
17 May 2019, 01:36 AM

16 May 2019 - The European Union must be more present in the public of the Western Balkan countries and must send clear messages to Montenegrin citizens about how much the EU invests in the development and their better lives, on a daily basis if necessary, Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković said in the German Federal Parliament - the Bundestag, where he talked with the MPs of the Committee on European Union Affairs.

"One discrepancy attracts attention, which at first glance can hardly be explained. The EU and Western countries are the largest investors and donors in the Western Balkans. We often hear voices from the region that the EU must be more present in the Western Balkans. And here's what it looks like in the last ten years: more than eight billion of investments, the trade has doubled and exceeds 49.5 billion. The EU is the main trading partner of the region and makes up 73% of its trade, and the region has increased its exports to the EU by 142%. Messages about the rule of law are not the only important messages that must be sent - but our citizen wants primarily to live better and feel those benefits. The EU must be more present in public in this regard and send clear messages to our citizens about how much they invest in our development and their better lives," Prime Minister Marković said in his address to the Committee.

The Prime Minister thanked Germany supporting Montenegrin reforms and said that Montenegro is looking forward to the growing interest and presence of investors from Germany, and that Montenegro wants Germany as a partner, but also as a model and objective observer of opportunities.

"We do not want a partnership with Germany just because of support and investment, but because of democratic values, including those that concern corporate and business standards to strengthen the domestic business culture that is still suffering the consequences of the old system," the Prime Minister said.

Speaking about the European integration process of Montenegro, PM Marković said that Montenegro is not calculating.

"Our orientation and course are clear. We are a country that, in all cases, joins the EU's common, foreign and security policy, which has proven to be a responsible member and a reliable ally in NATO," the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Marković said that the most important achievement of the Government of Montenegro in the past two years is economic growth that exceeded all expectations.

"You will not always find this data in the reports when it comes to Montenegro. To illustrate this claim, I will inform you about the results of economic policy in the last two years. We achieved growth rates at an average rate of 4.9 percent, almost in all sectors from tourism, energy, agriculture, industry, trade, which in the past was not the case. We reduced the unemployment rate by more than 6 percent and increased the number of employees by over 17,000. In the first quarter of this year, the parameters are already better than at the same time last year. For two years, we have been recording the stability of public finances and we are financing current spending from the original revenues. At this moment, Montenegro is a large construction site with very significant projects in the capital infrastructure and with a large inflow of foreign direct investments of over EUR one billion and five hundred million. We have halved the budget deficit and there is no fear for the sustainability of our public finances. Our goal is to ensure the continuity of such high growth rates, to achieve a budget surplus in 2020, to provide a declining trend in public debt, increase employment and standard of living," Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the Bundestag Committee on European Union Affairs.

Montenegro at Bundestag Committee on European Union Affairs1

The Prime Minister informed the Committee about the reforms implemented by Montenegro, with particular reference to the judiciary and the fight against organized crime.

"It is evident that organized crime loses the battle with the State, the institutions are getting stronger and more efficient. I want to thank your country for its support in strengthening the rule of law that will soon result in the sending of your experts to the Ministry of Justice and the Montenegrin police, which we had in the Ministry of Justice in previous years," PM Marković noted.

The judiciary has strengthened its capacities and raised the level of efficiency and promptness, PM Marković said and added that the last week's verdicts in the process of attempting terrorism or destabilization of Montenegro in order to deter it from its path to NATO proved that the judiciary is immune to external pressures and that it professionally performed its job in the most complex trial in the recent history of Montenegrin judiciary.

Speaking about the media scene, Prime Minister Marković said that the Government, within its jurisdiction, is doing everything possible to improve the environment, including the improvement of the legal framework, using expertise and counseling of the OSCE and the Council of Europe.

The Prime Minister concluded the address by saying that Montenegro is not a country that is threatened by its current challenges.

"Very strong facts prove this: we are a NATO member, the leader in the EU integration process, the exporter of stability and the fastest growing economy in the region. You will agree, however, that in the last twelve years, these results could not be achieved if the real situation was different or at the level of perception in certain important areas," Prime Minister Duško Marković stressed.

