
12 Mar 2019, 19:52 PM

11 March 2019 - Last year, the state generated revenues of 163.7 million EUR from fuel excise taxes, which is by 4% higher when compared to 2017 when revenues amounted to 157.3 million EUR, the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro reported.

The diesel excise tax is 0.44 per liter EUR, while the excise tax on gasoline Euro super 98 and 95 amounts to 0.54 EUR per liter, the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro explained, adding that revenues generated from mineral oils make 66.9% of the total revenues from taxes.

The excise duty last time was changed two years ago when it went up by 0.09 EUR. On the question whether the state plans to decrease the fuel excise duty in this year, the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro emphasized such a decision required the drafting of an in-depth analysis, primarily due to its impact on the budget.

Similarly, 23 concessionaires were able to use considerable water resources of Montenegro in 2018, and at least 2.16 million EUR of revenue will be generated from water tariffs.

There have been 23 concessions – 14 agreements on the use of water for bottling, two agreements for water supply, one agreement for fish-farming and propulsion and technological needs respectively, and five agreements for water bottling which are now in the termination procedure.

As far as water tariffs are concerned, Water Management calculates them for one calendar year. According to the final statement, water tariffs for 2017 amount to 2.28 million EUR in total. Around 1.69 million EUR goes on the use of water. Concessions for water bottling amount 103,526 EUR and 18,636 EUR for water supply and bottling of water for the concessionaires who failed to build factories.


The final statement will be finished this month.

Funds paid this way are divided in such a way that 30% belongs to the state budget, and the remaining 70% is divided among municipalities where the managed water is being used.

12 Mar 2019, 19:23 PM

11 March 2019 - Johnny Depp and the 200 members of the Minamata movie team have traveled to Montenegro and they are currently staying in Tivat, as reported by Radio Tivat. Johnny Depp and his movie crew are in Montenegro for the production of the Minamata movie, which will include numerous scenes from the life of American photographer W. Eugene Smith on the Island of Flowers, the Tivat Župa and the Kalardovo Beach.

They came in Tivat with a private jet and the movie crew and the main actor himself are in a positive mood, and they are also planning to stay for a whole week, with the exception that they can stay for a few days more.

"Depp loved the recent movie set location change and he already said that Montenegro is a beautiful country. He also emphasized that moving to the sea after production in Belgrade feels good for him," said a source close to the movie crew.

Johnny Depp Staying in Montenegro For Minamata Movie1

The representatives of the Municipality of Tivat did not want to reveal any details, because they are prohibited from doing so based on the cooperation agreement between the city officials and the movie crew. However, the thing that is almost certain for sure is that the actor is currently residing in Porto Montenegro's most luxurious resort, which includes endless sigh sights.

The main production of the movie already began in Japan, while the movie set was moved to Serbia in January. During this occasion, the Mayor of Tivat Kusovac said that the interest of productions behind big film achievements is a significant opportunity for the global promotion of Tivat.

"We are interested in filming in Tivat, and so far it has been a practice to assist in administrative and booking and location arrangements. In that respect, we will provide maximum support," the Mayor of Tivat said.

During his stay in Serbia, President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić has met Hollywood star, Johnny Depp. Vučić thanked Depp because “he believed in Serbia” and decided to produce and act in it, according to accounts.

Johnny Depp Staying in Montenegro For Minamata Movie2

Only a few days earlier, he was seen in Belgrade in shots uploaded to the group’s social media channel as he posed with Ivana Nikolić, member of the newly-formed band, hinting the two had met earlier and this was a friendly catch up with the whole crew. In a cozy shot, Ivana captioned the photo: ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean together’.


Minamata is predicated on the e-book by Aileen Mioko Smith and W. Eugene Smith and tailored by David Ok. Kessler (The Exhausting Day's Day). The redemptive thriller, an actual story of David versus the story of Goliath, smashes Smith towards a strong company liable for poisoning folks from Minamata – Japan in 1971. Minamata is a narrative extraordinarily emotional Because the highly effective images of a person has hit the world to take motion.

With the glory of the times of World Battle II behind him, Smith (Depp) turned a prisoner, disconnected from society and his profession. However, an outdated pal and a fee from the editor of "Life Journal" (Nighy) persuade him to journey to Japan to show an excellent story: the devastating annihilation of a coastal group, the victims of company greed and the native police and accomplices. Armed with solely his trusted digital camera, Smith should acquire the boldness of this struggling group and discover the photographs that can convey historical past to the World.

12 Mar 2019, 00:22 AM

11 March 2019 - Interim Administrator of Atlas Bank, Tanja Terić, has adopted a decision to issue 22 million EUR worth of shares for the sale of this financial institution.

In a press release published on the bank’s website, Terić explained that the decision on the issue of shares was adopted on Thursday in line with the Law on Banks. “A total of 88,710 shares with the nominal value of 248 EUR per share have been issued,” the press release says.

The call says that the issue will be considered successful if all issued shares have been registered and paid for within the defined deadline. Terić informed the interested buyers that the shares might be bought within 20 days, starting from the first weekday after the publication of the call.

As specified in the advertisement, interested parties have the right to inspect the public call on the website of Atlas Bank, The sale of shares will be done through an investment firm in a regulated market.

Previously, the private placing for recapitalisation of Atlas Bank in the value of 22 million EUR for existing shareholders was not successful. The decision for private placing, which only applied to existing shareholders, was adopted on January 16, and the process itself began three days later.

