
08 Jun 2020, 12:54 PM
June 8, 2020 - The first Blue Flag in Montenegro for 2020 flew today at the Tivat beach "Kalardovo," ceremoniously raised by the Director of the National Tourist Organization, Željka Radak Kukavičić.
This year, the Blue Flag was awarded for a total of 32 bathing areas and one marina. This number is a recognition, both to leaseholders and to the Public Company for Management of Marine Assets of Montenegro in achieving internationally recognized standards in the organization of bathing areas.
 As the "Blue Flag in Montenegro" Program takes place on two levels, before a beach or marina becomes a member of this prestigious club, it must pass the pilot phase, which lasts two years. Ten bathing areas have been registered for this phase in 2020, and flags and certificates can be picked up by leaseholders of bathing areas in the premises of the Public Company for Management of Marine Assets of Montenegro in Budva and at branches in other coastal cities.
Today's ceremony was also attended by the Director of the Public Company for Marine Management Predrag Jelusic, the Director of the NGO "Ekom" Sasa Karajovic, the Director of TO Tivat Danica Ćeranić, representatives of the Service for Sustainable Development of Marine Property and media representatives.
 The number of Blue Flags on Montenegrin beaches has been increasing from year to year, thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of patrons and leaseholders. The Blue Flag program has been implemented in Montenegro since 2003 when the NGO "EKOM" became an associate member of the Foundation for Environmental Education and thus gained the right to be the National Operator for Montenegro. JP Morsko Dobro immediately recognized the importance of the Blue Flag and, from the very beginning, became the general sponsor and patron of the Program, which is one of the most important activities related to the responsible management of the coast and beaches.
 The Blue Flag is an internationally accepted and recognizable symbol of high standards in tourism and environmental protection awarded to beaches and marinas that meet 32 ​​program criteria in four areas. A bathing area gains its Blue Flag label based on seawater quality, beach services and safety, environmental standards, and education and awareness-raising among the public about the ecological values ​​of the sea and the coast. 
 The Blue Flag is awarded for the current season. It is based on the results from the previous one, which is judged by the National Commission consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Public Company Morsko Dobro, Red Cross of Montenegro, Port Authority, and environmental NGOs. 
 Based on the National Commission proposal, the Blue Flags are awarded to beaches every year by the International Jury in Copenhagen. The members of the international jury are representatives of renowned institutions such as the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), the International Rescue Organization (ILS), the UN Environment Program, the International Marine Association (ICOMIA) and others.
08 Jun 2020, 12:30 PM

June 8, 2020 - After a break of almost three months, commercial flights will start tomorrow at the Airports of Montenegro. A WizzAir plane from Budapest is expected, as well as a flight from Memmingham during the day, stated the spokesperson of the Airports of Montenegro, Marina Miketić Nikolić, for the morning program of Radio Tivat.

"According to our information, the government is very interested in the flight from Germany, so we are very much looking forward to welcoming the first passengers. We are also looking forward to having our national airline Montenegro Airlines have its first flights on June 12 to Ljubljana, the 14th to Frankfurt, then the 15th to Vienna, the 16th to Paris, the 17th to Zurich, the 20th to Dusseldorf and Copenhagen, and June 21st for Munich and Hanover. We also believe that the interest in flights of other airlines will be realized. We hope that tourists from various parts of Europe will come to Montenegro and that our tourist season and our airports will be as full of life again as they were last year. "

The flights announced are to and from Podgorica, and the spokesperson of the Airports of Montenegro, Marina Miketić Nikolić, recommends that those interested obtain specific information from the airlines' websites. She stresses that this is safer since slots are subject to changes depending on the epidemiological situation. Miketić Nikolić recommends passengers a new service of the Airports of Montenegro - online check-in:

"I warmly recommend it to all passengers leaving Montenegro. It's effortless. They have instructions on the site so that they can avoid any physical contact with the airport's ground staff. The possibility of any infection is reduced, although Montenegro is a Corona-free country. We are aware that the possibility of infection will increase with the arrival of people from outside. Prevention must be at the highest level. This innovation enables both passengers and staff to check in as quickly and efficiently as possible."

The airports are ready, and the company is pleased to expect the first planes and the first passengers, who are recommended to wear masks because it is prohibited to enter the terminal and the plane without them. Disinfection counters for arriving and departing passengers, as well as protective glass, have been installed at airports. The spokeswoman for the Public Company Airports of Montenegro expressed the hope that Tivat airport will welcome its first passengers very soon. Because, as she says, Tivat Airport is very busy, especially in summer when the interest in our destination is higher.

