
17 Apr 2020, 21:51 PM
April 17, 2020 - The COVID-19 patient from Plav, who was hospitalized at Berane General Hospital, lost his battle with the coronavirus this morning, and is the fifth victim in Montenegro. After the analysis of 31 samples, no new cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed today. So far, 303 cases have been reported, of which 243 are still infectious, 34 hospitalized, five have died, and 55 have recovered.

Tomorrow walking allowed until 7 pm; shops open until 6 pm

The National Infectious Disease Coordination Body (NKT) agreed at yesterday's meeting to allow work until 6 pm on Saturday, April 18 to pharmacies, food, beverage and hygiene facilities, specialized facilities for the sale of baby equipment, construction products, plant protection products, and planting materials, animal nutrition, and treatment products, agricultural machinery, and funeral equipment. 
Tomorrow will be allowed to be out of the housing premises from 5 am to 7 pm.
NKT explained they decided so taking into account the increased need for citizens to spend Easter holidays with their families and considering the epidemiological risk of crowding in retail outlets, NKT explained.

About ten percent of citizens do not follow the measures

At present, the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases is breathing, Dr. Boban Mugosa, Director of the Institute of Public Health, emphasized that there is a percentage of citizens who respect the introduced measures, and those measures will be tightened if necessary.
"About 10% of you who follow the rules shows that you value yourself, your neighbors, and friends. These 90% of citizens who respect the measures suffer because of these 10%. Regardless of the measures imposed by the competent authorities, it happens again that some citizens do not want to obey the rules. Then the number of infected people grows as well as the number of patients that end up hooked to the fans and those that die", says Mugosa.

Extension of more measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic by May 2

Based on a proposal from the Institute of Public Health, the National Coordination Body last night gave its consent to the extension of a number of measures, which had been implemented before expiration. The following provisional measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic were extended until May 2:
1) Prohibition of entry of all cruisers and yachts into ports: Bar, Budva, Kotor, Port Kumbor - Portonovi, Tivat (Gat I and Gat II), and Zelenika.
2) prohibition of gatherings of the population in indoor and outdoor public and private places
3) prohibition of visits to persons undergoing hospital treatment in health institutions and persons accommodated in social and child care institutions;
4) prohibition of visits to persons deprived of their liberty and detained persons, except for lawyers and court experts, at the discretion of the court, and prohibition of visits to persons in prison;
5) suspension of educational work in public and private educational institutions.
6) closure of the majority of border crossings for passenger border traffic towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia and Serbia
7) prohibition of travel for citizens of Montenegro to Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria;
8) placing under the sanitary supervision of returnees/passengers in international traffic from:
Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Slovenia, Austria;
9) suspension of public transportation of passengers in the international road, rail, and air traffic except charter transport organized for the return of Montenegrin citizens to Montenegro and foreign nationals to the country of origin, with the consent of the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body

Operational headquarters for the tourism industry formed

The NKT has formed the Operational Headquarters for the Tourism Economy to assist Montenegrin tourism in overcoming the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This body, as stated, will consist of representatives of the Ministries of Sustainable Development and Tourism and Transport and Maritime Affairs, as well as the National Tourism Organization, the Airport of Montenegro, the Public Company Marine Property, the Montenegrin Tourism Association, the Police Directorate and the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.  

Begić: Funerals and family gatherings are ways to spread COVID-19 in Montenegro

With a population of around 630,000 people, Montenegro could be a relatively easy task for epidemiologists.
"We can get the flu with the epidemic in one municipality or one country - the time is all we need - but it is all in your case if the epicenter of infection is still around. This is not the one country must render decision. We are all dependent on each other, and n a global level is united now," said Dr. Senad Begic, assistant director of the Institute for Public Health.
"Montenegro has the opportunity to suppress the epidemic and prevent the virus from attacking the most vulnerable people, but we want to take the burden off the healthcare system," Dr. Begic says.
He stressed that funerals and family gatherings are ways to spread infection in Montenegro. Around 40% of infected persons are in two significant clusters.

USA committed to Montenegro $ 300,000 in health assistance

The United States Government has committed $ 300,000 in health assistance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 outbreak in Montenegro.
US Ambassador to Montenegro Judy Rising Reinke said, "As a friend, partner, and ally, the U.S., the government is proud to continue our long-standing support for the development of Montenegro's health system and economy. We stand side by side with our NATO ally to address together with the wide-ranging effects of the current COVID-19 crisis."
As part of an ongoing regional disaster risk reduction program, USAID is supporting Red Cross in Montenegro to provide training and equipment for an Emergency Operations Center that will soon be up and running to support Montenegro's COVID-19 efforts and future disaster responses.
16 Apr 2020, 14:56 PM
UPDATE 11.24 pm: Another 9 COVID-19 cases have been registered in Montenegro, with three from Blue and six from Ulcinj.
In both cities, these are family clusters of previously confirmed cases.
The total number of infected persons is 303 persons and the cross section by municipalities is:
Podgorica: 157
Sad: 36
Niksic: 32
Bar: 23
Ulcinj: 22
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Blue: 4
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 3
Update 6.13 pm: Four new cases of COVID-19 have been registered in Montenegro, raising the number of patients to 294. All four are from Podgorica. 
April 16, 2020 - From yesterday's intersection at 5 pm to this morning until 8 o'clock, the Institute of Public Health's laboratories has completed the analysis of 86 samples, including two new positive results on COVID-19. Both cases are from Ulcinj and are contacts of a previously known patient. The total number of coronavirus infected people in Montenegro is 290. Four patients have died, and the Institute announced yesterday that 45 people had recovered from COVID-19.
The average age of confirmed cases of COVID-19 patients in our country is a little less than 43 years. It is slightly lower than the average age of patients in the surrounding countries, said epidemiologist Sanja Medenica, Head of the Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the Institute of Public Health in the interview for the Daily Dan.

