
28 Jun 2020, 15:42 PM

28 June, 2020 - The village of Suscepan, 1.5 km from the center of Herceg Novi, and at an altitude of 300 metres was, according to the architect Marin Đurašin (1954 - 2000), the centre of ancient Troy.

Đurašin’s theory (he also wrote a book on the subject, although his death prevented him from publishing it) was that the whole of Boka Kotorska was ancient Troy, and that Suscepan was its centre. Troy, or Elijah (ancient Greek: Τροία [Troía] or Τροίας [Troías], or Ίλιον [Ílion] or Ίλιος [Ílios]; Latin: Troia, or Ilium; Turkish: Truva or Troya), was a legendary city and the scene of Trojan war, which is partly depicted in Homer’s Iliad, an epic poem in ancient Greek composed in the 9th or 8th century BC.

This assumption did not have a greater impact, nor did it lead to greater tourist interest in the village, which offers a beautiful view of the entrance to and the interior of the Bay of Kotor.

The village of Suscepan was assumed inhabited in the Middle Ages and has been under Turkish, Venetian, Austro-Hungarian rule. It had, in the main, followed the fate of Herceg Novi, then that of the whole of Boka Kotorska and Montenegro.

Until World War II, the locals lived mainly from agriculture and livestock. Olive oil and wine were produced, grain was sown and vegetables were planted. Fruit was also grown - most often figs. A few inhabitants worked in nearby Herceg Novi - mostly in trade and tourism. webp to png

Suscepan - Bostanj Spring

Today, no-one in the village is exclusively engaged in agriculture. Most often it is an additional activity or carried out solely to meet individual need.

Until the increased construction at the end of the last century, the village looked like a typical coastal Boka village. The houses were built at a distance of 500 - 700 metres, and the hamlets were connected by paths paved with stone. They were built on slopes and along the perimeter of rare arable land. Today, almost every house has a tarmac - or more often concrete - road.

The few inhabited old houses in the village are built of local stone. Upstairs is a living area for the family, and the ground floor-barn is used to accommodate wine, oil, grain, flour and other foodstuffs. In some houses on the ground floor there are cattle.

In front of the village houses is a part of the yard - terraces - paved with stone and surrounded by a low wall-seat. In some yards there was also a “bistjerna” for collecting rainwater. The terrace was covered with vines and served as a small extension of the house proper, for gathering after a hard day’s work. In the summer, sometimes a table was brought out, so people could eat on the terrace.

The garden also has a threshing floor - a round paved surface covered with stone slabs. This was used for threshing grain.

The village does not have an official centre, but the population used to gather around the Bostanj spring. The spring is channelled, the area around it paved and has a stone wall-seat. In addition to this spring, there is also a spring in Smokovac and Zirina. webp to png 1

Saint Stephen’s Church

 During religious festivals, locals gather around the village church of Saint Stephen. The church was built at the end of the 19th century, but it is assumed that there had been a building there previously. The church is a single-nave, vaulted building with an apse of a semicircular base and a bell tower on a pediment with three bell windows. It is built of stone, but all the walls, except at the front, are plastered. According to the motifs from the preserved parapet slab, which is today in a museum, it is assumed that there was a pre-Romanesque church on the site, dating from the 10th or 11th century.

 The Church of Saint Stephen

The iconostasis is the work of Corfu icon painter N. Aspioti. Around the church is a gate with tombs. It is thought by some that the church was built by the Bosnian king Tvrtko (founder of Herceg Novi) or Stevan Kosača.

The Legend of the Village's Origin

Legend has it that the Bosnian King Tvrtko I began the construction of the church of St. Stephen in the centre of Herceg Novi, inviting the most famous masters of that time from Kotor and Dubrovnik. But one morning, the stone disappeared from the square and appeared about 1.5 kilometers from the city - in its current location. The king was advised to build a church there, which he did. According to the legend, the settlement that started to grow around the church was named Sveti Stefan (Saint Stephen) - later Suscepan.

Each to Their "Own" Troy

German entrepreneur and amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann began excavations on the hill of Hisarlich in today's northwestern Turkey, near the sea coast, southwest of the Dardanelles under Mount Ida in 1873 and claimed that this was the location of ancient Troy.

Researcher Ilija Ogorelica claims that ancient Troy was located near Belgrade, more precisely on the border of the settlements of Rušanj, Ripanj and Lipovačke šume. Milutin Jaćimović claims that Troy is "the Serbian historical capital of Skadar".

