
11 Oct 2019, 01:50 AM

11 October 2019 - The Stadium of little sports (Montenegrin: Stadion malih sportova) in Podgorica, to the satisfaction of all citizens and sports enthusiasts, will soon get a completely new look. Reconstruction of the stadium is in progress and, as the representatives of the government of the Capital City announce, it will be completed by the end of the year.

Sneak Preview into Reconstruction Project Stadium of Little Sports in Podgorica

Podgorica's Construction and Development Agency launched a tender for the reconstruction of The Stadium of little sports, worth 550,000, EUR two days ago, announced the PR Office of the Mayor of Podgorica. The construction works, they explain, will include the reconstruction of a football and basketball playground, construction of a grandstand with a storage room for equipment and props, and the construction of an access path from the main gate to the playgrounds and grandstands. The works also include the necessary greening of the space.

Sneak Preview into Reconstruction Project Stadium of Little Sports in Podgorica 3

In addition to the funds earmarked by the Capital, the Football Federation of Montenegro will invest in the reconstruction of the Stadium of Small Sports in the amount of about 50,000 EUR.

Following the Detailed Urban Plan “Nova Varoš 2” from 2008, the plan of The Stadium of little sports in this area envisaged an urban plot for the construction of residential buildings. However, in May 2015, the Capital issued a Decision on drafting amendments to the planning document, with a guideline from the Spatial Urban Plan, as a higher-level plan, to convert the collective housing area into sports and recreation areas in the mentioned area. In this way, the Capital's position was clearly expressed that the premises of The Stadium of little sports do not have collective housing facilities, but that this space is treated as a sports and recreation zone.

Sneak Preview into Reconstruction Project Stadium of Little Sports in Podgorica 4

The Stadium of Little Sports is a multi-purpose stadium in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. It is located under the Gorica Hill, near the city centre. The stadium's total area is 6.686 square meters, and the municipality of Podgorica owns it. It serves as one of the leading concert venues in the city.

Sneak Preview into Reconstruction Project Stadium of Little Sports in Podgorica 2

The citizens of Podgorica, as well as the citizens of the country, hope that with this reconstruction, the stadium will regain its original purpose – hosting sports events and gathering people of all generations. They are looking forward to seeing children and adults playing handball and mini football like they used to in the past.

Read more about Sports in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

11 Oct 2019, 01:29 AM

11 October 2019 - Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković recently hosted the representatives of the Italian company Leitner, one of the world's leading manufacturers of products and equipment for ropeways, snow groomers, urban transportation systems, and wind energy. Following the successful launch of the cable car project in Cmiljača and the Monastery Podvrh - Đalovića Cave, the company expressed its intention to start a project to build a gondola cable car from Kotor to Njeguši by financing, according to initial estimates, around 20 million EUR.

The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with Leitner's business operations in Montenegro so far, assessing that the two cable cars projects, as strategic projects financed by the Government and built by Leitner, are successfully implemented due to the seriousness and commitment of the parent company, as well as the choice of a high-quality local partner.

"It is important for the Government of Montenegro, which allocates a large amount of money from the capital budget for strategic development projects, to have credible partners like Leitner who bring new quality and knowledge. The successful start of the previous two projects recommends you for this one as well. That is why I was delighted by your interest in the Kotor – Njeguši cable car project that you would build on the principle of concession or public-private partnership," Prime Minister Marković noted.

Sales director and member of the Leitner Board of Directors Martin Leitner presented a preliminary design of the cable car to the Prime Minister, saying, among other things, that they plan to build Pininfarina cabins similar to the ones they recently built in Zermatt in Switzerland on the Matterhorn Glacier.

The meeting assessed that the project has a tourist, but also ecological and cultural dimension as it enriches the tourist offer of Montenegro, improves the tourist position of Cetinje and Lovćen National Park, but also creates preconditions for reducing the volume of traffic from Kotor to Njeguši.

Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulović and Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanović also attended the meeting.

