
04 Mar 2019, 11:18 AM

March 4, 2019 - The traditional Kotor Carnival was held on Sunday for the 501st time along with the burning of the culprit for all the problems of the city and citizens in the previous year. Đudić Ultima Montagnaro, formerly accused of nine counts of the indictment, was missing in flames, and the defense was not able to release him.

The carnival doll, which has been mentioned in the indictment and the offense described in the charge on Kotor citizen, President of SDP (Social Democratic Party) Ranko Krivokapić, faced several thousands of people, with fireworks and sounds of the death march, was burned to Mace.
Previously a joyful procession led by the Capo of the carnival, which was made up of several hundred imaginative masks - individuals and members of the carnival groups, the local music of Đenovići and the town music of Kotor, passed the main road from the former hotel "Fjord" to Tabačina.
The Carnival, Đudić Ultima Montagnaro, was introduced into the walls of the Old Town where a trial on the Arms Square was held.
The indictment was attended by the public prosecutor Dr. Gvero Spratkovic, aka Funjara, who said that the Accused had done almost a 30 years of incapacity and helping Major Devastator to make a private company from the state and Kotor, and the local community of Podgorica. He was accused of buying votes in the elections and placing his relatives and listeners in well-paid positions, regardless of their expertise, knowledge, and qualifications. He is accused of wishing the Old Town of Kotor to be baroque authentic to put on an anodized locksmith, spreading the windows. In Europe, he acted like a Democrat, at home as a dictator. He helped to change laws, not to the benefit of the people and the state than the elected tycoons to be more affluent, so that we would all be poorer. He is guilty that the spatial plan documents related to the Communion are not developed according to the needs of the population of the city.
"He did not want to give up his position, privilege, official travel and appendage until he had to, and now to those who made it all possible, he throws trees and stones," said prosecutor Dr. Gvero Spratkovic, aka Funjara.
Despite the defendants' attempt to challenge all nine counts, the president of the court Prof. Dr. Kornito Picikamorte condemned the defendant to death by burning.
After the burning of the carnival, the feast continued on the squares of the Old Town, where Italian band Terraros and Croatian musician Goran Karan performed.
A new edition of the traditional carnival satirical magazine "Karampana" came out yesterday in the press, which reads in the introductory: "It used to be a city of Kotor - today a settlement with characteristics of a city. Those from the DPS, as once Vučurovic for Dubrovnik, decided to make older, more beautiful and more advanced Kotor by the system of PROFONDO..
Karampana as an integral part of the traditional Kotor Winter Carnival dates back to 1926 and is sold at Kameni Kiosk in front of the Old town of Kotor.
Kotor President Vladimir Jokic pointed out that it is a well-marked tradition that lasts more than five hundred years.
"Today in Kotor it was nice to see when the main city street is closed, when people are walking and when they resist everything that has been bad in the past year. I hope to move this carnival maze and walk from Kotor to Podgorica and resist everything bad in this system," said Jokić.
On behalf of the organizer, the Cultural Center "Nikola Đurković," the director Marija Bernard expressed satisfaction with the overall organization of the Kotor’s Carnival, which was organized for the 501st time.
"Our goal was to be better than last year. The procession was vivid; with a large number of masks; with a critical review of the current situation. It was very demanding to organize all of this because the tradition of half a millennium is bound to excellence," Marija Bernard told Boka News.
Source: Boka News
04 Mar 2019, 00:39 AM

01 March 2019 - Last year’s edition of the Sea Dance Festival, Montenegrin star festival organised by EXIT Team, managed to surpass all expectations straight from the start, attracting almost 50,000 people to one of the most beautiful beaches in Montenegro – Buljarica! This year’s festival, which will take place from August 30 to September 1 at the same location, is bound to be even hotter!

