
23 Aug 2019, 02:01 AM

22 August 2019 - A beautiful summer night in Petrovac full of music, dance, rhythm and Mediterranean flavours awaits all locals and tourists who visit Budva on the evening of Friday, August 23rd.

The traditional Petrovac Night (Montenegrin: Petrovačka noć) is organised by the Tourist Organisation of Budva Municipality in order to promote the beautiful coastal area of Montenegro. The event will feature a rich offer of fish, wine and beer, as well as local sweet specialties.

Petrovac night is one of the largest traditional events of that city, an all-day festival of fish, wine and beer, which is held at the end of August. Each year, tourists and locals stroll through the promenade and enjoy fish, beer, wine and traditional sweets made according to the recipes of this area, take part in numerous sports competitions, listen to concerts of famous musicians with a big firework show at the end of the program. The night traditionally begins with a concert and the sounds of the City Music, and ends late at night, with concerts of pop musicians from the country and the region.

This year’s program will start in the afternoon with sports competitions on the waterfront, while seafood specialties will be available for guests from 5 pm on the plateau in front of the Red Commune Memorial House.

The atmosphere in this gorgeous coastal town will be further enriched by the tunes of the female vocal group Harmonija from Budva.

Following the defile on the promenade of Petrovac, Budva City Music will perform at 8 pm on the main stage near the Palas Hotel, followed by Montenegrin pop-rock singer Milena Vučić.

The star of the evening, renowned singer-songwriter Vlado Georgiev will present himself to the Petrovac audience at 10 pm.

Spectacular fireworks, at the end of another August, will light up the islands of Katič and Sveta Neđelja.

Program and schedule of the event:

4 pm - Sports Games – plateau near Lazaret;

5 pm - Concert of the female choir Harmonija - plateau in front of the Red Commune;

5 pm - Sweet corner - plateau in front of the Red Commune;

5 pm - Fish corner - plateau in front of restaurant Katič;

7 pm - City Music Defile on the promenade of Petrovac.

Main stage on the promenade, in front of the Palas Hotel:

8 pm - Budva City Music

9 pm - Milena Vučić

10 pm - Vlado Georgiev

“Looking forward to seeing you again at the Budva Riviera,” says the official invitation of the Tourist Organisation of Budva Municipality.

Read more about events you should attend in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

22 Aug 2019, 18:36 PM

The Herceg Novi Municipality signed project financing agreements with the representatives of about forty Herceg Novi NGOs. With 75,000 euros, the local government supported 47 non-governmental projects this year.  The projects are related to cultural heritage, local community development, youth and the elderly, support for people with disabilities, education, sports and environmental protection.

Local self-government thus continues the practice of supporting the work and development of non-governmental organizations, recognizing their importance, driving force and orientation towards the progress of the local community to which they belong, said Secretary for Social Affairs and Sports Darko Klasic and Member of the Commission for Allocation of Funds to NGOs Tamara Vujovic.

Herceg Novi is one of the municipalities that allocates the most funds from the Budget to help NGOs, and to implement ideas that the commissioners themselves have judged to be excellent, purposeful and progressive, sometimes lack knowledge of how and where to apply.

For this reason, two projects were supported this year aimed at training other NGOs on how to apply for and receive funding, not only at open competitions of ministries, but also at EU funds and initiatives, as well as embassies of other countries in Montenegro.

“It is time to pool knowledge and lend a hand to each other for a better quality of life for our citizens, everyone in their field, that united with the voice of the citizens being heard, we as a community can move faster towards the European Union, where NGOs are an indispensable partner to all”, said Vujovic.

The total budget allocated to this purpose has been allocated in accordance with the Decision on Criteria, Method and Procedure of Allocation of Funds to Non-Governmental Organizations, namely to projects of non-governmental organizations that have previously proved to be good associates of local government in various fields, and that have applied for the Contest this year and filed proper documentation.

The contracts were signed on the basis of the Decision on Allocation of Funds for Project Financing for 2019, which was made in accordance with the Decision on Criteria and following a public competition for allocation of funds from the budget of the Municipality of Herceg Novi in 2019.

