Government of Montenegro: High Economic Growth, Low Unemployment

By , 20 Jan 2019, 21:52 PM Politics
Government of Montenegro: High Economic Growth, Low Unemployment Copyrights: Government of Montenegro

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20 January 2019 - The Government of Montenegro passed the Report on the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the Government of Montenegro for 2018, which shows that the level of fulfillment of obligations exceeds three quarters (77.2%). The discussion stressed that excellent results were made in 2018, including high economic growth, a significant reduction in unemployment, a rise in foreign investment and intensive implementation of development projects.

Priorities of the Government for this year, which should set the basis of the 2019 Programme of Action, in addition to the obligations from the European integration, include continuous and comprehensive activities and hard work to continue dynamic economic growth, improvement of business environment, foreign investment inflow, fiscal stability, effective fight against grey economy, implementation of projects from the Capital Budget and advancement of the quality of public services - as prerequisites for the achievement of the most important goal of the Government - creating new jobs and increasing the living standards of citizens.

"This year, our most important goal is to increase the quality of life of citizens," said Prime Minister Duško Marković.

The Government passed the Draft Law on Administrative Fees and the Draft Law on Local Utility Fees. The new law on administrative fees is proposed with the aim of improving the conditions for doing business and improving economic activity, both at state and local levels. Accordingly, the defined solutions result in lower operating costs, especially for micro and small enterprises through the application of lower fees, fewer payments, and fewer procedures, as well as lower costs for citizens, resulting in more available income for consumption or saving and positively affecting economic growth.

The Draft Law on Local Utility Fees contributes to improving the conditions for doing business at the local level by creating a simpler collection model for local self-government units, as well as creating a simpler model of settling obligations towards local governments by citizens and businesses.

The Government adopted the Information on the implementation of the Concession Agreement for the exploitation of non-metallic mineral raw materials of technical and construction stone from the Platac deposit.

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