
28 Sep 2019, 21:09 PM

28 September 2019 - The United States Embassy in Montenegro confirmed yesterday that U.S. Secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, will visit Montenegro. From October 1 to 6, Pompeo will travel to Montenegro, Italy, the Holy See, North Macedonia, and Greece.

U.S. Embassy spokeswoman, Morgan Ortagus, announced that Pompeo would take part in the U.S. and Holy See Symposium on Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations, where he will deliver keynote remarks.  He will have a private audience with His Holiness Pope Francis, and meet with Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin and Secretary for Relations with States Archbishop Gallagher.

In Rome, Italy, the Secretary will meet with President Mattarella, Prime Minister Conte, and Foreign Minister Di Maio. He will also visit Abruzzo to tour his ancestral home.

The Secretary will then travel to Montenegro, where he will meet with President Đukanović, Prime Minister Duško Marković, and Foreign Minister Darmanović. It will be the first official visit of a U.S. Secretary of State to Montenegro since the restoration of its state independence in 2006, reports Aljazeera. Pompeo, one of U.S. President Donald Trump's closest associates, will emphasize the importance of partnership and alliance between the two countries in NATO, a senior State Department official said at a press briefing on Pompeo's European tour, which was held on the sidelines of a United Nations General Assembly session.

Pompeo will also emphasize NATO's openness to new members and the contribution Montenegro has made as a small country to the Alliance in terms of geographical location and entry to the Adriatic Sea.

Asked by Voice of America about the significance and timing of the visit, the official said Montenegro was an important ally and that "the secretary of state is looking forward to the historic opportunity to visit it."

A senior State Department official said the U.S. remains highly engaged and focused on the Western Balkans region, which is strategically important to Europe's vision of being united, free and at peace, which is confirmed with the Secretary of State's decision to appoint a Special Representative for the Balkans, Matthew Palmer.

After his visit to Montenegro, Secretary will travel to North Macedonia, where he will meet with President Pendarovski, Prime Minister Zaev, and other government officials. The Secretary will also tour the Holy Mother of God “Peribleptos” monastery complex while visiting Lake Ohrid.

Finally, the Secretary will travel to Athens, Greece, where he will meet with Prime Minister Mitsotakis, Foreign Minister Dendias, and Defense Minister Panagiotopoulos.

28 Sep 2019, 20:29 PM

28 September 2019 - The introduction of a non-working Sunday, prescribed by the Internal Trade Law, will start on 14 October, Managing Director of the Directorate for Internal Market and Competition in the Ministry of Economy, Biljana Jakić, confirmed for Dnevne Novine daily.

This means the first Sunday off for trading shops in Montenegro will be on October 20th.

“The Law Amending the Law on Internal Trade entered into force on 13 July 2019. The Law prescribes that the provision under Article 35a, which refers to a non-working Sunday, shall apply after three months from the day of entering into force. Therefore, the application of this Article starts from 14 October 2019,” Director Jakić explained.

“Considering that the law prescribed a transitional period for the application of Article 35a relating to a non-working Sunday, within three months from the date of entry into force of the law, we consider that employers have had sufficient time to organize the work process in accordance with this provision," Jakić pointed out. According to her, the Ministry of Economy is in direct communication with employers on the implementation of the new legal norm.

Montenegrin Economy Minister Dragica Sekulić previously explained that they predict that there would be no drop in turnover for traders, and that the business people believe that the daily takings will be passed over from one day to the next. However, the Montenegrin Employers Federation recently filed a law-review initiative with the Constitutional Court. The Federation believes that the law is problematic from the perspective of large and small trading systems, since the Montenegrin economy consists of 95 per cent for small and medium-sized businesses.

“We can already predict the negative effects that the adoption of the law will bring in the future, especially since we have strategically decided to make tourism our main industry. The question is whether we can afford the luxury of giving up the huge traffic that takes place on Sundays, which is affected by many tourists on the coast and in the north," the representatives of the Federation highlighted.

As of October 14, as defined by law, only pharmacies, bakeries, flower shops, souvenir shops, newsstands, shops that sell plant protection products and shops that sell funeral equipment can be open on Sundays.

Exemptions for working on Sundays are also found at gas stations, retail shops within gas stations, markets, stands, counters, showcases, mobile shops, as well as vending machines outside markets. Also, shops and vending machines located inside closed areas, buses, railway stations, airports and ports, booths and kiosks selling goods during events, festivals and events, fairs and public displays of cinematic works, as well as warehouses for wholesale trade are also an exception and can work on Sundays.

