European Border and Coast Guard Agency Agreement Signed

By , 06 Feb 2019, 01:09 AM Politics
European Border and Coast Guard Agency Agreement Signed Copyrights: Ministry of Interior of Montenegro

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04 February 2019 - Minister of the Interior Mevludin Nuhodžić and European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos signed an Agreement between Montenegro and the European Union on the activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). 

"The Agreement with Frontex will contribute to the improvement of border security and the joint fight against illegal migration, and, therefore, even better protection of our borders against all forms of crime," Minister Nuhodžić said at a joint conference with Avramopoulos in Brussels. 

According to the Minister, when it comes to the countries of the Western Balkans, the strengthening of operational and strategic cooperation in the field of border security is just one of the priorities in the EU Enlargement Strategy. "In this way, Montenegro continues to coordinate policies in the area of migration and border management with the Brussels policy," Nuhodžić emphasised. 

The Minister expressed his gratitude to the European Commission and Commissioner Avramopoulos on the previous support to Montenegro in the field of the rule of law, and in particular in the implementation of the Schengen Action Plan. "Expert and other assistance to Montenegro is certainly one of the better investments. The procurement of material and technical means and equipment enhanced the border control and improved the work of our Border Police, which resulted in the more efficient fight against cross-border crime and concrete results," Minister Nuhodžić said, pointing to the importance of the fact that Montenegro is NATO member. 

Recalling that Montenegro, as a candidate country for EU membership, has to open only one more negotiating chapter, fully shares security challenges with its partners and implements a common European security policy. He said that our country does so for the welfare and security of not only its citizens but also citizens of the entire European Union. 

European Border and Coast Guard Agency Agreement Signed 11

Commissioner Avramopoulos expressed his gratitude to the Government of Montenegro for efforts to timely implement all procedures for signing the status agreement between Montenegro and the European Union on the activities of Frontex. "The challenges we faced are common, and the only real way to oppose them is to work together," Avroamopoulos said. 

He stressed that the agreement is significant for Montenegro and positively assessed the activities Montenegro is conducting in the field of migration and border security management. He also added that the status agreements of the countries with Frontex are part of the process of bringing the Western Balkans closer to the European Union. 

"Montenegro is part of the European family," Avramopoulos said. He added that the Region should work together on combating all forms of crime. 

"Montenegro, although a small country, is a factor of stability in the region. The European Commission will continue to provide full support to the further efforts of the Government of Montenegro to achieve membership in the European Union, especially in the fight against organised crime, illegal migration and terrorism," Avramopoulos emphasised. 

Commissioner Avramopoulos thanked Minister Nuhodžić for the cooperation so far, stressing that Montenegro is considered a friendly country in the region and the real European country. 

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