17 May 2019, 01:29 AM

15 May 2019 - Minister of Science and Chairperson of the SEEIIST Steering Committee Sanja Damjanović met with Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev. Minister Damjanović invited the Prime Minister of North Macedonia to support the SEEIIST project by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation, drafted by its Steering Committee members. This memorandum is harmonized with the representatives of the foreign ministries of the region at the beginning of March this year in Podgorica. 

Prime Minister Zaev confirmed the full support of the Republic of North Macedonia to the SEEIIST project and the readiness to sign the Memorandum. 

A major international infrastructure project for sustainable technologies, SEEIIST, is entering the next phase thanks to the first financial support from the European Commission, as well as the open support of renowned CERN institutions in Geneva and GSI in Darmstadt. With strong expert support from prestigious institutions, the SEEIIST project cannot be unsuccessful. In order for this project to be implemented in the SEE region, a strong political commitment is needed throughout the region. 

The Minister presented the SEEIIST project at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of North Macedonia (MANU) within the CERN Days in North Macedonia. The Minister pointed out the importance of this project to improve cooperation in research, innovation and technological development in the Region, as well as the treatment of cancer patients with the most modern method. She particularly highlighted the role of CERN as one of the hosts of the SEEIIST Design Study Phase. The speakers at the seminar were representatives of CERN: Prof. Dr. Christoph Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Ludwik Dobrzynski and Prof. Dr. Daniel Denegri. 

Minister of Science Damjanović is paying a visit to North Macedonia at the invitation of SEEIIST Steering Committee members, Prof. Dr. Petar Atanasov, Assistant Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia and Prof. Dr. Mimoza Ristova from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius".

17 May 2019, 01:18 AM

15 May 2019 - Montenegro has ten exhibitors at the fair bringing together all the important actors of agribusiness from the region, including some of the most successful Montenegro's companies.

 "The fact that the exhibitors from Montenegro have won 163 medals for quality this year speaks volumes about the quality of domestic products and the profitability of investments in this sector," Minister of Economy Dragica Sekulić said at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of the Provincial Government of Vojvodina Đorđe Milicević, which took place within her visit to the 86th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad.

Montenegro has a common stand of 117m2 in the Master Hall, consisting of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism. Minister Sekulić pledged full support to the private sector, through the creation of numerous support programmes for entrepreneurs.

Montenegro at the 86th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad1

"Last year we supported over 100 companies, which is about 50% more than in the previous year, and we are sure that this number will increase this year," she stressed.

The Economy Minister added that Serbia, when it comes to trade, is Montenegro's most important partner, both in exports and imports.

Montenegro also participated in the International Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad during the last year. On this occasion, Montenegrin businesspeople had a successful presentation at a joint stand organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro in partnership with the Montenegrin Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Economy and the Investment and Development Fund. 

16 May 2019, 16:33 PM

The Ministry of Education should strictly punish all who give priority to profit in the education system over education and safety of the children, it was said at the Center for Civic Education (CGO) yesterday.

"Where there is evidence, such as the finding of the competent inspection, that this is a misuse of the authority of a director, the same should be processed efficiently. And there is a tremendous responsibility of the Minister of Education (Damir Sehovic) who needs to dismiss such directors," said the associate at CGO Mira Popovic.

Yesterday, "Vijesti" reported that tourist inspectors found that more primary schools had illegally organized excursions and programs at the School of Nature.

After these inspection findings, the main tourist and leading education inspectors Svetlana Sljivancanin and Lucija Adzic passed on to the schools the information on respecting prescribed obligations when organizing school trips.

Popovic notes that as far as the trips such as schools in nature, excursions and other activities are concerned, the law prescribes the announcement of tenders for which the director is responsible, stating that the legal procedure and the will of the parents must be respected and all the contrary must be registered and sanctioned by the competent authorities.

"We have a practice for a long time now where, in a variety of ways, is trying to make a profit through education systems contrary to the constitutional norm that basic education is free of charge. This often leads to the embarrassment of parents with a low living standard and underlines the social differences among the children. Of course, children should not be denied excursions and visits to institutions and other out-of-school activities that improve their knowledge, but such activities must be carried out in accordance with the law and at minimum costs, if necessary, for students and their maximum security," said the associate at CGO. The schools at that moment when they enrolled the children took full responsibility for them at the time of school and out-of-school activities they organize.


