
19 May 2020, 22:15 PM

May 18, 2020 - From September 1, every first-grade student in Montenegro, all seven and a half thousand, in 500 classes and their 500 teachers, in addition to the classic ones, will have digital textbooks and other contents, the Ministry of Education announced.

In this way, a comprehensive digital transformation of the education system will begin through the pilot project Digital Classroom.

"I can freely say that this is a turning point which means the modernization of the educational process and at the same time giving up the anachronistic traditional, outdated way of presenting teaching content," said Minister of Education Damir Sehovic.

He explained that digital content would be presented in the form of 2D and 3D animations, video materials, simulations, virtual models that will be related to the curriculum and the content of the textbook itself.

"From the next school year, children will have the opportunity to absorb knowledge in a modern, European way and to make that knowledge more permanent," said Sehovic.

The Ministry of Education plans to equip all classrooms with a quality wi-fi signal and IT equipment in all primary and secondary schools by September. Smartboards and smart TVs will be purchased by the sixth grade of primary school, for which the Ministry of Education cooperation with the European Investment Bank, allocated 4-5 million euros.

Thanks to the Learning at Home project, the school year will be completed in a regular way, which will end following the projection defined by the school calendar. It means that the school year will end on June 12, ie, on May 20 for students in the final grades of primary and secondary schools.

"With the Learn at Home project , we saved the children, what is most important, their health, but we also enabled the continuity of learning, which was the essence of the whole story," Sehovic emphasized.

The project Learn at Home project (Uči Doma) has involved 240 teachers from 34 schools. They have recorded 1,700 lectures.

19 May 2020, 21:33 PM

May 18, 2020 - Italian art genius, Marco Mastrazzo, is the new confirmed guest of the fourteenth edition of the Herceg Novi Strip Festival (HSF), which takes place from September 4 to 9. Mastrazzo, one of the biggest names in Italian comics at the moment, has been in the creative drive of the ninth art since 2006.

Practically from the beginning, his professional engagement was related to drawing covers for Dylan Dog's annual specials and American editions of the same hero, which are published under the label Epicenter Comics. He also works for the publisher Editoriale Cosmo as a cover artist for the comic book Caput Mundi. His complete opus also recommends him to American publishers, so today, his covers are adorned by Zenescope Entertainment. At the same time, in Italy, he joins the prestigious publisher Edizioni Inchiostro as the exclusive cover designer for the series "Brothers in Blood." However, Mastrazzo is also engaged in another dream job. In the last three years, he has been a member of an elite team of artists who make unique art posters for Ferrari for Formula 1 races. Due to his incredible talent and relaxed lifestyle, Mastrazzo was a logical choice for a special guest HSF, and if you ask him and HSF was the logical choice of the festival, he wanted to come.

The Herceg Novi Strip Festival has been in the focus of the European comic scene for several years due to the reputation and image of the cool festival. Still, this year it attracts special attention to the ninth art public. Given the fact that the most significant spring festivals in Europe as well as in the region are canceled, it is logical that the attention of comic book lovers turned to Montenegro as a potential corona-free destination, and Herceg Novi as its capital of the ninth art.

"The traditional start date of HSF, the first Friday in September, is once again confirmed by chance as the perfect choice of the festival's founder Nikola Ćurčin. It gives us enough time to thoroughly monitor the development of the situation regarding easing measures and opening European countries. In addition to the increasingly resounding names of artists who confirm their arrival in Herceg Novi as special guests of the festival, this year, our event will be attended by many organizers of the most famous European comics festivals and their fans. The arrival in Herceg Novi has been announced by the directors of the cult festivals, British NICE, and Russian Boom Fest. It is a unique opportunity to promote Herceg Novi as a cultural and tourist destination to a broad audience that visits these major European festivals, "said HSF organizers.

They are aware that the only Montenegrin event dedicated to the ninth art is considered a small cultural miracle in the world of comics. That is an additional motive, but also an obligation to present Herceg Novi and Montenegro in the best possible light this year and justify that epithet. The HSF reminds that so far, in addition to Mastrazzo, the guests are the British PJ Holden, the Slovenian Izar Lunaček, Sedat Oezgen from Germany, and Artyom Trakhanov from Russia.