Mexican Roberto Salinas Price (1936 - 2012), philologist and wealthy Mexican passionate homerologist, first put forward the idea in the 1980s that Troy was on the east coast of the Adriatic and that the Trojan War had taken place in the Neretva Valley, and that the holy the city of Troy was on the site of present-day Gabela.

There are also theories that Troy was located at Ljubuški in Croatia, and also in Macedonia,… but with no scientific evidence supporting the claims.


27 Jun 2020, 23:36 PM
June 27, 2020 - UNESCO has recognized Forte Mare fortress as a potentially significant cultural and historical monument. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture thinks that the process of its registration on the list of protected cultural goods will be positive.
Ms. Milica Nikolić from the Ministry of Culture says that it is necessary to finish conservatory works that are underway to eliminate traces of inappropriate use of the fortress in the past.
She thinks it is necessary to prepare a suitable file, which is to be considered by UNESCO in the forthcoming period.
"The deadline for the delivery of the file is 31 January 2021. The assessment itself takes a year and a half. We expect registration," Ms. Nikolić explained.
Director of Herceg Fest, institution managing fortresses, Ms. Gordana Porobić-Krcunović, shares optimism.
"That means a lot for Herceg Fest. Registration of Herceg Novi on UNESCO list will position the town in such a way that it becomes a recognizable town with valuable and important cultural heritage", Ms. Porobić-Krcunović said.
The Municipality of Herceg Novi has proposed Forte Mare fortress to be registered on the world cultural heritage list.
Forte Mare Damaged in the earthquake in 1979
Forte Mare fortress was built between the 14th and 17th centuries. It was restored in 1833. In 1952, it was adapted into summer cinema, and then in the night club.
Famous architect from Belgrade, Mr. Aleksandar Deroko, wrote about the architectural importance of Forte Mare and noted that architectural assembly of the fortress was a unique example of such construction continuity since Bosnian rule in the 14th and 15th century.
After the devastating earthquake in 1979, when the fortress suffered substantial damage due to the unprofessionally performed restoration, the fortress's first Bosnian phase was utterly lost. What is left of it today is only the wall in the south-east part corner and high staircase.
27 Jun 2020, 23:26 PM
June 27, 2020 - Montenegro has reported an increase in new cases of Covid-19 after labs of the Institute for Public Health analyzed 407 samples and detected another 30 cases. 
Montenegro now records 145 COVID-19 cases:
Rožaje: 54
Podgorica: 31
Bijelo Polje: 13
Budva: 12
Berane: 12
Bar: 4
Ulcinj: 4
Danilovgrad: 3
Cetinje: 3
Pljevlja: 2
Tuzi: 2
Herceg Novi: 2
Kotor: 1
Gusinje: 1
Nikšić: 1

Mugoša: Current Circumstances with COVID-19 a Return to the Previous Situation

Director of the Institute for Public Health, Dr. Boban Mugoša, said at the press conference that specific measures aimed at curbing the coronavirus's spread were taken at the state level.
He warned that the current situation was a return to the previous status.
"We managed the first wave successfully. As expected, people got complacent. A specific number of people irresponsibly entered the area where the concentration of people was enormous, and it was quite expected infection would appear", Dr. Mugoša pointed out.

Serbian Orthodox Church Follows counter- COVID-19 Recommendations.

Director of the Institute for Public Health, Dr. Boban Mugoša, said yesterday that religious processions organized by the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro "won't be taking place due to increased risk and surge in the number of coronavirus cases."
"We had justified reason to propose this to the Metropolitanate and religious communities supported us. Metropolitanate said the religious procession wouldn't be taking place", Dr. Mugoša said at the press conference.
In Montenegro, the Serbian Orthodox Church said that they were going to abide by the recommendations of the National Coordination Body, referring to Covid-19 restrictions on public gatherings, i.e., religious processions.
"Church representatives informed the Institute for Public Health about this decision yesterday. It's important to say that we were not making a deal with them to halt religious processions, and we didn't back their prohibition either. Taking care of the general health, both physical and spiritual, the church municipalities in Montenegro, as organizers of religious processions, were instructed to immediately inform the National Police units about the suspension of religious processions announced for June 28 this year. We call on all believers to come to their temples and churches on religious services, as worshiping in churches, monasteries, and other areas which belong to them are not and cannot be banned," the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, MCP, announced.
They also said they were worried that the President of Montenegro and the President of SUBNOR "had been recommended" to cancel their previously announced public gatherings. In contrast, the church had been strictly prohibited from organizing peaceful rallies, i.e., religious processions, outside churches, and monasteries.
26 Jun 2020, 21:12 PM


Officials in Brussels in discussions on which countries to be allowed entry EU

June 26, 2020 - Montenegrin citizens will be able to travel to European Union countries from July 1st, Euronews reports.

