
11 Dec 2018, 03:11 AM

10 December 2018 - President of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović met with the president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri at the presidential palace “Casa Rosada” in Buenos Aires. The two presidents expressed their satisfaction with the second meeting in the last two years and showed readiness to consider possibilities of cooperation in the domain of economy, food industry, trade, and new technologies.

“Agreement on cultural cooperation will be signed by the first occasion, as well as agreement on reliefs in the visa regime, and set of others agreements that are in the phase of preparation and represent a solid normative and legal basis for that,” said the representatives of Đukanović’s Office.

Both Đukanović and Macri pointed out the role of Montenegrin community, which is the durable bridge of friendship between two nations and states, and the best bond for strengthening overall cooperation.

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Ceremony held on the occasion of 200 years since the arrival of the first Montenegrin family to Argentina featured president of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović as the main speaker. The ceremony was held at famous palace Jose de San Martin and the descendant of the first emigrants, Ivan Damjanović, said that they had never stopped being what their ancestors had been when they moved to Argentina back in 1818.

Horacio Reiser, deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that this celebration is the proof of the firm foundations of Argentinian-Montenegrin relations.

Damjanović, who is now Argentinian journalist and poet, said that Montenegrin people are present there as long as the recent history of that country lasts.

Ambassador Gordan Stojović, one of the initiators and organizers of the ceremony, said that this was not only the celebration of 200 years since the first Montenegrin family arrived but it is also a celebration of 100 years of the La Montenegrina colony.

The ceremony was attended by many renowned people from the Argentinian political, cultural and economic life, diplomatic corps and many descendants of Montenegrin emigrants.

Before the ceremony began, Stojović and Reiser signed the agreement on cooperation in the field of culture between Montenegro and Argentina.

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Đukanović also meets with the honorary consuls and presidents of Montenegrin communities in Latin America, that took place at the Embassy in Argentina, and during this occasion, he said: "There are not many of us, and wherever we are, it is important that we stick together.".

“If there were not for your activities and work, we would not pay much attention to the countries you live in now. On the other side, authorities of these countries would not have such relation towards Montenegro, if there were no such honorary communities here. Just like you ascendants did, today you give a contribution to their development and, thus, to build up the reputation of Montenegro in this part of the world,” said Đukanović after the first day of his visit to Latin America.

He expressed satisfaction with the cooperation with the home country and the results achieved in the past two years. He spoke about the current situation in Montenegro, which became a NATO member and made significant progress in the EU negotiations.

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“Projects we are implementing are the most valuable in the history, and they can serve to honor to even greater states in Europe. We do not exaggerate if we speak with optimism about our close future that is going to be even brighter,” said Đukanović and thanked the highest representatives of Montenegrin communities in Argentina and surrounding states.

Representatives of diaspora thanked to the Government and other state authorities, as well as to the President himself, for the support and efficient commitment to cooperation.

Project “Montenegrin house” has been validated and Đukanović will deliver a speech tomorrow, at its official opening.

Representatives of Diaspora expressed special thanks to the ambassador, Gordan Stojović, who is soon completing his mission in Argentina, for exceptional cooperation and pioneer undertakings in joint efforts to organize and connect Montenegrin diaspora across Latin America.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

10 Dec 2018, 21:53 PM

10 December 2018 - Montenegro officially opened negotiations in Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate Change at the Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels earlier today.

At the conference, it was stressed that the opening of this chapter is another success for Montenegro and recognition for the intensive work on harmonising domestic legislation with EU regulations and building the necessary administrative capacity.

In his address to the representatives of the member states and the European Commission, Head of the Montenegrin delegation, Foreign Minister Srđan Darmanović, said that Montenegro has opened 32 chapters to date, of which three are closed. Darmanović added that the effort the country is putting in the alignment with the Acquis communautaire testifies to its continued and strong commitment to the European integration process. He believes that by opening the last negotiating chapter in the months ahead, Montenegro will once again confirm its leadership position, but also give a new impetus to the integration process, not only in the country but also in the countries of the region. The goal is to confirm the credibility of the European perspective of the Western Balkans.

Chapter 27 1

Darmanović noted that the opening of Chapter 27 is very important, as the Constitution of 2007 defined Montenegro as an ecological state, dedicated to environmental protection and development based on sustainability principles. He highlighted that the process of European integration is the only framework that guarantees stability in the region and thus in Europe. “That is why we are sure that the presence of the EU in the region and the continuity of the enlargement policy are of fundamental importance for stability, further economic development and the competitiveness of the European continent at a global level," Darmanović concluded.

Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulović stressed that the State is committed to protecting the environment. He said that the Government of Montenegro established the Environmental Protection Fund (Eco Fund) in late November in order to create the legal framework for future investments in the field of environment and climate change.

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn also spoke at the opening of negotiations in Chapter 27, saying that Montenegro is making a significant step forward on its “European path”. He also welcomed the progress in the rule of law and said that the focus, in the coming period, should be placed on the activities under negotiating chapters 23 and 24. Commissioner Hahn reiterated that the European Commission will continue to support the integration of Montenegro into the EU in terms.

10 Dec 2018, 21:21 PM

10 December 2018 - Destination management organisations not only need to motivate potential visitors before they come to the location but ensure their overall impression of the journey is maximised with sufficient reasons to remember the experience and “tell the tales” about it once they return home. Tourists want information in the palm of their hand, ahead of the holiday and as soon as they arrive in a city.

Technology advancement has created the possibility to present travel tours and landscapes using mobile applications. Such applications not only make this information accessible from anywhere in the world but also give the opportunity to everyone to surface information about the tourist routes, to check the tourist infrastructure facilities, examine history, culture and natural monuments, make a tour/hotel booking in online etc.

An available and straightforward one-application-only solution that contains all the information visitors want to know encourages further exploration and discovery of the destination.

During last weekend, Tourist Organization of Tivat released the mobile application “Visit Tivat,” which offers plenty information on all current topics of interest to tourists when planning to visit this city and during the visit. The application was made in Montenegrin and English. “-What to see; -where to eat; -where to stay; -what to do; -what is Tivat known for “are just some of the questions answered by the newly released application. One of its advantages is that you can use the app offline as well.

Visit Tivat Mobile Application 1

“Visit Tivat mobile guide also has an integrated map function to enable you to visualise your itinerary, get directions and see where places of interest are located. In essence, this is Tivat’s guide on your mobile phone,” explains the developer within the Play Store description of the application.

Within the mobile application, Tourist Organization has highlighted all events and special offers to make the tour around the gem of the Montenegrin coast exciting and memorable for all tourists. The main goal of the “Visit Tivat” application is to provide information for the exploration of the city and remind the tourists why they want to come back again and share the experience with friends and family.

The next project which TO Tivat will work on is the implementation of other foreign languages for the mobile application as well as for the interactive display (a project initiated in 2017).

For now, the application is available to Android users only. You can download the app here.

10 Dec 2018, 14:10 PM

December 10, 2018 - Coalition 27, a network of 20 non-governmental organizations dealing with the environment and climate change, thinks that Montenegro should understand that the opening of chapter 27 is a concrete step by the European Union to more stringent requirements and the application of more serious mechanisms.

"We therefore think it would be far more convenient to inform the public about concrete plans for the future, and focus on closing the process, instead of the tacky enthusiasm by certain leaders, who have absolutely no credit for such a decision of the EU member states," the statement said.

Croatia is said to have opened and closed the negotiation chapter within ten months. "This would be fatal for Montenegro, in a situation where state institutions do not have the necessary administrative and financial capacity to implement the values and the legal acquis in an optimal way," assesses the Coalition 27.

As stated, a decade after the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, Montenegro has managed to transpose a significant number of European regulations, while their implementation is seriously lagging behind, especially in the area of nature protection, waste management, water quality, and air emissions.

Montenegro has failed in ten years to respond to the priority task defined subsequently by the Accession Strategy, which relates to a significant strengthening of the capacity of the environmental inspection system in accordance with the European Parliament and Council Propaganda on Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspection in the States members.

"Montenegro failed to provide temporary protection of potential Natura 2000 areas in which the devastation of natural values such as the devastation of Tara River, Cijevna, NP Skadar Lake and Durmitor, sea areas by hydrocarbon exploration resulted in devastation of the natural and unplanned development, while the protection of Ulcinj Solana and all international and national communications have not yet been reached," the statement said.

Coalition 27 estimates that Montenegro has not provided the goals for preserving good ecological status of waters, according to the Water Framework Directive, given the planned and carried out significant degradation of numerous watercourses in the north of Montenegro, caused by the construction of hydroelectric facilities.

