
10 Jul 2019, 01:29 AM

09 July 2019 - For a better presentation and availability of data on the quality of seawater in Montenegro to citizens and tourists, the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro has developed a software application system for processing and presentation of data, which can be accessed via the Internet.

The application is located on the website and is available in Montenegrin and English. Also, the application was made according to the latest standards and is adapted for displaying data on all models of computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones, it was announced from the Coastal Zone Management Enterprise.

The program of the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro for 2019 foresees the monitoring of the quality of seawater at a total of 100 locations along the Montenegrin coast, namely: 16 in the municipality of Ulcinj, 13 in the municipality of Bar, 26 in Budva, 9 in Tivat, 15 in Kotor and 21 in the territory of the municipality of Herceg Novi. It is anticipated that the analyses will be carried out at fifteen-day intervals in the period from May to October.

Since 1996, the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro has been implementing annual programs for monitoring the sanitary quality of seawater at public beaches during the summer season in accordance with the provisions of the Water Act. Since 2010, this Program has been implemented by the Decree on classification and categorization of waters, as well as following other national and international regulations in the field of environmental protection.

In order to monitor the sanitary safety of seawater in public swimming areas and its overall quality, and in accordance with national and international regulations, the following parameters are examined: basic microbiological parameters - Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci, as well as additional chemical parameters: air temperature, water temperature (when taking a sample), salinity, pH value, the colour saturation with oxygen (% O2), ammonia (mg / l), floating waste materials (descriptive) and colour and transparency (descriptive).

According to the results of the analysis, the Public Enterprise regularly informs the municipal communal and republican water management inspectors, as well as the public. If the result of the sample exceeds the allowed limits (outside the category), sampling is performed to determine whether it is a transient change or contamination.

The results of testing the sanitary quality of seawater, as well as the data on sea temperature, air temperature and salinity for each individual bathing site, can be found on the special application on the website .

Read more information useful to tourists in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

10 Jul 2019, 01:11 AM

09 July 2019 - According to the fDi Report – the annual assessment of crossborder investment based on the fDi Markets service from the Financial Times, Montenegro attracted 11 foreign greenfield investments in 2018.

A green field investment is a type of foreign direct investment (FDI) where a parent company creates a subsidiary in a different country, building its operations from the ground up. In addition to the construction of new production facilities, these projects can also include the building of new distribution hubs, offices and living quarters. The term “green field investment” gets its name from the fact that the company launches a venture from the ground up – plowing and prepping a green field. These projects are FDI that provide the highest degree of control for the sponsoring company.

The findings of the fDi Report for Montenegro suggest that the possibilities of an increase in the number of foreign greenfield investments should be exploited in strategic planning and policies aiming to stimulate future growth and avoid transactions associated with economic decline.

The Report also states that the Western Balkans recorded the largest inflow of greenfield direct investment (FDI) in the decade of 9.36 billion USD in 2018.

Despite the fact that Western Balkan countries have attracted significantly less Greenfield SDI projects from rivals in central, eastern and western Europe, the outcome of this region is very good having in mind its share in global GDP, it is stated in the fDi Report.

The analysis states that, despite political tensions that have hit the region since the fall of communism, there has recently been a move towards greater regional economic integration and co-operation.

fDi Intelligence provides customised reports and data research which deliver vital business intelligence to corporations, investment promotion agencies, economic development organisations, consulting firms and research institutions.  Clients benefit from the proprietary data of fDi Intelligence and the global insight, integrity and credibility of The Financial Times Ltd.

Read more about business environment in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

10 Jul 2019, 00:50 AM

08 July 2019 - The meeting of the participating countries of the Southeast European Cooperation Process Summit is currently being held in Sarajevo. This meeting ends the one-year chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina of this initiative.

During this summit, president of Montenegro Milo Đukanović met with the President of Northern Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski.

President Đukanović congratulated Pendarovski on his election as President of Northern Macedonia, saying that this is one of a series of positive news from that country and a chance to improve relations and further cooperation on the realization of a common European and Euro-Atlantic perspective. Đukanović stressed that the relations of the two countries are on an enviable level and can serve as an example of cooperation that did not have a standstill even during the 90s.

He congratulated North Macedonia on the progress achieved and the Prespa Agreement, and in that sense expressed the full support of Montenegro for further integration of Northern Macedonia.

"Montenegro is a country that shares the same strategic goals, a NATO member, and we hope that you will soon be in that society," Đukanović said. He concluded that the interest of the WB and the EU is a united and competitive Europe.

