
19 Sep 2019, 15:04 PM

The opening ceremony of the multinational exercise "Joint Challenge 2019" was held at the Djuro Draskovic barracks in Kolasin.


In addition to experts in the field of mountain warfare of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Austria, representatives of the Army of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the Armed Forces of Italy, NATO Center of Excellence for Mountain Warfare, as well as members of the National Guard of the State of Maine, in the role of observer, participate in the third multinational exercise.

By opening the exercise, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Army of Montenegro, Svetozar Brajkovic said that it was an honor and pleasure that Montenegro once again hosted such an exercise.

"Because the development of mountain warfare capability is deeply rooted in our past and present. The centuries-old struggle for freedom of Montenegro was fought mostly on mountainous terrain, and Montenegrin soldiers regularly defeated their opponents on such a battlefield, regardless of inferiority in manpower and military equipment," said Brajkovic.

In addition to the representatives of the participating countries, the ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Kolasin, Milosav Bulatovic.


Text by Vijesti online, on September 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

19 Sep 2019, 14:57 PM

The environmental defense united eco-activists from Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia, who signed an agreement last weekend in Ruma to preserve national forest treasures, prevent forest devastation and control state forestry institutions.

This was said to “Vijesti” by the director of the NGO Environmental Movement Ozon and activist of the Coalition for Sustainable Development (KOR) Aleksandar Perovic, who signed the agreement on behalf of KOR.


At the exhibition (Photo: Jelena Jovanović)

The document was also signed by representatives of the initiatives of the “Guardians of Fruska Gora” from Serbia and the Croatian “Green Squad”, as well as the Forum of the Veterans' Association "VIDRA - Veterans and Social Action".

After the signing, the announcement of the first joint action has arrived. Thus, on October 5 at noon, Durmitor, Medvednica and Fruska Gora will warn of the devastation of the forest treasure and urge those responsible to prevent further cutting.


 At the exhibition (Photo: Jelena Jovanović)

"The signing of the agreement not only formalized the cooperation of the region's ecological civic networks, as politicians do, but we all committed ourselves not to give up joint resistance to the uncompromising appropriation of natural resources by interest lobbies close to the authorities of the Balkan countries," Perovic said.

He noted that it is obvious that private interest is placed above the public in the whole region:

"And that decision-makers and politicians are part of that organized eco-criminal group. This is also one of the reasons that all of us who love the nature of our countries and who are aware that we must fight to change the existing devastating environmental devastation trends, come together in the regional block of civic, environmental activists and be the ones to weigh in favor of a sustainable future.


 At the exhibition (Photo: Jelena Jovanović)

He invited the citizens to join them in front of the Government building on Friday, September 20, at a civic, environmental protest on the occasion of the Ecological State of Montenegro Day:

“Together we show that we care about the ecological state of Montenegro, for sustainable development, for a promising future, for a country that we return to and for the most valuable thing that our ancestors left us and what we are obligated to leave to our descendants, not to give to the tycoons without a fight. "


 At the exhibition (Photo: Jelena Jovanović)

Text by Jelena Jovanovic, on September 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