22 Aug 2019, 14:47 PM

22. August 2019 - The seawater quality, according to an analysis from 100 public baths, conducted by the Institute of Marine Biology in the period from 13 to 16 August, in 90% of bathing areas was K1 class, while 10% of bathing areas were K2 class, as stated from the Public Enterprise – PE Sea Property Management of Montenegro. These results confirm that the seawater at Montenegrin beaches is good quality, i.e., that it is sanitary and safe for bathing and recreation. Namely, K1 class is excellent and class K2 is satisfactory.

At all 16 bathing areas in the Ulcinj municipality, as well as at all 13 in the Bar municipality, the seawater was of excellent quality. The K1 seawater quality was found at 25 bathing areas in Budva, while at one bathing area the quality of seawater was K2. When it comes to water quality in Tivat, out of a total of 9 bathing areas, the analysis revealed the quality of K1 at a total of 7 beaches, while at 2 bathing areas, the water was of the K2 class. In Kotor, out of a total of 15 bathing areas, the quality of K1 was recorded at 11 bathing sites, and at 4 bathing areas, the water had quality K2. Analysis of seawater quality on the coast of Herceg Novi showed the quality of K1 at a total of 19 bathing areas, while at 2 bathing areas, the water was of the K2 class.

Since 1996, this company has been implementing annual programs for monitoring the sanitary quality of seawater at public baths during the summer season in accordance with the provisions of the Water Law. The results of testing the sanitary quality of seawater, as well as the data on sea temperature, air temperature and salinity for each individual bathing area, can be viewed on a separate application available on the website

22 Aug 2019, 13:45 PM

David and Victoria Beckham are spending their vacation with family for the second time in St. Stefan, as CdM finds out.

The Montenegrin coast is also enjoyed by their children, sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, and daughter Harper.

According to CdM, they have been staying on St. Stefan for three days now.

The unique city - hotel, the place where Novak and Jelena Djokovic got married five years ago, guarantees discretion to the most famous British couple, as well as peace and complete rest in a beautiful setting.

In addition to the impressive list of names that resided here and the undoubted quality of accommodation and services in the facility leased by the prestigious brand “Aman resort”, intimacy is certainly one of the key reasons that draws the world elite to Budva.

Text by S.Đ., on August 22nd, 2019, read more at CdM

22 Aug 2019, 11:39 AM

How little is required to do big things, announced the Mountaineering Club "Squirrel" Kotor.

After our actions of cleaning the shore at the submarine tunnel in Rose and collecting about 30 bags, the brothers Lucic from Tivat called, and the company Una Montenegro came forward with their vehicles, loaded everything and left one part of the coast in Boka bay clean, as it deserves to be. All tributes go to them.

It is worth emphasizing that It is more patriotic to throw paper in the bin than to put the national flag on a rearview mirror.

We have the most beautiful country - let's preserve it, the statement said.

Text by Dragan Popadic, on August 21st, 2019, read more at Radio Tivat

22 Aug 2019, 11:35 AM

Helicopter tours in Montenegro are increasing. Landings and take-offs are controlled by regulations, local flights are possible from private heliports, while international flights by helicopters must pass customs control, which is only possible at Podgorica and Tivat airports. The helicopter lease is usually carried out from Tivat Airport to Dubrovnik. There are also restrictions on heliports existing on hotels and within hotel resorts.

According to marketing and communications manager Adrijana Husic, at the complex Portonovi in Kumbor, which recently opened its doors, the licensing of the heliport is currently underway, and it is due to open next year.

"We also plan to use our heliport for international flights once it is operational," Husic said.

A take-off heliport has just been opened in Porto Montenegro, from which the take-offs and landings are allowed, located not far from the administrative building of “Adriatic Marinas”.

"So far, only local flights are allowed," said Danilo Kalezic, PR and marketing manager of Adriatic Marinas.

As “Pobjeda” was told at the Civil Aviation Control Agency, helicopter landings and take-offs in international air traffic are allowed only at and from international airports, and exceptionally and from those airports that are not designated for international air traffic, provided the operator ensures the application of the rules on crossing the state borders at their own expense.

