
10 Mar 2019, 22:49 PM

09 March 2019 - Excluding Turkey from the Balkans represents a non-objective approach with bad intentions, as Turkey’s approach to the regional problems does not differ from the one the European Union has towards the Balkans, Ambassador of Turkey Ms Songül Ozan said for Pobjeda daily.

“Our relations have been continuously improving in all areas. One can notice the existence of high level of political dialogue and cooperation between the two states,” Ambassador of Turkey Ozan stressed.

When it comes to direct foreign investments in Montenegro, she added that Turkey holds the 5th position.

“We have the same approach in solving the international and regional issues. Thanks to Turkish Airlines, our global brand, the citizens of Montenegro can visit the most beautiful landmarks in Turkey or worldwide. Also, Ziraat Bank in Montenegro has been providing the most favorable banking services to Montenegrin citizens as well as to Turks working in Montenegro. These are the facts proving that relations between the two states are excellent,” Ozan pointed out.

There is a potential for improving cooperation, according to her.

“During my term of office, I will be committed to improving our cooperation in all areas. Montenegro is a young and dynamic state, with an economy continuously developing and there are so many untouched places good for investments,” Ozan said adding that Montenegro benefited a lot from NATO membership.

“Montenegro has become a very attractive country thanks to the fact it has foreseeable future, and it is a NATO member state and future EU member state. Keeping in mind our joint history and culture, as well as the fact that Montenegro citizens are always so hospitable just as we are, there is no doubt it all positively affects our citizens,” Ozan concluded, adding that Montenegro represents one of the most popular countries for Turks.

10 Mar 2019, 22:41 PM

09 March 2019 - The Government of Montenegro passed the Draft Defence Strategy of Montenegro, the most important strategic document in the field of defence. 

"This document focuses on the development of the defence system of Montenegro and engagement of defence resources in response to contemporary security challenges, risks and threats in the long term", Minister of Defence Predrag Bošković told the press following the Cabinet session.

He also noted that the current Defence Strategy was adopted more than ten years ago and that it had to be revised, bearing in mind that in the meantime significant changes in the geostrategic and security environment occurred. The new strategic framework enables the further development of the defence system, and NATO membership is recognised as one of the key elements of the concept.

"The draft defence strategy respects the current and future defence needs of Montenegro. The document provides a clear vision of protecting the independence, sovereignty and state territory of Montenegro, with the integrated engagement of all national capacities and support of the allies. The strategy also implements the vision set out in the NATO Strategic Concept, especially when it comes to contributing to the development and capabilities of the Alliance, as well as the preservation of peace and security in the region and the world," said Minister Bošković.

Recently in Brussels, Secretary-General at NATO, Jens Stoltenberg said that it is encouraging the Alliance has members such as Montenegro is, and emphasized that NATO enlargement within the Western Balkans has strengthened the Alliance.

“There are numerous challenges and issues, but it’s encouraging to have Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and soon north Macedonia as our member states,” concluded NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg.

10 Mar 2019, 22:17 PM

10 March 2019 - As requested by the citizens of the Capital, the Liberal Party of Podgorica has prepared an initiative to change business hours of food and beverage facilities in residential buildings or other collective accommodation facilities during the winter period from 8 am to 11 pm, and in the summer from 7 am to 11 pm without the possibility of extension.

Liberals will ask for a revision of the Decision to convert housing into business premises in buildings.

"This initiative primarily relates to food and beverage facilities located in residential buildings or other collective accommodation facilities. In the previous period, the Liberals of Podgorica organized meetings with the citizens of the Capital to determine which problems had the greatest impact on the quality of life in the city. A significant number of citizens’ complaints was related to noise from food and beverage facilities – cafes, bars and night clubs located in residential buildings or their immediate vicinity," says Jovan Rabrenović, president of the Board of the Liberal Party of Podgorica for CdM.

As Rabrenović explained, the problem is especially accentuated in older residential buildings where the subsequent conversion of apartments into business premises enabled the opening of food and beverage facilities. Therefore, the Liberals prepared a proposal for the Assembly of the Capital City, requesting the revision of the Decision for the conversion of residential into the business premises in buildings. Rabrenović also added that the Liberal Party requested the amendment of the Decision on business hours, so that the work time of the catering facilities should be limited to the timeframe from 8 am to 11 pm in the winter, and from 7 am to 11 pm in the summer period.

