
01 Mar 2019, 10:19 AM

The organizers of the civic protest "97.000 – Odupri se", invited citizens to go on the streets on Saturday, at 6 p.m., for a new protest at the Independence Square in Podgorica. "This Saturday, we invite free citizens to go to the Independence Square on March 2nd at 6 p.m. and show that we are a state, that together we can lead to a fundamental change in the system that has forgotten it should serve to the public and the interest of citizens, not to anyone else. Let's resist," it was announced.

The protest on Saturday is the fourth civil protest under the slogan "97,000 – Odupri se!". "The protest walk of free citizens will begin at the Independence Square, where we will make new requests. After the speech and announcement, the walk will continue on the Street Slobode to the hill Gorica, then by Ivan Crnojevic Boulevard, Stanko Dragojevic Street, St. Peter Cetinje Street and back on the street Slobode to the Independence Square," the organizers of the protest announced.

They said that in the protest walk, "as earlier, they will pass by the institutions of the system that do not work in the interest of citizens. As before, let’s show power, but also the responsibility we have as free citizens, we expect our gathering to pass peacefully and dignified. We appeal to citizens to join us without any party, national or other characteristics. With gratitude for the past protests, we invite the participants in the fourth gathering to solidarity and respect for children, elderly, pregnant women and OSI population."

They said that the safety patrol service would pay special attention and security but expect the same from those gathered.

"We urge all fellow citizens to provide active assistance to the police service and react to the provocation of any kind by contacting the nearest officer. We should not allow any violent incident to jeopardize our legal right to show that citizens are the state. Through the protest let’s defend the Constitution of Montenegro in the only free institution that we have left – the Street. We invite to another gathering of free citizens. The key feature of this protest is #oduprise," the organizer said in the statement.

Text by Vijesti online, on February 28th 2019, read more at Vijesti

28 Feb 2019, 17:04 PM

February 28, 2019 - Excessive urbanization and some key government plans are a severe threat to Boka Bay, according to UNESCO and ICOMOS experts in the Report on the State of Natural and Cultural Historical Area of Kotor, based on the findings of a joint reactive mission visited Kotor at the end of October last year.

The Report concludes that the state and local government have taken many measures in the last period to meet the requirements of UNESCO and prevent the Kotor area due to the loss of exceptional universal values from being erased from the World Heritage List. 
However, the construction moratorium in the area did not help to prevent new devastation, which encouraged the Montenegrin Government, arguing that projects such as the beach construction in Dobrota at the beginning of last year had given the green light to earlier plans. 
In its guidelines, UNESCO and ICOMOS are seeking alignment of the Kotor's Spatial-Urban Plan, which is under preparation, with the Management Plan of the Kotor Area, as well as the improvement of administrative mechanisms that will enable the Kotor Area Management Council to provide greater incentive and implementation of these recommendations in practice.
The Report treated all "painful points" in the landscape of the Kotor-Risan Bay. Thus, for a restaurant on the Turkish Cape, approved by the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property as a "Temporary Building," UNESCO and ICOMOS require an explicit restriction of the duration.
In their report, they support the efforts of the Kotor administration, headed by Mayor Vladimir Jokić, as well as the NGO sector, which are opposed to further devastation of the Gulf. In the Report, the experts of the World Heritage Committee explicitly recommend the abandonment of many new construction projects, as well as the controversial infrastructure projects advocated by the Montenegrin Government, such as the Verige bridge. The Montenegrin government has again raised the question of building a bridge, for which world experts say it is unacceptable and should finally be rejected. They recognize the problem of traffic infrastructure in Boka Bay, but they suggest considering an alternative bridge location, or an utterly alternative solution, such as building an underwater tunnel.
They recommend that the draft of the Spatial Urban Plan of Kotor completely abolish the proposal for the construction of new roads along the Vrmac Mountain and above Kostanjica, the development of the overpasses above Risan, as well as any further urbanization along the hills surrounding the Kotor- Risan Bay.
The report welcomes the Mayor Jokic's decision not to embark on a project for the construction of a cable car along the hill St. Giovanni, who are looking for a Heritage Impact Assessment - HIA, as well as not allowing development of tourist facilities around the Austro-Hungarian fortress in Vrmac.
The UNESCO-ICOMOS mission report analyzes a lot of controversies in the country's irresponsible relationship to the area, recommending the abolition of any further urbanization of Morinj and Kostanjica as well as the site of Glavati. For the already built Boka Gardens complex in Kostanjica, experts are looking for activities to reduce its negative visual impact by removing the fake historical tower.
The development of the Spatial Urban Plan of Kotor is underway, and according to the new Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Facilities, the competent Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism is in charge. 
Kotor has been waiting for this document since 2015, as the Department for the Protection of Cultural Property has consistently obstructed the adoption of the Cultural Property Study for this plan. It was during this period that some of the most catastrophic devastations in the protected area occurred. 
According to its policy, UNESCO requires insight into this document, in which all relevant recommendations highlighted in the Reactive Mission Report have to be incorporated.