The National Coordinating Body was formed only on March 30, although it issued its orders days earlier

All recommendations, measures, and orders communicated to the public by the Government, even before the epidemic was declared in Montenegro, were attributed to the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases (NKT). The legal basis of all the previously introduced rules is under the question since that body was officially formed weeks after the COVID-19 crisis in Montenegro begun. 
Opposition political bloc Democratic Front (DF) has released a document - the Decision on the formation of a National Coordinating Body for Infectious Diseases, signed by the Minister of Health, Kenan Krapovic, according to which it was formed only on March 30. 
The DF calls the Government to respond when they formed the Commission for the Protection of Infectious Diseases by the Law on the Protection of the Infectious Diseases. DF is asking who its members are, and why the Decision its establishment was not published in the Official Gazette. They also ask the Government for the same information when it comes to setting up a National Coordination Body for the Prevention, Elimination, and Eradication of Infectious Diseases.
The DF considers it scandalous that the Government for the formation of the NKT refers to Article 56 of the Regulation on the Organization of Public Administration Work, which refers to the creation of project groups, teams or other forms of work within an organizational unit at the level of professional cooperation of civil servants. In their view, Health Minister Kenan Krapovic, who signs it, should resign.

Civic Alliance: COVID-19 Suppression Measures Adequate But Numerous Human Rights Deficiencies

The authorities, since the start of the crisis caused by the spread of coronaviruses, have struggled to respond promptly and put in place adequate measures, the Alliance said, noting that there have been failures in the functioning of the system when it comes to protecting human rights.
The first case of unconstitutional action was the publication of lists of persons in self-isolation. However, despite the public's violent reaction and argued warnings from the civil sector, the Government did not respond to correcting this mistake. The Civic Alliance added that it was particularly worrying that the list was published with the prior approval of the Personal Data Protection Agency.
Papovic added that the list, which contains the first and last name and the address of the residence of the persons who received the Decision on self-isolation, is continuously updated, which has been condemned by numerous international organizations in the field of human rights protection.
An even more serious violation of human rights occurred when a list of coronavirus-infected people was "leaked" to the public, which the Government condemned and demanded a prompt response from the prosecution, which resulted in the suspect being arrested.
Papovic warned that in a state of epidemic and mass vulnerability, care must be taken about how medical records are kept and other issues related to the situation, to establish accountability by the end. According to him, the identity of patients on the list can be protected by providing codes instead of personal information, with strict control over access to personal data.
He said freedom of expression was also one of the fundamental rights that was being questioned in the current situation. "The prosecution's reaction was too harsh to detain people for allegedly spreading panic during the epidemic. The European Commission has also condemned it, stating that it is necessary to strike a balance between freedom of expression and prosecution," Papovic said.
According to him, inadequate information about the establishment of the National Coordinating Body for Infectious Diseases and misleading the public has raised many doubts.
"Most of the decisions of this team were judged to be timely and effective. However, accusations of their composition, legal basis of action, the exact date of establishment, and the like were cast a shadow over their work," Papovic said.
He recalled that only after a month, and after a lengthy public debate, had the Government explained the legal basis and structure of the NKT.
As the holder of the constitutional and legislative power, and as the highest representative body of the people, the Assembly had to take a proactive approach to solve the problems and monitoring the adopted measures, "said Papovic.
The NGO Civic Alliance also points out that at a time when Montenegro is facing one of the biggest health threats in its history, this topic is becoming the subject of inadequate political promotion and struggle.
Source: Daily Dan, Vijesti Online
15 Apr 2020, 23:26 PM
April 15, 2020 - The number of COVID-19 patients increased by five today, the Institute for Public Health announced. There are 288 confirmed coronavirus cases in Montenegro in total, four of which have been fatal. The majority of infected persons are from Podgorica (153). One of the newly confirmed cases comes from Plav and is the first COVID-19 patient in that municipality. Other new COVID-19 patients are from Ulcinj (3) and Podgorica (1).
Since the beginning of the epidemic, 3,884 tests have been conducted in Montenegro, representing a rate of 6,000 per million inhabitants.
At the moment, there were 16 patients at the Clinical Center of Montenegro, two of whom are on a ventilator. Seven patients were admitted to hospital in Niksic, four in Berane, and seven patients in Bar. According to Dr. Sasa Radovic, director of the Institute for Children'sChildren's Diseases, and a total of 41 children tested positive for the coronavirus, and only one of them required hospital treatment.

Forty-six ​​citizens recovered from COVID-19

The Institute of Public Health said today that 46 patients have recovered from the coronavirus. Fourteen patients recovered in Podgorica, and 12 in Tuzi.
According to the Institute, seven people recovered from the coronavirus in Bar, three in Herceg Novi, Budva, Andrijevica and Ulcinj, and one from Tivat.
"Two negative results of the rtPCR test from a 24-hour sample are one of the healing criteria," explained the Institute of Public Health.

NKT: COVID19 measures in force until April 30

Extensive measures are in place in Montenegro to curb the spread of the coronavirus, including blocking many activities and restricting the movement of citizens. The first case of COVID-19 was registered on March 17, and the initial intention of the Government and the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body (NKT) was to provide a more balanced growth curve for the number of patients. So far, it is bringing good results. The mortality rate in Montenegro is 1,4%, which is much better than most of the European counties are reporting.
The Government claims tall the introduced measures are grounded in the Constitution and the law, although some of them, such as banning a parent from taking more than one child for a walk, seem entirely pointless.

