
24 Jun 2020, 18:42 PM
Update 7.51 pm: 
Six new COVID-19 cases have been registered in Montenegro. All new positives are from Rožaje. 5️⃣ are contacts of previously ill patients, while the sixth can be connected with the stay in BiH. There are currently 65 active cases of coronavirus in Montenegro: Rozaje: 2️⃣8️⃣ Podgorica: 1️⃣7️⃣ Berane: 4️⃣, Bar: 3️⃣ Ulcinj: 3️⃣, Budva: 3️⃣, Bijelo Polje: 4️⃣ Cetinje: 2️⃣, Danilovgrad: 1️⃣
June 24, 2020 - According to the latest data of the Institute for Public Health, another five cases of coronavirus have been reported. New cases are from Rožaje (3), Berane (1) and Podgorica (1).
"Of the 69 samples analyzed, five were positive for coronavirus", Institute reported.

There are currently 59 COVID-19 cases in Montenegro: 

Rožaje: 22
Podgorica: 17
Berane: 4
Bar: 3
Ulcinj: 3
Budva: 3
Bijelo Polje: 4
Cetinje: 2
Danilovgrad: 1
Nine patients are under hospital treatment, and one of them is on a ventilator.
Among the currently active COVID-19 cases in Montenegro, there are no symptoms or signs that would indicate unusual events in the field or the clinical picture that would deviate from what was seen and described in previous cases of this virus, said the Institute of Public Health.
- Respiratory symptoms with fever predominate to the greatest extent. The proportion of asymptomatic cases is also significant, which is expected considering that the COVID-19 patients are mostly younger people who usually have fewer or indeed no symptoms - IJZ stated for the radio station Antena M.
The arrival of warmer days has contributed to lower morbidity in the entire northern hemisphere, according to the IPH. However, the question is still whether it is the effect of temperature, increased UV radiation, or altered social interactions and individuals' behavior.
- Considering the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases is already registered in the region and our country, the answer is most likely that the poor behavior and low-risk perception are responsible for the increase in the disease, and that these risk factors dominate above all others, including climate - they stated.
There are no valid scientific data to suggest any weaker virulence of the virus, nor is there an adequate biological explanation for this.
- Many changes in the virus genetic material have been recorded concerning the first sequence of the virus gene published on samples from China. Still, these changes are not significant in terms of number, nor can they be related to clinical events in COVID-19 patients.
As they explain, in this as well as in many other infections for which there are mostly no therapeutic modalities that would successfully deal with the cause of the disease, the focus in treatment is on therapy and alleviation of symptoms.
- Each patient is individual for himself, and the clinical picture is diverse. The therapy depends on individual patients and their problems following the general principles of treatment for COVID-19 - according to the IJZ.
The WHO announced that the development of 128 vaccine candidates is being monitored and that 13 of them are in the phase of clinical trials (human trials).
- The vaccine developed by a consortium led by the University of Oxford (working name "ChAdOx1-S") and which is the only vaccine in the third phase of clinical trials has advanced the most. A large group of healthy volunteers aged 18 to 55 are participating in this phase, randomly assigned to two groups, so that the protective effect of the vaccine can be determined by comparison. Volunteers will be monitored for 12 months, during which they will be periodically tested for COVID-19. Also, blood tests will be done during the study to see how the immune systems of the volunteers has reacted - said the Institute.
Source: Radio Tivat, Institute of Public Health
24 Jun 2020, 18:17 PM
June 24, 2020 - The nineteenth KotorArt Don Branko Music Days are being held in all known extraordinary circumstances caused by the pandemic, what caused more than 95% of programs and artists, initially planned for 2020, to be canceled or changed.
This program included the celebration of Beethoven's significant anniversary with artists and ensembles such as Miša Majski, soloists of the Verbia Festival, soloists of the Berlin Philharmonic, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, Stefan Milenković, Kemal Gekić, Giovanni Gnocchi, cycles of Jazz Square with ensembles from Slovenia, Hungary, Austria; China stage, with five concerts by renowned musicians from China; Piano marathon in Luštica Bay and Kotor with winners of piano competitions and prominent pianists of the region and Europe; three shows of the Festival Orchestra, Coca-Cola Stage with three concerts: Josipa Lisac, Vasil Hadžimanov, Božo Vrećo, Bojan Zulfikarpašić and the group Frajle; over two hundred performances within the cycle of the Port of Art.
Total program change, a drastic budget reduction of over 70% (of which 60% is a reduction from the sponsors - the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Kotor), and cancellations of sponsorship funds for more than a third prevent KotorArt from offering the best. After all, KotorArt has faced extraordinary circumstances in the past, when it has always reacted readily and professionally, with a great desire to maintain its quality and image in the country, but also the region and Europe, "said the Festival's PR service.
