
09 May 2020, 16:18 PM
May 9, 2020 - Sedat Oezgen from Germany and Artyom Trakhanov from Russia are the new special guests of this year's 14th edition of the Herceg Novi Comic Festival (HSF), which will take place from September 4 to 9 at several locations in Herceg Novi.
Sedat Oezgen was born in the Turkish city of Batman, which is an exceptional curiosity for someone who has become a great comic book artist. Already in his first year of life, with his parents of Kurdish origin, he moved to Germany, where Sedat grew up and fell in love with the world of comics. After studying design and illustration in Münster, he began his professional career by publishing the titles "Lai Van," "Phantom," and "Airboy and Heavenly Fighters" for the American publishing house Moonstone. Since 2014, his dizzying rise in the American market has begun, where he is simultaneously working on a large number of titles from publishing houses such as IDW, Valiant, and Zenescope. He is currently working on the second part of the "Fix" saga for the publisher PKMM Entertainment.
Artyom Trakhanov, born in Siberia, currently lives and works in St. Petersburg. She is one of the leading stars of the prestigious American publishing house Image, which gathers only the world's most exceptional talent and allows authors to have complete creative and financial control over their comics. He gained fame with the titles "Seven Deadly Sins" for the publisher TKO, then "Traitor" for BOOM !, and "Underwater Current" for the already mentioned Image. He is currently working on a new extraordinarily successful and critically accepted series by the publishing house Image - "Protector" with the writer Simon Roy.
The two new special guests of this year's HSF are from countries that have their representatives at the premiere at the most attractive regional festival dedicated to the ninth art. However, unfortunately, due to various circumstances, the list of confirmed guests so far remains at number four, because along with Sedat and Artiom, their arrival was additionally confirmed by PJ Holden from Northern Ireland and Izar Lunacek from Slovenia.
The first announced guest of this year's Herceg Novi Strip Festival, Lola Airagi, who lives and works in Monza, has decided not to travel to any event in 2020 due to coming from one of the most severely affected regions by the coronavirus.
"She asked us to convey to the Herceg Novi audience that we will see each other in 2021. That would be a kind of announcement of the first confirmed guest of the fifteenth edition of HSF," said the organizers of the comic event most influential in this part of Europe. 
Also, the sad news arrived last month that the great maestro of Italian comics, Sergio Tiseli, who had previously confirmed his arrival in Herceg Novi as a special guest of the HSF, passed away suddenly at the age of 64. 
Uncertainty related to the pandemic caused by the COVID 19 virus greatly complicated the work of the organizers because, in addition to usual preparations, it was necessary to prepare alternative program scenarios depending on the severity of restrictions in international travel and border policy.
"The HSF Comics Fans Association has worked hard in the past two months to prepare for the fourteenth edition of the festival. It is necessary to maintain constant contact with confirmed special guests, music performers, sponsors, and patrons. They all form significant links in the organizational scheme we have established in the last six years. At this moment, it can be said that we are delighted with the attitude of all partners towards HSF and that we will closely monitor the development of the situation in the next 120 days, i.e., until the opening night, September 4. We are optimistic that by then things will be much more precise and that we will have the festival we want and what Herceg Novi deserves ", they say from HSF.
09 May 2020, 13:59 PM
May 9, 2020 - The epidemiological situation in Montenegro is satisfying, said the National Coordinating Body (NKT) at its press conference. The number of COVID-19 cases since the outbreak is 324. Eight people passed away, and the number of recoveries is on the rise, now standing at 267. Health institutions will go back to the normal work regime on Monday, 11 May.
NKT also announced the re-opening of inter-city traveling by regions as well as that believers would be allowed to visit religious temples under strictly controlled conditions.
Deputy director of the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) Dr. Senad Begić said that the ban on public gatherings, including religious processions, remained. Deputy chairman of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral's (MCP) Council Stevo Vucinic said that the National Coordinating Body's (NKT) treatment of the Orthodox Church in Montenegro and its believers was inappropriate and unacceptable.