Text by Biljana Noković, Radio Tivat

07 Jun 2020, 22:45 PM
June 7, 2020 - Serbia announced that the rate of COVID-19 in that country is six per 100,000 inhabitants. Some media stated that country now meets the epidemiological criterion of Montenegro for the establishment of free passenger transport between the two countries, which has so far been provided only by Serbia. Commenting on the new circumstances, the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, reiterated her position that the decision of Montenegro not to open traffic with Serbia was of political and not public-health interest. The Institute of Public Health today asked its colleagues from Serbia to explain how the number of patients in that country dropped from 67 to six in just 24 hours.

Brnabić: Travel ban for people coming from Serbia was political

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, welcomed the imminent opening of the Montenegrin borders for the citizens of Serbia, adding that the travel ban for people coming from Serbia was political. As Radio Free Europe reports, Brnabić said in Arilje that she expected that decision, due to the importance of tourism for the Montenegrin economy.
"I knew that the conditions for opening the border would be met, because it is important for their tourism, and also because the reason that was set not to open the borders for the citizens of Serbia was political and had nothing to do with health," she said. Brnabic at a press conference in Arilje.
Radio Television of Montenegro announced yesterday that by reducing the number of actively ill people below 25 per 100,000 inhabitants, the conditions were created for that country to open the border for Serbia's citizens.

Government official: The border with Serbia cannot be opened before next Monday

Montenegro will not play with the health of its citizens, a Montenegrin government official told Montenegrin Television, adding that, according to the rules, the Montenegrin border cannot be opened until next Monday.
"Today's statement by the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić 'that she is glad that the conditions for opening the Montenegrin border with Serbia have been met' is too hypocritical. It comes from a person who has called on Serbian citizens not to travel to Montenegro," a Montenegrin government official who did not want to be named told Montenegrin Television.
He considers Brnabić's statement that the Montenegrin authorities were guided by political, not health reasons, when they applied the modern epidemiological standard of 25 patients per 100,000 citizens to open their borders, especially irresponsible.
"On the contrary, the Government of Montenegro guided the recommendations and rules of the profession and medical science, and not daily politics as Ana Brnabić does. This confirms the result that Montenegro has achieved in the fight against COVID-19 and the unique status of Corona free country," said a Montenegrin government official.
He points out that, according to the rules we apply, the Montenegrin border for Serbia citizens cannot be opened until next Monday.
"We hope that by then, the epidemic in Serbia will be significantly suppressed, and in the meantime, we leave it to the Serbian authorities to explain to us how 4,500 infected people were cured in one day," he added.
He says that in any case, Montenegro will not play with the health of its citizens.
"We are opening our borders gradually, dictated by the epidemiological situation in the countries to which the borders are being opened, which is why political statements, such as these by Prime Minister Brnabic, are a pure excess," concluded the TVCG interlocutor.

