
07 May 2019, 21:21 PM

07 May 2019 - Strong economic growth in all sectors is an indicator of the correctness of the direction of development we have opted for and the vision we have for Montenegro, said Prime Minister Duško Marković at the opening of the 4th Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR).

He stressed that the vision also includes Montenegro as the energy hub of the region, with an undersea power cable to Italy or renewable energy sources, as well as a balanced regional development that will be strategically strengthened by the construction of the first motorway in the country.

"Montenegro, by its development, confirms European values in the best way, as a future member of the European Union and a responsible neighbor and actor in the region and beyond,"  Prime Minister Marković added.

He noted that Montenegro is ending its one-year chairmanship of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region. At the same time, the University of Montenegro is ending its one-year chairmanship over the UniAdrion Association, which brings together 38 universities and research centres in the region.

Strong Economic Growth Indicates Right Development Path

The Adriatic-Ionian region, said Prime Minister Marković, is a home for over 70 million people sharing the same challenges, but also the same, exceptional potential. "Although we have different economic indicators, we all have to bear in mind the same goal that the European Union's strategy for this the region promotes - a uniformly developed, competitive area and a region characterised by economic and social growth".

The Prime Minister pointed out that accelerated economic development and job creation, as well as the creation of business opportunities through concrete activities in the sector of blue growth, transport and energy networks, sustainable tourism and environmental development, must remain the backbone of our work. Montenegro, in the Prime Minister's words, follows these goals.

"Montenegro is the first non-EU member state to chair the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian region. We have accepted the Presidency as a challenge, but also as an additional responsibility, aware that the Strategy represents a mechanism for strengthening the process of European integration, "said Prime Minister Marković.

He emphasised that Montenegro's participation in the programmes of cross-border and transnational cooperation is a key factor that enables us to use the potentials of our countries in the best possible way, and finally, as a future member, to be fully prepared for the use of structural and investment funds.

"Economic progress inevitably leads to the development of cities and universities, and in addition to the areas above, we have continuously invested in scientific cooperation, research projects and continuous building of modern teaching staff," Prime Minister Marković stated.

He said that he is particularly pleased that, within the Science, Innovation and Growth Panel, the Forum's participants will have the opportunity to hear more about the Montenegrin initiative to establish the International Institute for Sustainable Technologies in South East Europe, which he believes can strongly contribute to regional prosperity as our common goal, ensuring the best way to slow down brain drain.

The next few days in Budva, the EU Forum of the European Union for the Adriatic-Ionian Region will be organised together with the conference of the forums of the Adriatic-Ionian Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities, which is an exceptional potential for linking hundreds of representatives of state institutions, local authorities, business people, civil sector and all stakeholders recognising the importance of promoting and improving the close cooperation of the countries of the Adriatic-Ionian region.

07 May 2019, 21:09 PM

06 May 2019 - Montenegro’s Agency for the Protection of Competition has provided a positive opinion on the request for merging Crnogorska komercijalna Bank (CKB) and Societe Generale Bank Montenegro, and forwarded it to the Central Bank of Montenegro. Central Bank of Montenegro is going to make the final decision on the request for merging based on collected data, while the opinion of the Agency for the Protection of Competition is also one of the conditions even though it is not mandatory.

Vice-governor Miodrag Radonjić has been dealing with the merger issue as governor Radoje Žugić excluded himself from the decision to prevent a conflict of interest (his daughter, Jovana, has been working in CKB since July 2018).

On 28 February, OTP Bank Plc. announced that the Montenegrin subsidiary of OTP Bank, CKB, had signed an acquisition agreement on purchasing 90.56% shareholding of Societe Generale for 40,5 million EUR. According to the law, it is not possible to merge these two banks without prior approval of the Central Bank of Montenegro.

If the request is approved, CKB will purchase Societe Generale Bank via Montenegro Stock Exchange.

With a market share of 11.5%, Société General Bank Montenegro is the fourth largest bank in the Montenegrin market and as a universal bank is equally active in the segment of citizens and enterprises.

In the meantime, Société General Bank Montenegro continued to service the population and corporate clients with a high level of quality and commitment while preparing a smooth transition for clients while ensuring the stability of their relationship with the bank.

07 May 2019, 15:08 PM

The elementary school "Marko Miljanov" in Podgorica will celebrate the half-century of its existence on Wednesday.

