Municipality of Tivat: Construction of Roundabout in Kukuljina Will Start as Planned

By , 18 Oct 2019, 13:59 PM Business
Municipality Tivat Municipality Tivat Sinisša Luković

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The Municipality Tivat responded yesterday to the text, "The job was given to the most expensive contractor, construction is late".

“The construction of the roundabout in Kukuljina will start according to plan, that is, according to the Decision on the best offer, number: 1902-404-42 / 12 dated 02.10.2019, because there are no legal obstacles to act differently. Pursuant to the Law on Public Procurement and the Instructions to Tenderers, which is an integral part of the Tender Documents, the Tenderer's complaints are filed through the first-instance body, in this case, the Contracting Authority - Municipality, therefore the statement in the text that the company from Kotor filed a complaint for the tender No. 1902-404-42 dated 27.08.2019 is false. The appeal deadline expired on October 15.

The claims about the method of ranking and selection of the most favorable bidder are also not true, whose publication creates the wrong image of the work by the Public Procurement Commission of the Municipality.

We emphasize that the expert commission has thoroughly inspected the tender documentation, noted irregularities, and made a decision in accordance with the submitted offers and evidence, which are an integral part of the same, and all in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement and the Instructions to Bidders. We believe that the transmission of falsehoods is inappropriate to the media, and we ask that you publish full information as soon as possible to be truthful to the public,” states the response.

Text by Vijesti online, on October 18th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

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