18 May 2020, 22:46 PM

May 18, 2020 - No new COVID-19 patients have been registered in Montenegro for 14 days. Since the last press conference of the situation, IJZ laboratories have completed the analysis of 93 samples, among which there were no new cases of coronavirus infection, the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) announced.

The total number of patients since the beginning of the events is 324, while 311 have recovered. Currently, four people are ill, two in Ulcinj and one in Gusinje and Bijelo Polje.


Public intercity transport established

After two months, rail transport and public city transport have been re-established in Montenegro.

Passengers must also wear a protective mask in public city transport, and hand disinfection will be mandatory at the entrance to the bus. From the Railway Transport, they say that they are ready to return to work obligations, and they expect a significant number of passengers in the coming days.

Opening of the Airport of Montenegro soon

The National Coordination Body (NCB) has decided on the forthcoming opening of the Airport of Montenegro for general aviation flights to and from Montenegro.
Appropriate instructions and orders will be issued tomorrow, the NKT announced.

The announced second degree of mitigation of temporary measures in sports began today

Indoor and outdoor activities that can be performed in groups are provided, with the possibility of splitting the team into smaller groups during the training, when possible, for more massive team sports.

It was decided that the third phase of mitigation of measures in sports, in which it will be possible to hold sports competitions without the presence of the audience, which was announced for June 1, will begin on May 30.

Over eight million were paid into the account for the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic

The government announced that more than eight million euros have been paid into the NKT account from the country and abroad in the last two months.
By May 18 at nine o'clock, 7,999,630.21 euros and 75,971.72 US dollars had been paid.

The total outflows from the account opened on March 19 to May 18 amount to 1,757,173.33 euros.

COVID-19 Crises: Montenegrin economy will contract by 8% due to heavy reliance on tourism

According to the latest forecast report of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), the Montenegrin economy will contract by 8%, due to heavy reliance on tourism.

The report forecasts that the Montenegrin economy will strengthen by 5% next year.

Croatia is expected to face the most significant real GDP contraction (11%). Croatia is followed by Slovenia (9.5%), Slovakia (9%), and Montenegro (8%), reflecting these countries' particularly heavy reliance on external trade and tourism.
Economies of North Macedonia, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are expected to contract by 5%, while Serbia's economy will experience a 4% contraction.
WIIW forecast that GDP will drop by 6% in Turkey and 7% in Russia.
Source: Vijesti Online, CDM
17 May 2020, 14:09 PM
May 17, 2020 - Since the beginning of the global pandemic COVID - 19, Porto Montenegro has respected and implemented all decisions of the Government of Montenegro and the World Health Organization when it comes to protection measures for employees, citizens and clients.
“Since the beginning of this global situation, we have created the concept of working from a virtual office, where we serve all our clients online. We inform them about all the new situations in the nautical resort and marina Porto Montenegro, and on the other hand, we organize various online events. From sessions, virtual conferences for ship captains, fitness sessions and other segments "- said Kristina Škanata PR Porto Montenegro.
- Marina Porto Montenegro has received all institutional approvals from the Government of Montenegro and nautical institutions for receiving boats and mooring in our marina for yachts up to 450 m.
Of course, crews have to go through all quarantine procedures, from 14-day quarantine to self-isolation, but the Porto Montenegro marina team is ready, and taking all protection measures to serve the crew on that ship. Of course, with social distance and all medical requirements.
Such is the situation with our tenants, over 60 boutiques, and as of today, catering facilities that can operate, all follow all the instructions of the competent authorities, says Škanata.
"We follow all the measures and instructions of the Government of Montenegro and analyze the global situation, given that we have a lot of clients who come from different meridians. We are in daily contact with them, they can't wait to come to Montenegro.
We think that Montenegro is just a delayed destination this summer, not for a month or two, we hope it will be, and on the other hand it depends on many other factors, borders and air traffic, but we hope, here is the first water transport we have all established, we have several yachts that have sailed into Porto Montenegro, and we hope for a good charter season ”- said Škanata.
17 May 2020, 13:58 PM

May 17, 2020 - Montenegro Airlines management has announced that they expect to have their first commercial flights in June.

Representatives of the national airline assume that the first flights will be established to destinations in the region, it was announced to Pobjeda from Montenegro Airlines.

