
03 Jul 2019, 00:28 AM

02 July 2019 - The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro has nominated Ulcinj Salina as a Ramsar Site, and after the recognition, the Salina will become the third site designated as a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) in Montenegro.

This decision came after Ulcinj Salina was declared a protected area - Nature Park, at the session of the Municipal Assembly of Ulcinj, held on June 24, 2019, on behalf of the Government of Montenegro.

According to the results of the Protection Study, which was made during the proclamation process for the Nature Park, Ulcinj Salina fulfils 6 of the 9 criteria for listing under the Convention on the Wetlands of International Importance, reports Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.

The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism has filled out the Ramsar Information Sheet for the candidacy of Ulcinj Salina for the Ramsar Site in order to submit it to the Ramsar Convention Secretariat.

The Ramsar Convention Secretariat will consider the information provided on the Information Sheet, after which it will publicly announce the proclamation of the Ulcinj Salina as Ramsar Site and include Ulcinj Salina on the list of wetlands of international importance.

The Convention on Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention, is the intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

The Convention was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in 1975. Since then, almost 90% of UN member states, from all the world’s geographic regions, have acceded to become “Contracting Parties”. The Convention’s mission is “the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local and national actions and international cooperation, as a contribution towards achieving sustainable development throughout the world”.

Under the “three pillars” of the Convention, the Contracting Parties commit to working towards the wise use of all their wetlands, designating suitable wetlands for the list of Wetlands of International Importance (the “Ramsar List”) and ensuring their effective management and cooperate internationally on transboundary wetlands, shared wetland systems and shared species.

The convention came into force in Montenegro on 3 June 2006. Montenegro currently has 2 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), with a surface area of 20,150 hectares: National Park Skadar Lake, which was enlisted in Ramsar list in 1995 and Tivat “Solila” registered in 2013.

03 Jul 2019, 00:20 AM

01 July 2019 - Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković hosted an inaugural visit by Ambassador of Finland to Montenegro Kimmo Lähdevirta.

The Prime Minister welcomed Ambassador Lähdevirta and wished him success in his work. He thanked Finland for its support for Montenegro's EU bid, stressing the country's commitment to pursuing reforms in order to achieve European standards. In that regard, the Prime Minister said he is hopeful that during the Finnish presidency, which started yesterday, Montenegro will open the only remaining negotiating chapter and bring to an end the work on reports that will determine the internal willingness to close certain negotiating chapters.

According to the Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro report, Ambassador Lähdevirta informed the Prime Minister about the priorities of the Finnish presidency of the Council of the EU, noting that his country will promote the enlargement policy and that all the Western Balkan countries must have a European perspective. Finland, the Ambassador said, advocates for the regatta principle, that is, the individual assessment of the success of each candidate country.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro and the Ambassador of Finland agreed that the two countries have developed high-quality bilateral relations and expressed satisfaction with the fact that economic cooperation has been intensified as well, in particular referring to the cooperation between the Electric Power Industry of Montenegro and the Finnish Fortum on the project of one of the largest solar power plants in Europe . It was concluded that this project could set an example to more Finnish investors in Montenegro.

This meeting also initiated the visit by the Grand Committee of Finland's Parliament to Montenegro.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

03 Jul 2019, 00:10 AM

01 July 2019 - Director of the Airports of Montenegro, Danilo Orlandić said in an interview for CdM that they are happy to announce that Montenegro already welcomed over 1 million passengers in international traffic.

According to him, the number of passengers exceeded the figures of 2018 by 10%, which in the end justified the optimistic estimations from the beginning of the year.

“Already now we can say that 2019 will be more successful than 2018, a record-breaking year, and based on the announcements, we expect the airports in Podgorica and Tivat to welcome around 2.600.000 passengers. We are happy to hear about this data but it also creates an obligation for us to boost our capacities and provide better service to the passengers,” Orlandić noted.

Commenting on the flock of crowds through Tivat Airport, he noted that crowds at the airports are nothing unusual, as they happen in much larger airports, especially in the peak season.

“I do not see why this should be perceived as bad news. Of course, it is nothing new that we lack space and that is why we constructed departure Terminal 2 in Tivat Airport with the support of the Government of Montenegro,” concluded Orlandić.