The following measures are in force until April 30:

1) ban on the entrance of foreigners with temporary or permanent residence in Montenegro;
Turnover of goods for Montenegro'sMontenegro's needs remains unhindered;
2) mandatory self-isolation for all Montenegrin citizens and foreigners with temporary or permanent residence in Montenegro;
3) ban on the provision of hospitality services in hotels;
4) closure of disco clubs, bars, and night clubs;
5) closure of hospitality facilities except for facilities delivering food;
6) ban on trading and hospitality activities in malls;
7) closure of playrooms;
8) closure of fitness centers;
9) casino closures, betting and gambling places;
10) limiting the number of buyers concerning the surface area of ​​the facility - only one consumer on 10 square meters. Not more than 50 consumers can be inside the facility at the same time;
For malls and markets, the maximum number of people allowed to be present at the same time is 100;
11) responsible persons in trading facilities shall keep shoppers at least 2 meters apart;
12) responsible persons in trading facilities shall provide the implementation of health protection measures;
13) responsible persons in trading facilities shall display at the entrance of the facility notice of the maximum number of people who may be in the facility at the same time;
14) Municipalities, Capital and Old Royal Capital, shall identify potential facilities for the implementation of quarantine measures and propose to the Ministry of Health procedures for the further implementation of such measures;
15) ban on leaving the residential unit, Monday to Friday, between 7 am and 5 pm the next day and, on Saturday between 1 pm and 5 pm the next day and on Sunday between 11 am, and 5 pm the next day. Persons with pets are allowed to be out for 60 minutes maximum;
This ban does not refer to persons performing regular tasks and providing services of public interest. These persons should have a certificate issued by the employer.
16) ban on being in an open public area between 5 am and 7 pm;
17) ban on the organization of sports and recreational activities on all public areas;
18) ban on gatherings in residential units

Five positive COVID-19 cases in quarantine in Vučje

Five individuals who were in quarantine in Vučje tested positive for the. coronavirus.
"That confirms that institutional quarantines are justified. If there were those measures, those five individuals would have transmitted the virus to their families and spread the virus further," the Institute of Public Health'sHealth's Deputy Director, Dr. Senad Begic, said.

Regional consulting telephone-conference with WHO representatives

Director of the Clinical Center of Montenegro, Dr. Jevto Eraković, head of the Crisis Unit, Dr. Ranko Lazović, and assistant director, Dr. Nemanja Radojević, took part today in the regional consulting telephone-conference. Mr. Hans Kluge, Director of WHO for Europe and Dr. Bruce Aylward, WHO leader of expert visits to China and Spain, also took part in the conference.
As Mr. Kluge noticed, Montenegro applied a set of overarching and duly measures in combination with physical distancing, organization of the temporary hospital.
"The result is the epidemic curve getting even with a low mortality rate (1,4%). Looking forward, towards transitional actions with the aim of gradual abolition of measures, we consider it is necessary the transition should be regionally synchronized. Otherwise, there's a risk of infection reappearing", Clinical Center reported.

Metropolitanate Decided to Follow the Rules

National Coordination Body for Contagious Diseases has welcomed the decision of the Metropolitanate not to organize traditional Easter liturgies.
"Citizens of catholic confession did the same last weekend, and we are grateful for that. Citizens'Citizens' health and life are our top priority. Time will confirm our good intentions," the Government tweeted.
Source: Government of Montenegro, the Insitute of Public Health, CDM English,
14 Apr 2020, 19:14 PM
April 14, 2020 - Nine new cases of COVID-19 were registered in Montenegro today, bringing the total to 283. Last night, at the Clinical Center of Montenegro, another male patient, aged 79, lost his battle with the coronavirus, bringing the death toll to four in our country. Over 7,000 people are under medical surveillance, while 465 are quarantined.
The new cases were registered today in Podgorica (5), Bar (2), Ulcinj (1), and Niksic (1). Most new coronavirus infected patients are contacts of previously known cases, while the source is unknown for three patients.
A group of Montenegrin and Russian nationals who arrived in Montenegro yesterday was quarantined at the Karisma Hotel in Ulcinj, as well as a group of our citizens who came from the United States a few days ago, Dr. Vesna Miranovic, deputy health minister and a member of the National Coordination Body for Infective Deseases (NKT) told CdM.

Number of COVID-19 patients by municipalities:

Podgorica: 152
Sad: 36
Niksic: 33
Bar: 23
Ulcinj: 12
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 3

Easter should be celebrated at home, no religious gatherings

 As Easter is approaching and Montenegrin Orthodox families are preparing to celebrate it, Dr. Boban Mugoša, head of the Institute of Public Health, noted that at the time of the coronavirus pandemic, every public gathering is risky, especially when it comes to religious ones.
He told the press today that the medics team had a meeting with representatives of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, MCP, which received clear instructions regarding this matter. Dr. Mugoša told the MCP that the church must say to their worshippers to stay at home so that everyone stays safe and healthy.
On a side note, Rector of Cetinje, Gojko Perovic, assessed yesterday that there are ways to organize Easter services, which would meet the needs of worshippers and, at the same time, adhere to the recommendations and orders. Dr. Mugoša commented on this statement, noting that religious gatherings pose the highest risk to the spread of the coronavirus. “Any gathering, religious, or any other mass gathering, might lead to greater epidemiological risk. Said too risky to allow it to happen, ” Dr. Mugosa said.
"The police, together with other competent authorities, will ensure consistent observance of orders and measures to prevent the spread of coronaviruse. It includes the measure stipulating that religious rites in religious buildings should be performed exclusively without the presence of believers," said Director of the Police Directorate Veselin Veljovic at Twitter.
"Any attempt to violate orders and measures will be vigorously prevented by the police and prosecuted by those responsible for endangering public health in accordance with the law, without exception," Veljovic said.

