EU Brings Relief to Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Montenegro

By , 06 Jul 2018, 13:29 PM Politics
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July 6, 2018 - To respond to a recent increase in the number of refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers through Montenegro, the European Commission has allocated 90,000 euro as humanitarian aid to help people in distress, the EU Delegation said. 

As they added, these funds support the Red Cross in Montenegro as assistance in crisis situations, including equipment for food, water, sanitation, clothing, first aid and medical assistance. About 2,000 individuals will benefit from this humanitarian aid.

Financing is a part of the total contribution of the European Union to the Emergency Fund (DREF) of the International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). 

"In the recent months, an increasing number of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers have gone through a new 'coastal migration route'. Those from Albania enter Montenegro on their way to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. They often need food, water, clothing, footwear and basic hygiene products. They also need medical and emergency assistance. The Red Cross of Montenegro helps people who need assistance for several months now, mostly in reception facilities, but also in different centers where migrants are present," they added. 

The European Union and the member states, as stated by the Delegation, are the leading donor of the humanitarian aid in the world.

"Crisis support is an expression of European solidarity towards the people in distress around the world. Its goal is to save lives, prevent and alleviate human suffering and protect the integrity and human dignity of populations affected by natural disasters and crisis situations. The European Commission provides quick and efficient assistance through its two main instruments: civil protection and humanitarian aid," said the EU.

Text by CdM, on July 5th 2018, read more at CdM

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