19 Sep 2019, 12:06 PM
September 19, 2019 - Regent Porto Montenegro Hotel provided the students of Public Institution High School Mladost from Tivat with the start of five-star high school education. Students who have just begun their education and training in catering have been allowed to enter the Regent's kitchen and, in the company of top craftsmen, gain insight where diligent work, coupled with the love that is necessary for the culinary arts, can lead them soon.
The cooperation between the Regent Hotel and the Mladost High School has been going on for several years to mutual satisfaction. The school has boasted a new Chef education program since last year, what Regent has recognized the opportunity to offer support in the professional development of Tivat high school students from the very beginning. Thus, on Wednesday, September 18th, for the second generation of chefs, a cooking class with top culinary experts was held. Cooking class for first-year students is intended as an incentive and motivation at the beginning of the school year, Regent's management said.
"It is a great pleasure that we have organized a cooking class for our future colleagues. The idea is to make it a tradition and one of the elements of cooperation that we already cherish with the High School" Mladost." During the few hours, the young chefs were with us learning how to prepare the two dishes we serve at the Regent Hotel. We gave them a recipe as a keepsake, and we hope to call many of them our colleagues in the future. We wanted this cooking class to have one important symbolism - a five-star start, which guarantees excellent professional development," said Zana Zekovic, HR director of the Regent Hotel.
"We are pleased to have a partnership with the Regent Hotel. As part of the collaboration, ten students will be practicing at the hotel this 2019/2020 school year. We consider this an ideal synergy of school curriculum and training in practice, which will be carried out to the highest world standards, and in our city. "
19 Sep 2019, 11:17 AM
September 19, 2019 - The seventh edition of the sailing regatta Thousand Islands Race, which sails from Rijeka to Tivat and back, begins on Sunday at noon. The regatta runs between more than 1000 Adriatic islands, with sailors highlighting it's the course the one of the best that nature can design for navigation regattas. The only ship with Montenegrin flag- SY Sofia, set sail for Rijeka last night to be ready for launch, scheduled for Sunday, September 22 at noon.
The organizers of the Thousand Islands Race are YC Scor from Rijeka and Porto Montenegro Yacht Club, and a total of 10 teams have applied for the seventh edition of the two-stage competition. Among them is the YC Delfin crew from Tivat, led by skipper Jeremija Kurbanovic, who sails the Thousand Islands Race for the sixth time.
Since the start of the first leg is from Rijeka, for the only Montenegrin team this regatta has twice the challenge, because they have to sail the Adriatic four times in two weeks. SY Sofia, the ship with which under the name of Tatiana Delfin's sailors sailed the Thousand Islands Race for the first time in 2014, last night departed from Tivat with part of the crew to arrive in time to rest before the start of the competition.
The performance of the Delfin crew at the 7th Thousand Island Race supports  PMYC by paying the entry fee. The regatta starts on Sunday at noon; the deadline for arrival in Tivat is September 24. On September 25, the +2 Regatta Race will sail through the Boka Bay, after which the winners of the first stage of the competition will be announced. The start of the second part of the race towards Rijeka is scheduled for September 26 at noon.
The format of the regatta remains the same as in previous years. The race consists of two stages from which the sailors can choose to sail only the first leg, only the second or both parts with overall results. Sailing from Rijeka, the fleet leaves on its right side the islands of Unija, Susak, Premuda, Dugi Otok, Kornat, Vis, Lastovo, and Sveti Andrija and ends at the marina Porto Montenegro.
The 1000 Island + 2 Regatta, on Wednesday, September 25 in the Boka Kotorska aquatics is an ideal opportunity for all local sailors to compete in their home waters with international sailors. On the other hand, it has tourist significance as an excellent presentation of the Boka Bay to visiting sailors.
The records of both stages, recognized by the World Speed ​​Sailing Record Council, since 2015 holds the Hungarian Wild Joe with 27h 24m 5s in the first stage and an average speed of 10.14 KT, and 32h 45s in the second stage with an average speed of 8.86 KT. Each new issue of Thousand Islands Race is a new challenge for participants and an opportunity to enter the list of world sailing records.
18 Sep 2019, 15:31 PM

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes that the rush to complete the highway from Bar to Boljari will endanger state finances, that is, fiscal sustainability, and that completing the highway through new loans would require new fiscal adjustment measures.

Work on the first section of the highway from Smokovac to Matesevo, which was due to be completed in May this year, was extended until October next year. The first stock will cost the state about 900 million without interest and exchange differences between dollars and euros. Since public debt has increased significantly due to the construction of the first section, the government has been forced to initiate fiscal adjustment measures, including wage cuts, higher excise duties and VA. The IMF estimates public debt at 88 percent of GDP at the end of 2019.


"The rush to complete the highway is likely to jeopardize fiscal sustainability. Completion of other stocks could cost an additional 25 percent of GDP. If the government decides to complete the highway between 2021 and 2026 through new loans, government debt (including guarantees) will remain above 80 percent of GDP in 2020. Without new debt, public debt could be reduced to 50 percent of GDP by 2030," the IMF estimates.

