
11 May 2019, 21:48 PM

11 May 2019 - The Government of Montenegro is determined to support every spark of development in Montenegro, Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the opening of the 9th International Stock Market of Entrepreneurial Ideas, organized at the University of Donja Gorica. 

The Prime Minister said that our society is still characterised by the dominant desire of the working population to gain employment in the public sector, which is often followed by the absence of creativity and innovation, which results in a state administration that is often part of the problem rather than the service to entrepreneurs as holders of economic development. 

"That is why it is very important that we continue our efforts, which result in events like this, to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture in Montenegro. To build a system based on the values of creation, that is, the values of the entrepreneurial society. This is the best way for accelerated economic development! And the best way to improve the quality of life of all our citizens," PM Marković stressed.

International Stock Market of Entrepreneurial Ideas Held at UDG

In Montenegro, the Prime Minister noted, today we do not have a more important job but to improve the quality of life of all our citizens. We need new ideas, creativity, and much more work and a more responsible relationship towards the resources we have. 

Prime Minister Marković said that the most important task of all our educational institutions is to help the future generations to liberate their creative energy: "The field does not matter - there is room for improvement in each of them." 

"Organising the International Stock Market of Entrepreneurial Ideas is of particular importance. As an initiative of the University of Donja Gorica, it is an integral part of the vision and effort to develop an entrepreneurial attitude towards life and work among young people. It is a reflection of focused development and investment in young people," the Prime Minister emphasised.

He added that this is an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to be creators of new jobs, new products and services. The opening of the "Entrepreneurial Nest" at the University is a step forward, PM Marković noted. 

Addressing the participants at the gathering, the Prime Minister said that they were able to give an actual contribution to our joint efforts to make the Montenegrin economy more competitive and help its economic growth and development. 
"It is very encouraging and commendable that today we had a presentation of the extraordinary ideas of young people in the field of the digital economy, food technology, design, and social entrepreneurship," PM Marković said.

International Stock Market of Entrepreneurial Ideas Held at UDG2

Commenting on the establishment of the "Entrepreneurial Nest", Prime Minister Marković said that he encourages the focus on the business in its wider sense. Apart from technological innovations and informatics, there will also be opportunities for research in biology, anthropology, health, education, social sphere, logistics and other fields. 

Through the reforms it is implementing, the Government is working to improve the overall education system, greater flexibility of the labour market and the competitiveness of the tax system. We also work on the development of social policy in a way that motivates citizens to work and create rather than to expect from the State to solve all problems and provide lasting social assistance or livelihood through a secure job in the state administration. 

"The Government recognised the importance of start-up companies as a form of accelerated growth in entrepreneurship, based on innovation and creativity through teamwork. We are focused on supporting young entrepreneurs, and we are also seeing the possibility of introducing an optimal tax relief model for their work," the Prime Minister highlighted. 

Furthermore, he spoke about numerous possibilities and means for implementation of entrepreneurial ideas and their sustainability, increasing competitiveness and innovation in small and medium enterprises. 

"Guidelines of the 2019-2024 Smart Specialisation Strategy identify the priority areas of development of our country: from energy transition, through agriculture and health tourism, with information and communication technology, as a horizontal platform. We will pay special attention to these areas in the coming period," the Prime Minister said. 

He pointed to the parameters of a successful economic policy, but added that the reduction of current public spending and the strengthening of the role of the private sector are necessary to improve the standard of living of citizens further. 

11 May 2019, 17:17 PM

May 11, 2019 - The fourth Primavera festival, organized by NGO "Hands" started today with an educational walk in Nature Park Orjen, and for Sunday, May 12th, rich content is planned, with some new activities and events for all ages and tastes.

