
27 Jul 2020, 13:06 PM

July 27, 2020 - Sometimes a single word can say so much. One such word is "Monticola".

Monticola is a genus of birds, of which there are two species in Montenegro. Monticola is also a Latin word for mountaineer, a man of hills and mountains.

The word "monticola", chosen by the well-established Centre for the Protection and Study of Birds (CZIP), was therefore the obvious choice for the name of the agency to promote Montenegro as a future bird-watching destination.  

The Monticola Agency was recently registered with its own website (, offers and packages made available, and future guides passed all the necessary training and received licenses. Yet, the coronavirus epidemic put a stop to plans.

Or rather, hit the pause button.

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Black-Winged Stilt Photo: Marija Šoškić


“From the outset we wanted to use a bird species in the name. Monticola is a genus of birds of which there are two species - Monticola saxatilis, common rock thrush, and Monticola solitarius - blue rock thrush. One complements the other and together they cover most of Montenegro, and yet they are not so common and easy to see. Their secrecy best describes Montenegro, a country with hidden corners waiting to be discovered. "Monticola" is a Latin word meaning mountaineer, a man of hills and mountains, an epithet that best describes the inhabitants of our country," say Ivan Bakić and Bojan Zeković.


One of the fastest-growing branches of tourism

Bakić is also the Executive Director of the Monticola Agency, and Zeković, who is a long-standing ornithologist with the CZIP, and a licenced a tourist guide, will in future be taking enthusiasts on tours and bird-watching outings.

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Dwarf Owl Photo: Marija Šoškić


Bird watching is one of the fastest growing branches of tourism, at least it was until the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic.

In Montenegro, according to the CZIP and the Monticola Agency, this activity has only just gained momentum.

"One possible concern for us is that we started all our preparations just before the epidemiological crisis, so it may be that we will not be particularly successful. It is difficult to say what eco-tourism, of which our activity is part, will look like after the end of the pandemic. But so far it has been the fastest growing branch of tourism. Our activity is something that complements the classic very time-limited summer season, because its focus is on the period before and after the season - spring and autumn," says Bakić.

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Yellow Wagtail Photo: Zoran Popović


So what can Montenegro offer birders? A lot, says Bakić, speaking to Vijesti.

"The advantage of Montenegro in the foreign market is our biological diversity. In a very small area we have exceptional dynamics of landscape, and thus habitats, and following on from that, species. In addition to this we should not forget the people, especially the villages, and the cultural and traditional heritage aspects of life here, being different and well-preserved in relation to the rest of Europe. Something that seems neglected to an ordinary person, is essentially untouched nature, as it should look in the whole of Europe, but unfortunately is not the case," says Bakić.

Montenegro following Slovenia?

In Montenegro, several areas of international importance for birds (IBA) have been singled out. Among them are Šasko Lake, Ulcinjska Solana, Skadar Lake, Biogradska Gora and Durmitor.

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Hoopoe Photo: Marija Šoškić


Those areas were added to the IBA list before 2000, thanks at that time to ornithologists from Serbia. The CZIP, meanwhile, has identified at least 13 more potential IBA areas in the country, but these have not yet received official status.

"For the time being, we remain with the same number of official IBA areas. Birdlife International will be carrying out an audit soon and we will be contributing to this based on the knowledge we have gained through our research over the years. A lot of work has also been done through research for potential Natura 2000 sites, where areas of special protection have been recorded and proposed, and where 55 percent of the territory meets the criteria for protection. For now, only one other European country has such a high percentage of its area protected - Slovenia, which is considered the green capital of Europe," CZIP states.

According to the latest census, 349 bird species have been registered in Montenegro so far. Zeković says that four new species have been recorded, and that it is natural for numbers to increase, because ornithologists are increasingly present in the field.

And here, he adds, in addition to research, bird watchers also play a big role.

"They record and enter data and confirm that more 'eyes on the ground' means more opportunities to find something new and interesting," says Zeković. He also explains that the richness of the bird fauna of a country is observed and confirmed through the total number of registered species or, more often, the number of nesting species. As many as 213 species of birds nest in Montenegro.

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Yellowhammer Photo: Marija Šoškić


Zeković explains that this nest density index in Montenegro is significantly above the Balkan average; the Balkan average is 0.435, while the nest density index in Montenegro is 0.562.

"This is due to the diversity of habitats - from the coast, through salt pans, freshwater lakes, semi-steppes, canyons, dense forests, mountain plateaus and high mountain peaks. On the other hand, it is also due to the fact that Montenegro is located on one of the four most important bird corridors in Europe - the Adriatic Migration Corridor (Adriatic Flyway), through which millions of birds migrate to and from Africa every year," he said.

The State not recognizing potential

He adds that, compared to other European countries, 213 species nesting in Montenegro is a relatively high number, if we take into account that Montenegro is one of the smallest European countries.

"For example, Montenegro is 39th in terms of area, while in terms of the number of nesting birds it is in 23rd place, just below Hungary, which is almost seven times bigger than Montenegro. Also, there are more nesting birds in Montenegro than there are Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Denmark, Slovenia or Switzerland," says Zeković.

When it comes to birds, the statistics look good for Montenegro. However, the state has not yet tapped the potential of bird watching as a branch of eco-tourism.

"This type of tourism has been totally neglected, especially bearing in mind the potential it has. In previous years, tours were led by foreign guides who, by coincidence, or borne simply out of desire and love, knew our country very well. The first bird watchers therefore came with foreign agencies, and foreign guides. CZIP has previously held workshops for guides and locals on this topic, either working with other organizations or independently, under its own auspices," says Bakić.

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Little Egret Photo: Marija Šoškić


Monticola organizes bird watching on Lake Skadar, on the territory of the Prokletije National Park and Ulcinj Saltworks.

The original tour prices have now been adjusted, but are still high, given domestic circumstances.

A visit to Lake Skadar costs 1,100 euros, or 900 euros with the reduction. Bird watching in the north - on Durmitor, Biogradska Gora and Prokletije, cost 1,500 or now 1,200 euros, with the discount. "In the beginning, our focus was entirely on the foreign market, with two thematic tours that cover the north and the south.

This is especially due to the fact that these two tours cover different species, habitat types and climatic conditions.

Someone who comes from Finland will not want to spend a vacation in the forest and mountains, but on the coast, observing species that they cannot see in their own country.

The same goes for visitors from Mediterranean countries who will appreciate the three-toed woodpecker more than the flamingos from the Ulcinj saltworks.

This means that each in addition, each package must be adapted not only to the country from which the visitor comes, but also to his or her interests - being simply a nature lover or a so-called “twitcher”, a person who has a list of species he wants to see during his stay, which is not so easy with birds, because they are unpredictable, explains Bakić.