As they explain, in the case of a new loan, the return of debt to its initial level in 2030 would require a new round of fiscal adjustment of about three percentage points of GDP between 2021 and 2023. GDP is now 4.8 billion euros, so an annual "fiscal adjustment" would mean that about 140 million euros should be provided through savings or taxes.

"Completing and maintaining a new fiscal adjustment of this size would be difficult," the IMF said.

The IMF believes that further planning of the highway should be paused until a credible feasibility study is conducted that should assess the economic return relative to the construction of another section. The IMF recalls that the Montenegrin government has commissioned a new feasibility study, due to be completed next year.

“If it decides to continue the highway work, we advise the Government not to undertake further construction or financing until at least 2023 when public debt should drop, estimated at below 60 percent of GDP. The construction of the second section is likely to be cheaper (by about 300 million euros) and will provide further benefits in connection with the north and tourist areas," the IMF said.

The IMF mission advised the authorities to carefully weigh the benefits of the highway Bar-Boljare project over the alternative use of scarce public resources.


"As the first section of total four is due to be completed by 2020, authorities are weighing options to build a second section. Past feasibility studies, completed several years ago, have estimated the low economic return of the entire highway, based on the limited potential of toll revenue in relation to costs, ”the IMF said.

This organization also points out that continuing to build a highway using the Private-Public Partnership (PPP) model could also entail significant fiscal costs.

“The government wants to investigate the PPP structure to complete the highway and avoid new loans. If a feasibility study suggests that the rest of the project is unlikely to meet the required rate of return on the private partner, it is likely to seek guarantees from the state.

The assumption of certain risks - including construction, availability and demand risks - under Eurostat rules requires that the project is recognized in the country's balance sheet, thereby achieving equal effect, as well as financing the project by a loan from the government. The need to pay the minimum guaranteed budget revenue could also impose significant expenditures due to a long concession contract, ”the IMF estimates.

Without fiscal sustainability, there is no construction of another stock

The IMF mission states that the Government has informed them that it will prudently proceed with further construction of the highway and that, by the time of the new feasibility study in 2020, it will analyze models for the construction of the second section.

"Authorities state that completing the first section is their top priority and will not start the second section if its solutions are fiscally unsustainable," the IMF said.

Text by Marija Mirjacic, on September 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

18 Sep 2019, 15:22 PM

Shipbuilder’s workshop Bokovac from Bar participated in the international maritime manifestation "Days in Vala", which was held in Croatia on the island Hvar.

It is the third International Festival of the Sea, Naval and Maritime Heritage organized by the Old Town Hvar and the Association for the Promotion of the Croatian Maritime Heritage "Cronaves" from Split, with the support of the Croatian Government, and sponsored by the President of that country, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic.

"During those five festival days, the Old Town of Hvar brought together many competitors, a large number of traditional wooden boats - gajetas , gucis , pasaras, leut, batanas... We achieved significant success and the first place with a pasara boat from Bar, "Andre", and the crew consisted of Emilio Gavran, a member of the Club "Latin sail" Bar and sailor from Croatia Maja Roic", said Lala Bokovac to "Vijesti" from the eponymous workshop from Bar.


Participants of the festivals (Photo: KR Bokovac)

She added that the festival was a good opportunity to share experiences, as well as business cooperation arrangements aimed at preserving and inheriting traditional sailboats.

"I am surprised by the support that those in Croatia who affirm and protect traditional wooden vessels have from the state. In recent days, Hvar has gathered a large number of guests from around the world, and the people of Hvar have made all the guests feel at home. I think that, by their example, we can further enhance our tourist offer," said Bokovac.

She added that the Shipbuilder Workshop from Bar will soon start training sailing on traditional wooden sailboats in Kotor through the project “Cattaro Sail”, and that it will be an opportunity to return the hospitality to the colleagues from Croatia.