"It has carried out the educational mission since early 1969 due to the need for schooling in the area of ​​MZ Konik. This institution gave a great contribution to the education of the population and to raising the level of general literacy, spreading multiethnic harmony and multiculturalism in which the spirit lived and created Marko Miljanov, whose name is proudly represented by our school," said the school director Edita Sabotic.


She said that one of the first mayors of Podgorica, the national writer from Kuci, and the man who wrote about the examples of humanity and heroism he had found in his own and foreign people, was their best representative and certainly worthy of the topic."There are many examples of his humanitarian and heroic acts that have become legends. Today they are recounted and quoted when someone really wants to point out or explain the definition of a man. His literary work and social engagement have created a great reputation and respect for him in Montenegro and beyond, but also contributed to nourish the educational spirit in our environment," Sabotic said.

She pointed out that in 1881, at the initiative of Marko Miljanov, the first Podgorica Library was founded, which was the forerunner of today's City Library "Radosav Ljumovic", and that he left his estate to the institutions of education, enough to tell how much this great man was aware of the importance of the development of education and culture in our region.

"Towards the jubilee, through a series of activities, our school will recall the name of this great Montenegrin man that may not be forgotten, on May 8, 2019”, Sabotic said.

Text by Borko Zdero, on May 6th 2019, read more at Vijesti

07 May 2019, 15:05 PM

Gymnasium "Petar I Petrovic Njegos" from Danilovgrad, with the Ministry of Education and the support of the Danilovgrad Municipality, organizes the Gymnasium Fest Danilovgradation on May 10th, said the Ministry of Education.

"The event will consist of competition and an official part, with ten bands from 10 Montenegrin high schools, on the platform below the city bridge. Marija Bozovic with her band will perform in the official part. The jury has been formed and consists of the following members: Zeljko Milovic - journalist and publicist, author of monographs on Montenegrin rock and pop scene (president), Vjera Nikolic - pianist and performer of jazz, blues, time, ethno and pop music, Mihailo Radonjic - musician, Nina Zizic - vocal soloist. Each band will perform with three compositions out of which one is authored and two are already known compositions in Montenegrin and a foreign language. The first-awarded band will have the opportunity to record their song while for the second and third prizes funds are provided for the purchase of musical equipment that is necessary for the band," said the Ministry of Education.

Gymnasium Fest is organized for the first time, to help to build musical tastes in young people and focus on quality content in general.

"This is not just about the technical organization of an event, but the message we send with it, and that means you need to filtrate the numerous contents you encounter. If you do not know how to do it and you are in continuity exposed to the social networks, media and forms of communication of the modern society, you are only a consumer for those who are the most intrusive. We must not allow it. Our children must know that the choice of music they are listening to, the films they will dedicate their time to, the theatre performances they will see, the art and other exhibitions they will visit, are not peripheral things in their lives. These choices have a lot of influence on the formation of their views on the world. What I really appreciate is the fact that the students are also competing with the author's songs. No one expects them to be ideal, and it is not our goal. Our goal is to encourage them to create and show them that they have the potential to create new value. It is important that they become creators and then whatever they create will become better and better in time," said Milica Lekic from the Ministry of Education.

Nataša Latković, director of the gymnasium in Danilovgrad said that the event is organized so that we develop a healthy competitive spirit with the children but not to cause any burden. "It is only important for us to encourage them to create and to say that not all that is surrounding them is good. To let them know that they have a choice of content to dedicate their time and to make this choice wisely. Our pupils, as all the children, have a huge potential that seeks out their orientation, seeking to make them clear that they must have integrity and that they should never be put off by behaviors and commitments that are not close to them and which they know they are not good. I know that this is a huge task for them, but I know that they are mature enough to deal with it. I want to point out that this year the Gymnasium Fest is organized for the first time, and since it is some pilot project, it is related only to gymnasiums. Depending on what the reactions are, we will think in the direction of converting this manifestation into the traditional one, and in this case, it's expanding," Latkovic said. Gymnasium bands which will compete come from Podgorica, Niksic, Bijelo Polje, Pljevlja, Kotor, Bar, Cetinje, Beran, Rozaje and Danilovgrad. 

Text by Vijesti online, on May 6th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

07 May 2019, 15:04 PM

MAG Week of Activism, aimed at encouraging young people to identify and solve their environmental, traffic and consumer rights issues, began today and is due to continue until May 12th.

MAG Week of Activism is part of the "Young Active Citizens" project, which implements a group of young people in the coordination with the Civil Alliance (GA), with the support of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.

