
20 May 2019, 02:14 AM

19 May 2019 - The first Herceg Novi regatta named Herceg Novi Sailing Tour is being organized by the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi in ​​cooperation with the Sailing Club Jugola Grakalić, the Municipality of Herceg Novi and the Hotel Lazure.

The event, which will take place on June 1, includes an umpires and skippers boat race. The regatta will be held in the waters of the Bay of Kotor within the territory that belongs to the Herceg Novi Municipality.

The sailing tour, which will mark the official beginning of the 2019 summer sailing season, starts in front of Marina Lazure in Meljine and runs around the island of Mamula. Then the ships sail towards their goal - the city port of Herceg Novi.

Fifteen crews are expected to compete, and the Montenegrin sailor that competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the Men's Laser class, Milivoj Dukić will also take part in the sailing tour. The list of the participants in the regatta will include musician and sailor from Herceg Novi, Rambo Amadeus.

In anticipation of the Herceg Novi Sailing Tour, Milivoj Dukić said: "Herceg Novi is becoming richer for yet another port of nautical tourism, in this case, Lazure Marina & Hotel in Meljine. Therefore, the Sailing Club Jugola Grakalić, which I represent today, and the Tourist of Organzation Herceg Novi, came up with the idea to organize the regatta of large ships. We are becoming richer for another regatta and our goal is to attract as many participants and visitors, because every time our boats sail into the sea, we send the best picture to nautical tourism lovers all over the world."

Starting from May 27, all competing boats can be docked at the Lazure Marina and await their official registration within the regatta. On May 31, the organizers have prepared a special cocktail at the Lazure Marina for all the participants within the event.

The sailors will meet for the race on June 1 at 9:30 am, and the official start of the regatta will be at 11 am. The finishing point of the sailing tour is the city port Škver, and sailing enthusiasts can await the boats at this point at 1 pm.

The Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi and the Sailing Club Jugola Grakalić have prepared a traditional fish and wine celebration accompanied by local entertainment and music from 1 pm to 5 pm. The award ceremony will be held also on June 1, at 9 pm.

The representatives of the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi are inviting all sailing enthusiasts to experience the unique regatta moment when the first boat will officially sail for the first time on June 1. All visitors will be able to enjoy an exciting and competitive racing and the onshore camaraderie! 

20 May 2019, 00:16 AM

18 May 2019 - Foreign Minister of Montenegro Srđan Darmanović participated in the 129th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Helsinki.

The discussion focused on the current challenges, mechanisms for strengthening the work of the Council of Europe, ensuring the long-term effectiveness of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights and the cooperation with the European Union.

"It is our duty to dedicate ourselves to the heritage of the Council of Europe in the year of celebrating its 70th anniversary and contribute to a successful response to the challenges and changes witnessed in today's Europe," said the Montenegrin Foreign Minister at the session of the CoE Committee of Ministers, adding that Montenegro is strongly committed to preserving the common values ​​of the European people.

Minister Darmanović reiterated the country's firm commitment to the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe and pointed out the great contribution of the Council to the reform processes of Montenegro and the building of institutional capacities.

"The Council of Europe has contributed to the establishment of key values ​​on the European continent, primarily in terms of strengthening the rule of law and democratic principles," the Foreign Minister concluded.

At the session of the Committee, the ministers emphasised the need for coordinated action, in order to strengthen the ability of the organisation to respond when a member state violates its legal obligations or does not abide by the standards, fundamental principles and values ​​supported by the Council of Europe.

On this occasion, France took over the semi-annual chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Helsinki. In that context, Minister Darmanović stressed that Montenegro would continue to the priorities of the French presidency, among which are strengthening the system of the European Court of Human Rights, protecting the most vulnerable population and further promoting the Istanbul Convention.

Minister Darmanović also attended the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Council of Europe.

Prime Minister of Montenegro recently hosted Ambassador of Finland Pertti Ikonen on his visit to Montenegro and they concluded that the bilateral relations between Montenegro and Finland are excellent, and strong and serious steps towards strengthening economic relations are especially encouraging.

20 May 2019, 00:12 AM

18 May 2019 - Montenegro has shown strong commitment in implementing the reforms and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is ready to provide all necessary support in continuing the EU accession process, it was noted during the official visit of the Montenegrin delegation to The Hague. 

The Montenegrin delegation, led by Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević, had several meetings in The Hague to present the latest results in the field of fighting corruption and organized crime. 

