
26 Mar 2020, 22:19 PM
March 26, 2020 - The number of COVID-19 cases in Montenegro has increased today for 16 patients, bringing the number of confirmed coronavirus infections in our country to 69.
The Institute of Public Health of Montenegro tested 44 patients this morning, 14 of which confirmed COVID-19 infection. 
"As of this morning, 78 samples were analyzed. The new coronavirus was confirmed in two people, while the finding was negative in 76 people. In Montenegro, we now have a total of 69 infected with the new coronavirus," the Institute of Public Health said.
There are 6,258 people under medical and sanitary supervision in Montenegro.
The number of infected persons by city:
- Tuzi: 26
- Podgorica: 27
- Herceg Novi: 4
- Budva: 4
- Ulcinj: 3
- Bar: 3
- Andrijevica: 1
- Danilovgrad: 1
In the Clinical Center of Montenegro, 14 patients are treated for COVID-19. Ten patients were admitted to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, while four at the Internal Clinic. Clinical Center reports that vital parameters are currently stable in all patients.

Police Monitoring Tuzi

A total of 26 cases of COVID-19 have been registered in Tuzi, and the city has been quarantined since yesterday. As of yesterday, Podgorica police have prosecuted 16 persons for violating the prohibition of leaving the territory of the Municipality of Tuzi, and today, in addition to roadblocks and regular patrolling, the police are monitoring and recording the Tuzi drone from the air, the Police Directorate said.
The health and sanitation situation in Montenegro is further complicated by the lack of protective equipment for doctors and medical staff, which is why the Union of Doctors of Medicine in the past days has publicly addressed the Government of Montenegro, noting that they have pointed to this problem several times before. Medical workers and the Montenegrin public have been further disturbed by photos posted on social networks by the children of the Minister of Health, Kenan Hrapovic, with protective masks that most of our medical professionals can only dream of on duty, usually lasting 12 hours.

Stathis donates three tons of medicalequipment for health care workers 

The Prime Minister Dusko Markovic announced today the donation of three tons of necessary medical and protective equipment for doctors, health care workers, and members of all services that are on the front line of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic,  for the fight against the virus coronas in Montenegro. Prime Minister thanked donor Petros Stathis, owner of Adriatic Properties and Universal Capital Bank and Mohammed Al Shaibani, co-owner of Porto Montenegro, for helping to transport the donated medical equipment to Montenegro as soon as possible. It is the best confirmation that Montenegro has friends, both socially responsible and respectable foreign investors, the Government points out.

EU allocated three million euros to Montenegro to fight COVID-19, 50 million for long term support

The head of the European Union (EU) delegation to Montenegro, Aivo Orav, said that the EU had allocated three million euros to Montenegro for emergency procurement.
He also says they have rescheduled € 50 million from existing pre-accession funds to support the health system further.
"Dear Montenegrin, friends, these are difficult times. We are facing a health crisis that we have never experienced before, which is being fought by all countries in Europe," Orav said.
He says that European Union solidarity is always winning, "and we are organizing ourselves to respond to the crisis and beat COVID-19. As you know, the EU has always been Montenegro's leading partner and donor. We have already donated over € 12 million to improve your health sector. Now we stand with you again, "Orav said today.

Delivered three instead of five respirators

 Montenegro has a small number of respirators, so the news of the day is that Serbia has prevented the import into Montenegro of three of the five appliances ordered by the Health Insurance Fund from a Swedish supplier. The Fermont company, a representative office of a Swedish company in Belgrade, with which the Fund entered into a contract for the ordering of appliances, explained today that the Fund did not pay the advance in advance. As a supplier, the company began to procure respirators. Three were located in Belgrade - Serbia, and two were in Zagreb - Croatia. The goods have been taken from Zagreb and already delivered to healthcare institutions in Montenegro. Fermont was unable to arrange the transport of respirators from Belgrade because these types of goods banned for export. In the meantime, they were sold to another company in Serbia, they say, responding to today's writing by some Montenegrin media. The same explanation came from the Serbian Embassy in Podgorica. 