10 Oct 2019, 12:00 PM
October 10, 2019 - The Joint Advisory Committee of the European Committee of the Regions - CoR and Montenegro will hold its 13th session on Monday, 15 October, in Tivat.
The CoR is an assembly of local and regional representatives in the European Union. It is an EU political organization comprising 350 members and 350 alternate members from all EU Member States. The members are elected at the local or regional level (e.g., mayors, mayors, mayors, city board members, assemblies). The members were assembled into political groups (European political parties; there are now five). CoR is headed by President, now Karl-Heinz Lambertz (Socialist from Belgium).
The European Committee of the Regions is the voice of EU cities, municipalities, and regions. Advises EU legislatures (EU Council, European Parliament) on legislation, which is implemented at the local and regional levels in 70%. It meets full six times a year in Brussels / Brussels, and also acts on six thematic committees.
As a permanent form of cooperation with EU candidate countries - including Montenegro - CoR maintains joint advisory committees. These are parity bodies, meaning that they have an equal number of members from the CoR and the partner country, in this case, eight. JCC ME has two co-chairs; from the EU (CoR), it is Jelena Drenjanin (Sweden, European People's Party - EPP), and from Montenegro is Aleksandar Kašćelan, Mayor of Cetinje. On the European side, the CoR General Secretariat prepares the session of the Committee, and on the Montenegrin Union of Municipalities.
There will be two crucial topics on the agenda of the 13th session of the JCC ME: the system of financing and maintenance of municipal infrastructure and "Should we still work with our hands?" - The role of industry in economic development at the local level. Speakers from Montenegro (host, Tivat Mayor Dr Sinisa Kusovac; Montenegrin Chief EU Negotiator Aleksandar Drljevic; Sanja Zivkovic, Secretary of the Spatial Planning Committee of the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro; Ranko Misnic, Mayor of Mojkovac and others), guests from the EU will also speak : Aivo Orav, Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Montenegro; Jaroslav Hlinka, CoR rapporteur for the 2019 Enlargement Package (Slovakia, Socialist); Sonja Polonijo, Crikvenica City Hall, waste management expert, and Dr. Velibor Mackic, professor at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb.
09 Oct 2019, 16:35 PM

09 October 2019 - Economic activity is slowing in the Western Balkans, alongside investments and exports in the six countries of the region. According to the latest Western Balkans Economic Report called ‘Rising Uncertainties’, growth is estimated at 3,2 per cent in 2019, which is by 3,9 per cent lower than in 2018.

Growth in North Macedonia has continued following a major slowdown in 2019, while Kosovo is expected to record strong growth at 4 per cent. Most economies in the region are seeing slower growth compared to one year ago. Even though the regional economy is foreseen to grow in 2020 and 2021, it will remain slightly below the ten year high of 2018.

"Continuing growth in the region will help to create jobs, bring more women into the labor market and help to curb emigration," says Linda Van Gelder, World Bank Director for the Western Balkans, writes Cafe del Montenegro.

She also added that the economic clouds on the horizon point out to a need for policymakers to reinforce competitiveness, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending, and resolve rising fiscal imbalances in order to build on these successes and encourage sustainable growth.

Despite the economic slowdown, the unemployment rate in the region continued to decline, reaching historic lows.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

09 Oct 2019, 16:29 PM

09 October 2019 - At the invitation of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ivan Brajović, a delegation of the Parliament of Georgia, headed by president Archil Talakvadze, is making its official visit to Montenegro, CdM reports.

Brajović pointed out in the meeting with the delegation that the visit was an additional impulse for strengthening ties and enhancing political dialogue at high and the highest level.

"Montenegro-Georgia relations are friendly. We share European values and the vision of the future in the European Union. Montenegro supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia. As NATO members, we will continue to support Euro-Atlantic ambitions this country cherishes," said President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ivan Brajović.

While expressing special satisfaction about the meeting with President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ivan Brajović, Georgian president of the Parliament Archil Talakvadze pointed out that the visit to Montenegro was his priority.

"I congratulate Montenegro on everything it has achieved so far. From the political and economic point of view, Montenegro can serve as an example to other countries in the region. Citizens of Georgia were very happy about Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic success," said Archil Talavadze.