Popovic argues that those who are not capable of carrying this responsibility should not be in the education system because, as she points out, there is no private interest that can be ahead of the children's safety. Surveillance found that excursions and other travels without the mediation of tourist agencies were organized and the persons involved in this organization were punished by a misdemeanor order, as "Vijesti" was informed from the Inspection Directorate, stating that the supervision was carried out in the elementary school "Ratko Zaric" in Niksic and Podgorica primary school "Radojica Perovic".

The elementary school “Ratko Zaric”, according to the findings of the tourist inspection in which "Vijesti" had insight, on their own initiative and with no tenders published, has organized School in nature for 64 pupils, but also without any contract with the holiday resort on Lovcen, or the transport company. In the same the way they organized, as shown by the documentation, excursions to Herceg Novi and Igalo, and a part of this school's pupils visited Trebinje as scouts. On the excursion to Vucje were also the children of the second grade of the primary school "Radojica Perovic", and Director Mirjana Boskovic told "Vijesti" that the school had nothing to do with it and that a private person organized it.

"Please note that after these checks, we have also sent information to all directors of elementary and high schools in Montenegro, where we state their obligations and responsibilities in the organization of excursions, trips, and schools in nature", said the Inspection Directorate.

Text by Milos Rudovic, on May 15th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

16 May 2019, 16:27 PM

The Traffic Secretariat has accepted the proposals of the taxi drivers and in the new draft of the decision to arrange the taxi transport, the start of the first tariff will range from 50 cents to one euro, which will be the price range per one-kilometer ride.

When it comes to night driving the price per kilometer is planned in the range between 60 cents to one euro. The decision will be made by the members of the Assembly of the Capital City at the next session.

Traffic Secretary Lazarela Kalezic explains that they came to meet the needs of the taxi drivers when it comes to the night and holiday tariff, where it will also rise in price.

The starting price and ride per kilometer by night instead of 40 cents to one euro will move from 60 cents to one euro.

"The draft decision on taxi transport was at a public hearing giving the opportunity for the people in this area and the public to point out some of the attitudes regarding the solution of the problem. Several issues have been in the focus of the decision making, especially as the new Law on Land Transport defines the obligation of local self-government to introduce new elements in the regulation of car-taxi transportation, referring to the introduction of startup and other tariffs. At the public hearing, taxi drivers complained about the values ​​given for tariffs and services considering them to be too low. Everyone asked for a higher starting price and a kilometer ride, ranging from 50 cents to one euro. We've considered everything that has been suggested and made some changes. We have accepted that the lower limit for the start and a ride per one kilometer runs from 0.50, and the taxi drivers are to determine how much the price will be. It is also accepted that the night tariff and the ride during the holidays range from 60 cents to one euro as they asked," says Kalezic.


She points out that the starting price and ride per one kilometer for the transport outside the city will be increased, instead of 0.40 cents to one euro, this range will now be from 0.50 to one euro.

"We believe that giving a price range from 50 cents to one euro is a good mechanism for taxis to define on their own estimations and calculations what is profitable to them," says Kalezic.

He added that he would soon announce a public debate report, which would answer all the suggestions made by the taxi drivers on the cab transport decision.

It should be noted that changes to and amendments to the new law on road traffic have to be made, concerning the introduction of a cash-register, services. When the Ministry makes the mentioned amendment, all municipalities will have to make new decisions on taxi rides.

Self-employed entrepreneurs are satisfied that their proposals have been accepted to increase start-up price and ride per kilometer, but also the tariff during night-time. They argue that the increase is realistic and that the taxi service in Podgorica will still be the cheapest in comparison to other cities in Montenegro.

Public transport from the past century

Stanko Radonjic Boulevard’s residents on Tuski put asked the Secretariat for the introduction of bus lines in this part of the settlement. Transport Secretary Lazarela Kalezic announced that two requests were made for the introduction of this line.