Recognized for years as a gathering place for the world's music elite and specially conceived original programs, despite this multiple budget cuts, with the support of patrons, sponsors, and friends, as well as the understanding and solidarity of artists and the organizing team, KotorArt Don Branko's Music Days will be held from July 14 to August 14 through a relevant program to confirm social responsibility, artistic and tourist attractiveness, thematic relevance and reasons for the status of the event of special importance for the culture of Montenegro, as well as its place on the festival map of the region and Europe.
After an incredibly busy spring on social networks, the Festival will organize events at a total of ten locations in more moderate summer dynamics, through a dedication to Beethoven, instead of the usual twenty. At the same time, most programs will be held in the Church of St. Spirit, with a live broadcast on the neighboring Piazza from the cinema. Over a hundred artists from a total of six countries will perform in front of an audience that will be distributed in sparse audiences.
"At the very beginning, on July 14, in front of the Cathedral of St. Tryphon, as part of the celebration of Statehood Day, the Beethoven program, eternal inspiration, is planned. Having in mind the measures and recommendations of the competent services and the desire to present the most promising domestic musicians, the Montenegrin Youth Orchestra will perform at the opening ceremony, led by the conductor of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Tomislav Facini. The program includes some of Beethoven's most dramatic works prepared for this orchestra and the premiere of the commissioned work on the Ode to Joy by Montenegrin author Aleksandar Perunovic, after which the premiere of a documentary on European heritage and identity of Montenegro produced by RTCG is planned. 
In addition to celebrating Statehood Day, opening the Festival, celebrating Beethoven's anniversary, and artistically marking Germany's presidency of the European Union, this event will also be an occasion to rethink the European identity of today's Montenegro, share and understand the values ​​inherited by the European Union. - Go for joy ", they say from the PR service of the Festival.
After this program, several different program units are planned, which will include performances by renowned international artists, including maestro Tomislav Facini, one of the most famous European coloratura sopranos Erik Miklos from Hungary, famous jazz ensembles from Austria, world-renowned pianist Kemal Gekic with Beethoven sonatas, members of the KotorArt trio, as well as participants in the planned regional conference Festivals in Times of Crisis.
"The celebrated Montenegrin guitarist Miloš Karadaglić will have a special evening, who will talk to the audience about various aspects of the global crisis on classical music and the consequences for artists and art in general, along with his interlocutor Ratimir Martinović, the director of the Festival. In addition to the Montenegrin Youth Orchestra, Montenegrin musical forces will be represented through performances by well-known local and internationally renowned artists such as the Montenegrin Guitar Duo and the Allegria Quartet and a trio of professors from the Cetinje Music Academy. Also, through the established segment of KotorArt Talents, promising Montenegrin musicians studying abroad, soprano Petra Radulović and pianist Andrija Jovović will perform, and students of the Music Academy of Cetinje, as well as the youngest - students of the Music School Vida Matjan in Kotor, will have the opportunity to perform. Local performers will be the backbone of the concert entitled Homage to the Professor, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the death of Nikola Gregović, who left an essential mark in the city's music. In addition to the city choir and mandolin orchestra, original Klapas led by the Professor will perform. The sounds of jazz can be heard through the series Jazz Square in the regular Sunday period through four concerts, two Austrian guest bands, and musicians from Montenegro and Serbia.
The Port of Art cycle will be presented through dozens of performances by chamber ensembles of classical and popular music, inspiring the life and musical content of today's unusually empty Kotor squares.
In collaboration with Deutsche Welle, the Festival provided a screening of the valuable feature-length documentary Symphony of the World, which tells the story of Beethoven's latest symphony.
The KotorArt Academy, conceived initially with three artists, is still planned to be held at the beginning of August, through the piano course of pianist Kemal Gekić.
Beside Miloš Karadaglić and the aforementioned conference on Festivals in times of crisis, which will be addressed by artists and directors of renowned festivals from Montenegro and the region, planned for August 4, reflections on important social topics will be the backbone of for August 11, with the editor Paula Petričević. This year's topic is "European identity - the answer to which question?" on which the relevant speakers will participate.
The Wild Beauty Art Festival is taking place this year, organized by the KotorArt team, with planned concerts in Žabljak, Kotor, and Luštica bay.
This year's KotorArt Don Branko's Music Days will be held under UNESCO's auspices, the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Kotor, and sponsors.
24 Jun 2020, 10:06 AM

