
24 Aug 2019, 23:31 PM

Institute Igalo is situated on the most western point of the Montenegrin coast, at the entrance to one of the most beautiful bays in the world, the Bay of Kotor, in Igalo which belongs to the municipality of Herceg Novi.

Herceg Novi is a city that nurtures health tourism. The existence of Dr Simo Milosevic Institute, or the Igalo Spa and mild Mediterranean climate make a significant factor for many people around the world to spend a part of the year in Igalo. Some of the patients are people with disabilities, as well as children with special needs. Their Spa kingdom is on the ninth floor, with a beautiful view of the bay, but summer brings them their greatest joy on the beach. Not much difference for the grownups, everybody enjoys beaches, if they can reach them.

A custom physical environment is especially important for patients with disabilities, as well as for people who have walking difficulties.

The amount of disability is not determined by levels of pathologies, impairments, or functional limitations, but instead is a function of the kind of services provided to people with disabling conditions and the extent to which the physical, built environment is accommodating or not accommodating to the particular condition. Having in mind that disability is not inherent in an individual but is, rather, a relational concept—a function of the interaction of the person with the social and physical environments, any improvement in them improves this person.

An important accessibility segment is accessible beaches. One of the few beaches adapted for disabled people along the Montenegrin coast is the beach in front of the First phase of Dr Simo Milosevic Institute (Old Spa) in Igalo.

During the tourist season, assistants are available on the beach, who help wheelchair users to make the best of their stay there. There are also toilets adapted for persons with disabilities. The beach was modified in 2007.

One of the users, NGO “Ray of Sun” (Zrak sunca) president Ljilja Krstić speaks for TMN about the importance of accessible beaches: “Ever since my daughter started using a wheelchair, it was difficult providing her a good bathing place and we all know how valuable swimming and bathing is for everybody, especially for children with disabilities. She is in her twenties now and thanks to this beach, she can spend many nice hours enjoying the sea with her friends. A customized beach is certainly important because we finally have a place where our children can bathe and enjoy the sun, sea and life.  Accessible sidewalks, intersections, facilities and outlets, institutions, homes are important segments of a continuous chain of motion, which lead to the creation of the universal design.  It is certainly important to note that all questions about the needs and rights of persons with disabilities must be a priority in the making of important documents, strategies and laws. We are aware that our struggle for equal participation of persons with disability in all social streams is a long process, but it is important that we started it and that we persist in it."

At the beginning of 2018, Meljine Local Community in Herceg Novi municipality, assisted by PE Sea Property – JP Morsko dobro Budva, also adapted one of the beaches for the disabled. Adaptation of physical environment following European standards is important for all and developed democratic societies need to enable a "continuous chain of motion" for disabled people.

24 Aug 2019, 17:35 PM

24 August 2019 - The fifth edition of the New Wave Festival (Montenegrin: Novi Val) is scheduled for September 6th and 7th, when some of the most interesting, award-winning short films will be screened, reports RTV Budva.

Aside from the short films, the two-day festival program will feature the performances of five songwriters and bands from the cultural scene of Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This year’s New Wave festival will host the members of the film crew Dog Days of Summer (Montenegrin: Mi smo vidjeli ljeto), which is a real breath of fresh air on the regional scene - a subtle twenty-minute story of growing up, friendship and love between two guys and one girl. Director Nikola Stojanović won the Best Student Film Award at the recently completed Sarajevo Film Festival for a very emotional and erotic short film entitled Šerbet, which should be featured at the New Wave Festival in September next year.

The New Wave Festival 2019 also features the highly humorous film by director Lucija Bosančić entitled Silvio Zmaj, whose main character is an immature boy prone to telling lies, and even violent acts, and in the background of his behaviour is a complex relationship with his father who is severely ill.

The program of the festival, which the organisers haven’t fully announced just yet, also features another very communicative and humorous film signed by the director Sara Marković, which tells a tale about (true) love, sexuality and maturation of a young heroine.