Director of the Airports of Montenegro also claims that currently there are around 25% of departing tourists using this facility, and their number is to be even higher in the next few days. In addition, the Airports of Montenegro has the plan to improve conditions for tourists coming to the country by upgrading the existing terminal.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

02 Jul 2019, 22:04 PM

July 2, 2019 - Regent Porto Montenegro has prepared a vibrant July calendar event that focuses on the well-known fusion of gastronomy and elegant entertainment.

"The calendar reflects the way of living in Tivat and Boka Kotorska - a town and region of unique energy that inhabits people from all over the world who call it home. It is our honour to present events that conjure up the cosmopolitan spirit of this climate, and our calendar of the symphony is created from gala dinners and less formal events that reflect both national and foreign cuisine," Željko Knezović, the Food and Beverage Manager at Hotel Regent, said.

Candlelit dinner will be held on July 27th and is an exceptional opportunity for those who want something different during their summer vacation. Nevena Filipović performing Fado's music will complement the extraordinary atmosphere.

Lovers of "lust and wait music" will be able to enjoy the performance of Neven in the 20-hour Library Bar.

Al Fresco dinners will be held every Thursday in the Gourmet Corner restaurant where live on the terrace they'll be making different kinds of pasta and rice - an ideal option for a light dinner after the beach and before going out. The gastro series this month is led by Sanja Golubović, editor of Caffe Montenegro Magazine, who will be in the hotel's Regent's kitchen on the 4th of July to prepare his favourite pastries.

Asia BBQ will be held on July 5 and 19, during which guests will enjoy Asian grill specialities.

Gin Bar is available every day from 18:00 at the Library Bar.

An innovative selection of cocktails this year is led by the cocktail "Sunray" for which the inspiration was the sunrise in Boka Kotorska.

"We are honoured to welcome our guests and visitors to summer days in Tivat through thematic events and surprise them with the elegant form of our dishes. Glamorous themed evenings or relaxing parties offer exceptional entertainment and high-quality cuisine whereby the Regent hotel is known. It is our pleasure when guests praise a unique offer that is different from the rest of the Riviera, with the comment of affordable prices," concluded Željko Knezović, Food and Beverage Manager at Regent Hotel.

02 Jul 2019, 14:52 PM

The team "Ilic" from Bijela, a family team composed of three generations, united by the love for stone construction, took the first place at the 4th Montenegrin Championship in the construction of stone boundary walls (suvomedja).


The second was the mixed team “Second Chance” from Herceg Novi-Trebinje, while the third place belonged to another mixed, Podgorica-Herceg Novi team, known as "Podgorica at Sea”.


The championship was organized within the event "Our Karst", which was held last weekend at the Orjen mountain. 


By organizing the competition, we want to preserve and revive the ancient art of stone construction in the dry technique, without bonding material. The transfer of this skill from generation to generation is due to our adaptation to the karst life, that is, the adjustment of karst to our needs. What was once a necessity of survival today is a cultural value both in terms of non-material and in terms of material heritage. Also, the art of masonry and the cultural landscape as its product are all the more significant segments of the tourist offer which has long crossed the boundaries of the sun, the beach and the sea. It is important that year-to-year awareness among the local population of the importance of preserving this traditional skill is growing, among other things, through these cultural-sport-recreational competitions, said the organizers.


Orjen’s sedlo (1600 m) was the center of the two-day program dedicated to karst and the preservation of its tradition. The hikers from Herceg Novi and Podgorica ("Subra", "Gorica" ​​and individuals) are traveling through the central part of the massif, visiting its highest but craggiest spots, getting acquainted with the difficulties of crossing this kind of terrain and at the same time the hidden beauty of Orjen.


"Despite the significant range of inaccessibility, Vucji zub (1805 m) and Veliki kabao (1894 m) through the centuries have been significant military milestones, as well as the rebel’s refuges. “Mountain, pastoral, and even old-smuggling paths lead to them, the organizers said.

The organizers were PC "Subra" and the Agency for Development and Protection of Orjen. The event was organized by the Herceg Novi Tourist Organization, Ministry of Sport, Montenegro Mountain Association and Herceg Novi Municipality.

Text by Slavica Kosic, on July 1st 2019, read more at Vijesti

02 Jul 2019, 14:43 PM

The Police Administration (UP) and the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) fully support the work of the Trust Team which, as it is assessed, represents an important link between the LGBTI community and the police. The trust team of the LGBT community leaders and UP held their first meeting in the new convocation. 

"It was noted that non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection of LGBTI people's rights and the Police Administration are in continuous high-quality cooperation and that the team will endure improving cooperation," the statement said.