Residents of Tuzi released from the mandatory 21-day quarantine

Residents of Tuzi have been released from compulsory 21-day quarantine, as the National Coordination Body decided last night to ease lockdown coronavirus measures in this town.
President of this municipality, Nik Djeljošaj, thanked residents for adhering to the limitations of the National Coordination Body (NKT) and announced that new rules would be in place for the next seven days.
covid 19 nik djelosaj tuzi
Nik Djeljošaj, Mayor of Tuzi, Source: RTCG
The NKT eased the lockdown measures in Tuzi, so one member of a family will be allowed to go out, while pharmacies and supermarkets will be open from 8 am to 2 pm.
Speaking to RTCG's TV show 'Arguments,' Djeljošaj announced that after this time, they were going to consider the situation in this town again and make decisions accordingly.
Djeljosaj also noted that Tuzi residents still have to be vigilant and try not to destroy everything they have reached over the past 21 days.

European Commission reacts to the release of confidential information on COVID-19 patients

The European Union is concerned about the recent leak of personal information on patients infected with COVID-19, the European Commission said.
European Commission spokeswoman Ana Pisonero Hernandez told RTCG's National Public Service that they expect a quick and effective prosecution inquiry. "We have noted with great concern a breach of the confidentiality of the personal data of persons infected with COVID-19. We expect a prompt and decisive response from the Montenegrin authorities. The initial step the prosecution has taken must continue effectively, "Pisonero Hernandez said.
Commenting on misinformation and whether it is the best way to combat panic among citizens, the EU calls for a balanced and proportionate response.
"The EU calls on the Montenegrin authorities to strike the right balance between respecting freedom of expression and acting when trying to avoid the spread of panic and fake news in these difficult times. Freedom of speech is a fundamental value of the EU and a crucial element of Montenegro's EU accession process, "the European Commission said.

Nearly seven and a half million euros in donations to fight COVID-19 in Montenegro

The Government of Montenegro announced that up to 7,412,604.17 euros and $70,971.72 had been paid into the account of the National Coordination Body for Infective Diseases (NKT) until yesterday. Up to now, €1,351,371.59 has been used to fight the coronavirus.
Following the Decision of the Government of Montenegro, the balance of the NKT account with inflows and outflows will be updated every Monday and available on the website of the Government of Montenegro and the specialized portal
Source: Government of Montenegro, Vijesti Online, CDM English, RTCG
13 Apr 2020, 19:22 PM
April 13, 2020 - Two new cases of the coronavirus infection were registered in Montenegro today, according to the Institute of Public Health. They were new cases are from Podgorica, both contacts of previously known COVID-19 patients. Since the beginning of the coronavirus, our country registered 274 cases of COVID-19. Three of them have lost their battle with this disease, and nine have been cured. 

Number of COVID-19 cases by municipalities:

Podgorica: 147
Sad: 36
Niksic: 31
Bar: 21
Ulcinj: 10
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 3
"Today, four patients were discharged from the Clinical Center and confirmed by double testing that they no longer have COVID-19 infection, while we await the result of a control test for one person," said Crisis Medical Staff member Aleksandar Kujovic.
Nineteen patients were hospitalized at the Clinical Center. Of these, 12 are at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, three are in the Pulmonology Department of the Internal Clinic, and four are in the Intensive Care Unit. Three of them are on the respirator.
"Their condition is as stable as it can be on a respirator. One patient is extubated today, and to our satisfaction, considering he is a younger patient, his condition is stable without a respirator, ”Kujovic said.
Regarding the temporary hospitals, Kujovic said that the Bemaks Arena is fully equipped for the needs of the hospital and that the makeshift hospitals in SC Morača in Podgorica, Topolica Hall in Bar and the sports hall in Berane have been completed, except medical equipment.
Assistant director of the Institute of Public Health epidemiologist Senad Begic said there was reason to be optimistic when it came to increasing the number of virus coronas recovered. "We are awaiting the results of the second test for a significant number of patients," Begic said.

Health Minister: Strict measures at least till the middle of May

Health Minister Kenan Hrapovic said he believed that phasing out some of the temporary measures introduced to curb the spread of COVID-19 could start in mid-May.
He stressed that the situation in mid-May would depend on our behavior yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
 "Although most Montenegrin citizens respect the measures and recommendations of the Ministry of Health, there is one part that refuses to accept that risky behavior these days is something that puts us all in great danger," Hrapovic told the Daily the newspaper.
 "If we now refrain from all the challenges that, above all, the good weather brings us these days, then we will be able to use the summer as it should. If we are frivolous now, our chances of being shorter in this vacuum may be uncertain, ”he said.
Hrapovic said the Montenegrin health system currently has 149 respirators. "We expect three new respirators to arrive in a few days. The purchase of 100 more has been agreed with UNDP, and the first 40 respirators from this contract will arrive by the end of the month, ”the minister said.
Since the first registered case of the coronavirus in Montenegro on March 17, 3,272 people have been tested, 274 have been infected, 41 patients are hospitalized, and three have unfortunately lost the battle with COVID-19. There are 7,605 people under the care of epidemiological services.
Hrapovic said it was early to talk about the end of the COVID-19 epidemic.
"We can only be optimistic if we all follow the directions of the profession; there is no doubt that we are on the right track. We are witnessing the re-importation of the virus in China as well as its occurrence in already cured patients. The world is still learning. This virus is still a huge unknown to the world's expert public. We must not be irresponsible and allow misconceptions to lead us to the wrong conclusions and answers. Now every step is important. At the forefront of our struggle is the profession, and we need to hear what they tell us. When they give the green light for the end, then we will know that it is indeed the end of the epidemic, ”Hrapovic said.