Kalezic states that new bus lines will be in focus in the coming period.

She says that in this part of the settlement had been previously introduced a trial bus line that proved to be non-profitable.

"There were not enough passengers to make this line last longer. With new concepts of public transport, we have to cover the whole city, but this concept has to reconcile profitable and unprofitable lines. The condition of certain roads sometimes causes transporters to be in a difficult situation, their buses get broken," says Kalezic. She adds that they are preparing an application that will be available to all users to track the arrival of the buses on mobile phones. Kalezic says that in the city they are aware that the city vehicle fleet needs to be renovated. We need money for this, but we are thinking of purchasing electricity and gas buses or those using alternative fuels. Current urban transport, old buses that use oil as fuel, pollute the air. She states that buses which are currently in use are old and not comfortable. "In Podgorica, we have 109 buses covering 29 lines. The profitability of city transportation everywhere in the world is questionable. We are thinking of introducing electric buses and this would lead to a reduction in the use of expensive conventional fuel. Also, we are thinking of somewhat enhancing the role of the City when it comes to transportation," says Kalezic. 

They do not separate the taxi stands

The Traffic Secretariat did not accept the taxi driver's proposal to split the taxi stands, to clarify which one belongs to the companies and which to the independent entrepreneurs. Kalezic says that the attitude is for the taxi stands to remain independent as specified in the Decision on taxi transport.

"The draft decision defines that the taxi stands are free and that the same principle applies for everyone. Many workers in this area expressed their disapproval of such a solution, considering that they did not respond to what their position was in the earlier period, that they had developed a taxi stand over a long time and that such solutions would affect their business. That is why we would like to keep the taxi stands vacant because we believe that those who are now starting to do the business as taxi drivers are in an unequal position concerning those who carry out this activity for many years," Kalezic said.

The Trade Union of the taxi drivers in Montenegro is dissatisfied with the final position of the Transport Secretariat that the taxi stands in the city should remain vacant, which is why they submitted an initiative to Ivan Vukovic, the mayor of Podgorica and Lazarela Kalezic, the traffic secretary, seeking to separate the same, i.e. to specify which one belongs to the companies and  which one to self-employed entrepreneurs. Over 200 independent entrepreneurs signed the petition.

In Podgorica, there are currently 300 taxi stands on which vehicles that are not registered for this activity are parked.

Text by Boban Novovic, on May 15th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

16 May 2019, 16:15 PM

The Basketball players of Buducnost lead 1-0 in the semi-final of the Erste Superliga, as they took advantage of the home court against Lovcen (97:90).

The team from Podgorica, who saw Nemanja Gordic play again (only Petar Popović was missing), gained the victory by hard work and had a one-point advantage (42:41) at the half.

The uncertainty lasted even further, and the decision was made in the very end. At the score of 93:90 for home team, Milutin Djukanovic missed an open three-points for a tie with one minute and a half before the end, and in the next attack Filip Barovic scored for 95:90, and then Lovcen missed another attack.

Sead Sehovic was the last one to score points, though the guests refused to defend the last attack, and almost all the players started to greet each other. The slam dunk of young Sehovic, in the end, justified the nervousness of the guests.

"I did not randomly say that Lovcen is a tough team, well trained, which knows what it wants in both directions. We have continued the trend of a pretty much soft defense, we have received 90 points from Lovcen at home, and until the end, we cannot have a lighter solution to any match," said Buducnost coach Petar Mijovic after the match.

"The other players, realistically, are overwhelmed with all that this season has brought. The calendar is congested; they play every other day, and, believe it, despite the severe dissatisfaction with the way we function in the defense, many are on the brink of power. In this situation, we are looking at how to refresh them well and wait for the next match with a full squad. The match was extremely tough and hard, at some moments when we took control of the game in our hands, Lovcen returned with an extraordinary percentage of three-pointers and punished our defensive ideas. So now, we will have a playoff, and getting half of a point or 40 points difference, in any case, we have a lead of 1:0," added Mijovic.

