
14 May 2020, 16:09 PM

May 14, 2020 - The date when Montenegro will open its borders is not yet known. Branislav Karadzic, a member of the Operational Staff returning Montenegrin citizens from abroad, believes it will be soon.

"We are working intensively on organizing the return of our citizens who work in other countries. A flight Podgorica-Frankfurt is planned for Friday. We expect an agreement with Serbia on the return of our students to that country next week at the latest. We expect that in the next ten days, the problem of the return of our citizens who have been trapped on the cruiser of the American company "Royal Caribbean" for three months will be solved, " Karadzic told this morning in the TV Vijesti show Boje Jutra.

He added that the main goal is to preserve the health of citizens.

"We expect that our country will soon be a corona-free state. It is difficult to bid when Montenegro opens its borders, but I believe it will be very soon. Based on the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health, the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases will decide on that. When the borders open, the emphasis will be on road traffic. Montenegro may ask passengers to present evidence of a negative coronavirus test result to enter the country, but other authorities decide this. I am sure that we will find the best solution, "Karadzic pointed out.

According to him, the coordinating body is working intensively on the return of Montenegrin citizens to foreign countries where they operate.

As for Montenegrin students who want to return to Serbia due to the June exam period, the Montenegrin embassy in Belgrade and the Consulate General in Sremski Karlovci have contacted the authorities in that country.

"Nothing has been agreed yet. About 180 students, who want to return to Serbia on the occasion of the June exams, contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We will try to make their status as easy as possible. We expect an agreement next week at the latest, "Karadzic said.

"We returned 206 seafarers with the help of Montenegro Airlines. Many of them returned in individual arrangements in different ways," said a member of the Operational Staff for the return of Montenegrin citizens from abroad, emphasizing that about 580 seafarers remained at sea.

14 May 2020, 15:09 PM
May 14, 2020 - No new cases of Covid-19 have been registered in the past nine days. The total number of recoveries has now risen to 307. The total number of registered cases stands at 324. There are currently 8 active cases in the country. Active cases by city are as follows: Ulcinj (3), Gusinje (3), Podgorica (1), Bijelo Polje (1). A total of 1,133 persons are still under health surveillance.

Arrests, conflicts, tensions

The religious procession held in Niksic on Tuesday evening, attended by several thousand believers, despite the ban on mass public gatherings still in effect, continues in the focus of the media. Archbishop Joanikije and seven Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) priests were questioned in the Basic Prosecutor’s Office and then placed in 72-hour detention. The executive directors of the NGOs Civic Alliance and Centre for Civic Freedoms, Boris Raonic and Boris Maric, said that the emerging social crisis along with the election campaign, combined with tensions, could produce a very risky environment in which the actions of just one agitator could spark a disaster. Citizens gathered to protest the arrest of Joanikije and other priests, throwing stones and bottles at the police. In return, the police dispersed them using tear gas. The SPC’s Episcopal Council asked that Joakinje and the priests be released, and called on all political leaders to refrain from using the Church for political purposes. The president of the Council for the Civic Control of Police, Aleksandar Zekovic, visited Joanikije and the priests on Wednesday and said that they had no complaints about how they were being treated by police.

Citizens worried less but divided more in terms of COVID-19

There have been many unknowns during the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This has resulted in the spread of numerous misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories, which put the question of the most effective way to fight misinformation in the public spotlight. As a long-term response to this phenomenon, 7 out of 10 Montenegrin citizens recognize media literacy. They believe that media literacy of citizens would enable them to check the accuracy of information themselves, which would reduce the spread of misinformation. This is shown, among other things, in the latest research that Ipsos, with the support of UNICEF, conducted on a nationally representative sample of citizens over the age of 18. The data from this survey shows that, compared to the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, the number of concerned citizens has decreased, but it’s still significant.

Second wave of coronavirus during summer or autumn

A virologist from the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, Dr Ana Banko believes that there will be another wave of the COVID-19 pandemic during the summer or autumn. She points out that the scenario cannot be precisely predicted, adding that the biggest mystery is the relationship of our immunity to the virus.

Valuable donation arrived in Montenegro

A contingent of seven tons of medical protective equipment, a donation from the United Arab Emirates, arrived in Montenegro. “A valuable confirmation of our closeness. Another in a row. Thanks to my friend Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, his family, the Government and the people of the UAE. We will remember! We are stronger together ", wrote president Milo Djukanovic via Twitter account. 

