
29 May 2019, 02:10 AM

28 May 2019 - "I am convinced that the system is as strong as it is effectively ready to respond to the expectations of those who need support most. One of the strengths of this component of our institutions is the introduction of the social card which, as you have noticed, is now in the second phase of implementation," said Prime Minister Duško Marković.

"The first phase included the optimal application of legal and institutional solutions in the field of material benefits, including automatic data exchange with nine other social protection systems, and rights from veterans' disability protection," Prime Minister Marković explained.

The Prime Minister emphasised that the second phase enables centers for social work to provide around 30 social services on "one counters" principle, adding: "Today, with certainty, we can say that the social card system has brought significant benefits to the citizens and the State, has enabled numerous reliefs, and the money that was previously needed to obtain a number of certificates. "

The Prime Minister recalled that since 2015 and the introduction of the Social Card, citizens have been obliged to give their ID cards, while other documents are obtained automatically.

"With the introduction of this system, a detailed audit of about 60,000 users was carried out, and on that occasion, a significant number of material benefits were created as a result of abuse by the then users. Only on this basis in June 2014 - January 2016, budget savings of 2.6 million euros were achieved. It is an illustrative fact that by using this System we are now able to calculate and realise about 84,000 individual solutions per month automatically," said the Prime Minister.

Safe in the knowledge that the introduction of the Social Card ensured the conduct of a quality, fair and efficient social policy through the implementation of the latest information technologies, PM Marković concluded:

"In the previous period of implementation, the Social Card really fulfilled the expectations and significantly influenced the quality of the provision of services in the field of social protection, and consequently the successful implementation of the structural reform of the social protection system."

29 May 2019, 02:03 AM

28 May 2019 - Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulović and Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia Sadula Duraki signed in Podgorica the Agreement on Environmental Cooperation.

The agreement represents another cooperation mechanism by which Montenegro and North Macedonia will strive for synergy of initiatives in the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual learning, facilitating the exchange of personnel, promoting coordinated development and joint progress in the field of the environment.

Minister Radulović noted that the agreement defines common priorities and further strengthening of cooperation, addressing environmental issues, through long-term and sustainable measures.

Both sides agreed that the official Podgorica and Skopje have established excellent bilateral relations and that the two countries will continue to support each other.

Minister Radulović also said that Montenegro has been developing as an ecological state, which requires dedication, perseverance, courageous decisions and significant financial investments.

Montenegro and North Macedonia Agreement on Environmental Cooperation1

"Montenegro is fully committed to meeting the obligations from the European agenda, accepting and applying European standards in the field of environment, sustainable development, but on this path does not forget our traditional friends with whom we want to develop and improve existing relations, for the benefit of our citizens," he pointed out.

He also stated that the fulfillment of the Initial Measure and the adoption of the Negotiating Position for Chapter 27 resulted in the opening of Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate Change at the Intergovernmental Conference, which took place in Brussels in December 2018, where the European Union sent a strong message, equally important for Montenegro, but also for other candidate countries, and proved that the association process is alive. 

He also stressed that the EU Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans represents a chance to intensify the reforms that have begun and to accelerate the path towards membership, by strengthening inter-institutional cooperation with all neighbouring countries, with a particular focus on the environment. 

"Conscious of the fact that the development of a modern society as an unavoidable consequence has a deterioration in the state of the environment, the combined action of governments, NGOs and the entire community is an imperative in the time to come," Minister Radulovic concluded, pointing out that preserving the environment is a cornerstone of modern sustainable development, for the survival of future generations and the presumption of the future of all of us. 

Minister Duraki expressed his wish for the more intensive cooperation between the two countries, especially in the area of ​​exchange of experience in the treatment of all types of waste.

