
04 May 2020, 01:43 AM
May 4, 2020 - Sailing is one of the first sports coming back to normal. If it could be normal, as we considered normal before the COVID-19 pandemic, but here we are, and let's see what we can do to help ourselves. YC Delfin did a lot. Kids are back to the sea, the European Championship in Tivat is delayed but not canceled. And, in the meantime, there was one great corona-sailing solution- Virtual Tivat regatta was held last weekend and brought together a big part of Bokelian sailing community.
The sports community is the first to face a new lifestyle dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Already in early March, all mass gatherings were suspended, and as a result of the fight for public health, sporting events were postponed for some better times.
In Montenegro, which is quite prepared to deal with the pandemic, individual sports are beginning to restart training. As we might expect, sailing is one of the first sports for which personal training has been approved. In the year when it is scheduled to host the Laser European Championship, YC Delfin of Tivat barely received a green card to go out to sea.
"Sailing is an individual sport; we are all at sea in our boats alone. Because of this, we have sought the approval of the competent services and obtained it. Finally, after almost two months, we are back at sea, "says Montenegrin sailing team member in the Laser Standard class, Ilija Markovic.
Ilija explains that sailing training is approved, but with the requirement that the sailors be divided into smaller groups and that on land, they strictly observe the obligation to keep physical distance, they come to training with masks and gloves and follow the rules of personal hygiene. YC Delfin divided the competitors into two groups, so training sessions for the Optimist class in the morning and the Laser class in the afternoon.
"We are delighted to be able to go to the sea again. After such a break, our training went down well, we can't wait for a new day and a new departure for the sea, "Ilija told TMN. He was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic in intensive training for the World Championship, Olympic qualifications, and the upcoming European Laser Championship in Tivat.
YC Delfin President, physician Frano Tripovic, is pleased that sailors have been approved to continue their training.
"Considering the general epidemiological situation in Montenegro, which is quite favorable, and because sailing in the Optimist and Laser classes is an individual sport, we are pleased by the decision of the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body to approve the resumption of sailing. The children are thrilled, they train daily, returning to the healthy life they are used to," says Dr. Tripovic.

European Laser Class Championship in Tivat to be held in October

Although according to the calendar of the European Sailing Federation, this competition was scheduled for June, the YC Delfin Administration hopes that the European Laser Class Championship in Tivat will be held in October. Delfin is preparing to host this competition in collaboration with Lustica Development, which has recognized its interest in supporting and developing sailing, relying on a local club with 70 years of tradition, explains Frano Tripovic.
"In agreement with the European Laser Federation for the Laser-EurILCA class, the competition was postponed to October, because it is a massive international sporting event, so we will certainly not have the conditions in June. Of course, the holding of the regatta will be conditioned by the global epidemiological situation in October, but we hope that good winds will await us and that the championship will be organized in Tivat. That would be really nice and significant. After the Balkan Championship, held last year with the participation of 14 nations and a lot of ships that were with us for the first time, I do not think there is need to speak all potential benefits to the European Championship for the club, the city, the region, and Montenegro. "
sailing balkan championshipBalkan Championship in Tivat, Photo by Antonela Stjepčević
In line with these efforts, YC Delfin has already begun to use the hospitality of the Lustica Bay marina. Competitors in the Laser class start training there.
"We have started a partnership with Lustica Development, which has opened up that part of our coastline that was previously unfathomable by building mounds and surrounding infrastructure. In the Austro-Hungarian period they called it Otetovo, abducted from the sea. Now technology and huge finances have made the conditions in which that coast becomes accessible, and it is almost perfect from a sailing perspective. We have the conditions of the high seas, big waves and thermals, which creates excellent conditions here every day with adequate currents and winds. It was these winds that prompted the collaboration of YC Delfin and Lustica Development, bringing a combination of tradition and something new. The company has recognized our traditions and perspectives, and realized that it could incorporate them into its facilities so that we can develop sailing on this part of our coast together for mutual pleasure," says JK Delfin, Frano Tripovic, the President of Delfin.
The training on Lustica gives the Delfin sailors the opportunity for a fully-rounded training, as they depart by bicycle to Lustica Bay from Tivat, riding across Solila.
They've packed their equipment on Tuesday and moved to Luštica Bay for at least one month. 

