
12 Sep 2019, 16:00 PM

12 September 2019 - The Government of Montenegro will invest about 580 000 EUR in the construction of the water supply system at the site of the future ski resort Cmiljača in Bijelo Polje, it was specified in the contract, signed earlier this week by the Public Works Administration of Montenegro and the best bidder in the procurement procedure, Podgorica-based company "Vukotić Trade".

It is about one of the segments in order to put into operation new centre and the deadline for the completion of work is six months from the day of introducing contractors to work. 

For this site, the Public Works Administration has already contracted the construction of the six-seater cable car with the capacity of 2.600 skiers per hour and 3 kilometers of ski slopes, with a total value of 8 million EUR, reported the Government of Montenegro.

Recently, the construction works have begun the construction of electricity infrastructure in order to prepare for installation of substation 35/10 kV, which will power the ski centres Cmiljača and Žarski and the process of punching access roads in the length of about 16 kilometers is ongoing. 

The realisation of the investment in Cmiljača will allow the . valorisation of the tourism potentials of this mountain area in which the Government will invest around 23 million EUR in the next three years.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

12 Sep 2019, 15:18 PM

12 September 2019 - New prices of taxi services will start to apply next year. Taxi drivers are expected to submit a price list for validation on 27 December. Price lists are forwarded to the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro. So far, no legal entity or entrepreneur has done it, said Lazarela Kalezić in front of the Secretary for Transport reports Cafe del Montenegro.

New decision on taxi services stipulates introduction start ride price ranging from 0.50 EUR to 1 EUR.

"Decision on taxi services stipulates that entrepreneurs and legal entities should deliver a new price list to the Ministry of Transport within six months. Nobody has done it yet, we’ll introduce new prices next year," stressed out Kalezić.

Kalezić says they have prepared the program for the organization of a taxi ride in the territory of Podgorica. Mayor of the capital town Ivan Vuković should sign the program in the forthcoming days.

"We expect this program to be verified by the Mayor. We are considering if this program can be adopted for two years," pointed out Kalezić.

She adds that there are 966 taxi vehicles currently in Podgorica.

"For Podgorica, that is a lot. The Capital must find a . model to reduce the number of vehicles. Taxi drivers who decide to quit or those who retire should not be able to concede their licenses to someone else. It is difficult to tell what the optimal number of taxi vehicles would be. Anyway, they should be an alternative to public transport," concluded Kalezić.

Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

12 Sep 2019, 15:13 PM

12 September 2019 - OSCE mission in Montenegro has donated forensic 33.700 EUR worth equipment to the Forensic Center in Danilovgrad.

Equipment includes a station for forensic analyses, licensed software for monitoring Internet evidence and access to digital devices, mobile forensic equipment for collecting evidence at the crime scene and 10 vehicle identification number devices.

After the donation contract was signed with Director of Police Department Veselin Veljović and chief of OSCE mission in Montenegro Maris Davie, the officials said that this equipment would be helpful for criminal investigations.

"The equipment will enable Forensic Center to examine digital evidence and carry out data analyses at crime scene in order to save evidence," said Davie, as Cafe del Montenegro reports.

She reminded that OSCE supported Forensic center since its formation in 2008.

"The Center has been accredited at the international level. It is a giant step forward in the fight against regional and international crime. Evidence collected in the Center will be accepted by any court," pointed out Davie.

Veljović said that this donation was very important, not only because of its value but also because it would contribute to fight against all types of crime and assist criminal police in their activities.

"Forensic Center is a very serious institution now. It meets standards of renowned forensic centers," concluded Veljović adding that OSCE is their strategic partner.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.


