
02 Jun 2019, 16:56 PM
June 2, 2019 - At the Rhythm of Europe, the children's music festival held last night in Tivat, between teams from 12 cities, the winner was named the children of Podgorica with the song "The Fire in Your Eyes," which represented Israel at the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest.
The top performances, excellent participants, charming hosts - Igor Karadarević, director of this project, Maja Kovačević from TVCG and special music guest, Goca Tržan, with the elegant ambiance of the Adriatic Marinas administrative building and the heart of the audience made the Rhythm of Europe one of the best-seen events of this kind in Tivat. Each municipality performed with song and play, representing one of the countries of Europe and singing in the country's language. The public and the jury decided the best were the children of Podgorica. In addition to Israel, The Rhythm of Europe project, which has been extended from Serbia to the region and other European countries, is supported by Australia, whose ambassador to Serbia and Montenegro, Ruth Stewart, attended last night's competition.
rhythm of europe 1
Montenegro in the Rhythm of Europe, 1 June 2019, Tivat, Photo by Sonja Štilet, Radio Tivat
Welcoming Ambassador Stewart, as well as Ambassador of Belgium, Adam Koenraad, President of the Municipality of Tivat Siniša Kusovac, addressed the children in a welcome speech:
"Although we still do not know the winner of this competition, I will say that you, children, are always winners for us, because your smile of gold is worth it."
"Although I was somewhat skeptical of this project, I can now say that I am incredibly pleased, and congratulate the organization of Montenegro in the Rhythm of Europe, which did this in a very professional, dignified and sincere way, and made this event remembered as the only of such kind in Tivat," Kusovac said.
Besides the winning team from Podgorica, the competition included the children of Berane, Danilovgrad, Bijelo Polje, Plav, Pljevlja, Petnjica, Mojkovac, Kotor, Nikšić, Herceg Novi and the host city, thee winner of the previous edition of the festival Montenegro in the Rhythm of Europe. 
rhythm of europe 6Montenegro in the Rhythm of Europe, 1 June 2019, Photo by Sonja Štilet, Radio Tivat
Montenegro is just one of the countries where the event, a franchise set by Igor Karadarević and David Maković from neighboring Serbia is organized. During the program, members of the project from Cyprus, Sweden, and Serbia were directly involved, giving support to participants in Tivat.
Ambassadors of Australia and Belgium agree that this is a project with great potential.
"It was fantastic! It is beautiful to see children from all over Montenegro who enjoy life by understanding the importance of participating in such events where they learn about other countries. That's fantastic, and we are grateful for the opportunity to support it," said Ambassador of Australia, Ruth Stewart. 
Emphasizing that he comes from Belgium, the capital of Europe, Ambassador Adam Koenraad highlighted the potential of the project The Rhythm of Europe in promoting the idea of European communion among children and youth in the countries in which it is organized.
"I enjoyed this enthusiasm of young people, which brought together the idea of Europe, a European culture through music and dance, through joy. It is an essential thing - children enjoy and give us a chance to experience their happiness. So we are all winners. It was a wonderful evening."
The concept of the event The Rhythm of Europe is an exciting way of reformulating the idea of Eurovision content, initiated in 1956.
"Of course I like the Rhythm of Europe concept. Finally, Belgium is one of the seven countries that designed it, but not for children. Therefore, we should thank Igor Karadarevic and his team on this project and congratulate them on the launch of a children's music festival, which relies on the concept of Eurovision but is held within a country by gathering representatives of its cities. This is something that has emerged in the Balkans but has spread further, and we hope that other countries in Europe will recognize it," said Ambassador of Belgium, the country that first recognized the potential of the project, providing support and assistance to the organizers since the first edition of the festival in Serbia.
rhythm of europeThe Rhythm of Europe is Children's Music Festival Held in Several Countries
The biggest children's music competition in Serbia, The Rhythm of Europe, with a broadcast on national television, has ten years of tradition and is supported by the Ambassadors of Countries in Europe, Israel, and Australia.
It is a competition that gathers children of primary and secondary school age who, besides their city or municipality, present and sing in the language of one of the countries of Europe, Israel, and Australia. The total number of towns of representatives - competitors, is 20 in one country. The process of preparing children for live television broadcasts lasts six months during which children are trained with television teams to present in the live TV broadcast of the country of Europe, Israel, and Australia.
The winner of the competition is determined by adding the SMS votes and votes of the jury of participating cities. The winning city, as a prize, receives television broadcast for the next year on national television from that city, and the children of the winning city get a trip to the country that they have represented in a live television program.
Apart from Serbia and Montenegro, the project "In the Rhythm of Europe" has been implemented for the time being in Cyprus, Moldova, Sweden, Serbia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bulgaria.
02 Jun 2019, 00:48 AM