Sea Dance 2019 Brings World Stars David Guetta Robin Schulz and Ofenbach

The first wave of the festival’s music stars is led by one of the most successful music producers of the 21st century - David Guetta! Guetta’s assistors in launching a new era for the Sea Dance Festival will include one of the leading German DJs and producers - Robin Schulz, who keeps shaking the main stages of festivals around Europe. The French hit duo Ofenbach, whose hits have topped the charts around the world, will join the German showman in creating the best atmosphere at the festival, leaving no one indifferent!

The current line-up was announced at the press conference at the Ministry of Culture in Budva. According to the president of the Municipality of Budva, Marko Carević, moving the festival from the peak of the season to its near-end extends the tourist season and places Budva as the leader on the new eminent markets. Surely, Sea Dance Music Festival managed to fulfil all expectations in the past years and with its quality organization and performers, the manifestation earned unreserved support of its sponsors.

Sea Dance 2019 Brings World Stars David Guetta Robin Schulz and Ofenbach 3

“Sea Dance contributes to the affirmation of Budva as a world-famous destination and brings audiences from all the meridians to our city,” highlighted Carević.

After the first five years of development and a series of success along the way, the Sea Dance Festival has entered a new era, and it is time for new, even more ambitious steps, claims the founder of EXIT and the Sea Dance Festival, Dušan Kovačević. “This year's program confirms the new era, because the world's biggest stars are coming to Budva and Montenegro, and soon, we will announce major headliners of the third day, while dozens of other performers will be announced earlier than ever,” he says, adding that this year he expects a record visit.

Sea Dance 2019 Brings World Stars David Guetta Robin Schulz and Ofenbach 4

The tickets will be available through the official website of Sea Dance Festival, while from March 5, through the official travel agency EXIT Trip, tourist packages will be available to visitors, which, in addition to tickets, will also contain various options for accommodation and transportation.

03 Mar 2019, 23:53 PM

02 March 2019 - President of Montenegro and the President of Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović, stated that Montenegro must carry out painful socio-political structural reforms, particularly in the “sensitive” fields, to create conditions for a reduction of costs of public services.

“We are considering how to keep the same pace of economic growth in the medium term. Although we have achieved good results in the previous 13 years in terms of attraction of foreign direct investments, we now have to carry out painful socio-political structural reforms,” said Đukanović.

He said that the primary goal was to make public services better and more efficient and tailored to the needs of citizens, tourists, investors and entrepreneurs.

“Now, on the agenda, there is a question of our ability to create solutions that will lead to faster economic growth," concluded the President.

At a meeting of the Council for Monitoring of Implementation of the DPS’ Electoral Programme, he said that the goal of the development policies was to preserve competitiveness, encourage investments and entrepreneurship and improve the living standard.

Đukanović believes that the costs of public administration and social welfare should be lower, while the budget allocations for healthcare and education should be analysed in great detail.

According to the leader of DPS, it is only fair that the most important political exams are taken on this exact subject. "I am deeply convinced that DPS, due to its quality and due to the lack of real competition, absolutely has the best potential to answer these questions," Đukanović said.

03 Mar 2019, 23:24 PM

02 March 2019 - As previously reported by TMN, Sociate Generale Group has signed an agreement for the sale of a stake in its Montenegrin subsidiary to Crnogorska komercijalna banka (CKB), i.e. OTP Group, subject to receipt of clearances from the relevant banking, antitrust and market authorities.

After submission of a request for an acquisition agreement by Crnogorska komercijalna banka (CKB) and Societe Generale bank Montenegro, the Central Bank (CBCG) will collect all relevant information and decide if the conditions have been met to approve this process.

“In compliance with its competencies, the CBCG will collect all relevant information in a formal decision making procedure, on the basis of which it will decide if the required conditions have been met for the approval of this merger, and what will be the impact of that transaction on the rest of the banking market,” the CBCG says in a press release.

The press release says that Chief Executive Officer of CKB informed the CBCG in mid-February about the plans of this financial company to acquire a 90.56 percent stake in Societe Generale banka Montenegro.

“However, the CBCG has not been informed about the concrete elements of the acquisition agreement concluded between these two companies,” the press release says.