Milica Nikolic: We were looking for a Reactive UNESCO / ICOMOS Mission to Get Concrete Recommendations

The Secretary of the National Office in cooperation with the UNESCO Committee and the National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO, Milica Nikolic, for TMN explains:
"The state called for a reactive monitoring mission based on all previous activities and our estimates that we need suggestions to go further with all the complex issues that were imposed in the previous period, which were further intensified by the adoption of the Action Plan for the Implementation of UNESCO Council Decisions 2016. This Action Plan was adopted in February 2017 and has foreseen a series of measures. However, these measures were very complex, and each of them had a series of activities. In this regard, the Mission's arrival was crucial to the analysis of the progress made in defining further activities that need to be implemented so that we can respond to all the requirements highlighted in the World Heritage Committee's decisions since the removal of the Area of Kotor from the World Heritage List in jeopardy in 2003 . "
Definitely, significant progress has been made, says Nikolic, adding: "The topics we have started are essential because they have opened up a series of issues that we are trying to solve in the coming period, especially in the context of the Urban Spatial Plan of Kotor and the Revision of Management Plan of the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of Kotor.”
Asked how much the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism has taken into account the requirements of the World Heritage Committee and the issues we face after the adoption of the Action Plan for meeting the demands of UNESCO, while drafting the Spatial Urban Plan, Nikolic responds:
"I cannot talk about how the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism has gone through the analysis. I know that many consultations with the Department for the Protection of Cultural Property and the Ministry of Culture have been made to bring the draft plan into line with UNESCO standards, to ensure the procedures for the area under UNESCO were different from the usual planning documents. I think the guidelines that the institutions mentioned have given to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism already embedded in the existing law. What is important to emphasize is that in UNESCO report we find that we have a problem with the administrative label "silence of administration." It is unacceptable to them. The future silence of the administration will not be possible, especially when it comes to the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property. It is incredible that we have plans and projects that, without the approval of the Management Board, have been accepted and realized. It will no longer be possible. We'll have to change that. How and in what way, we will try to define in the coming months, in cooperation with the World Heritage Committee. "
The mission suggests that the Law on the Natural and Cultural-Historic Area of Kotor, which is Lex Specialist, has the supremacy over all other laws on the protected area.
"We will make changes to this law; a working group has already been formed. The amendments also include the selection of members of the Kotor Management Council, where it is necessary to ensure more substantial participation of the institutions. The Council currently has representatives of institutions, experts in certain spheres, but have no incentive to make decisions. According to the law, the Council has severe inconsistencies within its competence. But to realize them, it is necessary that in addition to the experts, there are also representatives with mandates to make decisions within sovereign institutions, so that the Council's action is more operational than it is now, "explains Milica Nikolic, who is in constant communication with the World Heritage Organization's experts.
In the Report on the State of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Kotor, UNESCO recommends the establishment of closer cooperation between the municipalities, whose territories represent a buffer zone of the protected area. "Now it is a recommendation, and we expect to be submitted as a request.  It is necessary to establish more concrete and dynamic cooperation between the municipalities of Kotor, Herceg Novi, Tivat, and Cetinje. Probably the representatives of these municipalities will find themselves in the Management Council because there is a need for synergy in the work of all local institutions to function and protect the Area fully. "
According to Nikolic, the lack of cooperation between the competent institutions at the national and local levels in the previous period marked the problems that we had in the protected area. "Whether it is lack of cooperation between institutions, within institutions, cooperation between local and national levels has led to major problems. Many institutions have independently designed certain policies, programs, and projects without consulting with others responsible for the Area. What will be the priority of the National Commission for Cooperation with the UNESCO Committee in the forthcoming period is to strengthen this cooperation because it is one of the biggest misconceptions of the Mission and one of the key issues that is being covered throughout the report. "
Nikolic welcomes the Reactive Mission Report is very detailed and accurate.  "As time and space in the field show we do not have enough capacity to cover such pressure on the institutions, especially the Department for the Protection of Cultural Property with regard to urbanization control, tourism pressures and everything that has been marked by the previous couple of decades when it comes to the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of Kotor.” The Secretary of the National Commission welcomes the Committee's recognition of the Montenegrin needs presented and provided the mission of the experts who give its most accurate guidance in its report. The institutions now have clear guidelines on how to handle both projects and locations, as well as laws, urban plans, and everything that has caused problems in the past period.
These problems cannot be solved for a short time. This document represents a medium-term strategy. "At the moment, it is most important to bring a good urban plan for Kotor, which will put all of the lower plan paper out of power and give a chance to reconsider all the plans that do not comply with the Urban Spatial Plan of Kotor when it comes into force and gets UNESCO's approval.”
The National Commission for Co-operation with the UNESCO Committee has already given some guidance by a preliminary insight into the Reactive Mission Report. "In the coming days we will have meetings with the planter so that we can thoroughly go through the Report and make sure its guidelines to be incorporated in the Spatial Urban Plan before we send it to UNESCO to get their opinion and, in perspective, to final approval, " concludes Nikolic.
28 Feb 2019, 15:00 PM