Pribilovic: Our goal is for citizens to adhere to measures, not to have them fined

The minister of public administration, Suzana Pribilovic, called on citizens, employers, and employees to respect all measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, because, as she said, it was nobody's goal to punish anyone. Together with the director of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs, she visited several markets and supermarkets yesterday to make sure that measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 are being followed. She said that the virus was still threatening the nation and emphasized the importance of adhering to the measures, primarily wearing masks and keeping a physical distance.

COVID-19 crisis proved European unity

In his interview for Dan, the Czech ambassador to Montenegro Karel Urban said that the big wave of humanity, solidarity, and unity permeated the entire world throughout the coronavirus pandemic. 
He said he was especially pleased to have been able to experience this in Montenegro. Urban stressed that the gradual relaxation of coronavirus containment measures, which the Czech government plans to institute in several stages, would enable the opening of some shops, gradual re-opening of schools and kindergartens, and sporting events. The possibility of allowing traveling abroad was being considered. 
Urban said it was difficult for him and his family to spend four weeks in self-isolation, after returning to Montenegro from Czechia. Unity and solidarity were and still are crucial in any crisis similar to this, emphasized the Czech ambassador.

Amfilohije: I expect thousands to gather beneath Ostrog Monastery

"I expect that thousands of people will come to the Ostrog monastery on 12 May, as they have before," said the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, Metropolitan Amfilohije, announcing that he will lead a service in the Ostrog monastery on St. Vasilije's Day.
Believers will be allowed to come, but as announced last night by the National Coordinating Body (NKT), they need to adhere to the measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus:  one person per 10m2, and a maximum of 20 people in front of such place.  The mandatory physical distance of two meters should be respected, with a mask and with hand disinfection. NKT also says that the ban on gatherings is still in force.
The Metropolitan, however, says that St. Vasilije is "the best vaccine against many coronaviruses". "And especially against this coronavirus now. So, if someone wants, and we all want, to be healed of this virus and other viruses, it is natural that St. Vasilije's Day will be a day of prayer for healing from the coronavirus," Amfilohije says.
As of Monday, believers will be able to take part in religious ceremonies, with adhering to social distancing, and the National Coordinating Body (NKT) didn't allow the traditional procession in Niksic, on 12 May, Saint Vasilije Day.
The rector of the Cetinje School of Theology Gojko Perovic said that there would be services in all religious temples on 12 May, with believers present. He also said he was glad that the easing of the COVID-19 containment measures began. However, he also noted that the lack of accuracy in some of the rules created room for abuse. For example, he said that the ban on more than 20 people gathering in front of a temple was discrimination because it was possible to accommodate up to 100 believers in front of some temples, with adherence to social distancing.