Collecting self-healing spicy and medicinal herbs is an integral part of all the summer festivals organized by NGO Hands. Organization President Milina Kovacevic explains that by celebrating the seasons, they want to enhance the natural wealth of Boka Kotorska, whose inextricable segment is a local gastro-culture that is equally based on cultivated crops, as well as the herbaceous herbage, which Orjen has abundant.
An experienced guide and expert led the participants of the walk through the natural and cultural heritage of Orjen, archaeologist Željko Starčević from the Agency for the Protection and Development of Orjen. After an open-air class in nature, with a demonstration of the collection wild, edible herbs in the Dola Rujša and Žukovica resorts, a tasting of tea and dishes from the herbs of Orjen in the Konak restaurant was organized.
Walking in the Herceg Novi hinterland, and the gastronomic atmosphere in the authentic Vrbanj ambience is just an introduction to the main program of the Primavera festival, which is scheduled for tomorrow in the City Cafe and the Boka Park.
Primavera celebrates spring in the sunniest city in Montenegro, promoting public green surfaces as a meeting and place for outdoor recreative sports activities. Fit Woman Montenegro will join the spring recreation program this year, whose instructors will hold training in the park of Boka. In the same place, the International Community "Pachamama" from Kotor, which promotes alternative lifestyles, has announced a demonstration of yoga. There will be workshops in the park for the production of jewelry by Olga Hedotova and healing by Nada Gavrilovic.
In addition to the promotion of creative recycling, NGO Hands is using the occasion to promote abandoning plastic bags from use in Montenegro.
"Ecology and environmental protection are one of the topics that are very important to our association. Without exaggeration, we can say that we were one of the first to have started the story about the plastic in the campaign that we conducted during the Day of Creativity 2009. In 2019, ten years later the problem is even more significant, and this topic is becoming more and more popular and supported by the media and the public, We hope that the results will follow.
This year the Primavera Festival will be even greener. To begin with, we asked our exhibitors not to use plastic containers and bags, and the donor table will not be used for disposable packaging," said NGO Hands.
They have teamed up with an informal group of citizens of who, with their cleaning campaigns in Montenegro, as well as information and eco campaigns on social networks, have an increasing impact on the awareness of citizens, especially young people and children.
11 May 2019, 02:00 AM

10 May 2019 - Big research infrastructure based on the most contemporary technologies will slow down brain drain from the region that used to have intense technological development, said the Minister of Science, Sanja Damjanović on the Panel held within the fourth Forum of the EU strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian region (EUSAIR).

Damjanović presented the SEEIIST project on the second day of Forum – International Institute for Sustainable Technologies in the area of Southeast Europe that promotes regional cooperation as well as cooperation between science, technology and economy.

“The project is in good arms now, in the arms of CERN, but we need the strong political commitment of all countries from the region for its success. This project would contribute to the economic stability of the region and its stabilization and that’s why this project would be useful for all of Europe,” said Damjanović.

Circumstances in the last several decades have slowed down all the economic and scientific activities and that resulted in brain drain and made best young people leave the country.

“We must not forget that this region has a very intense technological development in the past and that were many great European-level achievements. For example, the first nuclear research reactor started working in our region in 1959, and then we had three international institutes older than CERN. At the time, Yugoslavia was one of the founders of CERN and many Nobel prize winners were from our region,” said the Minister.

Damjanović concluded that the only way to slow down brain drain and increase that trend is to provide great research infrastructure based on the newest technologies.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

11 May 2019, 01:53 AM

10 May 2019 - Minister of Sports and Youth Nikola Janović hosted Secretary-General of the European Cycling Federation Enrico Della Casa, Secretary-General of the Balkan Cycling Federation Marko Pročikević, as well as president and member of the Board of the Montenegro Cycling Federation, Dejan Popović and Siniša Milidrag.

Minister Janović emphasised that he is especially pleased that he is hosting leaders of the cycling federations for the first time, and that they have the opportunity to discuss the development of this important Olympic sport, stressing that the Ministry of Sport and Youth will be a reliable partner in the implementation of development policies promoted by these federations.

He also stated that he firmly believes that the newly established Cycling Federation will prove by its work that the placement of Montenegro on the European and world cycling map is its priority and that Montenegro will soon be host to some of the prestigious cycling races, in which they will enjoy the full support of the line ministry.

Secretary-General Della Casa said that the European Bicycle Federation would be a strong partner to Montenegro in promoting the values of cycling and providing better conditions for competitors in this sport. He praised the establishment of the Montenegro Cycling Federation, and wished President Dejan Popović and his associates successful work.

In the meantime, check out the guide to cycling in Montenegro and 7 things you should know. Montenegro is a place where cyclists can enjoy the most testing and exciting moments on a bike, but they can also feel a true sense of freedom as well. If you enjoy mountain trails, coastlines with the most amazing beaches, icy-cold rivers, fascinating sites and picturesque sceneries to explore, then you’re probably going to like cycling through the country.

11 May 2019, 01:47 AM

10 May 2019 - Bilateral relations between Montenegro and Finland are excellent, and strong and serious steps towards strengthening economic relations are especially encouraging, the meeting between Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković and outgoing Ambassador of Finland Pertti Ikonen stressed.