Amendments to the law stipulate that employers who violate the provision and open stores on Sundays may be fined between 1,000 and 10,000 euros.

28 Sep 2019, 19:42 PM

28 September 2019 - On September 26, Montenegro successfully issued bonds in the international capital market under the most favourable conditions so far.

Bonds were issued for 500 million EUR, with a maturity of 10 years and the interest rate of 2.55%, which is the longest maturity period and the lowest interest rate achieved so far.

Following the positive reviews by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, as well as positive ratings from world's rating agencies, the international investment market also positively evaluated the activities of the Ministry of Finance and the Government of Montenegro.

In this way, the investors have given full confidence to the Government's continued policy, results achieved and future planned activities in the field of macroeconomic and fiscal policy, preservation of fiscal and financial stability, and implemented and planned activities in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration.

The good results are confirmed by demand for Montenegrin securities. The investors' offer exceeded the issued amount three times, reaching a maximum of over 1.8 billion EUR.

Furthermore, given that over 190 investors from different parts of the world have expressed interest, the Montenegrin bond is generating significant interest in the international securities market. In this regard, geographically speaking, the issue has been significantly diversified, with a considerable interest of investors from the United Kingdom, Europe, the United States, and Asia. On the other hand, institutional investors, i.e. investment funds, insurance companies, commercial banks, etc. were predominant.

Significant success has been achieved in the international capital market, delivering the most favourable market conditions achieved by Montenegro since the first issue of Montenegrin foreign securities.

28 Sep 2019, 19:21 PM

28 September 2019 - Montenegro has no doubts when it comes to the country’s accession to the EU, and we hope that the next Brussels administration will give an additional impetus to the Union's more active role in the region, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin said at a meeting with ambassadors of the EU Member States and the Head of EU Delegation to Podgorica.

During the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister and ambassadors exchanged views on current political topics and issues relevant to the process of European integration of Montenegro.

Regarding the current process of electoral reform and other legislation reform, the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that the ruling majority is open to dialogue with the opposition in order to hold all future elections in Montenegro according to the highest international standards. He stressed, however, that the current demands of the opposition for a caretaker government have no political, democratic or constitutional basis, and that any dialogue that would mean the opposition's insistence on such unrealistic and unfounded demands has no future.

Speaking about the Law on Freedom of Religion, DPM Pažin noted that the Government is ready to achieve the maximum degree of consensus in constructive and professional dialogue with religious communities to further advance the legal text by accepting the recommendations of the Venice Commission. He estimated that yesterday's meeting between Prime Minister Duško Marković and Metropolitan Amfilohije was an expression of the democratic capacity of the Prime Minister and the Government and the readiness to engage in a constructive and reasoned dialogue with all religious communities on this subject, despite a very aggressive and factually unfounded campaign against the proposed law. The Deputy Prime Minister assessed the content of yesterday's meeting as a positive and encouraging step.

DPM Pažin said that in the case of the request of the Republic of Croatia for the extradition of Saša Sinđelić, his decision as Minister of Justice would be based on the law and very principled, respecting the position of the competent court on the fulfillment of the conditions for extradition.

Furthermore, the officials exchanged opinions on other issues of importance for Montenegro's accession to the European Union.

Ambassador Aivo Orav, the Head of the EU Delegation to Podgorica, thanked Deputy Prime Minister Pažin for open and honest dialogue and pointed out that the European Union wants to see Montenegro as its member as soon as possible, which is why European partners expect Montenegro to apply the highest standards of respect for European policies and values.

