
21 Oct 2019, 14:14 PM

The Ministry of Science has approved 17 scholarships for doctoral studies, for which it has allocated around 750,000 euros, announced this Government department.

They explained that the scholarships include a monthly fee of €700 for researchers, free tuition fees for doctoral studies at universities in Montenegro and research money, an important segment of which is international or intersectoral mobility, up to ten thousand euros a year.

On April 24, the Ministry announced the second competition for the award of doctoral research scholarships.

They stated that by the expiry of the application deadline, 33 applications have been received, followed by an evaluation process.

The Ministry has prepared a list of approved scholarships for doctoral research, comprising 17 scholarship recipients, 13 in the fields of science-mathematical, technical-technological, medical and agricultural sciences, and four in social sciences and humanities.

"Last year, the Ministry first announced an open competition for attractive doctoral scholarships and research conditions when 19 candidates were selected and about 750,000 euros were allocated for them," the statement said.

This year, they pointed out, that number is rising to 36, which means that in two years they have allocated 1.5 million euros for strengthening human resources and research capacity.

"The intention of the Ministry is to announce the same competition next year, in order to reach a critical mass of about 50 young researchers and the ultimate goal of retaining talents in Montenegro," the statement concludes.

Text by MINA News, on October 18th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

21 Oct 2019, 00:03 AM

20 October 2019 - The Public Works Administration of Montenegro is currently implementing projects worth about 15 million EUR aimed at improving sports infrastructure. If investments completed over the past three years are included, the Government of Montenegro invested over 22 million EUR in sports, the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the Public Works Administration told CdM.

Recognizing the fact that individuals and sports teams need a quality working environment, and that children and youth require conditions for a healthy lifestyle, the Government demonstrated full commitment to the construction of adequate sporting infrastructure, which is today visible in whole Montenegro.

“One of the biggest sports projects is the new football stadium in Cetinje, which has been under construction. The Government of Montenegro, the Old Royal Capital Cetinje and the Football Federation of Montenegro are implementing this extremely important project that Cetinje and the whole Montenegro will be proud of. The value of the investment is 8.8 million EUR, while the Government will allocate around 4.4 million EUR for it through the Capital Budget,” the Public Works Administration and the Ministry of Sports and Youth announced.

New Football Stadium in Cetinje Biggest Sport Infrastructure Project in Montenegro 2

Reconstruction of the indoor swimming pool in Kotor is also one of their priorities.

Moreover, these two state bodies announced the construction of sports facilities in Rožaje-based Gymnasium and the Secondary Vocational School in the total value of 1.63 million EUR. The plan is to demolish the existing sports facility and upgrade it by constructing a new facility at an area of 1,500 square meters.

In addition, the public procurement procedure is underway for the reconstruction of the West Stand at the ‘Sutjeska’ stadium in Nikšić. This city will also get a new sports facility at the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education worth a total of 1 million EUR.

Other essential and already implemented projects are a new sports hall in Berane (opened at the end of last year), construction of a sports ground in Andrijevica, as well as the supporting football stadium with artificial turf in Žabljak.

Simultaneously, the Public Works Administration will continue with the opening of new sports construction sites following the Capital Budget of the Government of Montenegro.

The representatives of the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Montenegro have announced that the Ministry successfully implemented 27 out of 37 projects aimed at the improvement of sports infrastructure, while the remaining ten projects are in their final phase. Nearly 1.1 million EUR has been allocated for these projects.

Read more sport-related news at TMN's dedicated page.

19 Oct 2019, 13:06 PM

19 October 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received Archil Talakvadze, the speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, who is visiting Montenegro.

President Đukanović welcomed the visit by the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, who continued the practice of continuous political communication between the two countries, which contributes to the strengthening of relations and the achievement of common goals. In addition to congratulations on his recent election at the position of the Parliament Speaker and the election of a new government, the President said that his visit to Tbilisi at the invitation of the President of Georgia, as well as the opening of consulates in Tbilisi and Bar, headed by honorary consuls, would be an incentive.