12 Sep 2019, 09:45 AM
September 12, 2019 - The third Tivat World Music Festival begins tonight on the Pine Coast with a concert by Bilja Krstic with the Bistrik Orchestra. After this concert, which starts at 8 pm, the Prince of African funk sound, legendary Femi Kuti from Nigeria, will perform for the first time in Montenegro with his band The Positive Force.
The two-days Festival, lasting from 12-14 September, will take place on four stages with ten performers coming from three continents.
The main stage "Riva" is set on the Tivat promenade; the second stage is in the Lustica Bay complex, the third in the luxury resort of Porto Montenegro, and the fourth, "Acoustic" stage, in the atrium of the Public Institution Museum and Gallery Tivat.
There will be three bands from Montenegro: Gospoda Glembajevi, the Nuova Orchestra, and the band Janum. Beside Bilja Krstic & Bistrik Orchestra - Serbia, three more orchestras from the region arrive Irfan - Bulgaria, Ethno Jazz Orchestra - Serbia, and Atma Mundi Ensemble – Croatia, who will perform with the best Montenegrin jazz vocalist Sanja Raičković.
As in previous years, three bands from three continents are coming to Tivat for the third edition of the Festival. Along with world star Femi Kuti & the Positive Force, we also have Albaluna - Portugal and the Tannin Trio - Turkey.
The spirit of the old Balkans, a bridge from traditional music to modern, a voice as pure as a drop of dew and the sound of traditional instruments - in short, Bilja Krstic & Bistrik Orchestra, are opening the Festival tonight on Pine. It is a great honor for the famous Serbian musician, one of the most respected vocalists in the Balkans, to share the stage with the great African musician, Femi Kuti, and his band.
"It's a great honor to share a stage and music with such a big name as Femi Kuti. He does make the music that he writes and performs exceptionally. I think it will be an extraordinary evening. We, the Bistrik Orchestra, take the stage at 8 pm, and Femi Kuti performs from 10 pm. It will beautifully fit in our biography, which is no small matter. So far, we have had the opportunity to participate in various festivals in the company of big stars, and now we will add Femi Kuti to our biography."
In an interview with Radio Tivat, a famous vocal artist on the concept of the Tivat World Festival says:
"I like that it's a very colorful program, and yet it's all about tradition. We all be in one place, and that diversity is heard, and at the same times that thread that connects us. We all have our roots, it's nice when we hold on to tradition and preserve what's old, and present it in a whole new way. The concept is great because Montenegrin orchestras are also being promoted. We must preserve the tradition, live with it, and without it, we lose every trace, which is especially important for small cultures. Small nations have something to show, and it is good that this is preserved. Everyone should go first from their yard and show what is most beautiful, and then, of course, everyone on the side is always welcome."
As of this year, the Festival has an ecological character, and in this context, a round table on the topic - "Creative Industries - Ecology and Culture" will be held. Even the performance art within the theme festival has ecology. NGO Fluid Drum has started a collaboration with the team of Herceg Novi Strip Festival, which is arriving tonight with some of the artists who marked the 13th edition of HSF. So, Pine will be a visual scene before the music.
The participants of the roundtable will be citizens, renowned ecologists, cultural workers, and artists to create a platform for future projects on ecology and culture. "The fact that we are the only ecological country in the world has not been used enough. We want to combine ecology and art in a creative way to create products that can further enhance the cultural and tourist offer and improve the standard of living of the citizens of Montenegro," said the creator and director of the Festival, Dalibor Sevaljevic.  
The Festival's organizer is the NGO Fluid Drum,  and the sponsor of the Tivat World Music Festival, held for the third time, is the Tivat Tourism Organization.
11 Sep 2019, 21:29 PM

Tivat will be marking European Mobility Week (16th to 22nd September) with a number of activities that promote sustainable transport and call for us to change our relationship with the way we travel. This year, European Mobility Week is organised around the theme of safe walking and cycling with the slogan "Walk With Us!"

Organised by the Secretariat for Utilities, Transport and Energy Efficiency, with assistance from the Secretariat for Planning and Sustainable Development, events marking the European initiative will begin on Monday, 16th September with a round table entitled “Photovoltaic Potential in Local Communities as a factor for Increasing Energy Efficiency, Urban Mobility and Social Responsibility”. The aim of the event is to encourage the use of solar energy in transport.

On Tuesday, 17th September, a “Street Day” is planned, with a two-hour road closure in the centre of the town to promote environmental, social, cultural and recreational activity.

In order to introduce children to the significance of protected natural goods, spending time in nature and to promote renewable energy sources, an Eco Camp and visit for elementary school children to the protected natural area “Ulcinjska Solana” (Ulcinj Salt Pond) and “Možura” wind farm will be held on Wednesday, 18th September.

