
27 May 2019, 14:29 PM

May 27, 2019 - The Citizens Association "Stop Illegal Fishing" warns that dynamite has been reactivated at Luštica. Although the fight against all kinds of illegal fishing in Montenegro has lasted for two years, with the active participation of citizens and almost all competent services, the fact is that the judiciary and the prosecution have not yet adequately prosecuted perpetrators, and the perpetrators are getting wind in their backs to continue criminal activities.

In the words of one of the initiators and leaders of the group, Aleksandar Vukovic, they tried to activate all the competent services, because things are getting out of control.
"For the past twenty days, the detonations of dynamite on Lustica can be heard from Platamuni towards Zagora. As the fish moved to the shore, they have activated again. First by throwing the dynamite into the sea from the inaccessible rocks, and over the last few days they have been so courageous to do it from the boats. They throw explosives without paying attention to who is around them, looking only for their raw, material interest, without worrying about the nature and the security of other people," Vukovic said.
The Stop Illegal Fishing re-appeal to citizens to actively engage in the fight against piracy, primarily explosive devices, since dynamite, whose possession is a criminal offense, can have catastrophic consequences for human lives, not only the detrimental impact on the marine ecosystem. Although the working group made up of representatives of all relevant institutions takes all the necessary measures, the judiciary institutions have not yet sent adequate messages to the perpetrators.
"All the results so far would not be reached if there was not closed cooperation between the citizens, the police, the Inspection Department, the competent ministries. From that point of view, we can be content. The last and most crucial step remains, which I hope will soon be regulated. When we have the criminal convictions, based on which the perpetrators will end up in jail for crimes they do, I think we ended up with the job. In addition to punishment for the perpetrators, such verdicts will send a clear message to all potential criminals that the state has firmly decided to settle with them," Vukovic concludes.
27 May 2019, 13:02 PM

May 27, 2019 - The Cultural Heritage Association Napredak Gornja Lastva and its partners, on Wednesday, 28 May at 10.30 am at the Cultural Center Niko Bilafer in Stoliv, organizes a round table on the topic "Legislative Framework for the Development of Olive Growing at the National and Local Levels."  

At the round table within the Project "Platform for the Renewal and Development of Olive Growing as a Fund for Rural Development in Vrmac," whose implementation officially began on 10 April this year, the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Tivat and Kotor Municipalities and Boka Olive Society will be present.
The project is funded by the European Union through the EU Delegation in Montenegro as part of the Grant Facility under the Rural Development Program led by rural civil society organizations. The project leader is Connecting Natural Values & People Foundation (CNVP) in partnership with the Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije from Berane, the Union of Montenegrin farmers from Pljevlja and in cooperation with the Rural Development Network of Montenegro.
Napredak is supported by a program carried out together with the Boka Olive Society and the Camelia Association from Stoliv. Marija Nikolić from Cultural Heritage Association Napredak Gornja Lastva spoke about the project:
"The project aims to establish a platform for the restoration of olive groves in Vrmac, regardless of its territorial division. We know that olive growing on Vrmac and the production of olive oil were very developed. We intend to establish a platform for all those who can contribute to the restoration of olive growing in Vrmac, with the hope that this could also stimulate the rehabilitation of abandoned villages," says Marija Nikolić, an architect engaged in the reconstruction and revitalization of the village in the Cultural Heritage Association Napredak Gornja Lastva for 30 years.
The Municipality of Tivat is a project associate because public institutions cannot be partners but, as Nikolic says, renewal of olive growing cannot be carried out without close cooperation of the local government.
"At the first round table, we will present the legislative framework for olive growing at the national and local level. We will also offer the directives and the future legal framework when Montenegro is an EU member," said Nikolić.
Two workshops have been planned for the project, one dealing with practical issues of restoration of existing olive trees and the other by producing quality olive oil following modern standards.
The final product of the project should be the strategy of restoration of olive growing, a document to be worked out by experts in this area in close cooperation with olive owners and associations dealing with it.
The overall value of the project, which aims to contribute to the establishment of a platform for the restoration of olive growing as the basis for rural development through the linkage and strengthening of capacities of civil society organizations and other actors in the pilot area of Vrmac is 16 083,06 €. The project lasts six months, until October 2019.
27 May 2019, 10:17 AM

May 27, 2019 - The opening ceremony of the Games of Small Countries of Europe 2019 is scheduled for tonight, May 27 at 9 pm next to the Wall of the Old Town in Budva, which will be the epicentre of athletes from ten countries, who will compete in ten sports from May 27 to June 1 in several Montenegrin cities.