The President of Northern Macedonia thanked Montenegro for its support to the EU and NATO.

"You are the voice of reason in the region and your support is very important for us," Pendarovski said.

According to the announcement by the Cabinet of the president of Montenegro, Đukanović and Pendarovski exchanged views on the European perspective of the EU and the need for EU incentives to keep the issue of enlargement high on the agenda.

The interlocutors assessed that Montenegro and North Macedonia can strengthen their excellent cooperation in the field of economy. During the talks in Sarajevo, President Đukanović's visit to Northern Macedonia was also agreed.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

10 Jul 2019, 00:43 AM

09 July 2019 - Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđan Darmanović participated in an informal meeting of OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) foreign ministers, which took place in the High Tatras, Slovakia, reports the PR office of the Ministry.

The participants exchanged views on the modalities for improving the dialogue and cooperation among the participating countries, as well as restoring confidence and security in the OSCE region. The focus of the discussion was placed on the relevance of the OSCE and the role the Organisation is playing today in light of the current security challenges. The discussion emphasised importance of respecting the key principles on which the international order is based, as well as the importance of the Organisation in their preservation and promotion, pointing to the potential of the OSCE as a unique platform for dialogue and its specificity in terms of having comprehensive mechanisms for effective and rapid action in the prevention, management and resolution of crisis situations.

MFA ministers agreed that it is necessary to demonstrate political will, through effective multilateralism and constructive dialogue, but that declarative readiness for dialogue must be accompanied by implementation in practice. They underlined the need to respect the principles on which the Organisation is based, such as dialogue, compromise, peaceful resolution of conflicts, accountability, and cooperation.

The Montenegrin Foreign Minister stressed that the comprehensive OSCE concept of security is a key segment of the region's common security and that the Organisation has proved itself as a reliable partner and a single forum for open dialogue. In that context, he pledged full support to the current process of the Structural Dialogue on existing and future challenges that is being conducted within the OSCE. He emphasised the importance of respecting the principles and values ​​of the international rule-based order as important preconditions for restoring confidence and security in the OSCE region.

For Montenegro, the OSCE is a strategic partner, to whose principles the country remains committed through supporting its work, missions and respect for integrity, the unique and irreplaceable role of this Organisation, Minister Darmanović concluded.

In a meeting with Minister of the Slovak Republic Miroslav Lajčák, Montenegrin Foreign Minister expressed gratitude for the continued support of Slovakia in the process of European integration. At the meeting with the Finnish head of diplomacy Pekka Haavisto, Minister Darmanović stressed the importance of continuing the enlargement policy, and expressed the expectation that Finland would support this policy during the current EU Council presidency.

Read more about Politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

10 Jul 2019, 00:37 AM

08 July 2019 - European Federation of Journalists and General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez recently welcomed the collective agreement which improves employees’ rights at National Television of Montenegro, signed on 28 June 2019 and said that this should be an example for all media broadcaster in the region.

The Trade Union Media of Montenegro signed a historic collective agreement with the public broadcaster National Radio Television of Montenegro (RTCG) on 28 June, after three years of collective bargaining. According to the Trade Union Media of Montenegro, a valid collective agreement in the public broadcaster has not existed for almost 10 years.

The document was signed by the Minister of culture Aleksandar Bogdanović, the Managing Director of RTCG Božidar Šundić, and the representatives of the trade unions Jadranka Drobnjak and Slavica Kruščić. It affects the daily work of more than 700 employees, out of which 300 are members of the trade union.

The agreement is the first step in improving the economic and social situation of RTCG employees in order to fight pressure and discrimination within the public broadcaster. For the first time after more than ten years of stagnation, the trade union has succeeded in obtaining a slight increase in salaries. The lowest wages could be increased by 20% but remain way below the state average. The collective agreement also includes provisions regarding overtime, safety at work, redundancy and monthly compensations of transport costs.

“This is a great day for the workers, who under hard circumstances managed to pull off such great and responsible work,” said Jadranka Drobnjak, adding that they will continue to fight for improving labour rights standards.

“This agreement is an extremely positive signal for the region,” said EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez.

“We call on the public broadcasters in the Balkans to follow this example, which improves working conditions and thus guarantees a supply of quality editorial content to the population, while consolidating media pluralism,” concluded Gutiérrez.

In the follow up of the agreement, a joint commission will be created to monitor compliance with and implementation of the collective agreement and to react to potential violations.

Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

09 Jul 2019, 19:23 PM

9. July 2019 - The HSF, Herceg Novi Strip Festival has added two outstanding British artists Boo Cook and Simon Davis to the list of special guests of this year's 13th edition of the Festival (HSF), which is going to run from 6 to 11 September.

Davis began work for the 2000AD house in the 1990s, and his brilliant full-colour artwork enabled him to be a long-standing illustrator of stories like Sinister Dexter, Black Siddha and Judge Dredd. Newer projects where he worked are Ampney Crucis with Ian Edginton and Slaine: The Brutania Chronicles with Pat Mills. Davis's latest creation is Thistlebone folk-horror story with writer T.C. Eglington. Apart from his work on comics, Simon is also a portraitist and the Vice President of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters.

Like of all more prominent comic writers in Britain, Cook's comic work began at the 2000AD house on figures like Judge Dredd, Anderson Dogs, Blunt, ABC Warriors and Harry Kipling. In addition, he was the regular author of the cover for Elephantmen's Monthly Edition in Image/Comixology. Cook is also the author of a huge number of covers, including Wolverine and X Factor, for the most famous American publishing house Marvel. Like Simon, Bo is a polyvalent artist, so he is also a successful painter, writer and musician –drummer in the Forktail band where he plays with Davis, but also in the experimental-synth band Motherbox. He says he loves sci-fi, curry and cats.

Since all headliners have to make a special poster for the Herceg Novi festivity of ninth art, the London comic artists have already sent their works for this year's edition of the festival.

With the premier release of these remarkable achievements, the organizers remind that in addition to two great British artists, the list of special guests is made up of Argentinean, legend of the comic book Enrique Breccia; Italians Vanessa Belardo, Pasquale del Vecchio, Andrea di Vito and Mario Allberti, and Spanish Raul Allen and Javier Fernandes, as well as Belgian Alain Mauriset. They will lead an impressive army of more than 50 artists who will be staying in Herceg Novi in ​​September. Among them are practically resident artists - William Simpson, Rufus Dayglo, Walter Venturi, Walter Trono, Dražen Kovačević, Mirko Čolak, Aleksa Gajić , Stevan Subić, as well as those who had participated in the festival from the first edition and are considered an inseparable part of the HSF, Tihomir Tikulin, Vladimir Vesovic, Iztok Sitar.

Given that 2019 is full of significant jubilees from the world of comics, this year's edition of the HSF will be marked by these crucial historical moments, like 90 years since the release of Tin Tin, 80 years of Batman, 60 years of Asterix, 50 years of Alan Ford and 50 years of the most famous Balkan comic book Dikan. In honour of this jubilee, a lecture will be held by the legendary author, creator of Dikan Lazar Sredanović, great Montenegrin theorist Luka Rakojević, as well as renowned comic artists Moreno Buratini, Iztok Sitar, Vladimir Vesović, Milko Peko, Zoran Stefanović, Enis Čišić and many others. Lectures will be held at local schools and established HSF locations, in addition to exhibitions, drawings for fans, art workshops, concerts and major HSF parties, which will make day-long programmes for all six days of this festivity devoted to ninth art. To make it even better, all events will be free for all visitors.

HSF would not be one of the best festivals in this part of Europe if it didn’t prepare a major surprise for each edition, so more special guests and music creators can be expected until the beginning of the 13th Herceg Novi Comic Festival.

09 Jul 2019, 14:35 PM

8. July 2019 - "Murano" Restaurant, Regent Porto Montenegro’s newest addition, has won two "World Luxury Restaurant Awards" in the category "Best Food Styling / Presentation - Global" and in the category "Boutique Hotel Restaurant in South Europe" (Luxury Boutique Hotel Restaurant - Southern Europe).

"We are honored by the prizes we perceive as a privilege and we are pleased to continuously improve the level of service and content. The mentioned awards, especially recognition for the best presentation of food in the world, is an exceptional confirmation of the quality of our work so far and the support of the positioning of Montenegro as a quality (gastronomic) destination. On this occasion, we would like to thank everyone who voted for the restaurant Murano in the period up to April 7th and enabled us to win prestigious awards. "Jovana Spaić, Manager of Murano Restaurant, declared this occasion.

"Murano" restaurant, situated in Regent Porto Montenegro Hotel in Tivat, is the only one from Montenegro that has been nominated and awarded. 