He emphasized that Montenegro appreciates Georgia's contribution to NATO's mission, and reaffirmed Montenegro's support for an open door policy.

President Đukanović also reminded that in addition to parliamentary cooperation, the two countries have good communication in the field of defense, and especially emphasized the importance of strengthening economic ties and promoting tourism cooperation.

Speaker of the Georgian Parliament thanked the President for his exceptional hospitality and stressed that he was impressed with Montenegro's achievements and strong leadership, which are an inspiration and encouragement for his country, government, and people. He reaffirmed his country's full commitment to partnering with the Alliance.

He stressed that President Đukanović's visit to Georgia would be a confirmation of political support for the country and an opportunity to discuss with the businessmen in the delegation the ways of strengthening economic co-operation and sharing of resources, reports Office of the President of Montenegro.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ivan Brajović also hosted a delegation of the Parliament of Georgia, headed by president Archil Talakvadze. On this occasion, Brajović pointed out in the meeting with the delegation that the visit was an additional impulse for strengthening ties and enhancing political dialogue at high and the highest level.

Read more news about Politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

19 Oct 2019, 13:00 PM

19 October 2019 - At its recent session, the Assembly Committee on Economy, Finances and Budget supported the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Road Traffic. A representative of the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs Dalibor Milošević said that this Proposal stipulated all the documentation drivers should have in their vehicle, including Tax Return proof.

"Until now, the driver was obliged to have only an employment contract. Now, drivers are obliged to have tax return in the vehicle, as a proof of regular payment of contributions," said Milošević.

Field analyses have shown that there is a great number of drivers with fictitious contracts, registered to work 10 or 15 hours a day.

"We are trying to protect a driver as an employee and create a clear picture of the exact number of drivers reported to work in a company. Some companies have 100 registered vehicles and only 50 registered employees," said Milošević.

Member of the Committee Raško Konjević asked why a taxi driver was obliged to have a tax return in his vehicle.

"Will a taxi driver be excluded from traffic in case he has not got his tax return in the car? What happens if I have to go to the airport but I can not because I am not allowed to be in traffic? The problem lies in the fact that we are the only capital in Europe with the catastrophic organization of road traffic," pointed out Konjević.

The session discussed debts of taxi drivers, amounting to over 3 million EUR, writes CdM.

"Taxi drivers owe more than 3 million EUR in taxes," said the president of the Committee Predrag Sekulić.

Member of the Committee Boris Mugoša pointed out that inspection supervision in road traffic should be enhanced.

"We only have three road traffic inspectors in Montenegro. That is alarming," concluded Mugoša,

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

18 Oct 2019, 20:16 PM

18 October 2019 - The art exhibition New Realities - Réalités Nouvelles, which will open on Saturday, October 19 in Paris, will feature artworks from four artists from Montenegro, reports CdM. This collaboration was mediated through an artist living and working in Paris, Milija Belić, who suggested that Montenegro presents itself at such a prestigious cultural event.

Réalités Nouvelles exhibition has an international character and brings together the most eminent artists from all over the world. Founded in 1946, it represented the ideas of artists such as Kandinsky, Mondrian, Malevich and Lissitzky, extending the views of the groups that preceded and were active in the first half of the 20th century; most notably “Cercle et Carré” and “Création-Abstraction”, in time grew into an association that today bears the name Réalités Nouvelles. The group gathers over four hundred artists, oriented to abstraction in the field of painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, installation, engraving, and digital media. Today, the Salon is open to all artists who deal with abstraction in any form of fine art. It represents a "stepping stone" for artists for further success and progress in the field of abstraction, as well as an inexhaustible source of ideas and possibilities.

As TMN reported earlier, the exhibition New Realities - Réalités Nouvelles from Paris was recently presented at the Modern Gallery Jovo Ivanović in Budva, Montenegro, from July 20 to August 20. The exhibition, organized by Public institution Museums and Galleries of Budva in cooperation with The Salon des Réalités Nouvelles from Paris, was one of the most important in this year's exhibition season of the Institution and represented important cultural cooperation between France and Montenegro. At the exhibition, whose curator was Senka Subotić, 50 artists who have dedicated their work exclusively to abstraction presented their artwork.  