Tuzi managed to shut down the overgrowth, not abolish measures abruptly

Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Health, Dr. Senad Begic, pointed out that in Tuzi municipality they adhered to the recommendations like nowhere else in the world.
"They adhered so strictly to the measures and managed to close the site with their behavior. The measures related to Tuzi will be re-evaluated. What is very important is that no single measure will be abruptly interrupted because any abrupt interruption of enforcement has a boomerang effect. Everything we have done can fall into the water. We will propose a gradual easing of measures, ”Begic said.

MNE signed with EU an Agreement on Joint Procurement of Medicines and Medical Devices

Vice President Milutin Simovic signed today on behalf of the Government of Montenegro, an Agreement on joint procurement of medicines, medical devices, and other goods.
With the implementation of this agreement, Montenegro is becoming part of the mechanism the EU created to ensure faster, more efficient, and rational procurement of medicines, medical devices, and other goods or services aimed at combating severe cross-border threats to health.
Bearing in mind that the global spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has significantly increased the demand for medical supplies and equipment and has complicated the procurement process, the EU has launched a joint procurement mechanism that will strengthen the purchasing power of contracting parties and ensure fair access to medical means of severe cross-border threats to health.
The EU has committed Montenegro to emergency support in medical equipment worth 3m euros and 50m euros in long-term assistance to address the effects of the pandemic, which will target the sectors most affected by the crisis.
Markovic thanked the European Union for its assistance so far and stressed the conviction that a United Europe would resist all the challenges and be even stronger with Montenegro and other Western Balkan countries.
Source: Government of Montenegro, Vijesti Online,
12 Apr 2020, 21:52 PM
April 12, 2020 - A 74-year-old man infected with the coronavirus has died today at the Clinical Center, and is the third COVID-19 victim in Montenegro.
There are currently 21 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, five of whom are being treated at the Internal Medicine Clinic and 16 at the Infectious Disease Clinic. In the last 24 hours, four new cases of coronavirus infection have been registered, according to the Institute of Public Health, increasing the number of COVID-19 patients in Montenegro to 272. Four new cases are from Podgorica, and one is from Tivat.
Interestingly, in Montenegro, there are three times more people prosecuted for violation of temporary measures than those infected with the coronavirus.
Police have since prosecuted the implementation of interim measures by the National Infectious Disease Coordination Body to prevent the spread of X-19, prosecuting 806 people who violated the rules, the Police Directorate said. 

Number of COVID-19 cases by municipalities

Podgorica: 145
Sad: 36
Niksic: 31
Bar: 21
Ulcinj: 10
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 3

PM Markovic: Montenegrin diplomacy has proven successful when most needed

 “In this challenging time of the coronavirus pandemic, our diplomatic and consular missions, honorary consuls, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put in a considerable effort to organize the return of our nationals to Montenegro and foreigners to their homes and to ensure humanitarian aid and donations. "

At the moment no need for NATO's help to Montenegro fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

The current situation on the field requires no further NATO engagement when it comes to Montenegro's battle against the coronavirus, as it keeps keeping things under control right now. In case of an emergency, the course is going to reactivate the request we have already sent to Brussels, the Minister of Defense, Mr. Predrag Boskovic, told in an interview for Pobjeda daily.
Around 200 soldiers have been recruited to help combat the spread of COVID-19. They provide security services for quarantines across the country, while helicopters transport the vulnerable, equipment, and other things.

Metropolitan Amfilohije, several priests and citizens summoned to the police for informative talks

The National Police detained today several Priests of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, who gathered around religious facilities in the capital Podgorica, for the informative talks. The Metropolitan of Amphilochia was among them and detained as well. The police told CdM.
They also stressed that no one was apprehended but rather summoned for informative talks.
“Police officers noticed many priests, as well as citizens, who were gathering around the Temple of Christ's Resurrection and the Zlatica Monastery. They were all summoned for informative talks to explain the reasons behind the gatherings, “the police told CdM unofficially.

Residents of Tuzi ask for a change in existing COVID-19 countermeasures

Following the consultations with my colleagues and representatives of town districts, I sent a request to the National Coordination Body, NKT, to alleviate the countermeasures for COVID-19 in a place in the Municipality of Tuzi - Mr. Nik Djelosaj, the President of this municipality, told.
Mr. Djeljosaj pointed out that the measures were halting the increase in the number of infected people, and that they now have two persons who beat the virus and were discharged from the hospital.
He said: “I believe we will soon hold a meeting with medics from the Public Health Institute and that we will decide together to change the existing measures.”
Sources: Government of Montenegro,, CDM English, Vijesti Online
11 Apr 2020, 22:37 PM
April 11, 2020 - The Institute of Public Health of Montenegro has confirmed six new COVID-19 patients today, taking the total number of registered cases in the country to 263. Five cases are from Podgorica, and one new COVID-19 patient is coming from Ulcinj.
On Sunday, the Montenegrin citizens are not allowed to leave their homes from 11 am, untill 5 pm on Monday morning. For more info on maesures and rules, check our latest article on this topic.