Many people are not respecting self-isolation, are coming to health centres, "and are probably moving around".

Appeals for people to act responsibly and protect the elderly.

June 23, 2020 - There is an alarming new trend in new coronavirus infections in Montenegro, said the Director of the Podgorica Health Centre, Nebojša Kavaric, and appealed to people to act responsibly, respect the prescribed measures, come to health centres only in case of emergency, and strictly respect self-isolation measures.

In an interview with the PR Centre, Kavaric said that, regardless of the very alarming data on the number of new coronavirus infections, people are completely relaxed.

"They do not keep their distance in cafes and restaurants, in taxis, in health institutions, etc.," said Kavaric.

Over three thousand people came to Podgorica Health Centre yesterday.

"They all went through the triage at the entrance. They came mostly with masks, but were not very happy when staff warned them to keep their distance. People must behave in a disciplined manner, come for a specifically scheduled examination and, after the examination, leave the health centre as soon as possible,” said Kavaric.

He appealed to all citizens to come to health centres throughout Montenegro only in case of urgent need.

“They should avoid travelling to a health centre and call for advice regarding any Covid symptoms, and after the consultation should call the Institute of Public Health - the numbers for the health centres are those that were active in the previous wave." In the Podgorica area, the  telephone numbers for patients with questions about any aspects related to Covid, are: 067 709 606, 067 709 607, 067 306 242, 067 066 342," stated Kavaric.

The Covid centre for adults in Tološi, he pointed out, is unfortunately working at full capacity, and the information hotline for anyone presenting known Covid symptoms, and who feels that they may have the infection, is 067 071 846.

"The phone number for the Covid Centre Zlatica for children is 067 709 608. If they have any symptoms, if they have someone in the family or among friends who they know is already being monitored or if they themselves are being monitored, it is mandatory that, when arrival at health centres, they report this to the Institute of Public Health.They should also report any order to self-isolate by the Health Sanitary Inspection, although we know that those who are in self-isolation should not go out," said Kavaric.

He pointed out that many people do not respect self-isolation, that they come to health centres, "and are probably moving around."

"We call on them to strictly respect self-isolation measures, because the sanctions are very severe. However, the sanctions are not the most important thing here, it is endangering other people’s lives that is the main problem, people who are not aware that they are even in danger. When arriving at all health centres, it is compulsory to wear masks, maintain physical distance and answer the epidemiological survey, which is required by law, at the checkpoint at the entrance to the health centre. Giving false information is a criminal offence, especially during the epidemic and extraordinary health circumstances,” said Kavaric.

As he said, three thousand people visited Podgorica Health Centre yesterday, and the same number asked for consultations by phone.

"A total of six thousand services were provided. There were about a thousand examinations by pediatricians and about 300 examinations by gynecologists. In Montenegro yesterday, about ten thousand patients went to health centres. That is a huge number, and there is a significant risk that, if we do not triage over the phone, the health institutions themselves will be transmitting the infection,” said Kavaric.

He hopes that people will closely follow the reports of the Institute of Public Health and check how many new infections there are every day.

"The recommendation from the health centres is to avoid any larger meetings or gatherings as much as possible. When we sit in a restaurant, with no distance maintained, the infection is easily transmitted. Regardless of the fact that movement between cities is allowed, it is recommended that we adhere to the prescribed measures as much as possible. My recommendation is to wear a mask in every enclosed space, outside your family,” said Kavaric.

He pointed out that there is an alarming new trend being seen in the number of new infections.

"The number of contacts we’re seeing is very significant. I appeal to people to get serious, to remember what happened in the previous period. We are again working on the same lines - protection of health and life, family members, citizens, especially vulnerable groups. I would appeal to everyone to protect the elderly. Last time there were no problems with nursing homes and the elderly population. "This time, they should not be the target group in which we see Covid infections appearing," said Kavaric.