Banks will grant extended grace periods

Secretary-general of the Association of Montenegrin Banks (UBCG) Bratislav Pejakovic said that depending on prices and resource availability timeframe, banks would grant extended grace periods for all clients that meet the required conditions. Additional linear pressure on banks, however, is not recommendable, as he said, as every bank had different abilities and was a particular case in itself.
Pejakovic said that there were already some €80m of new resources ready in the banking system. He also said that the moratorium on loan payments increased the liquidity of individual loan users and companies by €150m.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
08 May 2020, 17:33 PM
May 8, 2020 - Marina Porto Montenegro in Tivat received all institutional approvals formed by the Government of Montenegro, for the entry of yachts and superyachts during the global pandemic COVID-19. According to feedback from nautical clientele from the Mediterranean and even further, the first entries are expected in the next few days.
What is important to point out is that all vessels moored in Porto Montenegro will respect the quarantine period of 14 days and in the event of the appearance of COVID 19 on the ship and longer. In addition to reducing the mandatory quarantine period from 28 to 14 days, NKT will probably soon allow the time spent on sailing from the last port to the moment of arrival in Montenegro to be counted during the quarantine period.
Porto Montenegro will provide protection for foreign vessels and their crews, delivery of food and hygiene items, provision of medical assistance, water, fuel and electricity supply, collection of waste from foreign vessels, as well as other necessary measures to ensure a safe and decent stay of the crew on a ship, and during self-isolation. After the expiration of quarantine and isolation, the team of a foreign used facility is obliged to apply all valid measures adopted by the Ministry of Health for the citizens of Montenegro.
All tenants in the nautical resort, over 60 of them, respect the decisions and protection measures against the COVID 19 virus defined by the Montenegrin Government's National Coordinational Body for Infectious Diseases and have been following these instructions since they reopened their businesses on May 4 - boutiques of world brands, perfumeries, hairdressers and beauty salons, yacht agencies. And from May 18, according to previous announcements and guidelines, restaurants, cafes, and cafeterias that operate within the nautical settlement of Porto Montenegro will join.
Source: Boka News
08 May 2020, 13:57 PM
May 8, 2020 - Today is the World Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, joined by the Red Cross of Montenegro, which during the COVID-19 epidemic showed its immeasurable importance for the community again.
The Montenegrin branch of this worldwide organisation has provided various forms of assistance and support to the population at risk since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic. So far, 28,744 families have helped and distributed nearly 41,000 aid packages.
As it was announced from the Central Committee of Montenegro, since the beginning of the pandemic, 40,748 aid packages have been distributed (food, hygiene packages, baby packages), and procurements were made for 2,891 people, while 3,096 received psycho-social support.
The activity involved 450 volunteers, 100 employees, and 130 gerontic-housewives.
"We are proud of our volunteers and grateful to them for their commitment and hard work to help the most vulnerable. We are especially proud of this situation, which is different for everyone and which is a challenge to act. Our volunteers are present on the field every day, operate in a variety of weather conditions, and often cross inaccessible terrain to reach beneficiaries who need help. They carry a great deal of humanity and are the basis of the overall activities of the Red Cross of Montenegro, both in ordinary and extraordinary circumstances, "said the Secretary-General, Jelena Dubak.
The Montenegrin organization marks May 8 as World Red Cross Day. The Red Cross Week begins today and runs through May 15.
That is why they invite the entire society "# Let's applaud the volunteers and employees of the Red Cross, and in Montenegro, and around the world, because they are everywhere for everyone, especially when it is most needed."
"I also take the opportunity to congratulate them on their day, wishing that others would be led by example, to make our society better and more humane," Dubak said.
The Red Cross of Montenegro, traditionally, for all babies born in Red Cross Week, from May 8 to 15, provided symbolic gifts in the form of packages, which contain necessary items needed for babies.
Source: Red Cross of Montenegro
08 May 2020, 13:39 PM
May 8, 2020 - The director of the National Tourist Organization, Zeljka Radak Kukavicic, said in an interview with Dnevne Novine that the initial phase of the tourist recovery would start in July.
Having in mind the excellent position of Montenegro, Radak Kukavicic says that there is moderate optimism that we will achieve a part of the high tourist season during July and August, again depending on the epidemiological situation in Europe.
According to the estimates of the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), the initial phase of tourist recovery will begin in July 2020, and the essential part of tourist traffic will be domestic tourists and regional tourist demand. "Montenegro sees opportunities here, and it is quite certain that tourists will decide on closer destinations this year," said Radak Kukavicic.
Also, as she added, health safety and security are the priorities that tourists will be guided by when choosing a vacation destination.
"According to the estimates of eminent health experts, the 'winners' of the crisis so far are countries that are close to eradicating the virus, and among them is Montenegro, which is predicted to be one of the world's first corona-free zones," said Radak Kukavicic.
She announced that the goal is to create "green air corridors" with some countries that are at a similar epidemiological level as Montenegro, including Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic "
"Our focus is undoubtedly on domestic guests, whom we invite to spend their vacation in their country this year and use the opportunity to get to know some of the perhaps less researched segments of the various tourist offer. We believe that the tourism industry will provide additional motivation to domestic guests by offering exclusive benefits. We have intensified the promotion on social networks, through which every day we try to inspire past and future domestic and foreign tourists by reminding them of the rich tourist offer of Montenegro ", said Radak Kukavičić.
08 May 2020, 13:20 PM
May 8, 2020 - No new cases of COVID-19 have been registered since Tuesday. The total number of coronavirus patients in Montenegro remains 324, while the number of recoveries is now 266. There are currently 50 active cases, by the city are as follows: Podgorica (28), Ulcinj (10), Bar (4), Gusinje (3), Plav (2), Niksic (1), Herceg Novi (1), Bijelo Polje (1).