IJZ will send a request for clarification to colleagues from Serbia

The Institute of Public Health of Montenegro (IJZ) will send a request for clarification to colleagues from Serbia, after that country published the information that over 4,000 patients with coronavirus were cured in one day, writes Antena M.
Respecting the general principle and EU recommendations that the relaxation of measures and opening of borders must be done gradually and based on scientifically based evidence and facts, the Institute of Public Health proposed the opening of Montenegrin borders in the second phase of the fight against COVID-19 to citizens of those countries that have a low epidemiological level of risk set at 25 active cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
In this way, the focus is on the number of currently infected people in countries whose list is updated once a week on Fridays.
Given that several countries in the world do not report the number of recovered COVID-19 cases, it was not possible to calculate the number of active patients for them. So, the Institute asked for clarification from colleagues in those countries through the usual professional channels, to ensure that all passengers internationally traffic have an equal opportunity to travel to Montenegro, respecting the epidemiological condition defined above.
"A request for the same clarification will be sent to the Institute of Public Health of Serbia," the Institute of Public Health told Antena M.
The Institute also says that a change in methodology is possible in the coming period.
"Also, waiting for the European Union's unified position on defining quantified criteria for opening external borders, it is possible that in the coming period, there will be a change in the methodology setting the list of countries to take into account the dynamics of the epidemiological situation on the ground. Official data that countries report to the WHO and the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, but also respected the consensus of European countries, which will hopefully be reached soon, "they say from the Institute.
According to the latest data published on the website, 82 new cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Serbia in the last 24 hours, and one person has died.
Source: Vijesti Online, RTCG, Antena M
07 Jun 2020, 20:41 PM
June 7, 2020 - Thanks to Eldin Kuba Omeragić, YC Delfin, friends of the club and numerous sponsors, and a large number of visitors who joined the humanitarian party, "Tivat looks after its people," an additional 2808.45 euros and $ 20 were raised in the campaign Jelena#BudiOptimist.
From early morning, in the company of hardworking members of the Women's Organization Tivat and the only women's sailing team in our country - Jelena's "Montenegro Sailing Team," the pier in front of Delfin premises was a kitchen and stage, where locals and guests took turns, feasting in Priganice, pancakes, croissants, Burek.
delfin 7
delfin 5
Kuba Eldin Omeragić i Luka Maslovarić, Photo by Miko Photography Studio
Lunch was prepared by the captain of the action, Eldin Kuba Omeragić, and the master of grating and cooking, Luka Maslovarić, who shared the grills - Kuba took care of the meat and Luka took care of the fish. The changeable weather did not disrupt the action much, because the hangar of the club was available, so two parasols were enough to keep the photo team Miko Photography Studio and musicians - Marko Đurišić and Bokelian band Nitro from getting wet. For the tattoo master, Friday Jones, the Delfin's hangar was an excellent body painting workshop.
delfin 1Friday Jones and Staša Ćeranić, Photo by Miko Photography Studio
Veterans of YC Delfin joined the gathering, proud of the younger generations who manage the club not only as a primary naval school for Tivat children and the world ambassador of our city, but also as a meeting place and joint actions of locals, where every guest can feel the real atmosphere of Tivat and its people. There were also the youngest Dolphin competitors, who used the day for swimming with their friends, which attracted the older ones, so we can say that the bathing season has become official. Therefore, everyone was looking forward to dinner - pizzas donated by Tivat pizzerias.
delfin resize
Apart from the locals, who arrived from all the cities of Boka, the party was joined by a large number of foreigners, mostly residents who are working on one of the large projects in our town. Probably, like the others, they were sorry that the party ended around 10.30 am, but the meaningful day should have ended with style and left the hangar and mule ready for today's training for the Optimist class, which started at 11 am.
The Organizing Committee and the Management of the club, as well as the friends of the action Jelena #BudiOptimist, thank everyone who contributed to the great result that the "optimist class" achieved at yesterday's "regatta." Tivat looks after its people!
07 Jun 2020, 19:38 PM

In Serbia, according to the data from the site, 4.052 individuals recovered in the last 24 hours, meaning six patients per 100.000 inhabitants.

Thus, the epidemiological conditions were created for the citizens of Serbia to enter Montenegro.

By reducing the number of actively ill people below 25 per 100 thousand inhabitants, the conditions have been met for Montenegro to open the border for the citizens of Serbia, Radio Television of Montenegro also reports.

The number of newly infected people has averaged around 70.3 since May 1, and around 50 in the last seven days.

The number of newly infected in the last 14 days was just over 650.

So far, Serbia has tested a total of 269.185, or 38.676 per million citizens.

In Serbia, a total of 11.741 people have been infected with the coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic, while 248 have died.

 Source: B92

05 Jun 2020, 20:53 PM

June 5, 2020 - Even today, the laboratories of the Institute of Public Health (IJZ) have not registered any new COVID-19 patients in Montenegro. There are no active cases of infection in our country, and on June 2, the end of the epidemic was declared. On the proposal of the Institute for Public Health, National Coordination Body (NKT) for Infectious diseases decided at today’s session to lift measures relating to wearing face masks.

“Protective masks will be mandatory for employees and patients in public and private healthcare institutions; for employees in public and private institutions of social and children protection and for employees and passengers in the vehicles of public transport”, it was said at the session.

Out of line traffic with countries where rate of active COVID-19 cases is above 25 per 100.000 inhabitants, provided that passengers are transported from the starting to the finishing point.

Transit transport of people and goods will also be allowed without entrance of exit of passengers in or out of our country.

