
04 Jun 2020, 10:04 AM
June 4, 2020 - The airports of Tivat and Podgorica are officially open from June 1 for commercial flights for citizens of countries where the rate of active coronavirus cases is less than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants.
As announced, the list will be updated once a week by the National Coordination Body for the Fight against Infectious Diseases. Slovenia currently includes Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Georgia, Switzerland, Albania, Austria, Norway, Monaco, Kosovo, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Israel. , the Czech Republic, Finland, and Estonia. Among them, however, are not some of the countries leading in the number of passengers on scheduled airlines to Montenegro before the coronavirus, such as Serbia, Russia, Turkey, Great Britain, France, or Italy.
"We can't wait for the first flights and passengers. Welcome."- they said on the Instagram on that occasion from the Airports of Montenegro (ACG) because that company has been practically wholly blocked since March.
However, unofficially, the Airports of Montenegro sees the latest decision of the NKT to allow the resumption of regular air traffic with countries below 25 coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants, established by Montenegrin epidemiologists, as completely useless.  It will certainly not lead to a recent resumption of commercial air traffic in our country as it is set now.
"It is illusory to expect any airline to start flying to Montenegro again when it does not know for sure whether these flights will last only one, two or seven days or maybe more because there is always the possibility of an increase in the number in the meantime. Until yesterday, for example, on the list of "allowed" were Ireland and Northern Macedonia, which today, however, are not more on the list of countries whose citizens can enter Montenegro without being quarantined. No one serious in air traffic can, under such "slippery" conditions, where you can, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you can't fly, plan the renewal of traffic for Montenegro. The aviation industry is a much more severe and complex activity than that."- said our interlocutor from the top of ACG, who insisted on anonymity.
According to him, the Airports of Montenegro, in cooperation with some of its business partners - foreign airlines and Montenegro Airlines, had previously planned to resume regular commercial air traffic from our airports for the second half of June. With this decision of NKT, everything falls and takes us at least ten steps back from that plan. "
By the way, all countries in the region of former Yugoslavia have already renewed regular air traffic or are doing so under far more liberal and flexible conditions to prevent the possible spread of Covid-19 from Montenegro, which is at the same time, by far the most dependent on air traffic in the context of achieving more tangible commercial results of the summer tourist season as the main driver of the Montenegrin economy.
NKT's decisions not to allow Serbian citizens to enter Montenegro without being quarantined have already caused enormous damage to air traffic with that country as one of the most important markets for both the Airports of Montenegro and the national airline Montenegro Airlines. Montenegro banned landing in Belgrade. The inability to fly on its busiest and at the same time the most profitable routes from Tivat and Podgorica to Belgrade for MA is a "nail in the coffin" of that company burdened with numerous debts. Serbia is one of the most important business partners in our airports. The lines of that company and MA from Belgrade with Montenegro this summer should have been the most frequent in the region of former Yugoslavia and one of the most frequent in all of Eastern Europe.
03 Jun 2020, 21:04 PM
June 3, 2020 - Sailing club Delfin from Tivat and friends invite you to an all-day charity party entitled "Tivat looks after its people." The party will be held on Saturday, June 6, from 10 am to 10 pm on the pier in front of the club, and includes entertainment, gastronomic and educational programs.
jk delfin"On the great energy of the action Jelena #BudiOptimist, wholeheartedly supported by the organizing committee of the Meštar O' Konopa (Master of the Ropes) challenge, we crossed the COVID-19 epidemic period in an atmosphere of togetherness and creation, providing our Jelena with significant help in her fight to recover and return to sail together," says Eldin Kuba Omeragic, the initiator of the humanitarian party "Tivat watches after its people." 
"Again, we decided to gather all our strength and have a good time, continuing the action of Jelena #BudiOptimist in the way that suits us best - with fun, play, excitement, but also good food that we will offer all day," says Cuba.
The program consists of three segments - presentation, education, and consumption. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy the music of Bokelian bands, learn how to make Priganice and pancakes, pose for a professional portrait, learn the basics of macrame technique in the company of Meštri O' Konopa. But also to enjoy brunch, lunch, and dinner, which will be prepared by renowned Tivat chefs on the spot.
"For brunch, we have pancakes, pies, and Burek. Lunch falls on both fish and grilled meat. For dinner, thanks to the sponsorship of Tivat pizzerias, we will offer pizza to visitors, "explains the head of the organization, Eldin Kuba Omeragić.
"Once again, we can boast that we have animated a large number of Tivat businessmen, creatives, cultural and sports associations to join us. What there is no doubt about is that a great party awaits us on Saturday. In a way, we use the opportunity to thank everyone who has helped the action "Jelena #BudiOptimist," which we continue in our style. On Saturday, we are together to send Jelena good thoughts and additional support, but also to welcome the summer and the beginning of the sailing season, "says Kuba.
03 Jun 2020, 20:55 PM
June 3, 2020 - The local community of Stari grad Kotor is again organizing the event "Kotorska Pašta," which aims to preserve the authentic recipe of Kotor creampie, the so-called Kotorska Pašta, otherwise a gastronomic brand of ancient Kotor. The event is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, at 10:30 a.m. at the entrance to the Old Town. 
Kotorska Pasta, as this dish is called among the Bokelian families, is a sweet pie, a variant of creampie, which has three crusts instead of two.