Interlocutors agreed that parliaments had a very responsible role in the further democratization of countries.

Georgian president of the Parliament also thanked Montenegro for the support it pledges to his country in the process of democratic transition, Euro-Atlantic and European path.

They also discussed political and economic priorities in the development of Montenegro and Georgia, as well as economic cooperation that can be improved in many areas.

Presidents of Parliaments of Montenegro and Georgia laid a wreath at the monument of the Partisan soldier in Gorica. Tonight at 7 PM in Bar, the Honorary Consulate of Georgia in Montenegro will be officially opened.

Read more news about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

09 Oct 2019, 11:37 AM
October 9, 2019 - The Casa del Mare Hotel Group is hosting another gala charity dinner on October 12th at 7 pm at the Casa del Mare Mediterraneo, this time dedicated to the students of the Resource Center for Education and Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech Disorders in Kotor.
Chefs from seven Casa del Mare hotels, restaurants, and the Bocas Beach Club will present their mother-houses through eight plates, or eight dishes, paired with wines from the Plantaže Winery.
Dinner costs 80 euros, and all the money raised that night will be donated to the Student Culinary Education Resource Center.
Resource Center for Education and Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech Disorders in Kotor deals with the education, upbringing, rehabilitation, placement, and vocational training of children with hearing and speech problems. It includes pre-school, primary, and secondary school education for hearing impaired children and currently houses and educates 148 children.
The Resource Center is an innovative educational center that, through state-of-the-art educational programs and projects, introduces its students to the education process, and all that is important for success and progress in life. By age, socioeconomic status, family circumstances, and intellectual capacity, each child is approached uniquely and appropriately.
A few years back, in collaboration with Santa Barbara in the US, the Resource Center has been sending its students to attend the Academy of Culinary Arts in Santa Barbara. After training, many of them work in high-ranked hotels, resorts, and restaurants in Montenegro and beyond. The originator and founder of the Academy, Novljanin, is Goran Milic, owner of Divino Restaurant in Los Angeles, who organizes donor dinners to provide funds for children to travel and stay in California.
"We want to help this action to make the next generation of Academy students as numerous as possible. Therefore, besides the funds raised from the dinner guests, we will also organize an auction, the proceeds of which will also be directed to the Resource Center. Simple, we help children with hearing and speech impairments to acquire skills that will enable them to live independently and efficiently in the future," said the management of Casa del Mare.
They invite all friends, goodwill people to enjoy a gala evening and be part of this charity story. To confirm your arrival, call or text +382 67 090 390.
09 Oct 2019, 10:48 AM
October 9, 2019 - On the occasion of 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and our country, the exhibition "Montenegro on the front pages of Italian magazines from 1896 to 1921" was opened at the Parliament of Montenegro on Monday.
At the opening of the exhibition, organized by the Montenegrin Parliament and the Italian Embassy, ​​Parliament Speaker Ivan Brajovic emphasized that Italy has always been a significant European neighbor of our country, and the Italian territory represented a natural Montenegrin window to the world.
Speaking about the contribution of Italian capital to the overall progress and modernization of Montenegro since the establishment of diplomatic relations, President Brajovic mentioned the construction of the Bar-Virpazar-Podgorica-Danilovgrad railway line, the Bar dock, the establishment of the Skadar Lake navigation and the first radio-telegraph station in the Balkans, brought to Montenegro thanks to Guillermo Marconi.
Reminiscing about the Montenegrin princess and the Italian queen Jelena Petrovic Njegos, the president reminded that after the violent abolition of Montenegrin independence, Italy was the last country to break diplomatic relations with our country. Their mutual contacts, numerous ties, and positive memories contributed to overcoming conflicts during World War II.
"Diplomatic relations between the states of Montenegro and Italy were formally restored on June 14, 2006, following the restoration of Montenegro's independence. Based on centuries-old ties between our peoples, mutual respect, and understanding, as well as common Mediterranean heritage and commitment to Euro-Atlantic and European values, Montenegro and Italy continue to foster friendly relations and build partnership cooperation," concluded the President of Montenegro with gratitude to the Italian Embassy.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Montenegro, Luka Zelioli, stated that this exhibition was one of the essential activities that the Italian Embassy included in the program of events to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1879.
"Also, this exhibition is the result of diligent and at the same time, fascinating historical research thanks to the unique collaboration with the National Library of Naples. The front pages, by which the most famous Italian magazines presented Montenegro to Italian readers, today allow us to relive the events of a tumultuous time, as interpreted by Italian journalists of that time, following historical circumstances of the time. After more than a century, the front page, so beautifully painted and with excellent efficiency, summarizes complex events or episodes worth mentioning, undoubtedly represents, tiny pieces of art to be discovered," said the ambassador of Italy.