Charter lines for greater visits of Czech tourists

President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Vlastimir Golubovic, and ambassador of the Czech Republic, Karel Urban, have discussed possibilities for intensifying economic cooperation between the two countries after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Golubovic pointed out that Montenegro’s response to the outbreak was effective and that it was now focused on the activities which would contribute to the economic recovery. "We need to intensify business activities as much as possible and use the forthcoming season. The good thing is that we had a small degree of disease and we are on the way to become corona-free destination", said Golubovic. He expressed expectation that results in the tourism sector would contribute to domestic and regional arrivals. He called guests from the Czech Republic to spend their summer vacation in Montenegro.

Standard’s analysis: What air transport will look like after pandemic, EASA sending instructions today

According to the information obtained by the portal Standard, Montenegro Airlines has not yet developed a plan on how it will work, because there are a lot of unknowns. First of all, it is not yet known when Montenegro will open its borders, and it is speculated that it could be on 1 June. Also, instructions from European agencies are expected so that a plan could be made. The Civil Aviation Agency told Standard that they were actively following the instructions and guidelines issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Commission.

Seeking changes to VAT law and fee exemptions

The Montenegrin Employers Federation (UPCG), in cooperation with the National Coordinating Body’s headquarters for economic support will be sending requests to the government shortly seeking changes to the VAT law and exemptions from certain fees, announced the president of the UCPG, Predrag Mitrovic. Mitrovic applauded the efforts of the government thus far, but stressed that the first and second rescue measures had not met certain expectations of the business sector. He also emphasised that it was especially important that banks showed understanding, support and flexibility during this crisis period. Asked if employers were announcing layoffs, Mitrovic said the entire Montenegrin business community expected urgent intervention in terms of reducing business costs, which was a model of direct support to companies in their struggle to preserve jobs in this extremely difficult time. He said forecasting new layoffs was difficult as this depended mainly on the epidemiological situation in the country as well as timely and adequate state support.

Farmers to be granted loans of up to €20,000 with 1.5% interest rate

As of yesterday, registered agricultural producers, processors and fishermen have been provided with more favourable loans available to improve the existing and establish new production. This is part of a special set of government measures to support agriculture and fisheries due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A total of €10m has been provided for this purpose. The loans will be approved by the Investment Development Fund in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It’s stated that the government will pay interest during the grace period. The loans will be approved in the amount of up to €20,000, with an interest rate of 1.5% and with a repayment period of up to two years and a grace period of up to one year.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
13 May 2020, 16:28 PM

May 13, 2020 - No new cases of Covid-19 have been registered in the past eight days. The total number of recoveries has now risen to 298. The total number of registered cases stands at 324. There are currently 17 active cases in the country. Active cases by city are as follows: Ulcinj (10), Gusinje (3), Podgorica (2), Bar (1), Bijelo Polje (1).

Eight days with no new cases of coronavirus infection

Dr Ranko Lazovic, the head of the Medical Crisis Headquarters says the nation’s exit strategy must be just as carefully planned as its handling of the epidemic. He reports that hospitals across the country are moving towards pre-epidemic conditions and Covid-19 bed space is being reduced, while maintaining reserve capacity as a precaution. Lazovic also reports that the average age of Covid-19 patients is 42, while the average age of the country’s nine deaths was 70. He urges citizens to wear masks and observe social distancing, and notes that a large number of citizens have been seen violating these measures.

Dr. Senad Begic of the Institute of Public Health adds that a large number of countries that abruptly lifted restrictions are now seeing a rise in Covid-19 infections, which is why Montenegro is insisting on gradually easing measures.

Hospitality facilities to reopen on Friday

Restaurants and cafes are free to reopen Friday, announced the government. Employees at these facilities must wear masks and no more than four people are allowed to a table, except in the case of family members. Tables must be separated by a distance of two metres or a screen and hand disinfection is mandatory at entry and exit points. Self-service as well as standing or lingering at the bar is forbidden. Business owners are required to post notices of the measures in place. The NKT is also considering allowing shopping centres to open, Vijesti has learned.

Police: NKT decides on opening borders

The decision on opening Montenegro’s borders rests with the National Coordinating Body (NKT), the Police Administration has announced. According to unofficial information from Serbian media, Serbia will open its borders with Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina on 1 June. Dr Senad Begic of the Institute of Public Health welcomed the news but said it remained to be seen whether Montenegro would relax its restrictions and under what conditions. Caution is required, he said.

Citizens on streets, priests held by police

Archbishop Joanikije and several other priests were questioned by police last night after they led the Saint Vasilije Ostroski Day liturgy in front of a church in Niksic, which resulted in a large number of residents gathering there, in violation of coronavirus containment measures. A group of citizens gathered in front of the Church’s seat to protest the questioning. Joanikije advised them to disperse and said he would abide by all requests from law enforcers. The government stated last night that the liturgy organisers had jeopardised the health of a large number of citizens.

