September 3, 2018 - Over the past two weekends at the EU border crossings Debeli brijeg-Karasovići and Kobila-Vitaljina, as well as Sitnica-Zubci with Bosnia and Hercegovina, there were queues kilometers long, with more than a one hour wait on both sides. The good news is that this weekend they are less crowded.
September 3, 2018 - The delays in many investment projects, which is largely based on the growth of the Montenegrin economy, have finally begun to be a concern for the ruling government, whose representatives are now visiting and warning investors.
September 3, 2018 - From Montenegro's capital to Gusinje, which is located in the northeast of the country, taking the road through the Moraca canyon will take a bit longer than three hours - and quite frankly, that's quite a long time to cover a 200-kilometer distance. A new route is currently in operation, stretching across the territory of Albania, and the distance between the two towns is reduced to about 90 kilometers, writes Anadolija.