The following counter- COVID-19 spread measures will be lifted too:

– Obligation of providing regular activities and provision of services by legal persons who perform jobs of public interest;
– making protective equipment and disinfectants available for the healthcare system of Montenegro with a fee charged;
– Enabling pharmacies to deliver drugs and medical products at home address whose movements are restricted;
– Ban on delivery of food supplies and drugs without prior consent of the Operational Headquarters of the NKT;

Measure relating to one parent, foster parent, adoptive or single parent being entitled to paid leave due to having a child under the age of 11 will be lifted starting from Monday, 8 June.

Institute for Public Health will update every Friday list of countries with less than 25 active cases per 100.000 inhabitants from which entrance in Montenegro without mandatory self-isolation will be allowed.

List of countries whose citizens can enter Montenegro without test on COVID-19 and quarantine:

Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Czech Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
El Salvador
East Timor
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Costa Rica
New Zealand
Ivory Coast
Papua New Guinea
Slovak Republic
Sierra Leone
Sri Lanka
Saint Lucia
Saint Christopher and Nevis
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago

05 Jun 2020, 20:32 PM

June 5, 2020 - The first Blue Flag in Montenegro this year will be raised on June 8, on the World Ocean and Sea Day, at the "Kalardovo" beach in Tivat. On that occasion, all the winners of the exclusive world eco-label in our country will be announced.

The international recognition "Blue Flag" is an exclusive ecological feature that is awarded annually to beaches and marinas whose users want to participate in this program and meet a total of 32 binding criteria. In Montenegro, this recognition has been awarded since 2003 thanks to the NGO "ECOM" from Kotor, became a member of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), and thus gained the right to be a National Operator with the financial and organizational support of the Public Company "Morsko Dobro."

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, an international Blue Flag jury met online on April 21 to evaluate the applications of over 4,500 candidates for the 2020 Northern Hemisphere. Extensive preparations by the International team ensured that the online format did not interfere with the quality and results of the meeting.

The International Jury of the Blue Flag in 2020 consisted of Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency (EEA), David R. Green, Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), Birguy Lamizana, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Sophie Lewis, World Cetacean Alliance (WCA), Bernard Combes (UNESCO), Jean-Michel Gaigné, International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA), Erik Bech, International Life Saving Federation (ILS), Dirk Glaesser, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) & Lourdes Diaz (FEE) ).

The April meeting was also an opportunity to select the winners of the first competition for the best environmental practices at Blue Flag sites in over 40 countries.

The international jury says that the global crisis of COVID-19 will affect the upcoming season of the Blue Flag in the northern hemisphere, and asks that all awarded locations apply local and national health guidelines above all other rules. In these uncertain times, it is essential to remember the important role that the Blue Flag plays in supporting local communities and tourists to identify safe and sustainable destinations. Thanks to the recognized excellence of the Blue Flag award, the public can be sure that it will be safe to visit the places where the blue flag is flying this summer as well.

Last year, 30 beaches waved the Blue Flag in Montenegro. Among the marinas, Marina Bar deserved this recognition, while there were 14 more beaches in the pilot phase for obtaining this ecological label.

05 Jun 2020, 19:53 PM
June 5, 2020 - On the list of ecological countries of the world, according to the EPI Environmental Performance Index, Montenegro took the 74th place, the Center for the Protection and Study of Birds, told the CDM portal today.
As pointed out, that ranking system was developed by Yale and Columbia universities in cooperation with the World Economic Forum, which aims to measure the ecological and ecosystem vitality of each country.
"This year's results show that Montenegro, as an ecological state, according to the constitution, is not on a desirable path. Only four years ago, it was in 47th place, which was discouraging even then. Today, in front of it, we have Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Albania, which was not the case in previous years. Montenegro is on the 74th place, while Slovenia is on the 18th, Croatia 34th, Serbia 45th, and Albania on the 62nd place," says CZIP.
The first place of the ecological state was taken by Denmark, then by Luxembourg, while Switzerland took the third place.
"EPI provides an overview of the global and individual state of each country, in the field of environmental protection. As such, it serves as an excellent incentive to solve the problems present in a particular country. This index has been used for 15 years, especially in measuring the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the fulfillment of the obligations of international agreements in the field of climate change. The index measures the ecological and ecosystem vitality of each country by influencing human health," explained CZIP.
As they add, data related to quality, i.e., air pollution, availability as well as water quality, exposure to health risks are also processed.
"Data on the impact of agriculture, biodiversity and habitats, climate change, forests, fisheries, water resources, and wastewater treatment are also included. The overall results show that we need to develop better activities in all fields, to restore the epithet of the ecological state ", the Center for the Protection and Study of Birds estimates.