01 June 2019 - Starting this summer, Montenegrin beaches will receive a guide in the form of an offline android application. The Enjoy Montenegro Coast: Offline Guide is intended primarily for tourists and visitors of the Montenegrin coast, to make it easier to choose the desired beach, but also to locals who want to get to know the Montenegrin coast as reported by the Public Enterprise for the Coastal Zone of Montenegro.

"The application contains a user-friendly offline map with information about the selected beach, marina or protected area on the coast," said representatives of the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone of Montenegro

When choosing a beach, the application will calculate precise mileage from the current location of the user, and then draw the shortest route to the destination.

In the drop-down menu, the user can single out the beaches or marinas with prestigious ecological recognition of the Blue Flag, and there are 30 of those in Montenegro. At all times, the user can check the quality of seawater at around 100 different bathing places along the Montenegrin Coast.

The application was created by the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone of Montenegro, which manages Montenegrin beaches and coastal infrastructure (marinas, ports, pier, berths).

Enjoy Montenegro Coast: Offline Guide android application can be downloaded for free on Google Play Store. Once downloaded, the application functions in the offline mode, that is, no internet connection is required for its use, as explained by the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone of Montenegro.

01 Jun 2019, 23:36 PM

01 June 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, who is visiting Montenegro on the occasion of the 17th Games of Small States of Europe.

President Đukanović thanked Thomas Bach for the support that the International Olympic Committee provided for the organization of the Games of Small States of Europe and his contribution and the presence at the closing ceremony of this event. He emphasized that the organization of this sport event is an opportunity for Montenegro to be further affirmed, bearing in mind that we reestablished our independence 13 years ago, even though we have nurtured our statehood for almost a millennium.

The president assessed that sport is the best opportunity to bring the quality of a country and its people to the international community and its partners much faster than any other field.

He informed the interlocutor that Montenegro, after the restoration of independence, became a member of NATO and that it had made the most progress in the negotiations with the EU. In all this, he emphasized, it is a special honor for us to see that, immediately after the restoration of independence, Montenegro became a part of the family of the International Olympic Committee.

"In all our aspirations, for economic progress, strengthening the quality of life of citizens, building infrastructure and integration processes, we did not forget the need for constant investment in sports," said the President of Montenegro.

In this context, he pointed out the Strategy for the Development of Montenegro's Sports, which contains clear goals and guidelines for further improvement, as well as the fact that we are ahead of investments in sports infrastructure, given the number of inhabitants and athletes.

The President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, thanked the President for his reception, as well as the long-standing contribution to the development of sport in Montenegro. He emphasized that he always enjoys special satisfaction when the state leads the leader, who has affinities towards sports, which is a symbol of commitment to discipline and self-sacrifice. He also praised the achievements Montenegro achieved in fulfilling its foreign policy priorities and especially highlighted sports results as the most representative affirmation of our country in the world.

He pointed to the quality organization of the Olympic Games of the Small States of Europe, which has proven that Montenegro is capable of handling the organization of the largest and most demanding international competitions. He praised the quality coordination and proactive action of the Montenegrin Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sports.