Our country will host a multi-sports competition for thee first time that will bring together about two thousand participants - athletes, trainers, officials, representatives of national Olympic committees, journalists, and volunteers.
The Games of Small States of Europe (GSSE) are a multi-sports competition organized within the European Olympic Movement since 1985, and the right to perform is made by countries with fewer than one million inhabitants. Montenegro has participated in GSSE since 2011.
At the Games of Small States 2019, in addition to the host country, athletes from Cyprus, Iceland, Monaco, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta and San Marino will participate in the ten sports competitions. For the first time in a sporting event, the Vatican joins the competition.
Within the GSSE, athletes will compete in athletics, bowling, volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball, swimming, jungle, shooting, and tennis. The games will be held in Podgorica, Budva, Bar, Tivat, and Cetinje.
Bar will host athletic and basketball competitions, tennis will be played in Tivat, judo at Cetinje, while swimming competitions are planned at the pool in Podgorica. The epicentre of the Games of the Small States will be Budva, which will host matches in other sports - volleyball (women and men), beach volleyball, shooting, bowling, and tennis.
Participants of the competition are located in the Slovenska beach complex, and Budva hosts the officials of the national Olympic Committee of the participating countries.
The Games of the Small States of Europe, as well as all the competitions under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, are not just a festival of sports but have a much broader significance.
It is an opportunity for numerous guests to get acquainted with the natural beauties and tourist attractions of Montenegro and the Budva Riviera, to get to know our culture and customs, to feel the unique Mediterranean spirit.
The GSSE  in Montenegro will also be important in organizing them with the respect of the highest environmental standards.
It will be the first "Green Games" to be organized following the strategy and the clear commitment of the Olympic Movement to promote the sustainability and protection of the environment through sport, especially the organization of sports events.
That's why the Games have two slogans - the first is "How big we are" and the other "Be fair by nature".
Given the number of participants and the breadth of all the opportunities offered by these events in terms of promotion of our country, it can be said that the Games of Small States of Europe for Montenegro mean the Olympic Games in the small.
26 May 2019, 22:29 PM

In 2019, the International Guitar Competition in Montenegro has reached the status of a guitar festival: in addition to the contests, the audience was invited to several chamber concerts by amazing guitarists including both big names and young European stars.

The primary classical guitar contest started on Friday, 24th May, on the new stage of Tivat Cultural Center and was presented in two categories - a solo guitar and guitar chamber ensembles. A solo guitar contest ended unusually: the seven-member international jury chaired by Italian maestro Aniello Desiderio unanimously decided not to award the first prize this year in a category of no age limit for solo guitarists. The second prize went to You Wu from China who was also granted a 5000 euro cost guitar and the third one was shared by Silvio Bilic from Croatia and Emma Schutzman from Germany.


The 13th Guitar Competition will be especially remembered both by the participants and the audience for another great event: two amazing performers maestro Manuel Canizares and maestro Aniello Desiderio along with master-classes for young Eurostring stars gave opening concerts in Tivat. A unique opportunity to hear at least one of them would already be a gift, but the bounty of life is really infinite...

TMN had the chance to meet both maestros and ask them a few questions about their professional life.

Manuel Canizares


How was your concert last night, maestro Canizares?

The concert was fantastic because the audience was so great, they applauded so highly, Rodriges and I felt very proud. And with such an audience it is very easy: trust me, I travel all around the world but it doesn’t happen every time, so it was a great experience last night.

You are a world-known flamenco guitar player. Would you please give our readers a short introduction: what is the specific difference between flamenco guitar and classical guitar?

The flamenco guitar is based on the rhythm; the rhythm is the most important thing in flamenco music. On the other side, in a classical guitar, there is another type of accent: deep sounds are more important. But there are common things, of course, and in my case, the two types of guitar music are integrated. I started playing when I was 6 years old and I started my musical education 3 years later. When I just started playing I had no idea of the theory of music, so I was playing without knowing notes and codes, but by my instinct. But when I learned the codes and notes it enlightened my understanding of music. Inside of me, there is a synthesis of shadow and light – as in Plato’s allegory of a cave: the shadow of the cave is the flamenco world and outside of it there is a light of the classical theory of music.

Do you believe a real musician needs proper classical education?