In terms of the music segment of the program, the most attractive guest is Nenad Marić, a rock poet of exquisite spirit who performs under the pseudonym Kralj Čačka (The King of Čačak City), currently one the leading singers-songwriters in the region. Marić’s performance will take place on the stage set on the plateau between the churches of St. Mary and St. Sava in the Old Town Budva, when the rock poet and his band will have a poetry and music session with elements of blues, jazz, rock and roll.

The second day of the festival will feature alternative rock band from Sarajevo, Činčila. This will be their premiere performance in Montenegro, and the audience will be introduced to a strong dose of punk energy, enthralling funk beats and intelligently written lyrics, all in the form of intense rock and roll performance. On the same evening, the audience will also have the opportunity to hear one of the best alternative music bands in the region, a five-member band from Belgrade, Dingospo Dali.

The organizers will announce more performers over the coming days, inviting the media to directly support the festival, which aims to create a more cultural, modern and urban community, and interact with young creators from Montenegro and the region.

By the end of the month, a fundraising campaign will be underway for individuals and businesses, with a double donation for each donation through the Get Involved and Influenced: Developing Philanthropy for a Stronger Civil Society project. The project is implemented by the SIGN network of foundations from the countries of Southeast Europe, with the support of the European Union and the Balkan Fund for Democracy, implemented in Montenegro by the Fund for Active Citizenship.

Read more about cultural events that take place in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

24 Aug 2019, 00:01 AM

23 August 2019 - Montenegro has imported more than 185.712 tonnes of oil and its derivatives worth 108,33 million EUR since the beginning of the year, said the representatives of Customs Administration, writes Cafe del Montenegro.

Most oil has been imported through more than 60 companies from Serbia, 25 German companies, around 14 companies from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and 5 Albanian companies.

Oil and its derivative have come to Montenegro from Japan, through Daido Metal company, British company Border Holdings Limited, the Dutch oil company, Briggs & Stratton and Latvian Uab Sct Lunricanst.

This year’s Montenegrin oil importers are Ina company, Jugopetrol, Voli Motors, Adriatic Marinas from Tivat, Port of Bar, Uniprom Energy Podgorica, Trebjesa… Chinese CRBD company also imports these products into Montenegro.

As far as oil and gas research is concerned, two studies have been carried out. The first one lasted from 19 November to 18 December and was carried out by Italian-Russian concessionaire Eni-Novatek. Findings of the research will be known by the end of September, whereas findings of the other research will be presented in the fourth quarter of the year.

Montenegro imports oil and its derivatives for re-exportation too.

"The re-exporting process does not include remaining quantities of regular import but quantities intended for the needs of re-export," explained the representatives of Customs Administration.

Private companies make a profit in this process, and the representatives of Customs Administration of Montenegro also spoke about the price of re-exportation.

"Average price for this year amounts to 0,56 EUR per liter. Re-exportation process refers to the procurement of ships and yachts in international traffic," concluded the representatives of Customs Administration.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

23 Aug 2019, 23:56 PM

22 August 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović recently hosted Dubravka Lalović, newly appointed extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Montenegro - Permanent Representative - Head of the Permanent Mission of Montenegro to NATO, on a resident basis, based in Brussels.

President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović wished the ambassador success in carrying out the diplomatic mission, pointing to Montenegro's commitment to the Transatlantic Alliance and the value system as a NATO member. In this regard, he expressed his support for further strengthening the Alliance through the work of Montenegrin Mission in Brussels.

The meeting was also an opportunity to recall the positive effects of Montenegro's membership in the Alliance, which, after only two years of full membership, is measurable in a number of areas, such as strengthening national security, enhancing macroeconomic stability, increasing investor confidence through increasing foreign direct investment and many others, as Office of the President of Montenegro reported.

After joining NATO, Montenegro has a much greater chance of development, and its inhabitants have more opportunities for education and employment, assessed recently the secretary for political and economic issues at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Montenegro Anna Kasprzak.