History of Kotorska Pašta

It is assumed that the recipe for this dessert was brought to Kotor by the Italians, but the grandmothers of Kotor have kept and prepared it in this city for centuries. The way of making Kotor Pasta, i.e., the fact that it is made with three crusts, may indicate that this delicacy comes from a French cake called mille-feuille, also known as Napoleon. The exact origin of this cake is not known, although it is believed that its modern shape was designed by the famous French chef Marie-Antoine Carême. This cake is similar to creampie, but, just like Kotorska Pasta, it is made with three layers of dough.
In Kotor, this delicacy became popular in the middle of the 20th century, when these crepes were sold in the once-famous bakery "Zdravljak,"  on St. Tryphon square, between the Historical Archive and the Municipality building. Famous masters from this bakery passed this recipe on to their heirs.

Kotorska Pašta Festival

The Kotor Pasta Festival is a gastronomic event that promotes and keeps from oblivion the traditional recipe of Kotor cream. The festival has been organized since 2015, in the pre-season during June, on one of Kotor's squares. During the event, the organizers distribute visitors about 1000 creampies, made according to a traditional recipe, prepared by Kotor housewives and famous restaurants.
03 Jun 2020, 10:31 AM
June 3, 2020 - The minister of health, Kenan Hrapovic, announced the end of the Covid-19 epidemic in the territory of Montenegro yesterday. Hrapovic pointed out, however, that the pandemic continued at the global level and that while it lasted, all of the measures and recommendations of the Institute of Public Health remained valid and needed to be observed until the pandemic ended. The Institute warns that recommendations for physical distancing, hand washing, and mask-wearing remain in effect and that citizens should continue to be cautious as a new wave of the virus could appear in the fall.

No one can rule out the second wave of COVID-19

No one can rule out the possibility of new massive infections of the coronavirus in the fall or winter since it is a classic respiratory pathogen characterized by extreme seasonality, says Dr. Aleksandar Kujovic, a member of the Crisis Medical Staff. "The knowledge we have about the current epidemic, and what we know about previous pandemics tells us that a second, and probably third wave will occur, Kujovic said in an interview this morning for Montenegro's public broadcaster. How many people will get sick in each subsequent wave, depends on us, he explained. "In conditions when we do not have a vaccine, when we do not have a cure, adherence to measures, such as masks, hand hygiene, and physical distancing, is the only thing protecting us from massive cases and a stronger second wave," he said. Regarding Montenegro's readiness for a possible second wave, Kujovic said Montenegro was now significantly better equipped, with more ventilators than at the beginning of the epidemic, a considerable state reserve of equipment for temporary hospitals, as well as protective gear and disinfectants.