Virtual Tivat Regatta UNA Montenegro Cup Brought Excellent Pandemic Sailing Conditions

JK Delfin did not allow the COVID-19 pandemic to affect the competitive spirit of Bokelian sailors. The 14th Tivat Regatta UNA Montenegro Cup, from April 24th to 26th, in cooperation with Kotor sailor Filip Franovic, hosted the Virtual Tivat Regatta UNA Montenegro Cup with the participation of 32 contestants of all sailing clubs in Boka Bay.
Virtual Tivat Regatta, Screenshot 
For the regatta, Filip created the Boka Kotorska regatta field at the VirtualSkipper5 platform, so the race was sailed on a course where the real Tivat regatta is held. The two days of qualifications and the final racing day of fighting along the entire route - from Ponta Seljanova, around Sveti Marko Island through the Ralo Passage to the Perast Islands and back to Ponta Seljanova -  brought excitement comparable to the real regatta, points out the president of YC Lahor from Kotor, Filip Petričević.
"It's a great idea put forward by our colleagues at YC Delfin. We gathered around an old VirtualSkipper5 game we've been playing for about 15 years. It is an excellent simulation of sailing. For younger sailors, this competition, although virtual, is an opportunity to get acquainted with the rules of sailing. Although it is a game, the excitement in the racing field is not far behind the real atmosphere of the race. Still, we can't wait to get back to the sea. "
The first three positions in the Virtual Tivat Regatta UNA Montenegro Cup were taken by sailors of MM Shinning, from Kotor. Therefore, the first prize - going with this crew to the next edition of the largest regatta in the world Barcolana in Trieste- went to the best-ranked small-class sailor, Danilo Dončić from YC Delfin.
03 May 2020, 23:17 PM
May 3, 2020 - Over the past seven days, a total of 1,292 samples were analyzed, and only one coronavirus case was detected. The good news is that Montenegro now records no new Covid-19 cases for the fourth day in a row.
Since the start of the outbreak, the Institute of Public Health labs has done 7,816 Covid-19 tests per capita.
The number of active cases subsided to 65, while there are 249 recovered, according to the coronainfoCG portal.

The number of COVID-19 patients currently affected by municipalities:

Podgorica: 37
Ulcinj: 9
Bar: 8
Niksic: 3
Blue: 3
Caterpillars: 3
Tuzi: 1
Herceg Novi: 1

The second phase of lifting counter-COVID-19 measures starts tomorrow

According to the National Coordination Body, NKT, the second phase of lifting lockdown measures should begin as of tomorrow. It means that shops, crafts, services, hairdressers and beauty salons, fitness centers, bookstores, dentists, driving schools, car rentals, museums, and galleries, betting places, etc. will resume their work under particular conditions. Wearing masks indoors will be mandatory.
State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Damir Davidovic, says epidemiologists will be deciding on the opening of the borders. He also explains that the plan is to open all hospital facilities across Montenegro on May 18, and they will need to adapt to specific health requirements.