The portal states that officials in Brussels are discussing which countries will be allowed entry on that date.

It is understood that there are two lists - the list of countries whose citizens will be allowed to enter, and those for whom the EU borders will remain closed.

Euronews reports that the draft list has already sparked controversy as sources revealed that the borders will remain closed to U.S. citizens, where more than 2.4 million coronavirus cases have been reported.

With regard to the countries of the region, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania are also on the list of countries from which entry into the EU will be allowed on July 1st.

26 Jun 2020, 20:51 PM

Decision Confirmed

June 26, 2020 - The EU-Montenegro Intergovernmental Conference, at which the chapter is to be officially opened, will be held on Tuesday, June 30, at ambassadorial level.

The permanent ambassadors of the European Union member states in Brussels confirmed the decision to open Chapter 8 - Competition with Montenegro, TVCG’s correspondent in Brussels has learned.

The EU-Montenegro Intergovernmental Conference, at which the chapter is to be officially opened, will be held on Tuesday, June 30, at ambassadorial level, reports RTCG.

Earlier, representatives of the 27 member states in the EU Enlargement Council Working Group (COELA) spoke positively on Tuesday about opening the last negotiation chapter with Montenegro.

The decision to open negotiation chapter 8 with Montenegro was made during the last week of Croatia's presidency of the EU Council, which Germany will assume on July 1st.

Chapter 8 - Competition, is one of the most demanding negotiation chapters that always opens and closes among the last, according to the official website of the Office for European Integration of Montenegro.


26 Jun 2020, 13:13 PM
June 26, 2020 - The National Coordination Body has decided yesterday to ban political and religious gatherings in open public places. While the Institute of Public Health claims reasons for that leys only in epidemiological purposes, the significant part of society finds the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases plays as a political instrument on the hands of a corrupted system in the arms of the ruling party.

The SNP considers NKT's behavior scandalous.

The Socialist People's Party considers scandalous the behavior of the NKT, which, instead of doing its job, gives itself the right to provide "full support to the police" and its behavior towards citizens in Budva and other cities. 
As they add in the statement, in this way, they took over the role of both the Government and the Assembly, which is shameful and scandalous.
"Even before, the citizens knew that all institutions were in the political hands of the DPS, now they are convinced that this is both this and such a body," they say in the SNP.
They state that they have always argued that it is not a National Coordination Body, but a political one, which uses the profession for the DPS election campaign, and that there are not only epidemiological but also political motives in making their decisions.
"Yesterday's assessment of the police's actions is just proof that this body does not intend to deal with what it was founded for, but marketing and promoting the Government. And the little trust they had with Montenegrin citizens, they lost with this act. We witness that one rule applies to representatives of the opposition and the faithful people, and the other to members and officials of the DPS. We cannot help but wonder what the point of ordinary citizens respecting the measures when they are not adhered to by leading politicians in the country! NKT decides to ban gatherings in the open is. At the same time, they can be held indoors? " the SNP said in a statement.
"DPS and NKT are afraid of religious gatherings, as well as Budva and the dissatisfaction of the people! It is crystal clear to them that their political end is in sight, and that no crown can save them," they say from the SNP.
The SNP believes that the DPS list for the elections can be freely called the "NKT list" because they are members of this political body from the DPS electoral lists, which have now become their main hopes.