February 28, 2019 - The Boka Gastronomic Trilogy is the name of the dinner organized by the Regent Pop-up Restaurant on 28 February from 7 pm.

This gastronomic symphony is prepared by the winners of the Regent's pop-ups competition: Julija Deković, Damir Moškov, and Lidija Latković. The tables will feature black rice, Škartoc fish, Kotor's pašta and Bishop's bread.
"We are looking forward to this project and this dinner, and we are grateful for the recipes and in particular the friendships we have with the winners," said Željko Knezović, Food and Beverage Manager at Hotel Regent, adding: "We rewarded the author at a social gathering on Tuesday, February 19, and their names will be found along with the Regent restaurant's Pop up menu. On the same evening, we organized a trial cook, where the authors and the great masters, revealed their little tricks, which we are especially grateful. This good energy and exchange of experiences is a guarantee of irresistible tastes for the dinner on 28th February."
Regent's kitchen manager, Marko Živković, points out that it was a pleasure to discover the secrets of local gourmet artists: "We have chosen dishes that fit into our concept, and we are delighted that we will be able to present our local gastro-culture to our guests. Selected meals will be on our menu as one of the four gastro lines, and guests can enjoy it by the end of March. It is possible that some of these dishes will fit into the restaurant offer during the summer months when the concept will be significantly different and adapted to the international clientele."
Asked how local, Bokelian dishes are tailored to the "fine dining" concept, Marko responds: "These are delicious dishes that we will prepare as our rewarded chefs taught us. Our intervention only applies to serve."
Dinner is 30 euros per person. This project aims to show the gastronomic identity of Boka Bay and to give importance to the indigenous Bokelian and hinterland dishes as part of Hotel Regent's offerings, as reported by the hotel.
28 Feb 2019, 14:19 PM

February 28, 2019 - A group of engaged citizens in the Diaspora supported the civil protests in Podgorica and Bar by letter.

In their letter, Montenegrin inteligence in the Diaspora says:

"This way we want to encourage all stakeholders in peaceful civic protests that have been held in Podgorica every Saturday, from February 16th, and in Bar in the last few months.
We support your efforts to promote the necessary social changes and we want to highlight the enormous importance of the out-of-institutional action of citizens who are prepared to fight abuse of power, corruption, non-compliance with laws, the abolition of media freedom, the resale of social and natural resources and the absence of a perspective for young people.
We believe that our human, civic and academic duty to support the protests - they are the expression of freedom and a cry of illness in which corruption and injustice have become a healthy state. Montenegro, as we want to be democratic, open, ecological and progressive and grow our country, the contribution of all its free citizens, the country and the Diaspora is needed.
The prerequisite of such a free and democratic European Montenegro is the democratic shift of authority. Under the conditions of imprisoned institutions and manipulated elections, the first step towards this change is this massive civic activity outside the captured institutions and through the direct manifestation of their sovereignty.
Authoritarian rulers, lurking in corruption, crime and anti-democratic practices, cannot be the leaders of such a Montenegro. Free citizens of Montenegro can and must.
Group of Engaged Citizens and Citizens in Diaspora"
By this letter, the protests supported:
▪ Dr. Goran Ivo Marinović, Professor at the Latino American University (Mexico)
▪ Dr. Bojan Baća, Postdoctoral at the South East European Studies Center, Grace University (Austria) and researcher at the Laboratories for Global Digital Citizenship, University of York (Canada)
▪ Dr. Jelena Bakić, a researcher at the Center for Tran Disciplinary Research "Culture, Space and Memory," University of Porto (Portugal)
▪ Marko Begović, Ph.D. at the German Sports University in Cologne (Germany), research partner at the Sports Institute "Play the Game" (Denmark), director of the sports academy "Hellas" (Sweden)
▪ Albert Bikaj, magistrate at the University of Zagreb (Croatia)
▪ Dr. med. Žana Blagojević, Radiology Spectrum (Slovenia)
▪ Vasilije Čarapić, magistrate at the University of Oxford Brooks (United Kingdom)
▪ Sonja Dragović, a researcher at the Laboratory for Urban Studies Studies (Portugal)
▪ Mirko Đuković, Ph.D. in Central European University (Hungary)
▪ Ljubomir Đurković, drama writer (Slovenia)
▪ Dušan Đurović, former editor of the Semi-official (Island)
▪ Ilija Đurović, writer (Germany)
▪ Maša Elezović, magistrate at the London University College (United Kingdom)
▪ Biljana Janjšević, magistrate at the Chalmers University of Technology in Goteborg (Sweden)
▪ Saša Klikovac, Social Pedagogue (Sweden)
▪ Prof. Dr. Filip Kovačević, Department of Political Science, University of San Francisco, California (United States)
▪ Jovan Loncar, Businessman (United States)
▪ Denis Ljuljanović, Ph.D. in Marmara University (Turkey) and Justus-Liebig University (Germany) and Assistant at the Department of History of South East Europe, Justus-Liebig University
▪ Petar Marković, Ph.D. at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and the Free University LUISS Guido Carle (Italy), ECIT Executive Director and guest lecturer at the Vesalius College in Brussels (Belgium)
▪ Hanja Marović, journalist (Germany)
▪ Ivan Marović, composer (Germany)
▪ Dr. med. Dušan Matković, anesthesiologist (Kuwait)
▪ Mirjana Medojevic, theater director and drama writer (Slovenia)
▪ Boro Milović, researcher and consultant in the area of public diplomacy and EU affairs (Belgium)
▪ Stevan Milivojević, LGBTIQ activist, Chinese language student (China)
▪ Dr. med. Marina Minić-Novčić, Internal Medicine Spectrum (United Kingdom)
▪ Radoš Mušović, magistrate at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
▪ Prof. Dr. Nikola Perovic, economist (United Arab Emirates)
▪ Dušan Popović, designer, Chinese Academy of Art (China)
▪ Miloš Pušonjić, director (Poland)
▪ Boris Radunović, Architect (China)
▪ Dr. Nela Smolović Jones, a lecturer at the Open University (UK)
▪ Marko Sošić, magistrate at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
▪ Slobodan Šabeljić, writer (Portugal)
▪ Maša Šćepanović, Ph.D. at the University of Carlos III in Madrid (Spain)
▪ Dr. Vera Šćepanović, a lecturer at the University of Leiden (Netherlands)
▪ Vuk Uskoković, Ph.D. at the European University Institute (Italy)
▪ Luka Vučinić, a Ph.D. in Trinity College in Dublin and a researcher at iCRAG - Ireland's Research Center for Applied Geo Nuclease (Ireland)
28 Feb 2019, 14:00 PM

In the Association of Serbian Writers, on France 7 street, the prize "Radoje Domanovic" for 2018 was awarded. In the category of foreign satirists ("The Excellency Satire "), this oldest and most prestigious international recognition for humor and satire in the Balkan and wider areas was given to Dragan Koprivica by one of the world's leading aphorists, Aleksandar Cotric from Belgrade.

Koprivica received the prize for the book of aphorisms "Etida in CG-mol" in the edition of one of the most prominent Montenegrin publishers, Podgorica's "Unirex".