Subsidies for businesses to combat the COVID-19 crisis

Ministry of Economy has opened a program for support on the portal The application is opened for all companies and entrepreneurs with a digital certificate.
"In the first two days of the program, 1,347 companies applied for subsidies. One thousand two hundred fifty-four claims have already been approved concerning the salaries of close to 5,000 employees totaling EUR 1.4 million," the Ministry of Economy said.
Entrepreneur registration without a digital certificate will be enabled on the same portal from Monday, May 4.
Source: CDM English
03 May 2020, 00:16 AM
May 3, 2020 - A 60-year-old COVID-19-treated patient has died at the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Center of Montenegro Clinical Center (KCCG). He is the eighth victim of the coronavirus in Montenegro. The Institute of Public Health announced today that it had analyzed 43 samples, among which there were no newly infected patients with the coronavirus.
The total of COVID-19 cases since the beginning is 322, and the number currently recovered is 245. At the moment, there are 70 active cases, by municipalities: Podgorica: 37, Ulcinj: 9, Bar: 8, Plav: 6, Nikšić: 4, Gusinje: 3, Tuzi: 1, Budva: 1, Herceg Novi: 1.
Due to the favorable epidemiological situation and control over the further spread of the virus corona, small and medium-sized enterprises and city taxi services will resume operation in Montenegro from Monday, May 4, and citizens will be able to travel to their cottages in other municipalities.
According to Government announcements, shops, crafts, services, hairdressing and beauty salons, fitness centers, bookstores, dental offices, car schools, rent-a-car services, museums, and galleries will be open from May 4. It will be possible to go to cottages in other municipalities, provided that citizens have proof of ownership of the property.
On Thursday, April 30, the Government operationalized these measures, determining how many people can reside on a particular surface at the same time, with mandatory respect for physical distance, wearing masks, disinfection of hands when entering and leaving facilities. Measures and procedures for disinfection of all means used in salons, gyms, bookmakers, boutiques.
As of Monday, there is also a city taxi service, and according to new measures, each taxi driver is obliged to disinfect the car daily and to wear a protective mask and gloves. In addition to the driver in the vehicle will be able, in the back seat, to be two people.
In addition to city taxi, public transport will be reopened in municipalities where no contagion cases have been registered as of Monday.
With the relaxation of measures, the obligation to wear a mask in all confined spaces will be introduced from Monday. Epidemiologists have previously reported that due to the nature of the business and the type of business being opened, it will not be possible to maintain a physical distance of one and a half meters to two and that masks are therefore necessary.
On April 29, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic announced that the Government would distribute around 300,000 masks to the most vulnerable categories of population free of charge.
"We will distribute 240,000 retirees and 44,000 beneficiaries of care and assistance and personal disability benefits. We have distributed 26,000 masks to the beneficiaries of old-age benefits and material security," Markovic said, and it was published on the Government's official Twitter profile.
Even 30 days after the outbreak of the epidemic, Montenegrin pharmacies lacked masks, alcohol, or protective gloves. After the covers went on sale, their prices varied from 50 cents in Government to euro and 20 cents in private pharmacies.
Otherwise, mitigating measures against the COVID-19, which is set to begin on Monday, May 4, is part of the second phase of the loosening.
The ban on movement has been shortened from 11 pm to 5 am. In the same bundle, the Government has decided to extend the opening hours of shops and pharmacies.
According to the Government, if the second phase of mitigation is successful, a new easing should occur on May 18.
02 May 2020, 23:58 PM
May 2, 2020 - The Montenegrin economy is likely to be struck by the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic due to high dependency on tourism, said the head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development- EBRD office in Montenegro, Jap Spray, adding that recovery is expected next year.