The right to participate, as stated by the GA, has all high school students from Podgorica, Danilovgad and Cetinje.

"The goal of the project is to activate young people to identify and solve their environmental problems, environmental issues, traffic and consumer rights," the statement said.

It is added that, when solving the problem, the support to the youth will be provided by municipal services in all the three cities included.

"The idea is that young people, even after this project activity, stay in touch with their city and relevant services and continue to point out problems proactively and want to be part of the solution. The project will thus show the young people that they can use the digital tools and social networks they are currently present on even to change and improve their environment," they explained.

High school students need to be registered on the site by using their email address or Instagram account.

The MAG team, consisting of Andrej, Jana, Marija, Sara, Sofija, Nora, Nina and Filip, informed their peers about presentations in the high school in these three cities.

To show their peers how they can be active, they have also organized the action of cleaning a neglected location in Spuz and the action of warning drivers who improperly parked cars to block the traffic and sidewalks.

They told their peers to do something to solve the problem in the community and win the summer activist adventure.

"Find something that makes you nervous, that is not in compliance with the law, that is dangerous, and is related to consumer rights “ZutiMAG”, environmental protection “GreenMAG” and traffic “RedMAG”," said the team members.

Young people should be able to take pictures of the noted irregularities in different categories, upload the image on Instagram with "slikajaktiviraj" and a special hashtag for each category (“ZutiMAG", “GreenMAG” and "RedMAG"), or upload the photo directly on the site

"Do something to solve the problems in the photos. You can do it yourself, with the help of friends or others. And you can also contact the competent state, city, municipal and provincial offices to help solve the problem," said MAG.

The game ends on May 12th, at 10 p.m., and the most valuable and most active high school students are to expect awards - participation in youth camps, exchanges, festivals in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Switzerland and Denmark.

Text by MINA News, on May 6th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

07 May 2019, 12:01 PM

May 7, 2019 - The Harbor Master offices in Kotor and Bar should have a higher degree of autonomy, primarily financial, to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Transport, considered the Union of Seafarers of Montenegro - Kotor.

They say that the Harbor Master offices should have greater financial independence, and in terms of very profitable segments of administration, it would be fair that their premises would be more representative. Not only thanks to seafarers' donations but also through compulsory investment by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Transport, which carries the most significant percentage of profits from the port's operations.
"Two months ago, representatives of the Seafarers' Board of Management visited the Harbor Master offices in Bar and Kotor. One of the most important observations was the need for recruiting additional staff to reduce the crowd. The Ministry promised to work on it in the hope that our suggestions and pressures are fruitful. According to the latest information we received, the Harbor Master Office in Kotor has employed two new administrative workers. We did not have any objections to the efficiency of the Harbor Master Office in Bar at the time of the documentation," the Union of Seafarers said.
During the visit, there was a lack of investment in equipment and maintenance, as well as the lack of interior space.
"As the Harbor Master Office is a contact zone, not only seafarers as domiciled people but also foreign guests when arriving at the ports of Montenegro, we think that the Ministry must deal with these problems, improve the conditions in which they are and increase the monetary independence of these institutions. Situations such as lack of basic office equipment, hygiene products and work equipment, as well as poor installations, moisture in the walls and damaged ceramic tiles should not be a picture of institutions such as port captains. It is a public secret that sometimes employees have to deal with office supplies waiting for them to be awarded a contingent of public procurement. In February this year, we learned that the last such acquisition was at the beginning of 2018, which is an incredible record. The need for better rationalization is also expressed by the fact that the Maritime Safety Authority has entered the process of procuring a precious specialized vessel, while on the other side the official car of the Harbor Master of Kotor, as we know, stands in the parking lot unregistered," said the Union.
"This is not about to incite any resistance, or to create a political issue, but about the management of this segment of public administration and its commitment to its progress. We hope that this image will soon change into something more beautiful, as it already fits the importance and reputation of these institutions," said the Union of Seafarers of Montenegro.
07 May 2019, 10:36 AM

May 7, 2019 - Under the conditions of non-functioning of the institutions of the system, citizens are the supreme prosecutor and judge, they said from the ODUPRISE movement ahead of the protest scheduled for today (Tuesday, 7 May) at 8 pm on the platform in front of the Montenegrin Assembly in Podgorica.