On this occasion, the President of the International Olympic Committee gave special recognition to President Đukanović, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the founding of the International Olympic Committee, which is given to the heads of state who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of sports.

The meeting was also attended by the President of the Montenegrin Olympic Committee, Dusko Simonovic, and Minister of Sports Nikola Janovic.

01 Jun 2019, 23:26 PM

01 June 2019 - At its 6th session, the Competitiveness Council discussed and endorsed the Draft Law on fiscalisation in the sale of goods and services.

The law regulates the procedure of fiscalisation of cash and non-cash payments in the sale of goods and services, the content of the fiscal account, determine fiscalisation bonds and other issues of importance for fiscalisation that should come into force on 1 January 2020. The electronic fiscalisation system, which should replace the existing obsolete fiscal cash system, enables the interaction of tax authorities, taxpayers and citizens through the transmission and monitoring of data in real time, or through efficient transaction control. 

The discussion pointed out that similar systems are already used by many countries in the region and beyond, and that in each state after modernisation significant effects have been achieved in terms of increased and timely tax revenues, reduction of informal economy and increased transparency, and reduction of tax administration in the medium term.

President of the Competitiveness Council, Prime Minister Duško Marković, said that this is a transformation project that, in addition to direct influence on tax discipline, contributes to changing the awareness and standards and improving business ethics, as one of the fundamental values ​​of the society of democracy and economic freedom.

The Competitiveness Council considered the Document by Foreign Investors Council of Montenegro on challenges in business in the field of the rule of law, with the pronouncement of the line institutions related to the following companies: Jugopetrol (problems related to tax procedures), Karanović / Partners (general remarks), NLB Bank (general remarks ), Terna Montenegro (general remarks), Addiko Bank (inspection procedure), Porto Montenegro (ending court dispute over the sale of real estate), Port of Adria (infringement of the exclusive right of transshipment of containers), Montenegrin Telecom (regulation of roaming prices), Telenor (tax process of value added tax on the sale of telephones below the market price or at a preferential price), Delta City (request for exemption from the Draft Labour Law, which provides for a non-working Sunday) and Ocean Montenegro (preservation of legal predictability and protection of the public interest in case of proposal for adoption of the concession act of providing port services at the Port of Bar). In all cases, the recommendations of the line ministries were adopted. 

The Council adopted the Pronouncement of the line institutions on the recommendations from the 2018 White Paper, which was presented at the Council's session. Within the White Paper, 41 recommendations were intended for the state institutions, and the Council accepted 17 recommendations. 

The Council adopted the Report on the involvement of the private sector in the law drafting process for the period January - May 2019, which represents the information of the line ministries on public debates and other forms of involving private sector representatives in the process of passing regulations, at an early stage. The Council recommended to the line ministries to consult with the economy promptly and without exception when drafting laws that have an impact on the business environment.

01 Jun 2019, 23:16 PM

01 June 2019 - Although the significance that NATO and the EU have to the Western Balkans does not need to be explained in more detail, it is important to emphasise the significance of their shared commitment to this region that is still in discrepancy between the past and the present, Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the opening of the 9th To Be Secure (2BS ) Forum in Budva.

It is important, he stressed, to support the democratic forces, especially considering that integration processes are the core and the main driver of democratic and reform processes.

"It is important to send a clear message from all addresses that there are no alternatives and that NATO and the EU stand together with the states of the Western Balkans on this path. Every absence of clearly demonstrated commitment leaves room for third countries that show interest in this region to use the vulnerabilities of states and the system and endanger their integration path," the Prime Minister said at the Forum.

In the year when NATO marks 70 years of existence, and the 12 member states mark the membership anniversary, the Alliance has a full agenda of facing new and old challenges, with a changed geopolitical situation. The Prime Minister pointed out that special attention, which is very important to us, has been dedicated to the Western Balkans region in the past period.