These shareholders could, based on the legal right of pre-acquisition, purchase a part of 88.71 thousand shares with an individual nominal value of EUR 248, which covered a capital increase of 22 million euros.

On December 7, the Central Bank introduced the provisional administration to Atlas and Invest Bank Montenegro (IBM), which later ended with the bankruptcy of IBM. In the meantime, both banks deal with the prosecution for suspicion of money laundering.

12 Mar 2019, 00:08 AM

11 March 2019 - The project Development of the Road Map Database, which is finally completed, provides conditions for improving road safety in Montenegro, which will result in a reduction in the number of traffic accidents; it was estimated from the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro.

The staff that developed the project, as announced by the Ministry, collected and processed data of 1.783 kilometres of main and regional roads, and in this way, they established a computerized system for managing the state roads network.

Director-General for International Cooperation and EU funds in the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Emina Mujević Kara, stressed that the conditions for improving road safety in Montenegro are being achieved, which will ultimately result in a reduction in the number of traffic accidents.

The Deputy Head of the Cooperation Section in the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Audrone Urbonaviciute, stressed that the Union would continue to be the main partner of Montenegro when it comes to the efforts to make the road transport sector more modern, useful and safer for all its citizens.

Assistant Director of the Transport Directorate, Ervin Adrović, said that their primary goal is to achieve quality management of state roads, both the effective maintenance and improvement of the existing and the construction of new roads in the country. According to him, it is necessary to analyse and store data on state roads, road facilities, their condition and traffic on them.

The coordinator of the project - SPEA Engineering representative, Lorenzo de Angelis, pointed out that the primary goal of the project was to develop the support management system following the most advanced international standards, configured and filled with data on the Montenegrin infrastructure network.

The project implementation contract was signed on November 21, 2017, with SPEA Engineering and it is funded from EU funds, within the IPA Annual Action Program for 2014.

The value of the contract is 356,8 thousand EUR, of which the EU contribution is 303,3 thousand EUR, while the state funds the rest.

11 Mar 2019, 20:59 PM

March 11, 2019 - The fortress of Mamula on the small island of Lastavica is one of the most idyllic spots on the Adriatic with a dark past and a more luxurious future, but not everyone is happy.

One of the things I have learned after 17 years living in the Balkans is that nothing is as it seems. I have lost count of the number of times that I have seen something which looks amazing, fully embraced it (often publicly) and then been quietly told by locals why I should not have been so enthusiastic.

The huge Belgrade Waterfront is a case in point. When I saw it last year for the first time, I was mightily impressed. And then I heard it was sinking, apparently both financially and literally. 

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And so these days, I have learned to contain my enthusiasm a little until I figure out a little more about the situation. But when I saw the Mamula fortress on the island of Lastavica and the plans to turn the crumbling stone ruins into a luxury resort, I was more than impressed. The plans were amazing, and the end product had all the potential to be just as arresting as the Sveti Stefan Aman resort. In an Instagram world, here was another incredible location about to cement Montenegro's emerging status as a global luxury destination. 

And I believe it will. And that the investors will do a very good job. 

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But this is the Balkans, baby, and not everything is so clean cut. 

With an old fortress on the small island, I assumed that there was some kind of military past to Mamula's history, but I had no idea that it had been a former concentration camp during the Second World War. None of this was new to the international media, who covered the issue in some detail when the 49-year-lease to OHM Mamula Montenegro was announced. Here is what CNN had to say, for exampleThe Guardian also reported on Mamula's proposed new status, including the Montenegrin Government's response:

(Trailer for a forthcoming documentary - Mamula All Inclusive)

“We were facing two options: to leave the site to fall into ruin or find investors who would be willing to restore it and make it accessible to visitors,” Olivera Brajovic, head of Montenegro’s national directorate for tourism development, told AFP.

Brajovic said plans for the conversion included a memorial room to former inmates. Relatives of some of those detained at Mamula during the war have come together to oppose the project, which they say is inappropriate given the island’s dark past.

“To build a luxury hotel dedicated to entertainment at this place where so many people perished and suffered is a blatant example of lack of seriousness towards history,” campaigner Olivera Doklestic told AFP.

(Extract from the 1959 film, Mamula Camp)

So many issues to consider. On the one hand, the chance to transform a disintegrating cultural treasure into one of the top hotel destinations in the world; on the other, questions about using the site for hospitality given its dark past, as well as (I am sure) local concerns about access to one of the few islands Montenegro possesses should a luxury hotel be built there. Memories are still fresh, and as we reported last year, the 75th anniversary of the dissolution of the camp was marked last September.

Mamula was back in the news last week for different reasons. As previously reported, excavation works have begun and more than 4 million euro will be invested this year. Photos of the excavation works appeared briefly online last week and made it to various media before being taken down, allegedly at the request of the photographer who took the photos. The shots showed the level of excavation ongoing, which caused local NGO Bokobran to protest about the devastation of Mamula's cultural heritage, in addition to the island's change of use after its painful past. 

On the surface, such a beautiful island and project, and just under the surface, so many issues. Ah, the Balkans. It seemed that local opposition was not against the investor (it is widely acknowledged that Montenegro desperately needs investment), but rather against the policies and interests of the authorities. My first question was whether the photos showing the excavation had been removed due to pressure from the development, something denied by the head of OHM Mamula PR, Dragana Becirovic in an email:

"No It was not an initiative from our side. We didn’t ask anyone to remove any photos."