29 May 2019, 01:46 AM

28 May 2019 - Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđan Darmanović participated in the meeting of diplomats of the Višegrad Group (V4) and the Western Balkan countries, which took place in Bratislava, within the framework of the Slovakian presidency of V4. The meeting discussed the modalities of accelerating reforms and the integration process in the Western Balkans and exchanged views on a common European future in the context of the contemporary challenges facing the international community.

Minister Darmanović stressed that the assistance of the V4 countries to Montenegro's reform process is very important and that their firm support for the integration aspirations of the countries of the region contributes to faster accession to European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

"We have witnessed serious challenges for the European Union in the previous period, but in spite of that, the prospect of enlargement, which is often the most successful EU policy, is very certain, and it is important to be further strengthened," the head of Montenegrin diplomacy noted. He expressed the belief that the issue of enlargement will be high on the agenda of the new European Commission and Parliament while respecting the approach to the individual assessment of candidate countries' progress.

"Faster integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union is essential for further stabilisation and economic progress in the region," Minister Darmanović said, adding that the continuity of integration processes remains the most effective catalyst for reforms in the Western Balkan countries. Emphasising that enlargement is a two-pronged process, the Foreign Minister reiterated that Montenegro is firmly and resolutely committed to meeting its obligations on the path to full EU membership.

The meeting underlined that closer cooperation in the context of European integration and the implementation of joint projects would contribute to sustainable economic development and further stability of the region. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of the Union's greater presence in the Western Balkans, with the continuation of reforms in terms of the rule of law and the enhancement of the institutional framework.

29 May 2019, 01:41 AM

28 May 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković opened the 2019 Games of Small States of Europe - the biggest sports event ever hosted by Montenegro, saying that diversities of Europe - from its northernmost to the southernmost parts - gathered in Montenegro, and that, with the motto of the International Olympic Committee "unity in diversity", they represent the heritage Montenegro traditionally fosters.

"We in Montenegro believe that diversity is actually our greatest asset. Due to that, our state has survived through centuries cultivating all our differences in religion, national affiliation, and cultural heritage. We share the ideas of European visionaries who, after World War II, reversed historical trends, accepting that diversities do not pose a threat; that they are natural and that there is only one answer to them: to respect them! That is why Montenegro has found its place among the countries that share these values and that is why, after the restoration of independence, the thirteenth anniversary of which was celebrated the other day, we courageously and without hesitation embarked on the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. I believe that during your stay in Montenegro, you will recognize this pro-European enthusiasm among our people, as well as our traditional values and specificities, of which we are proud and which we lovingly cherish. All of our diversities, from the northernmost to the southernmost parts of Europe, gathered in one place these days – that is the wealth that these Games bring us. That is why these are the small states games only in the light of the numbers. But, in many other respects - great and special European nations," Prime Minister noted.

Games of Small States of Europe Officially Opened in Budva1

The Prime Minister said that the organisation of the Games is a special honour for Montenegro's Olympic Committee, for the towns in which competitions will be taking place, for the whole of Montenegro, which since the restoration of independence has attached special importance to sports in promoting the State on the international scene, as well to the construction of sports infrastructure throughout our country.

"We pay special attention to the youngest talents and top athletes, by awarding stipends and rewarding the successful ones, taking into account also the medal winners after completion of their careers. What the state gets in return is the remarkable success of our clubs and national teams, disproportionate to the objective size of our sports populace and resources. That is why many in the world recognize Montenegro, above all, by natural beauties and top athletes," PM Marković underlined.

The Prime Minister wished athletes that their competitions took place in the spirit of chivalry, saying that there are no small and big athletes in sports, but that everyone has an equal chance of winning. 

"Many of you are in Montenegro for the first time. I wish that you enjoy the beauty of our country and the hospitality of our people. I wish that you take the blueness of our sea and our sky in your eyes from Montenegro, and Montenegrin sincerity and friendship in your heart. I wish that you return to Montenegro in the future," Prime Minister Marković concluded.