I’m not sure if it’s so necessary or not. For instance, Paco de Lucia was the greatest flamenco player of all times and didn’t know anything about the theory of music. But this is an isolated case because he really was a genius. For most people I think it is necessary to study, because playing by instinct only you may be limited in a certain sense, you may not open the doors allowing you to investigate new paths. You can learn to drive even without a driving license, but when you go to driving school and learn the rules, it helps you to find solutions in complicated situations on the road or avoid accidents.

Being a guitar teacher at the Catalonia musical high school, how do you balance the life of a performer and a teacher? It must take a lot of energy.

It’s one of the most challenging questions. Yes, I was teaching, but for the last 8 years, I’m on standby because I have no time to go to Barcelona and teach continuously. Students need regular classes, but I cannot do that because of so many concerts. However, there is a very important point of a concert player who teaches because a teacher who doesn’t play concerts doesn’t know what is happening on the stage. So, for young musicians, it is very important to learn from somebody who has a feeling of real performance on the stage, because they mainly want to become concert players. Students equally need technical knowledge of playing an instrument as well as performing experience.

Do you think that such initiatives as Eurostrings can give enough support for young artists in the modern world?

I really think it is a fantastic system which allows winners to travel around other countries. Of course, they have to study, study and study again, but the competition as this makes them more responsible for what they are doing. Having this experience, seeing what is happening in the outer world is very useful for young people. For example, today our participants were playing in front of maestro Desiderio, who is one of the jury members and he is one of the grand maestros of classical guitar. This is a fantastic opportunity for them.

What is a key thing to becoming a great guitarist?

Being in contact with an instrument every day is fundamental, in my opinion. All great guitarists passed the same stages. They all were practicing mechanics of play hours and hours, day by day to get to liberty of expressing music by their instrument. Fluency requires perfect technique and this can be reached only by endless practicing.


Aniello Desiderio


Maestro Desiderio, you are a member of the jury. What are your impressions about the competition?

First of all, I have to say that it’s not usual that among all the competitors the level was so high, so great. And this is so great for the guitar society and this makes the competition really interesting. Which means that this Eurostring project is working very well, so the young generation of guitar players follow the project all around Europe. It was very nice.

So, you believe this platform is really working and helping artists to start their professional career?

Today this a great and I’m afraid the only way for young artists. Nowadays it’s so difficult to start a musical career and the possibility of having so many guitar festivals all around Europe that are all connected and the possibility to play in so many countries is also very important. Because with this you have a chance to perform in front of other people who organize different kinds of festivals. This is a very good beginning.

For my generation, it was ok to win two or three prizes and it was enough to start being invited. Today for most of the guitar players, the area of performing is limited to guitar festivals. In order to establish your name in the wider musical world you need so many things on your biography today, and this project is a possibility to get to big music festivals and reach a bigger world.

In your opinion, what is the role of professional musical education?

There are two things: one is proper musical education which is important for everybody and the other is something you get naturally, that we call talent. Talent is something you cannot learn by any means, but it’s so important to find a balance between these two things. Talent is wild, it only wants to be free, with education you become… complete, you can choose. If you want to be wild, you can, if you want to be accurate or delicate, you also can. But beyond these, there is a very important thing which is to start as soon as possible to have the experience of the stage. Whatever you learned and whatever you imagined, you understand that it’s completely different when you’re on the stage.

What does it mean to perform on the stage for a musician?

You have to know yourself as much as possible to realize what we are in practice, not in theory. And it’s not only about music. Playing on stage you face emotions which you don’t feel in the class. And if in the art we don’t have emotions it means we’re machines, so the fastest and the most precise is the best, but unfortunately, it’s not art. The big artist does not need to do one hundred notes at a time. A big artist does only one - with the right breathing. And this makes the difference, the difference makes the detail, and the detail you only start feeling when you’re on stage in front of an audience, a normal audience (not a classical music audience, they easily understand). If you manage to become a normal person, to my grandmother, for instance, if you touch her soul, it means you really say something with your instrument.


Music is a language. You go to school to learn grammar, but then you start to communicate, you travel, you see ordinary life and you start getting how to construct a right, normal phrase, not by the rule from your school book as a noun, verb, etc. The poets know how to use the right words, but they don’t do it by grammar rules.

You mentioned previously that talent is a gift given by nature. And as I know, you come from a musical family. In your opinion, how much impact has a family background or general environment in which the young musician or just a kid grows in revealing his talent?