Montenegro ready to face the risk of opening borders

Having gained experience during the coronavirus epidemic, Montenegro is now ready to face the risk posed by the opening of its borders, epidemiologists say. Border police advise they are available for the tourist season and that they will work hard to ensure that tourists feel safe. As many as 492 foreign citizens, mainly from European countries, crossed into Montenegro just yesterday. Montenegrins and foreign citizens with residency in Montenegro arriving from states, not on Montenegro's safe list, will be required to self-isolate or quarantine for 14 days.

Seafarers from green corridor go home, rest must be isolated

After testing and seven days in quarantine, Montenegrin seafarers in Igalo are free to go back to their families, where they must remain in self-isolation. All seafarers arriving in the country from now on, through green travel corridors, will no longer be required to quarantine and go directly to their homes, the government decided last night. Montenegro has established travel corridors with countries with an infection rate of less than 25 active coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Government releases video of COVID-19 testing in IJZ

The government has released photographs and videos showing the complete coronavirus testing and analysis process, as it is carried out at the Institute of Public Health laboratories. It was done in reaction to accusations coming from sources in Serbia that Montenegro does not carry out adequate testing for Covid-19.

Stathis: This crisis is an opportunity for tourism changes

The tourism sector was the first to be hit by the coronavirus pandemic. It is already clear that this tourist season will fail, and those who manage to survive the year will have to get used to a new way of working, which will include numerous epidemiological measures, at least until a vaccine or cure for Covid-19 is discovered. Greek-Montenegrin businessman, Petros Stathis, the owner of Adriatic Properties, told that changes in the tourism sector have already been happening. Tourism will suffer significant losses in the short term and contribute to a crisis in many related industries.

Airports open doors, no airplanes yet

The Podgorica and Tivat airports reopened for commercial traffic two days ago to countries registering less than 25 active cases of coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants. European countries on this safe list are Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Georgia, Switzerland, Albania, Austria, Norway, Monaco, Kosovo, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Luxembourg, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Israel, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Estonia. The list of countries is being updated by the National Coordinating Body weekly. Airports of Montenegro's operations have been virtually suspended since mid-March. Unofficial sources from the company claim that it isn't realistic to expect airlines to start flying to Montenegro again as they will be unwilling to risk reactivating flights they might have to suspend again after a few days if a particular country's infection rate rises above Montenegro's threshold. 

Expecting strategic measures and support for SMEs from 3rd stimulus

The president of the Association of Managers of Montenegro, Budimir Raickovic, says the most significant help to the economy is supporting liquidity, but also a decisive fight against the gray economy. Raickovic says the organization expects a substantial part of the government's third rescue package to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. He does not believe this package will be the last and stresses that the current coronavirus crisis has provided a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of Montenegro's economy.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
03 Jun 2020, 00:17 AM

June 3, 2020 - The astronaut photograph of Lake Skadar in Montenegro and Albania on the last day of May had the status of a photo of the day on the NASA Earth Observatory website, the online publishing outlet for NASA. Lake Skadar caught the attention of astronauts due to the circulation of dark and light sediments around its center, and the photo was taken on February 21.

Created in 1999, the Earth Observatory is the principal source of satellite imagery and other scientific information pertaining to the climate and the environment which are being provided by NASA for consumption by the general public. It is funded with public money, as authorized by the United States Congress, and is part of the EOS Project Science Office located at Goddard Space Flight Center. As of 2006, NASA Earth Observatory has won the Webby People's Voice Award in Education three times. 

Earth Observatory: Lake Skadar, Montenegro and Albania

Astronaut photograph ISS062-E-40353 was acquired on February 21, 2020, with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a 400 millimeter lens and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center.