The winners were decided by the Jury made of the following members: Radomir Andric (president) and Milovan Vitezovic, Petar Zebeljan, Vitomir Teofilovic, Sladjana Mitrovic, Radoslav Tilger and Aleksandar Cotric.

In his greeting speech, Koprivica emphasized that he was honored to receive the UKS prize with the name of the creator of the Serbian allegorical satirical story and that he is impressed with the composition of the eminent Jury, which consists of aphorists and satirists of the highest level. Therefore, it is not surprising, as he stated, that Serbia took over the baton of aphorisms in the world, and on that occasion he assessed:

Serbian aphorisms today are the greatest achievement, and as ballistic spiritual missiles, after the launch from Serbia, they can fly around the entire planet, and with a high degree of precision in return, hit any neuralgic point in the territory of Serbia. But, despite that, Serbia remains a great secret, and Montenegro has already been disclosed."

He also noted that he was honored that he is one of the laureates of the "Radoje Domanović" prize for foreign satirists, with winners from Poland, Russia, and Macedonia, with the remark that he felt like a guest in Serbia, but also as a local, and that a category "guests as locals" should be created.

At the same time, Koprivica warmly thanked the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, and the Commission for co-financing projects in the field of art, which for several years now, because of political inadequacy, has not been given him any financial support for various legal tricks, and "Etida in CG-Mol" received a great international recognition.

That is why he will send a copy of the book with a dedication to the Ministry of Culture in Cetinje, as a thank-you note for the unperformed financial support.

In his address to the Jury and the present authors he read his aphorism:

"There is no need to separate grain from the weed everywhere: the weed got separated by itself, standing against the grain under the grain, it stood at the forefront of the grain."

After awarding the prize, Koprivica said to the Jury, Aleksandar Cotric, that his colleagues from Montenegro saw him as a world-class aphorist, and wished him new accomplishments in this genre, made only by the selected ones.

Text by CdM, on February 26th, 2019, read more at CdM

28 Feb 2019, 13:56 PM

Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulovic is categorical that the six open bars on the Budva promenade this season will be removed, and that the caterers will be offered an alternative location. In the Program of temporary facilities for the zone of the sea property in the area of the municipality of Budva from 2019 to 2023, made by JP Morsko dobro and verified by the line ministry, on the promenade in Budva, towards the sea, many temporary facilities were removed, among which are six popular discotheques, some of which have existed for more than two decades – “Trocadero”, “Paris”, Ambiente, “Rafaelo”, “Maltez”, “Miami”.

Caterers submitted a request to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and "Morsko dobro" to grant the discotheques stay until October 2020, when the plan for the design of the promenade will be made.

Such an initiative was supported by “Morsko dobro”, that open-air disco-clubs, as an offer that attracts a large number of tourists, are kept for two more seasons.

"We all together have decided that such kind of entertainment, and this kind of offer, cannot be there. Nobody has anything against that kind of entertainment, because it obviously has its clientele, but not in that place. We have local hotels next to these objects, or five-star hotels being built, and it's extremely frivolous that we have such an offer in front of such facilities. We support this content, but the location, if tenants would be interested, in cooperation with the municipality and the leaseholders still needs to be determined," stressed Radulovic.

As Radulovic explained, instead of the open bars, the green area, i.e., a grass is predicted in this area.

"We have the Lungo mare project for Budva, and we will soon begin designing. I think that Budva deserves a serious promenade - from Zavala to Avala, which should cover a large part of this area. One proper walking zone that would "uncork” huge crowds in the summer," Radulovic said.

The tenants previously told “Vijesti” that they are ready to apply all the necessary standards in their objects during this season, and that by their removal, the state loses at least one million euros in revenue, and nearly 300 people will remain unemployed.

Text by Vuk Lajovic, on February 27th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

28 Feb 2019, 13:54 PM

Students of High school "Ivan Goran Kovacic" won the gold, silver and bronze medals at the competition of chefs and waiters of high schools in Montenegro held in Budva.

Students from Herceg Novi took part in the category "Preparing chicken dishes", "Restaurant desert" and "Setting up a festive table".

Vojka Medojevic, a student of IIIu1 class, won a golden trophy for a restaurant dessert in the category "Preparing chicken dishes", a silver award was assigned to Bojan Ostojic, a pupil of the IV grade. Their mentor was the professor of cooking, Orion Fuluria.

