
31 Aug 2019, 14:06 PM

The Tourist Organisation in Boka’s smallest town stated yesterday that a total of 6,290 officially registered tourists were currently staying at all types of registered accommodation on the Tivat Riviera - a 40 percent increase on the same day last year.

Of the total number of guests, 6,257 are from abroad, with only 33 visitors coming from Montenegro. The majority of tourists - 5,254, are staying in private accommodation, with 877 in hotels, 122 in resorts and 37 tourists staying at campsites.

xnovi toranja na aerodromu Tivat resize.jpg.pagespeed.ic.xTguO 21LL

Tivat Airport - Photo: Boka News

At the same time, on Saturday morning Tivat Airport was expecting its one-millionth passenger of the year, on one of its regular morning flights from Tivat to Moscow. The one million passenger benchmark for the airport will have been reached ten days earlier than last year, showing that this tourist season has also been extremely successful for the airport.

30 Aug 2019, 20:30 PM

30 August 2019 - Meeting of shareholders of Electric Power Company of Montenegro adopted at the session that recently took place in Nikšić decision on granting investment for joint construction of Gvozd win farm with Ivica Holding GmbH company from Austria. The investment is worth 58 million EUR.

It was stated that last year was one of the most successful years ever since the company was formed. Electric Power Company of Montenegro recorded an income of 60 million EUR.

"All companies within Electric Power Company of Montenegro record positive performance. Unifying thermal energy complex in Pljevlja was a good decision," said the representatives of the company

The net result of Electric Power Company of Montenegro in 2018 totals 44.076.758 EUR.

"Total electricity production in 2018 reached 3.484,2 GWh, by 59% more than the year before," said the representatives of Electric Power Company of Montenegro.

The hydro situation last year was more favorable than in 2017, leading to higher production in Hydro Power Plant Perućica which amounted to 1.042,3 GWh. Receivables from distributors were reduced in 2018. Shareholders accepted the decision on directing profits to retained earnings. Total retained earnings of the company total 48.602.081 EUR, reports Cafe del Montenegro.

Total capital investments in Electric Power Company of Montenegro reached 14.321.186 EUR in 2018.

"Investments mostly referred to the modernization and new projects," said the representatives of the company.

Mr Đoko Krivokapić, Mr Ranko Milović,Mr  Ljubo Knežević, Mr Samir Hodžić, Mr Vladan Radulović, Mr Srdjan Spaić and Mr Oreste Bramanti were elected members of the Board of Directors.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

30 Aug 2019, 20:25 PM

30 August 2019 - Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković congratulated citizens and the local leadership of Tuzi on the Municipality Day and said that the Government will support the development of Tuzi in order for it to become a prosperous and sustainable local government.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković discussed the potentials and projects in the youngest Montenegrin municipality with Mayor of Tuzi Nik Djeljoša, President of the Municipal Assembly Fadil Kajošaj, Vice President of the Municipality Ivan Ivanaj and head of the Municipality Property Directorate Elvisa Redžematović.

Both sides pointed out the importance of further development of infrastructure. The Tuzi leaders emphasised the significance and the need to develop detailed urban plans that are a prerequisite for the continuation of the legalisation process, but also form the basis for the realisation of numerous announced investments, primarily from the diaspora.

Tuzi Becoming Prosperous and Sustainable Local Government1

The Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković emphasised the importance of the implementation of the ongoing capital projects, adding that other projects of interest to the local government and the population of Tuzi will be considered to be involved in the 2020 Capital Budget, as stated in Prime Minister's Office report.

The meeting stressed that Montenegro is building its future on traditional coexistence and understanding of diversity.

It is in that context that the Government of Montenegro expects the state symbols to be respected in Tuzi and in every other space because that preserves harmony, reputation and dignity of Montenegro and all its citizens.

Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

30 Aug 2019, 16:25 PM
30 August 2019 - Lustica Bay Cup 2019, the first "cruiser" regatta in the beautiful waters of Traste and Rose Bay will be held this weekend (31 August - 1 September) organized by Lustica Bay and the Sailing Club "Delfin" (JK Delfin).

An exceptional sailing regatta - from Lustica Bay Marina to Lastavica Island and back, will surely be one of the most exciting routes for this sport in the Boat area and provide undoubted challenges for sailors as well as enjoyment for sailing enthusiasts watching the competition from the mainland.

