
30 May 2019, 16:21 PM

May 30, 2019 - The Beltango Quintet Concert at the Chedi Luštica Bay Hotel, has launched the Ninth International Music Festival-Accordion Fest, realized by the Tivat Culture Center and the NGO Harmonika Montenegrina with the support of Luštica Bay. The sounds of tango and the "dance of passion" performed by dance pairs at the Chedi Hotel Ballroom opened one of the leading festivals for classical accordion in the region.

"Since its inception in 2010, Accordion Fest is one of the leading festivals for classical accordion in the region. Our reputation also contributed to the participation of eminent professors, world artists, and a large number of competitors who grow from year to year, making the festival recognizable at the European level. I also want to thank our hosts, Luštica Bay, who provided us with this beautiful place to open the festival and make sure everyone is comfortable here. I am particularly grateful to the man who recognized the Accordion Fest quality, Neven Staničić, director of the Tivat Culture Center," said Predrag Janković, director of NGO Harmonika Montenegrina.

"Our support to the development of culture in this area is always primarily focused on cooperation with domestic events, the design of part of their programs and, in that respect, the promotion of the entire cultural scene. The ambience of ours implies great art names and top cultural performances, as well as top events and guests from other areas. There will be a lot of opportunities like this at Luštica Bay this summer," said Slavica Milić, marketing director of Luštica Development

The Accordion Fest in the small hall of the Cultural Center organizes a concert of two parts tonight at 9 pm. Predrag Jankovic of participants in the ninth edition of the Festival and Concert says:

"This year's Accordion Festival has brought together a record number of artists who exceed 250, counting both contestants and guests, which is a serious figure for some renowned European festivals. At the Concert, we will have the chance to hear one of the top performers on the accordion Damir Sultan, a professor at the National University of Kazakhstan and a laureate of numerous accolades as well as a great virtuoso. The second part of the concert will be the successful Kragujevac Accordion Academy Orchestra. I'm sure the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful repertoire and a very good performance. The small Cultural Centre Hall proved to be very acoustic and very pleasant to play when it comes to concerts and when it comes to the competition segment. Tonight's event will be quite different from the concert held last night at Luštica, which was broadcast by the audience with huge applause. I do not doubt that something similar will happen tonight. I invite the public to come and enjoy, hearing all those riches of modern accordion that can be seen at this concert."

The concert at DTV Partizan Hall starts at 9 pm and entrance is free.

President of the World Association of Accordionists Frederic Deschamps will hold tomorrow's master workshops, where students will meet some new methods of playing the accordion, and youth education is the primary goal of the event. 

Tivat will be the city of accordion until tomorrow. The end of the festival will be announced at 2 pm, when the prize-giving ceremony and the winner's concert will be held in the grand hall of the Cultural Center Tivat.


30 May 2019, 15:09 PM

Igor Noveljic, Managing Director of Elektroprivreda Montenegro (EPCG), announced that the first phase of works for the solar power plant in Ulcinj, near Bliska Gora, will begin, with a deadline of 18 months for construction and is expected to be in production by the end of 2021. Noveljic said that the establishment of the project company (SPV), based in Montenegro, is in the final phase, which will be in charge of the project, whose total value exceeds 200 million euros.

The ownership structure of the company will be made by the winners on the state tender for the construction of a solar power plant: Finnish Fortum and EPCG with 49 percent of the shares, and Sterling & Wilson with two percent of the shares.

Noveljic specified that around 45 million relates to the first phase, which includes the procurement of the module and the overall scope of designing, purchasing and installing equipment along with works stipulated by the contract. The value of the investment in the transmission network, i.e., the power transmission system of Montenegro, including the construction of the substation "Bar 2", is estimated at about 30 million.

"The benefit of the project implementation will be multiple for EPCG, state, local government, domestic companies, and finally, citizens and consumers. Only based on lease costs, the investor will pay over 50 million euros into the state budget for a term of 25 years, not counting any other anticipated fees, taxes and costs that will be a significant part of the municipal budget," Noveljic said.

He added that, after the completion of both phases, 226 workers are expected to be employed, and he expects that up to 1,000 workers will be employed on the site during construction, as well as the participation of domestic firms will be around 20 million euros.

