
03 Sep 2019, 22:53 PM

03 September 2019 - Discotheque Maximus Kotor is proud to present the premiere performance of the techno pioneer from Ukraine, Stanislav Tolkachev on September 5th.

The songs of the Ukrainian DJ are influenced both by the classic sound of Detroit and the sleek minimalistic tendencies born in Berlin. He is focused on experimentation with textures and psychedelic sounds, taking inspiration from many diverse sources. Tolkachev’s music has been released on many labels, including M_Rec, Semantica, MORD and Geophone.

Resistance to categorization, countering standard laws of music, striving for new and unexplored, lack of compromise, far from available - these are the words that very accurately describe the sound and attitude of Ukrainian techno magician Stanislav Tolkachev, who is one of the most respected and top-quality artists in today's world techno scene.

Stanislav started his first techno ventures in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He was first noted in the techno world in 2006, due to his tapes on the label POHJOLA. Tolkachev secured his place among the list of great DJ names with further editions that regularly appear in techno sets around the world.

Stanislav has performed at famous venues such as Berghain, Berlin Tresor, Drugstore, he had two live sets organized by the world-renowned music platform Boiler Room, as well as at all other leading clubs and festivals in the world.

His tapes are on the world's leading record labels such as: Semantica, Inkblots, Krill Music, Mord, M_rec, Plector, Subsist, RAW RAW records, Energun records, Rösten and many others.

Witness the magic of the Ukrainian techno-wizard who will premiere at the electronic music temple - Maximus Discotheque in Kotor.

Experience a change in your perception of techno sound and club experience!


23:00 - 00:00 - TANYA MOSS

00:00 - 02:00 - WAKAT


04:00 - 05:00 - DINO GANIC

Entrance fee before midnight - 8 EUR

Entrance fee after midnight - 10 EUR

03 Sep 2019, 22:09 PM

03 September 2019 - According to the representatives of the Airports of Montenegro, the capacities of airports in Podgorica and Tivat will be expanded soon.

Director of the Airports of Montenegro, Danilo Orlandić recently announced the expansion of Podgorica Airport capacities, as well the Terminal 2 expansion at Tivat Airport. According to Orlandić, Podgorica Airport will be expanded by 1,000 square meters, and it will have six new check-in counters.

The Airports of Montenegro will complete several expansions at both the airport in Podgorica and Tivat to cope with continuous passenger growth.

In an interview for CdM, Orlandić explained that the topic of night flights at Tivat Airport is of great importance, and that two renowned companies have expressed interest in the implementation of the project – Paris Aéroport and Airbus.

"We had one public call. We have been contacted by three of the world's most serious players. However, as they do business under Anglo-Saxon law, we were not allowed to carry out the tender because of the legal formalities. Afterward, we initiated a negotiating procedure with the Ministry of Finance without launching a public call. We received offers from two major companies (Paris Aéroport and Airbus). We will decide in the next few days, "the chairman of the Airport of Montenegro said.

Tivat Airport night flights, according to the existing estimations, might be launched within a year or a year and a half. Orlandić emphasized that the newly-built Terminal 2 at Tivat Airport has already brought many benefits: “The construction of the Terminal 2 at Tivat Airport cost around 4 million USD and we will pay it off by the end of the next summer season.”

The company plans to expand Terminal 2 at Tivat Airport by about 300 square meters next year.

Montenegro, as confirmed by Orlandić, now has excellent airline connections. Still, the head of the Airports of Montenegro announced new airlines and even more connections in the future.

He says that it is too early to confirm what the new destinations are, but he says there is a plan for a connection with Scandinavia, and it is possible that a direct airline will also be established with Amsterdam.

Orlandić also pointed out that the announcement of the Concession Act for Montenegrin Airports does not mean that the investments and service improvement at the airports in Tivat and Podgorica will seize. "On the contrary, we will achieve more and get better results. We will work every day as if there was no concession process," said Orlandić, emphasizing that Montenegrin Airports are state-owned and that ACG management will act in accordance with Government decisions.

03 Sep 2019, 21:00 PM

Why engage in rural tourism, how to register a rural household, and what are the prospects for the development of rural tourism in Montenegro? These are the topics from a recently-published Guide for Rural Households by Dr Ilija Moric, who has himself been successfully working in rural tourism on Luštica for many years, and whose family is the only producer of organic olives in the country.