An additional problem, as the Liberals’ data from the citizens’ interviews show, is the food and beverage facilities where food is prepared and which do not have any insulation and ventilation or the ventilation is extremely poor. The result of this problem is the inability to protect the residents from the smells from the kitchen of these facilities.

“After inspection control, all such facilities should be ordered to either correct the defects or stop preparing food in poor conditions. In this way, using the comparative practice of other countries that have solved these problems in the same way, the residents of the Capital will be provided with enough time for an unhindered rest, as the noise from the cafes and the crowd surrounding them in the parking lots will be significantly reduced or even eliminated. Liberals, as part of the responsible city authorities, will do everything in our power to provide the citizens of Podgorica with adequate living and working conditions, and one of the priorities is certainly solving this problem with the work of restaurants and similar facilities," said Rabrenović.

10 Mar 2019, 18:34 PM

Twenty groups, which represented a kind of a typical maritime flower, happily and with much enthusiasm, participated in the Children's Flower Day, which was held in Herceg Novi during the 50th Mimosa Festival.

Secretary of the Municipality of Herceg Novi, Ana Zambelic Pistalo, said that the Children's Flower Day is a significant part of the Festival and that the children are "our wealth".

"The local government's attitude is that all programs that include a large number of children are specifically profiled to be as good as possible. As you see, there are many children. Today there are 20 groups from all educational institutions in our municipality and Children's Home "Mladost". We are delighted and enthusiastic to participate in the Flower Fair," said Zambelic Pistalo.

All programs directed to children, she explained, besides the entertainment, must have an educational character.

"Accordingly, each of these groups represents a flower typical for the coast, for Boka Bay, for the Mediterranean. They will send a message to all of us, in the spirit of presenting the plant that the group represents. So, we believe that we will learn a lot about the plants, which are represented in Boka Bay and Herceg Novi," said Zambelic Pistalo.

A member of the organizing team of the Children's Flower Parade, Ivan Peulic, said that he believed that good energy contributed so that the rain stopped and the Flower Parade was held.

"Everyone is in a good mood and it is essential that this is not just an event for today. This is the education of the whole society. We need to teach the small children to wear costumes, since Herceg Novi is recognized by the fact that we are among the first cities in organizing masquerades. When you teach your children to wear costumes, they will definitely continue this tradition. This is now seen. Here are children aged 5 to 15," said Peulic. He said that preparations for one mask last for two to three months and that all parents, especially teachers contribute to this.

Flower parade

Adviser to the President of the Municipality and member of the Mimosa Festival, Tamara Vujovic, said that they all feared that the bad weather would spoil the Flower parade, but, as she said, the gloomy day was painted with children’s’ smiles, games and colorful costumes. "

Nothing could ruin today's entertainment. I want to emphasize that the Municipality of Herceg Novi always supports the Children's Flower Parade and all manifestations that enable the participation of children and young people in our events. I want to praise the additional efforts by teachers and educators who have animated the children. They provided effort, creativity, expressed team spirit and communion. The Municipality of Herceg Novi is there to support it, but without schools and students, there would be no such thing. This is the best definition of love during the Mimosa Festival," said Vujovic.

For more information visit TMN's dedicated page

Text by Boka news, on March 9th, 2019, read more at Boka News

10 Mar 2019, 18:30 PM

In the hall of the Academy of Knowledge organized by the National Library of Budva, the promotion of the first book of poems by the young poet Lejla Kasic was held, titled "My Red".

Lejla Kasic was born in 1996 in Prijepolje. She finished high school "Slobodan Skerovic" in Podgorica, after which she enrolled at the Faculty of Philology in Niksic. She studied at Karl-Frances University in Graz. She has been writing since elementary school when she read her texts in children's shows at the RTCG where she was a host and co-worker on the radio. She has written poetry intensely in recent years, and the first collection is a product of poetic growth and maturation. Her poetry is featured on many literary sites, and some of her poems are translated into Hungarian.

The collection "My Red" contains about 50 poems about love, life, passion, pain, death... The book came off the press in October 2018, and the publisher is Stampar Makarije.

At the promotion in Budva, the author read the verses from her collection "My Red" to the audience's delight and joy. With the author Lejla Kasic, Stanko Stanojevic, moderator of literary promotion, also spoke.

What is your symbolism of red, love and suffering and danger? This is, in a way, a growing up and artistic maturation, but also a little deeper?