Members of the delegation, consisting of member of the Negotiating Group for Chapters 23 and 24 Marijana Laković, Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnić, Assistant Director of the Police Directorate for Criminal Police Sector Enis Baković and Assistant Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption Savo Milašinović met with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice in The Hague. 

"Consistent application of European standards in the area of protection and promotion of citizens' freedoms, rights, and security, as well as continuous progress in legislative reform and institution building, as well as achieved results in the field of fight against corruption and organized crime, money laundering and temporary seizure of property are the basis for the expectation that the achieved progress will be recognised in the upcoming EC report on Montenegro. We are convinced that, based on the good results we are achieving, the EC will shortly begin the definition of benchmarks to close these chapters temporarily," Chief Negotiator Drljević stressed. 

Representatives of the Montenegrin delegation reported that all institutions, in full capacity, were committed to meeting obligations under Chapters 23 and 24. 

Representatives of the Dutch ministries welcomed Montenegro's contribution to NATO and its clear commitment to EU membership. 

They commended the compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy, the results achieved in the framework of police cooperation and the work to improve the position of the LGBT population. They recommended that in the coming period it is necessary to continue producing results in the field of fight against corruption, strengthening the independence of the judiciary and the freedom of the media, adding that Montenegro can count on the full support of the Dutch institutions.

19 May 2019, 13:57 PM

With the music from the opera "The Blind Mouse" by Johan Straus, 220 graduate students from the high school "Ivan Goran Kovacic" danced the quadrille at the square "Nikola Djurkovic".

The graduates were dressed in yellow and green t-shirts, thus giving their contribution to the jubilee celebration - 50 years of Mimosa Festival. Ana Ercegovic led the graduate's dance.

So far, around 400,000 graduates from more than 100 European cities have participated in this event. All graduates dance the same choreography at the same time, and music is broadcasted over satellite radio. All together they are part of the project of dancing with the same goal in Europe, connecting and cooperating, as well as spreading togetherness, love and peace.

After dancing at the square, the graduates continued the celebration at Kanli Kula, and on Saturday, 25th May, there will be the graduate’s parade through the city and the graduation party.

Graduates from Herceg Novi first danced the quadrille on May 16th in 2008, and so far over 350,000 students from more than 100 European cities have participated in this event, and seven times they have succeeded in breaking the Guinness record.

"Herceg Novi sends a picture of youth, beauty and communion in the world," said the secretary of culture and education of the Municipality Herceg Novi, Ana Zambelic Pistalo, addressing graduates, professors, numerous gathered parents, relatives and friends.

"Herceg Novi has young people full of potential, and many of them today are united in the beauty of dance, and we are trying to support young, prospective citizens of Herceg Novi through various activities. To make Herceg Novi a city in line with the needs of the young people which offers quality and opportunities, this is our basic task and obligation," the secretary for culture said.

The general sponsor of the event is the Municipality Herceg Novi.


Text by Slavica Kosic, on May 17th 2019, read more at Vijesti

19 May 2019, 13:50 PM

The Montenegrin society has to make efforts in the struggle for human rights that every citizen would be accepted as equal before law and society, regardless of sexual and gender differences, said the Center for Civic Education (CGO).

On the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, they said that institutions also have a special responsibility.

As stated, LGBT people in Montenegro, despite the declarative ban on discrimination, still lack the necessary support to enable them to obtain their rights and live without fear of having discomfitures due to their different sexual orientation or gender identity.

"This year's International Day Against Homophobia focuses on justice and protection for everyone, and UNDP also emphasizes the support to the development of initiatives to end exclusion, discrimination and violence against LGBT people," the statement said.

It is stated that this is imperative and is more than ever necessary, and on that line are the efforts of the CGO, which are currently strengthened within the framework of the project "NO to discrimination, YES to differences".

The CGO research conducted in February this year indicates a positive shift that should be used to move the position of LGBT people in Montenegro from declarative tolerance to full acceptance and appreciation.

As reported, the fact that 81 percent of the respondents state that they would help a LGBT person in case of witnessing an act of violence against him is inciting in the process of fighting against discrimination and violence.

When it comes to the law on the life partner of the persons of the same sex, about which the deputies will vote soon, 55 percent of citizens have a positive attitude towards adopting that act.

It is reported that this is a significant change compared to less than a fifth, or 18 percent from 2016.


The CGO argued that this should also be a source of encouragement for those delegates who are still in the process of measuring of how much it would impact their polls rather than being leaders in the promotion of human rights culture. The CGO survey also indicated that just under a third of citizens would accept their child completely if they find that there is a different sexual orientation than heterosexual.

