
15 May 2019, 15:21 PM

The capital of Montenegro this year, as a tradition, is decorated with state flags. On May 21, Montenegro celebrates 13 years of independence.

On that occasion, organized by the Capital City and the Ministry of Culture, a concert will be organized by famous Macedonian musician Kiril Dzajkovski, and will be accompanied by Mahmut Orhan, Danijel Cehranov and Nipplepeople.


Text by Vijesti online, on May 14th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

15 May 2019, 15:18 PM

Ministers and representatives of several institutions and local authorities in Podgorica learned about the obstacles for people with disabilities through a discussion.

Milenko Vojicic from UMHCG invited representatives of the institutions in what was hitherto one of the few cafes that are accessible to him as a wheelchair user, to share opinions in a conversation about what has been done so far in allowing the OSI to move without barriers.



When they went for a walk, they encountered one of the problems that people with disabilities encounter in the city. Namely, one driver near "Sava osiguranje" parked the car improperly and closed the ramp, so Vojicic and the institution's representatives had to go back and continue the walk in another direction.

The Youth Association for the Handicap of Montenegro organized this event by marking the European Day of Independent Life (May 5th), Europe Day (May 9th) and World Awareness Day on accessibility (May 16th).

The event is organized within the project “EU4ME” funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.

Text by Damira Kalac, on May 15th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

15 May 2019, 15:12 PM

The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism has already announced a project for economic citizenship, said the state secretary in that government, Damir Davidovic, adding that he was particularly pleased with the project in the north in Kolasin.

He reminded at the festival of investment FREI 2019 in Budva that a public call for projects for obtaining economic citizenship in the field of tourism was announced in February and is open until the end of 2021.

"The investor is expected to meet strict criteria, primarily the size of the investment, the number of jobs and the financial capacity to carry out the project. The business plan for such projects requires serious and extensive preparation, so we do not rush with the applications," Davidovic said.

The Ministry said that he explained that the realization of such projects does not mean just new investments, but new knowledge, ideas, investor partners, and perhaps offers in tourism.

Tourism projects can be hotels with at least five stars, 60 accommodation units and at least 80 new employees in the coastal region and Podgorica. In the north, it is necessary that the hotel has at least four stars, 35 accommodation units, and 25 new employees. The minimum project value on the coast and in Podgorica is 15 million euros, and in the north five million.

Secretary of the Secretariat for Development Projects, Dejan Medojevic, said he expected the program to accelerate economic and regional development and attract new foreign investments.

Also, through new tourist, agricultural, and processing capacities, new jobs will be opened, which will also affect the increase in living standards in the country. By realizing these projects, Montenegro will also meet demanding economic criteria from the European Agenda.

Medojevic added that there are two criteria for applicants. If investing in projects on the coast or in Podgorica, the minimum investment is 450 thousand euros, and in the north 250 thousand. In addition to investment in the project, applicants are required to pay 100,000 euros in donations to the state account, which will be used for the development of less developed areas.

He said that the first applicants are soon expected when agents for mediation and verification of international capabilities are granted licenses.

Director of the Directorate of Civil Status and Identity Documents at the Ministry of the Interior, Milanka Bakovic, stated that awarding citizenship is always reflected in the interests of Montenegro, namely scientific, cultural and sports. However, it is not enough when it comes to business and economic interest, so the criteria for economic citizenship was established.

She explained that the discretionary right of the Minister for Interior for approval to institute administrative proceedings for acquisition of Montenegrin citizenship by admission, that all conditions have to be met and the necessary opinions of the competent authorities have to be obtained when the Secretariat for Development Projects is informed as well.

"In order to ascertain whether the applicant fulfills the prescribed conditions, the persons concerned are being checked through the National Security Agency, Interpol and Europol. If it is established that the applicant or the agent has provided inaccurate information on the basis of that knowledge the procedure for the loss of economic citizenship will be initiated and the applicant has no right to be repaid with the funds already invested," Bakovic said.