"Having in mind the easing of restrictions in Montenegro as well as in a number of European countries in the last few days, we expect to have the first flights in June to destinations with a similar epidemiological situation," Pobjeda from Montenegro Airlines said.

Montenegro Airlines assumes that the first flights will be established to destinations in the region.

"Then, in the next month, flights would be established to all destinations to which we travel. Of course, provided that flying to those countries is allowed ", said Montenegro Airlines.

Passenger commercial air traffic in Montenegro has been suspended since March 16, except for the announced arrival of Montenegrin citizens through diplomatic and consular missions.

"At the moment, all Montenegro Airlines commercial flights are suspended until May 31. Of course, this is not a final decision, because the establishment of commercial air traffic depends on the decisions and guidelines of domestic and international bodies and authorities responsible for civil aviation, and also depends on the protocols relating to health measures and travel restrictions in countries to which MA is flying ", explained the representatives of the national airline, emphasizing that their fleet is ready to establish traffic.

17 May 2020, 13:41 PM

May 17, 2020 - The civic movement URA sent an appeal to the Government of Montenegro in order to save the tourist season by accessing the corona corridor.

"After the Government accepted the proposal to promote Montenegro as a corona free destination, we appeal to take concrete steps regarding the said proposal." It is necessary for Prime Minister Markovic and the head of diplomacy, Srdjan Darmanovic, to establish contacts with their colleagues in Germany and Austria as soon as possible, to try to get our country into the corona corridor. In that way, at the moment of opening the borders, Montenegro would be among the countries where there would be unobstructed passage for tourists ", they point out in the URA movement.

They state that talks on the topic of the tourist season have already begun in some European countries.

"Depending on the epidemiological situation, it is expected that at some point the borders will be opened, where the countries that were not significantly affected by the COVID 19 pandemic, including Montenegro, will certainly have a tourist advantage." If the idea of ​​the corona corridor comes true, it is of immense importance for our country to be a part of that agreement. Therefore, activities in that direction should be undertaken without delay, "they said in the URA movement.

They point out that a large number of citizens of Montenegrin origin live in Germany and Austria.

"Apart from Germany and Austria, which are large tourist markets, a large number of our citizens also live in those countries. They traditionally spend their holidays on the Montenegrin coast or in the north of our country. It is important to note that in addition to these two countries, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are participating in the talks on the corona corridor, which can also be a significant potential for saving the tourist season. "Montenegro should join these talks, regardless of the fact that we are not a member of the EU," said the URA movement.

They state that, according to EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton, travel restrictions should first be eased towards countries where the virus has been brought under control.

"The government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must do everything to convince our partners to be part of this agreement, regardless of the fact that we are not an EU member state. In that way, they would more or less save the tourist economy, which will be significantly endangered ", they conclude in the URA movement.

17 May 2020, 13:18 PM

May 17, 2020 - Today is the 12th day since no new coronavirus case has been reported in Montenegro. Two more persons have recovered which means that there are only four active cases.
Total number of recovered cases is 311. Around 1,151 persons are under watch. Nine persons have died due to coronavirus.

Montenegro has already opened its border for nautical tourism. Having regard to the expectation that we are going to be a corona-free destination, conditions for the tourism season will be created soon, said PM, Mr Dusko Markovic, during the presidency over phone conference summit of CEI countries.

“Taking into account efforts undertaken so far in the protection of public health, I believe we agree that we need to step into that process carefully and with synchronicity, with complementarity of national measures with those at regional and European level. Therefore, I think it is extremely important that we strengthen cooperation in healthcare, customs and transport area and enable synchronized measures of control, prevention of the spread of the virus and border crossings management ", Mr Markovic said.

Secretary for tourism in the Ministry of Tourism and Sustainable Development of Montenegro, Mr Damir Davidović, warned all caterers and citizens to adhere to measures of the National Coordination Body, keep physical distance, wear masks. He reminded what the tasks of the caterers were. He said that inspectors regularly performed controls and hadn’t identified many irregularities so far. Everybody has to adhere to advice to prevent escalation of the virus as that would mean that the season “is definitely lost,” he said. Opening borders will be defined in line with the recommendations of the National Coordination Body for Infectius Diseases, he reminded.