"We are seriously concerned about the planning and management of finances now estimated at 1.6 billion euros and whose amount is not to be reduced, but it is increasing compared to the estimated 1.4 billion in the previous year, and especially knowing that the state so far invested 200 million euros," the statement said. It is alleged that the country's critical state of unreadiness is related to waste management and the situation that two local governments have not established a waste management system by the law, while in the whole country there are only four wastewater treatment plants with unacceptable dynamics in the construction of new plants and sewers.

"After decades, the institutions are fighting with 350 illegal dumps, urban dumps, unknown quantities of landfills, waste in factions and different waste streams," said Coalition 27.

They recall that, according to the latest report of the World Health Organization Pljevlja, they are on the list of the most polluted cities in the world, despite all legal obligations and standards that limit the excessive emissions of polluting particles.

Coalition 27 argues that there is no long-term plan, either at the local or national level, to solve the problem, and so far the measures have not produced any effects. "Thermal power plants continue to pollute the air in Pljevlja without paying compensation for damage to human health and the environment."

"Instead, that the Government of Montenegro and the relevant ministry should seriously examine the problems and accumulated obligations in implementing regulations and invites all interested social actors to the necessary cooperation, they are conducting a campaign of discrediting the non-governmental sector and concealing the real situation in the public," the statement said.

Text by MINA, on December 9th, 2018, read more at Vijesti

10 Dec 2018, 14:08 PM

December 10, 2018 - In 2017 Turkey was ranked 9th as a foreign investor in Montenegro, and data for the nine months of 2018 show that Turkey is in the third place. This is a concrete result of high-quality political and diplomatic relations, and I expect that investments from the Turkish economy will be even more significant in 2019, said the Turkish Ambassador Serhat Galip during the meeting with the Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs Osman Nurkovic.

According to the Ministry of Transport, the meeting served to summarize the impressions and results of cooperation during the mandate of Ambassador Galip in our country.

With the assessment that the cooperation in the past period was at a very high level, Ambassador Galip expressed expectations that by appointing the new Ambassador of Turkey to Montenegro, communication will continue to be carried out in a quality manner with the support of the Montenegrin institutions.

As the Ambassador pointed out, the data show significant growth of the trade exchange trend and the focus will continue to be on the strengthening of the economic cooperation between the two countries.

Nurkovic thanked Galip for the commitment and engagement in developing diplomatic and friendly relations between Montenegro and Turkey.

"The appeal by Turkish diplomats to Turkish businessmen presenting our country as a stable investment destination is of great importance," said Nurkovic.

Especially unique are investments in northern Montenegro, bearing in mind the opportunities that exist, but the problems that citizens of this part of Montenegro encounter. "The work of the traffic department creates the preconditions for a better quality of life of citizens, primarily the construction and maintenance of road infrastructure, where it is definitely important to work on the realization of the project of construction of Bar-Boljare highway. The stronger development of northern Montenegro will affect the development of the whole country," the minister said. During the meeting there were talks about cooperation in other sectors in the field of education, there is a quality program of support for Montenegrin students in Turkey. As the ambassador pointed out, the Turkish government allocates certain funds for financing such programs, and it is up to us to jointly promote and create such and similar projects.

Text by CdM, on December 10th, 2018, read more at CdM

10 Dec 2018, 12:22 PM

December 10. 2018 - Every citizen of Montenegro annually uses an average of 400 to 600 plastic bags. No plastic bag is recycled in Montenegro, most often ending in nature. This is worrisome data, says Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulovic, and emphasizes that Montenegro will be in great danger if we do not start to address the problem. He announces the ban on the use of plastic bags and the introduction of a deposit for PET packaging.