He fears that, as things stand now, there will be huge pressure on available health facilities.

"The spread of the Covid infection is happening around us, it is not just in a neighbourhood, it is practically in every city, and the responsibility lies with all of us. Firstly with the healthcare system, which was immediately reorganized, but we now call on people themselves to reorganize and adapt to the new situation," said Kavaric.

In the new epidemiological situation, Podgorica Health Centre has telephone lines available for providing information and consultations in health facilities: Block V (020/481 911, 067 196 222, Patronaža: 067 192 666, 020 481 918, Laboratorija 067 073 913, 020 481 933 ), Stari Aerodrom (020 481 940, 067 194 666), Nova Varoš (020 481 977, 067 193 666), Stara Varoš (020 481 968, 067 196 333), Konik (020 607 120, 067 195 333), Zlatica (020 690 160, 067 197 222), Golubovci (020 603 310, 067 073 922).

The telephone numbers for psycho-social support are: 020 481 929 and 067 074 135, and the telephone number for patients who are already registered at the Mental Health Centre of the Podgorica Health Centre is 020 481 928.

23 Jun 2020, 23:14 PM
June 23, 2020 - The Civic Alliance (GA) today submitted an initiative to assess the constitutionality of the decision to call parliamentary elections to the Constitutional Court. Previously, the representatives of the Institute Alternativa and the Center for Civil Liberties also reacted, referring to Montenegro's Constitution, according to which, as they claim, there were no conditions for calling elections at the end of August.
Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic called parliamentary and local elections for August 30 on June 20.
In a joint statement, the Institute of Alternatives (IA) and the Center for Civil Liberties (CEGAS) said that Montenegro could have "two Assemblies" for 36 days, if the elections are held on August 30.
Independent MP Aleksandar Damjanović believes that by announcing the parliamentary elections on August 30, Đukanović "violated Article 84 of the Constitution, which clearly defines the duration of the mandate of the Parliament of Montenegro".
"Apart from the fact the President shortened the mandate of the Assembly by more than a month and a half, although it could be reduced only by the Assembly Decision, a kind of arrogance was demonstrated, which indicates the direction of the election match under the conditions dictated by the current government, "said Damjanović.
He added that in democratic, free countries, the Constitutional Court would be moved to act, and would rule as soon as possible, as he stated, that the President's decision had been unconstitutional and illegal.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that 541,232 citizens have the right to vote in the parliamentary elections.