For CZIP and the Monticola Agency, the Western European market is crucial.

"Western Europe is the key inbound market for us; these are countries that have a highly-developed culture of bird watching, for example in Great Britain and the Netherlands. The situation with the current pandemic has, of course, had a very negative effect on our business, as is the case all over the world, but we are adapting, monitoring the situation and hoping that there is a future for our business. In the coming period, trips of smaller groups in search of a vacation surrounded by nature will become more and more popular, and that is exactly what we offer," says Bakić.

They say that they are certainly considering bird watching options for the local population and add that the goal is to continue with activities in what is the primary job of CZIP - nature protection based on research.

Speaking to Vijesti, they explain that while they are observing birds with the visitors, they are not limited to just that during the tour.

"A successful and experienced guide will introduce you to all the important plants and butterflies you see, mammals whose tracks you come across, they will provide information about conservation of the habitat, its function, threats and its beauty. In addition, bird watching is not a luxury form of tourism, which means that it brings together nature lovers who want to support the local population through traditional accommodation, local cuisine, local products and contact with people living in areas that are important for the survival of certain species," say Bakić and Zeković.


A vital connection

Bird watching in Montenegro has so far only been organized by Lake Skadar National Park. Now CZIP is also offering packages, and bird watching on Ćemovsko Polje has also been announced.

CZIP says that it is vital for everyone who offers similar services to connect. "Bird watching is a relatively new tourist activity in Montenegro, and we must connect all stakeholders - national and local tourism organizations, national parks, those who offer accommodation, guides, all this in order to promote Montenegro as an interesting new market for this type of tourism. We have already taken some steps in that direction towards connecting, and we are especially glad that there are some similar initiatives with tourism organizations recognizing that bird watching can significantly enrich what their municipalities can offer tourists," stated CZIP.

A few years ago, CZIP trained several guides in bird watching at Ulcinj Saltworks.

“The intention was to involve the local population and provide a source of income for young people from Ulcinj. Despite the good will, the project did not come to fruition at that time because there were problems accessing Solana. Those obstacles have now been removed, so we hope that after the end of the epidemic we will still be able to build on the capacities we discovered within the young talented people in Ulcinj, who would certainly do the job with love and pride," the NGO states.


All proceeds to go towards nature protection

CZIP points out that all revenue generated by providing services through a travel agency will be reinvested in the work of NGOs.

"More precisely, the income goes directly into nature protection. CZIP has been organizing volunteer tours for years, so we wanted to use this experience to respond to the requests of those who wanted to hire us and thus support our work and mission, but could not do so due to legal restrictions. Providing tourist services doesn’t just mean managing tours, but also implies responsibility for clients, primarily their safety and well-being, and then also the provision of quality, which is ensured by legal provisions. In that sense, we aim to respond to the requirements of the state, so that our tours, unlike many in the region, are led by ornithologists who additionally and importantly have a tourist guide's license," said Bakić.

An online store is also available on the Monticola website. On, those interested can find souvenirs, bags, t-shirts, posters and many other items with bird motifs.

"All the products can be bought directly from the agency's website in order to be able to pay the necessary taxes, but all the revenue that Monticola makes through its business - organizing tours or through web shops - goes to nature protection programmes implemented by CZIP," the organization states. 



27 Jul 2020, 12:47 PM

July 27, 2020 - The Institute of Public Health completed yesterday PCR analysis of 407 samples for the new coronavirus, among which 52 results were positive. No further COVID-19 related deaths were reported, and the total number of confirmed deaths since the beginning of June remains at 34. Seventy-five infected people recovered, bringing the total number of currently active COVID-19 cases in Montenegro to 2017.

The National Coordinating Body updated a set of measures in place to combat the spread of COVID-19 infection. All rules shall be in force until there is no further risk of coronavirus spreading; this is the case except for rules for which a period of application is specified.


1. Wearing protective masks outdoors and indoors is mandatory throughout Montenegro, including for children older than seven years, except on beaches and national parks, subject to physical distance and previously prescribed measures.

2. Companies and entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade, including green markets, as well as state bodies, administrative bodies, local self-government bodies, public institutions and other entities of public authority, banks, post offices and other legal entities, are obliged to designate one or more persons responsible for controlling whether citizens/service users wear protective masks and respect the measure of minimum mutual physical distance.


3. The gathering of persons is limited to a maximum of 40 persons in open public places and 20 persons in closed, with the obligation to respect a physical distance of at least two meters. (This obligation does not apply to residential buildings.);

4. Political rallies in open public places are prohibited;

5. The presence of spectators at sports events is prohibited;

6. Religious gatherings in open public places are prohibited, except on the territory of consecrated religious buildings (it is recommended to religious communities to perform religious rites without the presence of citizens in religious buildings);

7. Acceptance of condolences is prohibited. Funerals are performed exclusively in the immediate circle of the family.

8. Private gatherings (weddings, prom nights, birthdays, etc.) are prohibited.

The measure is applied until August 6, 2020, when the application can be extended.


9. Civil servants, state employees, and employees working in local self-government bodies are prohibited from traveling abroad, except in cases when the trip is of state interest, with the prior consent of the head of the body.

10. It is forbidden to organize all school excursions, trips, educational gatherings, etc. abroad.

11. International passenger rail traffic has been suspended.

12. International road, sea, and air transport remains operational with countries and through the territory of countries on the "green list" consisting of: the Member States of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden) and Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Fiji, Philippines, Georgia, Indonesia, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Seychelles, Senegal, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia.

13. International air traffic remains operational with Ukraine and Belarus with control of passengers during embarkation and disembarkation and fulfillment of other conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

14. Off-line traffic with countries that are not on the "green list" functions in such a way that the group of passengers is transported from the departure point to the destination. Passenger entry and exit are excluded.


15. Entry into Montenegro is permitted for every Montenegin citizen with permanent residence in Montenegro and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro:
- No additional restrictions are in place if the passenger meets all three of the following conditions:
1: Is a resident of one of the "green list" countries or has resided for at least 15 days before entering Montenegro in a country on the "green list,"
2: Did not stay in any country outside the "green list" 15 days before entering Montenegro, and
3: Did not travel to or through the countries outside the "green list" except in transit (transit is non-stop travel, as evidenced by travel documentation).

The "Green list" countries are: the Member States of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden) and Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Fiji, Philippines, Georgia, Indonesia, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Seychelles, Senegal, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia.