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It is not my place to say who is right and who is wrong, but Mamula raises several important issues, and so I contacted both Bokobran and OHM Mamula, inviting them to contribute to this article. I am grateful to both not only for replying, but replying considerable detail. Rather than summarise and pick and choose topics, I publish their answers in full, so that you can form opinions on the full extent of the information made available. That will make this article long, but for those interested in the topic, I would rather provide all I was given. First up, Bokobran:

The Bokobran Initiative on the occasion of the latest devastation of Mamula Fort has sent an Open Letter to the Montenegrin public, and requests to the competent institutions to urgently take all measures within their jurisdiction.

As experts in the protection of cultural heritage, we would like to draw attention to the demolition of part of the walls and the excavation of the interior of the fort in depths of more than ten meters, which is touched by the adequate revitalization of the first category of cultural monuments.

As conscientious heritage protection experts and citizens aware of the importance of this cultural and historical monument, we have addressed the competent institutions. We sent the urgency to the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property, the Council for the Natural and Cultural-Historical Area of Kotor, as well as the National Commission for Cooperation with the UNESCO Committee, bearing in mind that the island of Lastavica with its belonging fortress Mamula stands in the buffer zone of the UNESCO Area of Kotor.

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In the latest recommendations in the Report on the State of Natural and Cultural Historical Area of Kotor, UNESCO and ICOMOS experts emphasized the importance of the careful management and buffer zone of the Area. We consider this kind of devastation to show that we are unable to control the processes in the field, day by day reducing the extraordinary universal value of the Boka Bay area.

Excavations at depths of 10 meters are not an adequate approach to revitalizing this cultural asset. With such urbicidal activities, it permanently loses the extraordinary architectural value. We note that during the execution of the work, a part of the defense wall was demolished. We also asked for the inspection of the works on Mamula to the Construction Inspectorate at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

We are looking to investigate how much these works are being carried out by the provided permits. If these works are approved in this way by the Department for the Protection of Cultural Property, we insist on sanctioning officers who have authorized such intervention. If this is not the case, we ask that all competent institutions comply with their legal obligations and adequately process the perpetrator - the supervisor who follows the work on behalf of the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property, as well as the OHM Mamula company conducting the actions.

We appealed to the whole public because we believe that such treatment of cultural heritage once again places ourselves outside the family of civil societies. 

We remind of the fact that we witness the transformation of the concentration camp, in which many citizens of Boka and other parts of the former Yugoslavia found the suffering in a boutique hotel with pools of high-budget clientele. We also remind that the citizens of Boka strongly opposed giving Mamula under concession for transformation into tourist content. With the help of the party's private Parliament, the Government of Montenegro succeeded in ignoring the petition of citizens and appealing to the expert public deciding to allow the masterpiece of architecture and the place of patriotism a position of the greatest shame in the recent Montenegrin history. And all this is not enough, but swimming pools and wineries are arguing for digging a grave amongst one of only seven islands along the Montenegrin coast.

Along with the already mentioned aspects of the devastation of the material and immaterial heritage on the island, Mamula was once a colony of about 5000 birds. Bokobran recorded the mortgage of seagulls at Mamula with means of deratization.

The competent institutions have not found that there is room for prosecution and possible sanctioning of perpetrators.

Our address is not OHM Mamula Company. Our address is the captive institutions of the system, which do not act in the interests of Montenegrin citizens and generations to inherit this country.

Vuk Čvoro, architect

Bokobran Initiative

Cultural Heritage Protection Team:

Maja Marović, art historian

Miloš Petričević, archaeologist

Vuk Čvoro, architect

Danijela Đukić, ethnologist- anthropologist 

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Dragana Becirovic, PR for OHM Mamula Montenegro, sent me three documents:

1. Overview of the project and ongoing works

All works on the reconstruction and adaptation of the Mamula fortress on the Island of Lastavica are in accordance with planning, building, and conservation conditions and under the supervision of relevant experts. The Mamula project is undertaken in accordance with the highest international standards for the restoration of cultural goods.

The development and renovation of Mamula, a historic and fascinating abandoned fortress which lies in the Adriatic at the entrance of Boka Bay, has been carefully planned to preserve the structural integrity of the existing buildings while restoring and renovating them into a world-class boutique hotel & spa.  The historical value of the island will be recognised and honoured through the establishment of a memorial gallery which Orascom is obliged to develop as part of its lease agreement with the Montenegrin government.  The project will be a great addition to Orascom’s existing project in Montenegro –Luštica Bay.

We really believe that history should be alive among us, creating jobs and prosperity and pushing the younger generation to greater reflection on their history and their past.

All preparatory works on the island have been implemented according to the procedure strictly prescribed by the Law and based on the Government's consent for preparatory works of a larger scale.

In addition, on 12 October 2017 OHM Mamula Montenegro, in its press release announcing the beginning of preparatory works, said that the works would include, inter alia, "removing the embankment on the central plateau of the island and soil digging to the ground level", so these were not unexpected or unauthorized activities.

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Work on the central plateau includes ground and rock material removal. After forming auxiliary facilities underneath the plateau, the embankment will be returned, and the plateau will have its original look.