Source: CDM

15 May 2020, 15:48 PM

May 15, 2020 - Every year in Perast, May 15 is solemnly celebrated in memory of the incredible victory over the Turks in 1654. That victory was attributed to the help of the Mother of God, because the forces of Perast were so small that they could only win with the help of heaven. That is why they made a vow to commemorate the victory every year and to thank God and the Mother of God for the grace bestowed.

After the Turkish conquest of Herceg Novi and Risan in 1482, the Turkish conquest of Montenegro in 1496 and the voluntary transfer of Grbalj to the sultan's rule, the rest of Boka, which was part of the Venetian Republic, was surrounded on all sides by the Ottoman Empire. When the Turks in 1571. occupied Bar and Ulcinj, the Venetian territory became narrower and more endangered. The Boka Navy, in addition to other functions, also had been defending the bay and the coast and participating in naval battles and wars of the Venetian against the Turkish fleet. And in times of peace between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire there were constant conflicts here on land and at sea. 
When the Turks turned Ulcinj into the main pirate base on the Adriatic, and pirate ships existed in Herceg Novi and Risan, for the Boka sailors, fierce conflicts with them became part of everyday life. Perast had a strategic position on the border with the Turkish Risan, and controlled the passage through the Strait of Verige. For their merits, the Boka people, especially the people of Perast, received great economic privileges, noble titles and decorations from the Venetian Republic.
The Turks in 1654. decided to attack little Perast with great force. The people of Perast had a good intelligence service on Turkish territory, and the Orthodox priest Radul from Risan told them that an attack was being prepared, so they had a short time to prepare. 
The problem was that the vast majority of adult men were sailing, so both children and the elderly were engaged. The Venetian authorities from Kotor sent only 30 soldiers to help them in the fortress of the Holy Cross above the city, so that Perast was defended by about 100 armed men. About 5,000 Turkish soldiers under the command of Mehmed-aga Rizvanagic took part in the attack on May 15, with the help of ships from Herceg Novi. 
Despite the huge numerical inferiority, the people of Perast, led by the captain of the city Krsto Viskovic, organized an extraordinary defense. The Turks broke into the city and set fire to about 30 houses, but then the Perastans counterattacked and surprised the enemy, killing over 70 Turks and Commander Mehmed-Aga, and wounding about 300, and forcing the others to flee. In the meantime, eight ships from Herceg Novi looted two islands in front of the city, but they also withdrew. As a sign of gratitude to the Mother of God, the people of Perast presented the church of Our Lady of Rocks with a silver relief depicting the battle.
This date is marked by a series of religious and other manifestations. According to the old protocol, the Main Detachment of the Boka Navy parades accompanied by the City Music from Kotor, line up on the square in front of the church of St. Nicholas and dance the traditional Kolo. A procession follows through the streets of Perast with Our Lady's icon, the work of the best Gothic painter from Kotor, Lovro Dobričević, which was previously transferred from the island of Our Lady of Rocks. After that, a solemn mass is held in the church of St. Nicholas. After its completion, the centuries-old "shooting of cook" followed, which in recent years provoked protests from some non-governmental organizations, so the Veterinary Inspection banned it.
Extraordinary measures due to the pandemic made the usual program of celebration impossible this year, except for the religious rite in accordance with the regulations.
15 May 2020, 15:17 PM

May 15, 2020- The National Tourist Organization of Montenegro has published today the detailed guide for tourists regarding the current situation in the country, which is very close to proudly pronounce itself one of the first corona-free destinations in the world.

Tourists currently residing in Montenegro can find information on all health-related issues on the website of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro and via Call Center 1616 every day from 8am to 11pm.

What is prohibited?

Travel ban for all foreigners to Montenegro (except for foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro) and those operating vehicles for transfer of goods.
Presence and loitering of more than one person in an open public space (except for persons performing their regular work assignments and members of shared household ). 

Which border crossings are closed?

The border crossings for passenger border traffic are closed as follows:
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Scepan Polje, Sula, Sitnca, Metaljka
Albania: Grncar, Sukobin
Croatia: Kobila
Serbia: Rance, Vuce

The border crossings are open with the following countries:

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ilino brdo, Nudo and Krstac;
Serbia: Dobrakovo, Dracenovac and Cemerno;
Croatia: Debeli Brijeg;
Albania: Bozaj.
Most border crossings have cameras installed and can be checked online via the link

What has been shut down?