Donations coming from individuals and companies

In the meantime, new donations are coming from individuals and companies, and tonight the respirator received the General Hospital in Bijelo Polje, which was donated to Montenegrin football team member Stefan Savic by this health institution for the fight against coronavirus.
Instead of the planned opening ceremony of the biotechnology laboratory, the Tehnopolis Innovation and Entrepreneurial Center in Niksic decided to give it to the health system to deal with the spread of the virus corona as effectively as possible. Laboratory equipment also enables detection of a new virus, and 3D printing of visors and other medical supplies has already begun in Tehnopolis.
"Genesig q16 Real Time PCR equipment, among other things, is equipped with laboratory equipment, which can run 14 samples at a time, and results are obtained after 90 minutes," explained Tehnopolis Director Ratko Batakovic.
Knowing that coronavirus could be detected with the equipment and adequate reagent, they offered to have the equipment available to the Institute of Public Health.
According to him, they immediately contacted the supplier and ordered the first quantity of reagents for at least 300 analyses. They hope that regardless of slow or interrupted traffic and transport communications, their partners from Vienna and Belgrade will respond in the best and fastest way so that they can complete everything necessary for virus detection as soon as possible.
Source: Govermnet of Montenegro, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro, Vijesti Online
25 Mar 2020, 21:00 PM
March 25, 2020 - In Montenegro, 53 people has been confirmed with the coronavirus so far. Six new cases of COVID-19 patients were discovered today, according to the Institute of Public Health. The situation in Tuzi is particularly tricky, with 15 new cases reported since yesterday, which is why the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases introduced a measure to ban citizens from leaving their homes entirely. There are currently 6,356 people in health care in Montenegro.
The National Coordinating Body adopted two recommendations last night to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus. The elderly and chronically ill, as well as people with disabilities, should stay at home. Also, inspection authorities are tasked with imposing a ban on activities for those who violate the rules. With the provisional measures introduced earlier, Montenegro is one step away from launching a state of emergency.
Although compared to other countries, the number of 54 COVID-19 patients may not sound terrible, Montenegro is introducing a large number of preventative measures, aware of the weak capacity of its healthcare system. Therefore, no precautionary measure is at stake here.
The CIN-CG Center for Investigative Reporting also wrote about the exposure and insecurity of physicians. Several nurses and two doctors, one shift of the Emergency Center of the Clinical Center of Montenegro is in quarantine, confirmed to CIN-CG one of the persons from this medical team.
Quarantine has been on for several days now, as confirmed by Government News reporters, with about a dozen health workers from Herceg Novi who have been in contact with the infected person. It was the first victim of a virus in Montenegro from this city.
These examples confirm the fears that, in a dramatic appeal and public address to Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, were communicated by the Union of Doctors of Medicine (SDMCG). They are claiming that frontline medical workers do not have adequate protective equipment against COVID-19 and that they may be life threatened. It is not the first appeal, as the SDMCG has been warning for a long time about problems that health care professionals may encounter due to the lack of necessary measures to protect them.
"We must take care of our safety to stay on our feet to care for incoming patients," President of the Union of Doctors of Medicine, epidemiologist Milena Popovic Samardzic told CIN-CG, warning that otherwise, "all health care workers will be infected. "
In addition to numerous donations, support for the Montenegrin healthcare system is coming from the European Union, the head of the EU delegation to Montenegro Aivo Orav announced. "The EU will allocate € 3m of emergency aid to the Montenegrin health system and € 50m more as a long term aid, to be used by the Montenegrin government when and as necessary," he said.
The Clinical Center of Montenegro (KCCG) treats 11 patients who have confirmed COVID-19 infection, nine of which are in the Infectious Diseases Clinic and two in the Internal Clinic. The Clinical Center reported that all patients at the Infectious Diseases Clinic are currently of stable vital parameters. "Both patients at the Internal Clinic have stable vital parameters so far, under oxygen therapy, but not attached to a respirator," the statement said.
"How dangerous the contact is, is said by the fact that, for the time being, out of only two imported cases, 28 people have been able to spread the virus: one case started the disease chain at 15 and another at 13. Keep the distance, respect recommendations and orders, and stay at home," commissioned the Institute of Public Health.
Particularly troublesome is the situation in Tuzi, where citizens are not allowed to leave their homes since last night after it was reported that 15 out of 18 cases confirmed yesterday were from the municipality. Any movement of citizens in Tuzi is prohibited, and supplies for emergency purposes are carried out by volunteers.
Director of the Institute of Public Health, Boban Mugoša, said the situation is dangerous - the virus is easily spread and can infect many people.
"Tuzi has a population of 15,000. If expanded to just 40 percent of the people, which makes up 6,000, of those 6,000, 1,200 would be ill. Of that number, 300 would end up on respirators, and at least 150 would die. It is a drastic situation. I pray that this voice is heard, that reason prevails, that the population stays at home, that those who have any symptoms like the cold should be separated into separate rooms, " Mugoša emphasized.
Source: CIN-CG, Vijesti Online
24 Mar 2020, 19:09 PM
March 24, 2020 - Another 20 new cases of the coronavirus have been registered in Montenegro. Since March 16, when the first cases were diagnosed, COVID-19 has been reported in a total of 47 people.
"In Montenegro, we have a total of 47 new viruses infected with the virus, of which 20 are new cases," the Institute of Public Health said.
Thirty-four people were tested today. There are 5,972 persons under medical and sanitary supervision in Montenegro.
"The Institute is closely monitoring the development of the epidemiological situation and will regularly inform the public in the coming period," it said.