The Prime Minister also referred to the countries of the region and expressed the belief that North Macedonia will soon become the 30th member of NATO. It is very important, PM Marković added, that Bosnia and Herzegovina was invited to deliver its first Annual National Programme to NATO.

"As the youngest member of the Alliance, Montenegro actively advocates and promotes open door policy. We do this through bilateral support, to Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, as well as within regional initiatives and cooperation mechanisms, such as the US-Adriatic Charter and Adriatic Trilateral. We are ready to continue to help all the neighbours and aspirants with whom we want to share experience and lessons learned from the accession process," PM Marković noted.

Furthermore, he spoke about Montenegro's accession to the EU and said that, aware of the size and the length of the process, Montenegro maintains motivation and commitment to this goal.

"The Government is focused on the reform agenda and the development agenda on a daily basis, not as it is sometimes thought of simply because of membership in the EU, but because of the value of the democratic and free society that we need to ensure progress and prosperity for the state and citizens," the Prime Minister highlighted.

He assessed that the European Commission Report on Montenegro had realistically examined the state of progress and the need for further results. We are happy to note the overall work, in particular of the Government and its authorities, the robust growth of the economy and the results achieved in the fight against organized crime and corruption.

"Recognising the importance of individual progress of each candidate on the basis of our own merits, we advocate for the greatest progress of all countries in the region. We hope that the forthcoming Council will adopt a date for opening accession negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania. Likewise, we hope to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, whose positive outcome will open their way towards the European and Euro-Atlantic family of the developed countries," the Prime Minister of Montenegro pointed out.

Although there is always speculation or analysis of how strong the EU's presence in the region is or its commitment to enlargement policies, we appreciate the many ways in which the Union is present – through investments, donations or support in negotiating, PM Marković noted.

"However, it is important to bear in mind the wider picture and context of the unification of Europe and its permanent stabilization by integrating this part where there is still "unfinished business", and that's why we are convinced that in addition to all the serious issues that the Union is dealing with daily, it will not falter in the most successful EU policy – enlargement policy," Prime Minister Marković said at the 2BS Forum.

The 9th To Be Secure Forum is held under the auspices of the Government of Montenegro and the participants will discuss issues of vital importance for the security of the Euro-Atlantic community, including the Western Balkans, the unity of the Alliance, the influence of third countries, as well as new security challenges.

01 Jun 2019, 00:39 AM

June 1, 2019 - Within the first quarter of the year, the hotel Regent Porto Montenegro realized 10% growth, indicating a positive upward trend already for 2019. Within the core tourist season, the number of the reservations is still on the same level as last year, said Regent’s Sales and Marketing Manager, Ivan Rudolf Gajić.

The leisure segment has been a significant focus for the hotel’s Sales and Marketing team, with the aim to support the 2019 Spring and Summer seasons. Regent’s representatives held over 300 meetings with sales calls hosted in Europe, Middle East, Russia, and the UK.

Regent Porto Montenegro’s presence in the European luxury travel market has been highlighted further with the attendance at ITB Berlin, IHG Expo in London and Traveller Made - Essence of Luxury Travel in Marbella. The sales team initiated and completed sales calls internationally to Istanbul, GCC road show with Claviger agency as well as in Dubai, Moscow, St Petersburg in Russia and London and Chester in the UK.

“Amour Europe Vienna and Annual DWP Congress Dubai were both attended with the aim to promote Regent and Montenegro as the ideal wedding destination. With 64 meetings completed in total, the outcomes of these two visits have already seen a larger volume of interest and a higher number of confirmed weddings in 2020,” said Ivan Rudolf Gajić, hosting yesterday the meeting with local journalists of Tivat.

“Throughout all these fairs it is fantastic to hear that Montenegro is already well known and respected as a destination delivering quality to visitors,” Gajic was happy to emphasize. 

The most important markets for Regent Porto Montenegro, according to the number of arrivals, remain Great Britain, USA, and Russia.