For the average citizen of Montenegro, it is unthinkable to go a day without plastic bags and to go to a store with a reusable bag.
It is difficult to calculate if we use plastic bags because we pay for them, said the trade chains. Citizens perceive bills they have to pay as an attack on their budget rather than on the protection of the environment.
"A large number of consumers who have had a rather negative response to the payment of the bills, which lasts, are not accustomed to it, so we are forced to provide them with fewer bills we don't charge," said one trading chain PR Olivera Šuškavčević.
It is not just a plastic bag problem but the general plastic waste that we see at every turn. "Citizens are misbehaving because they throw waste where they shouldn't, but the role of local self-government and institutions is great regarding setting a system that will function and which citizens will have to respect," said Milica Kandić from the NGO "Green Home."
NGO "Zero Waste" submitted a petition to cancel the plastic bags at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism. "Biodegradable bags used in stores are hazardous. They slip into the microplastics, go to the ground and water, and end up on our plates, "said Olga Sanjina-Miranovic from NGO “Zero Waste."
There must be a solution to remove the most expensive plastic bags, but also the PET packaging, the Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism is aware. "We are also actively working on banning plastic bags and introducing a deposit for PET packaging although we will not substantially solve the problem," Radulovic said.
Accurate plastic waste data does not exist, but estimates say that every citizen of Montenegro uses, on average, 400 to 600 plastic bags per year, with no single recycled bag.
Source:  Marija Radulović, RTCG
10 Dec 2018, 11:48 AM
December 10, 2018 - Are you coming to Montenegro by train? Of course, this is only possible from Belgrade. It is the only international railway connection to Montenegro, which does not have a well-developed railway network on its territory. However, here is some useful information if you’re traveling by train to Montenegro.
You can travel by train from Podgorica to Bar and Niksic, as well as to Bijelo Polje within the regular railway traffic line with Belgrade. Apart from these cities, the railway station also exists in Sutomore.
The railway line Belgrade - Bar was built in 1976 and is one of the most difficult in Europe for exploitation. On the part of the strip through Montenegro, daily works are carried out to ensure a safer and faster movement of trains and increase the quality of service. The Montenegrin railway infrastructure, with its 825 employees, regulates traffic and maintains the railway, railway lines, contact networks, and power plant facilities. Most of the workshops, depots, and facilities for wagons and locomotives services are the same age as the railway, so for investments in vehicle maintenance, Montenegro engages companies from Serbia, Romania, Croatia, and Slovenia. The wagons and locomotives at the disposal of Montenegrin Railways' belong to the category of older vehicles. That sai, rail transport is not the best option for traveling through Montenegro.
Rail transport is significantly cheaper than buses or air transport. However, be armed with patience and bring some good books. Especially for the winter months, there are usually multiple delays on this line, primarily due to the scarcity of resources and possible weather conditions.
Still, the situation on our tracks has slightly improved. According to the reports available at the Montenegrin Railways website, the delays are all the better and are not as long-lasting. Also, some significant investments, supported by European Funds, are being announced to improve the railway infrastructure.
In cooperation with NGO "European Youth Center," Montenegro's Railway Transport has become one of the partners of the "European Youth Card" project (EYCA). This cooperation implies that young people (students) who are beneficiaries of the European Youth Card when traveling on Montenegro's lines will have the opportunity of a 50% discount on a regular ticket price. The European Youth Card is a benefit card for young people that allow young people to use over 100 cuts in Montenegro and over 70,000 discounts across Europe. Seat reservations in 1st and 2nd-grade classes for international trains is mandatory and is  €3.
In the commercial sense, Montenegro's Railway Transport offers a whole range of privileges that passengers can use: for groups of 6 and more passengers, they are allowed discount ticket prices by 30%, for groups of 12 and more passengers it is 50%. Children 6 to 14 years old pay 50% of the discounted adult fare. Children up to the age of 6 travel free of charge if traveling with someone with a ticket. For groups of more than 20 passengers, use of the sleeping and tasting room is possible with a 20% discount.
In addition to this, passengers can also use other travel options at discounted rates in international rail traffic. Passengers could opt for the BALKAN FLEXIPASS package, which offers the possibility of traveling by rail to Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at very favorable prices.
Unfortunately, you cannot get to your tickets in Montenegro online. It is necessary that you go to one of the branches of Montenegrin Railways. The only agency offering ticket booking services for rail transport is in Ulcinj.
Podgorica + 38220 / 441-209; 441-003
Sutomore + 38230 / 301-692
Bar + 38230 / 301-619; 301-624
Bijelo Polje + 38250 / 478-560
Nikšić + 38269 / 363-582; + 38240 / 211-912
09 Dec 2018, 23:29 PM
December 9, 2018 - A company that will build and renovate mega yachts in Bijela should start running in 2020, said Danilo Kalezić, Porto Montenegro PR, and added that it would employ about 300 people.