"Montenegro wants to continue its strong political dialogue with Finland. For us, the EU has no alternative and we will be dedicated to working towards meeting the European agenda. Thank you for the support you have provided to our country in this field and I believe that we will make further progress during the Finnish presidency over the Council of the EU," said Prime Minister Marković.

Pointing out that he is safe in the knowledge that the trend of strong economic growth will continue in the coming years, Prime Minister Marković positively assessed the participation of the Finnish company Fortum in the construction of a solar power plant, hopeful that the Finnish companies will be strategic partners in the energy sector.

Ambassador Ikonen praised the progress in the implementation of reforms in Montenegro, reiterating Finland's support to the European perspective of Montenegro and the Western Balkans. In terms of bilateral cooperation, he agreed that it is important to strengthen the economic cooperation between the two countries further and welcomed the presence of the Finnish companies.

During mid-December 2018 the Prime Minister of Montenegro met with the Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilähe Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilä and they agreed at the working meeting, which took place in Helsinki, that Montenegro has made strong progress in the European integration process and that the process will be continued with the full support of Finland, which will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2019.

11 May 2019, 01:18 AM

10 May 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković hosted Chairperson-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Miroslav Lajčák.

The meeting assessed that the cooperation between Montenegro and the OSCE is excellent and beneficial.

The Prime Minister thanked Lajčák for the assistance that the OSCE provides to Montenegro, saying that this cooperation helped Montenegro to strengthen the rule of law and build democratic institutions. OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Lajčák pointed out that Montenegro is a reliable partner of the OSCE that fulfills its obligations and assessed that Montenegro's progress is visible both in the political and economic and developmental contexts. 

Both sides expressed readiness for further cooperation in the reform of electoral legislation, with the assessment that the dialogue should be continued in the appropriate parliamentary committee, with the OSCE's readiness to provide technical support to the continuation of the dialogue.

Furthermore, the two officials discussed the situation in the region and its European perspective, while Lajčák noted that Montenegro is an example of good regional cooperation and policy towards other countries in the region.

The Prime Minister expressed full support of Montenegro to the priorities of the Slovakian presidency of the Organization for Security and Co-operation, especially to multilateralism and conflict prevention.

Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Maryse Daviet and Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Montenegro Roman Hloben also attended the meeting.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro Srđan Darmanović recently met in Budva with OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia, Miroslav Lajčák.

10 May 2019, 14:27 PM

The last thing you’re likely to want to hear about in summer is school, we get it, but that’s exactly why this summer school is different. Meet Algebra, located in the Croatian capital city of Zagreb and easily accessible from any direction.

Algebra has been providing high-quality education for more than 20 years in digital technology with bachelor and master programs in computer engineering, digital marketing and design, as well as e-Leadership MBA. Accompanied with 150 faculty members and more than 500 experts ready to help whenever necessary, 1,100 students in higher education and 15,000 students attending the numerous programs the school offers annually, from courses to MBA programs, Algebra isn’t just your run of the mill summer school. Far from it.


Not everything is about school, and I believe it was the wonderful Oscar Wilde who once hinted at the good old ‘’school of life’’ being the most important ‘’faculty’’ one can attend. Algebra is very much a school to prepare its students for real life, and works to properly equip its students for the world of work, and this isn’t just some tired old mantra, but a reality. The proof is there to be seen, and as many as 96% of Algebra’s students find employment within just six months of graduation.


With bachelor and master programs not only in STEM, but in Arts as well, Algebra sets its students up for life in the world of work, and therefore sets itself apart as a summer school, caring less about being self-serving and more about creating the workforce of the future, and providing them with all of the necessary skills and knowledge to conquer everything from multimedia and programming to cyber security in an increasingly technological age dominated by artificial intelligence and Internet of Things.

With highly respected academic partners such as Microsoft, Oracle and IBM (just to name a few), it’s little to say that Algebra is a deeply trusted school.


From artificial intelligence and cyber security to digital marketing and data driven storytelling, digital sculpting fundamentals and creating 3D projects, to the internet of things and mobile application development, this school is successful in keeping up with the modern world of education, and paving the way for the future employees of the modern world of work.

Lasting three weeks during the summer, Algebra prides itself on placing an emphasis on the exceptionally high quality of its study program, its lectures, professors and of course, its enviable curriculum. For the latter, it’s perhaps best to see what the students themselves say:

“I was overwhelmed by the quality of the course I completed and the university staff were beyond supportive and accommodating.”