It brings casual, unhurried luxury to the forefront, with expertly crafted dishes that showcase the very best seasonal produce. Taking inspiration from its position next to the glittering superyacht marina and Boka Bay, the menu centers around fresh seafood, prepared with locally sourced and organic herbs – all offering a distinctive take on the regional Adriatic cuisine.

The World Luxury Restaurant Awards ™ is a global organization that promotes excellence and fosters healthy competition in the luxury restaurant industry. The award is awarded in different categories, with the aim of improving existing and promoting outstanding standards within the segment of luxury restorations. The vision of the organization is to recognize the specificity of the restaurant through numerous categories, promote the quality of the service, the quality of the food and the presentation of food.

09 Jul 2019, 14:12 PM

Slobodan Subotic returned to Montenegro after more than 40 years.

Born in Herceg Novi, he was a young, great talent, who built his career in Olympia, later in Aris, and was also a coach, among other things, of the biggest Greek clubs.


Bokan and Subotic (Photo: Savo Prelevic)

"I come back to where I started, I played in Njegoševa park when I was 16-17 years and I know where I'm coming. Also, wherever I signed a contract, I came to a great result. I handle it, I live with it, I like that pressure. I do not have the goal to come and satisfy the average score or not go one step further. We have plans, desires and dreams. I can only promise that the players are going to fight until the end with all the forces, that they will know where they came and what is expected from them," Subotic said. 

He watched Buducnost last season.

"I know the players from TV, not the training. Some talents can have a big career, but let's see. You will not hear great words from me. I like to work, and I love warrior teams. If we lose by 20, but we kill ourselves on the field, nobody will miss it. I count on the support of the fans, but I know we will get it if we deserve it," Subotic said. Buducnost brought two players, Meyers and Martin, and is still looking for two more.


Subotic (Photo: Savo Prelevic)

"We are looking for all positions now - and I am fond of the players who can play in two positions particularly. Now the players' prices are sky high, that's not normal, but we have to be patient. We are scouting, Petar Mijovic does a great job, we talk to coaches from Europe, and we will not bring players who will not be here with their hearts," Subotic said. He emphasized that he has a great desire to give a chance to young players. "The same happened in Panathinaikos with Focis, and Panionios Papalukas. They didn’t get a chance only because they were young, but because they deserved it," Subotic said.

Text by Vijesti spot, on July 8th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

09 Jul 2019, 14:06 PM

The Tourist Organization of Bar held a promotional canyoning tour through Medjurec, the most attractive canyon on the Montenegrin coast, as part of its campaign to promote and develop this new tourist product in the mountain hinterland. 

Medjurec, a canyon in the hinterland of Mrkojevic, which without any exaggeration possesses spectacular beauty, was visited by a group in which, along with media representatives and MORT, was the president of Bar Dusan Raicevic, members of the mountaineering club "Rumija" from Bar and TO Bar.


Medjurec (Photo: Dejan Senic)

Under the leadership of the guide Vlado Radevic from Kotor and Djuro Martinovic from Cetinje, the group at the entrance to Medjurec had to descent with a rope down a 32-meter vertical line, and then, as in the movies, they jumped into pools, sledding down a vertical-so-called absale, descending in the "rollercoasters" of canyons, down the road a little less than two kilometers long.

"Medjurec is exceptionally interesting and beautiful because it has that mix of jumps and water slides, and it differs from all the other canyons, not just on the coast. It is relatively unknown, visits to the canyon started in the last two or three years more often, but, for this reason, the lovers of the canyoning are very appreciated worldwide," Radevic said.


Medjurec(Foto: Dejan Senic)

Last month, TO Bar prepared the first official canyoning tour around the canyon of the river Bunar above Old Bar. Director of TO Bar, Emil Kukalj, pointed out that this was also an opportunity to promote the canyon, this time Medjurec, and inspects the needs of infrastructure equipment that will not undermine the almost intact natural environment but also develop the skills and knowledge of people who will be engaged in canyoning.


Medjurec(Foto: Dejan Senic)

"We also hope that some of our agencies will soon be specialized in canyoning. We have one such jewel for just half an hour from Bar, and that needs to be exploited, and the fact is that these adrenaline tours have more and more interest and attract a new clientele, primarily from Western Europe, i.e. wealthy guests because such travels are not cheap. We will support the development of such tourist products that extend the season and bring new categories of guests," Kukalj said.


 Medjurec(Foto: Dejan Senic)

President of the Municipality of . Bar Dusan Raicevic said that the passage through Medjurec confirmed the attractiveness of the municipality of Bar and its great tourism potential.