Will hospitality businesses open next week?

During its meeting today, the National Coordinating Body will likely examine the possibility of allowing hospitality facilities to open as early as next week, despite that experts consider these businesses should not reopen before May 18.
Vijesti asked the Institute of Public Health yesterday if it had recommended opening cafes, restaurants, and bars at the start of next week, and if not, to comment on the large number of such businesses getting ready for their first guests. The IJZ answered that the question would be raised during today's meeting but that currently, the plan was to stick to the earlier announced schedule.
Two nights before, IJZ director Boban Mugosa announced on the national broadcaster that the possibility that these businesses could be allowed to open "some days before May 18 if the epidemiological situation was favorable" was being considered.

Elections: DPS is deliberating between the end of July and beginning of September

Parliamentary elections in Montenegro could take place in the second half of July at the earliest. It would suit DPS the best, as it would like to capitalize on the government's current positive ratings, generated by its results in preventing a more COVID-19 severe epidemic, as soon as possible.
Over the past two months, during the health crisis, the negative consequences primarily for DPS's ratings resulting from the adoption of the law on freedom of religion have been politically neutralized, Vijesti sources from the civil sector have said.
DPS launched its election campaign during the height of the COVID-19 epidemic that an economic crisis is expected to ensure, and given the actions of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption's (ASK) related to the implementation of the law on funding political entities and election campaigns- there are lot of indicators that DPS is in high gear, preparing for the elections.

Orav: EU will come out of COVID-19 crisis stronger

The head of the EU delegation in Montenegro, Aivo Orav, said that the EU had a unified approach to fighting the coronavirus, stressing that it would get out of the crisis more reliable than ever. As Europe Day is getting closer, Orav commented on the current circumstances and stressed the importance and presence of solidarity. He also said that the EU did not forget its friends in the Western Balkans.

Season starts in July, promoting Montenegro as world corona-free zone

The director of the National Tourist Organization, Zeljka Radak-Kukavicic, says in an interview for Dnevne Novine that "according to United Nations World Tourism Organization estimates, the initial phase of the tourist recovery will start in July 2020. The most important part of tourist traffic will be domestic tourists and regional tourist demand". 
Radak-Kukavicic adds that Montenegro sees opportunities there, and it is quite sure that tourists will decide on closer destinations this year. Also, health safety and security are the priorities that tourists will be guided by when choosing a vacation destination, she adds. 
"According to the estimates of eminent health experts, the 'winners' of the crisis so far are countries that are close to eradicating the virus, and among them is Montenegro, which is predicted to be one of the world's first corona-free zones," she points out.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
07 May 2020, 15:44 PM
May 7, 2020 - The number of COVID-19 cases in Montenegro remains 324. Eight patients passed away, while the number of recoveries is 261. There are 51 active cases at the moment, spread in eight Montenegrin cities.

Doctor being treated for COVID-19 in Graz still critical

The doctor suffering from COVID-19, currently under treatment in Graz, Austria, is still in critical condition, the Clinical Centre of Montenegro (KCCG) said. There are no more COVID-19 patients in KCCG. Still, Montenegrin doctors are in constant communication with their colleagues in Graz, keeping a close eye on the status of the Montenegrin patient being treated in Austria.