Ambassador Zelioli also stressed the importance of the Petrovic and Savoy families' ties, Italy's contribution to the development of transport infrastructure and telecommunications in Montenegro, with no less value of cultural heritage on the Littoral.
Emphasizing the current cooperation of Montenegro and Italy in many areas, the Italian ambassador expressed assurance that the exhibition, mainly because of its location, would arouse interest from the Montenegrin public, "which will once again be able to discover how old and strong the relations with Italy are."
"The Assembly is, in fact, a place of democratic sovereignty, a place where we expect to see in action all the deputies elected by the people from both the government majority and the opposition," Ambassador Zelioli concluded.
The exhibition, organized by the Parliament of Montenegro and the Italian Embassy, ​​is open to the public until October 21, working hours until 4 pm.
09 Oct 2019, 10:13 AM
October 9, 2019 - Cooperation between the URA Civic Movement and European Greens has been ongoing for over a year. MEPs have repeatedly called for the protection of Montenegro's natural beauties in the European Parliament, of which the issue of the Tara was particularly problematic. The delegation of European Greens, led by Thomas Weiss, paid a working visit to Montenegro from 26 to 31 August. During that visit, the first steps were taken, and closer cooperation between URA and European Greens was considered.
The Committee of the European Greens was very pleased with Thomas Weiss's report on his working visit to Montenegro. The Greens of Europe have expressed their willingness and interest to work more closely with the URA Civic Movement on a common green agenda, the fight for the environment, and the fight against corruption. The European Greens have made an official invitation to the URA for Green Europe Association membership. The URA also received an invitation to attend the European Greens Congress in Tampere in November this year.
In the coming days, it is expected that the Main Board of the URA Civic Movement and the Presidency of that party will decide for the URA to enter the application process for membership of the Green Europe Association.
URA states that they inherit the same values ​​as the Greens of Europe and that this is not only environmental protection and sustainable development but also protection of human rights, the rule of law, a free society, professional and independent institutions.
The European Greens are a party that is a significant expansion in the European Union (EU). Germany, which is the most influential and most important member of the EU, has seen particularly strong growth. They improved their result from the previous European Parliament (EP) elections by almost 30%. From the last 50 seats, they had previously increased to about 70, but that number will continue to grow after the UK leaves the EU.
According to polls, the Greens in Germany have about 26 percent of support, and they are individually the most influential party with a high chance that they are the next Chancellor. In the recent elections in Austria, the Greens won about 14 percent of the vote and are the biggest surprise and the party with the most significant increase in support.
Greens, unlike some other groups, are pursuing an EU enlargement policy and affirming efforts to make the Balkans part of the European Union.
The European Greens' delegation led by Thomas Weiss paid a working visit to Montenegro from 26 to 31 August at the invitation of the URA Civic Movement. During this period, the delegation visited Ulcinj Salina, Cetinje, Lovcen, Tara, Lake Biograd, Black Lake, Zabljak, Bukovica, and Sinjajevina. During the visit to the natural beauties of Montenegro and ecological foci, the importance of environmental protection was discussed; problems were addressed with the construction of mini-hydro power plants, but the devastation of rivers and mountains. It was concluded that only through joint efforts can we stand up for our natural treasures and that this should be a continuous process for the sake of sustainable development and a better life for all future generations of our country's citizens.
During their visit, the Greens said that the URA, the civilian sector, and civic activists are not alone in the fight to preserve Montenegro's natural beauties. The importance of closer cooperation between civil society, local people, and political parties in the battle for nature conservation was particularly emphasized.
During the Greens' visit, the URA organized two working lunches in Ulcinj and Zabljak, where NGOs and civic activists involved in environmental protection spoke with members of the delegation.
MEP Thomas Weiss said during the visit that he sees the Green URU as "a pro-European party initiated by the fight for human rights and civil society and the fight to tackle environmental problems". Weiss specifically said he was pleasantly surprised by the close cooperation between ERO and the civilian sector.
The URA used the visit of the Greens to introduce them to the natural beauty and tourist potential of Montenegro. Take a look through the lenses of the cameras that capture those most beautiful landscapes and moments.
Particular emphasis was placed on the devastation of the Tara River and the planned construction of a military training ground in Sinjajevina.
Representatives of the Greens stated after visiting the Tara River that the riverbed was devastated by narrowing the riverbed, creating artificial dikes, that in some places there was a change in the river's, so that in one part of it completely changes the flow.