On Saturday, August 31, a regatta transfer will be organized, from Rose to Lustica Bay Marina, where a berth is provided for all regatta participants. The Cup will be held on Sunday, with the finals being awarded at 5 pm.

Registration for the regatta is possible today - Friday from to 7 pm at the offices of the JK Delfin in Tivat, and tomorrow (Saturday) at the Lustica Bay Marina office, from 3 pm to 7 pm.                                                   
  "Lustica Bay's long-standing support for young sailors JK Delfin, along with the distinctiveness of Montenegrin sailing and the idea of ​​positioning Tivat even better on the international racing scene, have led to the design of a regatta in Traste Bay for "cruisers" on an exciting route that will enable sailors to compete at open sea along the perimeter of the Lustica peninsula. The regatta will become traditional, and we are very pleased to embrace the sailboats, ” 
said Slavica Milic of Marketing Lustica Development.

Boaters have access to the coast provided by the marina, as an undoubtedly attractive destination for the development of nautical tourism. The infrastructure and logistics of the company have made sailing in the Bay of Traste accessible and thus an outing to the high seas, which is very important for sailors. In early June, a small regatta was held in Traste Bay, for Optimist and Laser classes, the organizers said.

30 Aug 2019, 16:12 PM

20 August 2019 - Nautical-tourist center Porto Montenegro in Tivat is hosting one of the most famous ships in the history of world yachting and development of what is known today as “jet-set”, a famous superyacht Christina O that used to belong to Greek shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis.

Superyacht Christina O Docks in Porto Montenegro

This beautiful old ship with elegant hull painted in white, docked in Porto Montenegro two days ago. Cristina O is tied to berth 3, close to the border crossing in the Tivat marina. The ship, which is 99 metres long and 11 metres wide, with a draft of 4,24 metres, started its journey 75 years ago coming from the shipyard of Canadian Vickers company in Montreal, where it was built in the form of a frigate Stormont K-237 for the purposes of Canadian Navy.

This warship of the River class served as a convoy escort during the Battle of the Atlantic and was present at the Normandy landings. Famous Greek shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis, purchased the Stormont after the end of World War II, as it was one of the many surplus naval vessels. He then entrusted the purchased frigate to the famous yacht architect Cäsar Pinnau to turn this former warship into a luxurious private yacht.

Superyacht Christina O Docks in Porto Montenegro 2

Onassis spent around 4 million USD to convert the vessel into an elegant first superyacht in the world, named after his daughter Christina. Christina O has a master suite, eighteen passenger staterooms, and numerous indoor and outdoor living areas, all connected by a spiral staircase. The aft main deck has an outdoor pool with a minotaur-themed mosaic floor that rises at the push of a button to become a dance floor, and there is a helipad on the promenade deck.

Thanks to the size and firmness of the hull and mechanical basis of the warship, Christina had unrivalled levels of luxurious amenities. As the first superyacht in the world, it inaugurated new directions in design, projecting and creating the greatest and most luxurious private yachts.

Superyacht Christina O Docks in Porto Montenegro 3

In the following years, this ship and its charismatic owner became the epitome of establishing what is known today as “jet set” and “elite yachting” because Aristotle Onassis hosted many celebrities in the world of business, politics, media and film at Christina.

This yacht hosted the wedding ceremony of Prince of Monaco, Rainier III and American actress Grace Kelly. American president, John F. Kennedy, British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, as well as many acting and musical stars, such as John Wayne, Maria Callas, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor and Eva Peron, had a chance to enjoy the incredible luxury of Christina O.

Superyacht Christina O Docks in Porto Montenegro 8

When Aristotle Onassis died in 1975, he left the “Christina O” yacht to her namesake, who gave the vessel to the Greek government for use as a presidential yacht in 1978. Rechristened the Argo, she was allowed to decay and was eventually put up for sale at 16 million USD in the early 1990s. In 1998, she was purchased by Greek shipowner John Paul Papanicolaou, an Onassis family friend, who had sailed on her as a child. He reverted her name back to Christina O, in tribute to the late Christina Onassis, who had died in 1988, and undertook a major refurbishment between January 1999 and April 2001 that cost over 50 million USD.