“Within the core tourist season, the number of reservations is on the same level as last year. Given that the weather forecast has not been as favorable so far this year; guests from our traditional markets have been enquiring but hesitating to make reservations, rather waiting to confirm concrete plans. This conveys the changing dynamic of holiday-makers in general, who now choose to delay their plans and make last minute reservations,” marks Ivan Rudolf Gajić, adding: “The last year was a record one and it is always a challenge to continue the growth in that manner however we plan to complete the business goals fully. Until the end of the year, we expect to achieve a rise of 10 % and conclude the business year."

Regent Porto Montenegro Management is also very satisfied with MICE segment growth, as well as incentive travel bookings, contributing the extraordinary results in the first and second quarter of the year.

In October this year, the hotel and the Porto Montenegro marina will host a Private Luxury Forum which gathers the most eminent agencies that are in charge of sales and promotion of the luxury travels. Porto Montenegro will welcome the top influencers, innovators, and visionaries of the luxury industry.

“We will host 85 agents who will list Montenegro, a hugely positive sales promotion for Montenegro as a destination. Additionally, around 100 representatives of the luxury brands will attend the Forum. Attendees will enjoy a tailored program of activities to show off the destination, which will include sailing through the Boka Bay with Jadran school ship, visit of the national parks and other activities that encompass outdoors and active tourism. We believe that this is a great opportunity and a worthwhile investment in the process of the positioning of Montenegro as the luxury tourism destination with the ultimate aim of achieving the desired positive business results in the years to come,” Ivan Rudolf Gajić explained.

Regent Porto Montenegro continues investing in emerging markets of GCC countries and Israel in order to position Montenegro as an attractive choice as a leisure destination, with a particular focus on Saudi Arabia and UAE.

“We have a specific representative who actively contributes toward the promotion of Montenegro and Regent Hotel. During our participation at the ATM in Dubai in April this year as part of the IHG stand, we learnt that the main challenge is the lack of direct flights. Thankfully, the cities of the neighboring countries such as Sarajevo, do have direct flights to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, making travel at least possible for this market. Saudi Arabia is our best market within GCC and we hope that the future negotiations of the government and airports of Montenegro will be successful so that will be directly linked with this market in the near future,” says Gajić.

Israel is also an important market for Regent. “Given the direct flights from Tel Aviv to Tivat, we believe this market will see good growth and that there is strong potential for the positioning of Montenegro as a key luxury destination for tourists from the region, whilst the offer of hotel Regent can be extremely attractive to the HNW guests specifically,” concluded Gajić.

01 Jun 2019, 00:28 AM

31 May 2019 - The International Mountain Car Race Kotor (IMCR Kotor 2019 - "Tripo Bukilica Memorial") organized by the Auto Moto Sports Club (AMSK) Kotor, will be held on June 1 and 2.

The points in this race are earned for the championships of the Central European Zone (CEZ), Croatia, the Auto Moto Sports Clubs of Montenegro, as well as the Kotor CUP.

Over 100 drivers from Montenegro and the region have been registered for this year's competition, among which is Laslo Saš, who achieved the best result at last year's Kotor-Trojica race.

Technical receipt and verification of vehicles were scheduled for May 31st from 2 PM to 7 PM, while additional technical inspection will be held on June 1st, from 8 AM to 8.30 AM. The first training race will be held on Saturday at 12.00 PM, and the second is scheduled 30 minutes after the end of the first one. On Sunday, after the opening ceremony, the first race will be held at 11 AM and the other one 30 minutes after the end of the first one.

Regular traffic on the Kotor-Trojica section will be disabled on Saturday and Sunday, from 8 AM to the end of the car race.

IMCR Kotor 2019 s supported the Ministry of Sports and Youth, as well as numerous sponsors and friends of the automotive world.

The director of this year's international race is Nenad Bukilica, and the deputies are Mato Sebalj and Dubravko Ćikor from Croatia.

So far, organizer of the race, AMSK Kotor, won the first place in the general placement at the first annual high-mountain race of this year at Podi.