National Coordinating Body Introduces New Measures 

Under the new rules announced tonight, Tuzi residents in lockdown National Coordinating Body for Infectious Diseases imposed tonight a new measure according to which Tuzi population is required to stay in their homes, to curb thefurther spread of the coronavirus detected at this area on a larger scale. The head of the Body, Milutin Simovic, says that Tuzi residents need to remain in their homes unconditionally and curbs take effect tonight.
National Coordination Body adopted new interim measures, including the suspension of international passenger traffic, except for the announced arrival of Montenegrin nationals with mandatory quarantine accommodation. New rules also bring the prohibition of intercity passenger transport, the ban on the presence and retention of more than two persons together in an open public place (sidewalks, squares, streets, parks, promenades, beaches, etc.), except for persons who carry out their regular work tasks. 
Working hours of pharmacies, food, beverage and hygiene facilities, specialized facilities for the sale of baby equipment, construction products, plant protection products, and planting materials, animal nutrition and treatment products, agricultural machinery, and funeral equipment, starting tomorrow from 8 am to 6 pm. Kiosks will be open from 7 am to 3 pm.
Permanent residence permits, temporary residence permits, and permits for temporary residence and work of foreigners who have expired are considered valid before all legal entities in Montenegro.

The Public Health Institute of Montenegro expects to discover new cases of COVID-19 infection

The Public Health Institute of Montenegro expects to discover new cases of coronavirus infection, both from the contacts reported by patients and the discovery of new connections among passengers in international traffic who have returned to Montenegro in the previous period. Announced the Institute's epidemiologist, Dr. Senad Begic.
"It is very ungrateful and almost impossible to make any predictions of the further course of the COVID-19 disease, both in our country and in the world, because we are facing a very inconvenient adversary. And nonspecific symptoms- it seems to be of such magnitude that they have a high impact in spreading the infection. It justifies all the measures we have put in place on time." Begic said that the registered cases are coming from Podgorica, Tuzi, Ulcinj, Bar, Budva, and Herceg Novi.

Toudic thanked Markovic: Montenegro Airlines transported French nationals home

The Ambassador of France emphasized that in such a difficult period we are going through, solidarity is needed, and that Montenegro's help was adequate, and that relations between the two countries are excellent. The Government of Montenegro announced today that the French Ambassador to Montenegro, Christine Toudic, thanked the Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic, for the assistance of Montenegro and the national airline in transporting French nationals home.
23 Mar 2020, 22:09 PM
March 23, 2020 - An additional 19 patient samples were analyzed in Montenegro today, with suspected COVID-19 infection, 5 of which were positive. Three new-infected are associated with existing cases.  At the moment, we have a total of 27 confirmed patients with the new coronavirus, one of whom yesterday lost his battle with this disease.
"There are 5,863 people under health surveillance in Montenegro, and 763 people are in institutional quarantines," the Institute for Public Health of Montenegro announced on its official website tonight.

WHO: Full support for numerous measures Montenegro takes to protect public health 

President of the National Coordination Body Milutin Simović informed Regional Director of the World Health Organisation for Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge, and Head of the WHO Country Office in Montenegro, Mina Brajović, about the measures taken by Montenegro to protect public health in confronting the COVID-19. 
Dr. Kluge voiced his full support for the content and dynamics of the comprehensive and numerous measures taken.
Deputy Prime Minister Simović recognized that the health system's response management capacity is an area, which requires more intensive expert assistance of the WHO.
Director Kluge expressed his full readiness to expand cooperation and announced that he would immediately appoint an operational team to communicate with the Montenegrin team to take daily measures to limit the spread of the virus and preserve the lives and well-being of the citizens of Montenegro.
Therefore, Director Kluge recalled the importance of measures to detect, treat, isolate, and monitor contacts that are vital for breaking the chain of infection. He especially highlighted the significance of equipping hospital facilities with a particular emphasis on protecting health professionals as a crucial link in the fight against the pandemic and praised the timeliness and content of the measures taken by Montenegro. He pointed out that actions are never too many in circumstances of a pandemic when every country and every individual is under threat.
The Deputy Prime Minister discussed possibilities of cooperation with the WHO in the implementation of the EU support, aimed at strengthening the capacity of responding to COVID-19.
Director Kluge suggested Montenegro, as a country with remarkable results in dealing with COVID19, to launch a regional initiative at the level of heads of government, in cooperation with the WHO.
"Montenegro is pleased to accept the role of the initiator and host of numerous regional initiatives and will be happy to do so on this proposal, especially bearing in mind that we have already taken steps towards this direction," DPM Simović concluded.