This year, the President of the New Realities Salon paid tribute to the director of the PI Museums and Galleries of Budva, Ms. Lucija Đurašković, and invited her to select four artists to present at this year's prestigious exhibition of the Réalités Nouvelles Salon. Four abstract artists who were selected by Ms. Đurašković and who will present their artwork in Paris are Montenegrin artists Dragan Karadžić, Nataša Đurović, Biljana Keković and Vaso Nikčević.

The artists’ participation in the exhibition in Paris is realized under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, the Municipality of Budva and the support of the Embassy of Montenegro in France.

18 Oct 2019, 13:59 PM

The Municipality Tivat responded yesterday to the text, "The job was given to the most expensive contractor, construction is late".

“The construction of the roundabout in Kukuljina will start according to plan, that is, according to the Decision on the best offer, number: 1902-404-42 / 12 dated 02.10.2019, because there are no legal obstacles to act differently. Pursuant to the Law on Public Procurement and the Instructions to Tenderers, which is an integral part of the Tender Documents, the Tenderer's complaints are filed through the first-instance body, in this case, the Contracting Authority - Municipality, therefore the statement in the text that the company from Kotor filed a complaint for the tender No. 1902-404-42 dated 27.08.2019 is false. The appeal deadline expired on October 15.

The claims about the method of ranking and selection of the most favorable bidder are also not true, whose publication creates the wrong image of the work by the Public Procurement Commission of the Municipality.

We emphasize that the expert commission has thoroughly inspected the tender documentation, noted irregularities, and made a decision in accordance with the submitted offers and evidence, which are an integral part of the same, and all in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement and the Instructions to Bidders. We believe that the transmission of falsehoods is inappropriate to the media, and we ask that you publish full information as soon as possible to be truthful to the public,” states the response.

Text by Vijesti online, on October 18th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

18 Oct 2019, 13:55 PM

On Saturday, the fighters who saved Bistrica will celebrate their victory, instead of the protest where they planned to raise their voice to save the river.

Denis Mekic from Bijelo Polje announced the news.

On behalf of the Citizens' Initiative “Save Bistrica”, he said after the Government's decision to open negotiations on the termination of the concession agreement on the waters of this river, that this great victory of citizens is an indicator that "by communion and involvement of all in such and similar processes we can change our society to the better".

"We will celebrate our victory with dignity after the protests on Saturday, October 19," he said.

He pointed out that for all who came to protest, a visit to the river they fought for would be organized.

"That day, we, the citizens, will take the initiative to establish a Day of Trout and Healthy Food, instead of devastation and set a good example of how to promote this promising area of Bijelo Polje. We will mark that day as one of the most significant for Bistrica," he said. He pointed out that the fight for Ecological Montenegro is only beginning.

"We invite all citizens to come in order to tell the Government together to adopt a permanent moratorium for the protection of Bistrica, and with our common strength and attitude on Saturday we want to express our opposition to the devastation of other rivers in our city. First of all, Ljestanica, which is facing the same fate that our Bistrica saw coming, as well as Lim, which is constantly devastated by various pollution. On Saturday, the protest will be a sign of support for our remaining rivers," Mekic said.

Text by Jelena Jovanovic, on October 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

18 Oct 2019, 13:52 PM

The construction of a part of the road from Cetinje to Cevo will cost about 34.5 million, which is 2.5 million euros less than was intended for this work.

Up to 37 million euros was allocated for the 23 kilometers of the section from Cetinje to Cevo.

That section is only part of the road that is to connect Cetinje and Niksic.

“The construction of this road will be of great importance for the inhabitants of this area, but it will give additional quality and impetus for the development of both Cetinje and Niksic. Improving the road and overall infrastructure is a priority of the Government as it is a key prerequisite for more dynamic development and, therefore, a better quality of life for citizens,” said the Prime Minister Dusko Markovic earlier.