The opening of the Games of Small States of Europe was also attended by President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović, Prince Albert of Monaco, Captains Regents of the San Marino Nicola Selva and Michele Muratori, princesses of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, President of the European Olympic Committee Janez Kocijančić and ministers of sports of seven participating countries.

28 May 2019, 14:03 PM

The Jubilee, fifteenth " P(i)jat od žućenice ", the most famous program of Zucenica Fest, will gather 19 culinary teams, lovers of this plant and other edible grasses in Tivat.

The application deadline expires on May 28th, and in addition to the local teams, the participation has been announced by chefs from the town Skoczów in Poland, which for fifteen years has participated in well-known gastro events throughout Europe, and on the list of unavoidable ones is Zucenica fest in Tivat.

The team of Polish cooks is led by a renowned chef, gastro nomad, and producer of the gastro festival Wiecho Wroblewski.

This year, Poles will present the specialties of the national cuisine.

Although there are registrations from teams from other countries, their participation is uncertain as the funds for the Gourmet Festival in Tivat are limited.


Apart from the Polish teams and organizers of the Zucenica fest, the Women's Organization from Tivat, the participations were announced by “Kolo Srpskih sestara” from Tivat, Women's Organization from Risan, NGO Harlekin from Donja Lastva, Women's Organization from Budva, High school “Sergije Stanic” from Podgorica, NGO "Festa" from Baosici, NGO "Ruke" from Herceg Novi, NGO “Bokobran”, Tivat Women's Democratic Party Forum, “Kavacka ala maka”, Bokeski forum, High School "Mladost"  and Elementary school “Drago Milovic” from Tivat, "Vodena kočija ", “Association of Tivat Caterers”, “Bokeski Izrazi Kotor” and “Prsutara Batricevic” from Njegusi.

The fifteenth edition of  the Tivat International Gastro Festival is organized by the members of the Women's Organization from Tivat, the Municipal Tourism Organization and Radio Tivat, under the patronage of Tivat Municipality, which has allocated 3.000 euros for this gastro festival. TO Tivat is in charge of the musical program of  ''P(i)jata od žućenice'. Therefore the concerts will be held by the Tivat Music Education Society and pop star Ana Kokic. The most famous gastronomic event in Boka Bay, dedicated to the wild, edible grass-zucenica, will be held on June 1st at the promenade Pine in Tivat.

Text by Sinisa Lukovic, on May 26th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

28 May 2019, 14:00 PM

The 9th International Festival "Harmonika Fest" (“Accordion Fest”) will be held in Tivat from Wednesday until Friday and will gather about 250 accordionists from numerous European countries, said NGO “Harmonika Montenegrina”.

Director and founder of the Festival, Predrag Jankovic, said that the Festival is progressing and developing year by year and it is positioned well on the map of the famous European accordion festivals, reports PR Center.

"This year, we will have a record number of participants in the competition segment, with about 250 contestants, including the orchestra of the accordion, which is the largest number so far and we are particularly pleased about this. This is another indication that the Festival is going on an upward trajectory," Jankovic said.

The first evening, as announced, will feature the ensemble Beltango Quintet at Hotel Chedi in Lustica.

"It will start at 9 pm. The next day we will have a concert in the small hall of the Cultural Center, where we will have the opportunity to hear the most successful classical accordionist coming from Kazakhstan, Damir Sultanov, who is a professor at the National University in Kazakhstan," Jankovic said. In the second part, the academy orchestra Akordeonista from Kragujevac will perform.

"The audience will have the chance to hear how the accordion sounds in the orchestra and they will perform a very interesting program," Jankovic said.

He also announced a round table on which a professor from "Giuseppe Tartini" Conservatory of Trieste, Korado Rojac, will speak.

"We are also traditionally organizing a segment of master workshops, and this year the main lecturer will be the president of the World Accordionist’s Confederation Frederic Descamps, who is a very acknowledged professor and pedagogue with very successful students," Jankovic said.