Crnogorska komercijalna banka (CKB), the Montenegrin subsidiary of OTP Bank has signed an acquisition agreement on purchasing a 90.56 percent stake in Societe Generale banka Montenegro for €40.46 million.

The press release also says that Societe Generale banka Montenegro will continue to provide high-quality service to its retail and corporate clients, while preparing a smooth transition for its clients, ensuring the stability in their relations with the bank.

“Societe Generale Montenegro will be part of the cooperation agreement signed between Societe Generale and OTP Bank that encompass the provision of mutual services in various fields, including, but not limited to investment banking, capital markets, financing cash and liquidity management,” the bank says.

Source: MINA News Agency

03 Mar 2019, 23:11 PM

03 March 2019 - According to News Agency Jedro, during the summer season 2019, the Montenegrin and Italian coast will be connected by the Croatian ferry Dubrovnik.

Stock Company Barska plovidba and its Croatian partner Jadrolinija from Rijeka have been in charge of the Bar-Bari route, a service that exists over half a century, for two years in a row.

The representatives of Montenegrin company Barska plovidba recently confirmed for Jedro that the most reasonable and probable solution for the establishment of a seasonal ferry service between the cities of Bar (Montenegro) and Bari (Italy) is the ferry Dubrovnik.

This will mark the third season in a row that the Croatian ship Dubrovnik takes over the Bar-Bari service line as the Montenegrin Stock Company Barska Plovidba still hasn’t purchased a ferry.

The managerial staff of SC Barska Plovidba visited Rijeka (Croatia) in February to negotiate business requirements, the timetable and schedule for ferries with managers of Croatia’s Jadrolinija.

“The 2019 summer season is about to start, and we had to provide an alternative solution for the Bar-Bari ferry line. We had good cooperation with Jadrolinija over the past two years, and we expect this collaboration to continue in the same way this year as well. Barska Plovidba’s still striving to buy a used passenger vessel that would take over the Bar-Bari line,” said the president of the Board of Directors of SC Barska Plovidba, Ljubo Kočović.

"This line was established in 1965, and so far it has transported two million passengers, 240.000 cars and about 100.000 trucks and trailers. For half a century, the number of passengers who have travelled on this route is four times bigger than the total number of people living in Montenegro, and our most successful business years were 1995, 1996, 2006, 2007 and 2008, "said Tihomir Mirković, Acting Director of Barska plovidba.

The ferry Dubrovnik has the length of 122,06 metres, a width of 18,82 metres and height of 12,55 metres with a gauge of 4,83 metres. The ferry’s structure includes a restaurant with 135 seats, a self-service restaurant with 224 seats, a cake shop, a bar with 274 seats, a video hall, a chapel and a playroom for children.

03 Mar 2019, 13:34 PM

February 3, 2019 - Last night in Podgorica, the most massive protest took place since the independence of Montenegro, which according to the organizers, gathered 19,700 citizens from all over the country. At the fourth rally within the campaign “97,000 Odupri Se” (Resist!) held peacefully and without any incident, in addition to repeated demands for resignations with the deadline of 15 March, the protesters also addressed the opposition this time, demanding that they leave Parliament and boycott all elections in Montenegro until the fulfillment of civilian demands.