Season collapsed before it began

The director of Kotor’s Agency for City Port Management says all sailing arrangements have been cancelled or postponed. The Easter holidays have always marked the beginning of the nautical season, but this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, few sails will be seen in Boka, and sailboats and yachts will be docked at City Port. Director Bozo Ukropina fears the season might not occur at all, in which case City Port will be in great difficulties, he says.

EBRD: Economy to drop by 8%

According to the latest forecasts of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Montenegrin economy will weaken by 8% this year due to the predicted impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the tourist season. In the macro-economic forecast published yesterday, the EBRD predicted that the Montenegrin economy would recover strongly next year, with a 10.5% growth of GDP. The recovery will depend on the gradual easing of national measures to curb the spread of the virus and return to normal functioning during the second half of the year, EBRD says.

This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.

12 May 2020, 15:42 PM
May 12, 2020 - From next Monday, more precisely, from May 18, Montenegrin beaches will be operational again, and the Public Company for the Management of Marine Assets- Morsko Dobro has brought a set of reliefs for tenants - reduction of rents and payments in installments.
As it is pointed out in the conclusions from the session of the Management Board of the Public Company Morsko Dobro, beaches and temporary locations in the marine zone will be put into operation following the recommendations of the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases. All tenants and users are obligated to follow the orders of the Ministry of Health.
"Users/tenants of bathing areas, docks and moorings are exempted from submitting a performance guarantee for the proper performance of the contract for 2020. All users/tenants are allowed to pay the annual fee for 2020 in many installments, with the obligation to submit a bank guarantee, with the last payment due no later than December 1, 2020 ", the conclusions point out.
Also, tenants who put hotel facilities into operation for quarantine purposes are exempt from paying the annual fee for the entire 2020 year.
"Tenants who had concluded long-term investment contracts are provided with a delay in the implementation of contractual obligations, for 90 days, counting on April 1, 2020, annual fees for 90 days, ie, for the period when the catering facilities were closed ", it is stated in the conclusions.
We remind you that two sunbeds and one umbrella will be allowed to be placed on 16 square meters of the beach, and it will be the same for those who do not want sunbeds but want to stay on their towels.
Sunbeds and other beach equipment will be disinfected daily.
12 May 2020, 15:18 PM
May 12, 2020 - In Montenegro, believers today celebrate two holidays - Orthodox celebrate St. Vasilije of Ostrog, and Catholics, who mostly live in the Bay of Kotor, celebrate St. Leopold Mandic, a saint who was born in Herceg Novi in ​​1866.
As they informed from the Parish Office of Herceg Novi, three holy masses are celebrated in that city in the church of St. Jerome. This morning they were at 8, 10 a.m. and the third was announced at 6 p.m.
Following the new measures on the suppression of the Covid-19 spread, the maximum number of believers who can participate in every Mass in the church of St. Jerome is 45. In front of the church, there may be a total of 20 believers.
Sv. Leopold Bogdan Mandić was born on May 12, 1866, in Herceg Novi, as the 15th child of father Petar and mother Dragica Carević. He died in Padua on July 30, 1942. He was beatified 34 years after his death, on May 2, 1976.
After completing his studies in Udine, he was ordained a priest in 1890. As a young priest, he served in Trieste and Padua, Italy, where he was a confessor in a Capuchin monastery in that city for over forty years. He was canonized in 1983 by Pope John Paul II.
In the history of the Roman Catholic Church, it is also recorded that he was proclaimed a saint in the shortest period. He dedicated his entire life to the unification of the Christian West and East and is considered a forerunner of modern ecumenical thought.
He remained nostalgically attached to his homeland. During the First World War, when the Italian government ordered all Austro-Hungarian citizens to live in the border area of ​​Italy to accept Italian citizenship, St. Leopold refused with the explanation, "Like my ancestors Bokelji, I will remain a citizen of the world."
His undecomposed body was exposed to the gift of the faithful for two days in Herceg Novi in ​​mid-September 2017.
The big holiday is May 12 for Orthodox believers who celebrate the Day of Saint Vasilije of Ostrog.
The life of Saint Vasilije of Ostrog in the Upper Monastery in Ostrog is still a place of pilgrimage for many believers, Christians, and Muslims, as well as members of other religions.
They came as a gift to the relics of Saint Vasilije, and the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Amfilohije, served the liturgy with the priests in the Ostrog Monastery. Various media report that the believers did not respect the measures of the National Coordination Body on the prescribed distance.
Saint Vasilije Ostroški - The miracle worker was born in the village of Mrkonjić in Popovo polje in 1610 to parents Petra and Anastasia Jovanović. At birth, he was named Stojan. He became a monk in the Tvrdoš monastery. According to tradition, he came to Montenegro as a hieromonk, and after a short stay, he returned to Herzegovina and then traveled to Russia. From Russia, he brought precious gifts in books, church supplies, and money, which he distributed to the poor. Before the Turkish violence, he left Herzegovina again and spent a year in Hilandar. He came to Onogost in 1651, but he also had to leave that city and seek refuge in the Ostrog cave - hermitage, where he remained for the rest of his life.
Ostrog Monastery is considered the largest Orthodox sanctuary in Montenegro, and due to its unique architecture, it is one of the most visited attractions in our country.
12 May 2020, 14:34 PM
May 12, 2020 - At today's session of the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases (NKT), the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) will propose the abolition of specific measures introduced to fight the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, said the director of this institution, Boban Mugoša.
"Some measures related to restaurants, cafes, bars, hotel restaurants, beaches will be abolished. The IPH will propose that these measures be mitigated and that we start from Friday, we will see if the NKT will agree ", said Mugoša and added that he hopes to go into a more in-depth phase of easing the measures, but that the rules that remain in force must be respected.
According to him, Montenegro was the first to introduce measures, and the last to give in.
"All people must have religious and political as well as all other freedoms, and I support that. But, in this situation, we managed to save Montenegro, "said Mugoša, warning that the society is creating the belief that COVID-19 is nothing terrible, which can be dangerous for the further development of the situation. People forget what was happening in Italy, Spain, and France. "Those are terrible pictures, and luckily we didn't have them," says Mugoša.
He reminds us that nine people died of COVID-19 in Montenegro, which is a lot for our small society.
"I insist that there is no grouping until further notice that social distance must be kept. That is what I can say as an epidemiologist, "Mugosa said.
He adds that the results show that the recommendations were valid and gave results. According to him, we still do not have enough scientific parameters to be able to talk about the second wave with certainty.
However, Mugoša believes that COVID-19 will not disappear like SARS.
The fact that we do not have new cases does not mean that there is no virus, only after a period of two incubations, explains Mugoš, we can say that we got rid of the virus.
"We now have a controlled epidemic,  on proud of both citizens and medical workers, "said Mugoša.
"There is no relaxation, and it will not be for a long time," Mugoša said, adding that some measures will remain in force for a long time.
12 May 2020, 14:16 PM
May 12, 2020 - No new cases of COVID-19 have been registered since Tuesday, 5 May, and four more persons have recovered from Covid-19, putting the total number of recoveries at 294. The total number of registered cases stands at 324. There are currently 21 active cases in the the city as follows: Ulcinj (10), Podgorica (3), Bar (3), Gusinje (3), Plav (1), Bijelo Polje (1).