“Every lesson was taught by an expert in that field, so I enjoyed the focus on practical and experimental aspect and not only on theory’’

“Algebra summer school exceeded all my expectations. Great staff, excellent lecturers and a warm atmosphere.”

“This program perfectly offers courses of very high quality taught by professors who not only are great at what they do but that are also excellent in communicating their knowledge. The fact that the classes are small also adds on the benefit of one-to-one interaction, with professors that have the time to go over doubts and help students personally without wasting too much time.”

„Everything I expected and more, the courses are very hand on, challenging and intensive, but rewarding“

„I expected practical knowledge, my idea was to learn how to contribute and do something with my own hands. The quality of teaching was spectacular. Classes are small so the professor could help us in any moment. We got to visit 2 cities, and emerge ourselves to Croatian culture.“

„I expected to learn as much as I could and have fun, but I also found a great lecturer, the teaching level was really high. You can learn a little bit every day.“

„This summer school is all about combining future professions, summer and friends. Very intensive courses, really good professors with great knowledge and intention to explain and overcome the problems and situations.“


The old saying goes that the child in us dies when we stop wanting to learn new things. One can never know everything, as everything is always changing. This international summer school provides an excellent opportunity to learn something new in a way that truly inspires you. The university offers eight different courses which are both creative and very applicable, allowing for a summer spent gaining new skill sets and knowledge. Fancy trying your hand? Here’s what Algebra offers:

Digital marketing – New ways of communication

Data driven storytelling – Create stories using big data and advanced visualization

Digital sculpting fundamentals – Learn the basics of sculpting in Zbrush

Creating a Detailed Project in 3D – From the very basisc to the postproduction of the final image

Mobile application development – From idea to creation

Cyber security – The forc3 is strong with this one

Internet of Things – Create a weather measuring system with cloud visualization

Artificial Intelligence – Today and in the future

There’s nothing quite like meeting a person who happens to be interested in the same things you are, and is all in all likeminded. Algebra is the perfect place for that, and you’ll connect and make lifelong friendships with those who are also helping to shape the digital future. Here’s what was done last summer as part of a truly international experience.

080519-Summer School9.jpg

Travelling is something that almost everyone can agree is amazing. Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone in a new place to really discover who you are, and this is the perfect opportunity, not to mention the perfect country. Croatia boasts more than 1,000 beautiful islands and enjoys a massive 2700 hours of sunshine annually!

With Algebra, you’ll get to spend two weeks in the Croatian capital, which has close links to the Vienna, Venice, Budapest, Belgrade, Sarajevo and many more owing to its excellent geographical position. You’ll head down to the beautiful Dalmatian coast to the historic town of Sibenik during the height of the summer season. Sibenik is close to Krka National Park, Prvic island, and Smiljan, which is the birthplace of the genius Nikola Tesla.

Join Algebra from the 7th to the 27th of July, 2019, for an unforgettable learning experience in a summer school with a difference, the best in all of Europe.

Sounds good? If so, it’s time to get packing and looking forward to an incredible summer in Croatia. You’ve got until May the 20th to apply to the Algebra International Summer School, so the time is now to start planning the summer of a lifetime.

10 May 2019, 14:10 PM

Kosta Vukicevic, a student of the Gymnasium “Slobodan Skerovic”, won the bronze medal at the 36th Balkan Mathematical Olympics, a contest for high school students, held from April 30th to May 5th, 2019 in Kisinjevo.


The contest was attended by 107 competitors from 11 countries, permanent BMO members (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey) and seven guest countries (Azerbaijan, Italy, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Moldova (B team), Turkmenistan, United Kingdom). Matija Delic was given special praise and Montenegro was represented in this competition by Amir Kolic, Andrija Glomazic, Ognjen Kovacevic.

Text by Vijesti online, on May 9th 2019, read more at Vijesti

10 May 2019, 14:08 PM

Kolasin hosts the first part of the Architectural Student Congress, attended by students and mentors from Novi Sad, Nis, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Maribor, Kosovska Mitrovica, Belgrade, Skopje, Novi Pazar and Podgorica.

After Kolasin, the workshops will be resumed in Herceg Novi, and as said by Svetislav Popovic, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica, the goal is to connect the north and south with such a way of working.