Support for socio-economic recovery of Montenegro

The response to the socio-economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic was the focus of today's meeting between representatives of the government and the National Coordinating Body with the United Nations team in Montenegro. 
The meeting discussed the current situation and key priorities, primarily in analyzing and addressing the social consequences of the epidemic and supporting the macroeconomic measures and policies, the government said in a statement. 
Deputy prime minister Milutin Simovic pointed out that promptness, knowledge, efficiency, determination, and, above all, concrete measures are needed for this stage of the fight against the pandemic and its consequences. 
UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro, Fiona McCluney, said that every crisis was also a chance to build a better society. Representatives of the EU Delegation also attended the meeting, as well as representatives of international financial institutions: the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund.

URA Podgorica: Public transport should be running again, with prevention measures

The URA Civic Movement asked the National Coordinating Body for Infectious Diseases to allow public transport in Podgorica again with all measures of prevention and protection against the COVID-19 epidemic. According to URA's Podgorica committee, workers from the outskirts are unable to pay for a taxi every day to commute to their jobs. "Some of the latest measures impose additional costs for citizens, who are already financially vulnerable due to the COVID-19 pandemic," URA says.

How hotels should be prepared after COVID-19 epidemic

Montenegro is being talked about far and wide as a safe tourist destination, which, once it is possible to travel, will readily greet guests. Already on 18 May, perhaps even sooner, the re-opening of hotels and restaurants is planned. Until this happens, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued an instruction for the accommodation sector, with an emphasis on collective accommodation capacities, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
07 May 2020, 14:42 PM
May 7, 2020 - The EU-Western Balkans Summit was held via video link on Wednesday, hosted by the President of the Council of Europe, Charles Michel, Prime Minister of Croatia, currently presiding over the EU, Andrej Plenkovic, and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. The main topics of the conference gathering leaders of the Western Balkans and top EU officials were the fight against the coronavirus and the European future of the region.
Leaders of the six Western Balkan countries and EU member countries have been discussing issues related to cooperation in the fight with the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences. The participants also accepted the Zagreb Declaration. As stated in the lead of the document, the Declaration is another confirmation of the EU's "strong solidarity with our partners in the context of the coronavirus crisis.
High ranking Addressing the group, President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, said that Brussels's help and support proved that the EU's solidarity didn't stop at its borders and that this was a testament to European unity. He stressed that the Balkans shouldn't be left to third parties. Djukanovic also said it was time for the EU to assume a new position on the global scene, through strengthening stability and finishing the process of European enlargement.
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that the EU was ready to support reform and the EU integration efforts of its neighboring countries. The Croatian government said that the EU would support the six Western Balkan countries in the fight against Covid-19 and that the European Commission (EC) was preparing a significant economic aid package, which will coincide with Western Balkan country progress reports.
The President of the Council of Europe, Charles Michel, stressed that it was important for the countries of the region to continue with reforms, the strengthening of the rule of law, adherence to democratic values and the fight against corruption, which he said was crucial for the Western Balkans' European future.
07 May 2020, 13:48 PM

May 7, 2020 - Sitting by the PC to finally start working, I put on my headphones so that the music would play the song of the birds calling me out.  I ask Youtube for "recently uploaded" and guess what - a video about Kotor was there, which was uploaded yesterday by Mark Wolters, a travel blogger whose youtube channel has 681K subscribers. Let's see what he has to say on our Medieval pearl and its surroundings. It would be especially interesting since, at the moment, there is still a ban on intercity traffic. And I cannot go there. 

It seems that the post-corona world will be more prone to travelers than tourists in the classical sense of the word. In the new circumstances, preference will be given to destinations that can offer the traveler an authentic experience, which will undoubtedly require a more personal approach to the needs of each traveler and guest that the trip brings to our country. In this sense, Boka Bay and its historical and cultural center, Kotor, have a large number of products of particular interest to numerous niches of guests looking for a personal experience. It is interesting to hear what a world-renowned travel blogger has to say to its broad audience about Kotor on May 6, 2020.