Hrapović: Dedication and sacrifice of nurses, technicians, and midwives are the pride of the nation

"Nurses, technicians, and midwives are an integral part of the success of the healthcare system in all circumstances. Today when we proudly point out the success of Montenegro's healthcare in the fight against COVID-19, we must as a society particularly emphasize your performance," said the minister of health, Kenan Hrapovic on the occasion of International Nurses Day. As Hrapovic stressed, society's obligation "must now and always be to maintain special attention to your status, education, and the conditions in which you work."

Montenegrins wearing masks but complain these are suffocating them

Across Podgorica, shoppers are generally respecting the order to wear masks in closed spaces. Exceptions exist, however, and are mostly seen in supermarkets. Retailers complain they are often unsuccessful in convincing shoppers that they cannot let them into their stores without a mask. As of Monday, the wearing of mouth and nose covers in closed spaces is obligatory, and violations of this measure are subject to sanctions.

Low number of passengers, but they're observing measures

As of yesterday, intercity buses began operating once again, within designated regional limits, as ordered by the Ministry of Transport. Bus drivers reported very few passengers but said all wore masks, and some also wore gloves. Bus carriers have three days to inform the ministry of the routes they will be running.

First vessel expected in Marina Bar in the next few days

The first vessel to arrive in Bar's marina will be required to meet the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Transport's Action Plan based on the National Coordinating Body's measures. The vessel is expected to arrive in the coming days. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, Marina Bar is ready for the launch of the yachting season. The Maritime Safety Administration, as well as other authorities, will be in charge of implementing the plan and monitoring its fulfillment. The program includes a mandatory 14-day quarantine for every vessel entering Montenegrin waters. Under the quarantine, all passengers and crew members will be prohibited from deboarding, and the ship will be accessible only by the agent tasked with delivering food and other necessities. The quarantine also implies the provision of physical and technical protection.