As stated, middle age is the most fertile factor for influencing attitudes on various issues, values, and principles, but also their ability to fight for their own and the rights of those who cannot.

"Throughout the 11 workshops we had the opportunity to get acquainted with the attitudes of young people who positively surprised us, but some of them are seriously anxious because traditions, prejudices and stereotypes continue to spread among young people in Montenegro," the statement said.

That is why, as they say, it is necessary to continue the struggle for LGBTI rights, on the social scene and in the Assembly, and to adopt good legal solutions that will create the legal premise for the equal living of LGBT people in Montenegro.

"The CGC today celebrates the diversity that is treasured in every society, celebrating lesbians, homosexuals, trans, nonbinary, intersexual and queer people, activists and LGBT rights organizations, who with their own example stand against any form of discrimination in Montenegro," concludes the statement.

Text by MINA News, on May 17th 2019, read more at Vijesti

19 May 2019, 13:43 PM

The Norwegian National Day was celebrated at the Institute "Dr Simo Milosevic" in Igalo, where 150 patients from this Scandinavian country are on vacation and treatment. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway is celebrated since May 17th, 1814, when the Norwegian Constitution was voted after gaining independence.

First, the Norwegian guests walked through Igalo in a parade, then the local music Djenovici with majorettes, kids from the Children’s Home "Mladost", members of KUD "Ilija Kisic", as well as many friends of the Norwegian people from Herceg Novi and Igalo. In front of the Institute’s National Restaurant, a program that began with the sounds of the national anthems of Montenegro and Norway took place.



On behalf of the local government, the holiday to the guests from Norway was congratulated by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Municipality Danijela Djurovic.

"On the map of our friends, Norway has had a special place for years. The reason for this is the brotherhood with the city Levanger, which lasts more than five decades and the Norwegian program at the Institute "Dr Simo Milosevic", thanks to which thousands of guests from Norway have visited our town for more than 40 years.

"Connecting our states has begun as a networking of cities and business cooperation, to link the relationship with the people and in years it became the foundation for the exchange of cultures, experiences, improvement of local community life, the close relationship between people and families. Citizens of Herceg Novi will never forget the assistance they received from Norway after a catastrophic earthquake exactly 40 years ago, as well as all of the support projects that followed, primarily in the field of municipal equipping and education," said Djurovic and emphasized that they will continue to work on strengthening the link between the two states.


This year, the Institute celebrates 70 years of existence and 42 years of cooperation and programs we have with your state. This jubilee is proof that our joint program, with the expertise and professionalism of the staff in the Institute in Igalo, faces all the challenges. We wish that during your stay in Igalo and Montenegro you will feel the hospitality and the warmth of our people. Although we have been experiencing you as our fellow citizens for a long time, we have organized the program to at least celebrate the atmosphere of the holiday season in your country," said the director of the Medical sector in the Institute in Igalo.


"The Constitution Day is very important to us Norwegians - as well as to all who understand the significance of their own freedom and their constitution. We are grateful for everything it has been done in Eidsvold, and we are happy to enjoy the fruits of their work - that our society could, and still can, develop better for the people who live in it. We are very happy that our friends here in Igalo make our holiday so beautiful for us as we are away from home - thank you for that!" said the chief nurse in the Norwegian program Inger Hansen.

Text by Slavica Kosic, on May 17th 2019, read more at Vijesti

19 May 2019, 12:29 PM

May 19, 2019 - About 200 villagers in the valley of the Bukovica River and its surroundings, citizens from other Montenegrin regions and civil activists yesterday from the shore of the endangered river ordered the authorities to annul concessions for the construction of two SHPPs (two small hydroelectric power plants). Citizens have said that they will not give up the defence of the river and that they will not let investors build.

The local population again demonstrated the determination not to allow the placement of a river in the pipeline for the needs of SHPPs, which should be built by the cousin of the country's president, Milo Djukanovic, and his partner.
Citizens have been daily on the defence of the Bukovica River for several days. The protest began when, despite the opposition of the locals, works started on access roads, and, as it turned out, through the private property of the Zekovic family, for which there is no permit. The local population reacted quickly and prevented further works, but also alerted the public about the violence of investors, and announced the continuation of the day-long guards.