Lalicic: The decision to call the elections follows the Constitution

The decision to call parliamentary elections made by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic is absolutely in line with the Montenegrin Constitution, said Jovanka Lalicic, President of the Legislative Committee.
She explained that this is an obligation provided by Article 95, paragraph 4 of Montenegro's Constitution.
"I remind you that we are in an election year and that the previous parliamentary elections were held in 2016, and that these are regular parliamentary elections, so there is no need to shorten the mandate. President Djukanovic fulfilled his legal obligation; this is another irresponsible attitude on the part of the opposition towards issues important for our state and society, "Lalicic said.
She stated that the opposition resorted to a tried and tested recipe for obstructing dialogue, and started the election campaign with an alibi for an electoral defeat.
"In that context, we also experience these unfounded accusations about the alleged violation of the Constitution, and which come from election losers and certain NGOs, whose views, as a rule, always coincide with the opposition's," Lalicic concluded in a statement.
Source: CDM, Vijesti Online, Civic Alliance
23 Jun 2020, 22:50 PM
June 23, 2020 - On the occasion of the European Commission's decision to approve the opening of the last negotiating chapter with Montenegro, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said that today is an excellent day for Montenegro, confirming it is close to EU membership.
"We are very pleased to receive the news that the European Commission's competent body has given the green light to open the last chapter 8 - Competition in negotiations with the European Union. We expect that this will be formally confirmed tomorrow. It is a great day for Montenegro, which will become the first candidate country to open all negotiating chapters. We have confirmed what has been heard from every relevant address for years – that Montenegro is the most promising and country closest to EU membership. This is therefore proof of our consistent commitment to successfully fulfilling the obligations stemming from the European agenda. It is also another confirmation of our leadership position in the enlargement process. It is also gives  great recognition to the Government and all our institutions for their hard work on the adoption and application of European standards and harmonization with European regulations. At the same time, it is a response to all those who tried to question the democratic and reform capacities of Montenegro," said the Prime Minister.
PM Marković recalled that our country has come a long and challenging way since the beginning of negotiations- from the fact that a new approach focused on progress in Chapters 23 and 24 was applied to us for the first time, to particular challenges brought by the process of internal consolidation in the EU. 
"Today's consent gives us confirmation that all our efforts and patience have borne fruit, and that the result is valued even when it is still pending. After the recent non-paper on the rule of law, noting Montenegro's progress in key areas, the support of member states to open the last chapter showed their commitment to the European perspective of the region, which was the focus of the last EU-Western Balkans Summit," said the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Duško Marković said that they were especially pleased that the green light was given during Croatia's presidency of the EU Council, which is the result of selfless efforts by neighboring Croatia to place the enlargement policy high on the Union's agenda.
"By accepting the new negotiation methodology, Montenegro has shown readiness to dynamize the process further since the focus will be on the technical and the political aspects of enlargement. The opening of Chapter 8 marks the end of the first phase of the EU integration process. It gives us the wind in our sails to approach the fulfillment of obligations in the next, most demanding stage of closing the chapters with new enthusiasm. We used the time we had to achieve internal readiness for the temporary closure of one set of sections in the coming period, on which we will actively work with Germany, which will assume the presidency," concluded Prime Minister Duško Marković.
23 Jun 2020, 22:27 PM
June 23, 2020 - Another contingent of medical equipment comprising ten digital X-rays, donated by the EU, has been delivered to Montenegro. Modern X-ray devices will enable more precise and faster radiographic diagnostics in hospitals in Bar, Nikšć, Berane, Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje, as well as in the Clinical Centre of Montenegro - at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Neurology Clinic, and Institute for Children’s Diseases, Central Intensive Care and Intensive Care Unit. This equipment will ensure long-term increase of hospital capacities in Montenegro, but also more efficient preparation for a possible second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, stated the Government of Montenegro on its official site.
A donation worth EUR 286,855.00 is part of the European Union's project for emergency support to Montenegro in the fight against SARS-CoV-19, with a total value of EUR 3 million, provided by the Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro.
On the occasion of the handover of the equipment, the Head of EU Delegation Union to Montenegro, Ambassador Aivo Orav, stated: 
"From the very beginning of the epidemic, the European Union, EU member states and our citizens stand side by side with Montenegro, providing immediate support to the health care workers, as well as long-term support to the health system, economy, enterprises and vulnerable categories of the population affected by this situation. We are grateful to the Montenegrin authorities for responding to the crisis in a responsible and efficient way, but as expected, the virus has returned and we must be more careful than ever. I believe that our donation of ten mobile X-ray machines is very valuable and will enable the public health system to be even better prepared for the second wave of the virus. But, even when the pandemic is over, X-ray machines will remain there, for the benefit of the health of citizens. The health care system of Montenegro needs modernization and long-term investment, which is why the EU intends to finance the construction of two new clinics for infectious diseases and dermato-venereology, within the Clinical Centre of Montenegro."
Deputy Prime Minister Milutin Simović thanked the Delegation of the European Union and the UNDP Office in Montenegro for the continued procurement of medical and personal protective equipment, from the European Union project, to support Montenegro in the fight against SARS-CoV-19. "Continuous implementation of this project is another confirmation of solidarity and partnership between the EU and Montenegro in tackling the challenges of preserving health during the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. We will be even more ready to respond to possible new waves of the epidemic and life with the virus by jointly strengthening the capacity of the health system, thus ensuring that additional attention is focused on strong economic recovery and further building the image of Montenegro, as a safe and secure country for all its citizens, businesspeople and investors," said DPM Simović.
UNDP Resident Representative for Montenegro Daniela Gašparikova, pointed out that UNDP strives to be a reliable partner to citizens, the state and the international community, as was evidenced by the concrete support that this organisation provides in response to the epidemic, but also in the upcoming recovery process. "Modern X-ray equipment, which we provided thanks to the EU funds, is only a part of our continuous support to Montenegro. The UNDP pays special attention to the long-term strengthening of the health system, in order to preserve the progress already made in human development. Given that the health of the population is a basic precondition for improving the quality of life, we will continue to make efforts in the introduction of digital technologies, which will improve the processes and flow of information in the health sector, primarily in the Clinical Centre of Montenegro. I am convinced that this will provide better health care for patients," Gašparikova concluded.
The EU Delegation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro signed in late April, a contract worth EUR 3 million for the purchase of necessary medical equipment and personal protective equipment for health workers. The contract is financed with EU funds, and the procurement is carried out by the UNDP in close cooperation with the competent institutions. In addition to the 10 X-ray machines, this donation enabled the purchase of a total of 100 ventilators and personal protective equipment for medical workers, including: 171,550 surgical masks, 32,800 N95 protective masks, 90,000 surgical gloves, 10,000 surgical shoe covers, 10,000 surgical caps, 10,200 medical goggles, 10,000 waterproof overalls and 10,000 aprons. The total EU support to Montenegro, for the fight against SARS-CoV-2 and mitigating the consequences of the health and economic crisis, amounts to EUR 53 million.
23 Jun 2020, 21:31 PM
June 23, 2020 - Eleven new COVID-19 patients were registered in Montenegro today, increasing yesterday's 43 to currently 54 active cases of coronavirus infection in our country.
New positives are from Podgorica (4), Rozaje (3), Bijelo Polje (3) and Bar (1). There are six contacts of previously positive cases, while 5 are looking for the source of the infection.
Five patients with possible complications were hospitalized, and one patient with a severe clinical outlook was on a respirator.

