Gajević: Montenegro Destroys its Greatest Wealth, Chapter 27 Cannot be Closed

By , 28 Oct 2018, 19:54 PM Politics
Gajevic Gajevic URA

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October 28, 2018 - What is the Government's policy in preserving the environment and tourist attractions of our country is shown in the most recent example of the devastated riverbed of the Tara, a gem placed under UNESCO protection, announced Jasna Gajević representing the Civil Movement URA.

She says that every job of the government is accompanied by malware, camouflage, fraud and deception and that such is the job of the century - execution of the highway.

"The tear of Europe, the Tara River, is being destroyed. A country to which tourism is one of the main branches of the economy, whose slogan is "Wild Beauty," destroys a river that is under the protection of UNESCO. This conflicts with the basic principles of logic. When a private interest captures the state, when every decision of the government is twisted with the interest of a privileged (domestic or foreign investor) then it is logical that the government does not care that Tara will lose the status and protection in UNESCO. Thus, the country whose greatest advantage in the world's demanding tourism market is its untouched nature, allows contractors to work on the freeway to move the Tara River flow and completely devastate the part of its basin, although they have been warned that such a move could lead to a loss of status that the canyon the river Tara has," Gajević pointed out. It also reminds the public that this devastation of Montenegro's natural treasures is not a lonely example but a regular phenomenon and that Montenegro therefore can hardly close Chapter 27 in accession negotiations with the EU.

"Devastating nature in our country has become a daily occurrence. The rivers in the north of the country are being destroyed one by one. Nothing is done to prevent the destruction of the Cijevna river. There should be no special mention about the coastal area - Solana, the Turkish cape, Kostanjica, the Skadar Lake, " says Gajević.

She adds that citizens should not be silent about the fact that private interests make, from the country with the most beautiful natural resources, a devastated area.

"Will we be quiet for the Tara as well? Will we allow them to destroy everything on our behalf that we have so far been proud of? Everything that the world recognizes as ours. Will we allow them to destroy what belongs to all of us, and what is invaluable wealth that does not have compensation," concluded Gajevic.

Text by Vijesti online, on October 27th, 2018, read more at Vijesti

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