The preparatory works also include fencing of the location where works will be carried out, the positioning of temporary facilities necessary for facility reconstruction, the supply of materials and equipment, making temporary roads for supply network, the installation of sanitary facilities and the cleaning of the site from weed and plant that endanged the stability of the existing construction, in accordance with the consent for preparatory works and conservation conditions for this site, issued by the Ministry of Culture.

Planned works also include the storage and collection of original structural elements and stone sculptures that will be subsequently installed at the appropriate positions on the facility, removal of the embankment on the central plateau of the island and soil digging to the ground level, construction and installation of an autonomous construction power and water supply, site for and preparation of a temporary landfill for construction waste etc.

The revitalization project of the Island of Lastavica with the Mamula fortress will include a luxury boutique hotel & spa with 34 rooms, a memorial museum, four hospitality facilities, a shop, swimming pools, a non-motor water sports club. Access to the site will remain open.

The restoration design has provided for making maximum endeavours in environmental and body of water protection, i.e. two small beaches will be preserved; all wastewaters will be collected and treated, and, by making use of contemporary building techniques, heating and cooling needs will be reduced.

Orascom always implements only the projects involving low site occupancy indices, low-carbon emissions and restricted building height, all with the aim of preserving landscapes and natural areas.        

Global leader in the development of integrated tourist destinations, Swiss Orascom Development Holding, which is developing €1.1bn worth Lustica Bay project in Tivat, has signed a lease agreement for the Island of Lastavica with the Mamula fortress for 49 years. Through its subsidiary company in Montenegro, OHM Mamula Montenegro, Orascom plans to rebuild the island and the Mamula fortress, preserving the landscape and architecture, and securing the protection of the historic value of the site.           

2. An article from national newspaper Vijesti on impressions of a November 2017 Mamula visit 

A look at Orascom’s plans for the reconstruction of ‘Mamula’


‘Vijesti’ had an exclusive opportunity to take a look at the preliminary concept, i.e. preliminary design that Orascom is preparing together with local and foreign experts  

Austro-Hungarian Fortress ‘Mamula’ on the island of ‘Lastavica’ at the entrance of Boka Bay, which is under long-term lease of the Swiss-Egyptian Consortium ‘Orascom’, will be carefully restored with the utmost respect for all the architectural-conservation profession standards and with the decisive influence of local experts.

So at least they claim at Orascom's daughter-company OHM ‘Mamula Montenegro’, which the company registered in Herceg Novi for the purpose of implementing this Project. ‘Vijesti’ had an exclusive opportunity to take a look at the preliminary concept, i.e. preliminary design that Orascom is preparing together with local and foreign experts  

As they say in Orascom, ‘Mamula’ will be the pearl and the biggest attraction that will further position their project of the new tourist town of Luštica Bay at the global stage. This resort is being built by the company of Egyptian businessman Samih Sawiris at the Tivat’s part of the nearby peninsula of Luštica. Mamula project will also position the entire country of Montenegro as a tourist destination with extraordinary offer. 

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People from Orascom are saying that,  ‘Mamula is so unique that we didn’t think twice whether to enter into this financially utterly unfeasible project, in which we will make no profit, but instead certainly lose money. However, this is the price we are willing to pay in order to preserve this architectural-historical pearl and to turn it into something that will be world-renowned and become a landmark of our project at Luštica’. They are also recalling that they have already reconstructed similar valuable local cultural heritage site in the vicinity of the famous El Gouna resort in Egypt.

The Government's decision to lease the island and fortress to a foreign investor for 49 years has met resistance from the opposition parties, but also from a bigger part of the general public in Boka Kotorska, which is particularly emotionally linked to Mamula.

According to Orascom plans, the island and fortress will be carefully restored and converted into a small hotel with a range of related amenities and attractions, and shall be open to public non-stop.

Conservation, Design and Consulting Studio ‘Projector’ and its leader, Architect-Conservator Katarina Nikolić from Tivat, are engaged in the Project. They have produced the main design and the base study as well as a report on survey results. In addition, ‘Projector’ is working on a conservation and restoration project, which will be part of the main design, soon to be submitted to the Montenegrin Cultural Heritage Management Agency.

"Throughout the development of the main design and the base study, ‘Projector’ company has engaged, various consultants and other companies’, said Dragana Bećirović PR Consultant of OHM Mamula Montenegro company. 

Conceptual design of the exterior and interior were made by MCM Design from Portugal, which, according to the large model recently delivered to Montenegro, has done a good job.

Looking at the model (except for the fact that one cannot see the gray colour of stone from which the fortress is built), only experienced eye of someone living in Boka can notice small visual difference in relation to the actual look of Mamula. The design has definitely done away with large pools, which according to some older computer simulations were supposed to ‘sink’ the entire internal yard of the fortress. The Lastavica coast will remain virtually untouched, and only the existing boat mooring will be slightly extended and enlarged.

Instead of the three large pools, previously planned to be built at the elevated platform of the inner part of the fortress, where its main armament once stood, three much smaller pools are planned- one fresh and the other with salty water and the third –special one in which water will be purified by plants.

At the fortress’s tower, some hotel rooms will be located, but the tower whose open yard will be covered by a glass roof with a promenade, is primarily intended for a spa- centre. Most of the rooms (maximum up to 33 hotel rooms) will be located in dungeons and ammunition rooms of the Fortress Ring, while one of the two larger buildings at the beginning of the 96-square-meter meringue platform is intended for a museum, which will be telling of a rich and complex history of the fortress. In the remaining space there will be two restaurants, two bars and a wine bar, and the resort will also include a water sports club.