COVID-19 cases by municipalities:

Rozaje: 19
Podgorica: 16
Bar: 3
Berane: 3
Ulcinj: 3
Budva: 3
Bijelo Polje: 4
Cetinje: 2
Danilovgrad: 1

The Clinical Center of Montenegro is currently treating five COVID-19 patients 

Four patients are being treated at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, and one in the intensive care unit of the Clinical Center, it was announced by the health institution.
"The health condition of the patients being treated at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases is satisfactory and all vital parameters are currently stable, while the condition of the COVID-19 patient in the intensive care unit is serious and is on non-invasive ventilation," the Clinical Center of Montenegro said.
Source: Institute of Public Health, Vijesti Online
23 Jun 2020, 12:12 PM

June 23, 2020 - A thrilling event "Mountain Festival Orjen 2020" intended for mountaineers, nature lovers, and everyone with a positive and strong will, this year is held for the fourth time in the mountain lodge "Za Vratlom" in Orjen, from June 26-28. This year's program consists of a series of exciting activities such as a presentation to mark the tenth anniversary of the Everest expedition, a presentation of the "Via Dinarica" ​​trail, and the traditional way of life on the Orjen.

"We will promote the new publication of the magazine "Planinarske Novine" and award prizes to the best texts in the competition for a short mountaineering story. We will organize the traditional "Orjen Marathon," a presentation and field testing of the potential centre for vertical sports, a mountain race "Orjensko Srce" (Orjen Heart), and a mounteaineering orientation competition," say the organizers. The Mountaineering Association of Montenegro and the host of the festival Mountaineering Club "Subra" are organizing the festival with the support of the Ministry of Sports.

Mountain Festival Orjen 2020 Program

Friday, June 26

Gathering of participants in the afternoon (mountain lodge "Za Vratlom")
19:00 - Opening of the Mountain Festival, welcome speeches, the opening of the photo exhibition and service
19:30 - Promotion of the 10th issue of Planinarske Novine and awarding prizes to the best texts in the PSCG competition for a short mountaineering story
20:00 - Presentation "Ten years since the Everest expedition," Dragutin Vujović, participant of the expedition
21:00 - 23:00 - Campfire, socializing

Saturday, June 27

07: 00-14: 00 - Hiking tour - 21st Orjen marathon - organized outing on Subra (circular trail)
Around 3 pm - Joint lunch for all participants
17:00 - 19:00 - Presentation and field testing of the potential for a centre for vertical sports, Mišković and Radović beams
19:00 - Panel discussion "Sustainable use of the mountain"
20:00 - 20:20 - Traditional way of life on Orjen, Orjen Nature Park
20:20 - Presentation of "Via Dinarica," Ante Romac (Croatia)
21: 00 - 23:00 - Campfire, socializing, live music

Sunday, June 28
08:30 - Mountain Running race "Orjensko Srce"
10:00 - Competition in mountaineering orientation
Noon - Announcement of winners in both races
13:00 - Lunch together and closing of the festival

Note: In addition to the mountain lodge, participants can stay in their tents on the plateau out front.