“Six months ago, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and  Tourism produced a study on the development of rural tourism in Montenegro, which showed it to be one of the fastest-growing branches of tourism and a huge opportunity for Montenegro. Currently, there are between 150 and 200 registered households involved in this kind of tourism, but their number is increasing on an almost daily basis,” stated Dr Moric to Radio Jadran.

The publication contains all the necessary guidelines for offering services in board and lodging for tourists in rural households.

“Registration has been changed and simplified. There are up to 200 households in Montenegro currently involved in rural tourism, and we expect this number to increase in the future. This is an excellent opportunity for households in coastal areas, where we have cruises, classic seaside and spa tourism, in other words where we already have mass tourism as such,” said Dr Moric.

These were also the reasons why the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, having produced the study, decided to print a Guide for Rural Households, with detailed guidelines on how to start out and manage the business.

“We have to explain why it is beneficial to be involved in rural tourism, how to start out, and the easiest way to develop and improve on what you are offering. The book deals with the principles of successful communication, how to welcome guests, how to look after them, and how to be a good host. The next section deals with registration, which is not complicated at all, and has advantages, because you can apply for funding. A registered rural household is entitled to several thousand Euros a year through an assistance programme to advertise what they offer. The guidebook contains a glossary of general expressions used in tourism, particularly for those who do not speak foreign languages,” our interviewee stated.

Dr Ilija Moric is himself very successful in rural tourism in Tići on Lustica, and is the author of the guidebook, which has a print run of 500 copies, with photography provided by Jovan Nikolić. The book is distributed by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, which will distribute copies of the guidebook to interested rural homeowners.


03 Sep 2019, 20:07 PM

03 September 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović, at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, attended a central ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, which is being held in Warsaw, Poland.

Presidents of the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany Andrzej Duda and Frank Walter Steinmeier opened the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II. The ceremony began symbolically at 04 hours and 40 minutes in the Polish city of Wielun, when the first Nazi bombs fell on Poland and killed the first civilians.

"First of all, I am very pleased that, as President of Montenegro, I had the opportunity to attend a first-class international political event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the beginning of World War II, which, as we recall, began today in 1939 with the attack of Nazi Germany on Poland. I think the event itself is further significant because of the current context in both Europe and the global scene. So this is a time when memories of the importance of events like World War II are beginning to fade, and not only fading due to the passage of time, but especially in Europe because of the rising political rating of far-right politicians trying to rewrite history, trying to relativize the merits of liberators and the victor over fascism and at the same time relativize the responsibility of those who objectively found themselves on the side of fascism at that time," stated President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović as his Office reported.

Montenegro at 80th Anniversary Ceremony Since the Start of World War II

Leaders and other senior officials of the EU Member States, NATO and the Eastern Partnership were invited to the ceremony,  honoring all the victims of World War II by symbolically striking the "bell of peace" in Pilsudski Square and laying a wreath at the Monument to Unknown Heroes.

President Đukanović in the second part of the program attended official dinner in the Royal Castle which Polish President Duda organized for high officials.

"Montenegro is present at such an event, and it is not only historically based but, I would say, very current and significant for us. First of all, the magnificent 13th of July Uprising at that time, from fascism enslaved Europe, represents today, I would say, the most valuable legitimation of Montenegro before Europe and the world, but it seems to me that in addition, Montenegro needs to attend all the places where memory is stored and celebrating the victory over Nazism, to be present and to participate in all events that glorify and elevate anti-fascism as a permanent, moral and state-political vertical of Montenegro throughout its historical history, including current Montenegrin society," concluded Đukanović.

 Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

03 Sep 2019, 13:05 PM

In Zabljak, from the 3rd to the 8th September, the 12th regional Euro-Atlantic camp “REACT” will be held, organized by the NGO “Alpha Center”. Out of 270 candidates from 20 countries, the Expert Council selected 70 participants for this year's REACT.

"Through the implementation of this unique summer school, the Alfa Center is contributing to the education and training of young people on European and Euro-Atlantic integration, regional cooperation and stability, the military, defense and diplomacy," the Alfa Center said.