Technicians of serving Milos Pasic and Robert Rasic, students of the IIu2 class, competed in the discipline "Setting up a festive table" and won the bronze award. Their mentor was the professor of catering Luka Milanovic, as the school informed.

Text by Slavica Kosic, on February 27th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

28 Feb 2019, 11:23 AM

February 28, 2029 - The water polo players from Jadran Carine from Herceg Novi celebrated last night against OSC Budapest at 13:12 (2: 3; 1: 4; 5: 3; 5: 2) in the second semi-final match of the LEN Euro Cup and came to the finals. The first man of the national water polo team and Jadran’s trainer, Vladimir Gojkovic reminded that his team was better than Hungary and in the first semifinal match (11:10), played on 23 January in Herceg Novi. Final games are scheduled for March 30 and April 13.

Vladimir Gojkovic said after the match that they must be satisfied because this is a great victory for the players, the management of the club and the fans who cheered them on last night.
"Before the game, I believed we could win, and if you asked me after the second quarter, I would say that the chances were ten percent. I congratulate my players on their sacrifice and character although they are younger and less experienced than the opponents. Congratulations to the OSC in a great show," said Gojkovic.
The player Dragan Draskovic pointed out that the Jadran team played a fantastic match. "This is a great success for Herceg Novi and Montenegrin water polo. It is a match of the season!" Draskovic said.
Glorious Djuro Radovic congratulated his team and said that no one could defeat Jadran when they are all on their level.
Captain Marko Petkovic also congratulated the team: "We had oscillations and drops during the game, but we showed that we could turn the result. All together as one, we have achieved great success. We have a problem with the pool in Herceg Novi, but we turn to the first game of the finals and shoot for a big trophy," Petkovic said.
The match judged the referees Castagnola Luca (Italy) and Alexandrescu Adrian Tiberiu (Romania).
JADRAN CARINE: Slaven Kandic, Nikola Brkic, Vlado Popadic 1, Dimitrije Obradovic, Dusan Banicevic 1, Kanstantsin Averka 2, Petar Mijaskovic, Filip Gardasevic 1, Djuro Radovic 2, Vladan Spaic, Dragan Draskovic  4, captain Marko Petkovic 2, Petar Tesanovic, coach Vladimir Gojkovic
OSC BUDAPEST: Branislav Mitrovic, Brguljan Drasko 2, Manhercz Krisztian 3, Randjelovic Sava 1, Salamon Ferenc 3, Kovacs Gergo 1, Seman Lukas, Ukropina Aleksa 1, Erdelji Balazs1, Ubovic Nemanja, Bundschuh Erik, captain Harai Balazs, Levai Marton, coach Vad Lajos
The wind of the hurricane force, in the night between 22 and 23 February, caused a great deal of damage to the Igalo Institute pool. It has prevented the daily activity of the Jadran swimmers and water polo players. The water polo team did the training before the second semi-final match in Niksic.
Source: Radio Jadran
28 Feb 2019, 01:27 AM

27 February 2019 - Montenegro is committed to universal abolition of the death penalty and provides full support to the international community in ensuring transparency of data in this area, all order to develop effective strategies and prevent discrimination and inequality, Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđan Darmanović repeated in Geneva.

On the second day of his visit to Geneva, Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in a high-level panel discussion on the death penalty on "Violation of human rights about the use of the death penalty, in particular with respect for the right to non-discrimination and equality".

During this panel discussion, Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, reminded that death rows were disproportionately populated by the poor and economically vulnerable; members of ethnic minorities; people with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities; foreign nationals; indigenous persons; and other marginalized members of society. The High Commissioner encouraged all States to take a stand on the right side of history and join the international trend towards abolition.

Montenegro Seeks to Abolish the Death Penalty 2

On this occasion, Minister Darmanović had the opportunity to meet with Michelle Bachelet, and discuss the topic of the panel.  "During the discussion, the role of the Office of the High Commissioner for the Prevention of Human Rights was emphasized, and the Minister transferred the willingness of Montenegro to cooperate with OHCHR to further improve the situation in the field of human rights protection," the statement from the Ministry said. Darmanović also thanked OHCHR Expert Support in the goal of strengthening capacities and facing challenges in this area.