To reveal the talent – no, if you have it, you have it, I know many great musicians coming from families with no musical background. But what I think is important is taking care of the talent. If the family understands that their kid has a certain talent, they have to find a way to support it. Of course, if you have a gift there’s a price to pay like you have to practice instead of playing football, but it’s about parents who push their talented kid in the right way. To find a way to explain to your kid that music is another language that allows you to express your thoughts and feelings to your friends and lovers and anybody else without even opening your mouth, and that is what makes you a different and richer person.

How do you manage to be a demanded artist and a teacher?

It’s really difficult. I haven't taught that much in the last few years, but mainly through masterclasses. I’m trying to do less quantity, but more quality, finding what is best for the person in front of me.

Do you enjoy playing in an ensemble or are you a solo player?

Before I played in a few ensembles, but now I only play in one group of musicians (among them are my two brothers who play violin and piano and a friend of mine who is a drummer) and with them, I play a project of Four Seasons combining pieces by Vivaldi and Piazzolla. It’s so important to play with other musicians. There’s something you can never understand when you play alone, that’s why playing with somebody else makes you complete. And besides, it’s much nicer to travel around the world with friends.

26 May 2019, 22:08 PM

26 May 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received newly appointed UNDP Resident Representative in Montenegro Daniela Gašparikova. 

The President expressed his satisfaction with appointing Gašparikova as  Resident Representative of UNDP in Montenegro and wished her success in further work with the impression that the experience gained with UNDP's long-term engagement will contribute to a stronger positioning of the Office and achievement of commonly defined goals. In that context, he conveyed full personal and institutional support of Montenegro.

He expressed the gratitude of Montenegro to the strong support provided by the UNDP Office at the national level and the intensity and dynamics of joint activities and programs that fully monitor the developmental needs of Montenegro in the context of EU integration and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Strategy.

The President expressed his gratitude to UNDP for the support given to Montenegro for two decades, which in that period was the least-developed republic of former Yugoslavia, became an independent state, a NATO member, leader in European integration and the most dynamic economy of WB. Cooperation with UNDP has gained new quality through the area of ​​sustainable development, which has become the philosophy of the development of Montenegro noted Đukanović.

"We continue to see the continuation of cooperation and support for capacity building by UNDP as a real chance for ourselves, and you can count on to our absolute dedication to this relationship," said Đukanović.

He stressed that Montenegro supports reform processes that will lead to more efficient and stronger United Nations, also repositioning the UN development system and separating two positions (UN Resident Coordinators and UNDP Resident Representative), which will contribute to more effective UN action in supporting the country's plan of achieving key national priorities.

The newly appointed Resident Representative of UNDP in Montenegro Daniela Gašparikova expressed satisfaction with the level of cooperation with Montenegro, emphasizing that she is privileged to continue to improve this cooperation during her mandate. Clearly set national priorities and Montenegro's commitment make this road to the EU easier, Gašparikova said.

She added that the confirmation of that dedication and the fact that Montenegro was one of the first countries in the world that have transfered the goals of sustainable development into its Sustainable Development Strategy. Key areas of cooperation in the future will be seen in digitization, infrastructure building for this area and electronic management.

The Resident Representative of the UN emphasized that the use of information technologies will help reduce the gap between the need for capacity building and rationalization and the need to respond to the challenges and tasks that country is facing within the negotiation process. "This will enable Montenegro to become competitive even at the end of that road, even compared to individual EU members," Gašparikova said.

The interlocutors agreed that green development and economics, as well as the sustainability of the energy sector, are also important areas of further cooperation.

26 May 2019, 21:55 PM

26 May 2019 - The European Union Delegation and the European Union Info Center are organizing the Europe Day in Kotor on Friday, May 31, as part of the Month of Europea Celebration.

On the Square of the Museum starting at 6 PM an info desk will be opened, where citizens can learn more about the process of European Union integrations, look at the exhibition of European Union's projects in Montenegro and participate in the prize quiz on the European Union.

At the same place, a party of Europe starts from 8 PM, with DJ set Aleksandra Duende accompanied by local support provided by DJ Mr Goju.

"We are pleased to invite citizens of Kotor to join us at the concert of Aleksandra Duende and Mr Goju who bring a modern, European sound to the Square of the Museum. We donate the concert to the citizens of Kotor, in the wish to celebrate European values ​​together," the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro announced.