"Red is simply the most lifelike color, the color of the base on which life creates and disappears. If I were a color, I would be very red, because it is so ambivalent and contradictory – it is a color of love and hate, and the struggles and surrenders, it is all-encompassing. On the other hand, red is tied to my sister who departed too early and tragically from the game of life, and her name Al-Hammbra means red in translation. There's also a part of the collection that includes poems that talk about death, pain, my survival of her death, so I think those poems and  the book’s title are a nice way to give her eternity."

Poetry about love, pain, suffering, passion, death, life in general, about topics that, as you said, should be kept from clichés. These are eternal themes. How are you guarding them? What is the immortality of the subject and the poet?

"I guard them just as I speak and write about them, but primarily by allowing myself to feel, live and survive what I write about. The immortality of these themes is reflected in their presence in our lives, whoever we are and whatever we do we cannot and should not remain immune to them. The poet is, therefore, only someone who by playing with words, can touch the soul, and his immortality comes when, after him, his words, thoughts, ideas do not cease to live."

Should poetry necessarily have a foothold in the real, experienced poet's experience and what motivates you most?

"Literature itself is fictitious and so skillfully flirting with reality and with lies, and somewhere its point is not to be able to distinguish what really happened and what did not. Certainly, the impulses from reality are necessary, but this does not necessarily have to be a real experience, as long as we can identify with it. Life motivates me. Its predictable unpredictability, challenges, joys, fateful coincidences. Youth is driving me, those wild years when you're running the world, and you can hardly see, all those craziness that accompanies maturity. Love, that divine feeling and all the trivial feelings that accompany it, which are equally important.”

You're writing about a woman from a woman’s view. Among other things, one who fears "becoming a mother because I am too selfish", as well as one that "would give birth to a son with celestial eyes and a daughter with a gap between the teeth, if I could." What do you think of the position and freedom of women in a society in which someone gives birth to someone, and not to himself, as in creation?

"The topic of the position of a woman is always inspiring because as a woman I feel how much this position can make us suffer. Today, more than ever, we are full of stories about the rights and freedoms of women, and the struggle for the rights is reduced to the controversial continuation - the titles in the occupations and the celebration of March 8th with the appropriate music programs and perfumes at promotional prices. It's not the point. The problem is much deeper. For example, when a poet uses vulgarism in their creations, they will probably not be questioned about the quality of the written text nor will they be criticized. It will be praised; it will be compared with Bukowski. When a poet does the same, there will be comments like: "A woman is not fit for that!", "It's not ladylike!" Who determines what suits or does not suit a woman? We are not all born to be ladies, and that does not diminish our specialty and value, and we need to say what we feel loudly and clearly, and no one has the right to condemn us for doing so or adhere us with any labels.

The above verses are from poems between which there is a two-year difference. And now, when a couple of years has passed between the then and the present me, I say that a woman should not give birth to someone else, or herself, but when she decides to become a mother (if you ask me, the only person who is worthy of having a monument), she does it only because of the being she gives life, because no matter if she gave birth, she does not claim the right to another's life."

What is the position of a poet in the society and culture in which she is being accomplished? Should she also have luck and affection, to be in someone’s grace?

"Luck and affection are always nice to have, and I am grateful to the Universe that always keeps my back and that is always on my side, so I constantly meet people who instruct, support, and motivate me. So, this promotion in Budva reminded me of last year's poetry evening also in Budva, where I met people with whom I later collaborated and who turned my thoughts towards the serious idea of publishing a book. But that does not have to be decisive. Sometimes the adverse circumstances are good motivation, but it's easier and more beautiful to know that you are creating close to people who are willing to support you."

Are creative impulses always binding you on creation and when are they embedded into a poem?

"I often get these impulses from reality as small signs of inspiration. So a word comes down to me, comparison, sentence and when I write them, I do not force them, but I'm thinking about them, and I wait for the moment when they will grow up in a poem. Sometimes they are only waiting for a few hours to get the final shape, and sometimes much longer. Sometimes they do not wait at all, but the avalanche of words leak out of me. The inspiration is deceitful, and I simply adore its games."

When the poem gets its final shape, do you return to them, do you make them better?

"I don't come back to them. Not because I think there is no room for repairs, but because it's an expression of me at that moment and as such, it would not be worth or make sense if I would return to it to make it better."

Do you think that a poet can and should present what they do, therefore, without a publisher and a critic; do you consider it good for some future literary duration?