- Travelers may enter with a negative PCR, ELISA or ECLIA test result for COVID-19 no more than 72 hours old if the following three conditions are met:
1: He/She is a resident of one of the countries from the previous "green list" or the following "amber list" or has resided at least 15 days before entering Montenegro in the country from the "green list" or the "amber list," and
2: did not stay in countries outside the "green" or "amber" lists in the period from the 15th day before entering Montenegro until the day of entry, and
3: did not travel to or through any of the countries outside the "green list "and "amber list" except in transit (transit is non-stop travel, as evidenced by travel documentation).

The "Amber List" countries are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Kosovo, Israel, and Singapore.

The testing requirement does NOT apply to children under the age of five.

- Citizens of Montenegro with permanent residence in Montenegro and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro entering the country from one of the countries outside the previous two lists are sent upon entry into institutional isolation or self-isolation for 14 days.

Self-isolation means staying in family accommodation or another facility with restricted movement and monitoring of the isolated individual's health condition, as well as that of all members of his or her joint family household. The competent epidemiological service monitors the health condition following the Sanitary Inspection's decision.

Institutional isolation means accommodation in a facility intended for self-isolation and stay of persons who have tested positive for new coronavirus and have no symptoms of the disease, do not require medical treatment, but must be under the supervision of health workers, based on the decision of the Sanitary Inspection.


16. Entry into Montenegro is allowed to foreign citizens under the following conditions:
- No additional restrictions if he/she meets all three of the following terms:
1: is a resident of one of the countries on the "green list" or has stayed for at least 15 days in a country on the "green list" before entering Montenegro, and
2: during the 15 days before entering Montenegro did not stay in one of the countries outside the "green list," and
3: did not travel to or through any countries outside the "green list" except in transit, proved by travel documentation).

Green list: the Member States of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden) and Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Fiji, Philippines, Georgia, Indonesia, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Seychelles, Senegal, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia.

- With a negative PCR, or ELISA or ECLIA test result for COVID-19 no more than 72 hours old if he/she meets all three of the following conditions:

1: Is a resident of one of the countries on the "green list" or the "amber list" or has stayed at least 15 days before entering Montenegro in a country on the "green list" or the "amber list" 2: Did not stay in any of the countries outside the "green" or "amber" lists in the period from the 15th day before entering Montenegro until the day of entry,                                                    3: Did not travel to or through any of the countries outside the "green list" and the "amber list" except in transit (transit is non-stop travel, as evidenced by inspecting travel documentation).

Amber List: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Kosovo, Israel, and Singapore.

The testing requirement does NOT apply to children under the age of five.

Residents of countries outside the previous two lists can't enter Montenegro unless they have proof (stamp in the passport) that they have spent at least 15 days until the day of entry into Montenegro in one of the countries from the "green list." (European Union countries - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden, and Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Fiji, Philippines, Georgia, Indonesia, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Seychelles, Senegal, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, United Emirates, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia) and that they did not visit countries outside this list during that period.

International air travel remains operational to Montenegro for residents of Ukraine and Belarus, with passenger control during embarkation and disembarkation and fulfillment of other conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

NOTE: Upon entry, the individual's country of residence is taken into account, not the country of which he is a national if it is not the same state.


17. Following the European Commission's recommendations, specific categories of persons required for the normal functioning of vital services and persons of clear economic interest are excluded from the above criteria. The Institute of Public Health prescribes special conditions for entry and movement through Montenegro for:
- Health professionals, health researchers, and scientists;
- Persons who perform or provide transport of passengers and goods;
- Diplomats accredited in Montenegro, staff of international organizations, military personnel, and humanitarian aid workers performing their functions
- Specific categories of passengers in transit;
- Persons in need of international protection or coming to Montenegro for other humanitarian reasons (the principle of nonrefoulement is respected).

ENTRY TO MONTENEGRO - EXCEPTIONS - non-commercial and occasional air traffic (so-called general aviation)

18. The entry of foreign nationals who come to Montenegro by non-commercial air transport, regardless of the country of origin, is permitted, subject to the following temporary measures:
- If the aircraft comes from one of the countries from the "green list," there are no additional restrictions when entering.
Green list: the Member States of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden) and Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brunei, Fiji, Philippines, Georgia, Indonesia, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Seychelles, Senegal, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Zambia.
- If the aircraft comes from the Republic of Serbia, passengers and crew must have a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 not older than 72 hours, issued by a registered laboratory, following the Institute of Public Health recommendations of Montenegro and have a reservation in hotel accommodation if staying in Montenegro. The aircraft operator must submit a request for flight approval to the airport operator 48 hours before the planned flight, which, in addition to regular information, must contain the name and surname of passengers and crew if they are staying in Montenegro. The airport operator reserves the right to approve or reject the flight.

After entering Montenegro, health surveillance measures are taken regarding these passengers, following the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro. For the arrival/departure of passengers from the passenger terminal to the accommodation, special transport must be arranged, following the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

- If the aircraft comes from another country, passengers and crew must have a negative PCR, ELISA, or ECLIA test for COVID-19 not older than 72 hours when entering Montenegro.

After entering Montenegro, health surveillance measures are taken regarding these passengers, following the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro. For the arrival/departure of passengers from the passenger terminal to the accommodation, special transport must be arranged, following the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

When staying in a hotel or other accommodation, passengers are obliged to apply the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

The testing requirement does NOT apply to children under the age of five.


19. It is possible for residents of neighboring "amber list" countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania) to transit through Montenegro between "amber list" countries without the obligation to have a PCR, ELISA or ECLIA test.

In order to fulfil transit conditions, the time of entry into Montenegro, passing checkpoints and leaving Montenegro, is recorded. 


20. All border crossings for entry into Montenegro are open EXCEPT for the following:
- Vraćenovići on the road Nikšić - Bileća, which was closed on February 27 due to the construction of border infrastructure; and
- Towing on the road Rožaje - Tutin, which was closed on June 20 to suppress the transmission of coronavirus from the Republic of Serbia.

21. The entry of passengers into Montenegro from Bosnia and Herzegovina is NOT POSSIBLE through the border crossings Šćepan Polje on the road Plužine - Foča, and Meteljka on the Pljevlja - Čajniče road.

At these crossings, passengers can leave Montenegro and goods can travel in both directions.


22. The measure of self-isolation is of the following duration:
- 21 days for persons who have been or are suspected of being in contact with persons suffering from the new coronavirus or with persons suspected of having the disease.
- Until recovery, and for at least 21 days for persons who have had a positive PCR test for the new coronavirus, have mild symptoms or no symptoms of the disease.

Measures are determined based on the Sanitary Inspection's decision, following the Protocol for the treatment of patients and contacts of COVID-19 patients of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

Self-isolation means staying in family accommodation or another facility with restricted movement with monitoring of the individual's health condition, as well as that of all members of his joint family household. The competent epidemiological service monitors their health condition based on the Sanitary Inspection's decision.