On the island outside of the Fortress, without damaging its natural relief, several sunbathing platforms will be formed, and the beach will be developed near the only pier on the northern side of Mamula.

‘There will be no casino on the island and it has never been in our plans. It is quite clear that the island and the fortress will not be closed to the public. On the contrary, for someone who plans to have a hotel, museum, restaurants and cafés, people’s attendance is a must. We said it many times and we shall be repeating it as many times as necessary that Mamula will remain open to public 365 days a year. This is also regulated  by a contract with the Government of Montenegro,’ Bećirović told us.

The only significant, but still just potential difference with respect to the current look of the fortress, which is being considered by Orascom and their consultants is the possibility of building two smaller annexes, from easily removable materials, at the top of the tower, i.e. in the part of the southern rampart above the position of the former main canon battery. ‘We have planned six additional rooms on the tower, which are embedded and do not disrupt its architectural entirety. These are temporary structures whose construction can be removed at any time. In the same way, additional rooms are planned on one part of the rim, across the tower, which will have a ‘green roof’,’ Bećirović explains.

When positioning of these structures in relation to the (non) -disruption of the Mamula landscape’s visibility, both from the land and sea, designers and architects have an advantage due to the fact that all the horizontal roof surfaces on the fortress are covered by a thick layer of earth and sand that were used to depreciate the grenade strikes that the enemy was firing on the fortress. This material will not be removed, and with its green areas, shall continue to underpin the specific appearance of this unique building.

The entire autochthonous plant life of the island will be preserved and further improved, so that Mamula will still be specific for its numerous agave trees and slender Mediterranean herbs, including its characteristic big pinewood that has been growing for decades on the south-eastern end of the fortress rampart. All the wells and reservoirs on the island will be preserved, while on the west side of the tower, hidden by natural relief and vegetation, there will be the most modern desalination plant for seawater, which will provide the supply of all facilities with potable and technical water. A sewage treatment plant will be installed, which will then be used for irrigation of greenery and other needs that can be satisfied with this technical water.

Seif Estefanous, one of the best ‘Orascom’ engineers, has been working for a long time on extremely complex infrastructure issue on the island. This Egyptian expert has a particularly huge experience in the field of desalination, waste water treatment, rainwater collection techniques and the like.

‘Mamula is definitely the most challenging project I'm facing, but we will do absolutely everything to protect the fortress’s beauty and its uniqueness in the best possible way, and here we are developing an environmentally viable system, especially from the standpoint of waste water treatment,’ Estafanous said.

He and architect-conservator Katarina Nikolic do not hide the fact that, as they explore Mamula and archival material about the construction of this fortress, which started in 1853, they are increasingly fascinated with the skills and craftsmanship of Austro-Hungarian military engineers and then builders who have used, in a very intelligent an sustainable way, many natural features of the relief, climate, and material from which they have built the fortification. Thus, for example, the rainwater collection system on the island is still working, which, after filtration, is used as drinking water, and one and the same technical water has been used multiple times even 150 years ago.

At the time Mamula was built, it was an exceptionally high-tech structure, and many of its unique features will still be of great benefit to us when it is converted into a hotel. It is fascinating how these people have designed it and built it so well,’ Estefanous said, adding that the floor channel system allows to easily implement electrical and plumbing installations and its thick stone walls and volts with natural ventilation of the former ammunition chambers, practically completely eliminate the need to install air conditioning systems in hotel rooms.

OHM, Mamula Montenegro company is planning to deploy a submarine cable that will supply Mamula with electricity once the new Klinci sub-station becomes operational, and sufficient electricity at Luštica and  Arza is secured.

Meanwhile, along with the work on the design, preparatory works are ongoing: the ‘Primavera’ company from Herceg Novi is conducting an analysis of the green fund on the island and also producing a study on preparatory works - the repair of the mole and the access road, for which the main design is done; the clearing of the former hiking trails is done by ‘Nikmar’ company from Tivat, while the project of landscape design and lighting is managed by ‘Gaia Chaillet Giusti del Giardino’ from Italy.

"The main reconstruction works should begin next year. In the meantime, on July 20, we got permission for the preparatory works and started cleaning hiking trails on the island, cleaning the invasive vegetation in and around the fortress, and we started the reconstruction of the dock and the access road to the fortress. We have cleaned two reservoirs in the fortress, and excavated at least 6 cubic meters of stones, which was then measured and deposited. We identified locations of the fortress to which this material belonged and everything will be returned to its original place,’ said Bećirović.

Their plan is to complete the whole Project within 18 months as of the date they receive construction permit 

On the question, can they complete the entire Project on the island within just 18 months, OHM Mamula Montenegro says ‘We are working simultaneously on design and preparation of documentation, obtaining appropriate approvals and preparing the site. Once the main design is completed and revised and we start working, we think that we will be in a position to meet the agreed deadline’.

‘From the day, we obtain the construction permit, or according to the new Construction Law, we apply for construction works, and we get electricity connection on the shore, our obligation is to start works within nine months and from that time onward the deadline for completion of the works is 18 months. Orascom's Montenegrin daughter company  also says that, ‘We believe that we will complete all the works and open the facility within that timeframe,’ reminding us that it is the first project of the kind in the country, that all the works are to be implemented on the island that is a mile away from the coastline, that there is no infrastructure, and on top of that that they are engaged in reconstruction and adaptation of the protected site.