Team Trust members agreed that the previous Action Plan needs to be updated so that Team activities are to be more concrete.

"It will further contribute to the ongoing monitoring of LGBT security issues, strengthening confidence and resolving concrete cases of importance to the LGBTI community," the statement reads.

The team believes it is still necessary to carry out activities on the sensitization of police officers, especially those who in the nature of work come into contact with vulnerable groups, including LGBTI people.

"That is why training intended for police officers, initial and advanced, will continue, and it is in line with the training plan foreseen by the "Strategy for Improving the Quality of Life of LGBTI People for the Period 2019-2023" adopted by the Government," the statement said.

The Trust Team will, as agreed, further strengthen the network of LGBTI with contacting police officers in all security centers, which is important for a more effective LGBTI community and local level communication, contributing to further enhancing the rights of those persons.

The trust team, formed by the decision of the Minister of the Interior, consists of officers of the UP, the Ministry of Interior and representatives of non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection of LGBTI persons - LGBT Forum Progress, LGBTIQ Social Center, Juventas, Queer Montenegro and SPECTRA.

Text by MINA News, on July 1st 2019, read more at Vijesti

02 Jul 2019, 14:39 PM

The second festival of classical music "Mediterranean Notes" was completed on Saturday in Tivat. Over the past nine days, the audience was able to follow the performances of a series of virtuosi of the contemporary classical music at various stages, and it was finished with the concert last night of Roby Lakatos and the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra in Porto Montenegro.

This year's festival was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, Tivat Municipality, "Porto Montenegro" and "Lustica Bay". The entrance to all events was free, and during the closing ceremony, the Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanovic addressed the audience.


Roby Lakatos, Robert Lakatos and Nada Matosevic Oreskovic

The end of the festival enables us to see its broader, social significance, through the verification of the success of applying art music in an attractive tourist setting. Based on this, a better insight into the possibility of creating elite cultural tourism can be gained, with Tivat as an already known destination that strives towards it. The cooperation between the Cultural Center Tivat, Porto Montenegro and Lustica Bay complex is the desirable model which enables realization of one of the priorities of our long-term cultural strategy, which is a more concrete and intensive link between the tourist and cultural potential of Montenegro.

In this context, the festival “Mediterranean Notes” is a manifestation that, with its concept and high criteria in selecting participants, has proven it can be a cultural event whose effects will be felt both in the tourist offer of Tivta, but also in the international affirmation of Montenegro, said the Minister Bogdanovic.

The second "Mediterranean Notes" festival had exceptional visitors, and all segments went far beyond the first edition.

The festival was part of the campaign of the Ministry of Culture "Living the Culture".

Text by Boka News, on June 30th 2019, read more at Boka News

02 Jul 2019, 03:25 AM

01 July 2019 - The Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi is organizing a concert of the vocal and instrumental ensemble La rossa, which will take place on July 2, 2019, in front of the Hotel Delfin in Bijela.

The organizers invite all locals and tourists to spend a lovely evening with the charming sounds of the La rossa ensemble, whose members will start playing at 9:30 pm.

“We invite you to an exceptional vocal-instrumental music concert of the group La rossa that will take place in front of the Hotel Delfin in Bijela,” says the invitation by the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi.

In addition to vocal soloists, the program will include various instruments, such as piano, guitar, cello and classic accordion.

The entry to the concert is free.

The music program will vary in genres, so the ensemble members hope that all guests will enjoy the dynamic song list that will be presented at the concert.

“We invite you to our city to enjoy this musical treat," said the invitation by the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi.

Read more about events in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

02 Jul 2019, 02:46 AM

01 July 2019 - LLC Ski Resorts of Montenegro in cooperation with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro are organizing the " Promotion of the summer tourist season in the north " on July 6 at the Kolašin 1600 Ski Centre, reports the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi.

The organizers have prepared a rich entertainment program as well as two prize games. The first prize game is called "The search for gifts". Anyone who wants to participate in this prize game is a potential winner of prizes like backpacks, shirts, hats, glasses, planners and other promotional material. The second prize game prepared is "Best Photography from Summer opening", and there is also a special lottery in which visitors can win valuable gifts!

The organizers will provide free rides with a cable car, as well as promotional prices for food and drinks. The entire program will be complemented by the concert of the music star Hari Mata Hari.

Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi provided free bus service for all Herceg Novi-based individuals who are interested in visiting the "Promotion of the summer tourist season in the north". Applications for free transport are possible by calling the TO Herceg Novi telephone number on the number 0038231 350 820.