23. The measure of institutional isolation is required for:
- persons who have been hospitalized and meet the criteria for recovery under the Protocol of treatment of patients and contacts of COVID-19 patients of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro and have a negative test result before the end of the period from 21 days from the day of diagnosis of the infection (the first positive test for SARS-CoV-2).

- persons who have been hospitalized, meet the criteria for recovery, and have a positive control test result, following the Protocol of treatment of patients and contacts COVID- 19 patients of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

Exceptionally, a measure of self-isolation may be imposed on these persons, if the conditions are met for accommodation in self-isolation.
Self-isolation means staying in family accommodation or another facility with restricted movement and monitoring of the individual's health condition, as well as that of all members of his/her joint family household. The competent epidemiological service monitors the health condition following the Sanitary Inspection's decision.

Institutional isolation means accommodation in a facility intended for self-isolation and stay of persons who have tested positive for new coronavirus and have no symptoms of the disease. The individual does not require medical treatment, but must be under the supervision of health workers, based on the decision of the Sanitary Inspection.

24. The measure of obligatory quarantine or self-isolation is required for a period of 14 days for any citizen or resident of Montenegro who comes from one of the countries with which international passenger traffic is not permitted. This measure is based on the decision of the Sanitary Inspection, following the Protocol for the treatment of patients and contacts of COVID-19 patients of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

Self-isolation means staying in family accommodation or another facility, with restricted movement and monitoring of the individual's health condition, as well as that of all members of his/her joint family household. The competent epidemiological service monitors the health condition following the Sanitary Inspection's decision.

Institutional isolation means accommodation in a facility intended for self-isolation and stay of persons positive for new coronavirus who have no symptoms of the disease. The individual does not require medical treatment under these circumstances, but must be under the supervision of health workers based on the decision of the Sanitary Inspection.


25. Visits to persons undergoing hospital treatment in health care institutions and persons housed in social and childcare institutions are prohibited.


26. Visits to detainees and persons serving a prison sentence under the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions are prohibited, except for lawyers and court experts by court decision.


27. Training of athletes, and sports competitions and tournaments taking place in a sports facility (indoor and outdoor sports facility - courts and swimming pools) are to be organized without spectators, ensuring that the owners and users of sports facilities apply the following temporary measures:

- Mandatory disinfection of equipment for training, competitions, and tournaments, and items shared by athletes, following the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro; and
- Respect for personal hygiene measures - regular hand hygiene, before and after the completion of the activity.

28. Companies and entrepreneurs who provide services in fitness centers and gyms are obliged to organize the facility so that only one person per 10 m2 can stay in be present at any one time. The presence of more than 20 people is not permitted, and there is an obligation to respect a physical distance of at least two meters and to ensure compliance with other measures, following the instructions of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

29. Cyclists are not obliged to wear protective masks during individual rides or joint rides of members of the same family household. Cyclists in a group must wear protective face coverings.

30. Users of unofficial bathing areas are obliged to respect a distance of at least 2m, except for members of a joint family household.


31. In private and public health institutions, employees and patients are required to wear protective masks.

32. Dental health ambulances are obliged to organize the work in such a way as to provide a system of mandatory patient appointments. Only one patient can stay in a waiting room of 10m². The owner is obliged to provide means for the disinfection of patients' hands when entering/leaving the office, as well as ensuring that all employees respect work procedures and wear personal protective equipment, following the recommendations of the IPPC and the Dental Chamber of Montenegro.

33. Other health care institutions are obliged to:
- Ensure that all patients wear protective masks during their stay in the health institution (with some exceptions regarding the patient's clinical condition and ensuring that the covering does not compromise the patient's respiratory function) and ensure respect for a physical distance of at least 2m between patients,
- Clearly and visibly display notifications on temporary measures prescribed for prevention and control of the new coronavirus,
- Provide means for the disinfection of patients' hands at the entrance/exit of the health institution.


34. The work of first-instance social-medical commissions in social and child protection within centers for social work has been suspended.


35. Educational work in public and private educational institutions, as well as in preschool institutions, is suspended.
36. During the validity of the aforementioned measure, one of the parents/guardians / foster parents / adoptive parents or single parents of preschool children are provided with the right to paid leave from work, except for employees in health, courts, state prosecutor's office, Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Ministry of Defense, the National Security Agency, the Ministry of Interior, the Police Administration, the Customs Administration, the Tax Administration, the Real Estate Administration, the State Treasury Directorate in the Ministry of Finance working on the implementation of the Economy and the Employee Support Program.


37. Nightclubs and discos are to remain closed.
The measure will be applied until August 6, 2020, when its application may be extended.

38. Catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, hotel restaurants, and similar catering facilities), including catering facilities on beaches, are limited from 06:00 to 24:00.

39. Companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs performing catering activities in catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, hotel restaurants, and similar catering facilities) in the capital Podgorica, the Capital Cetinje and the municipalities: Pljevlja, Plužine, Žabljak, Šavnik, Nikšić, Danilovgrad, Tuzi, Kolašin, Mojkovac, Bijelo Polje, Berane, Andrijevica, Petnjica, Plav, Rožaje, and Gusinje, are obliged to organize their work, in such a way that:
- A maximum of two guests can sit at a table inside the catering facility, or four guests on the terrace/garden of the facility;
- Self-service options are not provided, including waiting and standing at the bar;
- They provide a distance of at least 2 m between tables,
- They provide regular maintenance of hygiene and disinfection of common areas, furniture, equipment, etc., following the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro.

40. Companies, legal entities, and entrepreneurs engaged in catering and performance of entertainment and music programs are obliged to organize their program in such a way that:
- Singers and musicians, and members of any band/orchestra respect each other's physical distance of at least 2m and wear protective masks when performing, except for singers and musicians who play wind instruments;
- They provide a physical distance between guests and singers and musicians of at least 4m. If this is not possible, they must separate guests and musicians with transparent plexiglass plates/panels at least 2m high;
- They ensure no games and dancing.


41. The obligation for legal and private persons who perform construction works is to organize their work in such a way that:
- They ensure respect for epidemiological measures, especially respecting social distancing between employees, alongside other rules for the protection of health at work;
- A visible place on the construction site displays a notice on the prescribed temporary measures for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus;
- All employees who perform construction work on the construction site, during working hours, are prohibited from leaving the construction site to purchase groceries.;
- They deliver food to employees who perform construction work on the construction site;
- During the organized transport of employees to and from the construction site (bus or van), they ensure physical distancing.


42. Permanent residence permits, temporary residence permits, and temporary residence and work permits for foreigners which have expired, are considered valid until October 7, 2020, if other conditions prescribed by law are met.