The Traffic Administration has selected “Briv construction” from the four road construction companies that submitted the offers.

At this job, the company from Kotor will be assisted by "Profil ing" from Bar, "Mining-Mont" from Pljevlja, "Montinspekt" and "Geo mac group" from Podgorica.

According to the decision available on the Public Procurement Portal, the first subcontractor should participate in this business with less than 14 percent in the part of the works on the route and connecting roads, the second with a little more than seven percent with the mining plan and mining works, the third with 0.18 percent in the part related to public lighting works, and fourth with 0.22 percent in the job of geodetic survey.
The tender documentation stipulates that this section of the road should be completed in three years and that the warranty period is five years from the handover of works.

Out of the other three bids received, Podgorica's Bemax was ranked second, Niksic's “Mehanizacije i programata” was third-ranked, while the only inaccurate bid was, according to the decision, was Tivat's "Sampetrol".

The offer of the ranked Bemax was 36.8 million euro, or 2.4 million euro more expensive than “Briv”.

Tender documentation also required the type of funds and equipment needed for this job. The earthworks section required a lifting drill, excavator, bulldozer, grader, loader, soil compactor and vibrating plate, asphalt paver, asphalt roller, asphalt cutter and emulsion sprayer, and truck, auto mixer and auto crane.

The most favorable bidder is obliged to conclude a professional liability insurance contract for damage that may occur to the Management Board and/or third parties from the beginning of the execution until the handing over of the works and to submit a copy of the insurance policy to the contracting authority, before concluding the contract.

“The sum of insurance cannot be less than 2,000,000 euros; This insurance must cover the risk of liability for damage caused by individuals, damage to buildings and financial loss," the tender documents stipulate.

It is further stated that the Administration is obliged to ask the tenderer whose tender was selected as the most favorable one, and who refuses to conclude a public procurement contract, a compensation of the damage in the amount of 10 percent of the offered tender amount.

If the contractor does not, by its own fault, complete the works on this section within the agreed deadline, they shall pay the Management Board on behalf of the agreed penalty one per mile from the agreed price of all works for each day of exceeding the deadline, provided that it cannot exceed five percent of the agreed price of works.

Payments will be made through advance, interim monthly valuations and the final certificate.

Text by Milos Rudovic, on October 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