Spray said tourism revenue would decline significantly this year because tourists from major markets may not be able to travel due to measures to contain or reduce their income.
He stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit a continuing slowdown in global growth as well as global trade growth and is expected to result in a significant decline in production, at least in the short term.
"The overall effect will depend on the length of the blockade measures and the structure of the economies themselves. A longer duration of isolation could result in a prolonged recession, while countries with a high share of tourism and other, mostly personal services, in GDP, may be more severely affected," Spray said.
According to Spray, cautious mitigation has begun in Montenegro, and rapid recovery is possible provided mass release is avoided while the blockage phase is underway.
"However, these estimates are driven by unprecedented uncertainty, and there may be significant long-term economic, political and social impacts," Spray said.
Asked how much money the EBRD could lend to Montenegro to help the country cope with the effects of the coronavirus epidemic, Spray replied that the institution had signed ten projects last year and invested nearly 40 million euros.
"Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we planned almost to double our business volume, bringing it to the level of EUR 75 million. We are now on track to make it more than triple last year's amount by investing over € 120 million in existing and new clients," said Spray.
"With the arrival of COVID-19, our clients needed short-term liquidity, and we began to prepare working capital programs for our clients in the private and public sectors with whom we work directly," Spray explained.
The EBRD, in addition to finance, provides advice to SMEs to help them recover from the economic downturn resulting from the pandemic, including refocusing ongoing projects on critical financial management and business continuity issues.
"We have several significant projects in the field of renewable energy, tourism, and real estate, which we hope will be successfully implemented in the coming year. We will continue to strengthen agricultural chains and the linkage between agriculture and the tourism sector," Spray said.
The EBRD recently approved an increase in funding to support the developing economies in which the bank operates, to EUR 21 billion this year and next.
The EBRD, according to Spray, is adapting and scaling up existing instruments and developing new financial and policy support initiatives to prevent the immediate coronavirus threat to the economy.
"Under certain conditions, we can now also provide liquidity to municipalities to help maintain basic public services. We provide assistance to all sectors of the economy, especially those severely affected by the crisis with a focus on SMEs. The sectors include financial institutions, tourism, hospitality, manufacturing, and agribusiness," concluded Spray.
02 May 2020, 22:40 PM
May 2, 2020 - The Public Company Morsko dobro (Sea Property) is conducting the necessary field activities and is preparing an application, which will soon be available to all. It will contain all the required data on COVID-19 free beaches as well as other parameters essential for a safe vacation in the current situation, Ivana Lazovic, Morsko dobro PR, told the Radio CG.
In the process of mitigation, the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases planned to allow beaches to be opened along our coast from May 18 with special sanitary and health security measures. It prompted the Morsko dobro to begin preparing beaches for use during the summer months while taking into account measures to combat coronaviruses that remain in place.
“These days, we will be launching a mobile app made using the latest technology in the area. It will cover over 500 Montenegrin beaches with beach shots from almost all corners and with tags tailored to the current situation: COVID-19 Free. Also, the application will contain information on sanitary conditions, safety, temperature, quality of seawater and will provide the possibility of booking a place or some other services offered at these locations,” Lazovic said.

