event they are hosting.
According to Korac, four of them have the idea that "organizing such events" will revive smaller communities.
"From the very beginning, our goal was to get out of Podgorica to motivate young people to stay in their small communities. Even though small towns do not mean that nothing is happening in them, that is the center of events in Podgorica. We, as a state, are very small and tend to close ourselves as a society. The goal of everything we do is the opposite of that. We think TEDx is an excellent opportunity to send our message to the youth, by bringing people who are from anywhere who carry messages from some of their worlds and their communities," Korac told Radio Kotor.
She added that they also made a big step up in quality from the previous year.
"I have to say that I am incredibly pleased with the progress we have made over the last year. It can be seen in the quality of the speech, the way the audience was connected with all the participants. We are delighted that we have already noticed extremely positive feedback from all those who came to watch this TEDx," Korac emphasized.
Guests at this year's TEDx included, among others, Maja Raicevic, Rainer Hess, Pyotr Prokopovic, Jovan Jovancevic.
In addition to the speakers, they also had two performances, Sasa Mitric, a Kotor guitarist, and Matan Vukcevic, who painted on canvas accompanied by a strong message.
The guest of the event was Marina Orsag, a comedian from Zagreb.
TED, abbreviated as Technology, Entertainment, Design, is the name of the world's most popular conference platform for events, held in 130 countries since 1984. TED spreads messages that may not be political, religious, or commercial.
Speakers, as well as how events are organized, are subject to strict rules, and an essential prerequisite is that the team entrusted with the organizational work receives the necessary international license at least five months before the conference.
Kotor was allowed to organize a TEDx conference at the initiative of the director of the Kotor Tourism Organization, Ana Nives Radovic, who was a speaker at the event last year.
Those interested can read more on the official TEDx Kotor website:
Source: Radio Kotor
07 Oct 2019, 21:06 PM

October 7, 2019 - Montenegro and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) have concluded an Agreement under which European police officers, along with Montenegrin police, will patrol along the state border. As reported, the European Union will provide Montenegro with expert training and expert assistance in border surveillance. 