Number of COVID-19 patients by municipalities:

Podgorica 137   
Tuzi 36
Nikšić 31
Bar 21   
Ulcinj 10
Andrijevica 7
Bijelo Polje 6     
Herceg Novi       6             
Budva  4
Danilovgrad 3
Tivat 2

WHO: Montenegro responded promptly and adequately to COVID-19 pandemic

Montenegro has responded promptly and adequately, and all measures taken are in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Mina Brajovic, the head of the organization's office in Montenegro, told RTCG.
Montenegro has acted proactively and introduced timely measures, which, according to epidemiological data, produce results. Physical distance measures such as closing schools, abolishing all types of public gatherings, closing catering facilities, restricting citizens' movement rights have been implemented for a long time. It is crucial to slow the dynamics of the spread and penetration of coronaviruses into the community.
About 16 percent of COVID-19 patients are hospitalized in Montenegro, which is much less than in many countries where the percentage of hospitalizations is up to 40 percent.
Since the world, including Montenegro, is in the acute phase of the pandemic, it is ungrateful to say that the situation will develop in the coming period, said the head of WHO for Montenegro.

National Coordination Body’s Chief Claims: All Taken Measures in line with Constitution

All the measures introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic aimed to protect the health and lives of all citizens and were in line with the Constitution, laws, and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights. A real value in our joint work reflected in the consistent acceptance of all proposals of profession and science, the president of the National Coordination Body, and deputy prime minister, Milutin Simović, pointed out in an interview for Dan, a daily.

IPSOS survey: Montenegrins put health on top of their priorities

According to the latest research by the IPSOS polling agency, Montenegrins put health in the first place on their list of priorities. The explore was carried out this week with UNICEF’s support.
Most citizens, 93% of them, think that both Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church dignitaries should call on their believers to celebrate Easter at home with the members of their household, thus protecting them from the danger of being infected with the coronavirus.
Citizens trust the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) director, Dr. Boban Mugosa, the most. Follow the Clinical Centre of Montenegro director, Dr. Jevto Erakovic, and Dr. Senad Begic, deputy IJZ director.
Among politicians, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic is the most trusted.
Most citizens didn’t have their salaries cut, and they are not afraid of losing their jobs. However, one in five said their pay was cut. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, 17% are worried about losing their jobs, and 7% said they already lost their job.

Economic measures to fight COVID-19 crisis will take to dept increase

The government’s package to support the economy will take us to the restructuring of public finances and debt increase, but that’s the price we have to pay, a professor at the Faculty of Economy, Ms. Gordana Đurović, noted.
Speaking in a morning TV show of the public broadcaster TVCG, she also said that the EU has been stretching out a helping hand to Montenegro during the coronavirus crisis.
The most important thing is to preserve the economic activity, primarily referring to all those who do not work during the pandemic, she stressed.
“Based on discussions with social partners, I think that the second package to support the economy will be backed as well. It will take us to the restructuring of public finances, increasing indebtedness, but that’s the price we must pay,” Ms. Đurović said.
She believes in the World Bank’s forecasts saying that 2021 could be a year of economic prosperity.

SDP: State should provide support tohospitality business

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) will propose that the state should provide subsidies of 70% of leasing costs for people owning a hospitality business, who have signed lease contracts for using facilities. SDP spokesperson Mr. Mirko Stanić announced.
According to him, these are huge costs and the fact that the decisions of the health ministry banned them from performing affairs now imposes an obligation to cover part of those costs. “This measure would significantly facilitate the business of over three thousand people owning a hospitality business where a large number of Montenegrins work,” claims Mr. Stanić.
Besides some right solutions, he added, it’s evident that those referring to the hospitality sector cannot ensure its stability, the continuation of business operations, and their further existence.
Having in mind the fact that we have several thousand employees in the hospitality sector, the SDP considers that it’s urgent to introduce economic measures to support this sector. There must be a range of additional support on the local level, that is, employers shouldn’t be paying fees to municipalities and local companies for a certain period.
Source: Institute of Public Health, CDM, Dan Daily, Government of Montenegro, Mina News 
10 Apr 2020, 23:00 PM
April 10, 2020 - Montenegro does not have a significant daily increase in COVID-19 patients. The very rigorous measures in place produce results. Since the start of the event, coronavirus infection has been confirmed in 257 people, 5 of them in the last 24 hours.
-The trend of low infection rate continues. The measures we are taking are yielding results, but this should not be misleading - said the director of the Institute of Public Health, Dr. Boban Mugoša.

Number of COVID-19 patients by municipalities:

Podgorica: 132
Sad: 36
Niksic: 31
Bar: 21
Ulcinj: 9
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 2

EU donates test material to Montenegro on COVID-19

Testing material for COVID-19 has arrived in Montenegro. A total of 20,000 tests can be done from one tube, EU Delegation to Montenegro Aivo Orav wrote on Twitter.
“A valuable EU donation to the Institute of Public Health, Ministry of Science and Montenegrin laboratories. This material addresses the appearance of false-negative tests. Montenegro is the first country in the region to which it was delivered, ”Orav said.

Society of Professional Journalists: Endangered Freedom of Expression

The Society of Professional Journalists is deeply concerned by the fact that arrests continue in Montenegro for allegedly spreading panic.
The circumstance that particular media, acting unprofessionally and in violation of journalistic ethics, publish false news will not be solved by arresting citizens who share this news on social networks.
Such conduct is a dangerous threat to freedom of expression, which, under the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, can only be restricted if so prescribed by law, based on a legitimate aim and necessary in a democratic society. It's about the so-called three-part test according to which the competent national authorities must, in each case, assess whether the interference with freedom of expression exceeds the permitted limit.
In the opinion of the Association of Professional Journalists of Montenegro, in the context of the first step of the three-part test, it is particularly debatable whether it can be uncritically considered that a "panic spread" has occurred if no one, except the police and the prosecution, sees it. They also believe that it may not be necessary for a democratic society for any person to be deprived of their liberty and held criminally responsible for sharing certain news on a social network.
Specific situations that arise in society, such as the declaration of an infectious disease epidemic in the particular case, place an individual task on the state authorities to ensure respect for fundamental rights and freedoms in such circumstances. The state authorities demonstrate their ability, seriousness, and professionalism by completing this task, and any other treatment endangers the society as a whole and impedes its further development, the journalists said.