43. The Police Directorate is obliged to register foreigners residing in Montenegro on a temporary residence and work permit - following the Law on Foreigners whose stay in Montenegro must not exceed three years - in the Register of visits up to 90 days, without the foreign resident in question being obliged to leave Montenegro, i.e., to obtain a visa.

44. Foreigners whose right to stay for up to 90 days expired after March 15, 2020, following the Law on Foreigners, are allowed to remain in Montenegro until October 7, 2020.

26 Jul 2020, 12:58 PM
July 26, 2020 - KotorArt Don Branko's Music Days, in the search for new forms of art communication, has pioneered several new ideas, continually reflecting on and upgrading them. One of them is "Music of Boka," which, due to its unique energy, caused very positive reactions and cordial feelings among the residents of Kotor.
Thanks to Music of Boka concept, several days a week, residents of the Old Town of Kotor, Dobrota, Kamp, Sveti Stasije, Mua, Prcanj, and Perast wake up to the sounds of the Boka Navy Circle performed by Kotor musicians, who are closely connected either with the Festival or the City Music of Kotor. In the early hours of the morning, these festival musicians play from a boat using the sea as a perfect sound transmitter and the hills that surround the bay as an ideal acoustic box. 
The repertoire, which is exclusively composed of the Boka Navy Circle, is perfectly chosen with conscious intention.
The traditional circuit is one of the essential elements of the Boka Navy's recognizability, known as the Circle of St. Tripun, and is a combination of medieval sacred and later secular aspects from the life of sailors. There is no singing, but there is one poetic text, written at the end of the 19th century by Pavo Božov Kamenarović, a naval captain from Dobrota. The verses highlight the national revival ideas in the 1960s, when breadth, civic and religious tolerance, and a sense of brotherhood, otherwise so cherished in Boka, were clearly emphasized.
The idea of ​​the Festival, to wake up Boka's inhabitants with the sounds of the Boka Navy's Circle, comes from the verses:
All together - all in a circle
Give each other our hands,
Let's confirm everything around
To love brotherly harmony;
Let us follow this principle
what our grandfathers gave us,
And God will provide - yes cheerfully
Sons will follow us.
The locals who wake up to the sounds of the St. Tryphon's Circle find themselves energized by the message transmitted perfectly by the verses. Some respond by playing from the shore, from their balconies and terraces, confirming these messages of peace and togetherness.
music of boka 2
Photo by Duško Miljanić, Source: KotorArt FB page
"It is a great pleasure for us musicians to have the opportunity to highlight music as an integral part of Boka's culture. People react with enthusiasm when they hear the sounds of our favorite melody from the boats in the early mornings, "says Dario Krivokapić, chaplain of the City Music of Kotor, which is a partner of the Festival for this segment of the program.
The Music of Boka continues tomorrow morning along the shore between Maceo and Sveti Stasije. And on Wednesday, July 29, entertainment will be organized for the inhabitants and guests of Perast. 
25 Jul 2020, 19:20 PM
July 25, 2020 - In the last 24 hours, the Institute of Public Health completed PCR analysis of 561 samples for the new coronavirus, among which 82 results were COVID-19 positive. The total number of active COVID-19 cases in Montenegro is currently 2040.
Samples were sent for testing from the municipalities of Podgorica 42, Bijelo Polje 12, Berane 7, Niksic 6, Bar 5, Tivat 4, Pljevlja 2, Rozaje 2, Ulcinj 1, and Herceg Novi 1.
No COVID-related deaths were reported. The total number of confirmed deaths since the beginning of June is 34.
Another 21 patients recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total number of recoveries since June 14 to 348.
The Clinical Center of Montenegro is treating 27 Covid-19 patients, six of whom are in the Intensive Care Unit and are in a life-threatening condition.
"There are 15 patients in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and 10 in the Internal Clinic, six of whom are in the Intensive Care Unit and are in a life-threatening condition. One patient is connected to mechanical and four to non-invasive ventilation," the KCCG said.
The General Hospital in Berane announced that 61 COVID-positive patients are being treated there and that four have a severe clinical picture.
Some hospitals and health centers have recently received N95 protective masks, which the Chinese manufacturer claims are not for medical use; Vijesti has learned.
Health workers said that a contingent of medical equipment was delivered to the institutions and that there were allegedly non-standard masks among them, of which there was a plentiful supply. One of the doctors told Vijesti that these masks, which the manufacturer states are not for medical use, do not give them the security to work with patients who potentially have Covid-19, or are confimed to be infected with the new coronavirus.
Montefarm, which distributed these masks, claims that they are the responsible company as the supplier of all health institutions and that such a mistake would not be possible. They said that the mask box model KN95 GB2626-2006 says "not for medical use," but according to their interpretation, it means that they have no medical purpose but are a protective device, i.e., they are intended to protect users and are kept as personal protective equipment,"  Montefarm's response reads.
The institution claims that this model has a filtration and efficiency of protection against pathogenic particles, including viruses, of over 95 percent.
Montefarm said that these masks are part of one of the many donations.
"The mask in question is on the list of approved models, the FDA has confirmed its effectiveness and the list was updated on July 16, 2020," the response reads.
The website of the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the permeability of the filters on some examples of these masks did not meet the criteria. "The results of the assessment confirm that some of these products have poor filter efficiency and are of poor quality," the US CDC website states.
25 Jul 2020, 17:27 PM
July 25, 2020 - Airports of Montenegro have published a list of current flights running to Podgorica and Tivat airports, recently reduced due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Montenegro Airlines: Zurich - Podgorica - Zurich
Montenegro Airlines: Ljubljana - Podgorica - Ljubljana
Montenegro Airlines: Paris - Podgorica - Paris
Montenegro Airlines: Lyon - Podgorica - Lyon
Turkish Airlines: Istanbul - Podgorica - Istanbul
Ryanair: Berlin - Podgorica - Berlin
Ryanair: Krakow - Podgorica - Krakow
Ryanair: Poznan - Podgorica - Poznan
Ryanair: Wrocław - Podgorica - Wrocław
Ryanair: Dublin - Podgorica - Dublin
Ryanair: Brussels - Podgorica - Brussels
Ryanair: London - Podgorica - London
Ryanair: Barcelona - Podgorica - Barcelona
Ryanair: Stuttgart - Podgorica - Stuttgart
Wizz Air: Memmingen - Podgorica - Memmingen
Wizz Air: Katowice / Warsaw - Podgorica - Katowice / Warsaw
LOT Polish Airlines: Warsaw - Podgorica - Warsaw
LOT Polish Airlines: Poznan - Podgorica - Poznan


Montenegro Airlines: Hannover - Tivat - Hannover
Montenegro Airlines: London- Tivat - London
EuroWings: Dusseldorf - Tivat - Dusseldorf
Air company Jonika: Kiev - Tivat - Kiev
SkyUp Airlines: Kyiv - Tivat - Kiev
Ukraine International: Kyiv - Tivat - Kiev
LOT Polish Airlines: Warsaw - Tivat - Warsaw
Belavia - Minsk - Tivat - Minsk
The airports report that, due to the country's current epidemiological situation, the list of flights is subject to change.
Therefore passengers must regularly check their flight status with the airline - state Airports of Montenegro .
25 Jul 2020, 17:15 PM

July 25, 2020 - The purchase of apartments in a condo hotel or a hotel that is on a mixed business model, listed among development projects, is counted as an investment for which a Montenegrin passport can be obtained based on the Government's program of economic citizenship.