27 Sep 2019, 22:29 PM
September 27, 2019 - The Government of Montenegro adopted the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of ​​Kotor at its session held on Thursday, September 26.
After the meeting, Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanovic addressed the media, who said that the proposal was preceded by a period during which many other activities were implemented.
"The determination of the proposed changes to the existing legal solution was, first of all, motivated to preserve Kotor status on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Action Plan, which also became the Government's strategy in the past, preceded the drafting of this document. It was during the three years that we made some other very significant decisions and implemented complex activities to receive significant encouragement and positive evaluations from UNESCO. The result is the positive comment we have got this year from the Committee Session held in Baku," emphasized Minister Bogdanović.
One of the implemented measures was the introduction of a moratorium on construction in the protected area of Kotor. Also, for the first time, a mechanism for the preparation of a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was introduced into national legislation, he emphasized.
Minister Bogdanovic also spoke about the critical changes envisaged by the enacted act.
This document amended the articles on the drafting of the Heritage Impact Assessment in terms of more precise guidelines for the procedure itself. The new solution also envisages introducing a difference in method for the protection zone and the protected environment/buffer zone. The impact assessments for the buffer zone should be defined based on a separate act to be adopted by the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property. The document should identify locations in the buffer zone that have an impact on the universal value of the Kotor area and for which it is necessary to operate the HIA - he said.
Minister Aleksandar Bogdanovic concluded that the proposed amendments further define the procedures for making individual assessments for heritage, but also leave room for these procedures to be drafted only within the zones defined by a particular act of the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property.
27 Sep 2019, 19:53 PM

27 September 2019 - Montenegro and Slovenia have developed excellent political and bilateral relations, but also good economic cooperation that can be further enhanced in the fields of tourism, energy and agriculture, Prime Minister Duško Marković and newly appointed Ambassador of Slovenia to Montenegro Gregor Presker stressed at an official meeting held on September 24.

Prime Minister Marković said that the presence of about 150 Slovenian companies is very important for Montenegro and that foreign investments are accompanied with new knowledge, business practice and ethics. The positive evaluation of the Slovenian companies’ operations in Montenegro and their cooperation with the Government are the confirmation of the Government’s policy of continued advancement of the business environment. The interlocutors recalled Slovenian companies engaged in insurance, banking, energy, tourism, trade and planning that accomplished numerous achievements in these areas and that follow strategic plans for further expansion of business and new investments in the Montenegrin economy.

According to the report by the Government of Montenegro, the Prime Minister mentioned that Montenegro achieved strong economic growth of almost 5% in the past two years, reducing unemployment and improving infrastructure as key preconditions for development.

"Investment opportunities in Montenegro are great. We have consolidated the energy sector, turned to renewable energy sources and this area is a serious and great opportunity for the Montenegrin economy, as well as for foreign investments," Prime Minister Marković stated, also referring to tens of millions of euros of investments in agriculture, through the agro-budget and various EU support programmes.

Ambassador Presker emphasised that Montenegro is a factor of stability in the region and that Slovenia strongly supports EU enlargement to the Western Balkans. He added that Montenegro's experience in tourism would be valuable for his country.

The meeting also discussed the situation in the region, highlighting the importance of the EU Open-Door policy for the Western Balkan countries and the speeding up of the integration process.

27 Sep 2019, 17:01 PM

27 September 2019 - Upon his arrival in New York, where he is attending the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović met with representatives of the Diaspora organized by the Consulate General of Montenegro in New York.

The President of Montenegro expressed his gratitude to those present and the entire Diaspora for their loyalty to Montenegro and contribution to the aspirations of our modern state, noting that the Diaspora also represents a significant Montenegrin potential for the near better future.

They discussed the processes in our country and the region, in the context of integration aspirations, the achievement of European values ​​and standards and increasing the quality of life of citizens, reported the Office of the President of Montenegro.

President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović also had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Montenegrin Diaspora Association on Thursday, following his address to the United Nations General Assembly.

Continuing his visit, President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović will also attend the official opening of the General Debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly and will be a guest at a luncheon hosted by Antonio Guterres for top UN officials, as well as receptions by US President Donald Trump and Donald Tusk President of European Council.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

27 Sep 2019, 16:55 PM

27 September 2019 - From the beginning of January to the end of July this year, total foreign direct investments inflow has reached 448,2 million EUR, while total outflow was estimated at 206,7 million EUR.

A total of 173 million EUR was invested in inter-company debt, investments that do not increase initial capital. Values of companies and banks have been increased by 167,8 million EUR of investment, non-residents invested 94,3 million EUR in real estate, whereas other investments reached 13 million EUR.

From the beginning of the year until the end of July, Hungary has been at the top of the list of countries that invested in our country (51,7 million EUR). Hungarians invested 2,9 million EUR through real estate. Investments in Montenegrin banks and companies amounted to 45 million EUR, reports Cafe del Montenegro.

Russian investors are in second place. Around 41 million EUR came from Russia. Russians contribute to Montenegrin balance by purchasing real estate. They invested 17,6 million EUR through inter-company debt, whereas foreign direct investments totaled only 722.533 EUR.