She said that only adults gain citizenship and did not have to renounce their primary citizenship, but also those who are not welcome in EU countries will not be welcomed even in Montenegro.

Davidovic, speaking on the results in tourism, said that according to current results and projections, he believes that Montenegro will exceed last year's results and will be visited by some 2.5 million tourists who will realize over 14 million overnight stays.

He recalled that in the first quarter there was a growth in collective accommodation of 40 percent or about 35 thousand more guests than in the same period last year.

Text by MINA Business, on May 14th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

15 May 2019, 00:38 AM

14 May 2019 - By signing the contract on the construction of electricity infrastructure for the needs of supplying the Đalovića Cave complex with the Public Works Directorate and Budva-based Elektro Tim, the Government of Montenegro is continuing activities aimed at the tourist valorisation of this location.

The government has allocated 989.433 EUR from the capital budget for this investment, and the deadline for the completion of works is five months from the introduction of the contractor into the business.

The construction of the electricity infrastructure will create conditions for further development of the Đalovića Cave complex itself and its contents. To this end, the Public Works Directorate also signed a contract with the Elektro Tim on equipping the 35 kV cell in the Nedakusi substation in Bijelo Polje, worth 29.766 EUR. Recently, it signed a contract with the Danilovgrad-based company Eurozox on the construction of the primary electricity infrastructure for this area, for which 700.000 EUR will be allocated from the capital budget.

The planned investments in the electricity infrastructure, in addition to ensuring the supply of the future complex of the Podvrh monastery, the cable car and the Đalović Cave itself, will also contribute significantly to more reliable and better power supply of households in this part of the Bijelo Polje municipality.

Đalovića Cave and the entire area in its surroundings belong to the most promising locations for the improvement of the tourist offer of Montenegro. The Government of Montenegro will invest about 20 million EUR in the construction of this complex, and if the demanding construction works on the ground take place with the planned dynamics, it is expected that it will be ready for visitors by the end of the next year.

15 May 2019, 00:34 AM

14 May 2019 - Montenegro, through the Agro Budget and European Union funds, has the financial resources that will enable the country to further agriculture development, it was noted during the public debate on Chapter 11 - Agriculture and Rural Development.

The Secretariat-General of the Government, within the EU-funded project EU4ME, implemented by UNDP, organised this public debate, bearing in mind the importance of EU support for producers and the stability of the market provided by the membership, in which it discussed the conditions that Montenegro has so far fulfilled in negotiations, but also the upcoming obligations in this demanding process.

Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević pointed out that the common agricultural policy, as one of the most complex policies of the Union, aims to maintain the EU at the top of the most serious players in the field of production and processing of agricultural products, as well as a stable market characterized by high-quality and healthy products and facilitated placement and promotion for producers.

He reminded that Montenegro has 39 million EUR in EU funds through IPARD, and 52.4 million EUR through 2019 Agro Budget, urging all citizens of Montenegro to use the benefits of Montenegro and the available financial support to improve their business or to launch a business in agriculture.

Within the panel on "European standards for better quality of products", the Negotiator for chapters 11, 12 and 13 Radana Damjanović assessed that Montenegro has so far achieved good results when it comes to harmonizing Montenegrin legislation with Europe, stressing that the most demanding job is the establishment of administrative structures that will implement a common agricultural policy on the day of accession, which implies the establishment of the Payment Agency and the Integrated Administration and Control System.

Ružica Gelo, Negotiator for chapters 11, 12 and 13 from Croatia, presented Croatia's experience and challenges in the negotiations in this area. "Administrations of all small countries find it very difficult to bear the burden of the negotiation process and, unfortunately, it is only a small part of the story. The burden for administration starts only after joining," she said. Gelo said that the pre-accession years should be used to prepare the sector.

Nadia Kyuchukova of the EU Delegation to Montenegro expressed her satisfaction with the situation in this area.