"Medjurec is really a jewel of nature, a real magnet for adventurous tourism lovers and active vacation in general, and we will maximally support the promotion and development of these tourist products," Raicevic told the press.


 Medjurec(Foto: Dejan Senic)

Medjurec is one of the three most attractive canyons in Bar, along with Bunar and Vruca river and this town is unique on the coast by having a total of five, there are also the canyons of Nikezica stream and Pero’s stream.

Text by Radomir Petric, on July 8th 2019, read more at Vijesti

09 Jul 2019, 14:01 PM

The Summer Military Camp for Youth ended with a ceremony on the school boat “Jadran”, with the certificates issued to the campers by the General Director of Directorate of Human Resources Mihailo Volkov and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Army of Montenegro Colonel Svetozar Brajkovic, as announced by the Ministry of Defense.

General Director Volkov estimated that this year's camp has been very successful. He greeted the participants of the camp and expressed satisfaction with the interest and dedication they showed during the camp, expecting to have acquired friends and skills that will be useful to them in their lives.

Summer Military Camp for Youth (Photo: Ministry of Defense of Montenegro)

"I hope you have acquired the experience that you will appreciate as one of the most beautiful in your life, and I also hope that they will be ambassadors of the Army of Montenegro," Volkov said at the event of closing the camp. For the three best participants of the camp, Vasilije Rakocevic from Podgorica, Sara Vukovic from Mojkovac and Marko Djukanovic from Niksic, was offered a visit to the Military Academy in Skopje, where Montenegrin cadets are educated.


Summer Military Camp for Youth (Photo: Ministry of Defense of Montenegro)

The camp's closing ceremony was attended by the US Army Attaché in Montenegro Lieutenant Colonel Robert Peri and Defense Advisor at Slovenia's Embassy in Montenegro Primoz Savc.

The Fourth Summer Camp for Youth, which has a regional character this year, brought together high school female and male students from 16 to 18 years of age, as well as their peers from the Republic of Macedonia. In the period from 24 June to 8 July, campers within the units of the Army of Montenegro in Kolasin, Pljevlja and Tivat received training and experience in the field of military training and became acquainted with certain segments of life and work in the Army.


Summer Military Camp for Youth (Photo: Ministry of Defense of Montenegro)

Participants of the camp were trained by the instructors of the Army of Montenegro, and sanitary training, topography and competition in the orientation, camping, nutrition and survival in nature, fast water training, alpinist training and other activities were realized. In addition to this training, attendees had an opportunity to get acquainted with the military call and the ability to acquire the status of professional military staff.

Text by Vijesti online, on July 8th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

09 Jul 2019, 00:50 AM

07 July 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received a delegation of the Italian Terna Group, led by chief executive officer Luigi Ferraris.

With gratitude for the reception, Ferraris presented the results of the project for the construction of an undersea cable between Montenegro and Italy, and announced the commissioning of the cable by the end of the year. Appreciating that this is a historic moment in which a bridge will be established between Italy and Montenegro, but also the EU and the Western Balkans, Ferraris invited President Đukanović to be a guest at a ceremony on that occasion.

"The biggest benefit of this investment is that the project will enable Montenegro to become an energy center for the Balkan countries," Ferraris said.

Also, conditions will be created for attracting other investments into renewable energy sources, energy and digitalization Ferraris expressed readiness to continue cooperation on the welfare of Montenegro and its development, reported the Office of the President of Montenegro.

President Đukanović thanked Terna Group for a professional and responsible attitude towards the project which is one of the most significant for Montenegro and the region, as well as respecting the deadlines for construction.

"This joint project is one of the most important for the development of Montenegro, but also for the development of the region. Through serious investments in road, energy and digital infrastructure, Montenegro will continue economic growth and development. We want to not only establish partnerships because of the investments that are needed by Montenegro, but also through the development of partnership relations we achieve European standards and quality," said Đukanović.

In this regard, he expressed high marks for strategic partnership with the Italian company, as a credible partner, whose knowledge and experience is precious.

The project of submarine cable construction, assessed President Đukanović, is a good example of how the EU and the Western Balkans can cooperate. One of the most significant and most demanding projects in the Mediterranean will have 450 km of cables, of which as many as 420 km under water are placed at a depth of 1.100 m. It will transfer 600 megawatts of electricity and as much as that by the end of the second phase. Terna Group invested 60 million EUR in the development of local communities in Montenegro during the realization of the project.

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