Gojko Perović: NKT is a dangerous toy in the hands of politicians

"The national coordination body is a dangerous toy in the hands of politicians who do not know about dialogue," said the rector of the Cetinje seminary, Gojko Perovic, in a statement submitted to "Vijesti."
He believes that since the very beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in Montenegro, NKT has not had the slightest degree of understanding for the spiritual needs of people.
"We do not have a state of emergency, nor do we respect the Constitution and laws - we are already moving in the fog of arbitrary assessments of those who are not guided by profession, but by their party affiliation. Doctors at NKT and they hurried to support the beating of the people under the direction of the same police command. Here we now read that these same people condemn their colleagues who stood for peace and prayer rallies. ", said Perović.
Last night, the NKT, among other things, banned religious gatherings in open public places, except in areas that belong to religious buildings.
Perovic reminds that nightclubs "with hundreds of people in basements" work, as well as construction sites and shopping malls. "So a lot of people from different sides who see each other for the first time, in one" place - and they can do it all! And a group of people in the open air, who pray to God, and who know each other less - because they are believers who go to church regularly - cannot do that. These are the methods of the medieval inquisition, not a professional and competent body, "he added.
The body that should coordinate us, as Perović said, unfortunately, confuses us from day to day with its selective application of the law and the absence of clear criteria.
"The church will not be the one to break the law and regulations. We pray against evil and disease and do everything we can to get past them. We sincerely believe that God hears our prayers. We remain united with our people around our shrines. We despise political abuse of health, which can be seen from every peak of Montenegro ", concluded Perović.

Mugoša: Political reasons do not drive the new NKT measures

The director of the Institute of Public Health (IPH), Boban Mugoša, said that the new measures of the National Coordination Body (NCC) were not politically motivated, nor were they adopted due to religious gatherings organized by the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serbian Ortodox Church. 
Last night, the NKT, among other things, banned religious gatherings in open public places, except in areas that belong to religious buildings.
Commenting on public speculation that last night's NKT measures were adopted for political reasons, Mugoša said that they were guided solely by epidemiological purposes.
"These measures that have been adopted have nothing to do with politics, nor with various other things, starting from religion. It is an epidemiological measure to prevent the spread of the virus in the population," Mugoša explained in a guest appearance on TVCG.
He said that in the previous period, they showed that they were guided exclusively by their profession and that there is no mystique there.
"We know that the biggest problem is places where there are a lot of people in a small space, with non-compliance with measures. This was seen in the environment, at sports, political and other gatherings," said Mugoša.
NKT decided to adopt a package of measures for the municipalities where the situation is most acute, namely Bijelo Polje and Rozaje. According to Mugoša, these are measures that must be taken.
He said that Montenegro behaved well and controlled the virus for a while, but that after some time, irresponsible moves by individuals, the system was disrupted.
"Once the corona starts, it is difficult to control. And now we are trying to bring it under control as much as possible. Unfortunately, some measures that are not popular must be applied," Mugoša said.
Today is the 14th day of a new wave of the virus, and it is, in 98% of cases, similar when compared to the first, explains Mugoša.
"Twenty percent of patients who have been diagnosed with the virus are in hospital. I would estimate that it's not very naive. We have people who are on a respirator, which means that the virus does not show that it is different for now. We have to take action, which is dangerous with this virus is rapid spread ", warned Mugoša.
"We have to take care of the economy, because when you lock up, you make the work of the economy more difficult, which also affects the health of the population. We are now looking for balance," Mugoša said in the morning program of RTCG.
26 Jun 2020, 12:22 PM
Update 5.15 pm:  Another 15 cases of coronavirus were reported in Montenegro today. New cases are from Podgorica (5), Berane (4), Budva (3), Herceg Novi (2) and Tuzi (1), said Director of the Institute for Public Health, Dr Boban Mugoša. “We analyzed 304 samples and found 15 positive results. Epidemic research is underway”, Dr Mugoša said. There are currently 115 active coronavirus cases in MNE
June 26, 2020 - The laboratories of the Institute of Public Health have completed the analysis of another 94 samples since the last cross-section yesterday, 10 of which were COVID-19 positive. All contacts are previously confirmed cases.
Six new cases were registered in Rozaje and four in Budva.
There are currently 100 active cases of COVID-19 in Montenegro.

The number of COVID-19 cases by municipalities:

Rozaje: 41, 
Podgorica: 19, 
Bijelo Polje: 10, 
Budva: 9, Bar: 4, 
Berane: 4, Ulcinj: 3, 
Danilovgrad: 3, 
Cetinje: 2, 
Pljevlja: 2, 
Tuzi: 1, 
Kotor: 1, 
Gusinje : 1

Counter COVID-19 measures for Bijelo Polje

The National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases has adopted several temporary measures related to Bijelo Polje territory.
One of the measures is not to ban all gatherings in indoor and outdoor public places. Also, citizens cannot attend religious ceremonies.
There can be a maximum of two people in the vehicle (except family members).
"It is forbidden to move and keep more than two people in an open public place (except for members of the family household). Mandatory protective masks in both open and closed public places (except in residential buildings)."
The Government announced that NKT has decided to suspend activities of educational institutions that provide preschool education in Bijelo Polje.