Dark and light sediments swirl around in the center of Lake Skadar (also known as Lake Shkodra), the largest lake on the Balkan Peninsula. This pattern captured the attention of an astronaut onboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Lake Skadar is a karst lake that straddles the border of Montenegro and Albania. It is an example of a cryptodepression, where parts of the lakebed extend below sea level. The curved, spine-like ridges running parallel with the southern shore are part of the Dinaric Alps, which are comprised mostly of easily erodible rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and other carbonates.

The swirling plume in the center of the lake is likely the mixing of sediment that has been transported downstream from higher elevations via snow-melt water and other mountain runoff. A major source of this sediment inflow comes from the Moraca River; its wide delta occupies much of the Montenegro shoreline. Smaller river deltas along the northern edges of the lake also contribute sediment. The Drin River and the Bojana River converge just south of the ancient lake-front city of Shkodër, which lies on the small delta of the Kir River. The lake and these rivers all ultimately drain into the Adriatic Sea.

As with many large freshwater lakes near cities, many of the native plants and animals in Lake Skadar became endangered due to human activity. Montenegro has since made the western portion of the lake a national park, and Albania declared its section as a nature reserve. Both efforts were made to protect many species of birds, microorganisms, and aquatic life, including eels, snails, and endemic fish species.

Astronaut photograph ISS062-E-40353 was acquired on February 21, 2020, with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a 400 millimeter lens and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by a member of the Expedition 62 crew. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Caption by Sara Schmidt, GeoControl Systems, JETS Contract at NASA-JSC.


02 Jun 2020, 21:49 PM
June 2, 2020 - After two and a half months of fighting COVID-19 and 28 days since the last recorded case of coronavirus infection, the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) declared today the end of the epidemic in Montenegro. The IJZ also approved the opening of Montenegro's borders to citizens of 132 countries with less than 25 active cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

End of COVID-19 epidemic, but not risk, remarks by Senad Begic

The IJZ's assistant director, Senad Begic, explained this morning on public television that by medical standards, Montenegro is no longer under epidemic conditions, but that this in practice meant nothing. Begic said declaring the end of the epidemic changed little on the field, as the risk of new coronavirus cases continued and that this was a new reality being faced by the entire planet. Begic said the first wave of the virus had formally ended but that all of the preventive measures of the Ministry of Health as well as the recommendations of the IJZ – particularly physical distancing, hand washing and the wearing of masks – remained in effect and would remain in effect for some time. Begic said testing continued, as well as efforts to prevent the emergence of new COVID-19 cases.

Rakocevic: Imported COVID-19 cases a certainty, we must not relax

The director of the Centre for the Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Bozidarka Rakocevic, said doctors were worried about the opening of Montenegro's borders and that imported COVID-19 cases could be expected, but that this was a risk all countries were ready to take. Rakocevic warned that it was not time to relax and called on citizens to observe all recommendations and avoid traveling if ill. Rakocevic said proposals had been distributed to all hotels and that every hotel would be staffed with a person in charge of guests' health. She said that guests who are accommodated in private apartments would receive instructions in case of symptoms to protect themselves and everyone around them. Rakocevic said Montenegro would not require testing or temperature checks as the reliability of the results was debatable at an outdoor temperature of 40 degrees.

Travel Info

The airports in Podgorica and Tivat opened as of yesterday to citizens from countries on Montenegro's safe list.  Travelers from these countries will not be required to quarantine upon entry.
As of yesterday, Bosnia-Herzegovina's borders were open to citizens of Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro without restrictions or special conditions. Due to specific regulations, Bosnia's airports in Sarajevo, Tuzla, and Mostar are now open for interstate traffic.
On Monday morning, tourism workers welcomed the first European guests after Montenegro opened its borders on Sunday at midnight to citizens from greenlighted countries. The government announced that three couples were among the first guests to cross into Montenegro at the Debeli Brijeg border checkpoint and that they will be staying in Herceg Novi, Tivat, and Ulcinj. The tourists said they passed through the checkpoints very easily and quickly, "They just looked at our documents and immediately let us through," they said. The airports in Podgorica and Tivat are also open to citizens from safe-listed countries as of yesterday, Airports of Montenegro announced.