protest we are the state"We are the State", Copyright: 97,000 Odupri Se

"All those whose resignations we requested are due by March 15 to comply with our requests. If they do not do it then, on 16 March, we will gather again, and we will not get up until they fulfill our demands, "said Milos Krivokapic of the organizing team of the protest.
Citizens are seeking the resignation of President of the state, Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnic, Special State Prosecutor Ivica Stankovic and Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, Sreten Radonjic. They also demand the immediate resignation of the management of the RTCG - Council of the Public Broadcaster and General Manager Bozidar Sundic.
Answering recent statements by President Milo Djukanovic that he is ready to negotiate with protestors, Krivokapic said that "Protestors are neither terrorists nor kidnappers," so they negotiate with him. "There is no institute of negotiations between citizens and leader of the state because the head of state should serve the citizens," he said.
With gratitude to the opposition political parties for the right communication and the technical assistance provided so far, the protest organizers submitted requests last night and them, believing that this is the only way for joint resistance and struggle for a radical change of the system. "We ask that the deputies of all the opposition political parties leave the Parliament of Montenegro. We also want them to boycott all elections in Montenegro, as long as civil claims for resignations are not met, "said actor Slavisa Grubisa on behalf of the organizer.
The fourth civil protest "97,000 Odupri Se", which, according to the organizers, was attended by 19,700 citizens from all Montenegrin cities, passed peacefully, without any incidents.
protest jelena djurkovicCitizens at the Independence Square, Photo by Jelena Djurkovic
During the walk through the center of Podgorica, the column with the demonstrators stopped in front of the building of the president of Montenegro, the Assembly, and the Prosecutor's Office, which provided a small number of police officers without helmets and other equipment for securing protests.
"I believe that only the nonviolent struggle leads us towards the goal. Violence only causes new violence, and we want a new free and fair society, "said Danijela Djurisic from the organizing team, who announced last night's gathering. She also said that she had long been convinced that there were no free citizens in Montenegro, but only interests and clans, and that last night it turned out that this was not the case.
The citizens greeted students with exceptional enthusiasm, who joined the protest in an organized manner. On the Independence Square on their behalf, Lazar Vulević, a student of the Faculty of Political Science,
"I am speaking on behalf of all the brave students who are here tonight. Students who are not afraid to drop them on the exam, to send them to the Employment Service and employ a less professional person because it is politically similar. They often tell us that we are silent and learning and that we do not interfere, and in fact, that silence has taught us that nothing will change. Keep silent. Quiet to get hired. And finally, you will be silent on the plane or bus while you leave this country, "said Lazar Vulevic, noting that more and more young people are leaving Montenegro and that we should be wondering why this is so.
"We want to stay here, to build ourselves in this country," Vulevic said, inviting students and professors to support future civil protests.
Drama teacher Marija Backovic said that she is on the street every Saturday because she does not want to be shy in front of her students.
"One of my students told me recently:" It's all over with the story that the world stays on the youth, you do not have anything to leave us. “I’m here every Saturday because I do not want to be ashamed of my students. I am here because I know that there are enough knowledgeable citizens who want to build a world worthy of inheritance. We want to end the thirty-year-old madness, the rule of illiterate ministers and advisors, the privatization of this state and the destruction of its resources! To end the rule of crime, fear and the inability of citizens, "she said.
protest zoran mikicIndependence Square, 2 March 2019, Photo by Zoran Mikic
State employees of the state security, police, Special Forces and army Backovic said that they should not be worried by the gathered citizens. "We are not a danger to this country. The biggest dangers to this country are those who rule and destroy it for 30 years, "she said.
The one of the most famous Montenegrin cartoonists Goran Scekic said that all the institutions in Montenegro became a cartoon, and therefore he had to speak with jokes.
"Corruption has no end, and therefore there is no end to this column of empty pockets, unemployed daughters and sons. We pay the most expensive electricity and fuel in the region. In our country, there are only drugs, pardon bananas, the cheapest in the region. In the textbooks of future generations, they will write that they (DPS) have invented electricity, "he said.
Scekic reminded that citizens through electricity bills also pay for electricity from renewable energy sources, such as small hydropower plants, whose business connects with those from the top authorities or close to them. "They have created accounts with the 'child allowance' entry. For whom is child allowance? It is for their sons. Someone is with a minimum payment, someone with a mini power plant, "he said, telling the authorities that, if they raise electricity price, they will hear a storm from the “Freedom Square.”
At the last night's gathering, the citizens wore banners "Homeland defend the protest", "We are healthy tissue", "I'm gonna miss you, Milo", "Get up and win," "Mother, give me the euro,"Everyone sees it, nobody recognizes what the boots are doing to us "," Blazo, what's your best tariff package? "," Thank you for a sustainable breakup," Comedy," and among the assembled, last night were mostly young people.
After walking through the city center, the citizens re-assembled in the Independence Square, where the organizers said that if citizens' requests were not met by 15 March, on March 16, they would go out again on the streets.
"We'll gather again, and we will not break until they do it. We give two weeks, which is much more than they deserve. If they do not understand that democracy lies in the citizens and that we are the state, they will understand when 97,000 free citizens are ready to fight to the end after the expiration of the deadline, "Milos Krivokapic said on behalf of the organizer.
He also said that resistance would not stop and invited free citizens to join in further activities actively.
03 Mar 2019, 13:24 PM