We, the Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro, are aware that due to the endangerment of nature, the protection of the identity of the space in which we live and work
became our urgent and just work.
    Aware of the debt to nature, the source of our health and the inspiration of our freedom and culture,
we dedicate ourselves to its protection in the name of our survival and the future of our offspring.
     We accept that no difference between us is as significant as the great changes to which our natural environment is exposed.
Regardless of our national, religious, political and other beliefs and feelings,
we know and accept that human dignity and sanctity are organically connected with the holiness and purity of nature.
     Man and nature in and around him are whole only in their depths and in their meaning and purpose.
     Therefore, the abuse of man has always been accompanied by damage to nature.
Therefore, by choosing and fighting for the dignity of man, we are called to fight for the dignity of nature as well.
     By adopting this Declaration, Montenegro, by nature, establishes a state relationship and calls for the wisdom of the people
to prevent the ecological catastrophe that threatens us.
       September 20, 1991  Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro
05 Jun 2020, 19:07 PM
June 5, 2020 - This Saturday, you have the opportunity to experience an unforgettable night walk through the Herceg Novi hinterland's most beautiful viewpoints in the company of connoisseurs of natural beauty and cultural heritage of Orjen. In the fourth edition of the event "Above Boka by the Moonlight," on the night of the full moon, participants will be able to visit the fortification-lookout point Tajno Brdo, former military positions on the top of Gručalica and the lookout point under the hill Šilobod.
All three viewpoints are interesting for their turbulent history, but also the exceptional views of the entrance to the Bay of Kotor. The night aspect of the organized tour of the event gives a note of unusualness, even mysticism. To complete the story, upon returning to the village of Kameno, a short presentation "WHEN THE NIGHT FALLS-beings of darkness" follows. It is organized in the beautiful ambiance of the courtyard of the church of St. John.
8.45 p.m. Gathering at the crossroads in the village of Kameno, introductory information, division of participants into groups.
9 p.m. Departure with guides to three attractive viewpoints and historical places Tajno Brdo, Gručalica and lookout under Šilobod.
10.30 p.m. Gate of the St. John Church at Kameno: occasional refreshment, and then the popular presentation "WHEN THE NIGHT FALLS-beings of darkness" (Željko Starčević-Agency for Development and Protection of Orjen)
11 p.m. End of the official program
Participation is free, and arrival is at your own expense. The place is a 10-minute drive from the roundabout in Meljine on the way to Trebinje. At the lookouts, visitors will be able to find many exciting things about their sites. For safer movement on the terrain, illuminated only by the moonlight, it is necessary to have a reliable flashlight and adequate indoor footwear. The event is suitable for people in average physical condition. Participation is according to standard terms: on one's own and for children on parental responsibility.
The organizers of the event are the Agency for Development and Protection of Orjen and the Local Community of Kameno-Žlijebi, with the support of the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi, and the help of "Cicak acoustics," mountaineering club "Subra" and Joke's kitchen.
04 Jun 2020, 16:25 PM
June 4, 2020 - The Sector for Hydrography and Oceanography (SHO) of the Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro (ZHMS) has prepared a new nautical chart of the Bay of Kotor, which was made available to boaters on the market several days ago.
It is a nautical chart with a scale of 1: 25,000, which, in addition to the cartographic presentation of the entire waters of the Boka Bay, also contains two smaller, so-called map-plans of the two newest marinas in Boka - Lazure marina in Meljine, and Portonovi in Kumbor.
"The new nautical chart "Boka 25" contains all changes and additions as of March 1 this year. Besides the latest data on the change of the coastline and waters, in the intervening period new marinas have been built in Meljine and Kumbor. Data from hydrographic surveys performed during recent years have therefore been entered and updated. The map has been updated with all submarine installations - pipelines, outlets, electrical and communication cables laid at the bottom of the bay, based on control surveys with the participation of teams from the Naval Detachment of Montenegro and the Sector for Hydrography and Oceanography," Director of ZHMS Luka Mitrović stated in an interview with Daily "Vijesti". He pointed out that SHO and ZHMS have meanwhile signed an exclusive memorandum on business and technical cooperation with the Hydrographic Institute of the Italian Navy (IIM) from Genoa, as well as having excellent collaboration with the Croatian Hydrographic Institute from Split.
According to Deputy Director Radovan Kandic, the new nautical chart "Boka 25" enables its users to transfer all positions obtained with the help of satellite navigation systems such as GPS directly to the map, which had previously not been possible.
"Since the Bay of Kotor is the busiest part of the Montenegrin waters for maritime traffic, we have made a new and up-to-date map that is ready for the start of the yachting season. One edition has already been printed and will be available in the UNA Montenegro naval stores along the coast. We have the option of producing a map at the special request of users, "said Master of Hydrography, Corvette Captain Branislav Gloginja, Navy Officer Montenegro, who is also Chief Hydrographer with the SHO.
"At a meeting of representatives from ZHMS, IIM and the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro it was agreed to organize a visit to Montenegro of a smaller hydrographic ship in the last quarter of this year. The ship will stay in our waters for ten days, during which our experts, together with our Italian counterparts, will perform detailed hydrographic surveys of several sections of our territorial sea and inland waters. The data collected will be used both for our Ministry of Defense and Navy, and for updating nautical charts," said Gloginja.
Using a specially equipped hydrographic boat CHH-1 and other smaller vessels for shallow areas, Gloginja and other SHO experts are currently performing detailed hydrographic surveys of a total of 14 smaller ports in Boka Bay and the open sea coast, to be used by Morsko Dobro.
SHO is preparing and issuing a new publication of "Pilot" for sailing in the Montenegrin part of the southern Adriatic, with all the necessary information for sailors on the waters, coast, descriptions of ports and marinas, prevailing meteorological and oceanographic conditions, and rules and advice for navigating our territorial and internal maritime waters.
The current "Pilot" was produced in 2013, and therefore the need had arisen for an updated version and for a new such publication, which is used by all foreign sailors of yachts and large merchant ships that sail into our waters.
"In cooperation with the Agency for Nature Protection and the Institute of Marine Biology, we are mapping areas along the coast of Montenegro underneath the protected valuable algae Posidonia Oceanica. We will measure and map the seabed zones under that algae in the seabeds of Kruč, Stari Ulcinj, and the waters around Petrovac, with side scan sonar and depth gauges," said Mitrović.
Text by Siniša Luković
04 Jun 2020, 16:05 PM