"We are finally working on getting together with the prestigious Dutch company Damen and the Government of Montenegro to develop a serious factory for superyachts of up to 120 meters. This is a serious project we have been working on since 2012," said Kalezić to Infobiro.
Representatives of the Government and the consortium of Adriatic Marinas, the company managing Porto Montenegro, and the Dutch company Damen, signed a concession agreement for the commercial use of the shipyard in Bijela at the end of November for 30 years.
This is a space in the fenced-off area of the ship's port with operational shore and gulls, with a total area of 108 thousand square meters. The surface under construction works is a little over 25 thousand square meters.
The concession contract, among other things, exceeds the EUR 20 million investments in the first three years since the start of the investment program, and in the fifth year of operating the employment should be more than 300 workers.
"We hope that in 2020 the factory will be put into operation. The factory will employ about 300 people," Kalezić said.
The Minister of Traffic and Maritime Affairs, Osman Nurkovic, said earlier that he was satisfied with the signing of the concession contract and that it was a good project for the state and the lessor.
He believes rental benefits will soon be seen through the valorization of the former shipyard in Bijela - construction and servicing of mega yachts and employment of many people.
Bankruptcy at the Adriatic Shipyard in Bijela was introduced in 2015 at the proposal of the Tax Administration, due to a debt of six million euros. Since then, over 70% of claims have been settled by selling assets, mostly large and small.
In September last year, the bankruptcy board approved the sale of the company's property in the concession area, a consortium of Adriatic Marinas and Damen for EUR 2.65 million.
This consortium was the only one to submit a bid for the concession for the commercial use of the port of Bijela.
Source: MINA
09 Dec 2018, 21:53 PM
December 9, 2018 - San Giovanni, the fortress of Kotor, is one of the most fascinating segments of the architectural heritage of Boka Bay and one of the Montenegrin cultural monuments of the most significant interest of tourists. Besides the fact that it is a masterpiece of defense architecture, San Giovanni equally fascinates with breathtaking views over the Old town of Kotor and the surrounding area. 
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Together with the old town and its natural surroundings, the fortifications were inscribed in the list of World Heritage Sites in 1979 labeled Natural and Cultural-Historical Region of Kotor. The fortified city of Kotor, including San Giovanni, was also included in UNESCO's World Heritage Site list as part of Venetian Works of Defence between 15th and 17th centuries.  
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San Giovanni is an idyllic destination for a half-day trip, an opportunity to indulge yourself in a light mountain-hiking tour, but also to take some photos to try to preserve fascination, which nature here, supported by a skilled builder, offers literally on every step.
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The San Giovanni hill rises over Kotor to about 280 meters above sea level. The name originates from the church of the same name, which was first mentioned in 1440 and was located in the main fortress at the very top, and it was dedicated to St. John the Baptist and served for the needs of the army, which guarded the city walls. The total length of the rampart is over four kilometers, a thickness of two to sixteen meters, and the height reaches some places up to twenty meters. Walls climb along San Giovanni's hill like the snakes and curve, adapting to the murky shape of the rocks, demonstrating an exceptional building technique, which still admonishes today, despite the no-go-lucky condition of the ramparts and forts. The project for reconstruction of the fortress of Kotor is still not systematically and systematically implemented, although much has recently been said about the necessity of an emergency action to rehabilitate and preserve this exceptional monument of culture.
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The fortress and the ramparts, the fortified complex was created for centuries, and the beginning of the construction of the city walls was linked to the Roman Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. The integrated old fortification system that protected the medieval town of Kotor contains ramparts, towers, citadels, gates, bastions, forts, cisterns, a castle, and ancillary buildings and structures, that incorporate military architecture of Illyria, Byzantium, Venice, and Austria. The majority of actual appearance and form came during the XV to the XVII century, so that for Kotor's fortress is considered of the most powerful that Venice has built in its Adriatic lands.
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On the way to the top, somewhere halfway, there is a famous sanctuary, earlier called the Our Lady of Rest, and from the other half of the XVII century of Our Lady of Health celebrating November 21st. In the church is the tomb of the famous Kotor's family Bolica and in front of the church count Anton Lukovic's tomb. Our Lady of Health is an ecumenical sanctuary, which on this holiday is equally visited by Orthodox and Catholics, residents of Kotor.
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The fact is that San Giovanni fortress is not in a good state, but in this condition it fascinates by the harmony of architecture, the skill of the building hand, the resistance of the dry-stone path, which, stays along the most part of the road against rainwater and the tooth of time over 500 years.