"Montenegro, which has celebrated two years of membership, has an exceptional opportunity for development, and the inhabitants have a much greater number of opportunities provided by NATO. The important fact is that each state has the same vote in the alliance, regardless of whether it is Poland which has 38 million inhabitants or Montenegro, with 620 thousand inhabitants," Kasprzak said on this occasion.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

23 Aug 2019, 23:21 PM

23 August 2019 - Ministry of Science of Montenegro and the COST Association will organize an Info Day dedicated to the European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) Programme on September 17th at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica. The event aims to promote part of the activities of this Programme. The Info Day will be opened by Dr Sanja Damjanovic, Minister of Science and Dr Ronald de Bruin, Director of the COST Association.

The outstanding importance of this programme is reflected in the networking of scientific teams and the promotion and enhancement of international scientific cooperation. The high reputation of COST, as well as the cooperative atmosphere in COST actions and their openness, especially for young researchers, are key features of the programme.

During Horizon 2020 (the largest European Union research and innovation program, with a fund of € 78.6 billion for the period 2014-2020), particular emphasis was placed on supporting excellence, openness and inclusion, supporting new ideas and sharing knowledge.

Since its founding in 1971, COST has been financing research networks/projects called COST action. It is a project dedicated to scientific collaboration, which complements national research funds and offers an open space for collaboration among scientists across Europe (and beyond), thereby fostering progress and innovation in research. In this programme, scientists and researchers have the opportunity to propose research topics themselves.

The average COST action includes about 25 countries, with an annual budget of about 130,000 euros and lasting four years. The United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Greece, Switzerland, Finland, Ireland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Israel and Turkey are the leading countries in COST actions.

COST Association consists of 38 Member States (all 28 EU Member States are COST members), and one associate country, Israel. Since 2015, Montenegro is a member of this association and currently participates in 100 (out of 248) ongoing COST actions, and Montenegrin scientific teams and researchers have participated in 45 implemented projects, it has been pointed out from the Ministry.

COST Association representatives from Brussels, Dr. Ronald de Bruin and Judith Litjens will inform the attendees of the Hilton Hotel on September 17 about current opportunities in this Program, promoting and expanding research excellence and impact through networking. Procedures for the participation of researchers from Montenegro will be presented by national COST Coordinator Milena Milonjić, and experience in this program will be shared by participants in COST actions from Montenegro.

23 Aug 2019, 20:32 PM

23 August 2019 - Tivat Municipality will participate, as a partner organization, in the project "European Axis West-East", as announced from the Municipality. This project will be realized by European Union funding under the Europe for Citizens Programme, Subprogramme 2: Democratic Engagement and Participation in Civic Initiatives. The aim of the Europe for Citizens Programme is to contribute to citizens' understanding of the EU, its history and diversity and to encourage the democratic participation of citizens at EU level.

The aim of the project is to create conditions for permanent cooperation between the cities of Western and Eastern Europe. The project enables meeting and the presentation of cities with different historical, cultural, economic and social models from Western and Eastern Europe, interconnection and exchange of information and experiences, discussion and agreement on mutual cooperation based on interests recognized through dialogue on a generational, cultural, economic and administrative level.

Within the project, the partners will sign a memorandum of cooperation that formulates common interests and a desire to cooperate.

The activities of the project are 6 civic forums in 5 countries, in the first week of September 2019 and a three-day international conference "European Axis West-East", which will be held 6-8 September in Sremski Karlovci, where the Tivat Municipality will take an active part. 

Sremski Karlovci and Tivat are twin cities, that cooperate especially in tourism and culture. With the promotion of Novi Sad, the main administrative centre of Vojvodina as the European Capital of Culture in 2021, the citizens of Tivat expect their town to participate in that beautiful story.

The duration of the project is 21 days, while the financial value is about 25,000 euros.

The leading partner of the project is the Danube Association 1245- Sremski Karlovci, and apart from the Municipality of Tivat, the partners are: Sremski Karlovci Municipality (Serbia), Torres Novas Municipality (Portugal), Novo Mesto Municipality (Slovenia), DRPD Novo mesto (Slovenia), Erdut Municipality ( Croatia), PORC, Dalj (Croatia), City of Ludbreg (Croatia), KUD "Anka Ošpuh", Ludbreg (Croatia).