Over 2 million donations to fight COVID-19 in Montenegro

covid 19 in Montenegro 1

Over EUR 2 million in donations have been paid into the account of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases in less than five days.
Namely, out of 483 donations from the country and abroad, i.e., EUR 2.224.140,34, were collected by 23 March, at 2 pm.
23 Mar 2020, 10:09 AM
March 23, 2020 - The first COVID-19 death was confirmed in Montenegro late last night. According to a joint statement by the Institute of Public Health and the Clinical Center of Montenegro, it is a 65-year-old man with chronic lung disease. The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Montenegro is now 22.
Director of the Clinical Center Jevto Erakovic announced that the first death of a coronavirus in Montenegro was a 65-year-old Z.P from Herceg Novi, who was admitted to the Clinical Center for Chronic Lung Disease last night.
The swab sample was taken after the patient's arrival at the Clinical Center. Analyses confirmed that the patient had COVID-19. This citizen was in Serbia in the first half of March.
"This is a citizen of Montenegro, 65 years old from Herceg Novi. He was transported to the Clinical Center of Montenegro in the early morning hours and died shortly after. All the measures that were implemented within a short period of stay in the Clinical Center of Montenegro, unfortunately, could not leave any better trace for the treatment of this patient. The Clinical Center staff, as I noted, did everything that could be done, used all the necessary protective equipment and all the procedures prescribed by the standards for the treatment of COVID-19 patients," said Erakovic.
Sending his condolences to the family of the deceased, Erakovic  told the citizens that "this is another opportunity to understand the seriousness of this disease."
"We have to respect all the recommendations of the National Coordination Team, to stand in solidarity and face the problem ahead, and to overcome it," Erakovic said.
Director of the Institute of Public Health, Boban Mugoša, announced that so far, 22 people have been registered with COVIDA 19 in Montenegro.
"One person has passed away. This indicates that the epidemic is spreading and showing a more ugly face than just spreading, which is that this disease is dying. Because of all this, I would like to remind and reiterate that all prescribed measures and all orders should be obeyed to protect ourselves from this disease," said Mugoša.
Source: Radio Tivat
22 Mar 2020, 21:01 PM

March 22, 2020 - The Institute of Public Health announced tonight that coronavirus had been confirmed in five more people. In Montenegro, we now have a total of 21 infected with the new coronavirus. In addition to spreading the infection, the public's attention since yesterday is also occupied by the decision of the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body to publish lists of people who have been prescribed self-isolation on the Government's website.

If you need more info on COVID-19 in Montenegro, find here Coronavirus Daily Guide.
The Institute reported tonight that five new cases of coronavirus infection had been identified by the analysis of 10 specimens, while another eight patients are undergoing analysis. They also said that all five were linked to already confirmed cases of the CONVID-19 infection.
"There are 5,565 people under health surveillance in Montenegro. The Institute is closely monitoring the development of the epidemiological situation, which they will regularly inform the public about," the IJZ said.

HRA: Publication of the names of persons who have been prescribed self-isolation is a violation of the right to privacy

Many human rights organizations responded to yesterday's decision and the publication on the Government's list of names, surnames, and addresses of persons who have been issued mandatory 14-day self-isolation decisions due to coronavirus.
The Human Rights Action (HRA) considers this procedure illegal, unconstitutional, and contrary to the European standard of privacy, and we urge the Government to end this practice, the NGO said today. The National Coordination Team for Infectious Diseases, with the approval of the Government last night, with the permission of the Personal Data Protection Agency, has begun to publish the names of persons who have been issued decisions on mandatory self-isolation.
"We are concerned about the negative stigmatization that exposes people and children whose identity and address have been disclosed, which can ultimately lead to violence. We caution that people who feel the symptoms of the virus can now be expected not to seek or do not seek timely medical attention for fear that their identity could also be disclosed. We understand the legitimate goal of health and life protection that the Government's National Coordination Body had in mind. But consider the measure decided in a situation where it was not declared a state of emergency, there is no legal basis, and it sets a dangerous precedent. Control of persons in self-isolation must be ensured otherwise, without expecting citizens to do police work, "the HRA said.

As of tonight, a ban on religious services in the presence of believers

The National Coordination Body (NKT) for infectious diseases decided tonight to oblige all religious communities to adapt their activities to the current epidemiological situation, the rites in religious buildings are performed exclusively without the presence of citizens.
According to the Montenegrin Government, the decision was made based on a report by the relevant security services, according to which only 1,350 people attended religious ceremonies throughout Montenegro today, as well as epidemiologists' estimates that these rallies present the highest epidemiological risk.
The NKT for Infectious Diseases emphasizes that it is not a matter of closing religious buildings since they remain open to priests, but that the measure obliges religious communities to perform rituals and other activities without the presence of citizens.

The Government will continue to publish lists of persons who have been prescribed self-isolation

"The National Coordination Body reiterated today its strong commitment: disclosing a person's identity in home self-isolation is necessary for a situation where Montenegro, unfortunately, faces an unacceptable number of violations of a home self-isolation solution. We state that no one, because of his or her indiscipline, has the right to endanger others and that it is the task of every citizen to be disciplined and to call, encourage and warn others about it, "reads a statement from the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body. 