Morsko dobro will also soon define new tenant reliefs

“The first set of measures has already been enacted. It concerns the delay in leasing payments from April to July 1. After the May Day holidays, the Steering Board of the Morsko dobro will announce new benefits intended to mitigate the financial disadvantage expected by tenants of beaches and other areas in the area of ​​the sea property,” Lazovic said.

Morsko dobro Working On Several Projects

The Morsko dobro has been implementing previously planned projects with a total value of EUR 300 thousand. In Boka Kotorska, they worked on the arrangement of promenades and cycle paths, and in Herceg Novi, the famous Novi Sad beach was also reconstructed.
On the Grand Beach, near the mouth of Bojana, the Public Company has set up an office building in the shape of a shell, made of natural materials.
01 May 2020, 18:07 PM
May 1, 2020 - The tourism and travel sector is most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. From the experience of some earlier complicated periods, it is an industry that tends to recover rapidly after the crisis is over, which is of utmost importance for economies such as Montenegro, which is a priority branch of tourism, emphasized the director of Tivat Tourism Organization, Danica Banjević.
"As for the Tivat Tourism Organization, in cooperation with hoteliers and private accommodation providers, we are preparing for the summer season and the postseason. We will forward them to the National Tourism Organization because we are planning a campaign with them that will be realized as soon as the conditions for this are created.
The prices are very competitive at the moment, and we also offer some additional services for booking individual capacities, which I believe will determine a significant number of tourists to make Tivat their summer destination," Banjevic said.
The critical question is how and when the borders and airports will be opened, and what procedures must be followed in this regard when it comes to health and safety aspects when tourists arrive at a particular destination.
"We have announcements that catering facilities and hotels will be opened on May 18, so in that area, we are expecting those rules and procedures that they must follow when opening their facilities.
The opening of borders and the Airport will not only depend on Montenegro but also on the situation and the opening of borders in other broadcast markets. Indeed, we should think in the direction of some bilateral agreements and the opening of tourist corridors, as we have information that neighboring Croatia is planning," said Danica Banjević, the TO Tivat director. 
01 May 2020, 17:42 PM
May 1, 2020 - When it comes to the expectations of the tourist season in Kotor, there is no reason to be optimistic, Ana Nives Radovic, director of the Kotor Tourism Organization told BokaNews.
"Every Sunday we hold a press conference in communication with hoteliers, caterers, travel agencies and come to the information that we pass on to the competent institutions, regarding what are the expectations, what is the number of cancellations and what are the expectations in the sense that we can at least get something out by the end of the year," explains the director of TO Kotor.
Ana Nives Radovic does not have much optimism, even when it comes to the next season, because fear will remain the dominant factor when it comes to tourist trips, even for those who do not have problems with their spending power. Security will be compromised, and fear will remain until there is information on vaccine availability, and many will opt out in the coming period, Radovic said.
"On the one hand, we have a rather worrying perspective, and on the other, the need to revise many things. First of all, we are in contact with a network of tourism professionals who are particularly dedicated to the current situation and perspectives, using time and developing new strategies related to destinations that are overburdened with tourism, such as Kotor," explains Anan Nives Radovic.
Using the best experiences of excursion tourism, we need to make a different strategy. The actual situation shows that mass tourism is not desirable and not required and that we should work on what will at the same time be appropriate for the tourism economy and not disrupt the life in the city," Radovic says.
Expectations are difficult to speak of when we still do not have information on the opening of ports and the announcement of ships, and the establishment of air traffic in Montenegro and the region. "If traffic is to be partially restored soon, we have certain expectations. Most bookings that had to be made by mid-June were canceled. But numerous arrangements for July and August are still in place, which gives some hope if the epidemiological situation remains stable and allows traffic to be gradually re-established.
"Although tourism revenue is key to us, we try to maximize reliance on what is not direct tourism revenue - project revenue, international funds). This year, as well as the next, we will have intensive cooperation with project partners on four large and several smaller projects," explained the director of TO Kotor.
When it comes to promotional activities, Kotor TO will increasingly rely on the digital world to match the situation. "The technological possibilities that exist for this are in favor of us because every day there are more and more IT networks through which we can communicate," Radovic concluded.
Source: Boka News
01 May 2020, 17:12 PM
May 1, 2020 - The laboratories of the Institute of Public Health (IZJ) analyzed 193 samples in the last 24 hours, among which there were no new COVID-19 cases.
The number of infected persons since the beginning of the event remains 322. By municipalities: Podgorica 164, Tuzi 37, Niksic 34, Bar 23, Ulcinj 22, Andrijevica 7, Budva 7, Plav 7, Bijelo Polje 6, Herceg Novi 6, Danilovgrad 3, Gusinje 3, Tivat three.
"Among the completed analyzes is a series of consecutive analyzes in recovering persons, so that the total number of recovered persons is 219," the statement said.
The number of currently ill persons is 96, by municipalities: Podgorica 49, Ulcinj 14, Bar 11, Plav 6, Tuzi 5, Niksic 5, Gusinje 3, Budva 2, Herceg Novi 1.
A life-threatening coronavirus infected patient was transferred from Podgorica to Graz. The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published this information on his Twitter account. The Ministry of Defense announced that the Army of Montenegro, with a four-member team of the Clinical Center, performed the first helicopter medical transport of a life-threatening patient.
There are currently seven patients on hospital treatment in Montenegro. Four are located in the Clinical Center, three of which are in the Infectious Diseases Clinic, and one is in the intensive care unit of the Internal Clinic. Two patients are in Bar, and one is in Berane General Hospital.

Economic Impacts of COVID-19 Epidemic - Number of Unemployed Increased by 12.79 Percent in One Month

In the first hour the application available online, 88 applications were submitted to the Ministry of Economy for closed grants due to the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the Ministry of Economy, 80 applications have been approved, and the remaining eight are pending.
"This has approved the request for the payment of salaries for 345 employees. All those who have been granted the payment will be transferred from the budget account to the accounts of commercial banks on Monday," the Economy Ministry's Twitter account announced.
The number of unemployed at the end of April increased by 4,545 compared to March this year, while the number of unemployed in March decreased by 10,000 compared to the same month last year, according to data from the Employment Bureau and the Statistical Office - Monstat.
According to the Institute's records, there were 40,071 unemployed people yesterday from the institution, which is an increase of 4,545 persons or 12.79 percent compared to March 31.
According to earlier data from the Tax Administration, when the number of employees exceeded 200,000, taxes and contributions were regularly paid for about 160,000. Reducing staff by about ten thousand means a decline in government revenue by about three million a month.