“There are two international airports in Montenegro, Podgorica and Tivat, and international flights are only allowed to and from them, whether these are commercial or non-commercial flights. Apart from Montenegro Airports, there are no other airport operators that have met the regulations regarding the operation of international flights,” the Agency said.

The conduct of non-commercial or private helicopter flights within Montenegro is permitted predominantly within the framework of the regulatory requirements defined in the Regulation on conditions and manner for out-of-airport landing and take-off of aircraft.

Hotels Group Montenegro Stars, the Agency said, are licensed to use their heliport under certain restrictions, but this heliport cannot be used for international air traffic.

The accountable manager of the Airways aviation academy and charter airline in Montenegro Vuk Stojanovic points out that there are restrictions on where and how a helicopter can land and take off.

"If you were to travel from here to Croatia, the aircraft must be sterile, i.e., it must have passed all the controls that all passengers flying in it were "checked" to enter another country," Stojanovic explained.

There are, he says, small airports in the world from where commercial traffic takes place, where customs and police are there also.

"This practice can be applied here, as well. In our case, the landing and take-off must comply with international air traffic regulations, which applies to international flights. Within the country, such flights are possible," Stojanovic said, emphasizing that another limitation of the helicopter's performance is to land on a hotel’s heliport, building, or yacht.

The helicopter, in this case, must be two-engine.

"There is one such private helicopter in Montenegro, not counting the MUP and the army. Our helicopter is turbine and of good performances, but it is single-engine and according to the regulations it should not land on a hotel or any other building and anywhere near the populated area, because in case of one engine’s failing  you do not have great possibilities to maneuver and therefore the chances of a major accident are great," Stojanovic explained.

He added that there were a lot of restrictions that they eased in agreement with the Agency.

“To land somewhere other than a public area, like Zabljak, you can land in a meadow, but you need a permit from the owner and approval from the Agency. It's an off-airport landing, and to be able to land outside the airport, you need to have pilots who are trained for it," explains Stojanovic.

He says tourists are mostly looking to connect from Tivat to Djurdjevica Tara because they go rafting. That ride costs about 2500 euros, depending on the length of the wait. In addition, panoramic flights are also requested at about 300 meters height, and the transfer from Dubrovnik to Tivat are dominant, and vice versa.

"This is because in July and August, the journey between these two cities by car takes up to four to five hours. The tour costs 1000 euros and is only for those who have a deep pocket,” concluded Stojanovic.

Text by Pobjeda, on August 22nd, 2019, read more at CdM

22 Aug 2019, 11:31 AM

The banner with the lyrics of the song "Bokeljska noc", with the signature and silhouette of the author Maja Perfiljeva, was placed above the main city gate in Kotor, in memory of the poet who most beautifully wrote about the emotions that accompanied the festivity above all festivities in Boka bay.

These, as well as other exhibits that visitors will be able to see on the eve and during Bokeljska noc, are the result of cooperation between the Municipality of Kotor, the local Tourist Organization and the Maritime Museum.

Let’s recall that Bokeljska noc will take place on August 24th.

Perfiljeva passed away a month ago at the age of 79. She was born in Tivat, where she spent her earliest childhood, and was educated and lived in Zagreb. She became famous to the public as the author of numerous pop and rock songs.

She dedicated a lot of songs to her homeland, the most famous of which became the song " Bokeljska noc" - an anthology ballad without which no festival in Boka bay could take place.

Text by CdM/Radio Kotor, on August 21st, 2019, read more at CdM

21 Aug 2019, 21:07 PM

21 August 2019 - Ministers of Defense and Interior Predrag Bošković and Mevludin Nuhodžić recently visited watchtower Krenza on the border with the Republic of Albania that is kept by mixed patrols of the Army and the Police.

"Joint patrols of the Army and the Police along a portion of our borders, in the area of the border crossing Božaj is a true example of how two institutions can cooperate in order to provide safety and security of all our citizens and territory of Montenegro," Minister Bošković stated.

"Today, Minister Nuhodžić and I have visited this area and not only this part of our border, but also a complete part of the border with Kosovo to the Albanian border and we make sure that exactly the Army and the Police are working together in order to fully secure and maximum possible ban on illegal crossing of our borders. Precisely, this kind of joint patrols provide the ability to rehearse procedures by together work and all that is essential in order to better quality and a better way to ensure our border, but up to us is to boost their working conditions and stay in these facilities," Minister Bošković pointed out.