Bosnia and Herzegovina come third on the list, with 31,2 million EUR of investments: 1,3 million EUR of the real estate sale, 1,4 million EUR of inter-company debt and 28,5 million EUR of investments made by three companies.

When it comes to operations of our citizens abroad, non-confidential data refers to the inflow of money from a real estate sale, whose value is estimated to be 732.702 EUR.

Another 24 million EUR came to our country through a real estate sale. But the data are confidential because of a minimal number of investors.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

27 Sep 2019, 15:33 PM

Due to the construction of the park near St. Petar Cetinjski Square in Podgorica, parking at that location will cease to operate.

According to the Parking Service, current users of that parking lot will still be able to use alternative parking spaces in that part of the city, primarily the new parking lot in the area of the former small market, as well as zone parking spaces.


Recall, the University of Montenegro announced earlier that, as the contract with the Parking Service expired, the associated parcel of about 4,000 square meters in front of the Rectorate building will lead to its original purpose - the establishment of green space, in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors.

"By enhancing the university campus, that is, by expanding and enriching the "green oases" in urban areas, we promote socially responsible behavior towards future generations, raise the level of environmental awareness and culture and invest in a more beautiful and healthier future for Podgorica and Montenegro," said the University.

Text by CdM, on September 26th 2019, read more at CdM

27 Sep 2019, 10:08 AM

For October 2, Interior Affairs Day, the Security Center (SC) Niksic, in conjunction with other organizational units of the Police Directorate, exhibited the weapons and material-technical means which are used at the town square in Niksic. The arsenal of weapons was presented by members of the Special Anti-Terrorism Unit, including equipment used by border and traffic police, followed by service dogs, equestrian police and criminal technology.

"The aim of this activity is to give citizens of Niksic, that is, all visitors, immediate insight into weapons and equipment, as well as to provide them with proper responses to those questions they ask the police officers within the scope of police work," said CB Nikšić Police Commander Darko Madjaric.

The exposed weapons attracted the attention of both the youngest citizens of Niksic and the elderly, and especially the little ones who wanted to be photographed next to members of the anti-terrorist unit and the cavalry police, as well as the motorbikes used by the traffic police.

"This does not end police activities. We will visit the Day Care Center for Children with Developmental Disabilities and, on that occasion, we will give them modest gifts, and the officials of the Security Center Niksic will participate in the voluntary blood donation action," said Madjaric.

For the youngest visitors, an educational performance was organized in the performance of the famous children's entertainer Radojica Stanković, better known as Santa Panta, as well as a traffic safety quiz.

"This activity is intended to improve communication between citizens and the police, and to raise them to a higher level," said the police commander.

Radivoje Banovic from Niksic, thinks this activity is the "right thing to do" because it brings confidence in the police.

"This should be one step more towards gaining confidence and events like this need to be organized more. We need to get closer to the people. I see that there are new rifles and new equipment here, but I think my old weapon is unsurpassed and that it is of the right quality," Banovic said.

In contrast, Ivan Kosmos from Split, whose sister married in Niksic, was particularly attracted by the new technology.

"I've worked as a diver for a whole century, so that's why I've been interested in this. I'm retired now. We have events like this on the occasion of Police Day. This means to the citizens that they get a little closer to the police, especially when they see modern, technically sophisticated equipment, modern technology. It is interesting for the average person to have a look and he is pleased to see that the police is following modern trends and going forward, ”Kosmos said.

The Open Doors Day will be organized on October 2nd, in the premises of the Security Center Niksic again this year, as it was the case with the previous ones.

Text by Svetlana Mandic, on September 25th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

27 Sep 2019, 10:05 AM

Podgorica will be connected with Dublin twice a week by Ireland's low-cost carrier Ryanair. The line will operate from March.

CdM reports that the exact flight schedule will be known at the end of the summer season, at the end of October this year.

Montenegrin citizens can now book trips to Dublin by the end of October next year at the lowest prices on flights with, as they point out, the lowest carbon dioxide emissions per passenger.

"To commemorate the introduction of the new line, we decided to offer tickets until midnight on Friday at a promotional price of €14.99 for these and all flights within the European network starting in November this year," said Olga Pavlonka from Ryanair.

Text by Boka News, on September 26th 2019, read more at Boka News

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