San Giovanni Excursion Useful Tips:

Entrance to San Giovanni is 3 euros.
Take a sunny day for an excursion to San Giovanni. It is not pleasant when it rains because there are not many places where you could hide.
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Be sure you are in proper walking shoes. It will not hurt you to bring mountaineering shoes if you own them. Although the road is not in bad condition and safe, it is a high slope of the terrain, and the stone path has been thrown out for ages.
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Do not take a trip to San Giovanni without water. There is no other way to heal your thirst.
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As we all walk with mobile phones, we do not need to remind you to take a camera. San Giovanni hill, that in a tectonic movement disobeyed the wild sides of Lovcen and overtook the deepest bay of Boka Bay, together with the fortress of San Giovanni, for centuries, forcing the ancient Kotor, just place you in the position of a participant who wants to keep the impression forever. We all have illusion photos could help.
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09 Dec 2018, 20:38 PM

09 December 2018 - The street food industry has always been present but has never enjoyed such publicity and glory as it does today. Every day people are increasingly looking for a quick and cheap meal which is the main offer of portable booths and other catering facilities of the kind. Street food vending offer includes a various selection of ready-to-eat meals, snacks, fruits, and drinks.

The administration of Kotor Municipality recognized the convenience of ready-to-eat food or drink sold by a hawker, or vendor, in a street or other public place to tourists. The Directorate for Development and Construction of Kotor has published a public call for lease for temporary use of portable booths for sale of cakes, pastries, “ruštule” (appetizer often served in Bay of Kotor), crepes, sausages, small fish and shellfish, French fries, boiled wine and other hot and cold drinks at the location of the city promenade. Street food is generally convenient and cheap and quite simple regarding preparation and ingredients. Still, the few bites eaten on the streets of an exciting destination is often a perfect way to sample some authentic local cuisine.

Street Food in Kotor for the Holidays3

As stated in the public call, the term for issuing a portable booth is from December 14, 2018, to January 20, 2019. This means that people from Kotor, as well as tourists from the country and abroad, will be able to enjoy freshly made home specialties from Kotor and from all over Montenegro. The number of booths is limited, which means that only the very best vendors can secure a place there. It is especially worth a visit during the holiday seasons, since Kotor offers rich New Year programme (you can read about it here). Come hungry as the food stalls will offer delicious food and you’ll certainly want to pop into a nearby pub for a pint at the end!

Working hours are set in advance, from 10 am to 9 pm, except on December 30, December 31, January 1 and January 2, when the working time is extended to 1 am.

09 Dec 2018, 20:30 PM

December 9, 2018 - With the concert of two great musicians, violoncellist Dmitry Prokofiev, and pianist Ratimir Martinovic, the fourth concert season started with the concert organized by the Music School "Vida Matjan" and KotorArt Festival Don Branko Days of Music.


Photo Parteli Kotor

Prokofiev and Martinovic performed an exciting and demanding program in front of the numerous audience made from the compositions of Shuman, Shubert, Schnittke, and Shedrina. In the introductory speech, the school director Laura Jovanović reminded of the importance of such a practical improvement of school pupils, as well as the fact that most guest artists and professors from the local and regional art faculties held free workshops for pupils of the school.


Photo Parteli Kotor

Mayor of Kotor Vladimir Jokić said in his speech that one of the ideas of this season is that "in the days when the coastal towns are mildly melancholy, bearing the depression of rainy days, we awaken the sleepy town and disperse the weight of the south with the music."


Photo Parteli Kotor

Kotor concert season will last until June, during which its focus will be on the cello, as a deficit instrument in Montenegro about young musicians.


Photo Parteli Kotor

The audience in Kotor and Montenegro will have the opportunity to listen to the best pupils at the festive school concerts from Christmas to Christmas, during the Days of Kamelija, on the eve of the school day, artists from the domestic scene like pianist Bojan Martinović and violinist Vujadin Krivokapić, regional musicians like concert cellist Sandra Belić and Irina Josifoska and the opera ensemble of the Academy of Arts in Osijek, as well as internationally acclaimed musicians such as the Polish Krakowsky duo Kalinovski-Selezer (cello-piano), who performed already on Tuesday, December 11th, in the hall of St. Duha in Kotor.

Text by CdM, on December 7th 2018, read more at CdM

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