School in times of Coronavirus: Tomorrow Starting Distance Learning- UčiDoma

Education Minister Damir Šehovć said at the presentation of the #UciDoma distance learning concept that students would also have health and knowledge at the time of the coronavirus spread. "Teaching can be made up for, and human life cannot," he said at the presentation of the concept.
Shehovic pointed out that the concept included 150 teaching staff and IT professionals, who prepared over 300 recordings of lectures, in which over 100 lecturers participated. The lessons will be available on three TV stations- UčiDoma (1-5 grade of elementary school), UčiDoma 1 (6-9 grade of elementary school), and UčiDoma 2- the TV channel for high school students.
All the school program will be available on Youtube's Uči Doma and website.
21 Mar 2020, 16:55 PM

March 21, 2020 - After 2 new positive test results today, the number of coronavirus infected people in Montenegro is 16. There are 5,156 people under health-sanitary supervision, the Institute of Public Health announced.

Coronavirus in Montenegro: COVID-19 Health, Travel and Stat Update, March 22, 2020

UPDATE AT 10 PM: Two new coronavirus case have been confirmed today in Montenegro, announced the Public Health Institute (IJZ). This raises the total number of cases to 16. Currently, 5.156 people are under health surveillance

Numerous measures are in place to curb the spread of the infection, but authorities continue to tighten movement bans. The law provides for a sentence of up to 12 years in prison for disobeying a self-isolation order. 

As of yesterday, the Government introduced the ban on driving more than two adults in a vehicle, and today extended even to official journeys by media professionals. The Government once again urges citizens to strictly and without exception adhere to all the prescribed measures, and it has also prescribed new rules - a ban on wedding gatherings, and burial only in a close circle of the family.

Montenegro Airlines is working intensively, although a few days ago, it completely stopped regular traffic. Executive director, Zivko Banjevic, stressed that the priority at the moment was evacuation flights organized by the Operational Staff, which was formed by the Minister of the Interior Affairs at the behest of the Prime Minister. The headquarters are composed of representatives of ministries, the Institute of Public Health, the Airport of Montenegro, and Montenegro Airlines. 

Meanwhile, "captives" at the Austria-Hungary border are asking authorities in Montenegro and Serbia to help them. "We have elderly people left without medication and regular therapy. The panic began." Nationals of Montenegro and Serbia, 60 of them informed the public that they were "trapped" in the mid-zone of Austria and Hungary. They appealed to authorities in Montenegro and Serbia to help them continue their journey to their countries.

CORONAVIRUS in Montenegro: A Daily Guide for Citizens

Symptoms of CORONAVIRUS: 

Fever and fatigue, dry cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain

What if I suspect I have coronavirus: 

Contact the Call Center at 1616 from 8 am to 11 pm

What if I am abroad and want to go back to Montenegro? 

Request a return request every day from 8 am to 8 pm on +382 20 234 111 and 234 222 or via the application: FILL IN THE APPLICATION.


What is forbidden?

  • PRIVATE AND PUBLIC GATHERINGS in indoor and outdoor public places

Closed border crossings 


  • Scepan Polje - Hum, on the Pluzine - Foca road,
  • Sula - Vitina, on the road Pljevlja - Foca,
  • Sitnica - Gears, on the Herceg Novi - Trebinje road
  • Meteljka - Metaljka on the road Pljevlja - Čajniče


  • Potter - Baškim, on the road Plav - Shkoder,
  • Sukobin - Murici on the Ulcinj - Shkoder road


  • · Kobila - Vitaljina, on the Herceg Novi - Vitina - Dubrovnik road


  • Ranče - Jabuka, on the road Pljevlja - Prijepolje,
  • Vuče - Godova, on the road Rozaje - Tutin,
  • Čemerno, on the road Pljevlja - Priboj

Open border crossings

  • ALBANIA- Božaj
  • CROATIA- Debeli Brijeg
  • SERBIA- Dobrakovo, Dracenovac

What's NOT working?

  • All international air, rail and bus traffic
  • Educational institutions
  • Public and taxi transport
  • Children's playrooms
  • Cafes, Restaurants, Nightclubs
  • Shopping malls
  • Sports and recreational facilities
  • Hair and Beauty Salons
  • Casinos and bookmakers

What is working?


Who has to go to quarantine?

  • Anyone who is or is suspected of having been in contact with the sick or with those suspected of having coronavirus
  • Those coming from countries hit hardest by coronavirus pandemic

Where are the quarantines?

  • Podgorica- Student dormitory Kroling
  • Ulcinj- Zoganje Barracks
  • Danilovgrad - RESPA, Police Academy
  • Budva- hotel "Becici"
  • Tivat - Resort "Krusevac"

Who has to go into self-isolation?

  • All who come from abroad who have not come through organized transport
  • A criminal complaint about non-compliance with this measure!