Danilovic clearly showed that protest walk was not his goal and he jeopardized citizens' health

Basic Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica formed a case on the protest walk, which United Montenegro MP Goran Danilovic organized two nights ago. Danilovic held the so-called "protest walk of silence," which other party officials and around 50 citizens joined. The Basic Prosecutor's Office said it was taking action to establish all facts related to the event. The Police Administration, whose members escorted the protest walkers, informed the office. Danilovic was questioned last night by the police. He said that they could keep arresting him but that he would keep walking. Danilovic is being accused of jeopardizing public health by organizing this walk.

Quick state intervention without much bureaucracy needed

The third set of state measures should contain additional subsidies for companies that have been banned from working because, in most cases, these are micro and small companies that have been particularly affected by the crisis caused by the coronavirus. It is the position of the Union of Employers (UPCG). "Work is underway on the third set of proposed measures. After harmonization with businessmen - our members and adoption by the board of directors, the innovated proposed measures will be sent to the government and the Operational Headquarters of the National Coordinating Body for economic support", the UPCG says.

COVID-19 brings down prospects of Montenegro and 41 other countries

The consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on tourism, as one of the essential sectors in Montenegro, are the key reasons why Standard & Poor's (S&P) has recently changed the outlook on Montenegro's credit rating from stable to negative in its new report, with confirmation of the B+/B rating. According to the Ministry of Finance, S&P estimated that the pandemic would have significant consequences at a global level in all countries where tourism was among priority sectors.
11 May 2020, 18:50 PM
May 11, 2020 - No new cases of Covid-19 have been registered since yesterday’s final count. The total number of registered cases remains 324, while the number of recoveries is now 290. There are currently 25 active cases in the country, by the city as follows: Ulcinj (10), Podgorica (6), Bar (3), Gusinje (3), Plav (1), Herceg Novi (1), Bijelo Polje (1).

Disinfectant, masks, distancing on buses

According to instructions from the Institute of Public Health, adequate means for disinfecting the hands must be made available at the entrance to public transport, which is compulsory both when entering and exiting buses. Both drivers and passengers are required to wear masks. Passengers can also use a cloth to cover their nose and mouth. Anyone with any symptoms such as a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing is not allowed to board public transport. Also, no passengers can ride standing, and no more than two passengers per row will be allowed, i.e., one passenger can be seated by a window on one side, and another on the other side of the aisle.

Awaiting decision on the duration of containment measures

While there was talk that restaurants and cafes in Montenegro might open as early as today, this didn’t occur. According to the latest official information, these businesses should be allowed to reopen as of 18 May. 
Hospitality facilities in Serbia opened last Monday and should open today in Croatia. Judging by the containment measures put in place by health authorities in those two countries, it is to be expected that Montenegrin hospitality facility owners will similarly be required to arrange distance between tables and guests as well as means for disinfection. 
Several Montenegrin restaurant owners told Pobjeda newspaper they are waiting impatiently to reopen their businesses but are also worried about whether they will be able to sustain operations if specific measures last for an extended period. 
Lazar Lekovic, the owner of the Kod Miska restaurant in Bojani, considers it pointless to limit the number of tables and guests as guests come to relax, and this will be difficult in such an atmosphere, writes CDM. He adds that businesses cannot carry out temperature checks on their guests and that they should be allowed to operate normally or not at all.

KCCG: Normal operations as of today, Call Centre stops functioning 12 May

Clinical Centre of Montenegro (KCCG) announces that in line with the improving epidemiological situation in the country, the state hospital will begin regular operations today. KCCG informs that the Call Centre activated on 21 April for critical patients not infected with Covid-19 will stop functioning on Tuesday, 12 May.

COVID-19 crises took millions, but ACG ready to welcome planes

After the opening of borders, apart from Montenegro Airlines, Air Serbia, Wizz Air, and Ryanair will soon start their routes as well, says the executive director of Airports of Montenegro (ACG), Danilo Orlandić, in an interview for Vijesti. EasyJet, LOT, and Turkish Airlines will do the same a short time later. 
“I believe that our friends from the Russian Federation will soon have the situation with the new coronavirus pandemic under control and that we will have them by the main season, that is, in the second half of July and in August. Probably with somewhat smaller capacities, and even some canceled flights, but the air traffic will return”, Orlandić says. He stresses that ACG has taken many steps to ensure it is among the first to be contacted by airline companies.