Architectural student congresses or architectural caravans started 17 years ago in Ljubljana and Montenegro hosted it in 2011.

"I have a special emotion towards the architecture in Kolasin because I have participated in projects that have made “a small town” into a city.  Herceg Novi with its surroundings also has many challenging offers. You must give contributions to the development of architectural and urban thinking through the creative workshops," Popovic told the students at the opening of the Congress.

Emra Alihodzic Jasarovic, a member of the mentoring team from the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica, said that the participants would deal with the temporary architecture.

The mentoring team chose three themes of the Congress in two cities, with a dynamic approach to architecture.

"The first issue examines the boundaries as an anthropological and social phenomenon. Teams will, within the workshops, define the boundary space as a contact, touch, event, imagination, myth, story, artistic experience. The second theme is water as a space for intervention. The third theme will elaborate the memory value of the place, because through the path which we will pass before us were sailboats, shepherds, tourists, brown bears, cruisers, biologists. Every deformation in the space is a loaded code, trace of nomads. When we are on that trajectory, then we know everything about our predecessors," Alihodzic Jasarovic said.

Together with Miljana Zekovic, Sanja Paunovic, Zdravko Delibasic - Beli, Ana Dobrasinovic, Marko Radonjic and Marko Stijepcevic, she is a member of the Mentoring Team of the Congress of Architecture Students.

Over 80 participants of the congress from the former Yugoslavia were greeted by Milosav Bulatovic, president of the Municipality Kolasin.

Text by Dragana Scepanovic, on May 9th 2019, read more at Vijesti

10 May 2019, 14:07 PM

In the 1980s, Podgorica could have saved the Gorica hill if the plan by architect Vukota Tupa Vukotic was adopted, with which he won in the Yugoslav competition Heroic Vision (under) Gorica.

  1. DUP, "Mausoleum to the Partisan Fighter on Gorica" ​​- Architect Vukota Tupa Vukotic


The contest for park-forest in Gorica was announced in 1978 and the proposal by the architect Vukota Tupa Vukotic won the competition.

The idea of ​​Vukotic was that the park-forest should, to the greatest extent possible, be connected with the narrow city core, that Gorica would descend to Moraca, so that its silhouettes would be "free" and that the "views and approaches would be embedded in the green of the forests.”

"The central motive is linked to Njegos’s Street as an access shaft to the Mausoleum and the celebrated square, the reconstruction of the stadium “Buducnost” and urban tissue at the foot."

In addition, Vukotic's solution foresees the reconstruction of Vezir’s bridge, erected at the end of the 18th century during the Turkish rule and demolished during the bombing of World War II.

About the idea of ​​reconstruction of the bridge Vukotic writes the following:

"The circumstance that this bridge would be a pedestrian crossing between the two parts of the city, according to the general urban plan, I realized as an extraordinary opportunity to renew it, considering it a long way of respect for the ruined and forgotten elements of a city whose beauty is untouchable."

Near Vezir bridge, where the dry cleaning is, Vukotic also planned the summer scene - an amphitheater which with the cascade system frees the western slope of Gorica and slides it down to Moraca - to the place called Plocice.

At the top of Gorica, a flat plateau was planned, from where it opens "through the woods, a halo of distant mountain peaks, the space of silence and meditation..."

  1. DUP, "Mausoleum to the Partisan Fighter in Gorica"

The competition for arranging the park-forest in Gorica was the first phase in the elaboration of the Detailed Urban Plan "Mausoleum to the Partisan Fighter in Gorica".

However, after only ten years of winning the competition, in March 1988, a contract was signed between the Republic's Institute for Urban Planning and Design (LDP) and the Self-managed Inter-Municipal Community for Construction and Public Utilities - Titograd, on the drafting of the said planning document.

At the beginning of the textual part of the plan, referring to the previous period, Vukota Vukotic states among other things: "For ten years, unfortunately, no action has been taken to implement the adopted concept. Furthermore, the reconstruction of the stadium 'Buducnost' based on the existing frame prevented the establishment of the view of Njegos street to the Mausoleum, and one of the key messages of the contest was closed.

DUP "Mausoleum to the Partisan Fighter on Gorica" ​​therefore represented a revision of the contest’s solution following the new situation.


The main change from the contest’s solution is the shift of the mausoleum viewpoint from the direction of Njegos’s Street to the direction of the Youth Center (now KIC "Budo Tomovic").