Voucher or cash, agreement with guests

Travel agencies will issue vouchers to consumers whose travel arrangements were canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Consumers will be able to choose when to redeem their coupons, up to a designated deadline. An amendment to the tourism and hospitality law currently in parliamentary procedure stipulates that if a consumer does not use the voucher by the end of the following year, he has the right to terminate the contract with the agency, which must return any money paid within two weeks. Rade Ratkovic, the dean of the Faculty of Business and Tourism in Budva, says agencies should come to agreements with customers on the use of vouchers, if this option is not specified in their contracts and if the customer is in favor of this.

Up to €200m in loans to the economy?

To stimulate credit activity, it is planned that the government provides around €150m to €200m through the third state support package to mitigate the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Of that amount, most of the more affordable money would be directed to the economy through commercial banks, and €50m would be placed through the state Investment Development Fund. Vijesti learns this unofficially from several sources in the executive power and the banking sector, though the figures are not final. The Ministry of Finance, headed by Darko Radunovic, is developing a model according to which everything would be implemented. Economy Minister Dragica Sekulic says that the government paid €16.305m based on salary subsidies in April. A total of 15,030 business entities submitted applications for support, which were paid to 14,460 companies and 61,402 workers. She adds that 527 requests for subsidies were rejected.

Montenegro as a corona-free country has precious advantage

The director of a Brussels-based tourism promotion company, Antonio Buscardini, says the tourism economy in Europe will be significantly changed ahead of and that countries must adapt to the new circumstances. Buscardini, whose travelogues on Montenegro have been broadcast in many European countries, says Montenegro has a unique opportunity in being recognized as the first corona-free destination and that Montenegrin tourism campaigns should not focus only on Budva. He believes imported cases are a reality and that health screenings should be carried out at Montenegro's airports.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.
02 Jun 2020, 12:16 PM
June 2, 2020 - The organizers of the Herceg Novi Comic Festival (HSF), who worked tirelessly during the pandemic period, are also announcing a new special guest of the fourteenth edition of the event, which will take place from September 4 to 9 at the most attractive locations in Herceg Novi. It is about the phenomenal Italian artist Mario Milan, the star of the Italian and French comics.
This super-talented cartoonist graduated in scenography from the University of Foggia, and in the first years of his career, he worked in scenography and comics at the same time. However, since 1994 and his professional engagement in the publishing house Sergio Bonelli Editore, he has focused exclusively on comics. He is working on some of the most prestigious titles, such as Zone X, Nick Ryder, and Magic Wind, which soon recommends him to enter the elite society. And to get the most, an Italian cartoonist can get- to become a member of Tex Wheeler's drawing team. Milan does not stop there but tries on the most significant European market - France. He excels in the production of "Tuna-Mara" for the legendary publishing house Imanoid, while for the giant Glenat, he draws "Shadow Society." He is a full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia. It is no secret that Milan enjoys respect from regional comics artists and that his visit to Herceg Novi is awaited for years.

Luca Zelioli, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Podgorica, returned to his old love - comics