The information was confirmed to "Vijesti" by the Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency (MIPA), which submitted information that the list of development projects in the field of tourism currently includes seven hotels given the green light for construction by the Government. Of these, four are based on the condo business principle, and three on the mixed business model.

According to the condo principle, four hotels will be built in Kolašin, namely "Kolašin Resort & Spa," "Breza," "Bjelasica 1450 Kolašin," and "K16." According to the mixed business model, "Boka Place" will be built in Tivat, "Kraljičina Plaža" in Miločer and "Durmitor Hotel and Villas" in Žabljak.

"Montenegrin citizenship can be acquired by investing in a development project in tourism, which includes the construction of a hotel / mixed complex, and thus the creation of a hotel according to the condo business model.

The applicant for citizenship individually decides on which of the tourism developments projects he will invest in," MIPA stated in an official communication.

According to the Tourism Act, the difference between a condo and a mixed hotel is that apartment owners in a condo-hotel must make them available to the hotel for ten months a year. In the combined business model, renting is voluntary.

The company "Adriatic Marinas" from Tivat has already offered real estate from the tourist complex "Boka Place," a new part of the luxury nautical-tourist resort Porto Montenegro. However, construction will begin only at the end of the year, as reported by world media.

According to the Government's decision, a Montenegrin passport can be obtained through investments in tourism projects, processing industry, and agriculture. So far, no plan has been reported for investment in the processing and agricultural sectors.

The three-year program for acquiring Montenegrin citizenship through investments started on January 1, 2019, and up to 2,000 passports can be awarded.

The MIPA explained that, according to the decision on acquiring economic citizenship (Article 11), the development project in tourism implies the construction of a hotel/mixed complex in the coastal region and Podgorica with a minimum of five stars, at least 60 accommodation units, a minimum investment of 15 million euros and minimum 80 new employees.

"For the northern and central region (except Podgorica) with a minimum of four stars, at least 35 accommodation units, a minimum investment of 5 million and a minimum of 25 new employees," the MIPA recalled.

The applicant can acquire citizenship if he has deposited 100,000 euros in an escrow account for the development of less developed municipalities, for the Law on Regional Development.

He may also acquire citizenship if he has paid at least EUR 450,000 into the account to invest in one of the development projects in Podgorica or the coastal region, or the amount of at least EUR 250,000 to invest in one of the development projects in the northern or central area of Montenegro.

A foreigner can apply for Montenegrin citizenship provided that they do not have a criminal conviction in Montenegro or any other country, and after an international eligibility assessment agent has given a positive opinion, including providing proof of origin of money intended for payment and investment following a Government decision.

The state has earned three million euros from the sale of passports within the economic citizenship project. In the budget, 15 million from the sale of passports were projected this year, and that budget item is zero after the rebalance.

Agency refuses to mention any names 

The Agency could not say which investment the first passport was awarded within the project of economic citizenship.

"Issuance of the decision for admission and issuance of the passport upon admission to citizenship is the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro," the MIA replied.

As part of the economic citizenship project, the Ministry of the Interior issued 12 passports to foreign citizens, but their names remain undisclosed. In response to the question by "Vijesti" as to who had received citizenship, the department referred to the Law on Citizenship, which specifies to whom the Ministry of the Interior can provide information.

A Russian citizen obtained the first passport, officially confirmed by Henley & Partners, one of the three licensed agents for mediation in this project.

Deputy Prime Minister Milutin Simovic told parliament on Wednesday that he could not give names, citing the Law on Personal Data Protection. This was an assurance that had been given when the project was presented.

"These are families who have private business with proven credibility, proven origin of their investment money, and confirmation that they are not involved in activities related to terrorism," claims Simović.

Text by Marija Mirjačić

24 Jul 2020, 20:45 PM

July 24, 2020 - The Institute of Public Health registered 92 new cases by analyzing 487 samples on Thursday, while in the last 24 hours, it analyzed another 677 samples, of which 96 were positive for the new coronavirus. The number of patients with COVID-19 in Montenegro is currently 1979.

One COVID-19 patient died yesterday, and three more deaths were reported today. The total number of confirmed deaths since the beginning of the second wave of the epidemic, on June 14, is 33. Another 146 patients have recovered from COVID-19 infection in the last two days, so that the total number of retrieved since June 14 is 327.

The number of active COVID-19 cases, recovered and deceased by municipalities:

covid 19 municipalities

Source: Institute of Public Health

In hospitals 185 COVID-19 patients

A total of 185 coronavirus-positive patients were referred for hospital treatment in Montenegro, announced Nemanja Radojević from the Clinical Center of Montenegro.

"Twenty-four patients are being treated at the Clinical Center, 35 in Bar, 57 in Berane, 31 in Niksic, 25 in Brezovik, 3 in Kodra, one in the triage hospital in Pljevlja and nine in the hospital in Rozaje," said Radojević.

"Thirteen patients are in serious condition, of which five in the Clinical Center of Montenegro, one in the General Hospital in Bar, six in the General Hospital in Berane, and one in Niksic," said Radojević.

He added that the occupancy of the health capacities provided for COVID-19 patients is currently at the level of one third.

Radojević said 78 health workers tested positive for COVID-19, including 17 doctors, 52 medical workers, and nine non-medical workers. There are 75 health workers in self-isolation.

Radojevic also said that it was noticed that patients of all ages were dying, although more often, the elderly.

"We have seen that middle-aged people are also at risk and that those without severe chronic conditions are dying. The epidemic is attacking all age groups, and we are all at risk. Attention must be focused on the older population. Still, we also have information that there is currently a younger one." a patient from the hospital in Berane is in serious condition. We ask that all measures be respected, "Radojević said.