On the team from Montenegro, which was at the festival "Days in Vala" in Hvar, was also a professor of FLU Cetinje, art historian and photographer Maja Djuric.

Djuric and the Bokovac team agreed with their Croatian counterparts on a series of further joint activities aimed at protecting and promoting the maritime heritage of the eastern Adriatic coast.

Text by Sinisa Lukovic, on September 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

18 Sep 2019, 15:28 PM

Due to local demand, the Elettra solar vessel, owned by Bella Boka, has added two new stops, at Muo and Dobrota. The new Perast-Prčanj-Dobrota-Kotor-Muo route began operations on Monday at 13:30. Departure from Muo is at 10:00.

"Elettra, our solar boat, has welcomed students, teachers, and workers in Tivat Municipality as part of European Mobility Week, promoting solar energy and sustainable development. This was indeed our "tour for a clean Boka!"

Yesterday, we were very pleased to welcome children and teachers from Ivo Višin Elementary School in Prčanj. The children were delighted and even briefly had the chance to helm Elettra themselves," Bela Boka reported.

General Manager of Bella Boka, Ricardo Bonetti, announced that the lines would remain running on Boka Bay throughout the winter months, as was the aim of the project.

18 Sep 2019, 14:56 PM

The route of the seventh LGBTIQ Pride Parade "Montenegro Pride", which will be held on Saturday in Podgorica, is longer than ever and covers more than one kilometer of the central streets of the Capital, as announced from Montenegro Pride 2019 Organizational Committee.

According to the organizers, the procession will start from St. Peter Cetinjski Boulevard, from the monument to King Nikola and continue to the Blazo Jovanovic Bridge, from where it will continue to Stanko Dragojevic Boulevard, after which it will turn into Bokeska Street and pass by Independence Square from which it will turn into Sloboda Street all the way to the hotel “Hilton”, from where it will continue to St. Peter Cetinjski Boulevard to the starting point.

According to the announcement, this year it is also a novelty that three locations will be opened to enter the venue of the Parade itself.


 The route of this year’s Pride

"The first entrance will be at King Nikola Street at hotel Nikic "M". The second location of the entrance will be at Blazo Jovanovic Bridge (access from the part of the city via Moraca), while the third, new, entrance will be located in the street Slobode at the intersection with Miljan Vukov street (entrance from the direction of the city stadium), "as said from Montenegro Pride 2019 Organizational Committee.

Entrances will be open at 4 pm and closed at 5 pm. The program will start immediately and will last until 6.30 pm at the latest.

The celebration of the Montenegro Pride will continue with the concert of the Croatian band "Nipplepeople" at 9 pm in Bokeska Street, organized in cooperation with Podgorica Art Festival.

Text by Vijesti online, on September 17th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