The contract between the state and consortium EPCG representatives, Fortum and Sterling & Wilson for land lease and construction of a solar power plant over 250 megawatts was signed last year, on December 28th. EPCG's Director, in response to what has been done to date, responded that negotiations with Sterling & Wilson, the world's largest EPC contractor in the field of solar power plant construction are ongoing, and about EPC contract design, equipment procurement, and solar power plant construction:

"Additionally, in the final phase, preparation of the necessary documentation regarding the establishment of a project company that will be in charge of the realization of the project, i.e. the contract of the members of the company, will soon be the subject of approval by the company's management, the Board of Directors and the EPCG Shareholders Assembly. After that, it will be established and registered," Noveljic said. The planned annual solar power plant production, after completion of both project phases, will amount to approximately 450 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity annually.

The agreement foresees the lease of state-owned land of 6,621,121 square meters, out of which 2,930,243 square meters have valid spatial planning documentation for the purpose of building solar power plants, and for the remaining area it is necessary to obtain the spatial planning documentation.

Text by Ivana Gudovic, on May 29th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

30 May 2019, 14:59 PM

In the season in which they did not defend the title in the ABA league, in which they played the Euroleague (with six wins in 30 matches), the basketball players of Buducnost Voli returned the Montenegrin championship title to Podgorica.

In a dramatic third match, Petar Mijovic's players defeated Mornar 76:72, and solved the final with 3: 2 in wins, as two years ago against the same rival. Buducnost came to the 12th championship title since Montenegro's independence, and this season they also achieved the double crown after winning the Cup of Montenegro.

Mijovic, who took over the team after Jasmin Repesa left at the start of the Super League, won the first independent trophy in the senior competition. The team from Bar was in the game to defend the trophy until the last moment, although Buducnost was the favorite, it was a situation where one ball decided the winner.

Buducnost led 2:0 in the series, Mornar equalized for 2:2, so the decision was made in the fifth duel of the two best Montenegrin teams. The finale was played in a great ambience at "Moraca", with about 2,500 spectators, of which a couple of hundred fans were from Bar, but the match ended in the shadow of a serious injury of Filip Barovic, who injured his knee after a little more than three minutes into the third quarter. The strong player from Niksic was unlucky when he attacked the hoop, and in the duel with Uros Lukovic, his knee buckled and Barovic fell on the floor. Barovic started to strike the floor with his fist, and all the basketball players of Mornar were worried, but the action did not stop. On the other side, Marko Mugosa scored three points (with whistles from the stands), and only then the game was interrupted.


Check-ups will show the severity of the injury, but the grimace on the face of the great fighter does not promise that his absence will be short. In less than an hour after the match, Barovic was led by the hands of a physiotherapist out of the hall.

Barovic is seriously in the risk of missing the World Cup in China, which is played in September. It is more bad luck for the team from Podgorica after the recent injuries of Aleksa Ilic, Nikola Ivanovic and Petar Popovic.

As for the final match, although it seemed that the game was decided just less than seven minutes before the end, when Buducnost led 64:51, Mornar managed to score for 71:70, 28.3 seconds before the end.

Then a real drama took place - Sead Sehović missed a shot, but the ball in the attack was caught by Nemanja Gordic and a foul was made. He hit both throws with 11.1 seconds before the end for 73:70.

Nikola Rebic, on the other side, made the difference in points 73:72, 6.8 seconds before the end, and returned hope to the guests.

Everything was decided when Strahinja Micovic made a deliberate foul at Gordic, at a time when the Podgorica team tried to get the ball under their hoop. There were protests by the players from Bar towards the judge Radomir Vojinovic, who decided on the doubtful foul.

Gordic hit one of the two throws, and then, after getting the ball on the side, and after being fouled again, shot for the final 76:72


Buducnost Voli - Mornar 76:72 (22:18, 16:13, 22:19, 16:22)

Podgorica - Hall: "Moraca". Audience: 2,500. Judges: Vojinovic, Rutesic, Savovic.

Budućnost Voli: JACKSON 13 (6-4), SU. ŠEHOVIĆ 3, BAROVIĆ 13(2-1), Se. Šehović 5 (2-1), GORDIĆ 21 (9-7), Starovlah, Z. Nikolić 3 (2-1), Pajović, Drobnjak 5 (2-2), Bell 8 (2-0), D. NIKOLIĆ 5 (2-1), Žugić.

Mornar: JELENIĆ 14 (4-2), MIĆOVIĆ 5 (4-0), Mijović 3, MUGOŠA 8, Marljukić, Pavić 8 (2-1), Vujošević 4, Cenović, Živanović, Kostić, REBIĆ 17 (7-6), LUKOVIĆ 13 (9-7).