According to him, on the final day of the Festival, a closing concert and awards ceremony will take place.

"The concert will start the 1.30 p.m. in the small hall of the Cultural Center, which will also be the end of this year's “Haromonika Fest”, Jankovic said.

He said that the goal is to present a modern, classic accordion in the best way through master workshops and concerts.

"It is an instrument that has a shorter tradition than some other instruments, such as piano, violin, cello, but it has enormous advantages as it is a polyphonic instrument that allows us to play a wide repertoire and I think that, in case of quality performers, the audience is thrilled to listen to all sorts of programs that can be played on the accordion," explained Jankovic.

He said that a good, qualitative presentation of this instrument is very important, especially in the Balkans.

"In addition to talented performers who played ethnical melodies and folk music, people often had the opportunity to listen to some people who do not represent the accordion in the right way. It is often blurred with the image that on this instrument other music can be played, and not just folk. All kinds of musical genres can be played on the accordion and I invite you to come and make sure that all this is true, also in practice", Jankovic said.

The program selector, Tijana Ilic, said that 250 contestants would be presented in ten categories of solo accordion, "then we have four categories of chamber ensembles and we have as many as three orchestral categories".

"This year, we have a jury of 13 members. We have made sure that this year the members of the jury are the world's greatest pedagogues, accordion artists, including Frederic Descamps, Radomir Tomic, Miljan Bjeletic from Serbia, Dalibor Boljun from Croatia, Damir Sultanov from Kazakhstan, who will evaluate the contestants and hold a concert. There are certainly our representatives from Montenegro, Miroslav Ilic, Aleksandar Basar, " said Ilic.

She said that competitors come from Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and more.

"We expect a successful Festival and a good presentation of the program," Ilic said.

Text by Vijesti online, on May 27th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

28 May 2019, 00:48 AM

27 May 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović met in Budva with the Regents of San Marino, Michele Muratori and Nicola Selva, who are on a visit to Montenegro on the occasion of the Games of Small States of Europe.

President Đukanović said that bilateral relations between Montenegro and San Marino are extremely good, that since the renewal of Montenegrin independence, they have been promoted in a spirit of mutual understanding and trust, and that there is a considerable space for their further progress. To this, as the President said, the high delegation's visit will also significantly contribute as an important step in intensifying the political dialogue that is the cornerstone of successful cooperation.

"Montenegro sees this event as yet another opportunity to connect and strengthen the cooperation of small countries, and to promote sports, economic potentials and confirmation of openness and friendship," Đukanović said. He particularly welcomed the holding of the small-scale economic forum as a good opportunity for connecting businesspeople.

The meeting assessed that Montenegro and San Marino, two small, friendly countries, have many similarities: a long and rich history and significant cultural heritage, and recognized as countries that respect tradition, at the same time follow the achievements of modern civilization and are committed to the affirmation of European values, but also of its peculiarities. Regents have shown great respect for the achievements of Montenegro, stressing that San Marino is looking for a more dynamic economic development and a European perspective.

"We are honored and pleased to stay in Montenegro rich in history, culture, and beauty. We are divided by the Adriatic Sea, but our nations are connected," said Muratori and Selva. Regents of San Marino called on President Đukanović to visit their country, which was accepted with pleasure.

During the conversation, numerous areas have been identified in which there are a mutual interest and opportunities for cooperation in the field of economy, tourism, and culture.

It is jointly assessed that the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, the preservation of the natural environment and cultural heritage, and the readiness for cooperation in this regard is extremely important for the two countries.

President Đukanović wished success to San Marino teams at the upcoming Games.

28 May 2019, 00:39 AM

27 May 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received in Miločer one of the most successful descendants of Montenegrin emigrants in Latin America, Federico Tomašević, from Argentina, who is on a visit to Montenegro.