Superyacht Christina O Docks in Porto Montenegro 6

Christina O is now “loaded” with cutting-edge technology, but has retained in the exterior and interior its charm of a classic, real old-ship that is literally unattainable for modern and much more expensive super-yachts. The yacht is used as a charter yacht and its rental, depending on the time of year, costs from 560,000 to 700,000 EUR a week.

Source: BokaNews, S. Luković

30 Aug 2019, 13:01 PM

Member of European Parliament Thomas Waitz sharply criticized the authorities' intentions to put the river Bukovica drinking water in the pipes, but also announced that the party to which he belongs - the European Greens - would ask the European Commission to explain why Sinjajevina was not formally protected.

He said this on the slopes of that mountain, on katun Mramorje, while visiting areas threatened with permanent devastation.

The Greens of Europe also visited the guards of Bukovica yesterday.

Waitz and three of his party colleagues have been on Durmitor for two days and are guests of the Coalition for Sustainable Development.

KOR activists pointed out environmental issues to them and allowed them to speak to locals who oppose turning Sinajevina into a military training ground.

"Sinjajevina has an incredible landscape and is Europe's second-largest pasture where hundreds of thousands of sheep and cows can graze and farmers can produce high-quality cheese, cream and meat. There is a request and a petition asking for this space to be left for use by farmers, but also the intention of the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro to occupy a quarter of the territory of this beautiful mountain for their military games and weapons testing. The locals think that this should not be a military playground, and we agree with them and believe that this place should be a tourist destination and a place for agricultural development, which will help the development of the Montenegrin economy," Waitz said.

Gojko Cirovic hosted the delegation of the European Greens and KOR on Mramorje.

At his home, Waitz and KOR activists talked with locals about the problems they face as the river and the mountain are a source of life because they allow them to feed their families.

Representatives of the Civic Initiative “Save Sinjajevina” and experts from the field of nature, briefed Waitz on relevant studies for the protection of Sinjajevina and Bukovica.

He said he would seek explanations, because the money from EU taxpayers was spent in the project of proclaiming Sinjajevina as a nature park.

Aleksandar Perovic from KOR explained to Waitz that the coalition's goal is the sustainable development and future of Montenegro, which implies the proper use of the most valuable natural resources.

 “We pointed to the current alarming situation - the occupation of rivers by small hydro projects, the intention of the Ministry of Defense to devastate the potential Nature Park Sinjajevina and with permanent destruction of the River Tara, one of the most valuable natural symbols of the ecological state.  KOR is aware that environmental and economic damage goes hand in hand, so it was important for the Greens to see with their own eyes the situation on the field. It is obvious that the impressions of both European Greens and environmental activists from Montenegro are identical, which should be an alarm for decision-makers to finally put the public interest and the interest of the local population first,” Perovic said.

The night before the visit to Bukovica and Sinjajevina, the Greens delegation discussed with the KOR activists in Nadgora all current environmental issues, Chapter 27 and possible solutions to existing problems.

KOR representatives exchanged views with them on current trends in the European Union and received information on current environmental standards in that international community.

After the visit to Bukovica and Sinjajevina, they continued the conversation.


Waitz: I support the protest in Bukovica


The beauty of Bukovica delighted Thomas Waitz, which he did not hide while talking to the defenders of that river, from which he drank water.

From the beech of that river, he said that the potentials of Bukovica should not be for the profit of the few privileged, but only in the public interest of the locals.

After walking along the river bed, he said that Bukovica, but also all similar rivers, should be preserved from destruction.

“The water of this river is drinkable throughout its whole course, and it is one wealth that must not be destroyed by the gain of a small amount of energy. Also, the destruction of this river would mean the economic downfall of the area, which is why the locals are protesting because they need this water for agriculture, drinking and developing sustainable tourism. That is why this region should be used to the maximum for the development of agriculture and sustainable tourism and stop building mini hydro power plants and stop destroying your country with such projects that will benefit only one company, but think of the entire community,” he said.

He added that he supported the rebellion of citizens against the construction of small hydropower plants.

One of Bukovica's defenders, Miljan Bulatovic, told Waitz and his colleagues about the ongoing battle to preserve the river and informed him of the problems they had when their private property was devastated.

He also told him that the people from Bukovica are determined not to let this gem to be put in the pipes.