During the five days, 11 lectures, ten-panel discussions, two workshops and debates will be held, and this year's camp is enriched with the topics of rule of law and strengthening democracy in the countries of the region, as well as youth activism and youth participation in national policies.  Sports and cultural program is provided for the camp participants.

Lecturers at the camp are, as in previous years, representatives of the state institutions of Montenegro, “Montenegrin Army, representatives of the diplomatic community, distinguished professors from several international universities, civil society organizations and the media. This year, public figures from the cultural and scientific life of the region are also participating, "said Milos Perovic, director of the Alpha Center.

Speakers include Ivan Brajovic - President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Suzana Pribilovic - Minister of Public Administration, Aleksandar Drljevic - Chief Negotiator of Montenegro with the European Union, Slobodan Filipovic - State Secretary at the Ministry of Defense, Nenad Koprivica - Director of the Directorate at the Ministry of Sport of Montenegro, Robert Pscel - Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Security Policy at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Veselko Grubisic Croatian Ambassador, Professor Djordje Blazic Manerik. And from public figures hip-hop band “Who see”, Dejan Dedovic and Mario Djordjevic and popular „Kumare” - Srdjan Stojanovic and Miodrag Manerik.   

 “A large number of young people who have attended REACT as students are already hired in responsible decision-making positions relevant to the future of Montenegro and the region. I am sure that even this year the friendship, knowledge and experience that will be achieved in Zabljak in September will have a great and positive impact not only on their lives and careers, but also on the stability and democratic development of Montenegro and the region," said Perovic.

Text by Svetlana Mandic, on September 2nd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

03 Sep 2019, 12:58 PM

Members of the Sports and Fishing Club (SFC) "Niksic", with the help of the Society of Young Ecologists Niksic, cleaned the path around Slano (Salt) lake last weekend. According to the announcement, the road, which is about ten kilometers long, should be renovated by the end of September, with the assistance of the Municipality and Electric Power Industry of Montenegro (EPCG).

SFC "Niksic" says that this month, they will arrange paths and access roads on Liverovic and Grahovsko Lake, and they hope that with the help of local government and EPCG, they will be able to arrange the path leading from the closure on Krupac Lake to Krupac Cave.


After the action of cleaning (Photo: SFC Niksic)

"Few people know about this trip. It is a cobblestone road that is completely overgrown and if it gets cleaned it would have the most beautiful promenade in the city. But we can't do it alone. We need support. Ours is to initiate, but I am convinced that we will come to an understanding with the mayors of the Municipality and Elektroprivreda and that we will be able to, jointly, arrange this promenade," said the Secretary of SFC "Niksic" Vlajko Simovic.

In July, environmentalists set up two benches, a table, and an info board, in the driveway to Salt Lake, while a month earlier they organized an action to remove waste from the shore of the lake, more than three kilometers long, and from the lake itself.


After the action of cleaning (Photo: SFC Niksic)

Salt Lake was created in 1950 for the needs of the Perucica hydroelectric power station, while it was transformed into a reservoir lake in 1968. Its surface has 8.9 square kilometers, with a dam of 1,663 meters in length, and has great potential for the development of eco-tourism and sport fishing, and also for the ornithology.

Text by Svetlana Mandic, on September 2nd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

03 Sep 2019, 12:55 PM

The seawater at the Montenegrin beaches is of good quality, sanitary correct, and safe for bathing and recreation.

This has been shown by the latest analysis done by the Institute of Marine Biology from Kotor for hundreds of bathing areas for the needs of Public company “Morsko dobro”.

 “The results of the analysis of seawater quality for 100 public beaches conducted by the Institute of Marine Biology from 27 to 29 August showed that in 91 of them the quality of seawater was K1 class, while in nine baths it was K2 class. Out of the total 16 beaches in Ulcinj, 15 of them were of excellent K1 quality, while one beach was of K2 class. In Bar, out of 13 bathing areas, the analyzes showed the quality of K1 in 10 of them, while in 3 the water was of class K2. At all 26 beaches in Budva municipality, water was of excellent quality K1, and the same situation was in Tivat, where water quality was K1 class at all nine bathing facilities. In the municipality of Kotor, out of a total of 15 bathing areas, the quality of K1 was recorded at 13, and at 2 of them, the quality was K2. Analyzes of seawater quality in Herceg Novi have shown the quality of K1 at a total of 18 bathing areas, while at three beaches the water was of the K2 class”, it was stated from “Morsko dobro”.