June 4, 2020 - "Draft amendments to the Energy Law leave burning energy problems in Montenegro unresolved. By avoiding a permanent abolition of incentives for small hydropower plants, the new law will continue to sponsor the destruction of rivers and enrich private investors,"  environmental organizations WWF Adria, Eco-team and Action for Social Justice said in a joint statement.

Last week, the Ministry of Economy commented on the observations to draft legislation on Amendments to the Energy Law.

"This law, if adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro, will contribute to slowing down the economic recovery of Montenegro, and we can only imagine the consequences this will have for nature. Instead of building a stable and sustainable energy system that takes into account the long-term development of the country and all the challenges we will face resulting from climate change, the Ministry of Economy and the entire Government are continuing with the status quo. Unfortunately, it's the people who will pay the price of their negligence," the statement said.

During the public debate, conducted during the pandemic, several civil society organizations and individuals, but also state-owned companies, sent comments on the draft law. Between the deadline for the submission of observations and the Ministry's official statement, not a single session of the responsible working group was held, which, as the organizations stated, significantly violated the transparency and democracy of the entire procedure.

"At the end of April, several non-governmental organizations, with the support of WWF Adria, sent comments on the draft law. They used the opportunity to recall that the new legal solution should stipulate that the development of energy activities should protect public interests and that the production of energy from renewable sources must not jeopardize sustainable development and environmental protection. Although the process of drafting the new law went without direct discussion, it will inevitably be accepted. The Ministry of Economy has once again shown that they are not interested in real public participation, even when it comes to topics that concern all Montenegrin citizens, and that should be opened up to their due participation," announced a statement from the environmental organizations.

WWF Adria, Eco-team and Action for Social Justice, in anticipation of this year's World Environment Day, are expressing their sincere regret over the entire process.

"The development of the private sector is important for the future of the whole country, especially in a period of economic recovery, but it must be sustainable, transparent, and equally accessible to all, without undermining the environment and the well-being of citizens. By acting in this way, the public good and the resources owned by all citizens are used for private interests with great losses for society as a whole," environmentalists believe.

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