Text by Jelena Jovanovic, on August 30th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

30 Aug 2019, 12:58 PM

The first Retail Park in Montenegro - EXTRA retail park, will be open to all visitors on August 30 from 9 am, at Zabjelo, street July 4th, while the entertainment program is scheduled from 7 pm.

The retail park is a special concept of an open center, based on a small number of large shops. In addition to the size of the space, the Retail Park is also rich in variety of offerings, as one can find a large selection of footwear, clothing, as well as children's programs, at extremely affordable prices.

“The new shopping experience that we have prepared for people from Podgorica, as well as for all citizens of Montenegro, is a global trend. Retail parks are represented in all the world's metropolises. It is a place that will allow shoppers to shop easily, without restriction. Although the focus is on store size and quantity, our Retail Park is located close to the city, allowing it quick and easy access.

The very name EXTRA retail park associates with the extra low prices that will be on our offer. The shops to be found at EXTRA Retail Park are Jumbo, Sport Vision OUTLET, Nike OUTLET, Fashion & Friends OUTLET, Beo Sport OUTLET, Metro Shoes, Office Shoes, Cosmetics Market and US Polo & Sorbino OUTLET, as well as the new and unique café “Street 19".

The Tenant mix is such that a wide range of high-quality goods can be found in an area of over 7000m2 for all ages. Extra retail park is something new for Montenegro, a first and something that will connect generations for a long time," announced the EXTRA retail park.

On the day of the opening, many surprises are prepared in all retail outlets for all visitors.

The entertainment program begins on opening day at 7 pm, with music stars: Petar Bulatovic, finalist of the "Pink Stars" competition for children, Nina Zizic, representative of Montenegro at the Eurovision 2013 and regional star, Sara Jo.

Shopping that connects - EXTRA Retail Park, August 30 from 9 am, Zabjelo, street July 4th.

Text by Promo, on August 29th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

30 Aug 2019, 12:56 PM

The contract, signed two months ago between the Municipality Kolasin and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, was implemented with the opening of the Agribusiness Center office.

There will be two young agronomists working at the office, who will give explanations, among other things, and advice to farmers, but also help with project writing and documentation completion.

Agronomists Zana Mirkovic and Bojan Despotovic have already begun touring villages and katuni.

"We are presenting to the farmers what they can get and what they should ask from the Agribusiness Center. Also, in the field, we try to spot problems of cattle breeding and crop production, give expert advice, and suggestions. So far, we have visited the part of Sinjavina, Katun Osljak, and Potrk. Katun Bojic. We visited numerous farms, as well as Katun Vranjak on Bjelasica," said the employees in the Agribusiness Center.

For the first seven days of the Agribusiness Center’s opening, the attendance was, they claim, more than satisfactory.

Counseling services in the field of cattle breeding and plant production are most often sought.

"The Agribusiness Center will fill in all the necessary documentation for farmers of various types of premiums and public calls published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It will be required to allow farmers to register at the Agribusiness Center in the future, because so far they were forced to do in neighboring municipalities," explained the Agribusiness Center.

Text by Dragana Scepanovic, on August 25th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

30 Aug 2019, 10:52 AM

30 August 2019 - Matko Vekic is exhibiting at the Summerhouse Buća, it was announced from the Tivat Museum and Gallery. The Tivat Museum and Gallery have the special privilege of presenting the works of Croatian academic painter Matko Vekić, one of the most prominent individuals in Croatian painting in the last few decades. This solo exhibition is called „Vekić's Reflection of the Social Theatre“, which opens on September 3 at 9 pm. The exhibition will feature works from two cycles "Ordinary People - Internal Events" and "Mask of the Image of God".

The show will open the curator of Vekić's exhibition, Nevenka Šarčević and it will feature the author. The guitarist, Marko Prentic from Podgorica, will perform at the event.

Nevenka Šarčević on motives of Vekić's artistic opus points out: “With this exhibition, visitors will be able to gain immediate insight into the actuality of contemporary painting, the experience of Vekić's artistic progressiveness and commitment to individual and general civilization issues. The works of the cycle 'Ordinary People - Internal Events' show that the people of today are experiencing their own reality in a new way, and thus values ​​in this increasingly prevalent virtual reality. The images of the cycle 'Mask of the image of God' prompt one to think about how masks have been virtually immanent to man throughout history.

A direct approach to Matko Vekic's works will make it possible to see why his works are intriguing not only to professional but also to a wider audience.