03 March 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković met earlier today with President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Guido Raimondi. 

Montenegro is very committed to the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and executes the decisions of the ECHR in Strasbourg without exception and in the short term, it was noted at the meeting. 

"We believe that the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights that have been made in relation to Montenegro are in its interest, not against it," PM Marković said, adding that the judicial system is strengthened and that it gives additional support to the implementation of the Convention. 

Prime Minister Marković emphasised that Montenegro is striving towards the full implementation of European values and in this context pointed to the importance of NATO membership and EU negotiations. He added that a special focus was placed on meeting the provisional benchmarks for chapters 23 and 24 and in relation to the need to strengthen the rule of law, highlighted the importance of the freedom of the media, the fight against human trafficking, organised crime and corruption, and the strengthening of law enforcement authorities. 

European Court of Human Rights President Guido Raimondi praised the promptness in the execution of the European Court's decisions, noting that efforts to fully implement the rule of law are of the utmost importance. 

Both sides stressed the importance of signing Protocol 16 by Montenegro, which extends the jurisdiction of the European Court to provide advisory opinions at the request of the national court of the highest instance, arising from the need to reduce the inflow of cases from the member states of the Council of Europe within the comprehensive reform of the system that rests on the Convention on Human Rights. 

President of the Supreme Court Vesna Medenica and judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg Ivana Jelić also attended the meeting.

03 Mar 2019, 13:06 PM

03 March 2019 - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Zoran Pažin met earlier today with President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Guido Raimondi.

We are proud that Europe sees Montenegro as an example of responsible and consistent execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, DPM Pažin said at the meeting.

DPM Pažin said that Montenegro is aware of the great privilege and responsibility that, as a member of the Council of Europe, it provides its citizens with the highest level of protection of human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. 

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the European Court's assessment that there is no systematic violation of human rights in Montenegro. He stressed that Montenegro will continue to execute all judgments of the European Court in a timely, conscientious and proper manner, which it perceives as a chance for further development of the domestic legal order, promotion and strengthening of human rights and freedoms of Montenegrin citizens.

DPM Pažin pointed out that Montenegrin institutions pay full attention to the application of the standards of the European Convention at the national level, adding that the European Commission's latest progress report shows that Montenegro enjoys a good level of cooperation with the ECHR.

European Court President Raimondi welcomed Montenegro's commitment to respecting high standards of protection of human rights and freedoms and commended the Government for the principled and consistent execution of all judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. President Raimondi also stressed that a quality dialogue that the ECHR has with Montenegrin courts is essential for strengthening the national legal system.

03 Mar 2019, 13:00 PM

03 March 2019 - On the occasion of the celebration of the Day of Protection and Rescue in Montenegro and the World Civil Defence Day, the Ministry of the Interior organised a ceremony to grant awards and recognitions for the contribution to the development of the protection and rescue system in the previous year. 

Minister of the Interior Mevludin Nuhodžić and Director General of the Directorate for Emergency Situations Mirsad Mulićaddressed the audience. 

Prime Minister Duško Marković sent a congratulatory letter to members of the protection and rescue services, noting that they are a reliable backbone both of Montenegro and our NATO partners. 

Minister Nuhodžić emphasised that every year the rescue system is additionally improved. He recalled that last year a new firefighting aircraft was purchased and the status of 20 firefighters was solved. The Minister expressed special satisfaction with the Protection and Rescue Fund, through which over 94,000 EUR were allocated for projects that will further strengthen the rescue system. The commitment of the Government and the Ministry of the Interior to improving the status of firefighters is also shown in an increase in their wage coefficient, the Minister said, adding that this was only one of the benefits defined by the Law on Protection and Rescue. 