"I see that the administration is aware of what it is supposed to do in this process, but also that the producers are aware and ready to work. These are young people, which is not always the case in other countries, and it is good that you have young people ready for investment, as this will have a positive impact on the process. However, the process of implementing legislation in this area needs to be strengthened," she added.

Agricultural producer Dejan Jovović, who has used pre-accession funds for the development of his business, presented his farm, which continues to develop thanks to the financial support from Agro Budget, MIDAS and IPARD.

Today, his entire family is involved in the development of the business, and they produce more than a million kilos of vegetables annually. 

Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro Ljiljana Filipović said that the chamber is an active partner that contributes to the readiness of the economy to take advantage of the EU membership.

15 May 2019, 00:20 AM

14 May 2019 - The most significant regional neurologists meeting, "The Adriatic Neurology Forum 2019", will take place in Bečići, Montenegro from May 22 to May 26, 2019. The main organizer of this event is the Society of Serbian Neurologists, and the co-organizers are the Society of Croatian Neurologists and Society of Montenegrin Neurologists.

The official opening of the Adriatic Neurology Forum 2019 is scheduled for May 23 at 7 pm, and the venue of the event is Hotel Splendid Spa & Conference Resort, as well as Hotel Montenegro in Budva, a gorgeous place on the Adriatic coast in Montenegro. The symposium will be attended by the leading names in medicine dealing with neurology in the entire region, but also the most famous neurologists from all over the world. The lectures will be held by carefully selected foreign and domestic lecturers.

Adriatic Neurology Forum in Budva from May 22 26 2

One of the most important aspects of this meeting is the presentation of the participants’ practices and experiences. Therefore, the organizers expect all participants to take an active part in all sessions, particularly in the poster session. The forum will share new experience and knowledge from various neurological areas.

The holding of this symposium in Bečići is of great importance for the promotion of Montenegro as a tourist destination.

Speakers at the forum include eminent professors from the region as well as from EU. Honourable guests of the Forum will be Zlatibor Lončar, Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Kenan Hrapović, Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Montenegro.

On May 22, the program includes participant registration, the opening ceremony, an introductory lecture by Academician Vladimir S. Kostić and a small cocktail event. The lectures within the second day program cover the following topics: Parkinsonism (Academician Vladimir S. Kostić, prof dr Marina Svetel, prof dr Tomislav Babić ), Dementia (Prof. dr Elka Stefanova, doc dr Smiljana Kostić, prof dr Fran Borovečki) and Epilepsy and Unexplained loss of consciousness (Prof dr Ranko Raičević, prof dr Silvio Bašić, prof dr Meir Bialer).

The program for May 24 includes the lectures on Cerebrovascular diseases - neurovascular procedures (Prof. dr Ranko Raičević, dr. sc. med Ljubo Marković, dr. sc. med Slobodan Ćulafić), MS (Prof. dr Jelena Drulović, prof. dr Vanja Bašić-Kes, prof dr Evica Dinčić) and NMOSD (Prof. dr Evica Dinčić, prof. dr Gordana Tončev, prof Slobodan Vojinović). Lectures on the topics Headaches and neurotrauma, Neuromuscular diseases and Child neurology will take place on May 25, while the closing ceremony and certificate of attendance delivery are planned for May 26.

Registration of participants is mandatory for all participants except for foreign invited lecturers. Registration fee can be paid within the entire arrangement, in advance or on the spot. The registration fee includes registration, registration set, right to participate in all official and accompanying programs, access to the opening ceremony, welcome cocktail and gala evening, certificate of attendance.

As the organizers announced, they have provided a sufficient number of seats on flight Belgrade - Tivat - Belgrade. Reservation and payment of tickets are done through the ASTAKOS Congress Agency.

The meeting is under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Montenegro.