A visit by Tomašević, the owner of the largest bank in three countries, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, followed after the meeting with President Đukanović during his visit to Latin America in December last year. The descendant of Slavomir Tomašević from Krusevice who moved to Argentina before the Great War, gladly responded to the invitation, in order to get acquainted with the roots of his family, as well as the development of Montenegro and conditions for investment. During his meeting and working lunch, attended by his wife as well, he said that he was honored that after visiting the Herceg Novi area, where his family originates from, and the Montenegrin coast, he meets with President Đukanović.

"I am very inspired to make even stronger connections in business, culture and other areas and start cultivating what has been sown in the past years," Tomašević said, with the conviction that like him and other descendants of Montenegrins, not only in Argentina, can do as much as possible for Montenegro, first of all, getting to know each other, but also in every other field.

Tomašević says he personally was impressed with the dynamic development of Montenegro. Fascinated by what he saw, he says that there are few places in the world, where projects are being realized today, like it is in Montenegro, which bring multiple benefits to the economy, but also the transfer of knowledge. He congratulated President Đukanović on creating an environment in which investors feel so secure.

"It is not just an investment; it is the whole development strategy that places Montenegro on the world map," Tomašević said.

President Đukanović thanked Federico Tomašević for his high appreciation of the achievements of Montenegro, stressing that the most important dimension of connection with the diaspora is to provide the descendants of Montenegrin emigrants to meet their country and family. These connections are also valuable today when Montenegro is a member of NATO, ahead of all in EU integration, with a good pace of economic development, said Đukanović. An important impetus for this development is investment, but not only because of financial investment but because of the adoption of knowledge and new standards, the President agreed.

Đukanović and Tomašević agreed that the Montenegrin community is recognized everywhere as extremely valuable and successful, and that such a spirit should be developed here in Montenegro as well. Tomašević has informed the President that he has decided to provide up to 5 scholarships for Latin American students who want to study at the Montenegrin Language Faculty in Cetinje, as well as the translation and publication of one book annually about Montenegro in the Spanish language. He also announced that impressed with Montenegro, he and his wife will bring their four children to Montenegro this summer as well, to see where they originate from.

In addition to the Puente Bank, founded in 1915, Federico Tomašević has been successfully dealing with the distribution of oil and gas, food production and export, investment funds, financial markets, and real estate, and has large estates. Last year's Forbes edition on the front page named Tomašević's master for making money. Tomašević also has a prestigious business center in London where he often spends his time.

28 May 2019, 00:08 AM

27 May 2019 - A weeks-long protests of citizens, who have been claiming that the construction of two small hydropower plants on Bukovica River would significantly affect biodiversity, attracted the public's attention, after which the Government of Montenegro, that is, the Ministry of Economy decided to re-examine the concession agreement.

The executive director of the consortium Hydra MNE, Boban Garović, which has been constructing these small hydropower plants on the Bukovica River, says announced controls over the concession agreements won’t find anything wrong, because their documentation has even more than envisaged by the law.

“The Ecology Institute within the Podgorica-based Institute for Development and Research in labor safety prepared the environmental impact assessment study. Mr Aleksandar Perović of the NGO ‘Ozon’ represented Šavnik residents. The study was twice returned for reconsideration in order to conduct additional researches,” said Mr Garović.

He stressed that the study came as a result of months-long researches, and besides additional analyses, a hydrogeological map and sanitary protection zones were made. Small hydropower plants, according to him, represent an opportunity for the better quality of living in the north, with a minimal impact on the environment.

The President of the Municipality of Šavnik, Mijomir Vujičić, says that before they approved the projects on Bukovica River, all the facts had been taken into consideration, and one should not forget Šavnik is an extremely underdeveloped municipality with only 2,000 inhabitants.