The Agreement, signed in Luxembourg by Montenegrin Interior Ministers Mevludin Nuhodzic and Finland, currently EU Presidency, Maria Ohisalo, as well as European Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos, regulates relations between the two sides and specified rights and obligations in dealing with security challenges, including illegal migration.
Nuhodzic said that the Agreement represents "the strengthening of successful and high-quality cooperation between Montenegro and the European Union in the field of border security."
"With this Agreement, we have opened a new chapter on border management and cross-border crime cooperation. More intensive cooperation between Montenegro and Frontex will enable us to respond more quickly and effectively to potential migration challenges. Safe and secure borders, which should remain open to the free movement of people and goods and, at the same time, protected from the activities of criminals. Such as illegal migration, organized crime, and terrorism. Only a well-protected and robust state border can guarantee the safety and security of both citizens in Montenegro and citizens across Europe," said Nuhodzic.
EU Commissioner Avramopoulos has called the conclusion of the agreement "an important achievement for both Montenegro and the EU," the Government said.
"This agreement is another step towards the full operationalization of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and marks another step forward in EU-partner cooperation with the Western Balkans. Montenegro is the second country in the region to sign such an operation after the operation launched in Albania earlier this year, which has already yielded positive results," Avramopolos said.
Ohisalo said this Agreement is further evidence of deepening and expanding cooperation (EU) with Montenegro and will bring benefits to both parties, especially in controlling migration flows, combating illegal migration and cross-border crime, including migrant smuggling, trafficking, and terrorism.
"More broadly, we are convinced that this Status Agreement will enhance cooperation with the entire Western Balkans region, which the European Union considers to be one of its priorities. The negotiations are conducted in a good cooperation spirit and in a constructive way that characterizes our relations," Ohisalo said.
07 Oct 2019, 20:38 PM
October 7, 2019 - Kotor Municipal Assembly President Jovo Sudjic (DPS) called the Democratic councilor in Kotor parliament, physician Dr. Goran Jovanovic "a monster in human form." Sudjic asked the director of Kotor General Hospital Dr. Ivan Ilic to take action against Jovanovic, who is employed by that public health care institution.
In an open letter to Ilic, sent today via Kotor's Skala Radio, Sudjic stated that "once a respected Kotor hospital, today, thanks to some doctors whose behavior can at least be called unprecedented and uneducated, it has reached the level of which Kotor is ashamed. "He accused Jovanovic, who, in addition to medicine, is also involved in artistic creation as a musician, poet and satirist, Timur Tmurni, that he "passionately" deals with Sudjic and other public figures whose politics he dislikes and that in his public appearances "satanizes and insults, continues to slander, not choosing words with the intention of belittling and insulting."
"I expected Dr. Ilic that you would come to the Kotor Municipal Assembly or, at least, as my former colleague of councilors, invite me to a meeting to try to overcome this problem. You did not do this for the reasons known to you. For this reason, I do not think that you care much about insulting doctors and self-styled satirists, who must be a humanist, not a monster in human form. Others see it, unfortunately not you, nor Minister (of Health, Kenan) Hrapovic," reads Sujić's open letter.
The head of the Kotor parliament criticizes the hospital director for allegedly failing to respond adequately to his June letter when Sudjic also complained about Jovanovic's media appearances. Sudjic stressed that Jovanovic's expertise as a physician was "questionable" for him. He believes that Ilic's earlier claim is that none of Jovanovic's colleagues or patients complained about his treatment as a doctor. Sudjic also notes that Jovanovic allegedly "verbally attacked a colleague (Bruna) Loncarevic, your associate, what was announced publicly at the College of Physicians in your presence."
"You knew it, and you had to react because it is an attack that should not be tolerated, precisely because of the reputation of the hospital, if you did not want to protect your colleague and her integrity and reputation. Listen, Dr. Ilic, to your colleagues at the hospital. Ask them what they think about Jovanovic's behavior. Not only for the brutal attacks on me, but also for other prominent citizens like your colleague, who he does not like, but also for the need to protect the reputation of the hospital you are leading from such street behavior," said Sudjic to the director of the Kotor hospital.
Bruna Loncarevic is a member of the SDP, which by a decisive seventeenth vote in the Kotor Municipal Assembly, supports the current local ruling DPS-SD-HGI-LP coalition.
In a letter to Ilic, Sudjic also abuses Jovanovic that he allegedly publicly discloses the diagnoses and therapies of the patients he receives, "making jokes on their behalf by mocking them and belittling their origins and status." He said Jovanovic is "a doctor who keeps political tirades in the hospital." Sudjic noted that he had also briefed Health Minister Kenan Hrapovic (SD) about everything, but that he "did not even respond to the letter, thus best-showing interest in the issue."
Goran Jovanovic has been in the public spotlight recently after the municipal DPS government banned him from appearing as one of the featured speakers at the Kotor Circle festival, which was financially supported by the local government. That is why all participants of the festival - prominent intellectuals and public figures from Montenegro, Serbia, and Croatia, publicly protested and supported Jovanovic, and the organizers of the Kotor Circle from the NGO Hyperion decided that the festival will no longer be held in Kotor.
"After such brutal, open, and shameless censorship, there is no longer room in Kotor until Kotor becomes an oasis of freedom again, until semi-intellectuals and drunken mayors rush down the scales they have climbed. We are going from this city and carrying the festival to other, better places, if any in our homeland. If not, we will create them with the help of you all," said festival co-organizer Ksenija Rakocevic at the time.
Source: Boka News
07 Oct 2019, 16:56 PM

07 October 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the Villa Gorica.

President Đukanović said the first visit of the US secretary of state is historical and an honor for Montenegro. He recalled the long tradition of relations between the two countries and highlighted the US's appreciation for continued support throughout its historical duration.

"Relations between Montenegro and the United States were particularly enriched at the end of the last century, during the Yugoslav crisis, when a strong trust was built to this day thanks to significant political and financial assistance from Washington, which has crucially contributed to maintaining peace and multiethnic harmony in Montenegro," pointed out Đukanović, adding that the trust between the two countries was also important for the implementation of reforms in Montenegro, restoration of independence, NATO membership and leadership in the negotiation process with the EU. The visit is a gesture of US support for the youngest NATO member, and a message to everyone in the region who should follow this example.

Recalling the achievements of the past 13 years, the President stressed that we had demonstrated policy-making skills, reform capacity, and a clear vision and ability to adopt European and Euro-Atlantic values, with respect for human and minority rights and democracy. Speaking about state policy priorities, he emphasized maintaining a good pace of economic growth, continuing the integration process with a strong commitment to the rule of law and media freedoms, and enhancing internal political stability, and enhancing religious freedom through drafting the Laws to the highest European standards.