14 May 2019, 23:43 PM

13 May 2019 - In an interview with the Luxury Collection Montenegro Magazine, Prime Minister Duško Marković invited investors to invest in Montenegro, especially in our northern region, saying that this is an archetype of a country in which people of different faiths and nations live in harmony, a state that raised the level of security by joining NATO and a country where the most prestigious world tourism brands already operate.

"There are Aman, Chedi, Sheraton, Regent, Hilton, Melia, Iberostar, Karisma, Falkensteiner, and the first One & Only in Europe will be opening in Montenegro next year… In 2008, Montenegro adopted the Tourism Development Strategy by 2020, deciding to become a destination for upscale guests. This decision was supported by the report of the World Travel and the Tourism Council which placed Montenegro at the top of the list of destinations according to the growth rate of tourism, which amounted to 8.8%, said Prime Minister in the interview with Luxury Collection Montenegro Magazine.

He also added that the country could nowadays see that it's succeeded. Prime Minister listed the prestigious tourism brands that are present in Montenegro, which had not existed before this strategy. Similarly, after developing the Montenegrin coastal region, the country has started to valorise the resources in our Northern region strategically.

"I have stated many times that this is where our key resources lie. The Government did something that had never been done before: the capital budget for this year amounts to 320 million EUR, which is the biggest capital budget so far. More than 70 percent has been allocated to the Northern region. The Government, therefore, sent a clear message to the citizens and investors: this is what we are focusing on right now, stressed out Prime Minister Marković.

He continued that Montenegro is interested in investments, which will contribute to economic growth and increased employment, particularly in the Northern region, which is less developed. The programme “Economic Citizenship” is the concept of investing in projects of special importance for the economic interest of Montenegro, and should also be understood from the same point of view.

Asked how he would compare Montenegro from the beginning of his career with today to a foreigner who has never been to Montenegro, PM Marković said that Montenegro kept the natural beauty and the national and religious harmony, but everything else changed.

"Any foreigner who first visits Montenegro is amazed and charmed by its natural wonders. Foreigners who observe our country’s society are sure to see that through our way of life, people who hold different faiths, or are from different ethnic backgrounds, live in harmony with each other. This, I regret to say, can be seen as a unique case in our perpetually turbulent region.

He also pointed out that Montenegro, over the previous ten years, has been one of the countries with the most net direct foreign investments per capita. On the coast of Montenegro, there are resorts which are among the most prestigious in the entire Mediterranean.

"This year, we started the development of a winter tourist centre in our mountains, which will be among the best in the region… At the start of my career, tourism was mostly organised by trade unions for their members, who were accommodated in the so-called workers’ resorts. We also had Sveti Stefan, and Ada Bojana, which later became a recognisable brand as well. However, these were the only two exceptions. Today, those parts of the Montenegrin coast where there are no international brands or world-class premium services could be considered the exception. I could continue presenting economic data, but economy means little without a change in the behavioural matrix, one needs to see a change in habits, even a change of consciousness" said Prime Minister adding that the country has been transformed in these areas as well.

"Finally, Montenegro is a NATO member state and the next member country of the EU. Therefore, our strategic direction is clear – and is completely different compared to the country several decades ago. Montenegro today is firmly in the place it has belonged for centuries – it is a European and Mediterranean country, well-integrated and developed, self-aware and determined, strong and resolute, stable on the inside and recognizable from the outside," the Prime Minister concluded.

Source: The Luxury Collection Montenegro

14 May 2019, 23:46 PM

14 May 2019 - According to data published by Montenegro Airlines, the company achieved remarkable results in the first four months of 2019, and judging by the predictions, the trend of successful business performance of the national carrier of Montenegro will continue in the future.

"The company transported 130.010 passengers in all three categories of traffic - regular, charter and codeshare, with 1.824 flights. Compared to the record year, 2018, the current results show 7,000 more passengers, i.e. 112 additional flights," announced the PR service of Montenegro Airlines.

According to the published data, the average occupancy of the passenger cabin in the aircraft of this company in the first four months of 2019 is 61 per cent, which is 3 per cent more than last year.