Nearly 10 percent of employers shared the cancellations of contracts due to the COVID-19 crisis

According to a survey by the Employers Union, which, with the technical support of the International Labor Organization and conducted in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development from April 10 to April 30, 9.73 percent of employers said they had reduced their staff and 90.27 percent that they didn't do it.
When asked if they plan to lay off workers due to COVID-19 crises, 18.88 percent said yes, and 81.12 percent with no.
Unions in the May Day proclamations are just warning of the need to preserve jobs.
The Union of Trade Unions of Montenegro (SSCG) stated that social dialogue, the right to organize and collective bargaining must be an integral part of the economic and social recovery program.
"Jobs must be preserved, as well as dignified work in healthy and safe working conditions while combating an insecure and informal economy, and earnings must allow a decent life for all employees and their families," stressed SSCG.
The Union of Free Trade Unions pointed out that this crisis led to the realization that neoliberal capitalism was on its wobbly legs, and that workers were the most essential resource of any society.
Source:, Vijesti Online
30 Apr 2020, 20:37 PM
April 30, 2020 - No new cases of COVID-19 infection have been registered in Montenegro today. In our country, a total of 322 people were infected with the coronavirus since the first reported cases on March 17. Seven people died, and 214 COVID-19 patients recovered. Of the 114 cases currently active, seven are hospitalized.

Anti-COVID-19 measures starting on Monday, May 4:

1. The employer is obliged to provide employees with the use of a protective mask and disinfectant and to ensure consistent compliance with measures by consumers, service users, and visitors.
One consumer per 10 m² is allowed in shops and markets, and a minimum of two meters is required. Wearing masks is mandatory in all confined spaces, and Plexiglas must separate checkpoints.
In handicrafts and services, in addition to the above, the obligation of hand disinfection applies.
Hairdressing and beauty salons are allowed to accommodate a maximum of one customer per ten square feet of workspace, with the requirement to place partitions between work chairs. When providing facial treatments, the beautician is required to wear a visor.
In fitness centers and gyms, one person per 10 m² is allowed, exceptionally two, with a minimum of 2m distance, and with disinfection of hands, the disinfection of the device after exercise is obligatory. Dental clinics work exclusively on an appointment, and the obligation to wear masks and hand disinfection is prescribed for libraries and museums.
In bookmakers and casinos, besides the requirement to disinfect the playing area after the game, everyone uses their pen.
A transparent screen between the employee and the user will also be installed at the counters of public institutions and banks, with the implied obligation to wear masks and hand sanitizer at the entrance and exit.
On the buses, it is obligatory to wear a protective cover, and only seating is allowed, and a maximum of two passengers in the back seat can take a taxi. Car rental agencies must disinfect the interior of the vehicle before and after each occupant
Home or farm owners in other municipalities may travel to their properties with a completed certificate downloaded from the Public Health Institute website.
Fishers and boat owners can go to the fishing/sailing location. They must carry a fishing/boating license.
What will mainly rejoice the citizens of Montenegro is the freedom to reside in public areas in the company of their family members. Family members can co-exist in open spaces with a minimum of 2m distance to other persons.
German Bild: Montenegro will be ready to welcome its guests once travel conditions are there
The National Tourism Organization (NTO) said that Bild, in an affirmative article, described Montenegro as a small country in the Adriatic, which this year gives hope for summer vacations and trips.
The author of the article, Marc Olivier Ruhle, emphasized the reasons why Montenegro should be included in the list of German tourists as a destination for the next trip, focusing on the health safety of tourists.
Ruhle writes that Montenegro is a country recording a small number of COVID-19 cases, working on guidelines that imply hygiene and other health protocols in hotels and restaurants, to be applied on-site for health and safety reasons for citizens and tourists who choose to visit her.
NTO Director Željka Radak Kukavicic said that in a time of high uncertainty over the coronavirus epidemic, Montenegro is one of the most effective countries in the pandemic response, according to analyzes by world health experts, precisely because it responded quickly.
"Despite the travel ban, the small Adriatic country is now giving us hope for a summer vacation in the south. According to Bild's information, Montenegro is fully launching its tourism infrastructure and will be ready for its guests," the text reads.
The article adds that most shops in Montenegro will be open from Monday, and hotels and restaurants will be open on May 18, while wearing masks in all confined spaces will be mandatory as a measure of health safety.
Bild recalls that Montenegro is a trend destination for Germans and that, when it comes to tourist arrivals from the German market, it recorded an increase of 82 percent last year, which recorded record results in tourism.
30 Apr 2020, 00:12 AM
April 30, 2020 - The Public Health Institute of Montenegro (IJZ) registered one new COVID-19 patient in Podgorica yesterday afternoon, after two days with no new cases of coronavirus in Montenegro. 
The total number infected with the start of the new coronavirus in Montenegro is 322, by municipalities: Podgorica 164, Tuzi 37, Niksic 34, Bar 23, Ulcinj 22, Andrijevici seven, Budva seven, Blue seven, Bijelo Polje six, Herceg Novi six, Danilovgrad three, Gusinje three and Tivat three.
The number of recovered increased to 203 in Danilovgrad and Tivat no longer active cases. The number of currently ill: 112. Ten hospitalized, with two patients at risk.