18 Oct 2019, 13:23 PM
October 18, 2019 - Prime Minister Dusko Markovic announced at a press conference after the Government session in Pljevlja that the Government would begin negotiations on the termination of concessions for the construction of small hydropower plants in several cities. In addition to this positive environmental news, the government session was marked by the unannounced arrival of ecological activists, with massive involvement of police forces and a minor incident.
"This program has undoubtedly provided a new impetus for electricity generation, but there have also been failures in this developmental momentum that would harm nature. In some cases, this development conflict would have missed its goal, which is to improve the quality of life and the development of local communities. It cannot flow separately from the preservation of a unique and healthy environment in these localities," Markovic said after the Government session.
"That is why the Government tasked the Ministry of Economy to start negotiations on the termination of the contract for the construction of a small hydropower plant on the Bistrica River in Bijelo Polje, then on the three rivers in Plavu-Murinska, Djuricka and Komaracka, as well as on Bukovica in Savnik and Trepacka River in Andrijevica," Markovic said at last night's press conference.
The unannounced arrival of environmental activists, dressed in ABHO suits and wearing gas masks on their heads, welcomed the Prime Minister and members of the Government in front of the Pljevlja Cultural Center, brought to the street the full composition of the police there.
Civilian inspectors prevented one of the activists of the NGO Alternative Pljevlja Ali Šljuk from approaching the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Kemal Purišić.
Milorad Mitrovic from the NGO Breznica said that the performance of environmentalists began well before the arrival of ministers, prime ministers, and members of the Government.
"Activists were holding a 'Danger - Contaminated Area' banner withdrawn signs of biological, radiological, and chemical danger. One activist was holding a mirror that was pointing at the direction of officials coming to the Government session at all times. They noticed activists in white, but pretended not to see them," Mitrovic said.
He said the activists had left after Dusko Markovic's cabinet members entered the building of the House of Culture, in which they held a session, but that the security remained until the session ended.
"The downtown, some streets, as well as the city garage, were closed to traffic. A lot of police forces and security personnel were accompanying the Government session. In front of the Cultural Center were Special Police units, civilian inspectors, officers of the Agency for National Security. The presence of the Security and Rescue Service and the ambulance were also striking. In front of the building were Dragan Slavulj, Chief of the Pljevlja Security Center, the Head of the National Security Agency Veselin Jolovic, and all members of the service. Environmental activists were probably the reason for such unusual security," Mitrovic said.
Mitrovic is one of the activists who has been fighting for months to prevent the realization of mini-hydro power plant construction projects, for which the Government of Montenegro has concluded concession contracts with investors, which it has now decided to indemnify.
Source: Vijesti
18 Oct 2019, 10:54 AM
October 18, 2019 - The Kotor Tourist Organization is in the process of preparing winter content, including holiday programs and the traditional manifestation "From Christmas to Christmas," Ana Nives Radovic, director of the local tourism organization, told Radio Kotor.
"From Christmas to Christmas is a manifestation of great local importance, but also a program recognized in the region and as such deserves a great deal of recognition and praise. There is a tendency that whatever is done in Kotor is always trying to be transferred, copied somewhere else. We should not blame anyone who takes anything from Kotor or looks negatively at it, but be proud of what one of us is learning," Radovic said.
According to her, through a series of events, Kotor has shown how good an organizer can be.
"The attitude of the Kotorans and all those who live here towards the city exist as something that preserves local culture and tradition and represents it in the best way.
Any attempt to imitate all this always results in its results. Quality stays here. Everyone has the right to try something. How successful it is will be demonstrated by the sheer duration of the manifestation. From Christmas to Christmas is something that is indeed recognized, rewarded, valued, and universally accepted," Radovic explains.
Radovic states that "From Christmas to Christmas" is no longer just a local manifestation, but residents of other surrounding cities also come to this event.
When it comes to the New Year's program in Kotor, Radovic points out that he is in the pipeline and will know very soon who is going to perform in the Old Town.
"The New Year's program will be in the same style as we did in the previous years. Without any musical distaste and giving away great fees to performers, we are retaining the opportunity to engage local Kotor musicians as much as possible, taking into account the highest quality from the offer," emphasizes Radovic.
This year's Boka Night showed how many quality musicians live or gravitate towards Kotor.
"We have seen that we can do a lot even when we don't have too much money. It is not always a big honor that determines the quality of the event itself. We keep the local tradition and take care of our musicians, performers, bands. The fact that we do not hire music stars from distant countries, whose arrival is expensive, really shows how truly honest we are in our efforts to preserve our local culture, identity and quality, " concluded Ana Nives Radovic in an interview for Radio Kotor.
Source: Radio Kotor
17 Oct 2019, 18:52 PM

17 October 2019 - Starting from 20 October, Delta City shopping mall will not be charging for parking on Sundays. Delta City representatives said that the mall would be working according to the established schedule when the new provisions start to apply, except that boutiques will be closed.

"Facilities that will be working on Sunday are the cinema, hospitality facilities, mobile operators, playground, flower shop, banks, dry-cleaning service, beauty salon, pharmacy, and other services. On Sunday, parking will be free of charge," the statement said, writes Cafe del Montenegro.

Parking tickets started in August and it was necessary due to scores of cars and the boost of settlements near the shopping mall.

"The decision to charge for parking is aimed at providing enough space for parking. On weekends, the area around Delta is jammed with buses from the coast and Albania. Settlements nearby spread at a great speed," said Delta City representatives earlier.

The first 30 minutes are free of charge whereas one hour of parking costs 0,40 EUR. For parking services, shopping mall employees pay 30 EUR per month.

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