Hrapović: The health care system is ready for the above scenarios as well

The situation in Montenegro, when it comes to the new coronavirus, is undoubtedly prohibitive, but not dramatic and alarming because the health system is ready for much worse scenarios, if that happens, said Health Minister Kenan Hrapović.

"We hope that this will not happen, but we are ready for such challenges," Hrapovic said in the morning program of the Television of Montenegro (TVCG).

There are COVID-19 cases when recovery takes about 40 days

The deputy director of the Institute of Public Health, Begic, said that fulfilling the criteria for recovery was a long-term process and that "this virus once again shook us in the sense that there are almost no rules."

"We had cases in which recovery lasted about 40 days, which is interesting, but the views of health agencies are that we are a little strict regarding criteria. Recovered are those who have three days without fever, symptoms, and at least ten days have passed since receiving Two negative PCR tests in a row are no longer insisted on so much. The position of the World Health Organization is clear, and that is that people who are even 30 or 40 days PCR positive are not dangerous to the environment, because although PCR shows that they are positive, it is part of the viral material. Not the virus itself, "Begic explained.

Counter COVID-19 measures for Podgorica extended for another seven days

The National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases (NCDs) has extended measures against the spread of coronavirus in Podgorica for another seven days.

"NKT instructed the competent inspection services to start conducting strict controls of compliance with the prescribed measures, primarily in the services at the state and local level. Institutions must be an example in everything, including compliance with the measures," reads the official Twitter account of the Government of Montenegro.

NCB: A mask is not mandatory for cyclists

NCB announced that individual bicycle driving is not a risk. Formally, a bicycle is not a vehicle for transporting passengers. The individual or driving of members of the same household does not require wearing a mask. Cyclists in a group must wear masks, NCB announced on Twiter.

24 Jul 2020, 13:41 PM

July 24, 2020 - Although there will inevitably be less and less work for all of us in the next period, and although there are no indications from the tourist season - beautiful stories are unfolding. Namely, the young Boka artistic and engineering team has become one of the select few globally who are engaged in an exciting business - the creative painting of sails. Michael Neundlinger gave them a chance to try it out, entrusting them with the 18-meter-high sail of the cruiser "Selena."

Thanks to the recommendation of Marjan Dimitrijevic, a Slovenian sailor who has been running the company Avel Yachting in Tivat for many years, Michael contacted the Montenegrin academic painter Jana Farkas asking whether she could paint the logo of his company Nirvana Yachting on the large sail. The logo shows an angel with overlapping semicircles.

It initially seemed like an impossible job to Jana. But her research spirit and habit — otherwise uncharacteristic of fine artists — of working as a team still encouraged her to dive into the project. The stakes are high because in projects like these, there is not much room for error.

boka art crew 4

Jana Farkaš and Aleksandra Stajović, Photo by Antonela Stjepčević

Jana needed help because disassembling the logo on such a large scale would technically be a very demanding job to carry out yourself on an 18x4 sail. Aleksandra Stajović, an architect from Budva, enters the story, who had no painting experience before working on this project.

"I had never tried something similar in my life, nor did I have any idea whether I could do something with a brush, especially not on such a large scale. But it happened. And I'm proud to have been a part of this story, "says Aleksandra, who successfully solved one of the most challenging tasks in the process.

"At the very beginning, Jana involved me in the story to help them put the logo on the large surface of the sail, which I did in AutoCad and PhotoShop. After that, I came to the Delfin's hangar to help draw the logo and see how it would come out. Then Jana suggested I stay part of the team until the end. I was really pleased about that because I love challenges. And off we went. After about ten days we reached the finish line. It was not a problem for me to envisage what we would do, I always imagine what I, as an architect, transfer to paper, that is, to a project. But when we started drawing, I realized that the process was much more demanding. We realized that improvisations were necessary for us - we managed with the help of a stick and a rope to precisely position the semicircles that form the logo. The very patterns that follow those semicircles we had made over our moulds. It is inconvenient - you have a material as a base - in this case, a sail - which is very expensive and does not allow for mistakes. Hence, we had to measure and check everything three times before we picked up the brushes," says Aleksandra, who, like Jana, even more than the final product itself, is proud of the work process.

Jana explains that all their internet searches were in vain - very few people in the world do this job, and information on how to do it is not available.

"This is very little done in the world. People decorate sails with stickers, sewing, screen printing, and use other methods. But almost no one does it by hand, especially not with a brush. We have carried out this task more than professionally. I am delighted. I must emphasize that the instructions for the process we went through do not exist on Google; it does not exist on the Internet. Aleksandra, with her architectural foresight, my drawing and painting abilities, and the people who helped us with the precise brush work - we completed the project successfully to the satisfaction of ourselves and the investor," says Jana.

"This is a Boka story, the story of all of us. We are very proud to have discovered that we can, that something that you can get almost nowhere else in the world, you can now get with us. I am especially looking forward to the opportunity to hire my colleagues and friends. The investor is very satisfied with the work done and promised to promote us."

"Jana and her crew entirely understood, captured, and conveyed the spirits of my concept and intention through their artistic work. The Nirvana Yachting motto is the art of competitive sailing. The angel wings that we need to catch the winds - Da Vinci's Flying Concept that we transferred to the sail to help us capture the power of nature," said Michael Neundlinger, whose SY Selena has been berthed in Porto Montenegro for the past few years.

boka art crew 3

Nirvana Yachting, Photo by Michael Neundlinger

Michael believes that the endeavor carried out by Bokelians will be of great interest to magazines dealing with yachting and sailing. For a start, he promises to help place this beautiful story in the next issue of Porto Montenegro magazine.

"We hope that this is just the beginning of a beautiful and creative story. As soon as we have a new sail, we invite you to join us, to come and see what it is and how we do it. And in the end, if you recognize yourself in all of that, you become part of our team. For a few hours or a few days, it doesn't matter. This is our common story, and we want to position and further develop it, "said Jana Farkaš, adding once again:" I am proud of the fact that this is a project of Boka and Bokelj. I am pleased that Boka has succeeded in something that is rarely done in the world. "

Apart from Jana and Aleksandra, Bojan Čelanović and Petar Čečur also took part in painting the angel on Michael's sail. Also, many YC Delfin friends who, during the previous two weeks, were interested in discovering the new and unusual among sailboats, added a few strokes.