The organizers said that they wanted to say once more with a new set of messages that "there is a lot of injustice and continuous resistance is the precondition for maintaining a healthy mind".
"They once told us that they did not know who was behind the protest and that we are enraging people to go out on the Street. We already told them that we are on the Street to react to the catastrophic thirty-year policy of DPS and its satellites, and really misguided the injustice, selective justice, crime, corruption, the inefficiency of state institutions, and the undeniable tone that responds to the legitimate demands of citizens from those we pay to work for us. They are the state occupiers, "they said from the ODUPISE movement.
They once again emphasized that they believed the Street was the only independent institution in Montenegro.
"On Tuesday, from the only independent institution - from the Street - we should all together announce caricatures from the top of the Prosecutor's Office that we want an independent judicial system as a prerequisite for the realization of the rule of law. In the conditions of dysfunctional institutions, citizens are the supreme prosecutor and judge - our voice is the most important voice - let's tell them they do not do their job properly, and that's why they have to leave! Let's go because we want responsibility; we want justice, the free judiciary and the prosecution; we want a state that is equally treating all its citizens. We can only fight for it together. They call on us to plant onions, but we are on the Street to sow the seed of freedom, for this and all future generations, "they said from the ODUPRISE movement, inviting citizens to join them at the tenth protest gathering in Podgorica.
The protest of the ODUPRISE civil movement began by gathering in front of the State Prosecutor's Office building in Podgorica on 2 February. Citizens seek the establishment of the rule of law and resignation of President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, Supreme State Prosecutor Ivica Stankovic, Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnic, Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency Sreten Radinjić, and General Director of Public Media Service of RTCG Božidar Šundić and the RTCG Council.
Beside the core document- The Declaration of Free Citizens, the ODUPRISE movement initiated the Agreement on Future, which signed all the 39 opposition deputies of the Assembly of Montenegro, promising to fight together for fundamental system changes and terminating the DPS rulling, lasting for three decades now.
07 May 2019, 01:19 AM

05 May 2019 - At the end of a two-day stay in Arizona, President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović met with Arizona State Prosecutor Marko Brnović in Phoenix on his initiative.

Being informed that Đukanović participated in the Sedona Forum, Brnović expressed his wish to meet with the President. In an open and hearty conversation, Brnović informed Đukanović about his Montenegrin roots, pointing out that he is proud of his origins, which he also transferred to his family, with whom he regularly visits Montenegro.

He is also a distinguished lawyer, as well as his wife, a federal court judge, appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.

Knowing the reason for the President's stay in Arizona, he also informed him about his contacts with Senator McCain, who, Brnović said, greatly respected Montenegro and Đukanović personally.

The next meeting is planned for this summer when the Brnović family plans to visit Montenegro.

During his stay in Arizona, the President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović spoke at the panel on "Why is US Leadership Still Important?", whose introductory was made by former Arizona State Senator Jeff Flake. In addition to President Đukanović, panelists were John Rood Under Secretary of Defence for Policy, and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. Former Senator Kelly Ayotte from New Hampshire moderated the discussion.

On that theme, President Đukanović referred to the historically important role that the United States played in the Western Balkans in the nineties and apostrophized the importance of maintaining US attention to the region, together with the EU, to successfully resolve open issues that burden its European and Euro-Atlantic path. He drew attention to the growing challenges facing the North Atlantic Partnership in the modern era, to the significance of Euro-Atlanticism for America, Europe, and the whole world, and called for determination in defense of the Euro-Atlantic system of values.

07 May 2019, 01:12 AM

06 May 2019 - According to the data of the Statistical Office of Montenegro there were around 223.000 overnights in Montenegrin healthcare resorts. Tourists were mostly from Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany, said Kenan Hrapović, Minister of Health, at the Third Conference of honorary consuls held in Podgorica.

Minister Hrapović particularly pointed out comparative advantages of health tourism in Montenegro. Apart from favorable geographical position and climate, natural resources of our country are necessary for the development of health tourism: healing mud, mineral water, and sand in Ulcinj that has biologically active mineral components.

“Montenegro can also be proud of its qualified medical staff, high-quality medical services, and competitive prices,” said Hrapović.

Third Honorary Consuls Conference Held in Podgorica2

Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Pavle Radulović, stressed the importance of the economic citizenship program.

Minister Radulović has pointed out that funds provided through this Program will be aimed at development projects that are expected to generate multiple benefits for the country – for the economic activities, employment, and improvement of the overall offer and competitiveness of the entire economy.