MA registers multimillion losses due to COVID-19 lock-down

The new executive director of Montenegro Airlines (MA) Vlastimir Ristic says in an interview for Dan that there is no doubt the crisis caused by the coronavirus has had severe, or rather devastating consequences for the aviation industry and all related businesses. 
“We are facing the most severe crisis of commercial aviation since its inception, with the still unpredictable duration of these circumstances. Every day that planes are grounded is costly, costs are being generated, and not only can they not be stopped, but they are multiplying as the crisis continues,” Ristic explains. These losses reach millions. 
“We have been grounded for two months now. Sales and commercial activities have been completely stopped. On the other hand, we have a lot of fixed obligations”, says Ristic, who adds that he will have more detailed data on the effects of the crisis on MA after the end of the period with no commercial flights.

Forecast uncertain, cruising stopped

All cruise ship arrivals scheduled for May to Kotor Bay,  a total of 71, have been canceled, as well as most entries announced for June, precisely 51 so far, says a representative of the Luka Kotor company, Maja Danilovic. It means about 200,000 passengers who were supposed to visit the port. The forecast is completely uncertain at this point as the global cruising industry has come to a complete halt, Danilovic says. 
The cruise system is driven by a large mechanism depending on individually organized national counter- COVID-19 measures, including itineraries and secondary movements of passengers involving airports, railways, and international cross-border flows. The logistics required to carry cruise passengers from port to port must be exempted from travel restrictions, Danilovic explains. She says it is very likely that health measures such as temperature checks for passengers will be introduced ahead.
10 May 2020, 19:39 PM
May 10, 2020 - Since yesterday’s final count until 4.40 pm today, the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) analyzed 294 samples without any coming back positive for the coronavirus. The COVID-19 patient treated in Vienna unfortunately passed away, being the ninth coronavirus victim in Montenegro.
The number of infected persons since the beginning of the epidemic stands at 324, and the number of recoveries is 290. The number of active COVID-19 cases is currently 25 – 6 in Podgorica, 10 in Ulcinj, 3 in Bar, 3 in Gusinje, 1 in Plav, and 1 in Herceg Novi and Bijelo Polje each.

Institute proud: Despite thousands of processed samples, none of the employees infected

The coronavirus surprised the whole world, including Montenegro. However, the Institute of Public Health has reason to be proud. It considers it a great success that, despite thousands of samples taken and processed, none of its employees got infected. The director of the Center for Medical Microbiology at IJZ, Ljubica Teric, explains that within the Center, there are five separate wards and two joint wards, hiring 60 workers in total.

Intercity traffic starts tomorrow

According to the decision of the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases, from May 11, traffic with personal vehicles and public transport of passengers will be allowed, but within the region in the country. Montenegro is divided into three areas, and citizens will be able to move between municipalities in:
Coastal region: Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Bar, Ulcinj and Cetinje
Central region: Podgorica, Danilovgrad, Tuzi, Cetinje, Niksic, Savnik, Pluzine
Northern region: Pljevlja, Žabljak, BIjelo POlje, Berane, Mojkovac, Kolašin, Plav, Rožaje, Andrijevica, Petnica, Gusinje
Traffic is allowed with mandatory following the counter- COVID-19 measures, such as no more than two people in one vehicle.

Religious rites allowed as of tomorrow

According to the latest decision of the National Coordinating Body (NKT), religious rites in the religious facilities are allowed as of tomorrow. NKT emphasizes that everyone must adhere to the measures imposed to protect citizens’ health. According to the latest measures, there can be one person per 10m2, and a maximum of 20 people in front of a church. NKT also says that hand disinfection is obligatory when entering and leaving a religious facility and that the ban on gatherings is still in force. 
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
10 May 2020, 17:53 PM

May 10, 2020 - "Let's buy healthy! Let's buy Domestic Food! Let's help ourselves and others and use the size of our country to have a personal and honest relationship with each food producer! "- calls the FB group Kupujmo domaće! - podržimo male proizvodjače hrane u Crnoj Gori"Let's buy domestic food - let's support small producers in Montenegro."

The group was started on April 20 by a small group of enthusiasts to support producers in the current circumstances, and making quality, homemade food available. Although it has existed for less than three weeks, it has managed to gather over 200 producers and almost 30,000 members.

"This group was created to combine supply and demand for domestic food most efficiently, using the advantage of social networks and the Internet. Bidders are invited to present their product with a description, location, photos, and price and to suggest a method of delivery (collection from the manufacturer or the possibility of delivery to a specific area or the customer's home). Buyers for quality domestic products quickly get in direct contact with the bidder and agree on taking over the goods. All customers are invited to share the shopping experience and rate the product by posting a picture and comment/thanks/criticism/recommendation after the purchase, "reads the description of the group, in which the promotion is completely free.
domestic food 9
FB Group: Kupujmo domaće! - podržimo male proizvodjače hrane u Crnoj Gori

We bring you an interview with Ivan Bošković, one of the initiators of the FB group "Let's buy domestic food- let's support small producers in Montenegro."

