10 May 2019 - Big research infrastructure based on the most contemporary technologies will slow down brain drain from the region that used to have intense technological development, said the Minister of Science, Sanja Damjanović on the Panel held within the fourth Forum of the EU strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian region (EUSAIR).
Damjanović presented the SEEIIST project on the second day of Forum – International Institute for Sustainable Technologies in the area of Southeast Europe that promotes regional cooperation as well as cooperation between science, technology and economy.
“The project is in good arms now, in the arms of CERN, but we need the strong political commitment of all countries from the region for its success. This project would contribute to the economic stability of the region and its stabilization and that’s why this project would be useful for all of Europe,” said Damjanović.
Circumstances in the last several decades have slowed down all the economic and scientific activities and that resulted in brain drain and made best young people leave the country.
“We must not forget that this region has a very intense technological development in the past and that were many great European-level achievements. For example, the first nuclear research reactor started working in our region in 1959, and then we had three international institutes older than CERN. At the time, Yugoslavia was one of the founders of CERN and many Nobel prize winners were from our region,” said the Minister.
Damjanović concluded that the only way to slow down brain drain and increase that trend is to provide great research infrastructure based on the newest technologies.
Source: Cafe del Montenegro