The “All Aboard the Catamaran” event, and free trip on solar-powered boats offering passenger services from Tivat, will be offered on Thursday, 19th September.

The following day, on II Dalmatinska Street between 9 and 11am there will be a competition in cycling proficiency for elementary school children, and also an art workshop on the theme “Overcome Obstacles - Ride a Bike” for preschoolers.

Promotion of climbing and hiking trails on Vrmac, as part of “Let’s Hike Together”, will be organised on the route Gornja Lastva - Saint Vitus - Gornja Lastva on Saturday, 21st September.

xVrmac mikophotVrmac ography.jpg.pagespeed.ic.BltoognPi9

Vrmac – mikophotography

Sunday, 22nd September, or World Car Free Day, marks the final day of events, and is reserved for an international women’s cycle race and 5km fun run. Participants of this activity, which will be organised on the Pine Promenade - Donja Lastva - Pine Promenade route, will be from Fancy Women Bike Ride and Tivat Athletics Club.

European Mobility Week is an event to promote alternative means of transport to fossil fuel-run vehicles. The aim of the Week is, through promotional events and adoption of at least one sustainable urban mobility measure, to improve efforts to reduce the use of car transport and improve conditions for public transport, bicycles and pedestrians. 

Since its inception in 2002, the impact of European Mobility Week has been steadily increasing, both in Europe and around the world. The 2018 campaign broke its own record - 2,792 towns in 54 countries organised events as part of Mobility Week.

Tivat is marking the event for the fourth year running, and since the success of 2017, when it was nominated among the top three in the category of European Cities of up to 50,000 inhabitants, is continuing this year with an even more ambitious programme.

We invite everyone to join us once again for European Mobility Week!

11 Sep 2019, 15:19 PM

The Ministry of Science of Montenegro, in cooperation with EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratories) and the Institute of Marine Biology (University of Montenegro), organized a summer school in the field of molecular biology from 9 to 11 September.

"The regional school was organized in Montenegro for the first time and was intended for students of biological, medical and biotechnical sciences. In addition to students from Montenegro, students from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia participated in the school. The idea is that this school becomes a tradition and every year we have the opportunity to enable a number of students to become acquainted with one of the new fields of molecular biology. Dr. Detleu Arendt, leader of one of the EMBL research groups at Heidelberg, dealing with the exploration of simple marine organisms and the cells they are made of. The attendees were addressed by Dr. Mirko Djurovic, Director of the Institute of Marine Biology in Kotor, and all participants were welcomed by Mr. Djurdjina Bulatovic on behalf of the Ministry of Science of Montenegro," as said by the Ministry.


Illustration (Photo: Ministry of Science)

The theme of this year's school is "Single cell sequencing" and was an ideal opportunity for students to become acquainted with state-of-the-art molecular biology research techniques.


Participats of the school (Photo: Ministry of Science)

"In addition to lectures and practical work in the laboratory, students also had the opportunity to learn about the methods of sample collection in the Bay of Boka, which were demonstrated to them by a team of experts from the organization EMBL  (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), which represents a significant success in the field of internationalization of scientific research,
 the Ministry said.

Text by Vijesti online, on September 11th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

11 Sep 2019, 15:17 PM

NGO Green Home will begin to identify pressures on the Tara River, which includes mapping of landfills, wastewater discharges, locations of gravel, devastated shores and troughs, illegal construction, temporary facilities and other uses of the river's resources that potentially threaten its natural state.

A team of eight will cross the 146-kilometer stretch of Tara over the next 25 days of fieldwork, from the source to Montenegro's border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Pressure mapping was preceded by theoretical and practical training of a working team for digital geo-referencing of river pressures, comprising representatives of the NGO Green Home, the Federation of Sports and Fisheries Organizations of Montenegro, the National Parks of Montenegro and volunteers. Demanding field research is carried out for getting the overall river’s state and understanding of the cumulative impacts of current pressures, but also to develop a plan for the restoration of threatened areas of the riverbank and riverbed, with short, medium and long-term measures. Identification of pressures on the River Tara is one of the activities carried out through the project "Protection and Conservation of Water and Natural Tara River Resources” in cooperation with the Federation of Sports and Fisheries Organizations of Montenegro, as the developer of the project. The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development through the Project of small grants of the project “Managing of the river basin Drina in the Western Balkans", supported by  GEF-SCCF, as said from NGO Green Home.

