DPM Husović Hosts Turkish and Macedonian Ambassadors

By , 27 Nov 2018, 03:55 AM Politics
DPM Husović Hosts Turkish and Macedonian Ambassadors Copyrights: Government of Montenegro

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26 November 2018 - Deputy Prime Minister Rafet Husović hosted an inaugural visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Montenegro Mihajlo Trpkovski. DPM Husović welcomed Ambassador Trpkovski and expressed readiness for cooperation to further improve the good relations between Montenegro and Macedonia. 

Ambassador Trpkovski thanked him for a warm welcome and expressed his satisfaction that he is in a friendly and beautiful country. The Ambassador informed Deputy Prime Minister Husović of the current political situation in Macedonia and their commitment to start the process of Euro-Atlantic integration, in which Montenegro has already moved far. 

The two officials agreed that there is room for additional cooperation between the two countries, especially in the field of tourism and agriculture.


Deputy Prime Minister also hosted a farewell visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Montenegro Serhat Galip. 

DPM Husović pointed to the excellent cooperation with Ambassador Galip and thanked him for his contribution to the deepening of great relations between the two countries. He particularly referred to the support of the Republic of Turkey when Montenegro joined NATO, which was of great importance to Montenegro. 

Ambassador Galip thanked DPM Husović for good cooperation. He expressed the expectation that such cooperation will continue with the new Ambassador who will take office at the beginning of next year. 

The meeting noted that Montenegro and Turkey foster excellent relations in all areas and that in the coming period intensification of economic cooperation is expected through the investments of Turkish companies, especially in the north of Montenegro.

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