Main recommendations:

  • Keep a social distance of two meters 2m
  • Consult your doctor about any health dilemma you may have
  • Wash your hands regularly and take care of respiratory hygiene
  • Don't make food supplies
  • Avoid getting out of the house and using public areas
  • Postpone weddings, perform funerals in the immediate family circle

Red Cross helplines operating 9am to 6pm:

  • Volunteer Assistance: 069 / 194-475
  • Psychological Assistance: 069 / 194-476


Source: Government of Montenegro, Vijesti Online

20 Mar 2020, 16:57 PM
March 20, 2020 - 14 confirmed cases if coronavirus in Montenegro. UPDATE 7 PM: Another coronavirus case confirmed in Montenegro, total rises to 14 Last night, the Institute of Public Health unveiled three more new cases of COVID-19, all in contact with the first registered patient infected with the new coronavirus. Previously, earlier yesterday, a new coronavirus was confirmed in two people, unrelated to those already diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. The total number of confirmed cases by last night is 13.
It indicates that the epidemic is spreading, said the director of the Institute, Boban Mugosa. "This indicates that we did not respect what was recommended - to keep social distance, to take care of ourselves and others. It speaks to our habits, which we must now forget, "Mugosa pointed out.
He said that recommendations and orders had to be obeyed. "The only way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic that would affect a lot of people in Montenegro is that everyone decides: I will stay home, protect myself, my family. I will keep the community, and I will defend society by obeying what experts tell me, by following the orders issued. All to prevent the spread of this disease, "said Mugosa.
There are 4,369 people under medical supervision who have been in the area with widespread coronavirus transmission for the past 14 days. Last night, the government announced new measures against the spread of coronavirus: prohibited the transport of more than two adults in the same vehicle, imposed maximum control on isolation decisions and criminal charges against offenders, and ordered the removal of garden equipment in front of restaurants and cafes.
Prime Minister Dusko Markovic yesterday said the government was not currently considering introducing a state of emergency. Since yesterday, members of the Army have been protecting facilities where quarantine measures are being implemented.

Open lines to help citizens 

The Red Cross, in cooperation with Telenor and with the support of other operators (Mtel, Telekom, and Telemach), has opened two free lines to support citizens - 069 19 44 75 and 069 19 44 76.
The Red Cross said the lines were active every day, except Sunday, between 9 am and 6 pm.
"As seniors, but also chronic patients and other vulnerable groups are advised to remain isolated, our volunteers throughout Montenegro will support them by purchasing basic supplies and other similar obligations. Those in need of such assistance should call the Red Cross organization in their municipality or number 069 19 44 75 to apply. We ask citizens not to abuse this support because of the limited resources we have, but to think of those who do not have help from family members, neighbors, and others," the statement read.
The Red Cross opens a line for psycho-social support for all citizens who feel anxious and difficult to endure in isolation.
"Citizens have the opportunity to receive information from psychologists about expected reactions, as well as recommendations for overcoming stress, by calling free number 069 19 44 76," they said.
The police yesterday formed a new electronic record with information on persons who were issued a measure of self-isolation. The system will make it easier for police in the field to control people and possibly prosecute them if they violate the rule.
The Health Insurance Fund has informed policyholders that, at the time of interim measures, dental health care at the primary level will only be performed in emergency medical conditions. Each dental clinic (which has a contract with the Fund) on their websites will have a telephone number on which insurers can call the dentist in case of emergency.

Donations for respirators and equipment are coming

Members of the Government will pay one-half of their salaries to the account of the National Coordination Body (NKT).
That body yesterday warned budget users that it was their responsibility to be responsible and save money, and not to consider donating money to cope with COVID-19.
"All others who want to help should donate donations to the single account 510-117161-85."
Councilors, deputies, and ministers from the Democratic Party of Socialists donated 20,000 euros to the Clinical Center, and Liberal Party MP Andrija Popovic 10,000 euros.
The Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce has deposited EUR 5,000 into the account opened by the Government of Montenegro to raise funds to combat the COVID-19 virus.
Azmont Investments donated € 20,000 to the National Coordination Team, while the Trebjesa Brewery of Niksic directed € 10,000 to the Clinical Center for the procurement of essential medical equipment.
Budva Municipality will donate a respirator to Kotor General Hospital worth 26,000 euros.
The company "July 13 - Plantaze" donated 20,000 liters of alcohol in the first tranche to Montenegrin health institutions.
More than € 115,000 has been donated to Bar General Hospital to fight coronavirus. The Municipality of Bar donated EUR 5,000 for the procurement of materials for medical staff - disinfectants, masks, gloves. The Port of Bar committed EUR 20,000 for medical equipment, and marina Bar has donated € 30,000 to the hospital for the purchase of an ultrasound machine.
Kabilj Kurti, the owner of the furniture factory "Kurti" Ulcinj, provided a donation of 20 beds with mattresses. The head of the regional unit of the Bar Real Estate Administration Marjan Kovacevic decided to pay this month's salary for the needs of the hospital and patients.
The public marine management company has decided to donate € 20,000 to the National Coronavirus Coordination Team, as has the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services.