Regular press conferences again.

NKT has decided to organize regular press conferences again on Friday, June 26. At the Institute of Public Health, press conferences will be held every working day at 5 pm and will be broadcast live on Television and the Vijesti portal. You can also follow the broadcasts on the Government's YouTube channel.

No new costs of donated funds

The XI Report on balance on the account and payments from the account of the Operational Headquarters for Grant Management was adopted.
Since the opening on March 19, 2020, EUR 8,035,850.90 and USD 75,971.72 have been paid into the NKT giro account from the country and abroad.
Total outflows NKT account in the indicated period amount to EUR 1,758,869.13.
The balance on the account on June 25, 2020, at 9.00 am is: 6,276,981.77 euros and 75,971.72 US dollars.
26 Jun 2020, 00:15 AM
June 26, 2020 - The Institute of Public Health reported to the public three times yesterday about new cases of COVID-19 infection. Thirty-one new coronavirus cases were registered, and the Institute's laboratories analyzed a total of 435 samples.
There are currently 90 active COVID-19 cases in Montenegro.

The number of COVID-19 cases by municipalities:

Rozaje: 35,
Podgorica: 19,
Bijelo Polje: 10,
Budva: 5, Bar: 4,
Berane: 4,
Ulcinj: 3,
Danilovgrad: 3,
Cetinje: 2,
Pljevlja: 2,
Tuzi: 1,
Kotor: 1,
Gusinje: 1

Five COVID-19 patients at the Clinical Center

The Clinical Center of Montenegro (KCCG) is currently treating five COVID-19 patients.
As announced from KCCG, four patients are being treated in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, and one in the intensive care unit of KCCG.
"The health condition of the patients being treated at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases is satisfactory. All of them are currently stable vital parameters, while the condition of the patient in the intensive care unit is serious and is on mechanical ventilation," the statement said.

NKT banned religious and political rallies

At tonight's session of the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases, new measures were adopted due to the increase in the number of active cases of coronavirus infected imported from abroad and then spread within Montenegro.
The National Coordinating Body has decided to ban:
Political gatherings in open public places, the presence of spectators at sporting events, religious meetings in free public places except in areas belonging to religious buildings, are buried only in the immediate circle of the family.

NKT measures for Rožaje

Due to the epidemiological situation in Rožaje, the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases decided to prohibit all residents of the municipality of Rožaje from leaving the residential building from 6 pm to 5 pm. The operation of catering facilities in Rožaje allowed up to 5 pm. The measure takes effect on Friday, June 26th.

NKT on the occasion of the event in Budva

The National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases commented today on the Twitter profile of the Government of Montenegro on the events in Budva. The announcement states that "NKT strongly condemns the attacks on the police and the public personal prosecution of police officers." They noted that the police professionally and efficiently protect and serve all citizens and the state, as it showed in the coronavirus epidemic.
"That is why the attack on the police is an attack on the state and all citizens! Full support for the police!" - the twitter profile of the Government of Montenegro.
Source: Government of Montenegro, Institute of Public Health, Vijesti Online
25 Jun 2020, 23:15 PM

Montenegro's potential as a location also presented at the Film Festival

The "Otter" project directed by Srđan Vuletić and screenwriter Stefan Bošković will be showcased at the "Co-Production Speed Meeting Session" 

June 25, 2020 - At this year's Cannes Film Festival, the Montenegro Film Centre will, for the fourth time, present contemporary Montenegrin cinematography within the virtual pavilion, which is part of the online version of the film market "Marché du Film", offered in a different format due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Montenegrin project "Otter" (working title: "Valley of Monuments"), from director Srđan Vuletić and screenwriter Stefan Bošković, and produced by Artikulacija Film from Podgorica, will be presented at the "Co-Production Speed Meeting Session", which will be held for the first time within an online edition of the Cannes Film Festival.