The program:

07: 00h - Departure by bus from Dubrava

10: 30h-12: 00h - registration of participants in the prize game - lottery (filling out the survey)

10: 00h - DJ plays music – cable car rides

11: 00h - 11: 05h - Flash mode dance

11: 05h - 11:30 – Official announcement

11: 00h -16: 30 Organized children's program: games without borders, scouting activities ...

12: 00h - 12: 05h -Flash mode dance

11: 00h - 13: 00h – Search for gifts

12:30 - 12:45 - Proclamation of winners of lottery prizes

12: 55h - 13: 00h Flash mode dance

13: 00h - 15: 30h - Hari Mata Hari Concert

15: 30h - 18: 00h - DJ Mr Jools

18: 00h - departure for Herceg Novi by bus

Read more about tourist season in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

02 Jul 2019, 02:16 AM

30 June 2019 - Prime ministers of Montenegro and Azerbaijan, Duško Marković and Novruz Mammadov, agreed during the official talks, which took place in Baku recently, that relations between the two countries are very good and friendly, characterised by intense political dialogue and a high level of understanding, with the continuous strengthening of economic cooperation, and that they see a common interest in further intensification of economic cooperation and mutual support at the international level.

"With its modest potential, Montenegro contributes to peace and stability, and supports the sovereignty and independence of its partner countries, including Azerbaijan," Prime Minister Duško Marković stressed.

Public Relations Service within the Government of Montenegro reported that the two prime ministers noted that both countries today enjoy the benefits of hard-won independence, that they are linked by the fact that these are small, multi-ethnic and multi-religious countries that, in their still insufficiently stable regions, significantly boost cooperation within Balkan and Central Asian regions and contributes to world peace by developing good neighbourly relations and showing determination to resolve disputes.

PM Marković expressed satisfaction with the fact that Azerbaijan, by investing hundreds of millions of euros in the Porto Novi tourist resort, has become one of the largest investors in Montenegro, and he invited his Azerbaijani counterpart to visit Montenegro next year to mark the opening of this tourist resort.

"Investments from Azerbaijan contribute to the reputation and perspective of our dynamic economy. I want successful cooperation to continue and expand. I am delighted that you accepted to visit Montenegro next year and see on the field how two friendly countries create new value for the benefit of citizens," Prime Minister Marković pointed out.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

02 Jul 2019, 01:58 AM

30 June 2019 - Low-cost airlines have undoubtedly boosted the Montenegrin tourist economy, made a positive impact on the extension of the season, revenues and employment, and provided marketing visibility of Montenegro, said the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

Nine low-cost air companies are currently operating flights from and to Montenegro. First flights were made six years ago.

“According to the official statistical data collected by the Statistical Office of Montenegro, introducing low-cost airlines resulted in an evident increase in the number of tourists, overnights and revenues generated on that basis,” said the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, as reported by CdM.

They said that connecting Montenegro with important emitting markets was one of the best possibilities for a stable rise in foreign guests arrivals.

“General impact on tourism is just as important. The role of low-cost companies as catalysts of the extension of the season is crucial,” said the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

Due to the considerable distance from the majority of its target emitting markets of western and Central Europe, Scandinavia, and because of its topographic characteristics, Montenegro is recognized as an air destination. In accordance with the Montenegro Tourism Development Strategy 2020, accessibility of Montenegro as a tourist destination represents one of the essential factors for the success of a tourist economy.

“To bring Montenegro closer to emitting markets of Western and Central Europe, in 2011, the Ministry of Tourism engaged in the activities on the introduction of low-cost air companies on the Montenegrin Market. Impact analysis carried out by the Ministry has shown that low-cost companies are going to provoke a rapid increase of the overall market,” said the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

Until 2013, air accessibility of Montenegro was based on the operation of commercial air carriers and charter air companies.

“Low-cost air companies open a new chapter and contribute to the development of high-quality tourism,” pointed out the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

Thanks to low-cost air companies airports in Podgorica and Tivat have significantly increased their traffic flow and the cabin occupancy percentage during their flights is very high.

“In addition, flights operate throughout the whole year, which reduces the seasonality,” said the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

“Available statistics show that Montenegro has been recording a constant and stable increase in the number of tourists and overnights off the main summer season, which means that we are slowly but surely getting closer to the strategic objective of Montenegro – becoming a year-round destination,” said the representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.


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