Contact phone for registration of participants: +38269262331 Iva Verigo

22 Jun 2020, 21:51 PM

June 22, 2020 - Last weekend, the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Tivat hosted representatives of a study group of media and travel agencies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and a group of influencers from Albania.

The visit of a group of media and tourist agencies from BiH to Montenegro was organized by the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro, in cooperation with local tourist organizations along the coast. On Saturday, June 20, the group stayed in Tivat. TO Tivat, in cooperation with partners, designed an interesting programme to showcase what the area has to offer and present the potential of the municipality of Tivat as a tourist destination.

The programme included a tour of the Porto Montenegro marina resort, a walk along the Tivat Pine waterfront and a tour of the luxury complex Luštica Bay. The tour of Luštica Bay, accompanied by a guide, included a visit to “The Chedi” hotel, “The Rok” beach bar and “The Spot” restaurant, where dinner was organized in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The gathering was attended by representatives of the media: BHT1, TV Sarajevo, Face TV, Klix portal, Exclusive, SA Radio and portal, and Gracija magazine, as well as representatives of Relax, Sirius, Castanea, M97, Viptravels travel agencies.

Sunday, June 21st, was reserved for a visit by Albanian influencers, who were guests of the Regent Hotel in Porto Montenegro from June 19th to 21st. Well-known influencers from Albania had a full programme organized by the management of the Regent Hotel, with Sunday morning organized by TO Tivat. The tour organized by TO Tivat in cooperation with the agency “Montenegro Destinations” included a ride through the city in attractive tuk tuk vehicles, followed by a visit to the beach complex “Movida”, where after refreshments in the beach bar influencers had the opportunity for a walk and to take some stunning photos. The authentic taverna "Vino Santo" was a perfect spot with just the right atmosphere for the group to enjoy lunch, arranged to include tasting of fish specialties.

The previous Saturday, June 13, the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Tivat hosted a group of local influencers, also guests of the Regent Hotel, and in cooperation with Montenegro Destinations, organized a picnic in the atmospheric village of Gornja Lastva.

22 Jun 2020, 21:00 PM

168 samples analyzed

New patients from Ulcinj, Rožaje and Bar

June 22, 2020 - 20:45 There have been a further five COVID-19 patients in Montenego, the Institute for Public Health announced, with two each in Ulcinj and Rožaje, and one in Bar.

"Four are contacts of previously positive cases, and the source of the disease in one patient is currently being investigated," the Institute for Public Health announced.

The Institute’s laboratories have analyzed 168 samples since the last series of tests.

There are currently 43 active COVID-19 cases in Montenegro:

Rožaje: 16

Podgorica: 12

Berane: 3

Ulcinj: 3

Budva: 3

Cetinje: 2

Bar: 2

Bijelo Polje: 1

Danilovgrad: 1

Montenegro was corona free for three weeks

After being the last corona free country in Europe, Montenegro reported its first COVID-19 cases on March 17. After 62 days of the successful counter-epidemic strategy by the Institute of Public Health, no new cases of infection occurred for 42 days- from May 5 to June 14, when the Institute's laboratories reported four imported cases.

The last patient of the "first COVID-19 wave" in Montenegro recovered on May 24, making Montenegro a corona-free country for three weeks.
22 Jun 2020, 12:41 PM
June 22, 2020 - the President of Croatia, Mr Zoran Milanović, will be making an official visit to Montenegro.
Mr Milanović will arrive in Montenegro today by military ship and will be welcomed in the Cetinje Residence with highest state honors by Mr Milo Đukanović.
Mr Đukanović and Mr Milanović will visit the Museum of King Nikola in Cetinje.
On the second day of the visit, the presidents will attend a traditional wheel-dance of the Boka navy in front of the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon in Kotor. They will also visit Kotor Diocese and will then attend a lunch organized by Mr Đukanović.
Mr Milanović will hold a meeting with Mr Ivan Brajović, President of the Parliament, and Mr Duško Marković, Prime Minister. He will also have a meeting with representatives of the Croatian community in Montenegro.
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