"For me, so far, this kind of approach exalts me. I held the first promotion all by myself, leading the audience through my creations with a certain story or an anecdote related to the poem. I think that, for someone who is only at the beginning of their literary work and who needs to be recognized in that area, I still have not earned so much respect and appreciation, so others would write reviews about my work. I prefer to see how the audience experiences the verses I read than someone interpreting what the poet wanted to say. Of course, I will be happy when one day I find someone writing criticisms about me, but I do not want to force it now and that this is done because it needs to be done, not because it wants."

Is the audience’s judgment decisive then? Whose is it?

"The audience is important, but I do not tie myself to their opinions and expectations. If they like me, that's good. If they do not like me, that's also ok. When they react to my words, it has the least connection with me and with those words. The reaction is related to what the words awaken in them. Therefore, it is a reaction in themselves, and the words are only an intermediary. An Indian poet said that our art is not how much others like what we do, but how much we like it, how honest we are in creating and how we must never sell sincerity to please somebody. And that is the point of art and creation."

What are the creators, writers, artists influencing your creating and poetic testimony and path (sometimes explicitly underlined in peoms)?

"Poetry has always been present in my life, so various influences have been precipitated, that I cannot even distinguish from where a thought in my head came from, and whether it's originally mine or someone's influence shapes it. And I love this intertextuality, because it provides a new life with already existing words, and on the other hand, some of the writers have so ingeniously said some things that it cannot go beyond it. This is in a way networking of old and new generations of writers, because, our essence is the same. There are many of them, from Miroslav Antic, Dis, Jesenjin, Ratkovic, to some musicians such as Damir Urban and the like."

For more information please visit TMN's dedicated page

Text by CdM, on March 8th, 2019, read more at CdM

10 Mar 2019, 18:26 PM

To the ladies who found themselves in traffic on the main boulevard in Ulcinj, policemen Sinisa Dulovic and Petar Vojvodic gifted them with carnations. This nice action on Women's Day was designed in the chief’s cabinet of the police station in Ulcinj, Arben Tagani.

Traffic Police Commander Aleksa Kocovic said that the action was carried out in cooperation with the local Tourist Organization.

"We did not write tickets today, but we gave flowers to females with a warning that they do not constitute traffic violations," Kocovic said. The action of the Ulcinj traffic police has arisen sympathies with the ladies, passersby and all participants in traffic.

For more information please follow the TMN's dedicated page

Text by Samir Adrovic, on March 8th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

10 Mar 2019, 15:27 PM

March 10, 2019 - Portonovi resort, whose principal investor is Azmont Investments, is one of the most significant European tourist projects of this type. The countdown to the opening of Portonovi in the summer of 2019 has begun as they participate in the International Boat Show in Moscow, said the company.

The nautical fair in Moscow belongs to the most significant global events in the field of yachting and maritime, and it is especially attentive to recreational and water sports enthusiasts.

Portonovi marina has one of the most prominent stands at this prestigious fair, given that the opening of this marina is awaited with impatience in the world of the international nautical industry.

"With the world's highest standard of service, the D-Marin Portonovi Marina will provide the owners of superyachts and seafarers with the opportunity to visit the ports in the Adriatic and across the Mediterranean with privileged access to our marine members. Designed to receive ships up to 120m in length, with a capacity of 238 berths, D Marin Marina is equipped with the most advanced technology, providing the highest level service," the company said.

As they say, D Marin Marina will welcome the boats and super yachts that want to explore the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Dalmatian coasts, at the same time serving as a border crossing. D Marin Marina Montenegro will also have additional amenities such as water supply, electricity, use of shower, clothes and gas station service, helipad, shopping, and sophisticated restaurant offerings on the seaside are only part of the rivers program that will have different activities throughout the year.

"In addition to the variety of customer service available, the Marine Management will pay special attention to its relationship with customers as well as to the high level of direct service. A customer who becomes a member of the D-Marin Group and a member of the D-Marin Portonovi Marina will have a special set of privileges in other D-Marin marinas throughout the Mediterranean, such as a free-of-charge day," the company said.

Residents of Portonovi will be able to choose between 214 flats in the first phase of the construction of the coastal residential area of Portonovi Village and the Marina Residences that make single-story, penthouses and villas, which will include restaurants, boutiques, galleries and salons of the world's most prestigious offer and D Marin Marinas Marina along the 1.8km of shore.

The first One & Only in Europe, whose opening is planned for the summer season 2020, will offer 113 hotel rooms and ten branded villas on the private beach with private berths and beaches. Global recognition of Espace Chenot Heath Wellness Spa will provide its clients with the highest level of health care through their scientifically based wellness program in 17 clinics.