Text by Sasa Joncic, on May 15th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

16 May 2019, 14:34 PM

May 16, 2019 - On the occasion of marking Independence Day, a representative exhibition on the Boka Navy Kotor, the oldest organization of sailors in the world marking its 1210 anniversary this year, will be opened tomorrow in Cetinje. The opening of the exhibition will be preceded by the performance of the Main Squadron of the Boka Navy and the dancing of the traditional St. Tryphon's round dance at Palace Square at 5 pm.

The Boka Navy and the local and national cultural institutions formed the Boka Navy Commemoration Board, and the Cetinje exhibition is the first of the programs organized in the jubilee year, where the entry of the first protected immaterial item of Montenegro on the UNESCO Representative List of humankind is expected. Secretary of the National Commission for Cooperation with the UNESCO Committee, Milica Nikolic, states:
"The Boka Navy Kotor jointly prepared the exhibition with the Maritime Museum of Montenegro in Kotor, the Historical Archives of Kotor, the Municipality of Kotor and the Ministry of Culture, with the great help of the Diocese of Bishopric Kotor and the Public Institution of the Kotor Museums. All these institutions gave their contribution through the transfer of artefacts to the Boka Navy for the selection of this exhibition. What is important to emphasize is that through Cetinje's manifestation, we want to give an opportunity to see both the material and the non-material segments of the legacy of the Boka Navy through a direct encounter with its ancient customs-the honorary establishment and the Round Dance of St. Tryphon, invariably practised for ages," says Milica Nikolić.
The exhibition includes archive documents, art images, photographs, ship designs, weapons and uniforms of the Boka Navy. Visitors will also have the opportunity to view the documentary film about the Boka Navy, which is an integral part of the Application to the UNESCO Representative List, and the World Heritage Committee will make its decision by the end of this year.
At the opening of the exhibition, Director of the Maritime Museum, Andro Radulović, and Admiral of the Boka Navy, Antun Sbutega, will speak. The event will officially open by the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro and Minister of Justice, Zoran Pažin.
According to Milica Nikolić, the ambition of the Boka Navy Commemoration Board for its 1210 anniversary is to present the exhibition throughout the year to a broader audience, especially in the cities of Europe.
16 May 2019, 13:36 PM

May 16, 2017 - Twenty-five organizations and 150 participants from 22 countries will gather in Budva, Montenegro at the Digital Influencers in Action Forum, organized by the Digital Communication Network to be held 18-19 June.

At the two-day event, marketers, social influencers, analysts, entrepreneurs, journalists, and other professionals will have a chance to look at digital campaigns with social impact in a comprehensive way. The participation is free.
The Digital Communication Network is the cross-border and cross-profession link of thousands of young professionals, from the private and public sectors – investigative journalists, civil servants, NGO leaders and software developers – who share and exchange their knowledge and experiences to generate new tools, ideas, and products for millions of Internet users. 
The first day of Digital Influencers in Action Forum will have 15 talks on various topics such as identifying and engaging influencers, amplifying the reach, influencers reputation and personal branding, monitoring campaigns’ impact and key metrics, fake influencers, and negative influence, and reaching audiences in a whole new way.
The second day will have interactive workshops, the unconference, mini-fair of media literacy initiatives and projects, and mini-hackathon when participants will be offered to develop concepts of campaigns involving influencers. Workshop topics will address four themes: 1) Building trust between media, governments, and digital influencers; 2) Influencers management; 3) Campaigns for Children and Youth; 4) Influencers in countering disinformation.
The unconference will provide the audience with an opportunity to briefly present, in connection to two broad topics: 1) Influencers marketing for business; 2) Influencers campaigns for non-profits. At the mini-hackathon participants will be given an hour to come up with a concept of how to build a campaign involving digital influencers on a given topic: 1) Critical thinking 2) Inclusion and participation 3) Social entrepreneurship.
The interested organizations and initiatives will be able to present their campaigns in specially designed booths, increasing the level of interactivity and creative synergies.
In addition to different forms of discussion, Digital Communication Network plans to release its updated “Mapping Digital Influencers 2019” research covering 27 countries of Europe and Asia.
Key speakers include:
• Adam Harrell, NEBO Agency, USA
• Nazli Ozgur, influencer (230K+ followers), Turkey
• Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, CNN, USA
• Kamile Kaselyte, Co-Founder of KIKOINNE, Belgium
• Josh Druding, Director of Social Strategy | Epic Signal, USA
• Suveer Bajaj, Co-founder, FoxyMoron, India 
• Bektour Iskender, Kloop, Kyrgyzstan
• Andjela Todorovic, Machine Learning Engineer at Createsi GmbH, Serbia
• Zain Velji, Partner + VP Strategy Northweather, Canada
• Irakli Porchkhidze, Vice President at Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS), Georgia
• Katarina Klingova, GLOBSEC, Slovakia
• Raluca Radu, Marketing Strategist for #eCommerce, Romania
• Nikolai Taylor, Podcaster on @ChocolatePains, Founder & CEO of Viral Spark, USA
• Žiga Vrtačič, General Manager, Danes Je Nov Dan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Veronica Bielik, Spotlight Agency, Poland
• Iliada Evangelia Kothra, Founder of living-postcards, Business Consultant, Greece
The Forum is sponsored by the US Department of State Office of Citizen Exchanges and coordinated by Digital Communication Network, an international association, connecting global influencers and communicators of the digital age and World Learning, a global NGO empowering people and strengthening institutions.
Free registration for local participants: 
Source: FB
16 May 2019, 11:45 AM