TMN: Although launched less than three weeks ago, the FB group managed to gather over 200 producers and almost 30 thousand members. What prompted you to this idea?

Ivan Bošković: The initiative came from two families with small children, who appreciate the quality of food, and due to the well-known situation and the so-called social distance and pessimistic forecasts regarding the economic impact of this pandemic, we had a strong sense that we had to do something. We could not indulge in passivity and lethargy. We decided to do what we could, at least to help someone.
Each of us has relatively successful careers in various areas that are not related to food production (Nikola Ivović maritime, Milena Žmukić Ivović economics, Ana Bošković psychotherapy, while my field is IT). Still, we started with the fact that we experienced ourselves.
A large number of our hardworking people, small producers of domestic food in Montenegro, traditionally distribute products - the products are offered to acquaintances, and new customers are reached by word of mouth. We wanted to foster direct communication between consumers and producers. There have been some attempts in this domain before. Still, the analysis of other approaches to this idea has led us to the conclusion that the most straightforward possible approach is necessary- the simplest possible technology to establish direct communication between providers and consumers.
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FB Group Kupujmo domaće! - podržimo male proizvodjače hrane u Crnoj Gori

We believed that a springboard was needed, so those small manufacturers could more easily and quickly see the benefits of using new technologies to distribute their products. That way, they did not have to depend on anyone and that, above all, they did not need advanced IT knowledge. The acceptance of this initiative helped the simplicity of the offered platform, combined with the quarantine period and pessimistic economic forecasts.  The reactions and numbers of the group encourage us to believe that this was a good move at the right time.

TMN: Were you surprised in how short time the initiative you launched was so successful?

We can't say we're surprised. However, the speed with which this initiative was accepted, the number of positive reactions, and concrete effects in a relatively short time- is above our expectations. There is one segment worth noting. It would be wrong to say that it is surprising, but it was not in the domain of our expectations - it showed a degree of solidarity and readiness to help others.

TMN: Although your initiative was offered entirely voluntarily to producers and citizens, it is a presentation of social entrepreneurship on its basis - all participants in the process benefit. Your gift to the community has triggered a chain of significant reactions and different ways of networking people.

Our idea came from understanding the position of hardworking people, small producers, on the one hand, and evident demand on the other. The motivation for this action has a prosocial aspect and s primarily focused on community well-being, support, cooperation, and helping producers. The general public recognized all this, and the group was joined by a large number of people who are ready to help others in the field of their capabilities and competencies: useful advice, information, to donate excess packaging, even to transport products and the like.
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It is what is most precious in the mentality of our climate, which does not often have the opportunity to manifest itself, perhaps due to the way of life and the lack of time and opportunity. Now that the pandemic has slowed the pace of life and confronted us with serious, real fears, the communication channel opened by this group has made it clear that people are not just consumers or just sellers. We also notice that a very close relationship between sellers and buyers is established, and trust and good energy is developed.
Recently, the respected psychologist and communicator, Radoje Cerović, stated that in these harsh circumstances, Montenegro is the best he has ever seen. Reactions to our initiative confirm this observation in many ways.
I need to emphasize the diligence and dedication of our people, but above all, the quality of their products is very inspiring! Due to the enthusiasm that this group encouraged, I find myself dreaming about some future small garden and vegetable production, at least in the form of a hobby. I believe I am not the only one!

TMN: What feedback do you get from group members? What are the reactions of the manufacturers?

Feedback from both manufacturers and customers is very positive, and that is what motivates us to invest more time in this now very demanding project. "Thanks to your group menu, the phone doesn't stop ringing!" , "I'm afraid I won't have as many goods as required!", "I didn't sell in the year I sold yesterday after that announcement!" - these are some of the comments we received from the manufacturer.
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Communicatiom in FB Group Kupujmo Domaće is very vibrant
We motivate customers to publish their experiences in the group, honestly and objectively, because it is an essential mechanism for establishing mutual trust, but also a motive for domestic food producers to maintain the level of quality. For now, they mostly thank for the delicious products, addressing the name and surname of the seller, in the recommendations they describe and praise the seller himself, not only the product he sells.

TMN: The whole project is non-profit and non-commercial. Still, due to the high interest and the need for systematization of information, you want to improve it with adequate technological support. Although the contacts of the producers of various food products can be searched quite successfully in the FB group itself, the network you have formed requires a user-friendly platform.