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs provides their hotel for quarantine

At the proposal of the Municipality of Budva, supported by the Embassy of Serbia in Montenegro and Ambassador Vladimir Bozovic, President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic decided to make the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs' hotel in Becici available to the Municipality of Budva for temporary quarantine.
It was reported to Vijesti by the Serbian Embassy. Bozovic also said that the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs had expressed its readiness to organize that the planes of Montenegro Airlines taking Montenegrin citizens from cities and destinations of Europe also take Serbian citizens. 
Marko Bertanjoli, managing director of Euroinvest, which manages the Eurofond investment fund, confirmed to Vijesti that after today's meeting with Cetinje Mayor Aleksandar Kascelan, they have outsourced the Grand Hotel to Crisis Headquarters to combat coronaviruses, accommodate medical staff and the needs of patients, should it happen needed.

Another Niksic woman making masks for free

Mirjana Djukanovic, running "Diana" sniper shop, intended to close it because of the Covid 19 virus, but she and her husband Dragan changed their mind and sewed protective masks for free yesterday.
"Our daughter works at a pharmacy, so we did about thirty masks for Montefarm, and we made six masks for the Internal Division, where my sister works. We did masks for both friends and people who contacted us. All, of course, free of charge, because it is our small contribution to this situation, "said Dragan, who, as he said, was only helping his wife. 

Medical alcohol importers exempted from excise duty

The Ministry of Finance announced yesterday that medical alcohol importers are now exempt from excise duty on the product. This measure is valid until revoked.
The price of a liter of medical alcohol, depending on the percentage, was up to 26 euros in pharmacies. Excise duty per liter of alcohol from New Year's has increased from 12.5 to 15 euros.
As the excise tax base is calculated, excise duties also accounted for two-thirds of the retail price.

Perovic: When the crisis comes, we understand each other perfectly

The church stands at the disposal of the state with all its capacities; there are plenty of young people who come forward to help, the soup kitchens work. The rector of Cetinje Theology Gojko Perovic said yesterday:
"We are ready to make available our buildings and facilities, if necessary. We do not give the lives of our loved ones, we are at disposal here, all of us believers have elderly people in families, and I repeat the call to believers to follow all the instructions of the authorities. We cannot agree on the law, but when the crisis comes, we understand each other perfectly."
19 Mar 2020, 22:50 PM

March 19, 2018 - In Montenegro, two new coronavirus cases today. The Institute of Public Health announced today that five more people had tested positive for Covid-19, growing the total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Montenegro to 13. 

New government measures

The government issued new temporary rules last night, which include a ban on taxi operations and home delivery of groceries and medicine without the approval of the National Coordinating Body Headquarters. A ban has also been placed on retail shops, excluding pharmacies, grocery stores, petrol stations, construction materials, farming products, and pet and veterinary supply shops. Kiosks, baby shops, funeral homes continue to operate, too.
Changes to the health system have also been introduced whereby specialist examinations will now be approved for emergency patients at the recommendation of the primary care physician. Podgorica's Tolosi Health Care Centre will open a checkpoint for patients suspected of having Covid-19. The government has also decided that two additional quarantine bases would be set up in Danilovgrad and Podgorica. The Institute of Public Health announces that more than 3,500 citizens are under observation.
Municipalities around the country are introducing measures to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Herceg Novi has determined that the Igalo Sports Centre will serve as a quarantine base in that municipality. The Tivat administration has selected the Kamelija hotel for this purpose.
Last night, the Defence and Security Council made a decision to engage members of the Montenegrin Armed Forced in providing physical protection for quarantine areas. Members of the Armed Forces are deployed to the quarantine areas today, 19 March, 2020.
The National Coordinating Body has adopted the following additional measures: the temporary suspension of passenger aircraft transport, temporary suspension of international passenger rail transport, and the temporary suspension of international road transport.

47 Montenegrin citizens return home from abroad

Thirty-three Montenegrin citizens landed at Podgorica Airport yesterday afternoon on a flight from Hungary. Fourteen arrived yesterday from Sarajevo. All are in quarantine, said the state secretary for the Ministry of the Interior, Dragan Pejanovic. The government has announced that tomorrow there will be flights to Belgrade and Rome and that flights will continue to be made until all those who wish to return to Montenegro are brought back.

Strict sanctions for violating self-isolation

The National Coordination Team for Infectious Diseases and the highest representatives of the judiciary agreed severe sanctions should be imposed to all who violate the orders of the Ministry of Health, and in particular, those who refuse to apply the self-isolation measures. It was stated that every detected case of violation of self-isolation would be charged as soon as possible, with the strictest sanctions possible.

Dentists available only for emergency cases 

The Health Insurance Fund informed public health insurance beneficiaries that during the coronavirus outbreak measures, dental health care at the primary healthcare level would be carried out only in cases of emergency.

CBCG to stop loan repayments for three months?