In front of the Youth Center is planned a square - an extension from which the view to the mausoleum opens up. The visual 'opening' of the mausoleum required cutting of the forest fund (max. width 30m), and the construction of a central access path 5.0 m wide.

The continuation of the access path from the direction of the mausoleum is shifted laterally, tangents the size of the stadium and continues in connection with Njegos street. In the zone of mausoleum, there are plans for a ceremonial square with its accompanying parking space. "The capacity of the 4400m2 ceremonial square was tested for the military oath ceremony. It was calculated by including the lineup of 1200-1500 soldiers and with the same number of citizens present (members of families and citizens). The lineup site is east of the mausoleum and requires an area of ​​500m2 and 300m2 for civilian visitors." 

Next to the ceremonial square, there is a picnic area "for family members and soldiers after giving oath or occasional youth camps".

The western slope of Gorica was solved in its entirety by the content’s solution from 1978 and envisaged the reconstruction of Vezir bridge, the construction of a cascade square-amphitheatre with a capacity of 3000-4000 seats, the denivelation of the road Vako Djurovic and the construction of overpasses.

Vukotic's expressive sense of authentic reconstruction of Vezir’s bridge is also noted in the textual part of the plan where he, among other things, writes:

"Near the end of the war, Vezir’s bridge was demolished, a precious building monument, and on the remains of its arches has been built a bridge that performs its river crossing function but does not carry a message of connection. The city has remained poor for one of its most beautiful scenes."

Utopia could have been accomplished

DUP "Mausoleum to Partisan Fighter on Gorica" ​​is a paradigmatic planer’s solution, which in many aspects and criteria contributes to the urbanization of Podgorica.

In a narrow space frame, besides defining only the hill, the DUP "Mausoleum to Partisan Fighter in Gorica" ​​strives to enter the order at the chaotic bottom of the hill, where several important facilities (Gymnasium Building, Youth Center and Stadium) have failed to "open" towards Gorica.

In the wider spatial sense, Vukotic's plan is a surgically-accurate cut that integrates Gorica as much as possible into the urban structure of the city, opens up new visions to Podgorica, and breathes new life into the city.

In fact, Vukotic's plan abolishes the several years long distance between the city and the hill, and moreover, puts a completely distant mountain in the epicenter of the urban life.

From today's perspective, this gesture sounds like a brave, heroic, almost utopian vision.

Who knows, maybe in 1991, when the plan was adopted, the utopia was feasible... The DUP "Mausoleum to Partisan Fighter in Gorica" ​​was adopted in May 1991 by the decision of OS Titograd.

Amphitheater at the Gymnasium

In the Gymnasium Zone, there is a small amphitheater planned with a capacity of 500-600 visitors "for the school acting activities".

The eastern side of the hill is connected by a walkway with the upper flattened plateau, while on the north side there is the introduction of a service road that serves as a connection to the parking lot in the part of the ceremonial square and as an emergency fire-fighting road.

The existing southern link below the church of St. George, from the direction of the street Sloboda was retained.

The author has a Master's degree in Architecture.

Text by Ivan Jovicevic on May 9th 2019, read more at Vijesti

10 May 2019, 12:21 PM

May 10, 2019 - The weekend ahead will feature Ocean Lava Montenegro, a triathlon race that is part of a world series of over 20 competitions in 17 countries. The Montenegrin edition is growing year by year, and after last year's competition, which gathered together 480 competitors from 38 countries, this weekend in Kotor the race will see 600 triathletes from about 50 countries of the world.  