18 Sep 2019, 12:42 PM
September 18, 2019 - The second KOTOR CIRCLE, a festival dedicated to human rights, dialogue culture and the position of intellectuals in our region, begins today, September 18, at the Nikola Djurkovic Cultural Center in Kotor. This year's Kotor Circle will last until September 21.
"We see the point of the festival in launching topics that are taboo not only in Montenegro but throughout the region. Therefore, we have invited renowned guests from the countries of the former Yugoslavia," explains Ksenija Rakocevic of the NGO Hiberion. Hiberion organizes the festival, sponsored by the Kotor Municipality, with the support of the Nikola Djurkovic Cultural Center. It is an organization of professors, assistants, and students of the Study Program for the Montenegrin Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic.
"We will start the festival by hosting Dušan Maljević and presenting the Queer Proceedings. Considering the Law on Same-Sex Marriage was recently rejected in the Montenegrin Parliament, we assessed that the issue of human rights is one of the main problems to be addressed at present. So, we decided to start the Kotor Circle this year with the issue of LGBT invisibility, or visibility. Marinko Vorgic, a publicist, journalist, writer and advisor at the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro will speak on the topic, as well as Queer Proceedings Editor, Dusan Maljkovic, director and civic activist in Serbia," explains Ksenija Rakocevic.
Tomorrow, at 9 pm, Teofil Pancic, Serbian writer, journalist, columnist, and publicist, will speak on the topic of "Culture of dialogue" in the company of Kotor doctor, musician, civic activist, and satirist Goran Jovanovic, alias Timur Tmurni.
"We felt it necessary to initiate dialogue and talk about the dialogue culture and the mechanisms by which the dialogues are conducted. Dialogues are divided into those that are focused on finding solutions and those that are focused on arguing. We chose our guests accordingly. For more than 20 years, Teofil Pančić has been trying to conduct dialogues through various forms of his public activity and in his texts, columns and publications, constantly trying to explain how dialogue is conducted. Goran Jovanovic will be the right company for him to explain his insights on this topic from every angle," points out Ksenija Rakocevic from NGO Hiberion.
Ivan Čolović, editor and founder of the 20th Century Library (Biblioteka 20.vek), speaks on the topic "The Danger of Myth" on September 20 from 8 pm. He will approach the subject through the mythology, myth mania, and myths on which the nation in this region has grown, what we continuously face up in the Balkans.
The same evening, the audience in Kotor will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion on the position of intellectuals in the region. The session is scheduled from 9 pm with the famous Croatian journalist, writer, columnist, and director Ante Tomic and Marinko Vorgic.
The second Kotor Circle ends on Saturday, September 21, when from 8 pm on the topic "Power of words" will speak Prof. Tatjana Djurisic-Becanovic and Ksenija Rakocevic from the NGO Hiberion.
18 Sep 2019, 09:21 AM

September 18, 2019 - A rare chance to buy first row to the sea close to Budva in the latest RE/MAX Property of the Week. 

They say that the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location. 

There is perhaps a twist on that maxim when it comes to the Adriatic coast - first row to the sea, first row to the sea, first row to the sea. 

remax-rafailovici (1).jpg

In addition to having the security of knowing that nobody is going to interrupt that perfect view, nothing quite beats the mesmerising connection you can get with just you and the sea. 

And the good news is that there are some new (and increasingly rare) opportunities to get your own slice of first-row real estate heaven in our latest Property of the Week from the RE/MAX catalogue;

remax-rafailovici (2).jpg

For sale two bedroom apartment of 88 m2 in Rafailovici, on the first line to the sea. Rafailovici is a little charming place, located on the beautiful Becici beach, from Budva less than 10 minutes drive. The building is currently under construction, and the completion of works is in May 2020. In addition to the exclusive location, this complex will feature an unusual design as well as modern facilities, which future owners of apartments can enjoy, such as pools, panoramic elevators, reception, video surveillance, etc. This is an opportunity for all hedonists who want to enjoy the peace of a small place on the coast with a perfect sea view.

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Sales price - 340,000 euro. For more information, and to book a viewing, visit the original RE/MAX listing.  

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17 Sep 2019, 20:34 PM

Airports of Montenegro has chosen Airbus to launch night flights at Tivat Airport, states Chair of the Board of Directors, Dragoljub Bulatović.

“Insisting on the significance of night flights at Tivat Airport, we were fortunate to attract such a significant company as Airbus. We believe that we will reach a positive outcome as regards procedures for night flights, and we are convinced that this is one of the key issues for the further development and future of Montenegrin airports, including the new and greater value in the context of the forthcoming international tender for selection of concessionaires,” stated Bulatović.

For a decade already there has been a constant demand for additional traffic slots at the airport, the company reports.

“Night flights to the most significant inbound markets allows in effect the creation of a new airport on existing infrastructure, new income for both the airport and the tourist economy, and the creation of several dozen new, quality jobs in Tivat. The development of an alternative night airport to Podgorica is of not only economic, but also strategic importance for our country,” he said.

Montenegro is set to remain a leading air travel destination over the coming decade.

“The Board of Directors and Management will do everything necessary to ensure that once experts from Nav Blue-Airbus have successfully completed procedures from their side, we can begin night flight operations as soon as possible in Tivat,” concluded Bulatović.

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