Tomorrow details of the COVID-19 epidemic regime of May 4

The National Infectious Diseases Coordination Team announced tomorrow a detailed elaboration of a new scheme of anti-COVID-19 measures, which will come into force on May 4. Employers are advised to continue to work from home as much as possible. Given the decision not to approve the work of educational and educational institutions by the end of the school year, employers are urged to allow parents of children under the age of 11 to work shifts.
The NKT warned Montenegrin citizens not to start individual trips abroad without coordination with diplomatic missions and consular posts, through which their return to Montenegro would be organized.

Tourism and Air traffic will depend on government subsidies

The Chamber of Commerce of the Chamber of Commerce (PKCG) will make recommendations for economic support to this industry by the end of the week, and they expect it to be the basis for new measures being prepared by the government's Tourism Operations Team.
So far, tourism companies have been allowed to have state subsidies of 100 percent of a gross minimum wage for all registered employees for April and May, as well as a deferral of credit and liabilities for taxes and contributions.
The state is also expected to announce a particular package of support for tourism, which will come to life once it is known whether and to what extent state borders and international traffic, especially air, will be opened.
According to research to date, air traffic would only be possible if there were significantly more recoveries in Europe than active coronavirus cases with severe epidemiological measures.
"In the case of air traffic opening in late June or early July, state subsidies for carriers will be required. According to some indications discussed in the European aviation industry, due to epidemiological measures, it is likely that the airplane's middle seat will have to be vacant, and possibly any other. In these circumstances, airlines will not be paid to fly and will require that states or national tourism organizations buy them empty seats or significantly reduce their airport taxes.
According to some announcements, something like this is acceptable to our competitive destinations like Croatia and Greece, so we also have to think about it and announce it so that both airlines and future tourists know it in advance, "the daily Vijesti writes.
Foreign tourists account for as much as 95 percent of tourist traffic. Thus their arrival is crucial for the tourism economy, as well as the overall Montenegrin economy and state revenue.
Prime Minister Dusko Markovic stressed that tourism would depend on how other countries will behave and whether they will open their borders. He said that Montenegro has already opened its border at sea and that he expects that marinas will soon be full of yachts from different areas.
28 Apr 2020, 23:47 PM
April 28, 2020 - In Montenegro, for the third consecutive day, no new cases of the COVID-19 infection were recorded, and currently, the number of recovered patients is higher than active cases of the coronavirus infection.
The total number of those infected since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Montenegro is 321. Seven patients have died, 199 have recovered, and the number of currently infected is 115.
The director of the Emergency Center of the Clinical Center of Montenegro (KCCG), Nermin Abdić, said that eight patients are currently being treated at the institution.
"Five COVID-19 patients are housed in the Infectious Disease Clinic. All are stable and well on their way to recovery. One patient is in the Intensive Care Unit. Two patients are in the Intensive Care Unit, on ventilators, and are at risk of life," Abdić said.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Health, Dr. Senad Begic, urged citizens to refrain from mass celebrations during the First of May holidays.
"We are counting on the responsibility of citizens, as they managed to put off their spiritual needs, to celebrate International Labor Day in another way. I am sure they will be able to refrain from the May 1 mass celebrations," Begic said
Begic pointed out that nearly 7,000 coronavirus tests have been done in Montenegro so far.
Asked to clarify what the announced testing in public areas would look like, he replied that the goal is to increase the availability of certain Public Health Institute services, namely sampling and analysis services.
"Swabs can be taken almost everywhere because we have noticed that we have epidemiological pockets of the population. The plan has already defined the locations where sampling will take place," Begic said.