Text by Sasa Joncic, on May 30th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

30 May 2019, 14:55 PM

Milos Zarkovic from Podgorica is one of one hundred winners of the prestigious Hubert H. Humphrey scholarship program at the world level. He said that his goal was to improve himself in the United States.

"Bearing in mind that I was in France during my Ph.D. studies and I graduated at one of the best universities in Ireland, the decision on academic and professional development abroad has never been brought into question. With regard to studying in a large number of European countries, including Vienna, Bratislava, Zagreb, and Ljubljana for basic studies, my dream was to further pursue my knowledge in the United States. This was achieved in August 2018 at the University of Boston," Milos said.

Zarkovic explains that it is necessary to meet conditions such as fluent English and completed faculty with high average grades in order to be eligible for this prestigious scholarship. Candidates must also have five years of professional experience in the field they want to study and expressed leadership skills.

"I had a good foundation for the program, by staying in 2016 at the Russian Presidential Academy for Economics and Participating in the Global Summit of Young Leaders in Moscow. An additional reference was my participation at the scientific conferences of the Geary Institute in Dublin, Ireland and Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa. Anyway, this year, the program marked 40 years of its existence," he says. The difference between the educational system abroad and here is best seen in the spectrum of opportunities that the state offers to its citizens, emphasizes Zarkovic.

"Starting from the education system, opportunities for cooperation and learning from the world-renowned professors, working in one of the most successful companies, healthcare quality, America offers great opportunities in all areas. I lived and studied in many countries in Europe, but after a while, in the United States I came to the conclusion that the US is the best place to recognize potential in every person," Milos said.

Zarkovic adds that the professors are much more accessible than those in Europe and in particular those in Montenegro. "My view is that the US study system does not prepare students for a particular profession or job but allows them to develop a whole spectrum of skills that are applicable to several professions. In America, there is a great emphasis on interdisciplinary education that promotes critical thinking and freedom of thought," says Milos. 

I would like to build a career in Montenegro

Milos also points to the importance of studies and specializations abroad and recommends that students apply for exchange and training programs outside the borders of Montenegro.

 "In my opinion, young people are more likely to adapt to changing work and living environments. Schooling in the United States represents a unique opportunity for students to become acquainted first with the way of life in such a large country, and then with the educational system that is one of the best in the world. As much as the path to the goal sometimes seems unimaginable and difficult to overcome, only faith in oneself, love for the job, labor are the right definitions that lead to the desired results. We often have the opportunity to hear that staying abroad can change one’s life. It is one thing to know it, and to experience the same, is completely different. Indeed, it is worth every effort," concludes Milos, who hopes that Montenegro will recognize his work, experience and quality and thus will allow him to build a career outside of Montenegro.

Text by Andjela Minic and Aleksandra Kovacevic, on May 29th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

30 May 2019, 14:26 PM

May 30, 2019 - A public debate on the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts is in progress. The draft includes, among other things, the amendment of the local jurisdiction of the Basic Court in Kotor, so that the Basic Court in Cetinje is competent for the territory of the Municipality of Budva. According to attorneys of the South Region, gathered in the Attorney Chamber of Montenegro, such a proposal is unacceptable, because the court of Kotor may then come to the category of economically inexperienced courts, which could ultimately lead to its abolition because of the request for rationalization. It would have caused the most significant damage to citizens of Boka.