International traffic (except in extraordinary cases)
Schools and universities
Children playrooms
Night clubs

What remains open?

Traffic with personal vehicles within Montenegro
All ports for cruisers and yachts
The internal maritime traffic is completely open
Cafes, restaurants, bars (Responsibilities: employees wear masks; max 4 people at the table (except for families); between tables min 2m or barrier; hand disinfection at the entrance / exit; no self-service; no standing and staying at the bar)
Bathing areas and beaches
All national parks of Montenegro
Public transport in  municipalities without infection
Taxi transport
Grocery and liquor stores, hygiene disinfecting product, baby accessories
Gas stations
Banks and post offices
Food delivery
Hair and beauty saloons
Casinos and bookmakers
Shopping malls
Gym and Fitness center
Indoor and outdoor activities are provided, which can be performed in groups

What is required?

Mandatory wearing masks in a closed public space (stores, banks, post office, hair and beauty saloons).

Where are the quarantines located?

Podgorica: "Dorm", Hotel "Voco"
Danilovgrad: "Police Academy", Regional School of Public Administration RESPA
Ulcinj: Former barracks "Zoganj", Hotel "Holliday Villages Montenegro"
Bar: "Red Cross's House of Solidarity" in Sutomore
Herceg Novi: Hotel "Lighthouse Igalo", "Institute Dr Simo Milosevic"
Budva: Hotel "Castellastva" in Petrovac
Niksic: Ski Center "Vucje"

Who should be quarantined?

Anyone who has been or is suspected of being exposed to the corona virus
Anyone who enters Montenegro from countries with high levels of local transmission of the virus.

Who is required to self-isolate, that is, stay inside house quarantine?

Anyone who comes from abroad, for at least 14 days, under special medical supervision.

Return for tourists currently in Montenegro

All tourists wishing to return to their countries of origin should contact their country's embassies for information on their return options whose contacts are available at

Return to Montenegro for Montenegrin nationals located abroad  

Montenegrin nationals currently abroad who are planning to return to Montenegro can contact the nearest diplomatic mission or consulate for information on return options whose contacts are available at this link
Alternatively, the following form may be used: Return to Montenegro
15 May 2020, 15:01 PM

May 15, 2020 - Today is the Day! Citizens of Montenegro can finally return to one of their most important habits - drinking espresso coffee, which they call "Deutsch" with milk. In addition, the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases lifted the curfew and approved the establishment of passenger traffic throughout the country. From today, you can also go to the beach, and as far as shopping is concerned - shopping malls are starting to work.

From today, traffic is allowed for passenger and TAXI vehicles, and from Monday, public road and rail transport. The temporary measure that a maximum of two adults can be transported in a passenger vehicle is also abolished. Both passenger and public transport still involve the use of protective masks, except for members of the family household.

As of today, the work of catering facilities and shopping centers and the use of beaches is enabled.

Caterers must provide certain conditions for employees, as well as adjust the space of their cafes and restaurants, to ensure compliance with the NKT measures that remain in force. A maximum of four guests can sit at one table, unless they are members of a joint family household. Tables must be at least 2m away. Waiters and bartenders are obliged to wear masks, regularly disinfect their hands, and the owners of catering facilities are obliged to provide disinfectants for guests at the entrance to the facility.

Montenegrins will still miss the opportunity to hang out at the bar in cafes, because the owners of catering facilities have been ordered to disable self-service, standing and staying in front of the bar.
As of today, the beaches are reopened, where there will be much fewer deck chairs than we are used to, which is not bad - the distance between the sets of beach furniture must be at least two meters, and in the part of the public beach where beach furniture is not installed, swimmers must respect the obligation to keep a distance of at least two meters, except for members of the joint family household.

Beach tenants must ensure regular hygiene and disinfect beach furniture and equipment.

Users of unarranged bathing areas are obliged to respect a distance of at least two meters, except for members of the joint family household.

Shopping centers are starting to work, with a limit on the number of visitors due to the square footage of the building - a maximum of one person per 10m2 of space, with the obligation to respect the physical distance of at least 2m.

In shopping centers, we now have marked the mandatory direction of movement of consumers and visitors, who are obliged to use the provided means for hand disinfection, which must be located at the entrance and exit.