Text by Vuk Lajovic, on September 2nd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

03 Sep 2019, 12:43 PM
September 3, 2019 - The 13th Herceg Novi Strip Festival begins this Friday, bringing a vibrant and diverse program, placing the city under Orjen again in the most significant addresses of the ninth art of today.
After a three-day event named "Herceg Novi in ​​Comics," organized last weekend in Porto Novi as an introduction to the 13th edition of the largest strip festival in this part of Europe, the HSF team is closing the final preparations. This year, the citizens and guests of Herceg Novi have the opportunity to enjoy in six vibrant days of top cultural content.
One city, two galleries, live concerts, six days, ten venues and 50 comic authors and theorists of the ninth art - this year's edition of the Herceg Novi Strip Festival (HSF) is on the program from September 6 to September 11.
The first festival day begins at the elementary school "Daso Pavicic" with Lazo Sredanovic, creator and author of the legendary comic book "Dikan."  The famous artist is bringing lectures and workshops with students, thus marking 50 years since the first number of his brilliant comics. Iztok Sitar from Slovenia and Vladimir Vesovic from Serbia will also talk about the most famous Balkan comic strip. The most famous Montenegrin comic book theorist Luka Rakojevic will subject the work of Lazo Sredanovic and other distinguished authors from Montenegro.
The inauguration of the festival is scheduled for 8 pm at Belavista Square in the old town, followed by a tour of the exhibitions of 12 special guests at this year's edition of the HSF.
An exclusive guest list, foreseen by Argentinean comic book legend Enrique Breccia; make up another British trio of great artists Rufus Dayglo, Boo Cook and Simon Davis; Italians Vanessa Belardo, Pasquale del Vecchio, Andrea di Vito and Mario Alberti, and Spaniards Raul Allen and Javier Fernandes and two outstanding artists from the former Yugoslavia - Leonid Pilipovic alias Punkerstein from Serbia and Stefan Štef Bartolic from Croatia.
The opening night of the 13th HSF concludes with a concert by the brilliant Italian punk-rock band Rodeo Clown with whom also plays a top comic artist, an old friend of HSF, Antonio Lucchi. Before the musicians from Sardinia will perform the young rock band Kupllung, as well as the combined rock band Gotham Villans, both from Herceg Novi.
The next five days, Herceg Novi becomes the scenery of the best product of the ninth art and when the whole city breathes the rhythm of HSF. An army of more than 50 comic book creators, among whom are practically already resident artists - William Simpson (GB), Moreno Buratini (Ita), Walter Venturi (Ita), Walter Trono (Ita), Antonio Lucchi (Ita), Mirko Colak (Srb), Aleksa Gajic (Srb), Stevan Subic (Srb), Dragana Kupresanin (Srb), Zoran Stefanovic (Srb ), Tihomir Tikulin (Cro), Milko Peko (Cro), Filip Andronik (BiH) - draw on squares, beaches, cafes, restaurants, hang out on terraces, streets and clubs and give workshops and lectures in schools and galleries. 
In the year full of significant anniversaries from the comics world, this year's edition of the HSF will be in commemoration of these crucial historical moments, such as 90 years since the release of Tin Tin, 80 years of Batman, 60 years of Asterix, 50 years of Alan Ford, and the aforementioned 50 years of the most famous Balkan comic Dikan.
The thirteenth edition of HSF ends at the Peoples Beach Bar with the concert of the great Serbian rock band Viva Vops, the winner of the cult music show Bunt on RTS.
02 Sep 2019, 21:50 PM

Four new projects have been approved and prepared by the Herceg Novi Municipality Office for International Cooperation and partners. This continues the active participation of the Municipality in the EU - Europe for Citizens Programme.

“Here we are talking about a total value of close to 400,000 Euros, which will encourage the strengthening of cooperation between local communities from various European countries, civil activism, volunteering and the development of youth policies,” the Head of the Office, Simonida Kordić, told Radio Jadran.

The Office will be representing the Herceg Novi Municipality in the following projects: Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe-ACHIEVE; European Volunteering Engagement Network-EVEN; European Youth Empowerment – Festivals – EYE and European Volunteering is the Key of Evolution – EVOKE, explains Kordić.