Text by Vijesti online, on September 11th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

11 Sep 2019, 14:58 PM

In preparation for the fair “CTM (Camping Motor Touristik) 2020” in Stuttgart next year, in which Montenegro will participate as a partner country, the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro, in cooperation with the organizers of the fair, hosts representatives of renowned German media who are visiting our county in September, from 10-14.

These are the nine most important German-language print media, CMT PRESS, Schwaebische Zeitung, Heilbronner Stimme, Badisches Tagblatt / Wochenjournal "Wo zum Sonntag", Badische Neueste Nachrichten, Sonntag Aktuell, Reutlinger Generalanzeiger, Badische Zeitung and Main Post”, stated the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro.      

By the cooperation agreement signed by Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulovic and Executive Director of Camping Motor Touristik (CMT) in Stuttgart in March this year, Montenegro will be a partner country of the fair, which has over 240,000 visitors and more than 2,000 exhibitors from all over the world.

"It especially presents new destinations, countries, regions and cities for active holidays. By appearing at this CTM fair, which takes place from January 11-19, 2020, Montenegro will make a major step in promoting Montenegro as a tourist destination at the Central Europe market from where there is a significantly higher number of tourists.  Participation in this fair is an opportunity for representatives of the Montenegrin tourism industry to directly offer arrangements to the visitors, prepared for the occasion. An attractive offer for active holiday, cycling and hiking paths, as well as wild nature, is attracting an increasing number of guests from Germany. In 2018, 80 percent more tourists from this market visited Montenegro, which achieved 73 percent more nights than in 2017. The growth trend continued this year when Montenegro during the first seven months in hotel accommodation alone visited twice as many guests from this market compared to 2018," said the NTO.

Representatives of German media will be acquainted with the tourist offer of Montenegro and its natural and cultural sights during their stay in Montenegro.


Journalists from Germany (Photo: NTO)

"As part of the visit, they will visit Durmitor National Parks and Skadar Lake, Cetinje and the village of Njegusi, Kotor and Our Lady of the Rocks. A visit to Bar and Ulcinj, a boat cruise in Budva, a visit to the Capital and a tour of the Porto Montenegro marina are also planned. The visit was supported by the local tourist organizations Ulcinj, Bar, Budva, Kotor, Podgorica, Zabljak and Kolasin, “Museums of Montenegro” and “National parks of Montenegro”. From part of the tourist business, the visit was supported by “Holiday Villages Montenegro” and “Regent Porto Montenegro”, as well as the tavern “ “Kod Pera na Bukovicu ”, it was stated from the National Tourism Organization.

Text by Vijesti online, on September 11th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