Good epidemiological situation - gradual return to normal economic flows

Economy Minister Dragica Sekulic said that the favorable epidemiological situation and respect for the measures allowed her to start letting the economy slowly enter normal flows.
"Our proposal for tomorrow will be for the National Coordination Team to adopt individual shops, hairdressers, beauticians, taxi transportation within the municipalities starting on May 4. Since the announcement of the business opportunities, we have received a large number of inquiries from people in the business. Instructions will be available to businessmen in Montenegro tomorrow, '' Sekulic said.
She added that no measure would be costly and labor-intensive, but that the epidemiologist's profession and suggestions were respected.
"It seems to me that May 18 is a long way off and that all these measures will be taken by May 4. However, the health of citizens and persons working in catering establishments must come first," Sekulic said.

Counter- COVID-19 measures still in force:

The restriction of the number of citizens in the counters of regional units and branches of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state administration bodies continues until May 4, 2020. Independent of the surface, no more citizens can reside in the counter than the number of existing counter counters.

Counter - COVID-19 measures that continue to apply until May 18, 2020:

1) a ban on leaving the premises every day between 11 pm and 5 am the next day. Exceptionally, for the duration of this ban, pets may stay in the public area for a maximum of 60 minutes
2) prohibition of sports and recreational activities on all public areas, except for individual recreational physical activities, with the obligation to observe the prescribed distance measure from other persons at least two meters
3) prohibition of gathering in the housing facilities by persons who are not members of the joint family household
4) suspension of international passenger traffic
5) Prohibition of intercity passenger traffic
6) Ban on the presence of more than one person in all public areas. Exceptions are children under the age of 12 and persons with special needs, who can be in the company of one parent or another responsible person
7) Ban on the appearance and detention of persons on beaches, landscaped and unregulated bathing areas, and picnic areas
8) the obligation of legal and natural persons performing construction work to organize the job in a manner that ensures respect for epidemiological measures, especially respecting the social distance between employees and other counters- COVID-19 standards of occupational health and safety
9) the possibility of pharmacies, food, beverage and hygiene facilities, newsstands, specialized sales facilities (baby equipment, construction products, plant protection products, and planting materials, nutrition products, and animal treatment, agricultural machinery, and funeral equipment) to organize working hours from 7 am to 10 pm
10) ban on entry to foreigners, except to foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro; to foreign seafarers in transit; foreigners who operate motor vehicles used to perform trade of goods, with special measures of health and sanitary control, based on the decisions of sanitary health inspection.
The traffic of products for the needs of Montenegro as well as for transit remains unhindered, with special measures of health and hygienic control.
11) compulsory self-isolation for all Montenegrin citizens, as well as for foreigners who have permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, who come from abroad, based on the decision of the sanitary inspection
12) ban on providing catering services in hotels, except for registered guests
13) ban on the operation of disco clubs/bars and nightclubs/bars
14) ban on the activity of catering establishments - cafes, cafeterias, restaurants, and bars, except catering establishments that supply food
15) Prohibition of performing shopping and catering services in shopping malls
16) ban on the operation of children's playrooms; fitness centers, casinos, bookmakers and casinos
17) limiting the number of customers concerning the area of ​​the outlet so that only one consumer can be located per ten square meters of the surface of the outlet. Independent of the surface, no more than 50 consumers can be accommodated at the point of sale
18) obligation of responsible persons in trade establishments to provide/mark a distance of at least two meters between persons located in front of sales outlets, at cash registers and sectors where employees serve goods in sales outlets;

The following measures shall continue to apply until June 1, 2020:

1) suspension of public transport of passengers in the international road, rail, and air traffic, except for irregular charter transport organized for the return of Montenegrin nationals and foreign nationals to their home country, with the consent of the National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body
2) obligation of state bodies, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies, and local government to consider the personal documents (identity card, passport, and driver's license) held by citizens, issued after 2008, which have expired
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