SHPPs in Montenegro - the violation of European and international conventions

The Green House NGO handed over a petition to the Montenegrin parliament on May 15 for asking for a moratorium on the construction of mini-hydroelectric power plants on the rivers in Montenegro. Green home Executive Director Nataša Kovacevic said they expect MPs to recognize the resentment of the citizens of Plav, Gusinje, Berane, Bijelo Polje, Niksic, Kolasin, Savnik and Andrijevica.
"The decades-long wild construction of energy facilities and the taking of water from the local population has to end," Kovacevic said in front of the parliament before the petition was submitted. She assessed that most of the current concessions for SHPPs were allocated without proper planning documents, strategic guidelines and precise data on potentials, as well as the impacts of the implementation of these projects on the environment.
Kovacevic said that in November last year the European Parliament assessed that most of the 80 SHPPs in Montenegro were not planned, nor were they built following international conventions and European legislation.
"The European Parliament requires the revision of all approved projects, concerning criteria of biodiversity value and necessarily implemented environmental impact assessments and citizens' participation in the decision-making process. Because of violations of European regulations and international conventions, there is a legal basis for all contracts to be terminated," Kovacevic said.
The petition is requested to stop further granting and renewal of energy permits based on requests already submitted, until a strategic environmental impact assessment of the cumulative effects of all approved SHPP projects is carried out.
By petition, citizens ask to initiate a judicial procedure for violation of the Law on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment or non-implementation of a mandatory process for the development of a strategic impact assessment for a plan for the use of watercourses for the construction of small hydropower plants in Montenegro since 2016, but also due to the Law on Concessions.
NGO Green Home is Montenegrin partner within the Balkan network fighting against SHPPs- Balkan River Defence.

ODUPRISE Movement Calls for Action Against the SHPPs on Bukovica

"Citizens of the Savnik municipality, but also all those who are solidarity with them, for days prevent the passage of heavy machinery and keep a watch to preserve their greatest treasures - the river Bukovica. They are uprooting their estates, trails, and stagnant rivers, and they stand in the cold and say they will defend the river with life if necessary. Let's support them!" said the ODUPRISE movement.
"By the river, he came, who would be the next, family member - the cousin of the president from whom the citizens asked for their resignation three months ago. A cousin asked the local villagers if the river belongs to them. They usually think that everything in Montenegro, including our lives, is the property of only one man. This man, in their opinion, has the right to divide his feudal possessions among the family and not to look at the words of the locals. 
As the citizens of Beranselo won for their water, citizens of the Bar got the justice for their Cyprus park, citizens of Zabljak for their Black Lake, so Savnik will also preserve its Bukovica. Problems in local communities are the problems of all of us because it is evident that this system works against the interests of citizens," said the ODRRISE movement.
19 May 2019, 11:00 AM

May 18, 2019 - Within the program of marking the Independence Day of Montenegro, in the 1210th Anniversary of the Boka Navy Kotor, the most representative exhibition on the oldest organization of seafarers in the world was opened in Cetinje.