After the race in Kotor, the next races to come are scheduled for "Glava Zete" on 22-23 June, "Lovćen" 5-6 July, Pljevlja 24-25 August and Dubrovnik 5-6 October.

Source: Radio Jadran

01 Jun 2019, 00:17 AM

31 May 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković said in Pristina after the meeting with Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj that relations between Montenegro and Kosovo are friendly, that the two countries remain consistent in achieving good-neighbourly, European and Euro-Atlantic goals, and when it comes to economic cooperation, they remain consistent especially in developing the infrastructure.

"It is always my pleasure to come to Pristina to meet with Prime Minister Haradinaj and to discuss all the issues concerning the bilateral relations of the two countries. Today, I was particularly pleased to attend the opening of the Development Centre of Montenegrins in Pristina. This is proof that the two countries have a lasting and essential friendship, that they are committed to the basic values that our countries cherish and the values of the European Union, that multiculturalism and multiethnic harmony, respect for the values of our communities are the greatest support to the sustainability of our countries and our lasting friendship," Prime Minister Duško Marković stressed.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro thanked the Government of Kosovo and its Prime Minister for engaging in the recognition and visibility of the Montenegrin community in Kosovo. "Prime Minister Haradinaj convinced me at this meeting that the Montenegrin community will be institutionally recognisable in the future," PM Marković said.

The meeting discussed bilateral relations, economic cooperation and infrastructure projects.

Montenegro and Kosovo Economic Cooperation and Infrastructure Development1

"Infrastructure development is a key assumption and basis for our accelerated development. I congratulate the Prime Minister and his Government on the results they have achieved in developing the road infrastructure. Montenegro is doing it also and I believe that in the years to come, we will reach your result and your efforts, and this is the best contribution to the connectivity agenda we committed to in Trieste when we signed the Action Plan," Prime Minister Duško Marković noted.

The prime ministers of Montenegro and Kosovo agreed that the opening of the motorway from Pristina to the border of Kosovo and Macedonia is not valuable for these two countries only, but for the entire region.

"This will speed up and connect Macedonia and Kosovo with Montenegro, it will strengthen and improve the movement of citizens and tourists, and at the same time give a new opportunity for our companies and our economy," PM Marković emphasised.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro said that the meeting also discussed the improvement of infrastructure in the border area, on the routes of Peć - Rožaje and Plav - Dečane, adding that the population from both sides of the border demanded it.

"Kosovo and Montenegro are very dynamically developing their relations and their partnership. We are very well aware of the achievement of the key goals of the two countries, and they are European and Euro-Atlantic. Montenegro is at the disposal of our friends from Kosovo to share all the experiences and support we had in the Euro-Atlantic process regarding NATO membership and, of course, our experience in negotiating process with the European Union," Prime Minister Duško Marković said.

Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj repeated the words of Prime Minister Marković, saying that Montenegro and Kosovo remain friends, consistent in achieving their strategic interests, which are not only good-neighbourly, but European and Euro-Atlantic.

31 May 2019, 21:43 PM

31 May 2019 - “We invite all citizens and tourists to honour us with their presence at the city port Škver, so that we can jointly salute the participants of the first Herceg Novi regatta – Herceg Novi Sailing Tour with a feast full of delicious fish and wine!“, says the official invitation of Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi for the regatta which starts on June 1.

As TMN previously reported, the first Herceg Novi regatta named Herceg Novi Sailing Tour is being organized by the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi in ​​cooperation with the Sailing Club Jugola Grakalić, the Municipality of Herceg Novi and the Hotel Lazure.

The event, which will take place on June 1, includes an umpires and skippers boat race. The regatta will be held in the waters of the Bay of Kotor within the territory that belongs to the Herceg Novi Municipality.

The sailing tour, which will mark the official beginning of the 2019 summer sailing season, starts in front of Marina Lazure in Meljine and runs around the island of Mamula. Then the ships sail towards their goal - the city port of Herceg Novi.