boka art crew 2

SY Selena with the angel on its sail, Photo by Jana Farkaš

23 Jul 2020, 15:50 PM
July 23, 2020 - CDT President Milica Kovacevic stated that one of the fundamental democratic principles is that election rules must be known to everyone in advance.
The Center for Democratic Transition (CDT) called on the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases (NCT) and the State Election Commission (SEC) to issue instructions and recommendations for the safe conduct of elections as a matter of urgency.
"Regardless of whether the parliamentary elections will be held on August 30, or postponed until a more favorable moment, we need those rules and instructions," Kovacevic said.
She believes that whatever date is in sight, the election process will have to be held in a pandemic.
"And the sooner we become aware of all the steps, the greater the chances that these elections will be healthier, and therefore freer," said Kovacevic.
She said that the election process is mostly underway and that its participants, observers, and citizens are still waiting for answers to some of the fundamental questions.
"It's been a month since the announcement of the election, and it is inadmissible that the rules are not known yet. In this situation, we must act faster and more efficiently,  in order to create preconditions for the safe conduct of all stages of the election process in time, "said Kovacevic.
She said that political parties are already collecting signatures and conducting a field campaign without appropriate instructions, which, she believes, is inadmissible at this stage of the election process.
Kovacevic said that in a situation where mass gatherings are banned, parties have not been offered alternative solutions and ways to inform the public about their policies and candidates safely.
"By failing and delaying the regulation of these issues, the ruling parties are being given an illegal advantage since political rallies are banned. The "functionary" campaign runs smoothly through various pseudo-events, openings, launches, and cutting ribbons," Kovacevic said.
As she recalls, for the elections to be held during a epidemic, it is necessary to prepare thousands of polling boards, authorize representatives of the parties, and observers, who must be informed about the conditions in which the elections will be held.
Kovacevic believes that the most important thing for the elections is to prepare the public well.
"The state is obliged to create conditions so that everyone feels safe enough in exercising the right to vote and that they do not have to compromise their health in the name of exercising the right to vote." The public must be informed in time, that is, get clear announcements on how the election day will take place, "said Kovacevic.
According to her, this mainly refers to those who will be in quarantine, self-isolation, or COVID-19 positive on August 30.
"Also, informed citizens will feel safer and go to the polls in greater numbers, because the goal of any democratic society must be a greater turnout of citizens in the elections," Kovacevic concluded.
She recalled that the CDT had previously addressed the NKT with an initiative to start an inclusive and consultative process of regulating the rules for the safe conduct of elections. A session of the NKT working group on the topic was held on July 8.
Kovacevic added that the Institute for Public Health submitted the first working version of the recommendations to the SEC, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dealing with the elections, inviting them to give comments and suggestions, which NGOs did immediately.
As she stated, an extended session of the Collegium of the Assembly was held on July 15, to include an opportunity for representatives of parliamentary clubs to create recommendations.
Kovacevic said that the parties involved in the boycott of the parliament also gave their contribution, with their public suggestions.

Ivanović: SEC not considering the elections not being held within the set deadline, rules on Friday

The experiences of countries where elections have been held despite the coronavirus epidemic show that they can be conducted with respect for appropriate measures, the President of the State Election Commission, Aleksa Ivanović, stated yesterday.
He told Montenegrin Television that specific recommendations for actions during election day have not been specified yet, but that he expects that part to be completed on Friday, after a meeting with the National Coordination Body and the Institute of Public Health.
Ivanovic stated that the State Election Commission is not thinking about the possibility of the elections not being held within the set deadline, but that it is also difficult to predict what will happen in the coming period.
Source: Vijesti, MINA
23 Jul 2020, 15:23 PM

July 23, 2020 - The European Union (EU) today encouraged the Government of Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) to continue the dialogue regarding the Law on Freedom of Religion.

European Commission spokeswoman Ana Pisonero said the EU had consistently recalled the importance of dialogue and welcomed the recent resumption of talks between the two sides.

"We welcome the Government's efforts to find a compromise. Unfortunately, no solution has been found in these talks. We encourage both sides to continue the dialogue," Pisonero told MINA.

Expert teams failed to find a solution in the continuation of negotiations on the Law on Freedom of Religion.

Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said that the talks between Government legal experts and those of the dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church ended without results, despite numerous concessions made by the Government's negotiating team.

The Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral said that the state, unlike the Church, did not have sincere intentions to reach a mutually acceptable solution in the dialogue, but the invitation to talk served for new blackmail of the Church and current political marketing.

23 Jul 2020, 15:13 PM

July 23, 2020 - As part of the "We Live Culture" campaign by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, a research, educational and creative project has been launched in the area of ​​Boka Kotorska aimed at preserving and valorizing its cultural heritage, entitled "My Museum - Boka Kotorska."

The project's idea is to create a website, which would serve as an online platform for the digital presentation of cultural-historical-artistic material provided by a broad range of paticipants. In the initial phase of its preparation, a Viber community was formed, drawing great interest among fans of Boka's cultural treasures and it now already has about 420 members and a Facebook page, which publishes all the most essential information related to the project and also shares educational content.

The goal of such a project is to enable people to actively participate in valuing and preserving the space in which they live, their heritage, and their culture.

Citizens from the area of ​​Boka Kotorska and beyond are invited to submit material on persons, memories, legends, customs, rituals, practices, skills, crafts, localities, objects, speech, language, useful objects, or objects of artistic value. The main goal is to draw attention to values ​​that are not entirely or not professionally valorized and have specific importance in the context of the tradition of a family or community. Particular emphasis is on dialogue and interaction of family members, conversations within the family and the local community, especially inter-generational communication. Young people will have the opportunity to learn more about family, domestic or collective culture, and the process of its evaluation and presentation.

A Guide to Heritage Research has been specially designed for children. It should bring them closer to their heritage and make it easier for them to understand the concept of heritage, as well as enabling them to understand what interests them and then better research, describe and submit material. The idea is for children and young people to interview older members of the household and write down testimonies about the past and culture. It will also be essential for them to understand all the useful and beneficial ways digital technologies can be used.

The project is aimed at amateurs and professionals - heritage lovers, scientific researchers, artists, and anyone whose personal and professional interest may not even be related to the Boka Kotorska, but support the idea of ​​the project. They can involve heritage researchers of different profiles (archaeologists, ethnologists, anthropologists, historians, art historians, conservators) and choose one motif, angle, or theme that they want to make visible to a broad audience. It would ensure that their research topics are accessible and increase the general public's understanding of who deals with heritage, especially the legacy of the Bay of Kotor, and in what way.

Another way to engage researchers and experts would be through the use of the material itself. An interactive map of the Bay of Kotor and Montenegro with recorded locations where the content arrives will be provided. Processed material will be marked with one color, and unprocessed with another. The map will provide direct access to content related to a given location.

The ART segment is open to artists of all backgrounds and interests to stimulate creative thinking about heritage and heritage themes - its recognition, understanding, preservation, presentation, and endangerment.

Anyone who wants to contact the project initiators can do so via the Facebook page or the link for the Viber community Join #Moj muzej - Boka Kotorska or via email

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