Director General Mulić expressed satisfaction with the quality of the rescue system and the good cooperation of all the entities of the system, pointing to the complexity and responsibility of the tasks performed by members of the protection and rescue system. 

Mulić noted that there were 13 296 interventions in the past year, while Directorate for Emergency Situations 112 recorded 105 395 calls and coordinated 40 rescue operations in the mountains, where 88 people were rescued. He also stressed that there were no human casualties. 

A total of 19 awards and recognitions were granted this year. 

03 Mar 2019, 12:52 PM

02 March 2019 - The most expensive villa in Montenegro was sold in Tivat Municipality for 10 million EUR, stated Niko Laković, executive director of, a website offering superb luxury properties throughout Montenegro.

According to Laković, certain villas and apartments in Montenegro have been sold at even higher prices than in some other, more developed tourist destinations.

“Over the past few years, the real estate market in Montenegro saw an upward trend and the opportunities have been pretty favorable. The luxury real estate market functions mainly thanks to Porto Montenegro and Luštica Bay, where most of the high-end apartments were sold at higher prices than in some more developed tourist destinations,” said Laković.

The average price of villas per square meter in a high-end Montenegrin village ranges from 6,000 EUR to 7,000 EUR, said Laković, adding that some coastal villas are being offered from 5,000 EUR/sqm to even 10,000 EUR/sqm (palaces in Dobrota, Ljuta and Perast).

So far, affluent real estate buyers from Serbia showed the most interest in Montenegrin luxury properties followed by the Turks, Russians, and Brits.

Luštica Development Company, responsible for developing and building Luštica Bay, stated that last year was pretty much successful when it comes to selling homes and apartments which brought to somewhat higher prices of the remaining real estate in this newly built luxury complex. According to this company, the most expensive villa in Luštica Bay was sold for 2.43 million EUR and right now, there’s another 3-room townhouse available for purchase if anyone’s willing to give 1.03 EUR million for it. As for the apartments in this village, the most expensive one is situated in the residency ‘Kamelija’ and can be purchased for 1.58 million EUR.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

03 Mar 2019, 12:41 PM

02 March 2019 - Representatives of the Government of Montenegro recently hosted President of the European Handball Federation (EHF) Michael Wiederer for talks on the 2022 European Women's Handball Championship, which will take place in three countries - Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Slovenia.

The representatives of the Government of Montenegro stated that further development of sports is among the strategic policies of the Government, together with the affirmation of top athletes and their results, as well as the improvement of sports infrastructure throughout the country.

It was concluded that Montenegro, as part of further support for sports and state promotion, has taken adequate steps to sponsor this competition with the valuable support of the European Handball Federation.

In that context, the meeting also discussed the need to build a multifunctional sports hall in the Capital City of Podgorica, which would serve other purposes as well. Both sides agreed that the new facility would be an important link in further affirmation of sports, but also an important additional content in the tourist offer of Montenegro and the Capital City.

The meeting was also attended by Minister of Sports and Youth Nikola Janović, Vice President of the European Handball Federation Predrag Bošković and President of the Handball Federation of Montenegro Petar Kapisoda.

Recently, the biggest Montenegrin club, the Women's Handball Club Budućnost, celebrated the Jubilee - 70 years of existence in the Montenegrin National Theater.

Seven decades were presented through a documentary by Blagota Marunović and the Center for Multimedia Production (CEZAM), in which their stories about Budućnost were told by the former presidents Miško Kalezić, Rade Đurđić, Budimir Stanišić and Predrag Bošković, famous coach and sports director Nikola Petrović, legends of this sport Maja Bulatović and Bojana Popović, current head of the expert staff Dragan Adžić and well-known senior fans - Zef-Bato Dedivanović and Husein-Ceno Tuzović.


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