"Heading to Kotor, Montenegro, and not sure what to expect? Well, here we go through what to see, do, eat, and enjoy on your Montenegro vacation. Whether you are coming in on a cruise or just passing through Kotor has quite a bit for a traveler to enjoy in a short period of time. From walking the ramparts, hiking the hills, visiting the churches (St. Luke's, St. Nicholas, the Cathedral), or heading out into the Bay of Kotor to see some wonders, you will have a nice visit in Kotor. " 


Filmed in Kotor, Montenegro Copyright Mark Wolters 2020

Wolters World youtube channel gives first-hand travel advice to help fellow travelers get the most out of their travel experience. Mark Wolters and his crew discuss the best & worst parts of traveling so that potential travelers can be better prepared for his vacation. In a way that helps them know more about the culture and people of the city, country, or region he is going to visit, as written at the Wolters World youtube channel. 

"From the shocks of traveling to a new country to the things you don't do when you travel, the things you will love and hate, to general travel tips for packing, budgeting, planning, safety and more - we try to help all types of travelers," states the channel presentation.

Hopefully, at least one percent of Wolters subscribers decide to check Kotor. They do not have to come all this summer, but sometimes soon- it would be great.

I'll watch this video one more time. Jealous of Mr. Wolters that he's in Kotor, although I know this video was recorded earlier. 

07 May 2020, 13:31 PM
May 7, 2020 - No new cases of COVID-19 have been registered since yesterday’s final count. The total number of registered cases remains 324, while the number of recoveries is now 261. Eight patients lost their battle with the coronavirus. There are currently 51 active cases in the country. Active COVID-19 patients by the city are as follows: Podgorica (28), Ulcinj (10), Bar (5), Gusinje (3), Plav (2), Niksic (1), Herceg Novi (1), Bijelo Polje (1).
The employee of the Bijelo Polje nursing home who initially tested positive for COVID-19 two days ago, tested negative on a second test carried out Wednesday. The employee will remain in quarantine under health surveillance, the Institute of Public Health has stated.
To date, 7,811 businesses and business owners have applied for state wage subsidies. 89% of these applications involving the salaries of 27,051 workers in Montenegro have so far been approved, tweets the Ministry of Economy.

Urgent procurement with no deadlines

While preparing for a significantly worse scenario of COVID-19 than what took place, Montenegrin authorities engaged in an urgent procurement of ventilators that cost almost €1.5m. The Health Insurance Fund and hospitals went ahead with the hasty purchase of the vital medical equipment without even clearly defining delivery dates.
Some procurement contracts had “as soon as possible” written in the space for specific dates, while other agreements left the space blank. Some suppliers still haven’t delivered the ordered equipment, and some contracts have since been canceled or changed. No one will be held accountable due to the vagueness of the deals.

COVID-19 pandemic strengthens ties between EU and Western Balkans

The European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner, Oliver Varhelyi, wrote an opinion piece on the occasion of the EU-Western Balkans Summit, addressing economic and investment plans for the region. Western Balkan leaders are to adopt this plan during the summit. As Varhelyi explained, the project is one of the three components of the European Commission’s new approach to the region, and it complements the first two components: involving the EU Enlargement Methodology and the decision on starting accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. According to Varhelyi, the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t disturbed this carefully prepared plan, changed the EU’s goals, or soften its resolve. He said the COVID-19 epidemic had brought the EU and the region closer together. Varhelyi said the plan would focus on establishing connections, especially in the areas of transport and energy production.

Some 150 Montenegrin citizens from the USA expected

After a short break, Dr. Simo Milosevic Institute in Igalo is functioning again as a quarantine facility. On Tuesday evening, 14 Montenegrin citizens arrived at the facility from Serbia. The facility’s manager, Borivoje Vukovic, said that a larger group of Montenegrin citizens, some 150 of them, should arrive on Sunday from the USA.