“Through these projects, we are strengthening ties and the position of our municipality internationally. We must be aware that, as a municipality whose primary economic activity is tourism and therefore, by definition, a “cultural product”, we are competing internationally, and competition is extremely fierce. That is why we must be better connected and better presented to the international community through bilateral relations as well as through project partnerships. So, besides the fact that through the projects a certain amount of money flows into the municipal budget, and covers the salary costs of those involved in the implementation of the projects, we also have the opportunity to expand our international network in which each individual who wishes to can find his or her place,” adds Kordić.

Starting this summer, the Herceg Novi Municipality will start implementing projects that relate to the following:

ACHIEVE - Comprises 14 partners from 11 countries aiming to strengthen the common European identity through finding and promoting elements that bring together different European peoples and cultures. Particular attention will be paid to dialogue on specific features of local communities, as well as to how individuals understand identity and the history of the climate they come from. The project will also deal with the issue of growing Euroscepticism and ways it can be curbed. The Office for International Cooperation will, within the scope of the project, carry out a series of activities which will primarily offer young people the opportunity to discuss and create content linked to common European values, local history and customs, Euroscepticism and other topics covered by the project.

EVEN - The main goals of this project are the strengthening of civil activism, primarily promotion of volunteering in the smaller local communities and supporting broader involvement of citizens in decision-making processes at all levels. Nineteen partner organisations from 17 countries are involved in the project, and it is envisaged that over 470 people, primarily young volunteers, youth workers, representatives of civil society groups and local administrations will participate in the various project activities.

EYE - This project will deal with the issue of European solidarity, particularly the importance of building trust between current and future EU members. Within the project, five youth EYE festivals are planned, at which young people will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and reflections on what it means to be an EU citizen, cooperation between European countries and the future of our continent. The Fifth EYE Youth Festival will be held in Herceg Novi, and throughout the two-day festival various events will be held, such as a workshop on the theme of common European achievements, and evenings dedicated to various cultures, debates, panel discussions, and Live Action Role Play. The project brings together six partner organisations from Finland, Italy, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

EVOKE - Exchange of examples of good practice and identifying new, innovative solutions for local community development are the main ideas behind this project. The project also advocates cooperation and solidarity between states in times of economic crisis, as well as working together to combat poverty. This project involves eleven city-partners from nine countries.

The Office for International Cooperation announces that the public will be kept informed in due time of all project activities to be taking place in Herceg Novi. At the same time, it calls on all interested parties to participate in any of the planned events, which they point out will be both interesting and useful, as well as being the best way to present the town to both project partners and the wider European audience.


02 Sep 2019, 16:48 PM

02 September 2019 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro Srđan Darmanović, attended Informal Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs which takes place in Helsinki, Finland recently. Minister Darmanović was invited by High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Pekka Haavisto. Minister of Foreign Affair of Montenegro Srđan Darmanović pointed out that Montenegro was encouraged by the support it received in further integration of Western Balkans.

"We believe that enlargement policy, based on the regatta principle, is the only credible strategy for the reform of our societies and acceleration of economic growth, but also for ensuring security, peace and competitiveness," stated Minister Srđan Darmanović.

He pointed out that Montenegro was a leader in the process and stated that he is sure that, by the end of this year, Montenegro is going to open the remaining negotiating Chapter VIII.

During the session dedicated to cooperation in the region Minister Darmanović said that Montenegro recognized the importance of progress every country had made towards its European Union journey.

Participants of the meeting in Helsinki exchanged opinions about human rights protection and gender equality and stated that respect for international law, promotion of universal human rights, democracy and rule of law were at the core of the foreign activities of the European Union, Cafe del Montenegro reports.

Minister Darmanović stressed Montenegro’s commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights at both the national and international level.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

02 Sep 2019, 15:17 PM

Lustica Bay is organizing the 1st Aquathlon in their village on Sunday, September 15th.

The aquathlon is multisport that consists of swimming and running, the perfect test of your summer training!

Everyone is welcome to participate or enjoy this sport manifestation while having a drink and a stroll in the village.

Registration will take place on the 15th at noon and the start of the race is expected to be from 3 p.m. 

There will be more categories for children and for adults, please find more info at


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