The public hearing on amendments to the Law on Courts, which the Ministry of Justice opened on May 13 with a deadline of 20 days, runs until Sunday, June 2.
Attorneys appeal to citizens of Boka Bay to comment on the proposed changes to the Courts Act, because the difference in the part of the local jurisdiction of the Basic Court in Kotor without any valid reason meant the privilege of the courts in the interior and the north and the marginalization of the significance of the coast for Montenegro. Attorneys also underline the violation of the constitutional principle of respect for fundamental human rights of citizens related to the protection of rights before the courts according to local jurisdiction and respect for local self-government.
In remarks addressed to the Ministry of Justice, attorneys from the South Region recall that, according to the medium-term plan of rationalization of the judicial network, the essential taken criteria are the number of inhabitants, the geographical distance and the court's burden.
"Has the number of inhabitants reduced or changed the geographical position of Budva or the intention is to justify the formation of a unit that had only 100 new cases in 2019?" - ask lawyers in their remarks, suggesting that the situation with the economic inability of the Basic Court in Cetinje can be solved by being attached to the Basic Court in Podgorica.
"Taking into account the number of inhabitants of the Kotor, Tivat and Budva municipalities, which according to the data from the medium-term plan of rationalization were over 40,000 inhabitants, transferring almost 50% of the cases of the Kotor Basic Court leads to a misbalance in the organizational sense. "According to a lawyer's opinion, this could ultimately lead to the dismissal of the law institution with the longest tradition in Montenegro.
 The Court exists and is founded to protect the interests of local citizens, and without its existence, there is no basis in the Constitution and the laws of Montenegro," states the objections addressed to the Ministry of Justice.
Attorneys point out that the transfer of local authority caused a great deal of damage to the interests of the citizens of Tivat, Kotor, and Budva since the local authority of the old Austro-Hungarian survey and the old cadastre covered all three municipalities. It is no coincidence that the court's existence in Kotor, as the Bokelian administrative center, has a tradition of more than 600 years, mark attorneys.
Consequently, South Region attorneys seek that part of the amendments to the law, which is to propose that the Basic Court in Cetinje extend its jurisdiction over the territory of the Municipality of Budva to the exclusion of Jurisdiction of the Basic Court in Kotor, is removed from the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts.
Bearing in mind EU instructions, attorneys suggest to the Ministry of Justice that instead of territorial delimitation of the courts in the interest of the protection of certain courts to survive, rationalize in such a way that the Basic Court of Cetinje and the Basic Court Danilovgrad, as economically unprofitable, closer to the Basic Court in Podgorica.
30 May 2019, 12:12 PM

May 30, 2019 - Prince Albert II of Monaco, who is on a two-day visit to Montenegro, visited the Institute of Marine Biology at Kotor yesterday and announced further support to international research projects of this institution, aimed at studying and protecting the biggest shell in the Mediterranean - Noble Pen Shell, lat. Pinna Nobilis.

Beside Prince Albert II, Kotor was also visited by the Principal of Principality of Monaco, Bernard Fautrier, who is also the vice president of the Prince Albert II Foundation, dealing with issues of environmental protection, promotion of sustainable development and especially research on the protection of the sea.  There was also Montenegrin Prince Nikola II Petrović Njegoš and President of the Management Board of the University of Montenegro dr Duško Bjelica. They visited the Laboratories of the Institute and talked to the staff of this institution.
The Director of the Institute for Marine Biology Dr. Mirko Đurović met Prince Albert with the history of this scientific research institute since 1961 intensively engaged in research and protection of the sea.
"Our key mission is exploring and protecting the Adriatic, but we work with colleagues from abroad on many projects of international significance, especially in the context of the protection of the Mediterranean. We have 34 permanent employees, of whom 12 are doctors and six are students of doctoral studies. One of our most significant new projects is the establishment of the Center for the Protection of the Biodiversity of the Adriatic through two phases. The first phase involves the establishment of the first aquarium in Montenegro, the Aquarium Boka, whose construction is in progress, and the opening is scheduled for May next year. The second phase involves the establishment of the Center for Rehabilitation and Endangered Species, which will care for the injured or sick marine animals," said Đurovic. He especially emphasized the project "PinnaSPOT," where, in studying and protecting the biggest Mediterranean shellfish, the IBMK successfully cooperates with scientists from Spain and France.
Project Manager Dr. Danijela Joksimović presented the PinnaSPOT project worth over half a million euros, also supported by the Albert II Foundation, during three years from the beginning of its implementation. Joksimovic said that the project was very successful because experts from Montenegro had the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge with colleagues from Spain and France. They compared data on the local populations of the Pinna Nobilis with their results, and succeed to contribute to raising the public awareness level in Montenegro on values and the need to protect this unique shell. She also pointed to the appearance of a parasite that in the past year or two destroyed the colonies of Pinna Nobilis in the underwater world of several Mediterranean states, because the mortality of shells attacked as much as 85%.
"Until now there has been no such massive flea market in the Adriatic, but our colleagues from Croatia have pointed out that a few months ago, near Zadar and Dubrovnik, there have been many deaths of these shells, indicating that the problem has come to our shores. It is therefore essential to continue monitoring Pinna Nobilis, especially in Boka, but also outside the bay where it has not been done so far," said Dr. Joksimović.
Her colleague, Dr. Rajko Martinović, presented in detail the results of the "PinnaSPOT" project, pointing out that it was performing at three locations in Boka Bay - underwater at Cape Sveta Nedjelja, Orahovac and Sveti Stasije in Dobrota. An analysis of the data and density of the settlements, sediments, seagrasses growing around shells, and oceanographic characteristics of the aquatics was performed, comparing the data obtained with the results in Spain and Italy. It has been shown that the settlement of Pinna Nobilis at Sveta Nedjelja is much denser than in other observation locations in the country and abroad.
Kotor's scientists have also tried artificial pond-breeding, succeeding in raising a 4cm centimeter small shell to a size of over 20 centimeters.
"It is essential to continue researches in the current situation of the mass seaweed in the Mediterranean so that we can find out what affects the resistance of the shells to the parasitic attack in some aquariums and whether it is possible that shellfish in some specific areas such as Boka meanwhile reinforce its natural immunity," said Dr. Martinovic.
Prince Albert II Foundation Vice President, Bernard Fautrier thanked all the participants of the "PinnaSPOT" project so far, pointing out that when the project started three years ago, the situation with the Mediterranean was regular, but now because of the massive mortality of this shellfish in Spain, Greece, France, Tunisia, Cyprus and Italy, it is alarming.
"The situation is now dramatic and urges the need for science to respond to what is happening to save what still could be saved. We are therefore ready to continue supporting this new dimension of your project," said Fautrier.
29 May 2019, 15:49 PM