EC: Economy to drop 5.9%

The coronavirus pandemic will push Montenegro into a deeper recession than the global crisis, according to the European Commission’s (EC) spring forecast, released Wednesday. The EC says the main reason for this is the collapse of tourism, which makes up a fourth of Montenegro’s GDP. The shock to tourism will create further shock effects on domestic consumption and investments, says the EC, which predicts that the tourism shock will last until the second quarter of 2020, followed by a very modest recovery in Q3.
The EC states that it will take some time for air traffic to be reestablished. According to this European institution, cruisers could suffer long-term damage, and adds that a rapid recovery in 2021, while possible, is not likely. The main risk is a resurgence of the virus and a lack of a vaccine before the next tourist season.

"Doctors, apart from lives, save the economy as well"

Due to the favorable epidemiological situation, Montenegro has a good starting point to get the most out of this tourist season in the given circumstances, says Ranko Jovovic, the chairman of the tourism committee at the Chamber of Commerce in an interview for Vijesti daily.
Activities should be aimed at promoting Montenegro as a safe tourist destination in every sense. How much damage will be done to Montenegrin tourism will depend on the duration of this pandemic and its trends during and after the summer tourist season, which cannot be estimated now, Jovović says.
Thanks to the doctors who, in addition to saving lives, are also protecting our economy. The government is preparing a set of specific measures to support the tourism sector, Jovovic pointed out.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
07 May 2020, 07:30 AM
May 7, 2020 - Montenegro Airlines has extended its planned flight suspension until 15th May, but it does not expect to start commercial operations again until June. The Montenegrin national carrier said it is on a mission to bring as many tourists to Montenegro this year as possible, writes Jakov Fabinger for Simple Flying.
As part of a wave of airline groundings across Europe, Montenegro Airlines stopped all commercial flights on 16th March.
Montenegro was the last European country to record its first case of COVID-19, following the imposition of strict travel restrictions to the country. In February, the Montenegrin Ministry of Health issued a ban for all travel between Montenegro and Northern Italy, and vice versa. It was effectively a ban on Wizz Air and Ryanair from the country.
Montenegro Airlines remains grounded, and its current flight suspension is officially in place until Friday, 15th May. On that day, the airline will operate its first flight in two months, to Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport.
However, the Montenegrin national airline told Vijesti that “in light of the latest measures presented by NKT [national coordination body], first flights are expected in June.”
Montenegro Airlines does not expect to operate as many frequencies out of Podgorica and Tivat as it had planned for this year. Its first flights would be regional operations. Only in the second phase of its emergence from grounding will it resume flights to its wider international network. Even so, Montenegro’s international network will see “reduced intensity” because of the slump in demand the airline is already recording through advance bookings and its expectations based on negative worldwide aviation trends.
Unsurprisingly, the first flight Montenegro Airlines has scheduled is to Belgrade, in neighboring Serbia. However, the date of 16th May is unexpected, since Serbia does not expect to open its airports until 18th May at the earliest.
Along with Belgrade, Montenegro Airlines is likely to immediately resume its routes that are least dependent on fragile tourist demand. For example, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Moscow are two routes that are sustained through the requirement that does not rely on tourism.
Frankfurt, Paris, and Vienna could also be early routes to resume since Montenegro Airlines acts as a feeder to various major carriers through these hubs. For example, the flights to Vienna from Podgorica leave in the mornings, perfectly timed to connect onto Austrian Airlines’ late morning departure wave. Austrian Airlines and Montenegro Airlines operate a codeshare between Podgorica and Vienna.
Last year, between 1st March and 1st June, Montenegro Airlines recorded revenues over €13 million ($14 million). This year it will have been grounded for almost all of this period, which will be a significant blow for the airline’s finances.
The airline is now hoping to reduce its losses by generating as much revenue as possible in the summer months when tourists usually flock to its base in Podgorica and seasonal focus city of Tivat. But will the tourists come? What do you think are the prospects for smaller European airlines like Montenegro Airlines? Jakov Fabinger, a Simple Flying journalist following the air industry in Balkan countries, asks at the end of his article.
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