Speaking about the engagement of the police and army to protect state borders from the illegal immigration and cross – border crime, Minister Nuhodžić emphasised for the Ministry of Defence that mixed patrols prevented about 2,000 persons of illegally entering Montenegro from August to December 2018.

"We made sure that members of the Police and the Army perform tasks professional and dedicated, respecting the legislation and referring to humanely towards migrants," the Minister highlighted.

Minister Nuhodžić recalled that the Ministry of Interior is working continuously in order to improve the technical equipment of the Border Police, with significant support from the Government and the European Commission, in line with the Schengen standards and the Schengen Action Plan.

"Controlled and secure borders contribute to greater security of all our citizens and all guests staying in Montenegro, and it is, at the same time, our best contribution to a safer region and Europe," Minister Nuhodžić concluded.

Based on the decision of the Defence and Security Council, since August last year, the Army of Montenegro provides assistance to the border police in guarding the state border and it is engaged in the control of the border zone and the state border with Albania to the border Božaj crossing zone.

Mixed patrols of the Police Directorate and the Army of Montenegro control the border, primarily in order to be prevented from illegal border crossings with Albania, but also other illegal activities at the border and in the border zone.

Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Army of Montenegro Colonel Svetozar Brajković and Assistant Director of the Police Director – Head of the Border Police Vesko Damjanović also attended the watchtower visit.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

21 Aug 2019, 20:59 PM

20 August 2019 - This summer, guests of Aman Sveti Stefan in Montenegro will be able to enjoy an unforgettable experience – a holiday with a view of the Adriatic Sea and the artwork of three famous worldwide known artists publicly displayed on the walls of the hotel rooms and restaurants.

This one-of-a-kind art exhibition is running until 8 September thus making this luxury resort even more interesting. So instead of having the one-month event – as initially planned – art lovers will be able to see the artwork by the end of the first week of September, reported Cafe del Montenegro.

But, if you wish to see the artworks at Sveti Stefan, you need to be lucky enough to be the guest of this charming resort comprising of 58 rooms, apartments and villas, built as a former fisherman’s village in the 15th century.

After years of exhaustive renovation, finally completed in 2010, many celebs, such as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, David and Victoria Beckham, as well as Novak Đoković swept through the airy corridors of the Sveti Stefan hotel.

Aman Sveti Stefan’s ‘Art on the Island: Les Ateliers, Picasso, Chagall, Miro’ exhibition features more than 60 lithographs of Picasso, Miro and Chagall, displayed in Villa Miločer, the hotel’s restaurants, bars and certain apartments on the island.

"Imagine waking up in the Louvre or walking through the Tate on your way to dinner. Luxury hotels are themselves an artwork, and by providing a unique setting for the right pieces of art, they can deliver a truly unforgettable guest experience. Few hotels can match the unique setting of Aman Sveti Stefan," the owner of this high-end resort Petros Stathis stated.

"This is a unique opportunity for guests to experience the super-slick service and stay in the resort alongside some of the most beautiful artwork of the last century. We are honored to be hosting the exhibition of such quality and to offer our guests something truly special. This exhibition marks the journey of Montenegro and the Balkans to the high-end tourism destination," Stathis concluded.

Read more about traveling through Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

21 Aug 2019, 19:13 PM

21 August 2019 - Bokeljska Night (noć), the traditional Kotor feast, which has the status of intangible cultural property, will be held on Saturday, August 24 at 9 pm and its start will be announced by the City Music of  Kotor and Sailing Club "Lahor" sailboats. Entering the corridor, 45 ornate boats with ten towing vessels will be presented to the audience and the jury and will compete for prizes, the fund of which is €4,500.00.

The jury will be composed of Lana Bokan - sculptor and members of prof. Marina Dulović - Secretary for Culture, Social Affairs and Sport and Vladimir Jovićević - Academic painter and professor at the Academy of Arts in Florence.

Following the announcement of the most imaginative creations, the musical fireworks show will be organized by the company Mirnovec from the sea.