The collection of short stories written by the elementary and high school students from Montenegro called “Dragons are coming” will have 40 stories, as decided by the jury of the Seventh Regional Festival of Fantastic Literature REFESTICON 2019. The competition announced for the first time to promote the creativity and popularization of literary fantasy among young people received 89 stories from all over Montenegro.

Stories in three categories are selected, from the fourth to the sixth grade, from the seventh to the ninth and in the category for high schools, and the best ranked will be rewarded with the newly established prize the 'Dragon's egg'.

The stories were anonymously evaluated by Slobodan Zoran Obradovic from Bijelo Polje, Radmila Knezevic from Budva, Nadja Durkovic from Podgorica and Blagoje Vujisic from Bijelo Polje.

The organizers invite all award-winning participants and their mentors to the celebration of presenting prizes which will be held on Friday, June 7th, at 5 p.m. in Bijelo polje within the 7th REFESTICON. All authors whose stories are included in the collection will get a free copy of the book.


In the category of the youngest pupils from the fourth to sixth grade from the elementary schools, the Golden Dragon’s Egg Award was given to Radmila Korac, a pupil of the sixth grade from "Braca Ribar" Elementary School in Bijelo Polje. The Silver Dragon’s Egg Award in this category with the same number of points is shared by Ksenija Djurovic, elementary school pupil of "Kekec" from Sutomore, Jovana Bugarin, 6th grade elementary school pupil from "Risto Ratkovic" in Bijelo Polje, then Nina Doljanica, 5th grade pupil from the elementary school "Narodni heroj Savo Ilic" in Kotor and Stasa Obradovic, 5th grade pupil from the elementary school "Risto Ratković" from Bijelo Polje. The third place in this category and the Bronze Dragon’s Egg Award belonged to Milos Djukanovic, a pupil of the fifth grade from the elementary school "Dusan Bojovic" in Niksic.

In the category of elementary school students from the seventh to the ninth grade, the highest points and the Golden Dragon's Egg award were won by a pupil of the ninth grade from the elementary school "Marko Miljanov" in Bijelo Polje, Ajla Sabovic. The second prize and the Silver Dragon's Egg was won by the eighth-grade pupil from the elementary school "Vladislav Sl. Ribnikar" in Bijelo Polje, Andjela Pavicevic. In this category, with the same number of points, the Bronze Dragon's Egg Award is equally divided by three students: Vasil Music from the seventh grade of primary school "Vladislav Sl. Ribnikar "from Bijelo Polje, Strahinja Bajovic from the ninth grade of elementary school" Vuko Jovovic" from Danilovgrad and Nikolina Nikolic from the seventh grade of the school " Narodni heroj Savo Ilic” in Kotor.

Andjela Vucetic, a student of the high school "Ivan Goran Kovacic" from Herceg Novi, won the highest number of points in the high school category and the Golden Dragon’s Egg award. In this category, the second place and Silver Dragon’s Egg was awarded to Nemanja Djuric from the high school "Ivan Goran Kovacic" from Herceg Novi and a pupil of the Gymnasium Kotor Vasilije Vuksanović from Budva. In this category, the same number of points and the Bronze Dragon's Egg Award was won by three students: Luka Tapuskovic, second grade student from secondary school "Sergije Stanic" from Podgorica, Maja Catović from the second grade from Gymnasium Kotor and Vuk Djordjevic from the third grade of the high school "Ivan Goran Kovacic "from Herceg Novi.