Fifteen teams are expected to compete, and the Montenegrin sailor that competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the Men's Laser class, Milivoj Dukić will also take part in the sailing tour. The list of the participants in the regatta will include musician and sailor from Herceg Novi, Rambo Amadeus.

The sailors will meet for the race on June 1 at 9:30 am, and the official start of the regatta will be at 11 am. The finishing point of the sailing tour is the city port Škver, and sailing enthusiasts can await the boats at this point at 1 pm.

The Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi and the Sailing Club Jugola Grakalić have prepared a traditional fish and wine celebration accompanied by local entertainment and music from 1 pm to 5 pm. The award ceremony will be held also on June 1, at 9 pm.

The representatives of the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi are inviting all sailing enthusiasts to experience the unique regatta moment when the first boat within the regatta officially starts the race for the first time on June 1. All visitors will be able to enjoy an exciting and competitive racing and the onshore camaraderie!

31 May 2019, 21:29 PM

31 May 2019 - The swimming season in the outdoor swimming pool within the Sports Centre Morača in Podgorica will begin on June 1, 2019. The swimming pool will be open every day from 07:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 02:00 pm to 07:00 pm.

When the sun comes out, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as diving into a pool to cool down. Luckily, the Capital City of Montenegro, Podgorica is opening its open-air swimming pool on June 1, so the new venue will be ideal for the sunny days that will greet the citizens and visitors of the Capital during the summer.

The entrance is free for children under the age of five, accompanied by their parents. The ticket price for adults is 2.5 EUR from 07:00 am to 12:00 pm and 3 EUR from 02:00 pm to 07:00 pm. The whole day ticket from 08:00 am to 07:00 pm costs 5 EUR. A monthly package for 30 entries from 07:00 am to 12:00 pm costs 50 EUR, and monthly entrance from 02:00 pm to 07:00 pm costs 60 EUR. The use of sun loungers and parasols is free.

All-day swimming for one month is 70 EUR, with the possibility of two entries per day. The monthly package of 30 entries which covers one hour of swimming for people with disabilities costs 15 EUR. The luxury package with 30 entries which covers one hour of pool use in both morning and evening shift costs 70 EUR.

Last year, over 20.000 visitors used the Open Olympic Pool! With improved conditions, the representatives of Sports Centre Morača hope that the number of visitors will increase in 2019.

For all those interested in tickets for children, the representatives of Sports Centre Morača have organized a sports swimming school, which can be attended by children who have mastered at least one swimming technique. Swimming teachers are professors of physical education and Professor Drago Milošević coordinates the work of the school.

31 May 2019, 12:54 PM

The 20th Lim regatta, starting from Plav to Andrijevica, Berane and Bijelo Polje to Prijepolje, will be held until June 2nd. The organizers of this sport-recreational and cultural-entertainment event are the local tourist organizations of the cities in which the regatta is taking place as well as the rafting clubs.

The director of the Tourism Organization Berane, Ivan Radevic, explained that the regatta, as every year, runs in three stages.

"The first stage is from Plav to Berane, the other from Berane to Bijelo Polje, and the third from Bijelo Polje to Prijepolje, where the regatta finishes. The Lim regatta attracts all lovers of water sports. It is popular not only here but also in the region, so we expect a great number of rafting enthusiasts," Radevic said.


He emphasized that for the flow of Lim is extremely interesting for the racers, as it leads from Plav to Berane. "All participants are to expect a beautiful adventure especially in the part of Lim at the village of Novsice, where there are beautiful beech trees. Also, I would point out that the stages are demanding, especially in the territory of the municipality Berane, in the canyon of Tifran, which is extreme and requires great attention and caution of all racers," added the director of TO Berane. The Lim regatta has a cross-border character as it passes through Montenegro and Serbia and represents an adventure of 134 kilometers.

Text by Tufik Softic, on May 30th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

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