11 Sep 2019, 12:59 PM
September 11, 2019 - The 52nd Balkan Sailing Championships ended with an awards ceremony held last night at the Porto Montenegro Marina. Montenegro can be proud of our national team results in the first big international competition organized for sports classes in our country. We won six medals - five gold and one silver.
The absolute heroes are Milivoj Dukic, Nikola Golubovic, and Danilo Joncic, winning the gold medals. Pavle Music and Viktor Lesjak were excellent in the Optimist class, reaching the gold group.  
The coach of the Montenegrin national sailing team and the manager of the 52nd Balkan Championship, Ilko Klakor, is delighted with the result of our national team, but also with the organization of the first major international regatta in our country. "We can be proud of the results and the organization itself. Everything was successfully performed, which is confirmed by the fact that all our guests are satisfied and leave smiling." Klakor thanked everyone who supported the organization of the Balkan Championship. "First of all, I would like to thank the volunteers - our children, who have endured the effort until the last day and have done a tremendous amount of work. We appreciate the help of the Municipality of Tivat, Utility Company, Water Supply, Tivat Tourist Organization, and all other institutions. They have done their part of the job most professionally, thus helping YC Delfin to organize this competition at a top-level," Klakor told Radio Tivat.
Among 105 competitors in the Optimist class, Dimitros Bitros from Greece won the gold. The silver medal went to Alexandros Piperakis, and the celebration of the Greeks completed Alexandros Joanidis, who deserved the third place. Stefan Yuill from Serbia was seventh, Pavle Music from Montenegro finished 16th.
And in the girls' competition, all three medals in the Optimist class went to Greece. Gold went to Elizabeth Ana Winters, silver to Kerkez Jacob, and bronze to Evangelia Karageorge.
But Turkey's Ozdemir belt is the first in the Optimist class of sailors up to 12 years old. The second is his compatriot Kustal Gounes Karkmaz, and the third is Joanis Turnis of Greece. Viktor Lesjak from Montenegro is 11th and his teammate Petar Klakor is 21st.
The gold medal in the open part of the competition in the Optimist Class won Dimitros Bitros from Greece; the silver went to Croatian, Josip Tafra. The third was Alexandros Piperakis from Greece.
montenegro golubovicNikola Golubović, Copyright: YC Delfin
Delfin's young competitor, Nikola Golubović won the gold medal in the Laser 4.7 class. The silver medal went to George Papadakos from Greece, and the bronze medal also went to Greece thanks to Jasanos Kefalonitis.
In the women's competition, the first place in the class Laser 4.7 won Sofia Rapti from Greece. Silver went to Ana Jovanovic from Serbia, her compatriot Kristina Color was third.
Nikola Golubovic from Montenegro won the gold medal in the open part of the competition in the Laser 4.7 class. The silver medal went to George Papadakos of Greece and the bronze to Jasanos Cephalonitis, also of Greece. Ana Jovanovic and Kristina Bojja from Serbia finished fifth and sixth respectively.
montenegro joncicDanilo Joncic, Copyright: YC Delfin
In the Laser Radial class, the first place and the gold medal won Danilo Joncic from Montenegro. The silver medal went to Nikolas Gikonis from Greece, and the third place and the bronze medal earned Maximilian Roska from Romania. Stefan Anđelić from Montenegro, who was second after the first day of the competition, finished the Balkan Championship in fourth place.
Romania's Ebru Bolat won the gold medal in the Laser Radial class, which is the women's Olympic class. The silver medal went to Mariela Nikolova of Bulgaria, while Amalia Prevalencia won the bronze medal from Greece. Ksenija Joksimovic from Serbia took fourth place.
In the open part of the competition in the Laser Radial class, the gold medal won Ebru Bolat from Romania. The second was Danilo Joncic from Montenegro, and, thanks to Nikolas Gikonos, the bronze went to Greece.
montenegro dukicMilivoj Dukic, Copyright: YC Delfin
In the Laser Standard class, Montenegrin Olympian Milivoj Dukic won first place and a gold medal. The silver medal won Aligizakis Leonidis from Greece, and Ivo Todorov from Bulgaria won bronze after a big mistake by Ilija Markovic, who had crossed at the start of the last regatta.  Disqualified for that reason, Ilija finished fifth in the Balkan Championship, although he almost had a medal in his hands. Nikola Banjac from Serbia was fourth.
Milivoj Dukic won the gold medal in the open part of the competition in Olympic class of Laser Standard. Silver went to Aligizakis Leonidis of Greece, while bronze went to Canada, thanks to Carim Filah. Bozidar Golubic from Croatia was fifth, Nikola Banjac from Serbia was sixth, and Ilija Markovic finished seventh.
The Balkan Sailing Championship is over, and thoughts are already turning to next summer when a new major international competition will be organized in Montenegro and Tivat. It is the European Championship for sailors under 21 in the Olympic classes Laser Standard and Laser Radial. European competition will be a new challenge for the Sailing Federation of Montenegro and the Sailing Club Delfin.
11 Sep 2019, 11:40 AM