23 Aug 2019, 18:16 PM

23 August 2019 - The first edition of the manifestation Wine Until Dawn will be held on Sunday, August 25, starting at 8 pm in the gorgeous ambience of the restaurant Vista Vidikovac in Budva.

The very first Wine Until Dawn Montenegro event will feature an exhibition of wines with the possibility of purchase, and is designed as a unique gathering place for wine lovers and connoisseurs, renowned catering establishments and producers of the best wines from Montenegro and the region.

The event organizers have prepared a Workshop for catering staff, and after the workshop, guests will have the opportunity to learn about wine and food pairing. The party will last until the morning, and the organizers invite all interested individuals, both caterers and wine lovers, to come and enjoy the wonderful evening.

First Late Night Wine Event in Montenegro Wine Until Dawn in Budva 3

“We invite all producers, caterers and lovers of quality wines to take part in the Wine Until Dawn event, so we can spread the wine culture in Montenegro together”, says the announcement of the organizers. “Whether you are into producing a quality varieties of wine, or just enjoying the beauty of finest wine rituals, Wine Until Dawn is the event not to be missed,” states the organiser’s invitation.

Be the part of the first late-night wine event in Montenegro!

Event registration fee is 15 EUR and reservations can be made by calling 0038269180180.

Wine Until Dawn Schedule - Sunday, August 25, 2019

8:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Workshop for catering staff

8:45 PM - 9:00 PM
Opening ceremony of the salon

9:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Rose wine food pairing

10:00 PM - 10:30 PM
White wine food pairing

11:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Red wine food pairing

11:55 PM - 3:00 AM (overnight)
Until Dawn - Wine Party

Read more about events in Montenegro you should not miss at TMN's dedicated page.

23 Aug 2019, 11:41 AM

The traditional Kotor festivity "Bokeljska Noc " will be held on Saturday, August 24, starting at 9 pm.

Boka News will stream Bokeljska Noc live on its FB page.

The beginning of the 'Feast of all feasts' will be marked by Kotor City Music and Sailing Club "Lahor". Entering the corridor, 45 ornate boats with a dozen towing boats will be presented to the audience and the jury and will compete for prizes, the fund of EUR 4.500.

The jury will be composed of Lana Bokan - sculptor and members of prof. Marina Dulovic - Secretary for Culture, Social Affairs and Sport and Vladimir Jovicevic - Academic painter and professor at the Academy of Arts in Florence.

After announcing the most imaginative creations, musical fireworks from the sea will follow.

After the performance on the aqua stage, the festivities will continue at the squares in the Old Town, with the City Music.

This year, local music bands have been hired, so only the music bands from Kotor will perform in the squares:

Trg od oruzja (Main square) – TRI KVARTA AND THE GROUP;


Museum square - MIJA AND SANJA;

Old prison square - VIS TETRA

St. Nikola square - ACOUSTIC THERAPY and


bokesljska 1.jpg

First Prize Bokeljska Noc 2018 Kotor in pictures

In cooperation with the Tourist Organization and the Maritime Museum of Montenegro Kotor, an exhibition of color photographs of Bokeljska Noc from 1959 was organized on the walls near the City Square, when Marshal Tito attended it.

Above the main city gates, next to the Bokeljska Noc banner, there is a banner featuring the figure and lyrics of Maja Perfiljeva's "Bokeljska Noc", which is the unofficial anthem of this biggest maritime feast in Boka bay.

On the day of Bokeljska Noc, the city's main waterfront parking will not be operational.

As a few dozen thousands of visitors are expected, and aiming to reduce traffic jams, drivers are urged to park their vehicles no later than 8 p.m.

The organizers ask special attention to be paid on the speed limit in the aquatorium, as a uniformed vessel will punish all malpractice drivers, who can damage the decorated parade boats.

The organizer is the Cultural Center “Nikola Djurković” in Kotor, co-organized by the local Tourist Organization and sponsored by the Municipality of Kotor.