"Convinced that the values of the Boka Navy exceed the national and regional borders, we have applied this good for enrollment at the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It is the first nomination of Montenegro for enrollment on this prestigious list," said Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin opening exhibition "Boka Navy Kotor - 1210 years of history, spirituality and culture".
boka navy gov me 1Deputy Prime Minister, Zoran Pazin, Copyright: Government of Montenegro/ S. Matic
The Deputy Prime Minister assessed that the members of the Boka Navy, their family history and traditions of the local community, are deserving that this great tradition is preserved for the generations that come despite all the challenges that Boka Bay has encountered in history.
He recalled that for over twelve centuries the Boka Navy managed to resist the strong influences that overwhelmed the area, assessing that the maritime tradition that permanently marked it was the real and fundamental value of the organization itself.
Vice President Pažin emphasized that the essential value of the Boka Navy is intangible, "which exceeds all material traces, transferred from generation to generation and which is a key cultural value that this organization recommended for the status of Montenegro's cultural property of national importance." 
He estimated that only by preserving local communities, supporting their identity and the initiatives that come from them, such values could be preserved and passed on to future generations.
Pažin reminded that the initiative for candidacy on the UNESCO Representative List came from the Boka Navy itself, and the candidacy process was in deep agreement with the members of the organization, conducted following its basic principles. Those principles indicate that the Boka Navy can be accessed by any person who accepts its Statute, regardless of ethnic, religious, or any other identity, and that it is an organization focused on respect for human rights and mutual respect for religious, national and cultural differences.
At the opening of the exhibition spoke Antun Sbutega, Admiral of the Boka Navy Kotor and Andro Radulovic, Director of the Maritime Museum of Montenegro in Kotor.
Admiral of the Boka Navy pointed out that he is convinced that the exhibition and catalogue that follows will significantly contribute to better understanding and promotion of this cultural asset, both in Montenegro and broader.
boka navy exhibition 1Boka Navy Admiral, Dr Antun Sbutega, Copyright: Government of montenegro/ S. Matic
"Montenegro, as is often rightly pointed out, is a multiethnic and multicultural state. It is, although small, a complex mosaic composed of many different parts and it is important that the mosaic as a whole be consistent, that each part of it be adequately valued and obtains the right place. The Boka Navy is one of the parts of that mosaic and its affirmation in Montenegro, which declared it an immaterial cultural asset six years ago, and last year it has run on the UNESCO List, as well as affirmations on the international level,  are important not only for the Navy," said Sbutega.
boka navy androAndro Radulovic, the director of the Maritime Museum of Montenegro Kotor, Copyright: Government of Montenegro/ S. Matic
Pointing to the values of the Boka Navy for Kotor and Boka Bay, Andro Radulovic said that it was no coincidence that at the end of the 19th century the idea of establishing an institution that would systematically collect, preserve and present material testimonies of the maritime tradition of Kotor and Boka originated from the Navy. Collecting items on the Boka Navy and the Bokelian maritime history started at the beginning of the 20th century in the palace of Grgurina family, where the Maritime Museum, originates from the legacy of the Boka Navy, is situated today.
boka navy guardNavy's Performance in Cetinje, Copyright: Government of Montenegro/ S. Matic
"Boka Navy Kotor - 1210 Years of History, Spirituality and Culture" presents the most representative exhibition on the theme of the Boka Navy with a large number of exhibits: documents, books, icons, artistic images of ships and maritime battles, vowel seafood gifts, captains' portraits, photographs, and decorations. A luxurious and richly illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition on 150 pages with texts in Montenegrin and English.
The Maritime Museum of Montenegro, Boka Navy Kotor, Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, Bishopric Kotor, Kotor Historical Archive, Kotor Museums and Kotor Municipality participated in the realization of the exhibition.
Representatives of these institutions consist the Committee for marking the 1210th anniversary of Boka Navy. The plan is that in the year when we expect a decision on the eventual enrollment of the Boka Navy on the UNESCO List, this exhibition will also be presented to the public in some European metropolises.
19 May 2019, 00:24 AM

18 May 2019 - On May 18, Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković officially launched and put into operation three large investment projects of the company 13. Jul Plantaže. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro Milutin Simović, Executive Director of the company Verica Maraš, the company’s board of directors headed by President Veselin Vukotić, management and employees of 13. Jul Plantaže, as well as numerous other state officials.

The launched projects include three strategically important steps for the company: Biomass boiler, Cold Storage with the purpose of reception, storage and manipulation of fresh fruit, as well as New vineyard plantations on a total area of ​​55 hectares (ha). The total value of investments in modern plants and plantations representing the highest world standards is 4.100.000 EUR.

Company 13 Jul Plantaže Invests 15 Million EUR in New Plantations 2

By implementing these projects, the company 13. Jul Plantaže will significantly strengthen its capacities in primary production and optimize work processes in primary processing. These steps will affect the security, stability and strengthening of the leadership position as the basis for increasing the flexibility of the business and the response to the increasingly dynamic requirements of the domestic and foreign markets.

To ensure future efficient operations, around 19 million EUR has been invested in the processing facilities and equipment of company 13. Jul Plantaže for the last ten years. As a socially responsible company, to achieve sustainable development, in recent years, Plantaže has been firmly implementing systematic measures in the field of environmental protection, improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources. In this regard, within the Plantaže production facilities, Biomass boiler was installed. This boiler uses vineyard prunes created by winter vineyards cuttings as its raw material. In this way, Plantaže eliminated the use of fossil fuels and reduced the emissions of harmful CO2 by 740 tons annually. This investment can be considered and classified into ecological projects that have a Zero Waste Rate because all of the ash, which is produced by combustion of biofuels, is used for fertilizing vineyards and new plants. The power of the new Biomass Boiler is 2 MW, which is sufficient to supply all consumers of heat energy necessary for the smooth operation of processing capacities.

Company 13 Jul Plantaže Invests 15 Million EUR in New Plantations

This is just one of a number of projects in the field of energy efficiency and sustainable development that will be implemented in the future, respecting the environmental protection postulates, and its total value is 600.000 EUR without VAT. In the last 10 years, Plantaže has invested about 13 million EUR in raising its plantations of vineyards and orchards by 700 ha. The new vineyard plantations, which the Prime Minister visited today, are located at Šipčanik area. The plantations cover a total area of ​​55 ha and have not been utilized until now.