They will bring 80 to 100 new jobs

The Mamula long-term lease agreement was signed on February 2015. Orascom, which was selected as the best bidder, got the island and the fortress for a period of 49 years, for €1.5 per square meter per year for land lease, and € 0.9 lease for the aquatorium, which is 50% more than what the tender asked for in terms of the minimum required amount. Announced investments are of € 15 million minimum.

OHM Mamula Montenegro claims, that, ’Once the reconstruction is completed the preliminary Business Plan estimates the need for at least 80-100 employees on the island. During the construction, and especially after the start of operations, Mamula will definitely trigger cooperation with big number of entrepreneurs and companies who will be servicing the resort - such as supplying fresh fish and seafood, general food items, maintenance of green areas, taxi transport and others’.

3. A 2018 press release on the visit of European fortress experts


European Fortress Experts explore Fortress Heritage of Montenegro

Pilot Study Tour in the frame of FORTE CULTURA® to Montenegro from 23rd  and 26th May 2018

From Wednesday, 23rd until Saturday, 26th May 2018, a pilot fortress study tour under historic and touristic aspects will be held at Kotor, Budva and Podgorica in Montenegro. The twelve participants are fortress experts and members of various national fortress societies and monument protection organisations from Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine.

The visit is part of a study tour between Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina and Podgorica in Montenegro. The aim and purpose of the tour is to get to know different types of fortifications, to exchange professional experiences among professional colleagues, to examine further cooperation, in particular with interested people of three countries on the Balkans and other European countries, as well as to submit proposals and possibilities for the enlargement of the European cultural route FORTE CULTURA® to South-East Europe.

The tour is organized by Dr.-Ing. Hans-Rudolf Neumann. He is Deputy Chairman of ECCOFORT reg.ass. (European Cooperation Center of Fortified Heritage) and also a member of ICOMOS Germany. He is a co-founder of the European cultural route of fortified monuments FORTE CULTURA® (,

FORTE CULTURA® was founded in the years 2012 - 2014 and was a co-operation project of eight European countries of Central Europe. Meanwhile the culture route consists of more than 30 partners and participants. FORTE CULTURA® presents the „Architectura Militaris“ as unique fortress architecture with its very diverse tourist offers under a uniform brand. Fortified monuments have a big tourist potential, but only a few benefit from that. 80% of the fortified monuments are lesser known, not present on the tourism market, underfinanced and burden the communal budgets.

The main aim is the opening of historic fortifications for tourism development and better marketing on European level. FORTE CULTURA® is a main partner in the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 and has opened the European Fortress Summer on 24th April 2018.

Especially interest will be shown to the Venetian fortifications as part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, Lastavica island with Mamula fortress, some Austrian-Hungarian fortifications and Fort Kosmač near Budva.


On Thursday, 24th May 2018, the group visited during a bay cruise Lastavica island with Mamula fortress from outside. The group got an impression about the current situation of building condition and natural surroundings. After visiting plans and the model of the project “Mamula Island” in Lustica Bay Office, members of the group admired the careful planning of the whole project, especially the provided reversibility of new architectural constructions. A new, adequate function of the old fort is always a guarantee for the surviving of the historical heritage. However, it is and remains important that the old building substance will be recognizable. The group was impressed by all researches done before of the start of building restoration, because careful researching and planning helps to economize time and money. Also the group expressed its hope, that all aspects resulting from the sad history of the Second World War, will be considered under a memorial implementation. Mamula Island Project can be a future highlight in the European Culture Route FORTE CULTURA®, if it will be possible to consider all planned aspects in the upcoming realisation. The members of the study group expressly welcomed the fact that the fort, even after its completion in its new function, is open to the public and accessible to everyone.

All works on the reconstruction and adaptation of the Mamula fortress on the Island of Lastavica are in accordance with planning, building, and conservation conditions and under the supervision of relevant experts. The Mamula project is undertaken in accordance with the highest international standards for the restoration of cultural goods.

More on this story as we get it, but I will leave you to form your own opinions. To see how Mamula will look when finished, check out the official website

11 Mar 2019, 20:13 PM

10 March 2019 - Around 140 various costumes and masks from Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Herceg Novi and even some cities from Russia, took part in the second big Masquerade Ball on the 50th Mimosa Festival organized by the Igalo Institute.

The beginning was marked by the local music of Đenovići and the majorette club Lili, while the band "Stari Kapetann" was a great introductory to popular regional singer Dženan Lončarević. The participants and the guests described the atmosphere as unforgettable and hot. Dženan Lončarević sang all famous pop, rock and folk hits, varying Bijelo Dugme, Čolić, Dino Merlin, Yu Grupa as well as Tina Tarner hits, Oliver Mandić and Prljavo Kazalište.

The organizers provided financial awards for individual and group costumes. For individual - up to three members, 600, 300 and 200 EUR, and for group ones - from three to eight members, 800, 500 and 300 EUR.

The audience chose the best animators, the most original ideas and the most beautiful costumes and masks.

Mimosa Festival Brings Great Atmosphere at Second Masquerade Ball1

In the singles competition, the most successful costume was "The King of Mimosa and the Old Fisherman", the second was the costume "AmputiNiranje" (Vučić and Putin) and the third "Crimean Octopus" and "Mastrelak".