The program will be hosted on the main stage by Dubravka Jovanovic, poet and journalist at Skala Radio, while RTCG will provide live coverage on the first state television program.

After the performance on the aqua stage, the festivities will continue in the squares around the Old Town, the defile of City Music will be on markets and squares.

The organizers point out they have hired local music forces this year, so that only Kotor music bands will perform in the squares, as follows:

  • • Arms Square - Three Quarts and the Group
  • • St. Tryphon's Market - Four Blues Drivers and Jelena Kazanegra with band
  • • Museum Market – Mija and Sanja
  • • Pjaca near the old prison - VIS Tetra
  • • St. Nicholas Market - Acoustic Therapy and
  • • Škaljari Market - Incanto Klapa and band Skuribanda

In cooperation with the Tourist Organization and the Maritime Museum of Montenegro Kotor, on the ramparts near the City Square, an exhibition of colorized photographs of the Bokeljska noć from 1959 has been organized, when Marshal Tito attended it.

Above the main city gates, next to the Bokeljska Night banner, there is a banner featuring the character and lyrics of Maya Perfiljeva and her poem "Bokeljska noć", which is the unofficial anthem of this biggest sea feast in Boka.

On the day of Bokeljska Night, the city's main waterfront parking will not be operational.

With tens of thousands of visitors expected, the organizers are urging drivers to park their vehicles by 8 pm to reduce the crowds.

Attention was also drawn to the speed limit in the aquatorium, as a uniformed vessel would penalize all malpractice drivers who could damage the decorated parade boats.

Firework pontoons will be stationed at the bay - between the hospital and the waterfront, so vessels will be alerted not to approach them for their safety.

The organizer of the Bokeljska Night is the Public Institution Cultural Centre "Nikola Đurković" Kotor, co-organizer the Local Tourist Organization, sponsor the Municipality of Kotor.

General sponsor is Luka Kotor, and the partner is Public Communal Enterprise Kotor. Bokeljska Night has been supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Montenegro.

21 Aug 2019, 15:28 PM

Special Hospital "Vaso Cukovic" Risan received a defibrillator from Hipotekarna Bank. This precious medical device is of great importance for improving the conditions of treatment in this specialized health institution of broader social interest, said the hospital.

The donor Hipotekarna BANK is recognized for its social responsibility activities, inter alia for the purpose of creating better conditions for treatment, care and stay in health care facilities.

Director of Marketing of the Hipotekarna Bank, Aina Ristic, presented the donation to the Special Hospital for Orthopedics, Neurosurgery and Neurology "Vaso Cukovic”, the defibrillator worth 4,000 euro. This donation is of particular importance because it is made in memory of Danijela Golović, an employee of the Hipotekarna Bank branch in Porto Montenegro, who lost her young life in a car accident.

While receiving the donation, in addressing the donors, the media and those present, the hospital director Dr Vlado Popovic pointed out the extreme importance of this type of assistance:

"I would like to thank Hipotekarna Bank for making a significant donation and expressing sympathy and regret for your colleague Danijela. What mainly rejoices is the expressed desire of citizens, businessmen, entrepreneurs to help this hospital. The needs of the community are most pronounced in institutions where people are treated, so we hope that other entities in society will follow the example of the Hipotekarna Bank. Through these types of donations, the health system is modernized and the health care of citizens is raised and improved. As an institution with a long-standing successful tradition, it has been recognized as a leading institution in the region for the field of activity (orthopedics, neurosurgery, neurology), which adds to the donation we received."

Ana Ristic, Marketing Director at Hipotekarna Bank, emphasized the special importance of this donation, dedicated to their early deceased colleague, and emphasized:

"This donation confirms the ongoing efforts of the Hipotekarna Bank to improve the long-term treatment conditions in medical facilities across Montenegro. However, this donation is special because it is dedicated to a young, lost life, our colleague Danijela Golovic. In our view, this is the best memory for our colleague."

 With this act, Hipotekarna Bank has once again shown that it is a socially responsible company that has the understanding, will and desire to support the healthcare system and the community in which it operates., it has been concluded from the Special Hospital “Vaso Ćuković” Risan.                         

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