Aleksandra Duende is one of the most successful Balkan DJs. The music is recognized by sets that abound with the sounds of the orient and include various electronic genres, such as tech house, deep house, indie house, deep disco, soulful house and others.

Mr Goju's local support for decades has spawned a specific prism and gave a completely authentic view of contemporary styles of broken beats, house, funk, soul, swing, jazz. Mr Goju regularly performs throughout Europe (Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia ...).

The European Union Delegation to Montenegro and the EU Info Center this year celebrate Europe Day celebrations throughout May, in order to bring citizens closer to the European Union and openly discuss the common European values, the benefits of membership, and the challenges brought by the European integration process.

Source: Skala Radio

26 May 2019, 21:20 PM

25 May 2019 - Minister of Defence of Montenegro Predrag Bošković and his counterpart of North Macedonia Radmila Šekerinska signed in Podgorica earlier the Agreement on the exchange and mutual protection of classified information, to improve cooperation in the field of the exchange and protection of classified information between the two countries. By signing the agreement, Montenegro strengthens relations with the countries of the region and intensifies cooperation in the application of standards in the field of exchange and protection of classified information.

The agreement regulates the manner of protecting classified information exchanged or incurred between the contracting parties, the term of classified information, determinants of the degree of secrecy and the authorities responsible for its implementation, measures for protection and access to classified information, as well as the methods of transferring classified information.

Furthermore, the agreement defines the signing and enforcement of confidential contracts, the procedure for the realisation of visits by representatives of each of the contracting parties, which includes access to classified information, as well as the manner in which the authorities or contracting parties act in case of violation of the provisions on mutual protection of classified information. The agreement provides for that each party shall bear its costs in connection with the application of this agreement.

The two defence ministers also had a bilateral meeting, during which the Montenegrin Defence Minister pointed out that Montenegro will continue to provide full support to North Macedonia on its Euro-Atlantic path, hopeful that the membership of North Macedonia to NATO will represent a significant step towards achieving a stable security framework for the Western Balkan region.

Both sides agreed that the friendship and the alliance of the two countries could strongly affect the region, because security cohesion can only be achieved through mutual support and cooperation. Reconstruction and unification of common values ​​are needed more than ever, since the countries of the region share a common geographic area, face common problems, DMs Bošković and Šekerinska, agreed.

It was emphasised that the cooperation between the two ministries, in addition to exchanging experiences in all areas of the defence sphere, is also aimed at strengthening national defence capabilities, which will contribute to the collective ability of the Alliance to meet security challenges. It was pointed out that the friendly ties between the two countries, the future allies within the NATO, lead to joint action for the benefit of security and stability of our continent and beyond.

26 May 2019, 21:10 PM

25 May 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković said that by joining NATO, Montenegro got all the hallmarks of a safe destination for tourists and investors, which is an additional stimulus since Montenegrin investors are already operating in more than 110 countries and that our country has achieved growth rates among the highest in Europe.

"Fulfilling two key foreign policy priorities for our two countries has not only a political but also a very important economic dimension and benefit. By joining NATO, Montenegro got all the hallmarks of a safe destination, both for visitors and tourists, as well as for investors from all over the world – a signal that we share the highest standards and values of democratic societies with which we want even more advanced partnership and cooperation. We achieved economic growth at an average rate of 4.9 percent, almost in all sectors from tourism, energy, agriculture, industry, trade, and in the last two years, we reduced the unemployment rate by 6% and increased the number of employees by over 17,000, of which we are particularly proud. In the first quarter of this year, the parameters are already better than at the same time last year,"  said Marković.

He added that membership in NATO and increasing compatibility and harmonization with the internal EU system are important factors for such strong growth and development. Montenegro is also fully integrated into the NATO codification system, with 160 company codes and 100 codified products.

"I think this is a very strong basis for the future intensive cooperation between business people and for creating partnerships with other NATO member states and participating in NATO procurement process. Investors from over 110 countries operate in Montenegro, the most prestigious international tourist brands are present, and we are proud that our state has the highest foreign direct investment per capita in the region, with a total investment of 6.5 billion EUR in the period from 2006 to 2018," Prime Minister Duško Marković said at opening of Business Forum Montenegro - North Macedonia at the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.

The Prime Minister pointed to the need to strengthen economic cooperation between Montenegro and North Macedonia, saying that it is clear that there are great potentials for deepening economic cooperation.

"We look forward to increased Macedonian investments in all sectors, and in the tourism sector I want to draw attention to the opportunity we can create through a joint approach to distant third markets, especially considering the complementarity of the tourism products of our two countries," the Prime Minister said.