Online education of medical staff

Clinical Center of Montenegro, with the support of the World Health Organization, organized online training for health professionals from all over the country.
The aim, they say, is to increase the quality of work of all health care institutions by providing direct guidance for reorganizing facilities in epidemic conditions, to reduce the risk of virus entry into hospitals.
It is crucial for maintaining the functionality of Montenegro's health system. They pointed out.
Lectures and educational material, they said, will be available through the Website and the Jutjub channel of the Clinical Center of Montenegro to all health professionals in the country.
"Clinical Centre's educators will also have teleconferences twice a week with doctors across the country for consultation and information sharing," they said.
From this health institution, they expressed their sincere gratitude to the World Health Organization for supporting another significant project, not only for the Clinical Centre but also for all health care institutions in Montenegro.

Fishing from the boat is allowed, but with all other measures

The introduction of a rule banning fishing for sport fishers has caused great discontent in the last two days, especially for citizens from coastal municipalities. Numerous reactions have led the authorities to reconsider this decision.
Regarding the COVID-19 National Coordination Body's measures related to the prohibition of recreational fishing, Dr. Boban Mugoša said today that fishing is allowed for one person in a small boat or two anglers in a larger vessel in which it is possible to keep a distance.
A condition for going fishing is a valid fishing license and notification to the competent municipal police.

Montenegrin seafarers returning home

The Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, based on the decisions of the National Coordination Body and coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organized the return of a large number of Montenegrin seafarers from all over the world.
The Ministry of Transport registered the first case of seeking their help on the matter on March 17, when a Montenegrin seaman disembarked in Senegal and for which a naval agency provided transport to Istanbul.
"The National Coordination Body, in agreement with the Turkish authorities, organized its return with 130 other Montenegrin citizens from Istanbul to Montenegro on March 20," Ministry officials told the Mina-business news agency.
"The last action for the return and reception of our ten seafarers from the port of Genoa was organized on April 5 and 6 through the Embassy of Montenegro in Rome, and the return of our 11 sailors via Zadar and the border crossing Debeli Brijeg on April 6," the Ministry said.
They said all seafarers were quarantined at the Igalo Institute and were feeling well.
09 Apr 2020, 22:47 PM
April 9, 2020 - In Montenegro, as of yesterday, a total of 167 samples were analyzed today, three of which were positive for the COVID-19, and the number of infected rose to 252. Two patients from Podgorica, two contacts of previously confirmed cases, are under investigation, while the origin of the infection is being investigated.

The number of COVID-19 cases by municipalities is:

Podgorica: 127
Sad: 36
Niksic: 31
Bar: 21
Ulcinj: 9
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 2
At the regular press of the National Coordinating Body for the Control of Infectious Disease Control, the Deputy Director of this healthcare institution, Dr. Senda Begic, said that out of 60 samples analyzed since this morning, none were positive. But he said that we should not relax and should not go for a wave of enthusiasm because of the encouraging results of the measures being implemented to prevent the spread of the infection.
The director of the Clinical Center of Montenegro, Jevto Erakovic, said that there were currently 19 people on treatment at the facility for COVID-19 infection, four of whom were respiratory patients. He noted that other hospitalized patients from all over Montenegro are currently in stable general condition.
Erakovic stressed that seven patients were preparing for discharge.
"We have good treatment results so far, and I think they are not accidental," Erakovic said, adding that Montenegrin doctors have communication with colleagues from China.
According to him, only adherence to the measures adopted by the National Coordination Body produces results in the fight against COVID-19.
"We must not allow what we have done so far to be undone. All measures taken are there for a reason. I ask all citizens and urge them to continue to respect them and show their agreement, "said Erakovic.

New measures against the COVID-19 pandemic are disturbing to citizens, especially the ban on fishing

The National Coordination Body at yesterday's session analyzed the epidemiological situation in Montenegro and found a significant increase in the number of citizens on the streets and public places yesterday and today represents an unacceptable level of violation of orders and recommendations prescribing social distancing and staying in housing facilities. Therefore, the National Coordination Body has decided to amend several temporary measures, such that new decisions are applied from today.
Amended orders and recommendations prohibit:
1. presence and loitering of more than one person in public places, except for a child under 12 years of age, a child with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities and wheelchair users, with the presence of one parent, guardian, adoptive parent, foster, companion or another adult member of the family household;
This prohibition does not apply to persons who perform their regular work tasks authorized by the orders.
2. presence and loitering of persons on beaches (river, lake, and sea), landscaped and unregulated bathing areas and picnic areas;
3. leaving the residential premises from Sunday from 11 a.m. to Monday at 5 a.m.
Detailed information on the new set of measures introduced by the National Coordinate Body is available in the Government of Montenegro official site:

Fishers and Citizens Ask: How Does a Fisherman on a Mid-Boat Boat Spread COVID-19 ?!

Yesterday, measures banning sport and recreational fishing at sea came into force, which affected fishing clubs and a significant proportion of the public in coastal municipalities.
Citizens are angry that they cannot understand in any way how going on a boat while observing other measures may affect the spread of coronaviruses. It is unclear what the purpose of this measure is, which will significantly affect many families and their home budget and quality of life. According to the current law, sport fishers have the right to fish up to three kilograms of fish per day, and this providing food to many families is of great importance.
Several political entities have reacted against this measure, ordered by the Montenegrin Sports Fisheries Federation, and citizens of all promotional municipalities have responded online.