May 16, 2019 - Citizens of Perast traditionally celebrated 15 May, the Latter-day of the victory of their ancestors over the Turks in 1654. In addition to mass and ceremonies at St. Nicholas Square, the traditional event in the memory of the heroic defense of the city captured the custom of "shooting the rooster," which symbolizes the enemy.

This year's winner is local Marko Lindi, who, according to the age-old tradition, received a towel with the year of battle and the date of the shooting, after which he triumphed Perast accompanied by the City Music of Kotor.

On St. Nicholas square, the Boka Navy traditionally performed, which played the St. Tryphon Round Dance, after which Kotor bishop Msgr served the holy mass. Ilija Janjić.

At the central town square, in the evening, the Klapa Contra from Split held a concert. Although city lighting did not work, visitors enjoyed the excellent music.

The event was organized by the Society of Friends of the City of Perast, the Community Center, Perast Parish Office and the Perast International Klapa Festival.

Perast Battle - Latter-day of 15 May

Perast's ability in the seventeenth century on land and sea, skill with the sword and trade, the Chadian War, the loss of Risan thanks to the Perast Army in 1649 were just some of the reasons for the Turks to strike at the city.

Having learned that the Turks would attack the city, its peasants had been transporting the furniture to the islands in front of the city, because they believed the enemy would attack only from the land. Men were divided into nine towers. The commander of local forces, K. Šilopi, developed on his house the flag of Venetia and the mark with the municipal coat of arms, which obliged the Duke to come in every need with 30 armed men.

As the Kotorans modestly aided their neighbors with about 30 pedestrians and some ammunition, and there were seizures of about 30 of Perast's ships trapped between Korcula and Molunat at that time, a rift between the vast Turkish army of some 5,000 soldiers and only a few hundred peasants of Perast broke out.

Early in the morning, the Turks hit the town from the mainland. On both sides of the town, they headed for the St. Cross, where it was a fortress of local soldiers and Venetians. In the bloody defense for Perast, few citizens succeeded in resisting the enemy, taking over the leading battalion of the Turkish army and killing her command of Mehmet Aga, whose rifle could be seen today at the Perast Museum.

No one was hoping Turks would hit the town from the sea. The Turks under the leadership of Ulcinj Mustai Reis attacked Lepetane, set up a fortress with Our Lady of Angels and went through Verige to Perast. They devastated the islands of St. George and Our Lady of the Rocks, where they tortured votive gifts and mischief, but they did not find the image of Our Lady, because the citizens hid it in time at the church of St. Cross in Fortress.

perast gospaOur Lady of Perast, Photo by Miroslav Marusic, Boka News

By the centuries-old tradition, the last Sunday in April, Our Lady's image is transmitted to the town to be returned to Our Lady of the Rocks on 29 June, on the feast of Saint Peter.