In the category of the group's first prize, the "Happy Merry Wife" costume, the second "Satiri" from Herceg Novi, and the third "Grand Stars Jury" equalled with "Exotic Travel".

The next masquerade ball at the 50th Mimosa Festival is on March 16th with Indira Forca at Hotel Park in Bijela.

11 Mar 2019, 20:08 PM

10 March 2019 - The construction of the Bar - Boljare motorway is the most complex development infrastructure project in the history of Montenegro, whose implementation, according to public opinion research, is supported by the vast majority of citizens. 

There is no culprit personified in any person in the implementation of the Bar-Boljare motorway project, since the first idea about the need for implementation of this project dates back to 1969, while the detailed spatial plan of the Bar-Boljare motorway and the preliminary project plan for its priority section was drafted in 2008. During the preparation, as well as during the implementation of this project, the primacy was given to expert opinions, attitudes and recommendations, so it is not possible to talk about omissions during its implementation. 

The implementation on the basis of the Preliminary Project Plan is a common phenomenon in capital infrastructure projects, and the Contract on the design and construction of the priority section Smokovac-Mateševo of the Bar-Boljare motorway concluded on 26.02.2014 clearly defines the obligation of the Contractor to fully examine the Preliminary Project Plan, drawings and all the supporting data and documentation provided by the Investor and to fully confirm the completeness no later than the date of signing the Contract. 

The public is already aware of the existence of subsequent and unpredictable works. The water supply system and power supply system is not only intended for the needs of the Bar-Boljare motorway, but also for the needs of the neighbouring settlements, that is, for the economic and tourist development of the northern part of Montenegro. When it comes to the construction of a power supply system, the future payment of credit funds for its construction and management of the electricity infrastructure will be taken over by the Montenegrin Electric Transmission System (CGES) and the Montenegrin Electricity Distribution System (CEDIS), following the Law on Energy. 

The possibility of subsequent and unpredictable works was foreseen in the conclusion of the Design and Construction Contract, for which the 2014 Contract stipulates an indicative amount of 10% of the contracted value of the works, that is, the amount of 80,957,735.61 EUR. The contractual procedures regarding the implementation of subsequent and unpredictable works are ongoing, at the end of which the public will be familiar with the data. If we have in mind that the value of the contracted works is 809,577,356.14 EUR and that the indicative amount foreseen for subsequent and unpredictable works is 80,957,735.61 EUR, we come to the value of 890,535,091.75 EUR as the value of building the priority section Smokovac-Mateševo, which is certainly significantly lower than speculations of some Montenegrin media. 

On the above-mentioned basis, we remind the citizens of Montenegro, as the ultimate Investor and beneficiary of the project, that there are no forgotten works, and that the tendentious reporting by a part of the Montenegrin public are not in the interest of the Project itself and positive representation of Montenegro to the domestic and international public, nor it contributes to the building of society that should stimulate a benevolent, constructive and argumentative dialogue, which will not be a means of political manipulation.

11 Mar 2019, 13:43 PM

“Day of Montenegro National Teams" was held at the main city square in Podgorica.

 As announced by the Ministry of Sports and Youth, the manifestation began with the sports fair, and besides the Ministry of Sports and Youth, there were also the Montenegrin Olympic Committee (COK), the Paralympic Committee (POK) and some 20 other national sports federations.

The announcement states that the points of all sports organizations, where some of the promoters were Montenegrin representatives, were visited by the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic and Minister of Sports and Youth Nikola Janovic.

"Given that this is the first year of celebrating the National Team, I am proud to say that I am very pleased with the number of citizens and children who came to this event. This manifestation, on the one hand, aims at strengthening the cult of representation, as well as to remind us about the results of our representation and players in the past years, because as a country with 600 thousand people, we are a sports phenomenon in the number of medals and achievements in sports. On the other hand, we want to tell our future athletes of what an honor and privilege it is to be able to defend the colors of the state and perform under the flag of our country," Janovic said.

In an interview with representatives of national sports federations, Markovic expressed full support for the policies of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and announced in the future a lot of financial assistance for the Montenegrin athletes,

Sports associations that entertained citizens in the central part of the city by presenting their activities are Athletic, Football, Basketball, Archery, Chess, Table Tennis and Gymnastics Association of Montenegro,

"The most important of all is that there are growing numbers of children who are engaged in sports and more and more young people who see their role models in today's sports heroes. That is why I believe that in the right way we will build a healthier and happier future for our children," Janovic said.

He thanked all athletes for everything they did for Montenegro.

In the photo gallery of the reporter "Vijesti" Luka Zekovic, you can see how it was at the Independence Square in Podgorica.

For more information, please follow TMN's dedicated page

Text by Vijesti online, on March 10th 2019, read more at Vijesti

11 Mar 2019, 13:36 PM

The "Zelenika family", which included Milan Nikolic, Janko Radovic, Zarko Ceprnic, Predrag Banicevic and Nikola Lucic was the best team in the Picigin tournament that was held at the beach “Rafaelo” in Herceg Novi.

Ten teams took part in the competition, and the second-placed includes members of the team "Stos pit" Ilija Dotlic, Vladimir Cerevicki, Tihomir Vuksanovic, Mihailo Vuksanovic and Branislav Stevic.