A new set of economic measures to counter the effects of the COVID-19 crisis

An expert team formed by Prime Minister Dusko Markovic has proposed a package of measures to support the economy, employees, and socially disadvantaged citizens, and a dialogue will be launched with social partners, representatives of parliamentary clubs, and economic experts.
The new measures include subsidies to pay monthly wages for April and May for activities that are closed or significantly endangered by the COVID-19 epidemic. 
The full information on proposed measures could be found at
08 Apr 2020, 23:39 PM
April 8, 2020 - There are 249 persons with COVID-19 in Montenegro, and around 7,294 persons are under sanitary watch. The majority of the infected persons are from Podgorica. In the last 24 hours, among 315 analyzed, the samples of 8 new patients confirmed the coronavirus infection. From the beginning of the event on March 17th, two persons passed away.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases by municipalities: 

Podgorica: 124
Tuzi: 36
Nikšić: 31
Bar: 21
Ulcinj: 9 
Andrijevica: 7 
Bijelo Polje: 6 
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4 
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 2
07 Apr 2020, 20:21 PM
April 7, 2020 - Figures released by the Public Health Institute show that there has been a total of 241 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Montenegro. In the last 24 hours, 183 samples were analyzed with the outcome of eight new COVID-19 patients coming from Podgorica (4), Niksic (2), Bar (1), and Tuzi (1).
Five newly diagnosed patients are contacts of previously registered cases, while one patient looks for a source of infection.
There are 19 coronavirus patients admitted to the Clinical Center of Montenegro. Three are being placed on a ventilator, Jevto Erakovic, MD, head of the Clinical Center.
“Three COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospital yesterday. We hope to discharge five more by the end of the week,” he said.

COVID-19 cases by municipalities are:

Podgorica: 119
Tuzi: 35
Nikšić: 30
Bar: 20
Ulcinj: 9
Andrijevica: 7
Bijelo Polje: 6
Herceg Novi: 6
Budva: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Tivat: 2 

Institute of Health 5 pm briefing: Latest updates on the pandemic

The Institute of Public Health’s director Dr. Boban Mugosa says new cases indicate people are not following recommendations on social distancing and that the population must abandon old habits.
Mugosa says the only way to prevent the spread of the virus, is for people to tell themselves to remain at home to protect themselves, their families, their community and society by obeying the experts and authorities.
Mugosa says any poor behavior carries a risk, so he again called on the construction companies to obey the measures. IJZ director says that recently persons living in the same residential building have been tested as positive, which indicates that they got infected by mutual contact or the spread of the virus on the surfaces in the building.
Deputy Director Dr. Senad Begic says that at the moment, there are 25 known COVID-19 clusters in Montenegro or 25 groups of infected people with the same source of infection.
For 24 patients, the source of infection remains unknown, and epidemiological research is being carried out.

COVID-19 crisis provoke a violation of human rights and freedoms

Since the coronavirus outbreak in Montenegro, the defender of human rights and liberties got more than 100 phone calls of citizens, mostly complaining about the violation of the provisions of the law concerning firing. Complains mainly refer to firing women who are on maternity leave – and generally, on the National Coordination Team’s temporary measures against COVID-19, defender of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro, Mr. Siniša Bjeković, told Pobjeda daily.
“Since mid-March, we have recorded an increase in requests that more or less concern the temporary measures and procedures during the pandemic,” Mr. Bjeković said. He noted that most concerns are coming about self-isolation, quarantine, movement limitations, separation from families, basic human needs, the functioning of the system of social and health protection.
The number of citizens’ addresses has decreased compared to the previous period, he added, while the pandemic and its risks greatly affected the manner of work of the institution he has been leading.
According to him, it’s not possible to speak solely about the health consequences of the pandemic in the situation when limitations deeply affect the social and economic side of the society, as well as “exercising of civic and political rights.”
“If you take a closer look at the measures and recommendations taken by the National Coordination Team, you’ll see they refer not only to rules of behavior during the pandemic, but also the economic, social and other mechanisms for mitigating the pandemic consequences,” Mr. Bjeković underlined.

No masks at pharmacies

Although the authorities suggest wearing masks, they are difficult for citizens to access. There are no state and most private pharmacies, some from tailors.
The state-owned Montefarm, as well as some other pharmacies in Podgorica, told TV News that they hoped the problem would be resolved soon, and those in charge believe that a certain amount will soon be on the market.
In the meantime, some countries, such as Turkey and Austria, have provided free masks to citizens, and some are considering mandatory use of them in public places, especially when they begin to loosen restrictions on movement.

COVID-19 crises affect ENI-Novatek oil and gas research in Montenegrin aquatics

Next weeks, as well as the development of epidemiological situations related to COVID-19 in our country and worldwide, will affect the dynamics of oil and gas research probes in the Adriatic Sea, the Hydrocarbon Administration told Dnevne Novine daily.
As they explained, many subcontractors that take part in the drilling now are not able to come to Montenegro.
“Even though a large number of activities referring to research and production of oil and gas in Montenegro is being done normally, no one can guarantee it will be the case in the future. Representatives of big U.S. service companies that are supposed to set up their offices in MNE cannot do that right now,” the Hydrocarbon Administration noted.
The Italian-Russian consortium Eni and Novatek did the first undersea oil and gas probe performed in late 2018.
It’s hard to say whether the research will be suspended until further notice, according to the Hydrocarbon Administration.
Source: Insititute of Public Health, Pobjeda Daily, Dnevne novine Daily, Vijesti Online, CDM English
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