The enormous success in defending the city, the peasants of Perast, attributed the protection of the Blessed Virgin, so the municipality vowed that every year, thanks to Her, the ceremony would celebrate the Latter-day.

In honor of this great victory, on the western wall of St. Nicholas church in Perast, there is a memorial plaque with a text in the national language, which was given by the then archbishop Andrija Zmajević.

Read the full text in Montenegrin at

15 May 2019, 23:07 PM

15 May 2019 - Pavle Radulović, Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro spoke at the opening of the tenth, Jubilee Festival of Real Estate and Investment - FREI in Budva, and highlighted that the preconditions for investments and development are constantly being created in Montenegro, resulting in record revenues in tourism. The number of investors from foreign countries is continuously growing, as some of the most prestigious companies in the world, especially in the catering industry, open their businesses in Montenegro.

The Minister presented the most important projects in Montenegro, stressing that investments are the key development resource, while tourism is the main driving force.  Radulović explained that small countries, such as Montenegro, have to be extremely careful when allocating their resources and that skilled planning and thoughtful usage with the appropriate legal framework are a prerequisite for improvement.

The Minister reminded that the Government of Montenegro adopted new legal solutions that facilitate procedures and improve the investment environment. The adoption of new planning documents and significant investments in infrastructure created a good foundation for development.

"This is certainly a result of which we are very proud of. For the first time in its history, Montenegro achieved direct and indirect tourism revenues in the amount of more than 1 billion EUR! Also, our country was visited by 2,2 million tourists, and these tourists had almost 13 million overnight stays. We are constantly increasing our presence in the most important emitting markets in Europe. Montenegrin economy recorded growth at the rate of 5% last year, and the results achieved in tourism significantly contributed to this growth and stable credit rating," he said.

According to the Minister, the project of economic citizenship will also contribute to the overall business environment conditions in Montenegro. "By introducing economic citizenship, we want to buy excellence rather than “sell passports”. This project is intended for individuals and their families who have acquired money legally, and we want to impart knowledge and money into our country, "said Radulović.

The Minister reminded that the value of contracted investments on capital projects is estimated at around 3 billion EUR. He pointed out the biggest projects in Montenegro, which include Porto Montenegro in Tivat, Aman Sveti Stefan, Hotel Maestral and Queen's Beach in Miločer, and Hotel Durmitor, whose value is estimated at around 20 million EUR. Radulović also emphasize the complex Luštica Bay, Portonovi, Beyond Horizon, lease of Hotel and Tourism Enterprise Complex "Ulcinj Riviera" with Consortium "Karisma" etc.

Speaking about the projects in the north of Montenegro, Radulović emphasized the valorisation of some of the already existing ski centres and the construction of new ones, where the Government will invest around 100 million EUR through the Capital Budget between 2015 and 2023.

15 May 2019, 22:54 PM

15 May 2019 - The long list of manifestations organized under the auspices of the Tivat Municipality is now richer with yet another event - the Tivat Souvenir Fair, which will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2019, on the promenade Pine in Tivat. The event will begin at 10 am and will last until 6 pm.

Numerous exhibitors will present their souvenirs and handicrafts within this event, organized by NGO "Harlekin" and also under the auspices of the Tourism Organization of Tivat.

The Tivat Souvenir Fair gives visitors the opportunity to meet the leading suppliers of souvenirs and recreational products and support their hard work and effort by purchasing the exhibited handicrafts.

Manufacturers, wholesalers, and importers of gifts, recreational products, and souvenirs all look forward to the event, hoping for the positive feedback by the visitors and customers of this year’s Souvenir Fair edition.

The Tivat Souvenir Fair brings the manufacturers into direct contact with interested visitors and potential buyers of their products. Visitors attend to see the latest market developments, follow up on the latest news, and to potentially place orders and achieve a successful and long-term relationship with the exhibitors.

The organizers have also prepared an entertainment program within the fair. Jelena Zvicer, who was named the best performer in the category "acoustic guitar and voice" within the first Montenegrin Electric Guitar Competition, will play the guitar and charm the fair visitors with her voice. Zvicer will perform at 11 am.

The entrance to the fair is free.

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