PM Marković pointed to the Government's excellent economic results, stressing that our priorities are now a transport connectivity and investment in the Northern Region.

"Prime Minister Zaev and I understand that poor transport connectivity is a limiting factor for trade and economic relations. Even during our first meeting in Podgorica in November 2017, we talked about finding modalities for the introduction of the airline on the Skopje-Podgorica route in cooperation with other interested cities like Sarajevo, and there is a wish of both parties to specifically discuss this topic at today's joint cabinet session. What I want to inform you about is that Montenegro is investing intensively in improving its infrastructure, that as much as 320 million EUR is allocated for the capital budget this year, the largest amount invested so far. Of this, more than 70% of funds are allocated for the Northern Region, and once again we have sent a message that this is our priority and it will be in focus in the next development period.

Marković continued that the biggest undertaking in the history of Montenegro is ongoing, the construction of the first motorway which will strategically contribute to this goal. After the construction of the first section of the motorway, which is in the final phase, the Government creates the preconditions for continuing the construction of the rest of the motorway towards Serbia.

"Together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), we are working on defining a model for improving the operation of our airports, while with foreign partners we are coming to an end of the submarine power cable installation. All this will make Montenegro even more accessible and energy investment port," Prime Minister Duško Marković concluded at the opening of the Business Montenegro - North Macedonia, which gathered government officials and business people of the two countries.

26 May 2019, 00:44 AM

25 May 2019 -  On May 24, 2019, Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro Osman Nurković held an official meeting with Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of North Macedonia Goran Sugareski. This meeting was held within the framework of the two-day working visit of the Prime Minister and members of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The meeting noted that Montenegro and the Republic of North Macedonia do not have open issues and cooperate well in the field of transport. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss regional projects that are of crucial importance for the high-quality connectivity of Southeast Europe. Minister Nurković emphasised that the needs of both the citizens and the economies of the countries in the region need to be recognised. Accordingly, policies and projects that lead to a common goal – safe, secure and comfortable transportation of passengers and cargo – need to be implemented.

Both countries are implementing very valuable capital projects in the construction of modern transport infrastructure. The focus of the meeting was on the implementation of motorway construction projects in Montenegro and the Republic of North Macedonia, but it also discussed the air traffic and North Macedonia's experience with regard to national airports and models of investing and managing these important resources.

Furthermore, the two ministers discussed the state of the rail system, both at national and regional level, as well as the varying degree of railroad rehabilitation in the countries in the region, concluding that there is room for a stronger approach to the international community when it comes to funding projects for the modernization of railway infrastructure. The EU and its institutions support the development of this type of transport, primarily in the context of the so-called "green transport", which affects the quality of the environment to a lesser extent, and is cheaper and more secure than other types of transport.

26 May 2019, 00:34 AM

25 May 2019 - An increasingly popular local event P(i)jat od žućenice (English: Dandelion Dish), which is the most popular program organized within Žućenica Fest (English: The Dandelion Fest) will be held on June 1, 2019, at the Pine Promenade in Tivat. The number of exhibitors who participate in the event is increasing each year, so there are usually over 250 dandelion dishes presented during this traditional manifestation!

The head organizer of the Žućenica fest is the Women's Organization of Tivat while the technical and financial support is provided by the Tourist Organization of Tivat, Radio Tivat and the Municipality of Tivat, which is the sponsor of the Festival.

City orchestra of Tivat will open this year’s festival with a mini-concert that will start at 7 pm, and the musical segment of the program will continue with the performance of the regional star Ana Kokić, who will step on stage at 8:30 pm.

Gastronomy Festival Dandelion Fest in Tivat on June 1 1

This year’s P(i)jat od žućenice will gather 19 cooking teams with more than 150 chefs ready to showcase their cooking skills and to prepare various types of dishes with the common garden plants dandelions. The dishes will include pies, rolls, salads, various types of meat and vegetables prepared with dandelions and greens.

With colorful and delicious dishes made from dandelion, this festival easily grabs the attention of locals and tourists, and the mastery is probably best described by the fact that all of the specialties get eaten very soon after they’re exhibited.