Dušan Kankaraš, one of the directors at Plantaže, informed the representatives of the Government of Montenegro about the investment project, pointing out that this is the most modern vineyard plant with complete support infrastructure, which in this case implied the construction of a new exploration and exploitation well with a capacity of 90 litres of water per second, as well as the installation of a drip irrigation system on the entire surface. The total value of the project is 1.500.000 EUR.

Dedicated development planning, permanent investments, setting up and achieving ambitious goals will be the way Plantations will continue in the upcoming period. The business policy of the company 13.jul Plantaže is focused on long-term stable growth and development, achieving good business results and further strengthening of the leading position their products have on the Montenegrin market and the markets of the region.

Data acquired from 13. Jul Plantaže Official Website.

18 May 2019, 23:37 PM

18 May 2019 - On May 18, President of Budva Marko Carević opened the XI European Ju-Jitsu Cup 'Budva Open 2019'. Over 350 competitors from eight different countries are taking part in this competition.

The cup was organized by the Ju-Jitsu Federation of Montenegro and the Ju-Jitsu Club Budva, under the auspices of the Municipality of Budva.

The opening ceremony was attended by members of the European and world Ju-Jitsu federations. The goal of the organizer is to respect all the criteria of the European Federation. The biggest problem is in this case finances, and the representatives of Montenegrin Ju-Jitsu Federation hope that this problem was overcome with the help of the local government.

Carević said that the Ju-Jitsu Cup Budva Open 2019 is a tournament that the European Federation of Ju-Jitsu declared one of the three best tournaments in Europe and awarded it with the title of the European Qualifier at its congress in Almeria. As Budva’s president explained, this accomplishment is a great recognition to the Budva Ju-Jitsu Club, but also for the Budva Municipality as well.

"The municipality is proud of the accomplishments of the Budva Ju-Jitsu Club and will continue to support its work," said the president at the opening of the Cup, wishing the contestants to enjoy competing in this ancient sport and to make their best efforts to win.

Budva Open 2019 is being organized at the Sports Centre Rea in Budva. Clubs from several European countries have announced their participation in the Cup. Clubs from Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Montenegro are particularly prominent.

The event itself is a great honour and privilege for the development of Ju-Jitsu in Montenegro because it will be a great test through which the European public will once again be able to get acquainted with the efforts of the Montenegrin Ju-Jitsu Federation and Budva Ju-Jitsu Club.

Source: RTV Budva

18 May 2019, 22:06 PM

May 18, 2019 - Delegates of the civic movement ODUPRISE returned from Brussels, where they stayed for several days. Movement representatives are satisfied with the messages they received there and expect support in their future activities, one of the ODUPRISE leaders, Dzemal Perovic, told TV Vijesti.

He said that the three-member delegation of the movement in Brussels had meetings with representatives from ten EU countries, including France and Germany, and received positive comments on the fact that in Montenegro they organized ten peaceful protests and managed to unite the opposition.
Perovic said that this was their first visit to Brussels. In the coming period, more intensive communication will be established, as representatives of the movement with interlocutors at the EU headquarters agreed to inform them of all examples of corruption in Montenegro intensively, violations of laws by powerful and captured institutions, allegations similar to the Envelope, as well as about their activities.
A few days ago, one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Nebojsa Medojevic, said that it was not a good move that only representatives of the ODUPRISE movement should go to Brussels, as this move violates the plan on a joint delegation that would present the Agreement on the future to Brussels.
"DF strongly supported citizens' protests and joint action. One of the critical things is communication with the international community towards Brussels and the European Union. At a meeting with organizers of demonstrations, Goran Danilovic from United Montenegro suggested that a joint delegation for Brussels should go and that it should be composed by Dzemal Perovic and representatives of the two most influential opposition political groups DF and Democrats. Everyone accepted this initiative; we agreed. However, when Džemal Perović went to the EU Delegation meeting with Aivo Orav, they changed their minds, so they did not ask for a joint delegation meeting, but only the delegation of the ODUPRISE movement is going to Brussels," Medojević said in a statement for Novi TV from Herceg Novi.
After returning from Brussels, Perovic said to TV Vijesti that this visit was not the one planned with representatives of the opposition, explaining that a negative response from Brussels arrived, and they informed the opposition leaders about this.
Perovic told TV Vijesti that the protest of the ODUPRISE movement, scheduled for May 21 - Independence Day, will be modified, but did not specify what it would mean.

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