The time spent in isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic has been used by many for their creative expression. Thus, for example, the ambassadors of the member states of the European Union (EU) in Montenegro and the head of the EU Delegation Aivo Orav wrote the book "Diplomats united in isolation" published by the EU Info Center. The book presents a review of fourteen ambassadors on their work as diplomats during the pandemic, including many details and thoughts from private life.
A particular curiosity is a chapter written by a great friend of Herceg Novi and HSF, His Excellency, Mr. Luca Zelioli, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Podgorica. Among other things, he states that he returned to his old love - comics and re-read his collection of Tex Wheeler that accompanies him on all his diplomatic missions. Zelioli adds that it is no secret that he is a great comic book lover, and describes an anecdote about how he admitted this to the Montenegrin public at the opening of the XII Herceg Novi Comic Book Festival when he realized how popular comics are in our area. An illustration accompanies the text by the Italian star Valter Venturi, whom he met in Herceg Novi, and who shows him telling the heroes of his favorite comic, Tex Wheeler, about Montenegro.
The organizers of HSF remind that the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Podgorica is one of the sponsors of HSF for the seventh year in a row and that on this important day for that country - Republic Day, 2017, it presented the organizers with the prestigious "Caravaggio" award.
01 Jun 2020, 22:41 PM

June 1, 2020 - One day remains in the countdown to the end of the COVID-19 epidemic. The director of the Institute of Public Health (IJZ), Boban Mugosa, announced on 24 May that Montenegro would declare an end to the coronavirus epidemic on 2 June if no new cases emerged.

Montenegro opens borders to all neighbors

The National Coordinating Body (NKT) decided yesterday to open most of its border crossings to neighboring countries. Thus, the following checkpoints are now open: with Albania, at Grncar Baskim and Sukobin Murican; with Bosnia-Herzegovina, at Scepan Polje Hum, Sula Vitina, Sitnica Zupci, and Meteljka Metaljka; with Croatia, at Kobila Vitaljina; and with Serbia, at Rance Jabuka, Vuce Godovo, and Cemerno. Travelers and goods crossing the borders must adhere to NKT measures currently in effect.
Montenegrins and foreign citizens with permanent or temporary residency in Montenegro will not be subject to quarantines if they are arriving from a country on Montenegro’s safe list. The list is published and updated by the Institute of Public Health.


Starting today, all forms of gatherings, in open and closed spaces as well as in public areas, up to a maximum of 200 people, are allowed. This includes weddings, funerals and sports events. It is noted that physical distancing of at least two metres must be maintained at such gatherings. Entertainment venues and children’s playrooms are free to reopen.
This brief is kindly prepared for you by Arhimed & Represent Communications.


Although the NKT had announced that kindergartens would be allowed to reopen today, this refers only to private kindergartens that meet all IJZ recommendations. Public kindergartens will not open until Thursday, 4 June.

Passports and other ID documents

The Ministry of the Interior’s division for passports and other identification documents begins normal activities under its usual schedule today. The NKT calls to mind that expired licenses and permanent and temporary residency permits for foreigners will remain valid until 1 July.

Country safe list updated: Ireland and Northern Macedonia removed

The government updated yesterday its list of countries allowed entry into Montenegro without quarantine. Ireland and Northern Macedonia are no longer on the list as newly confirmed cases have raised the infection rate in those countries above the 25 per 100,000 limit set by Montenegro. The safe list, which was updated last night, currently shows 131 countries and is accessible on the Institute of Public Health’s website here.

Radovic: Healthcare workers showed health system should be left to them

Teamwork and good coordination among healthcare workers as well as the support and responsibility of citizens allowed Montenegro to become the first corona-free nation in Europe, says Dr Sasa Radovic, a member of the Medical Crisis Headquarters of the NKT. Radovic says coordination of all segments of the health system and the community at large was key. He says enormous energy was displayed by healthcare workers including doctors, medical technicians, pharmacists, support staff, as well as by members of the army, police, customs service, the business sector and the media.

COVID-19 gathered families around table and increased closeness

A new study by Professor Dragan Krivokapic of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Montenegro shows that isolation during the COVID-19 epidemic in Montenegro contributed to bringing families closer together during meals. The study surveyed 1,232 parents of children in primary and secondary schools from all three regions of the country. Krivokapic says parents spent much more time with their children during the lockdown period than before containment measures were introduced.