When visiting the Tara River, Thomas Weiss said he "wondered how Montenegro could handle Chapter 27 with this kind of environmental devastation." When visiting Sinjajevina, Weiss noted that the mountain should not be turned into a military training ground, but that it should be used for agricultural development and tourism. He stated that Sinajevina had an incredible landscape and that it is the second-largest pasture in Europe, which is why it must be preserved from devastation.
08 Oct 2019, 20:45 PM
October 8, 2019 - This year's edition of the Sea Dance Festival has brought the Montenegrin economy 9.7 million euros, according to an audience survey conducted annually by the TIM Center during this event.
 "Over 63,000 visitors from 42 countries passed through the gates at Buljarica Beach over three days and nights," the Sea Dance Festival said in a statement.
Visitors to the festival spent an average of 446 euros in Montenegro, while traditionally the highest spending was from Western Europe, an average of 573 euros, as well as guests from overseas countries, which left an average of 594 euros in Montenegrin companies and caterers.
More than two-thirds of the guests, or 67.8 percent, came from abroad. In addition to the countries in the region, most were from Germany, Switzerland, France, Bulgaria, Austria, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and Italy.
The organization has received the highest ratings in the past six years, which has declared this year's edition of the Sea Dance Festival the best.
"The survey also shows that the largest number of foreign tourists, as much as 80 percent, visited Buljarica Beach and Montenegro thanks to the festival, which is dominated by Western European guests with 92.9 percent of whom Sea Dance was the main motive for coming." 
Traditionally, most guests at the festival were from Serbia (32.8 percent) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (12.5 percent).
This year, 79.1 percent of visitors stayed in hotels, hostels, private accommodations that make up paid apartments and rooms, or camps.
"The average age of the Sea Dance Festival audience is 25 years, while highly educated and students make up 74 percent of the visitors," the statement said.
The survey was conducted on a representative sample and surveyed only the visitors who bought the ticket, while participants, workers, representatives of the media, and other institutions were excluded.
This year's sixth edition of the Sea Dance Festival will be remembered for its impressive program, which has hosted over 100 performers in more than six stages and festival zones and the most powerful festival production ever seen in Montenegro.
08 Oct 2019, 20:26 PM
October 8, 2019 - By signing the Memorandum of Understanding, the Balkan Wine Network was officially established in Skopje. A total of 15 associations of wine producers, winegrowers, and sommeliers have signed a memorandum of cooperation in the promotion of local indigenous wine varieties as well as wines produced in the region, intending to make the Balkans the rightful place among other world-known wine regions.
The new network initiator is the association "Wines of Macedonia" together with project partners Wine Q Center of Serbia, Association Salon Žilavka Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Wine Academy from Montenegro. The network is also supported by the other wine associations from the Western Balkans, which are implementing the project "Wine as a bridge to connect the Western Balkan countries."
"Wine as a bridge to connect the Western Balkans" is a project that will connect the countries of the region towards promoting the Balkans as a wine region.
Although the Balkans, as a region, is one of the major wine producers in the world, it is not yet known to the wine and general public. Therefore its cohesion and targeted joint action can benefit all countries in the region. The project is for all participants in the sector in all Balkan countries to exchange knowledge and skills, to learn from each other, to use the knowledge of reputable experts, and to jointly promote the region.
The Wine Association of Macedonia, in partnership with organizations from Belgrade, Trebinje, and Podgorica, has received support from the Western Balkans Fund to create a network in the region that will work in the field of networking and joint promotion of wines from the Balkan countries. Collective actions, creating a unique wine story, and connecting wine routes with the region will contribute to the more significant development of international markets. Also, networking will enable joint action in all segments, starting from vineyards, improving wine production, as well as in the area of ​​legislation.
The conference in Skopje was also attended by the representatives of professional associations from several countries in the region - Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Romania. They have received an official invitation to join the network with which the Balkan Wine Network will cooperate in the future.
One of the main tasks of the Balkan Wine Network is to provide Balkans wines being attractive to the world public, so joint appearance as a regional wine destination has a much better perspective than the presence of each individually.
The establishment and operation of the Balkan Wine Network were financially supported by the Western Balkans Fund, established by the governments of Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina and Kosovo, as part of their efforts to promote regional cooperation and integration of the countries of the region into the European Union.
"All of us who have signed the Memorandum of Cooperation believe in the set goals and defined activities and look forward to furthering cooperation and cooperation with other Balkan countries that are already members of the European Union," said Danijela Radec, director of the Wine Academy of Montenegro.
08 Oct 2019, 19:43 PM