The list of the Festival’s exhibitors will include NGO Kolo srpskih sestara from Tivat, Women's Organization of Risan, NGO Harlekin from Donja Lastva, Women's Organization of Budva, Secondary and High Trading School Sergije Stanić from Podgorica, NGO Fešta from Baošići, NGO Ruke from Herceg Novi, NGO Bokobran, Women's Democratic Party Forum from Tivat, Kavačka alla maka, Bokeški Forum, Secondary School Mladost Tivat, Elementary School Drago Milović from Tivat, Vodena kočija, Association of Tivat Caterers, Bokeški izrazi Kotor and Gourmet Shop Batričević Njeguši. In addition to local exhibitors, the Festival will also host a team of chefs from the Polish town of Skočová, led by the famous chef Wiecho Wroblewski.

The Tourist Organization of Tivat has posted an official invitation to all interested parties to come and enjoy the outstanding traditional delicacies and musical part of the program.

25 May 2019, 21:38 PM

May 25, 2019 - Under the motto "Blaze the Trail," the seventh, one of the largest marketing conferences in Southeast Europe, began today at the Porto Montenegro Auditorium in Tivat. The organizer of is the company doMEn, the registration agency of the Montenegrin national internet, and the general sponsor is the company M-tel.

The Conference is being organized since 2013, providing participation of prominent world experts in one of the most critical industries of today. Peter Shankman opened the seventh gathering, and his inspirational stories from life and business had proper lessons and intrigued the auditorium, raising numerous questions.
The theme of his presentation was "Customer Economy" - which he said was incredibly simple. What is most famous for service providers is to listen to customers, and the first rule is transparency. "To have the audience is a privilege, not a right," said Shankman, which should especially be taken into account by media outlets. Demonstrating that his preoccupation is profoundly universal, encouraged by the fact that two friends committed suicide in the past year, he ended his exposure by turning his attention to the fact that we all need to keep mental health and that we need someone to listen to us. He offered his help - "contact someone, if you do not know who, contact me."
Shankman is a professor at the University of New York, the author of five business bestsellers, an expert in customer experience, and a serial entrepreneur. "The New York Times" described him as a "rock star who knows absolutely everything about social media." Shankman is also the single father of a six-year-old girl.
Jason Miller, Director of Brand Marketing for the EMEA region at Microsoft, a rocker photographer, and professor of digital marketing at Berkeley gave a lecture on creativity and artificial intelligence (AI). In addition to developing the company's brand, Miller develops programs based on the latest technological advances, such as artificial intelligence.
The conference allows participants to learn about current trends in the field of marketing, technology, and business from world-famous experts, and to get in touch with over 580 conference participants from 28 countries in the world.
Followed the exposure of Cate Murden, founder of the PUSH consulting firm, basing his practice on human behavior research, and the lecture by Julius Dein, one of the most famous magicians of the world, who managed to build an online audience of over 20 million followers in just three years. Sam Conniff Allende, a multi-award-winning entrepreneur who founded ten successful companies on the principles of social entrepreneurship and the bestselling author, held the lecture titled "Professional Rule Breaking – The Next Essential 21st Century Skill." Followed the presentation of Anab Jain -TED speakers, designer, film producer, and co-founder Superflux, a world-renowned company that innovates in the field of design and technology trying to bring us closer to the world of the future.
On the second day of the Conference, participants will meet Brooke Saward, founder, and editor of one of the world's most popular blogs about travel in the world - the World of Wanderlust, with the help of which she built an online audience with over 1.2 million members. 
Jeremiah Owyang is the co-founder of Kaleido Insights, and worldwide authority to develop programs that boost innovation by corporations. One of the tomorrow lecturers will also be Tom Goodwin, vice president and director of innovation at Zenith Media, one of the world's largest advertising agencies. Brian Fanzo, founder of iSocialFanz, working to develop and implement innovative digital strategies for companies such as Dell, EMC, Adobe, IBM, UFC, Applebees and SAP, will expose his experience within the lecture "Think Like a Fan." 
One of the guests of the seventh conference is Lars Silberbauer, Vice President Viacom Digital Studios, Viacom Department responsible for creating and distributing the digital content of some of the world's leading entertainment industry leaders, such as MTV, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central., the largest conference event so far held in the Porto Montenegro Auditorium and the first conference edition in Tivat, is finishing tomorrow, including the announcement of the most successful projects within Startup Competition, the regular segment of the conference program. The closing keynote, named "How to Fix the future" will give Andrew Keen, author of the bestseller "Amateur Cult - How the Internet Kills Culture" and one of the most famous and most controversial commentators of the digital revolution in the world.
Source: Radio Tivat,

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