He also reaffirmed Montenegro's commitment to continue to be a promoter of Europeanization in the Region, stating that the integration of the WB is a prerequisite for its stability and overcoming a deep lag. In this regard, he welcomed the increased US presence in the region, the appointment of a special envoy, and expressed his expectation that a more determined European enlargement policy would be encouraged, reported President's Office.

He particularly emphasized satisfaction with bilateral relations and valuable cooperation in defense and security, hybrid threats, and the rule of law. He conveyed to Secretary Pompeo an openness to strengthen economic cooperation and more significant presence of US investors, who will bring, above all, new standards and skills.

The US Secretary of State thanked the President and his team for their excellent cooperation and commended Montenegro for its achievements since the restoration of independence. He shared his belief that the US would remain actively engaged in Europe, the Balkans, and especially with Montenegro, especially in the context of a more dynamic enlargement process. The US will be very supportive of Montenegro's EU integration as quickly as possible.

US Secretary of State also stressed that Montenegro could count on support to achieve what is good for the people and the government and what is good for Europe, with the message that the US wants Montenegro to become the youngest member of the EU, as it has become the youngest NATO member and lead the region. Pompeo thanked Montenegro for its dedicated participation in peacekeeping missions, pointing out that although the small country of Montenegro sends secure messages that it is not only a member but an active member of NATO and can set an example for larger countries.

"A small country, but an enormous contribution," rated Pompeo.

In addition, the United States has shown full confidence when it comes to reaching Montenegro's planned budget allocations for defense.

"This is not just about money; it is about demonstrating a political commitment to the common defense. In the context of resolving open issues in the region," concluded Pompeo, saying that Montenegro should be proactive in ideas that will lead to a good outcome for the WB.

The US Secretary of State also expressed interest in the presence of US investors in Montenegro.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

07 Oct 2019, 16:49 PM

07 October 2019 - Research suggests that tourists visiting Kotor mostly complain about traffic jams. However, the issue might be solved already next year if only the local government opted for the construction of an underground passage on the riva (for transferring passengers from cruise ships to the Old Town), better pedestrian traffic management and parking of cars and buses, President of the Municipality of Kotor Željko Aprcović clarified for Radio Kotor, as Cafe del Montenegro reported.

"Construction of an underground tunnel and better pedestrian traffic management will significantly contribute to smooth traffic flow next year," emphasized Aprcović.

Concerning the construction of a boulevard through Grbalj towards Budva, he said that he had a meeting with the representatives of the Transport Administration and both sides noted the project would be an added-value for the overall traffic flow from Verige to Lastva Grbaljska.

"The value of the passage investment amounts to 35 million euros. Along with a certain investment in the water supply infrastructure towards Herceg Novi, costs will rise to 50 million euros," Aprcović indicated.

When asked why no one is mentioning the construction of an overpass in Kotor anymore, he said: "it is unrealistic to expect him to tell something more about the topic."

Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

07 Oct 2019, 16:44 PM

07 October 2019 - At the end of 2018, the renewable energy fund totaled 2,02 million EUR, and this whole amount of money has been transferred to this year’s fund, it was suggested in the Business Report of the Montenegro Electricity Market Operator, adopted by the Government of Montenegro at the latest session.

The renewable energy fund in Montenegro was additionally increased by 129.272 EUR in 2018, reports Cafe del Montenegro.

The Business Report, among other things, says that there is an increase in the share of electricity production from renewable energy sources in total electricity production. This, according to the report, leads to the fulfillment of the national goal concerning renewable sources.

Montenegro, for the first time, produced enough electricity from renewable sources from 24 May to 2 June this year, and thus, according to the Government of Montenegro, joined a small number of cities that could claim they managed to produce all the necessary electricity from domestic renewable sources. In that period, when the Thermal Power Plant Pljevlja was out of order, it produced around 82 million kWh of electricity, while 75 million kWh was spent.

Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

06 Oct 2019, 20:16 PM

From Monday until the 11th of June next year, the fleet of six ferries will run on the winter timetable. According to the ferry company,  this will mean a non-stop service from 6 am to midnight, running every 15 minutes.

During the night, ferries will depart from each side of the bay, on the hour from Kamenari, and on the half hour from Lepetane.

Departures from Kamenari will be at 20 past midnight, at 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 4:50 am and 5:20 am.

Departures from Lepetane will be at 12:10 am, 12:30 am, 1:30 am, 2:30 am, 3:30 am, 4:30 am, 5:05 am and 5:40 am.

Source: Radio Jadran

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