Montenegro Airlines has made great progress in the field of business performance, and the aforementioned results have been achieved based on newly implemented strategies aimed at improving services and expanding capacities.

"The destinations that recorded the highest growth in transported passengers in the observed period were to and from Belgrade, where the growth of the number of passengers transported compared to 2018 amounted to 3,000 passengers; to and from Rome and Paris, where the growth of 1,440 passengers was recorded; as well as to and from Ljubljana, where the number of passengers increased by 1,146," said Montenegro Airlines.

It is important to note that since May 5, Montenegro Airlines introduced the flight to and from Hanover, the fifth flight that connects Montenegro with Germany. Flights to this destination will be carried out from Tivat twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays, until October 24th. Launching the new flight speaks to the fact that Montenegro Airlines is well aware of the importance of establishing good airline connections to foreign markets, which will certainly influence the growth of the total number of passengers transported, and the increase in the number of tourists arriving from other countries.

In 2019, national carrier Montenegro Airlines will connect Montenegro with over 30 destinations in 15 different countries of Europe.

14 May 2019, 23:35 PM

13 May 2019 - The Government of Montenegro wants to, in a short time, and in a sustainable manner, make the best use of the development potential, primarily in the north of the country, in order to provide better living standards for citizens, Prime Minister Duško Marković noted at the meeting with the delegation of the Austrian company Doppelmayr, headed by the Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group CEO Michael Doppelmayr.

"We have invested significant resources in the development of the overall infrastructure - transport, energy, digital... to create favourable conditions for business and job creation. The economy has grown at an average rate of 4.9 %, and in just two years we have increased the number of employees by over 17,000," Prime Minister Marković stated.

He stressed the country's strong commitment to the construction of ski resorts and highlighted the project of a ski centre that is being built on the territory of the five municipalities - Kolašin, Mojkovac, Bijelo Polje, Rožaje and Berane. Recalling that the procedure for building infrastructure in the area is in progress, the Prime Minister said he is hopeful that the works will be completed by 2020.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the collaboration with Doppelmayr and the interest for long-term cooperation, given the reputation of the company and the fact that such investors provide both money and infrastructure, as well as knowledge and European standards of business.

Mr Doppelmayr said that the future of skiing is unquestionable, as well as the trend in the world to build ski resorts that can be used in the summer and in that way absolutely use the capacity of the resort. Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group has built and installed 15,000 cable cars on six continents. They have representative offices or agencies in 40 countries and close to 3,000 employees.

14 May 2019, 21:24 PM

May 14, 2019 - The civic movement ODUPRISE delegation travels on Wednesday, May 15th to Brussels, where they will stay until May 18th, but it is still not confirmed who of the European officials they will meet. In Brussels, they should present an Agreement on the future that they have signed with opposition MPs and, as they stated, ask for EU support resolving the political crisis in Montenegro.  