In third was the team "Zelenicke igre" i.e. Zoran Pestoric, Dado Rolovic, Dejan Sofranac, Dado Kavazic and Srdjan Gecaj. This team was awarded last year as the best.

The judges were Kiko Maric, the play-writer Stevan Koprivica and the architect Bobo Popovic and picigin veterans.

In the tournament, as a member of the team “Got”, the popular Croatian singer Goran Karan also took part in the competition, who played very well, but also excited the audience when he started singing and performed at the beach Rafaelo.

Picigin is over 90 years old and is played by adjusting water polo to local conditions. It is played in the shallow waters of Split beaches and brought over from students from Prague. This attractive sport arrived to Herceg Novi at least 60 years ago.

Picigin is played in the shallow water with five players in one team and no opponent. The goal of the game is that the ball does not touch the sea surface or the beach, and needs to be kept up as long as possible. It is also spiced up with as many attractive moves as possible. It's important to pay attention. The game is played with a rubber ball the size of a palm or smaller, and the players forcefully, with one hand, hit the ball to their teammate or in an empty space.

For more information please follow TMN's dedicated page

Text by Slavica Kosic, on March 10th 2019, read more at Vijesti

10 Mar 2019, 23:05 PM

March 10, 2019 - NGO Youth Roma, within the project "Romacted," will organize a seminar for the representatives of the local groups from the municipalities of Ulcinj, Bar, and Herceg Novi to be held in Petrovac on March 12 and 13, working on the Local Action Plan. 

The working group, which was formed in Herceg Novi at the end of last year, consists of representatives of the Municipality, the Health Center, the Center for Social Work, the Schools, the Ministry of the Interior and the Employment Service. The Action Plan for Improving the Status of Roma is a fundamental document for activities aimed at their full social inclusion, said the president of Youth Roma Samir Jaha for the World Roma broadcast of Radio Herceg Novi:
"The working group to draw up the action plan is also working on monitoring and implementation with all relevant stakeholders. We are satisfied with the Municipality of Herceg Novi, and it goes with the planned dynamics. After this seminar, we will already have a draft Action Plan that will later pass the public hearing phase. We will have data for each area individually and expect that we will have a good picture of done so far, and what needs to be done to improve the status of Roma in the Municipality of Herceg Novi," said Jaha.
The project involved facilitators who mediate between the Roma community and the Municipality explained Jaha:
"The Council of Europe hires the facilitator. We expect to coordinate the work of this working group on the one hand and, on the other, to move people from the Roma community to create an informal group of people on a voluntary basis that will point to what the problems are and what are the priorities with the intention of being solved at the best possible way. Once a group of the community is formed, we intend to link them together and work together and solve the problems of the Roma community. The role of a facilitator is to encourage and motivate people from local self-government and the Roma community to be more active," Jaha pointed out.
The ROMACTED Good Governance and Empowerment Program for Roma and Egyptians at the local level is a joint program of the European Union (DG NEAR) and the Council of Europe. The objectives of the program are to help build the political will and sustainable ways of democratic governance at the local level, to help strengthen the Roma and Egyptian community, and to improve and reinforce the readiness, capacities, knowledge, and skills of the institutions involved in the implementation of the Inclusion Program. 
Apart from Herceg Novi, the project is realized in Tivat, Bar, Ulcinj, Nikšić, Bijelo Polje and Berane.
10 Mar 2019, 22:50 PM

10 March 2019 - Vida Matjan Music School from Kotor will celebrate its Foundation day, March 11, at 7 pm at the Church of the Holy Spirit with the concert of Opera Pannonica, opera ensemble of the Academy of Arts and Culture from Osijek.

For this occasion, Opera Pannonica prepared the pieces from the opera "La Bohème" by Giacomo Puccini. The performance will be executed by Senka Nedeljković (Mimi), Anja Papa (Musetta), Stevan Karanac (Rodolfo), Milan Perišić (Marcello), Berislav Jerković (Schaunard), Blaž Galojlić (Colline).

Opera Pannonica Comes to Kotor for Vida Matjan Music School Foundation Day 4

The Opera Ensemble of the Academy of Arts Osijek, Opera Pannonica, was founded in 2010 aiming to present public opera performances that would bring together musicians of the city of Osijek, former and current students of the Academy of Arts, music professors and numerous guests from Croatia and abroad (Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Africa, United States of America, Germany, Israel etc.). In addition to complete stage opera performances, the Ensemble performs in concerts of opera and operetta works as well as other vocal literature. The orchestra stands out as a unique opera ensemble in the Republic of Croatia that has, in a short time, taken a significant position in the programmes of cultural events presenting artistic qualities and its potentials to the public both in Croatia and abroad.

Opera Pannonica Comes to Kotor for Vida Matjan Music School Foundation Day 2

Kotor Music School, one of the oldest music schools in Montenegro, occupies a special place among similar institutions in the country. Founded over 70 years ago, through all the turbulent decades of existence, it managed to maintain the status of an institution that inherits the real values of national and world music culture but also works to modernize and improve the teaching process.

Opera Pannonica Comes to Kotor for Vida Matjan Music School Foundation Day 3

Located in a beautiful building in the heart of the old town of Kotor under the protection of UNESCO, School for Elementary and High Education Vida Matjan is an ideal place for assembling young, talented music generations, but also suitable for contemporary approaches to music education and wider opening towards the local community.

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