All employees in shopping centers, as well as all visitors, must wear protective masks. The ban on the operation of cinemas in shopping malls remains in force.

14 May 2020, 17:17 PM

May 14, 2020 - Five weeks, ten kilometers of ropes, about 60 artists, 99 works which, through auction sales within the viber group "Jelena #BudiOptimist" generated a humanitarian income of 10,113 euros, are just some of the results of the great initiative Meštar O' Konopa 2020 (Master of Ropes 2020), realized by Tivat UNA Montenegro in partnership with Radio Tivat and several local businessmen.

At the moment when life stopped, and the need to be socially responsible made us find ourselves locked in our houses, Miško Lučić, founder and owner of the rope factory UNA Montenegro, which last year marked 25 years of work, came up with the idea to invite Bokelians to a game of ropes. Radio Tivat wholeheartedly supported this initiative, and in just two days a team was formed, which will coordinate the next five weeks with a prize competition. Time will tell - and the praiseworthy humanitarian action "Jelena #BudiOptimist," when the masterpieces of our artists found buyers in a joint action under the motto "Tivat watch over its people."

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The game began with the promotion of ambassadors, carefully selected Bokelian creatives who are already recognized as masters of the style in various professions. The ambassadorial team, as we called them, delighted us with their creativity, even though there were those among them who reached for the rope for the first time. As Ivan Lučić from the company UNA has repeatedly emphasized - the ambassadors are the soul of this project, and with their energy and creativity they gave the organizers the credibility to confidently approach the search for this year's Meštar.

Three competition weeks full of excitement followed, and about 40 competitors joined the game through its phases. Challenges changed from week to week, and the ambassadorial team had no easy task to select the three best works at the end of each cycle, which sent their authors to the finals of the Meštar O' Konopa 2020 challenge, which included nine contestants.

The first place and the title of Meštar O' Konopa 2020 was won by Boris Radović from Kotor for the work "Sailboat." The second prize went to Sanja and Vasilije Vuković for the wall clock, while the third place went to Dijana Pavićević with a rope mandala.

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Most of the participants at the beginning of the game had no experience working with the rope. After five weeks, we can say that Tivat has a serious pool of masters, so from this beautiful story, maybe some entrepreneurial initiative will emerge.

Seeing the great interest of the citizens to participate and the fantastic works that were presented from week to week, the initiators of the action came up with the idea that this whole endeavor could be used for humanitarian purposes, because a large number of Bokelians expressed their interest in buying works. When it turned out that our fellow citizen Jelena Prekajski needed help, Meštar started the viber group "Jelena #BudiOptimist." Through this group, in nine calls, 99 works of the master and about 20 works of art were auctioned - gifts from friends for the auction. The total income generated by their sale - 10,113 euros, was sent directly to support the treatment of Jelena Prekajski.

"Thank you wonderful, creative people, for this whole action and the love you send me," said Jelena through her sister, who followed the last gathering and auction of works organized by the Meštar O' Konopa 2020. In addition to the works of masters created in the final cycle, an amphora- a gift from the florist Nina from Donja Lastva, woven into a rope by Milan Lučić and Mima Mehović Šabović, was also sold at the last auction.

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The creative challenge Meštar o ’konopa 2020 brought us back to tradition, but also showed us a possible new way of developing the local community in circumstances that have changed drastically in the last few months. The economy must adapt to the new situation and try to create sustainable flows of functioning at the local level. The Meštar O' Konopa can serve as a kind of model of how to network the local community into initiatives through which all participants in the process benefit.

The sponsors of the weekly awards for the winners of the Meštar O’ Konopa 2020 challenge cycle were provided by the Tivat companies Konoba Bacchus, Mala Barka and Montenegro Fishing.

When it comes to the auction "Jelena #BudiOptimist", in addition hardworking masters, we owe a special thanks to the PR manager of Porto Montenegro, Danilo Kalezic, who donated four paintings, as well as auction participants who provided the largest individual donations - Ivan Pekovic, who bought the winning work of the Meštar O' Konopa 2020, Asja Usanović who fought for the amphora, and especially Petar Žurić, who decided to donate the last sum with which he tried to gain the amphora.

The organizers are delighted with the effects of the action and promise that the Meštar O' Konopa will become another Tivat tradition.

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