September 11, 2019 - The International Road Cycling Tour of Montenegro 2019, organized by the Cycling Federation of Montenegro and sponsored by the Ministry of Sport, awaits us this weekend, from 13 to September 15.
The two-day competition includes two races "Grand Prix Kotor - Lovcen 2019", which is also the national championship of Montenegro in road cycling, and the traditional, third, one-day cycling race "Trophy Kuchi 2019".
The Tour of Montenegro 2019 will feature over 100 competitors from fifteen European countries, including England, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, as well as the hosts of Montenegro. The organizer accepted the participation of a total of 12 teams with 70 competitors. Given that the race is also open to individual competitors, this figure will undoubtedly exceed the expected 100 cyclists at the start of the Tour of Montenegro 2019.
"The teams that will fight to win this year's Tour of Montenegro 2019 are coming from the region and the other European countries. TBW23 Stuart Hall Cycling Team from the UK is coming back after participating last year's international race Trophy Kuci 2018. Two teams are coming from Slovenia- the Bled Cycling Club and the Kranj Cycling Club. Roda - Sisak Cycling Club is representing Croatia, and from Bosnia and Herzegovina come two clubs - Herzegovina Team Mostar and Cycling Club Zmaj od Bosne - Tuzla. The units of the Partizan - Belgrade Cycling Club and the CCN Metalac Rolling Stone - Kraljevo Cycling Club come from Serbia, and the Velo M Termalift - Kumanovo Cycling Club team from Macedonia. The UVT Devron West Cycling Team will represent Romania from Timisoara. We have two teams from our country - the Montenegrin National Team and a joint team of two Montenegrin cycling clubs, called Mix Team Džada - MFR Tempo," race director Sinisa Milidrag tells TMN.
The race will feature several national champions, with the most notoriously reported name being Dusan Rajovic. Until recently a member of the Slovenian Continental team Adria Mobil, Rajovic will ride next year for the French Pro Continental team Delko. At the Race Tour of Montenegro Rajovic will play in the jersey of the parent club CCN Metalac from Kraljevo.
The winner of last year's two-day bike race on Montenegrin roads "Trophy Kuci 2018", a member of the Macedonian Cycling Club Velo M Termalift, Andrei Petrovski, as well as two Slovenian national team members from Kranj, participants of the upcoming World Championship, will participate in the "Tour of Montenegro 2019".
"When it comes to the Montenegrin national team, we expect the best performance by Danilo Vukcevic and Demir Mulic, to be supported by the other members of the national team- Radosav Bezmarevic, Dragan Jasovic, Slobodan Milonjic, and Milos Vracar," says Sinisa Milidrag, noting that in addition to teams, individual competitors will perform.
The ceremonial opening of the "Tour of Montenegro 2019" cycling race is on September 13 at the Main City Gate in Kotor, starting at 2 pm.
On the same day, own chronometer on the route Kotor - Trojica - Krstac, in the category of seniors, juniors, juniors, and masters, in the men's and women's competition, runs in the race "Grand Prix Kotor - Lovcen 2019" and the national championship of Montenegro. 22 km long, starting at 4 pm
On the second day of the "Grand Prix Kotor - Lovćen 2019" cycling race, on September 14, a circular track, 30 laps, in the total length of 100.5 km, takes place in the Kotor Industrial Zone. The start of the second day of the primary race "Grand Prix Kotor - Lovcen 2019" is at noon. Also, on the same track, starting at 10 o'clock, there will be a road championship of Montenegro, in the men's and women's competition, in the categories seniors, juniors, juniors, masters, cadets, junior cadets, and pioneers.
On the next day, September 15, the program "Trophy Kuči 2019" will take place, which will be driven in the first part by the vineyard of the Plantaze company "13. July" and then to the Kuca Gorge, totaling 108 km. The opening is at 10 am, while the race start is scheduled for 11 am.
The organizers of the International Road Cycling Tour of Montenegro 2019 point out that the primary goals of organizing this prestigious international cycling event are the promotion of Montenegrin sport and its potential to athletes from fifteen European countries, as well as the promotion of cycling in Montenegro. It will be an opportunity for Montenegro to be once again promoted and internationally recognized as a tourist and sports destination. Next year, the Tour of Montenegro will be on the international cycling calendar, when it is expected to attract even more competitors, especially from Western Europe.
10 Sep 2019, 20:37 PM

In order to improve business and provide better services to users, we are pleased to announce that the new website for “Parking servis Herceg Novi” Ltd, Herceg Novi is now available at the following address

The new site has been created as a modern and efficient way of providing information to all interested users of services.

In addition to basic information, the site contains detailed information about the company, activities, services provided, and how to make payment. All important information regarding the operation of the parking service, as well as useful forms, can be found on the same site.

Besides Montenegrin, the site is also available in both Russian and English, the company states.

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