Tourists have begun entering Montenegro

Tourists began entering Montenegro last night immediately after midnight, the moment measures for entering without quarantine took effect for safe-listed countries. Most of the travelers were mainly from western European countries, media report.

Hoping that IMF, WB and ECB will be generous

The price of money in the coming period, primarily interest rates, will depend on its availability, but also on international events and measures of organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Central Bank. Authorities are optimistic - they say they believe that international financial institutions will come out with favorable loan conditions due to Covid-19. Analysts are more cautious and say that everything will depend on each country, ie its ability to respond to the new challenges.

Beach rental prices to depend on season

Tenants of 84 beach areas have asked the Agency for Coastal Zone Management to suspend rents this year because of the extremely difficult financial situation they are facing due to the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 398 leases were signed for the period 2019–2023, with only 70 annexes signed for this year. Budva beaches are practically deserted despite the fact that summer is fast approaching. These beaches should already have been prepared and opened but many tenants have not even concluded annexes to their contracts for this year precisely due to uncertainties over the season.

31 May 2020, 23:20 PM
May 31, 2020 - The Institute of Public Health (IJZ) has updated the list of countries from which arrival and stay in Montenegro will be allowed from June 1. Northern Macedonia and Ireland are no longer on the list, in which, after the cases confirmed today, the coronavirus case rate has increased.
The list includes:
Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bhutan, Chad, Central African Republic , Czech Republic, Denmark, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Esvatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Philippines, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Greenland, Georgia, Guyana, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iceland, East Timor, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Yemen, Jordan, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Cambodia, Cameroon, Kenya, China, Kyrgyzstan, Comoros, Congo, Kosovo, Costa Rica , Cuba, Laos, Lesotho, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Hungary, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Myanmar, Monaco, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger , Nigeria, Nicaragua, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Ivory Coast, Pak Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Slovak Republic, Rwanda, Seychelles, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Syria, Slovenia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Switzerland, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
IJZ states that the decision to mitigate the measures was based on three groups of criteria, respecting the EU recommendations.
"These are primarily epidemiological criteria, as a primary group of indicators that should indicate that the spread of the disease has slowed significantly in certain countries. A steady reduction in the number of new cases, hospitalization rates, and the number of patients in units has been taken into account. 
"Epidemiological assessment and analysis of the disease showed that the rate of active cases from 25 per 100,000 inhabitants indicates the level of local transmission which represents an acceptable risk for unhindered movement and stay of the inhabitants of these countries in Montenegro," the IPH states.
The second group of indicators is the capacities of Montenegro's health system, primarily those related to adequate epidemiological processing, as well as possible clinical care of the potential influx of imported cases, including capacities for hospitalization, evacuation, transport and transport and contact monitoring, the Institute added.
The last group of criteria referred, as they say, to the availability of testing capacity that would be necessary for the timely detection and monitoring of possible re-spread of the virus.
"Based on such defined criteria, we have reduced the risk of making decisions based on assumptions or incomplete information or ad hoc decision-making that would at this time and this level of disease threaten the public health of all citizens of Montenegro. We are aware that before this first phase of border easing, many families were separated and cut off from each other for a long time. If we all managed to stay saved for so long, we are sure that few more days or weeks, when many states will manage to reach our criteria, will not represent a great sacrifice that we will all make together, no matter which side of the border we are on ", conclude the Institute.
31 May 2020, 23:01 PM

May 31, 2020 - Seafarers who will come from the countries from the NKT list of open traffic will enter Montenegro without quarantine. Acknowledging that the seafarers were already in quarantine, the NKT will consider the possibility that those coming from other countries be tested after the first week of isolation, announced the Twitter account of the Government.

Markovic and the leaders of the Union of Seafarers of Montenegro - President Nedjeljko Radulovic and Vice President Vlado Vucetic agreed today on steps to take to overcome the challenges and improve the status of our seafarers whose tradition and professionalism are recognized in Montenegro and around the world.