The delegation will be representatives of the movement Džemal Perović, Omer Šarkić, and Nikola Grdinić, while representatives of the opposition are not traveling to Brussels. At the previous meetings of the opposition leaders and the Movement ODUPRISE, it was agreed that this would be a delegation that included a representative of Democrats and Nebojsa Medojevic from the Democratic Front (DF).
At the last meeting, the Organizing Committee of the ODUPRISE movement discussed the platform of meeting with European officials, member of the Committee Dzemal Perovic told "Vijesti." They had previously requested a meeting with European Commissioner Johannes Hahn, but yesterday there was no confirmation that they would meet with him.
Due to the trip to Brussels, expected to be of great importance, yesterday's meetings with representatives of opposition parties were postponed, whose goal was to restore unity before the next protest scheduled for May 21st.
Representatives of the ODUPRISE movement had to meet separately yesterday with the leaders of the Democrats and the SDP to resolve the disagreements, but this was abandoned. According to Vijesti, Perovic announced a meeting with SDP President Ranko Krivokapic but later informed that the meeting was canceled.
The party of Aleksa Becic has previously refused an invitation to a joint meeting, complaining that it was a "non-legislative attempt to shift responsibility." Democrats then said that a meeting of leaders "who did not crush opposition unity and an agreement on the future" should be held.
"If the organizer of the meeting believes they should call SDP, Democrats will not attack them, but will not participate in it," said the Democrats to the ODRRISE movement. 
Becic refuses further co-operation with SDP over the decision to vote in Kotor for the dismissal of mayor Vladimir Jokic from Democratic Montenegro. After the SDP members with the Kotor opposition voted for the removal of Jokic, state-level opposition parties accuse them of cooperating with the regime. Becic then said that he would not sit with Krivokapic at the same table, while the ODRRISE movement noted that the SDP had excluded itself from the Agreement on the future. Krivokapic has meanwhile announced that he will not run for the party congress in June, but that the SDP remains committed to the Agreement.
Perovic told Vijesti that until the return from Brussels they will not meet with any of the opposition leaders and that after arrival they will decide on next steps. 
Source: Vijesti (Mila Radulovic, Samir Kajosevic)
14 May 2019, 15:06 PM

With a solemn litany, preceded by the Holy Synod Bishop Liturgy served by the Diocletian bishop Metodije and numerous priests and monks, the traditional spiritual and cultural manifestation "Days of St. Vasilije of Ostrog" was completed, which has been organized for the past 20 years by the Eparchy of Budim-Niksic and the Church municipality Niksic. The Litany, which has been held in Niksic since 1996 and which is usually attended by thousands of citizens, was led by Metropolitans of Montenegro Amfilohije Crimea and Ternopol’s and Crimean  of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Sergije, as well as Episcopalians, Pakrac - Slavonian Jovan, Budim-Niksic Joanikije, East American Irinej, Yuri’s Arsenije, South American Kirilo, Diocletian Metodije, Zahumlje- Herzegovinian Dimitrije, numerous archbishops, clergy, and monasticism, representing the icons and pillow of St. Vasilije (relic of Niksic's Temple). 


Preaching at the City Square, Bishop Joanikije said that believers offered the most beautiful gifts to the miracle maker from Ostrog - faith, hope, love, truth, justice, and prayer. "This is what he has bequeathed and left us to be embellished with, so that we can get closer to God - in love, in communion, in mutual understanding, in forgiveness, in goodness, in all virtues," Joanikije said.


The East American Governor Irinej recalled the words of Alexander Shamani's propaganda that we should not allow us to live between utopia and escape, but to live proudly in the present.

"The word pride is not the same as the word arrogance, for the word of pride in the Greek language means the one who, with dignity, carries his own pain. And that's us. That is why the purpose of this gathering is precisely that – with no exception but to listen to the instructions of St. Seraphim Sarophic Miracle Man, to close our physical eyes, turn our heads towards our hearts, and bring our minds into our hearts so that we can see how in the middle of our hearts there is a flame dancing with joy, because that flame was Jesus Christ, who had resurrected from the dead. When you see the flame in your heart, you open your eyes because at that moment the only human eye that matters had sight - that's the heart," Irinej said.


St. Vasilije, the honor of Niksic church, built in the 19th century, is also the glory of the city, and litany is considered one of the most significant events of this kind in the region.



Vasilije of Ostrog was born in 1610 as Stojan Jovanovic, in the village Mrkonjici in Herzegovina. He studied in the Monastery Zavala, from where he moved to Tvrdos, where he became a monk. In the monastery of Ostrog he came after the destruction of the monastery Tvrdos where he lived and worked as an archpriest. He became the Metropolitan of Herzegovina in 1639. He died in 1671, and because of his abilities to heal he was declared a saint. His relics are kept in the temple of Vavedenje, in the Upper Monastery.

Text by Svetlana Mandic, on May 12th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

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