The government and the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG) adopted today a series of economic measures aimed at resolving the harmful effects of the coronavirus. Prime Minister Dusko Markovic announced Tuesday night that the government was considering giving one-off assistance to the most vulnerable, while according to unofficial information, one of the options is to allow citizens and businesses to delay loan payments for 90 days.

Citizens and businesses offering donations to help country fight coronavirus

In light of the significant number of individuals and companies providing donations to help fight the coronavirus, the National Coordinating Body has issued a contact email for further information and opened domestic and foreign bank accounts for contributions.
18 Mar 2020, 17:56 PM
March 18, 2020 – According to the Institute of Public Health, there are 2662 persons under medical and sanitary supervision because of coronavirus in Montenegro. So far, COVID-19 has been confirmed in two people as we reported yesterday. 
Update at 21:00
In Montenegro, six new coronavirus cases
The Institute of Public Health announced that six more people have tested positive for Covid-19 in Montenegro today. The total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Montenegro has reached eight. Of the six positive coronavirus cases today, one has no known connection to the previously confirmed cases. The Institute’s laboratories today completed preliminary analyses of 20 samples taken from persons who are monitored and who were in contact with cases confirmed yesterday.
"Yesterday, we completed the laboratory processing of 7 samples at the Institute's Laboratories, bringing the number of test subjects to 104. The Institute is closely monitoring the development of the epidemiological situation of and will regularly inform the public in the coming period," reported the national health institution.
Without holding a session, the Government adopted yesterday, March 17, 2020, based on obtained consent of the majority of members, according to Article 10 of the Decree on the Government, a Decision to assign facilities of the "Police Academy boarding school" in Danilovgrad and "Krost" Student dormitory in Podgorica for the implementation of quarantine measures to fight spread of coronavirus.  In this regard, the Property Administration and Danilovgrad - based legal entity "Kroling" is in charge of assigning these facilities to the Ministry of Health for temporary management and use, to implement quarantine measures. The Government also issued conclusions mandating the competent authorities to provide physical protection, maintenance of hygiene, as well as catering services for the needs of persons who will be accommodated in these facilities.
In the last 24 hours, in intensive contacts with the competent authorities of the Russian Federation and Montenegro, all necessary prerequisites were created, and an agreement was reached on the return of many Russian citizens to Moscow, i.e., our citizens from Russia to Montenegro. In the shortest possible time, with not many problems and challenges we tackled, all the necessary information and lists of citizens of both countries were collected, all procedures were completed, and conditions were created for the safe realization of this transfer in the coming days. We particularly highlight the high - quality and professional cooperation with the Russian Embassy in Podgorica. The information that appeared to the RIA, Sputnik, and other is just a sad illustration of how even the most delicate humanitarian crisis with global consequences can turn into cheap political propaganda, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Ministry of Education is working around the clock to prepare a new concept for distance learning under the motto #UčiDoma (Study at home), which will start early next week. It will entail learning through television channels, YouTube channels, and content on e-platforms, Minister of Education Damir Šehović said.
For a comprehensive overview of the situation regarding the coronavirus crisis in Montenegro, check out Coronavirus in Montenegro: COVID-19 FAQs, Health & Travel Update.
For the latest coronavirus news from Croatia, follow the coverage from our colleagues at Total Croatia News
For the latest coronavirus news from Slovenia, follow the coverage from our colleagues at Total Slovenia News
17 Mar 2020, 21:27 PM

March 17, 2020 - The coronavirus has now spread to every country in Europe, with the first cases of coronavirus in Montenegro reported.

UPDATE MARCH 19, 2020 - Montenegro 13 confirmed cases

UPDATE MARCH 18, 2020 - Montenegro still with only two confirmed cases

The first cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Montenegro, said prime minister Dusko Markovic and added that there was no reason for panic. 

The patients are female - born in 1948 and 1973, from Ulcinj and Podgorica, and both came from epidemic-affected areas during in the previous period. 

Both of them are in their homes and in stable condition. 

Markovic thanked citizens for their cooperation and called for more discipline and solidarity. 

Director of the Public Health Institute, Boban Mugosa said that one patient came from Spain and the other from the US.

New nationwide coronavirus emergency measures

The National Coordination Team has adopted a new set of coronavirus measures, including domestic travel restrictions, the Government of Montenegro announced on Twitter. The public road and rail transport of passengers in the country is suspended; sports centres, swimming pools, hair and beauty salons are closed; the Ministry of Interior and the Real Estate Administration customer counters are closed as well. The government recommends Montenegrins to refrain from using public areas; take rigorous hygiene measures, especially handwashing; postpone weddings, organise funerals with close family only.

Coronavirus response team also said supermarkets and other shops will be open just for the eldest and PWDs for the first two hours after they open each morning.


For a comprehensive overview of the situation regarding the coronavirus crisis in Montenegro, check out Coronavirus in Montenegro: COVID-19 FAQs, Health & Travel Update.

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