Text by Boka News, on August 23rd, 2019, read more at Boka News

23 Aug 2019, 11:38 AM

The flight control of Serbia-Montenegro SMATSA achieved a historic record on Saturday, August 17, when 3,201 flights were carried out in the airspace they are controlling.

Since the beginning of the year, the number of flights has increased by about nine percent over the same period last year.

SMATSA said the security level is high despite the numerous flights.

"Despite the increased volume of traffic, an extremely high level of security has been maintained, with delays that are much lower than in countries in the region and in Europe," SMATSA said.

Text by Boka News, on August 21st, 2019, read more at Boka News

23 Aug 2019, 11:35 AM

The Hall Park in Herceg Novi held the first immersive opera in Montenegro - the opera Be My Superstar in collaboration with Operosa and the producer of the LOD Music Theater from Belgium.

Operosa and LOD team worked on this opera for days to get everything ready for the big premiere in Herceg Novi. Over 20 teenagers from Herceg Novi were involved in the opera through two workshops, when the opera was re-performed at the same location and at the same time.

The evening of opera reprise was free of charge for anyone under 18 years of age.

The third day of the festival was reserved for the Chamber Music Evening at Forte Mare Fortress, when some of the most beautiful arias of Vivaldi, Rosini, Bize performed as well as some of the most beautiful songs by local poets composed by young composer Jug Markovic.

The Operosa Montenegro Opera Festival 2019 ended with a performance of Mendelson's performance of Summer Night Dream at Kanla Kula starting at 9pm. 

For the first time this year, OMOF was honored to include UNDP in the list of partners and festival support. As part of the project "Low Carbon Tourism”, Operosa is proud to contribute to Montenegro's reputation as a new green and carbon-neutral tourist destination in the heart of Europe. This can be evidenced by the fact that Operosa is one of the few major festivals that makes minimal use of environmentally hazardous resources such as carbon dioxide.

Text by CdM, on August 21st, 2019, read more at CdM

23 Aug 2019, 02:41 AM

22 August 2019 - The Kotor Tourism Organization invites you to the manifestation Boka Night 2019, which will take place this Saturday, August 24th at 9 pm in Kotor.

Boka Night is a manifestation usually held on the 3rd Saturday of August and is the crown of the summer happenings in the city of Kotor. This event gathers tens of thousands of visitors each year, and it is one of the reasons why Kotor has a fantastic reputation for its creativity and the spirit of the citizens of Kotor.

During Boka Night, people from Bay of Kotor decorate small boats and participate in a procession hoping to win the first prize for the most beautiful boat. After the best participants have been chosen, the celebration continues in the streets of the Old town, followed by the fireworks.

“This is a kind of manifestation specific to Kotor because everybody enjoys it! Young or old, kids or teenagers - everybody loves Boka Night,” say the representatives of the Kotor Tourism Organisation.

Boka Night 2019 will feature numerous Kotor-based musicians who will perform at the town squares:

  1. Weapons Square (Montenegrin: Trg od oružja): Tri Kvarta and The Grupa
  2. Square of St. Trypun (Montenegrin Pjaca Sv. Tripuna) - "Four Blues Drivers" and Jelena Kažanegra with the band
  3. Museum Square (Montenegrin: Pjaca od Muzeja) - Duo of Mia and Sanja
  4. Square of St. Lucas (Montenegrin: Pjaca Svetog Luke) - "Acoustic Therapy"
  5. Škaljari Square (Montenegrin: Škaljarska pjaca) - "Incanto" and "Škuribanda" band

According to the Boka News portal, on the occasion of this year's Boka Night, the Public Institution of Maritime Museum of Montenegro and Kotor Tourism Organisation have prepared an exhibition of outdoor photographs.

The photographs show the Boka Night from 1959, which was organized on the occasion of the visit of SFRY President Josip Broz Tito. Photographs from that period show decorated boats, city lighting and rich fireworks. Older generations are happy to remember this spectacular Boka Night from exactly 60 years ago.

The exhibition is a small gift for the city, its fellow citizens, as well as tourists, to whom we want to show our long tradition of organising the Boka Night, organizers say.

The exhibition is set on the walls next to the main city gates.

Read more about events throughout Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

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