High Commissioner Bachelet praised the proactive role of Montenegro in the work of the Human Rights Council, cooperation with special procedures and mechanisms of the UN, as well as regular and timely reporting to the contracting authorities. She emphasized that it was important to continue with the reforms, and she expressed the readiness of the OHCHR to provide additional assistance to Montenegro in further activities on this plan.

28 Feb 2019, 01:04 AM

27 February 2019 - The favourite manifestation of lovers of highest grade chocolate and the best wine, named Chocolate and Wine, will be organized for the sixth time during the weekend, March 2 and 3, in the central atrium of the Podgorica City shopping mall Delta City.

Under the slogan "The Universe of Enjoyment", Memento Marketing and Communication Agency will gather producers and distributors of chocolate, chocolate products, pastries, and delicacies as well as wineries from the fields of Crmnica, Beri and Zeta.

Chocolate and Wine Manifestation in Podgorica Aims to Impress 2

During this weekend, the central atrium of Delta City will be the must-visit destination for hedonists, lovers of chocolate products and wine, who will have a new opportunity to get acquainted with various types of chocolate-based products, delicatessen, and wine, but also to learn how to pair chocolate and wine.

Chocolate and Wine Manifestation in Podgorica Aims to Impress 4

The event will feature top-quality Montenegrin and Croatian wines, fruit liqueurs and wines as well as pralines made of Belgian and Italian chocolate, small cookies, cakes and even raw cakes without sugar and flour.

“We are looking for new tastes, we connect the two worlds, we enjoy in the symphony of notes, spices, cultures and traditions, creating the “universe of enjoyment”, the organisers of the event explained.

Chocolate and Wine Manifestation in Podgorica Aims to Impress 3

Confirmed participants of the manifestation are: Donut Company that will offer a donut chocolate rhapsody, Le Petit Macaron with a tradition of top-quality delicatessen art, the best quality wines of Aleksandar Winery, world famous brands of the finest chocolate Merci and Lindt, Fruit Liqueurs and Wine Ivanović, delicious chocolate by the brand Julius, delicacies created by MFC Cake Workshop, delicious small cookies by Miranis Sweet, quality wines of the Winery Vukčević, new producer of cakes and pastries on the Montenegrin market Primero, chocolate brand Adore Chocolat, family-owned Ćetković Winery, Domestico bakery, Korni chocolate and pralines, and Winery Kopitović.

The event will take place from 10 am to 10 pm on both days.

28 Feb 2019, 00:38 AM

27 February 2019 - On February 27, Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković opened a new factory of carbonated water “Rada“ in Bijelo Polje. On that occasion, the PM said that this is a factory that will contribute to the growth of the economy and production and that will substitute the import of carbonated water amounting to nearly 8 million EUR. He added that the saved money will remain in the country's economic system and contribute to the development of a better standard and that the Government is showing that it opens new, high-quality and sustainable jobs and makes the best use of the vast natural potentials.

New Factory of Carbonated Water Rada In Bijelo Polje 2

"A little over two years ago, I promised workers that we will find ways to compensate for the unpaid salaries, to link years of service and to provide severance payments. Also, I promised that the State will do everything to find an investor and start production. I felt then that they did not believe me; not even the citizens of Bijelo Polje. This Government ceded its claim of 280.000 EUR to pay salaries and severance payments to workers, while also securing 576.000 EUR to link years of service for the former employees to Bjelasica Rada," the Prime Minister said. He added that the entire project was supported by the Water Group Company from Kolašin, not only in terms of the money they invested but also in terms of their motivation, enthusiasm, capability, and know-how.

"Guided by this, they have built this factory, launched products based on state-of-the-art equipment and technology. I want to thank them and congratulate them. The new factory which is in front of us will contribute to the growth of our economy. With this production, we substitute imports of carbonated water amounting to nearly 8 million EUR, and that money remains in our economic system and contributes to the development and a better living standard," the Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković explained.

New Factory of Carbonated Water Rada In Bijelo Polje 3

Marković also pointed out that over the past two years, the Government has shown that it can reach and exceed the expected rates of economic growth, even to the most persistent critics.

The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Milutin Simović, Minister of the Interior Mevludin Nuhodžić, Bijelo Polje Municipality President Petar Smolović and President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Vlastimir Golubović.

The former Bjelo Polje giant - Rada, whose reputation of quality transcended the borders of Montenegro, returns to the domestic market with old quality, but a new visual identity. Four million euros were invested in the reconstruction of the factory and the associated infrastructure.

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