10 Mar 2019, 00:26 AM

08 March 2019 - Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management has published a tender for the lease of 20 swimming areas and beaches in Kruče, Valdanos, Mala plaža and Borova šuma. Initial price ranges from 500 EUR to 9.940 EUR, no VAT included.

Four of the cheapest swimming areas are in Kruče and they can be leased for 500 EUR. Ice cream stalls are allowed to be installed at two of the beaches. The most expensive lease at this location costs 2.262 EUR, for a 100-meter long beach and with the area of 780 square meters. This beach allows for the installation of a bar and a terrace.

The swimming area in Valdanos depression will be leased at an initial price of 7.224 EUR. It occupies 300 m of length and 2.400 square meters of sand beach, as well as 125 meters of the western part of the shore.

The public-family swimming area in the western area of the Mala plaža has the most expensive price of the lease contract – 9.940 EUR. It is 95 meters long, 2.850 plus 6.150 square meters. One part of the area is public and intended for families, whereas the other part has no equipment. Three condensers are planned to be installed there.

Coastal Management offers a swimming area in the eastern side of Mala plaža, at a price of 3.660 EUR. It is 50 meters long and has an area of 1.300 square meters.

Minimum lease contract price at the location of Old town is 4.736 EUR.

As far as the location of Borova šuma is concerned, there are six swimming areas and beaches in the offer. Initial lease prices range from 4.170 EUR to 6.552 EUR. Bars and terraces are allowed to be set up in all of them.

The tender will be open until 21 March, 11 AM.

10 Mar 2019, 00:09 AM

07 March 2019 - The new categorization of beaches and amendments and balancing of lease prices, as well as the new rule that colorful advertisement sunshades or temporary facilities that do not fit in will not spread all over the swimming areas anymore. This is just some of the news that will be the main feature of this summer’s seaside season, said the Director of the Coastal Zone Management, Mr. Predrag Jelušić.

After some strategic estimates were made, the need for the so-called beach categorization arose. Beaches will be divided in 12 categories. Apart from the existing ones, beaches for the active tourism, excursion beaches, beaches intended for pets, nudists, as well as party beaches will also be part of the offer.

“We are going to have a whole new palette of a large variety of swimming areas in almost every municipality. This way we made a significant step forward in our offer. Habits of our guests change; tourists do not want to spend their entire vacation at one beach only. Ulcinj, for example, is recognized as a place of active tourism. Kite surfing is the main reason why tourists go there. The similar thing will be with diving,” said Jelušić.

What this model will enable is a lease with a clear theme and clearly defined responsibilities.

The tender for the hotel beaches is almost over. By 1st May, all swimming areas, or at least the majority of them, should be ready to welcome the guests.

According to the Law on Spatial Planning, the lease of beaches and swimming areas will be for a period of five years, starting from this year.

“We believe that leaseholders will behave more responsibly when it comes to the space and that they will invest more in the quality of the offer. There were some comments earlier, that the temporary facilities are not very attractive, because of their color and material. Well, now the town architect will give suggestions. After the architect gives consent, the main project can be carried out. Improvised facilities, installed in contravention of the defined rules, must not happen this year,” says Jelušić.

Another news in the Rule book on swimming areas is that after 5 pm, equipment will not be charged.

“There have been some unpleasant situations regarding this matter. Sometimes, guests were required to pay the full price of the furniture even after 5 pm, and it seemed rude and left such a negative impression. The new harmonized rule book is expected to be finished soon, and we will have plenty of time for the preparation of the season. It is high time we eliminated a negative picture of our coast,” says Jelušić.

Number of locations intended for the purposes of temporary facilities will be reduced this year.

“Refill ice cream stands, rows of showcases along the promenades, barbecues…all these will not be allowed,” points out Director of the Coastal Zone Management Jelušić.

Prices of the lease in Ulcinj increased, which made the hotel industry employees react. They think the prices are too high.

“They have to come to terms with the fact that if they want bigger space, they have to pay more. The lease will be charged by one square meter, €1 per square meter. All areas developed. Ulcinj has been underrated for so long when it comes to leasing prices. The construction of a new, little resort on Bojana enlivened this area, and it would be fair that prices corresponded to the present tourism valuation of Ulcinj,” concluded Director of the Coastal Zone Management Jelušić.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

10 Mar 2019, 00:04 AM

07 March 2019 - There are 301.597 payment card users: citizens, enterprises, entrepreneurs. The number of issued credit cards is higher by 136.024 or a total of 437.621, which means that somebody has one credit card, or more than one.