The Union of Seafarers' remarks on the treatment of its members returning to Montenegro during the COVID-19 pandemic initiated the meeting. It was pointed out that the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases (NCT) has taken the most principled and epidemiologically justified position to treat all citizens in the same way.

Following this principle, which was respected, among others, by our top athletes, scientists, educators, and medical workers and entrepreneurs, institutional isolation is necessary for seafarers as well as all other citizens when returning to Montenegro.

All complaints of persons placed in quarantine facilities, especially seafarers, were responsibly considered. It was emphasized that the competent bodies dealing with quarantine and conditions of accommodation would, as before, act daily on complaints.

It was pointed out that from tomorrow, June 1, when the measure of entering Montenegro without isolation comes into force, if the passenger comes from a country where the rate of confirmed active cases of coronavirus is below 25 per 100,000 inhabitants, seafarers coming from and through the countries on the list will not have to in isolation. Considering the specific position of seafarers, who spend time in isolation even before the start of the voyage, and in some cases are tested for coronavirus, NKT plans to provide seafarers coming from off-country countries to be tested after one week of isolation and released in case of a negative test.

The meeting discussed the positions of the Union of Seafarers regarding strategic documents, legal solutions, tax policy, and treatment of the maritime profession in general. It was pointed out that it is understood that the Government, whose mandate is marked by dialogue with all segments of society, is ready to address all challenges in partnership with the representatives of our seafarers and find the best solutions to overcome them. In this context, the Government is prepared to collaborate with seafarers' associations to find the best solutions that will facilitate the boarding of our cadets on foreign ships.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister and President of NKT Milutin Simović, Director of the Institute of Public Health Boban Mugoša, Director General of the Directorate for Quality Control of Health Care and Improvement of Human Resources in Health and Head of the Operational Staff for Coordination of Measures to Prevent Coronavirus Spread. Secretary of the Ministry of Interior and Head of the Operational Staff for activities related to the return of Montenegrin citizens from abroad and Director General of the General Directorate for Maritime Economy Maja Mijušković.

31 May 2020, 22:26 PM

May 31, 2020 - The National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases (NKT) decided that, from tomorrow, June 1, Montenegro will open all road border crossings to neighboring countries that were closed as part of measures against the spread of coronavirus.

At midnight, the further border crossings open:

With the Republic of Albania:

- Grnčar - Baškim, on the road Plav - Shkodra and
- Sukobin - Murićan on the way Ulcinj - Shkodra.

With Bosnia and Herzegovina:

- Šćepan Polje - Hum, on the road Plužine - Foča,
- Šula - Vitina, on the road Pljevlja - Foča,
- Sitnica - Zupci on the road Herceg Novi - Trebinje and
- Meteljka - Metaljka on the road Pljevlja - Čajniče.

With the Republic of Croatia Kobila - Vitaljina, on the road Herceg Novi - Vitaljina - Dubrovnik.

With the Republic of Serbia:

- Ranče - Jabuka, on the road Pljevlja - Prijepolje,
- Vuče - Godovo on the road Rožaje - Tutin, and
- Čemerno on the road Pljevlja - Priboj.

The Government announced that the traffic of passengers and goods at these road border crossings would take place following the measures of the NKT. The new measure adopted on Thursday stipulates that when entering Montenegro, the quarantine measure does not prescribe to Montenegrin citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in our country entering from countries rates of confirmed active cases of coronavirus infection less than 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants from the list of the Institute of Public Health as well as foreign nationals who are residents of countries on the list and enter from countries on that list.

On the list of countries that currently meet the epidemiological criteria are: Slovenia, Iceland, Croatia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Albania, Austria, Norway, Monaco, Kosovo, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Israel, Northern Macedonia, the Republic of Ireland, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Estonia.

The road border crossing Vraćenovići - Deleuša with Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road Nikšić - Bileća, which was closed on February 27 due to the construction of border infrastructure, remains temporarily closed.

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