“The construction of 2 small hydropower plants represents the largest private direct investment in the history of Šavnik, with an estimated value of 8.8 million EUR. The project will be lasting 24 months and there’s a chance for recruiting around 60 people,” Mr Vujičić clarified for Dnevne Novine daily.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

27 May 2019, 23:57 PM

27 May 2019 - Minister of the Interior of Montenegro Mevludin Nuhodžić and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia and Minister of Internal Affairs Oliver Spasovski signed a Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia in the field of European integration. 

"The signing of the Protocol on Cooperation in the field of European integration will contribute to strengthening the cooperation between the two ministries, and we will make our capacities, regarding the implementation of obligations under chapters 23 and 24, available to our colleagues from North Macedonia. I believe that our expertise and experience during the negotiation process will be important for our colleagues from neighbouring country, and that, through this type of cooperation, we will further improve the exchange of information among the law enforcement institutions," Minister Nuhodžić said and added that the strong commitment of the two countries to the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective resulted in initiatives of common interest in the field of the internal affairs. 

During the meeting, the two ministers discussed specific activities which should be undertaken in the fight against organized crime, illegal migration, trafficking in human beings and terrorism. 

"Security challenges cross the borders of one country and can only be answered by joint forces and cooperation between states, and Montenegro and North Macedonia serve as an example," Nuhodžić stressed. 

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Oliver Spasovski expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between North Macedonia's and Montenegro's police, which is an important part of the overall bilateral relations, strategic partnership and trust between the two countries. 

"The joint session of the two governments confirms the close and friendly ties between Montenegro and North Macedonia, and intensive police cooperation is crucial for the stability and security of the Region," Minister Nuhodžić concluded.

27 May 2019, 16:49 PM

May 27, 2019 - Children, young people, and parents can now find all the information about organizations, institutions, sports clubs and NGOs working with children and young people in Herceg Novi - at the Informer for Children and Youth. The first of such Informer is the result of cooperation between the Secretariat for Culture and Education and the NGO Youth Center Herceg Novi

The aim is to provide accurate information to those with whom the Informer is intended-- to children and young people to whom to address their idea, request or question, said Secretary of Culture Ana Zambelic Pištalo at today's meeting with journalists on the occasion of Informer's presentation.
The printed copies will be delivered to educational institutions, the non-governmental sector, and the Informer will be available in digital form on the websites of the Municipality of Herceg Novi as well as on the Youth Center page. One of the activities will be the introduction of Informer in schools in the coming period.
The motivation for making Informer was conducted by the preparation of the Municipal Youth Strategy, adopted in December. Based on the survey of young people in the local community, it was concluded that one of the main shortcomings was insufficient information, explained Zambelić Pištalo.
The preparation of the Informer started in January by sending invitations and surveys to all who work with children and young people in the territory of the new municipality, to provide concrete, updated information. The information collecting lasted for over two months, and as a result, a consolidated, reviewed list of children and young people dealing with organizations is included, with activity descriptions, phone numbers, and addresses.
Zambelić Pištalo thanked everyone who provided information to create Informer, thus making one of the crucial elements of the Local Action Plan for Youth this year. He particularly expressed his satisfaction with the successful cooperation with the Youth Cultural Center as a partner in this project.
Nataša Dendić from the NGO Youth Cultural Center said that the approach to creating Informer was not simple, and the focus was on coming to the right data. He emphasizes that the Informer is subject to change and additions, as it concerns the developing city, and continually gets new organizations and services for children and young people.
"You will not believe, today, in the Internet era, the biggest problem young people have is information. We have almost surveyed how the young people in Herceg Novi think. We found that 30-40% know how to define where they are suitable for entertainment, but they do not know where to go if they think they have a sexually transmitted disease, a problem with psychoactive substances or want to organize a cultural event they have imagined," Dendić said.
Herceg Novi has resources, people and knowledge, a healthy environment for young people, says Dendić, and with proper channeling and application, right moves are taking place.
It is the third project of the Youth Cultural Center cooperates and the Secretariat for Culture and Education after participating in the Local Action Plan for Youth and the Youth Theatre Forum project.

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