Triathlons are experiencing a significant expansion all over the world, and one of the reasons is the fact that it is extremely suitable for people of all ages. For the fourth edition of Ocean Lava Montenegro, the average age of competitors is 39 years, explains Igor Majer, the man, responsible for the fact Montenegro became one of the destinations of the famous Ocean Lava Triathlon Series. Igor’s Multi-Sport Academia Majer ensured support by a lot of local institutions, businesses and NGOs recognizing this event has high potential, not only in a sport but also in an economic sense.
ocean lava igor majerIgor Majer, Ocean Lava Montenegro Director, Copyright: Ocean Lava Montenegro
“Participants are coming from all over the world. And, they are not coming just for the weekend when the race is taking place, but usually earlier to discover the destination and organize some training. Not only individuals but whole groups are coming. For example, we know few private camps are organized in Boka Bay before this race,” explains Majer, giving us the data that for the occasion of last year’s Ocean Lava race, competitors and their companions realized more than 12,000 overnight stays in Kotor.
ocean lava montenegroOcean Lava Montenegro is the only triathlon race taking place of all its segments in UNESCO site, Copyright: Ocean Lava Montenegro FB page
“From year to year, good news spreads, and what is most important in attracting new competitors is the uniqueness of our cultural ambiance and the wonderful ambiance in which all segments of the race take place. Such a huge increase in the number of competitors from year to year is not characteristic of triathlon races elsewhere in the world. Race organizers usually rely on domestic competitors and participants from the surrounding countries. What is interesting for our race, besides the fact that there is a small number of triathletes in Montenegro, is that only one quarter of the registered competitors come from the surrounding countries, which means that as many as 75% of triathletes come from all over the world,” says Majer, explaining that it was a significant challenge for the organizers. A unique problem is the unavailability of Montenegro as a destination, the absence of low-cost flights outside the primary tourist season, and poor road and sports infrastructure.
Ocean Lava Montenegro is one of the most popular Ocean Lava races in general. “The race in Montenegro is a world exclusive. It is the only race in the world which all segments take part in the UNESCO World Heritage Site,” Majer emphases. “The beautiful cultural landscape has given us fantastic photos from our competitions, which are sent to the world.” The race is being followed by a lot of international reporters, among them the Reuters journalist who is coming to every Montenegrin edition of the competition.
Ocean Lava Montenegro, apart from being an opportunity to present Boka bay as a destination for the global market, can also help us in Boka to recognize the potential for active tourism development, and that is sports tourism.
“I can speak from personal experience, as a traveler and participant of numerous competitions in all meridians, therefore, the user of sports tourism and as the organizer of this race since 2016. Six hundred competitors bring us three thousand people to Kotor because of our race. Some of them are here with their families since the middle of April to discover the destination and practice. Based on last year’s De Facto Consultancy agency survey, on average, with one participant in the race in Kotor, four people stayed on average for five days. We have noted that a large number of triathletes also stayed for several weeks. Based on information from social networks, a large number of these people return to Montenegro, especially for winter training. The microclimatic conditions in Boka, the protection of the waters of the bay, make people feel quite safe here. These are the conditions that most European countries cannot provide even during the summer months,” says an experienced triathlete, the race director and the president of the Triathlon Federation of Montenegro.
ocean lava montenegro swimmingFrom the third Ocean Lava Montenegro Edition, Copyright: Ocean Lava Montenegro
In addition to the big race scheduled for Sunday, Ocean Lava Montenegro has organized a children’s competition since last year. “The Children’s Race is organized by the desire to transfer part of this project to the local community. The fact is that such complex events cannot be based on the enthusiasm and professionalism of a small number of people. The organization of this year’s edition of the race includes over 400 volunteers, who participate directly or indirectly. One way to thank them for all the support and assistance is to organize a backup event that is primarily directed at the local community. The race for children has a humanitarian character. Last year we donated funds to the Children Department of the General Hospital in Kotor, and we will decide after the race who will be beneficiary this year. It’s important for kids to sense the racing plane, where a day later, on Sunday, triathletes will pass and achieve excellent results. In this way, we think to inspire children for a healthier, more active life,” says Igor Majer.
ocean lava kidsOcean Lava Montenegro from the last year includes a kid's race
A triathlon consists of swimming, cycling and running. Montenegrin organizers decided on longer and harder distances, and therefore triathletes will have to swim the length of 1900m, ride 90km of bike trails and run 21km. 
“This is one of the most successful races from the complete Ocean Lava series. The unrecorded and unprecedented growth of this race talks about quality. It is also supported by the fact that the conceptual Ocean Lava creator, Kenneth Gasque from Danmark, who is also the first European to bring Ironman from North America to Europe, will be our honorary guest in Kotor again. After the last year competition, he said the Montenegrin race seems to be more exciting even from the final race, being traditionally organized on Lanzarote Island,” says Igor Majer.
ocean lava kenethThe Ocean Lava Series Founder, Kenneth Gasque, Copyright: Ocean Lava Montenegro
Because of the race, the traffic on the only road along Kotor Bay will be halted on Sunday in several periods. From 7 to 12 am, traffic will be suspended entirely from the road Kotor- Kamenari to ensure the safety of even 600 cyclists who will ride here. Traffic participants will be informed in detail, both through the public media and info tables, which will be placed tomorrow along the entire race length.

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