08 October 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković opened a conference titled Montenegro Creative Forum by noting that the Government will not save money when it comes to culture, that the Government encourages culture and artists in this area in many ways and that the aim is to link culture and economy in further branding of the country and that in that regard the Government expects support from artists.

"Nowadays, Montenegro has encouraging legislation in the field of film, thus showing that we hear and understand the needs of creators. In parallel, we firmly encourage festivals to position our country as a desirable cultural address in this segment. For the first time, at the prestigious festival Art Market in Budapest, we stood as the State behind works of visual artists and related art creators and made them increasingly visible at the European level. The linking between the culture and the economy, as a new approach to art, is supported through the programme "Creative Montenegro", which is used by 11 authors from creative industries. Finally, during its mandate, the Government will, together with its partners, invest over EUR 3 million to support this sector. Furthermore, we have been working on the development and affirmation of creative industries as a new field of cultural and entrepreneurial activity," Prime Minister Duško Marković stated at the opening of the conference, reports his Office.

Montenegro Creative Forum Conference Opened in Podgorica1

The Prime Minister recalled that Montenegro has become, in a short time, the only country in the region to allow the establishment of cultural businesses by directly supporting artists and by recognising the era of information, technology and design of artistic expression.

Prime Minister Duško Marković stated that culture has been recognised for centuries as a soft power of a state, that is, one of the attributes of its strength and dignity, and that in this era culture must be used for the purpose of contemporary strengthening of the state, not only in terms of its identity and tradition, but also development and entrepreneurship.

"Recognising the needs of preserving national and cultural identity, recognising the needs of artists and their audiences, the Government and the Ministry of Culture are committed to creating new cultural policies. They have already yielded the first results and international visibility of Montenegro. Trends in the world, from the traditional notion of culture and cultural policies, have moved to the modern concept of valorisation. In a time of technological advancement, and in a crowded market that offers new opportunities, art becomes much more than the personal expression of the author. That is why our common task is to put rich creative potential in the service of entrepreneurial ideas and put them into practice, that is, create new social values. To make art, as the most prominent culture, actually become an exact product in the market sense of the word, and contribute to the national economy and higher standard of living of our citizens. Over the very first year of dealing with creative culture, Montenegro has decided to develop its art brands in this segment as well, such as big and famous names of classical art: Lubarda, Milunović, Stijovic, Poček, Šobajić, Popović and many others… Therefore, I see this conference not only as a dialogue on paving the future path of the Montenegrin culture, but as the beginning of a process of even stronger support for the creative sector," Prime Minister Duško Marković concluded.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

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