That's right. This form of the platform has its advantages, which have given excellent results so far. It is these results that we have achieved that oblige us to develop the initiative further, to consider the ideas we have, but also the proposals that come to us, and to continue working by adhering to a socially useful approach as the basic guiding ideas.
More natural search, more precise categories, and further improvement of essential segments of this initiative, such as solidarity, social and environmental responsibility, may be further improved if the web platform is added to the existing platform. By combining both platforms, we will achieve even better results. However, we are cautious that the further development of the idea does not go in the direction of commercialization. We want to keep the enthusiasm, volunteerism, and access to free services to improve the interaction between domestic producers - customers.

TMN: Do you believe that this way of product placement can have a positive effect on the increased volume of domestic food production, given that the costs of product placement are reduced?

The group currently has close to 30 thousand members, and what is clear to anyone who looks at the interaction within the group is that there is a high demand for domestic, quality products in Montenegro. Awareness that it is essential to help local food producers, especially now that we are facing the consequences of a pandemic and months of locking up the economy, is at a high level. Also, customers and producers find this initiative helping to see the benefits of digital technologies. We hope that the real economic effects of this action will lead to producers getting wind in their sails and production increasing.
It will not completely replace other essential sales channels. Different product placement channels have various advantages and disadvantages. We think that a combination of different approaches is best for everyone.

TMN: Were fishers involved? Do you think that this approach can be extended to other spheres of local economies?

Yes, they are, but for now, not as massively as other manufacturers. Fish and seafood are specific products that are more complicated to distribute than tubers and strawberries, for example. However, we sincerely hope that this season is not written off and that people will appreciate visiting places in our country as much as home-grown food. Then fishers will also benefit more from this initiative.
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Due to the desire to keep the project completely unprofitable, and not to incur any costs for its users, Ivan and his team do not promise their FB group and website will be available in English soon. But they believe that the site will facilitate direct purchases of domestic food and for ex-pats in Montenegro. For now, do your best. The choice and quality of products available through this initiative are the right motivation for learning the basics of the Montenegrin language.
09 May 2020, 18:04 PM
May 9, 2020 - As of Monday, additional easing of measures against the spread of the COVID-19 infection will take effect, in particular, about easing traffic-related restrictions. Intercity traffic is now allowed, after being forbidden on March 24.

Intercity traffic to be allowed within areas

According to the decision of the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases, from May 11, traffic with personal vehicles and public transport of passengers will be allowed, but within the region in the country. Montenegro is divided into three areas, and citizens will be able to move between municipalities in:
  • Coastal region: Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Bar, Ulcinj and Cetinje
  • Central region: Podgorica, Danilovgrad, Tuzi, Cetinje, Niksic, Savnik, Pluzine
  • Northern region: Pljevlja, Žabljak, BIjelo POlje, Berane, Mojkovac, Kolašin, Plav, Rožaje, Andrijevica, Petnica, Gusinje
"No more than two adults may be transported in a passenger motor vehicle at the same time unless members of a joint family household. This ban does not apply to vehicles of legal entities, media representatives, and vehicles used for the needs of emergency services (health, police, army, fire services, etc.) ", the NKT announced.
The passenger will not be able to stand in intercity transport vehicles, and he will have to wear a protective mask. Passengers can sit next to each other.

Opening of internal maritime traffic on Monday

As stated on the Twitter account of the Government, as of May 11, the full internal maritime traffic will be opened. They add that the transport of passengers in domestic maritime traffic is also enabled.
"Carriers in road and sea transport are obliged to apply prevention measures following the Institute of Public Health Instruction: all passengers must wear protective masks; it is not allowed to stand in the vehicle or vessel ", it was announced from NKT.

Montenegro Airlines does not fly until June 1

Due to the situation caused by the coronavirus, the current ban on commercial air traffic from Montenegro, as well as restrictions on other countries for travel, Montenegro Airlines has extended the period of traffic suspension until May 31, 2020, including that date, the national airline company's website said. 

Air Serbia is planning flights to Podgorica with the same intensity as before

Air Serbia has announced that it will resume scheduled passenger air traffic to a limited extent from May 18, with an increase in the number of flights within the flight schedule from June 1.
From May 18, a limited number of flights will be organized to London Heathrow, Frankfurt, Zurich, and Vienna airports.
It was pointed out that the flight schedule will undergo specific changes compared to the plan for the 2020 summer season.
As it was announced, Podgorica will be one of the destinations to which Air Serbia planes will fly with the same intensity as before, but, among other things, the weekly number of flights to Tivat will be optimized.
Air Serbia also pointed out that they are working closely with partners to determine the demand for charter flights. There is a possibility that flights to a limited number of destinations will be established earlier, even before June 1.
The final flight schedule will depend on the decisions and guidelines of domestic, foreign, and international bodies and authorities in the field of civil aviation, said in a statement today, the national air carrier of Serbia.
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