People often complain that banks charge high fees for card transactions, especially credit card transactions. However, representatives of the Central Bank of Montenegro said that the amount of the fee was the matter of the business policy and competition of every individual bank. They announced, however, cheaper transactions.

“The Central Bank of Montenegro prepared a working version of the draft law on interbank fees and special operating rules related to payment cards. This law regulated interbank fees charged to the payee during national payment transactions by payment cards in Montenegro. This will improve the functioning of the internal market and reduce costs for the payment transactions,” said the representatives of the Central Bank of Montenegro.

The data show that the difference between credit and debit cards is big. The reason is that the latter is “more expensive” since they enable the user to use the money of the bank.

The number of credit and debit cards differ from the total number of payment cards. Data about payment cards are given by functions of payment since one card can have several features. Also, cards with the e-money function also count.

Interesting data is that, last year, the number of card transactions fell.

Representatives of the Montenegrin Commercial Bank said that the number of active credit cards ranged from 40 to 43 thousand at the monthly level. They say that issuing and maintain credit card is free of charge.

“When a client opens an account at our bank, he/she automatically obtains two debit cards, visa and electron and Montenegrin Commercial Bank master debit card. Issuing and maintaining cards will be free of charge in the forthcoming period too, in order to enable easier accessibility of digital channels to our clients,” said the representatives of the Montenegrin Commercial Bank.

Representatives of Societe Generale Bank offer the possibility of using two cards as well.

“A great number of clients uses different Le Club packages in which various products, and even cards, are used at significantly lower prices. Raising cash using our debit cards is free of charge. If the clients use some package, they can raise cash using the ATMs of all other banks in Montenegro free of charge and not more than four times per month, thanks to Mastercard debit card,” stated the representatives of Societe Generale Montenegro.

Credit cards are becoming more and more popular. Representatives of Erste bank say that the number of cards and the recorded turnover increased by one fourth. So far, they have not had any information that the users were not satisfied with the price-quality ratio.

“A client is not obliged to pay a monthly maintenance of debit cards or a fee for the initial card issue. Cards are valid for four years. Afterward, clients pay 2,5 EUR for the new one. Our users can raise cash free of charge using the Erste ATM in Montenegro and in another ten countries in the region where members of Erste or Sparkasse bank group operate,” says Bojan Burić, director of the Sector of direct channels in Erste bank.

Fees, commissions, and terms of use of cards are different in all 13 banks. Credit cards of the clients of Atlas Bank are still on a moratorium; that is, they can not be used. IBM went bankrupt, so practically this bank doesn’t exist anymore. Commissions and fees are likely to be reduced, and that is the common feature of every bank. After the new legislation is adopted, we will see if that will happen.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

09 Mar 2019, 19:41 PM

09 March 2019 - On the occasion of March 8, the director of National Park Durmitor Tomo Pajović opened an exhibition of hand-made items created of natural materials (wood, stone) and woolen, embroidered, woven and crocheted works. The exhibition of handicrafts which were designed and made by local producers from this protected area will last for the next 9 days.

"This exhibition has a lasting tradition, which we cherished for many years in order to preserve long-established crafts and skills, as well as to promote the manual work of local communities that inhabit the area of the Park," informed the director of National Park Durmitor.

Exhibition of Handicrafts in National Park Durmitor 2

The exhibition has gathered unique works of a large number of weavers, knitters, embroideries and sculptors from the area of National Park Durmitor, who are engaged in the production of handmade items. These items are exhibited at the Centre for Visitors of the Park, and the best and the most beautiful handicrafts’ creators will be presented with the rewards.

The exhibition has competitive and sales character and it will enable local producers from the area of Durmitor to present their work during the ten days starting from March 8. National Park Durmitor will purchase a number of works in order to foster cooperation with local producers and at the same time enrich the offer of the Park's souvenir shop.

"National Park Durmitor invites all interested visitors to visit the exhibition and purchase handmade items to support the local population from the area of the Park, which still preserves traditional crafts and skills such as wood carving and the production of used and decorative exhibits and garments", concluded Pajović.

Exhibited works can be viewed at the Centre for Visitors of National Park Durmitor from Friday, March 8 to Sunday, March 17, every day from 7 am to 7 pm.

Source: TVCG

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