“Criteria in this model have been defined in such a way that every step, until the very end, is very transparent, and thus, any kind of manipulation is impossible,” said Radulović.


President of the Parliament, Ivan Brajović, thanked the honorary consuls for putting their time, reputation and acquaintances and resources in the service of Montenegro.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Srđan Darmanović, has emphasized the important role honorary consuls play in positioning Montenegro as an attractive investment and tourist destination on the world market. He used the opportunity to thank them for their committed work and contribution to the expansion of the diplomatic network of Montenegro. Montenegrin diplomacy, he said, contributes to attracting FDI and promotion of the potentials of Montenegrin economy.

Third Honorary Consuls Conference Held in Podgorica

Minister of Culture of Montenegro, Aleksandar Bogdanović, has said that solutions for the key problems of nowadays should definitely be sought in the area of culture.

“What leads to solutions is the dialogue in all those differences. That dialogue can find its support in what today’s information era brings,” said Bogdanović.

Thanks to the information era, small cultures have greater possibilities of presenting their authentic values. That way, they can have a more efficient impact on the elimination of stereotypes that are a consequence of insufficient information.

Mayor of Podgorica, Ivan Vuković also spoke at the Conference. The focus was on the presentation of the current projects and development priorities of our country.

07 May 2019, 01:08 AM

06 May 2019 - Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin and Director of the American Peace Corps Jody Olsen signed an agreement on cooperation in Podgorica earlier today, under which the United States volunteers will support youth education in Montenegro.

Deputy Prime Minister Pažin said that the engagement of the Peace Corps' volunteers in Montenegro would significantly boost the quality of the English language learning in the Montenegrin primary and secondary schools, especially in less developed areas in the north of the country.

"I see the special value of this programme as an opportunity for the citizens in the north of Montenegro who, because of their economic or social status, are not able to learn English, to improve their knowledge and raise professional capacities, thus making a contribution to the development of their communities and the overall prosperity of Montenegro," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

He also stated that the launch of the programme of the American Peace Corps in Montenegro is another confirmation of the partnership, support, and friendship of the US Government and the people towards Montenegro and its citizens.

"We see the US volunteers in Montenegro as another important opportunity for the US and Montenegrin citizens to enrich their experience and knowledge through personal contacts and make friendships based on mutual understanding and common values," DPM Pažin underscored.

Today's signing testifies to the close partnership between the United States and Montenegro and our commitment to the shared vision of the brighter future of Montenegro and its neighbours in the Western Balkans, Director Olsen noted.

The agreement on cooperation between the Government of Montenegro and the American Peace Corps envisages the arrival of a group of the US volunteers to teach English in primary and secondary schools, mainly in northern Montenegro. The first group of twelve volunteers is scheduled to come to Montenegro next year, after which the number of volunteers will increase according to the needs.

Peace Corps is an agency run by the United States Government, founded by then-President John F. Kennedy in 1961, in order to promote peace and friendship in the world by sending American volunteers to contribute to the economic and social development of the countries in which they are engaged.

06 May 2019, 23:48 PM

06 May 2019 - A grand painting exhibition of twenty famous painters from the country and abroad, which opened on April 10 at the Adria Gallery in Budva, has marked the opening of this year's art season in Budva.

This painting exhibition, which was organized by Newspaper Publishing Company Art Press from Budva, is an excellent opportunity for all art lovers art to see the works of famous masters of painting, such as Flip Janković, Vojo Tatar, Cvetko Latinović, Miki Radulović, Slobodan Slovinić, Nikica Raičević, Mišo Vemić, Ljubo Brajović from Montenegro, and Jelena Šalinić, Aleksandar Cvetković, Danica Basta and Katarina Đorđević from Serbia.

“The joint exhibition also includes the works of Goce Božurski, Nataša Petejčuk and Aleksandar Filev from Macedonia, Miriana Savova from Bulgaria, Ksenija Abakumova from Russia, Diana Rsdokija from Lithuania, Jelena Glogovac from Republika Srpska and Željan Pavić from Croatia,” said the manager of Adria Gallery in Budva, journalist and publicist Ranko Pavićević.

This large exhibition of paintings in the gallery of the Adria Hotel in Budva was opened by the Mayor of the Municipality of Budva Vladimir Bulatović, and it is open until May 10th, according to the report of the organizer, Budva Art Press.

Source: Boka News

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