We find motifs of Vekic's paintings in our everyday lives: like cars, bugs, the urban landscape of traffic loops and bridges, and he also paints terrorists, bodybuilders, football players and models, ornaments, masks, and more.

In addition to classic canvases, he exhibits installations inspired by the aesthetics of billboards and creates kinetic (moving) paintings ('The Sheep That Didn't Get Lost'). He establishes his thematic cycles conceptually and in an ambient way, which often points to the possibility of a doubtful understanding of the topics he presents as they complement each other in different relationships. This was representatively presented this year in the spacious gallery space of Lauba in Zagreb. "

The Lauba exhibition ("Doubts and Complementarities") is also featured in the video below:

Matko Vekic was born in 1970 in Zagreb, where he graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts (1995) in the class of Đuro Seder. He is currently employed by the same faculty as a professor. He has been noted at numerous solo (over 40) and collective exhibitions, and his works are featured in important public and private collections in Croatia and abroad. He is constantly receiving significant recognitions and awards for his work. He represented Croatia at the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009, with painters Nikola Koydl and Zoltan Novak, as well as at the 10th and 12th Biennale in Cairo, 2006 and 2010.

The Municipality of Tivat supports the exhibition.


29 Aug 2019, 23:45 PM

The Director of the Public Enterprise for the Management of the Sea Property of Montenegro (Morsko dobro) Predrag Jelusic and his associates paid a working visit to Northstar Company in Dobrec Bay, as announced from the Sea Property company. The visit has been paid in order to continue cooperation on the construction of beach complexes and maritime infrastructure within the Montrose project.

Representatives of the company Mina Jovovic and Vladimir Cvorovic organized a presentation of the complete Montrose project, the construction of which is planned on the far western part of the Lustica peninsula in Herceg Novi municipality, including Dobrec beach. The exceptional peace and microclimate, which is created by the surrounding vegetation typical of the Mediterranean, have given Dobrec bay its name, and have influenced its relative isolation.

Bearing in mind that a number of contents of the future resort in Lustica were designed in the zone of the sea area (restaurants, docks, outdoor swimming pools, etc.). in that locality, the visit discussed a long-term model of concession in a way that would reduce business barriers and further encourage the construction of exclusive tourist facilities in the site.

During the presentation of the conceptual design of the project, representatives of Northstar organized a tour of the beach in Dobreč Bay, which with its accompanying restaurant complex is arranged in accordance with high standards of the hotel chain "Marriott", which will manage the future resort.

Representatives of the Public Enterprise for the Management of the Sea Property of Montenegro, the director Predrag Jelušić and his team are aware that the complete project will be implemented in four phases, and that the total investment is worth around 400 million euros. The first phase of the project, which is to be completed by 2023, involves the construction of a 5* hotel and over 200 accommodation 13 villas and catering facilities with two beach complexes, as concluded in the announcement.

29 Aug 2019, 23:25 PM

29 August 2019 - In the past couple of years, secondary vocational schools have been arousing great interest in Montenegro. It is interesting that even the top-performing students opt for secondary vocational schools.

"Framework data on high school enrollment are at last year’s level," said the spokesperson for the Ministry of Education Milica Lekić, CdM reports.

Lekić pointed out that around 1500 students will be attending third-degree programs this year. That means that enrollment has doubled.

"As far as vocational schools are concerned, students were mostly interested in programs in the field of electrical engineering, tourism, medicine, transport, and hospitality. We are very glad to see that the key message of the Ministry of Education has been interpreted properly – children with vocational aspirations should not be afraid to pursue their goals," stressed out Lekić.

Enrollment data in the Construction school "Marko Radević" in Podgorica appears to be quite interesting. Thirteen top-performing students have applied. Around ten students who have all A grades applied for the program - Architectonic technician.

One of the curiosities is the school of Electrical Engineering "Vaso Aligrudić". Eleven valedictorians and 14 excellent students applied for the mobile application program.

"Scholarships for students who have chosen deficient qualifications have been awarded - a total of 700," pointed out Lekić.

Scholarships will be awarded to students for the qualifications requested in the specific area. This scholarship system will cover 20 municipalities.

"In the forthcoming school year, we will continue to cooperate with employers in the domain of dual education. Last year we had 570 students in the dual education system. This year, we expect 800 students," concluded Lekić.

Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

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