Young director Sara Stijović will be presenting her project "Djina" about Djordjina ‘Djina’ Markuš, with concept and screenplay by Nataša Nelević, and produced by Branimir Žugić and the company "LIVE production", which was selected for the programme "La Fabrique Cinéma de l'Institut Français" within the Film Festival in Cannes. The feature-length documentary "Djina" is the first Montenegrin and the only European project selected this year for La Fabrique Cinéma.

"The virtual environment, running from June 22 to 26, brings together more than 8,500 participants, with 250 stands and 60 pavilions. In order to support the film industry globally, as well as its professionals, the online version of the ‘Marché du Film’ will offer more than 1,200 online screenings for participants, as well as the opportunity to purchase rights to more than 2,300 feature films. More than 150 virtual panel discussions, talks and round tables, concerts and presentations are planned.

At online meetings with film professionals and representatives of institutions from all over the world, the Montenegrin virtual stand offers accredited visitors access to an overview of film projects from the country, which are in various stages of production. Capacities and possibilities of interest to foreign co-producers, production companies and other interested parties will be promoted," the Film Centre highlights. Montenegro has been present at the Cannes Film Market since 2011.


Location potential also presented

This year, for the purposes of promotion, the Montenegro Film Centre enabled accredited market participants to download the electronic version of two catalogues: "Montenegro - Film Destination", which shows the potential for filming in Montenegro, and "Montenegrin Cinema 2020", which presents current film projects at different stages of production.

During the festival, the Montenegrin Media Desk (Creative Europe) will also be active, with representatives participating in panel discussions and online meetings.

25 Jun 2020, 18:42 PM

Supreme State Prosecutor Initiates Proceedings Only Under Political Instruction

“Katnić is now recommended urgently as a candidate for the new term of office of the party prosecutor,” states MANS.

June 25, 2020 - Reacting to recent events, the Network for Affirmation of the Non-Governmental Sector (MANS) stated that "it is clear to every citizen that the current Prime Minister and the Director of the Police Directorate, as well as the Special Prosecutor, are mere executors of the arbitrariness of one man, and that Montenegro has turned into an open dictatorship of Milo Đukanović.

The latest events in Budva represent the flagrant, brutal violence of the party police against the citizens of Montenegro. The latest footage, which shows police officers kicking and beating people who are already helpless and restrained, is appalling evidence of the brutal political abuse of captive institutions," the MANS statement reads.

Duško Marković’s statement that "what is happening now is not because the state is weak, but because it is patient and wants to meet reason with reason, and yet if we are not met with this reason, the state will find a solution in 15 minutes," they called a threat, and direct confirmation that the regime is willing to use all means to preserve its power.

"The Special Prosecutor’s Office which keeps all MANS’ criminal charges against the top regime officials in a drawer and initiates proceedings only under political instruction, has become involved in the political showdown. Selective justice is the worst kind of justice, and MANS will continue to report any violation of the law, without political calculations, because no one should be untouchable. Katnić is now recommended urgently as a candidate for the new term of office of the party prosecutor,” states MANS.

They add that “repression is always a sign that dictatorial regimes are losing power, and the more they stifle civil freedoms and trample on laws, the more certain changes are. That has happened everywhere, and it is going to happen in Montenegro as well.”



24 Jun 2020, 18:53 PM
June 24, 2020 - According to the Slovenian News Agency (STA), the number of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Albania and Montenegro in the past 14 days has exceeded 10.
The Government of Slovenia will remove Montenegro and Luxembourg from the "green list" of COVID-19 safe countries from which it is possible to enter Slovenia without applying restrictive measures. At the same time, the government will add Albania and Portugal to the "red list" of countries from which entry into Slovenia implies a mandatory two-week quarantine, with some exceptions.
New restrictive measures for all four countries will be applied from tomorrow, Government spokesman Jelko Kacin told reporters after the government session, which was held after Slovenia recorded an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases imported from abroad, mostly from the former Yugoslavia, STA reports.
The "red list," expanded to include Albania and Portugal, refers to the countries that have registered more than 40 cases per day per 100,000 inhabitants in the past two weeks.
Seven new COVID-19 cases out of 1,222 tested have been recorded in Slovenia, the Slovenian government announced today.
After 13 positive COVID-19 cases recorded on Monday, which is a record number after April 24, the number of infected is in line with the number of newly infected in recent weeks, STA reports.
There were no new deaths the previous day, therefore the number of fatalities remains at 111.
The total number of people infected with the coronavirus is 1,541, with 95,387 people tested.
Source: PCNEN
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