The Special prize Fire Dragon’s Egg was awarded to the youngest participant in the competition - a five year old Novak Lakcevic from Bijelo Polje. For the front page of the collection, the art work by Helena Rakonjac, the eighth-grade student from the elementary school "Dusan Korac" in Bijelo polje was selected. The stories and authors that will be found in the collection “Dragon are coming”: High schools

Propuštena prilika – Anđela Vučetić (Herceg Novi)
Otkrovenje zvano zmaj – Nemanja Đurić (Herceg Novi)
Biografija poznavaoca zmajeva – Vasilije Vuksanović (Budva)
Zmaj energija koju otkrivam u sebi – Vuk Đorđević (Herceg Novi)
Posljednji dah Saragora – Luka Tapušković (Podgorica)
Moj Leo – Maja Ćatović (Kotor)
Jedna duša – Andrea Jelić (Andrijevica)
Zmaj i pećina – Almina Gredić (Bijelo Polje)
Potraga za zlatnim zmajem – Žarko Vujović (Herceg Novi)
Legenda je postala stvarnost – Jelena Smolović (Bijelo Polje)
Povratak snu – Andrej Marković (Cetinje)
Biografija jednog zmaja – Ajla Kukuljac (Herceg Novi)
Vražija pećina – Jovana Obradović (Bijelo Polje)

Primary schools 7th, 8th, 9th grade

Bilo je to negdje, nekad – Ajla Šabović (Bijelo Polje)
Zdravčica za zmajicu – Anđela Pavićević (Bijelo Polje)
Zmajeva kletva – Vasil Musić (Bijelo Polje)
Zmaj i Pako – Strahinja Bajović (Danilovgrad)
Zmaj u dimenziji N – Nikolina Nikolić (Kotor)
Rasmus – Stastija Perović (Kotor)
Dobrota će pobijediti i zmajevu vatru – Hamza Bralić – Rožaje
Usnuli Rio – Nikola Kovač (Kotor)
Povratak – Teodora Mušikić (Nikšić)
Narak i Gordije – Danilo Balaban (Cetinje)
Velike tajne malog mjesta – Tarik Idrizović (Bijelo Polje)

Neustrašivi zmaj plemenitog srca – Andrea Vukčević (Podgorica)
Poklon – Jovana Šućur (Nikšić)
Bajka o muzičkom selu – Ana Doljenica (Kotor)
Preobražaj – Sofija Aleksić (Nikšić)
Zmajevi dolaze – Aranđela Baošić (Bijelo Polje)
Zmaj noćne more – Helena Rakonjac (Bijelo Polje)

Primary schools 4th, 5th, 6th grades

Spasitelj – Radmila Korać (Bijelo Polje)
Legenda o selu Zmajevu – Ksenija Đurović (Sutomore)
Zmajevi dolaze – legenda o dolasku – Jovana Bugarin (Bijelo Polje)
Legenda malog sela – Nina Doljanica (Kotor)
Uvrnuti san – Staša Obradović (Bijelo Polje)
Na krilima zmaja – Miloš Đukanović (Nikšić)
Feniks se vraća – Stefanija Božović (Bijelo Polje)
Neobičan susret – Kristijan Mitrović (Nikšić)
Čarobna moć duginog luka – Faida Zejnilović (Bijelo Polje)


Djevojčica i zmaj – Novak Lakčević (Bijelo Polje)

(The sequence is from the contents of the collection and does not represent the number of points won at the competition)

Text by CdM, on May 28th 2019, read more at CdM

29 May 2019, 15:45 PM

The habits of citizens throwing away all waste, including glass packaging, in the same place, will be changed by adopting a new legal waste management solution, as announced by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (MORT) for the first quarter (January-March) of 2020.

Glass packaging in Montenegro is now disposed together with other miscellaneous waste, and the ministry of Pavle Radulovic said that this will not be the case in years to come because the new law foresees the separation of glass from other waste. They also recall that the separate collection of waste, with the precondition that a minimum of separate collection of dry and wet waste, is provided by the State Waste Management Plan. 

As proposed by the Waste Management Act, glass waste packaging will be regulated through a part related to packaging waste, which will be the responsibility of the manufacturer or importer of the packaging. "Manufacturers will bear the costs of the organized collection, gathering and processing of waste packaging. If manufacturers do not organize such a system, they will pay the Eco-Fund fee, and the funds from that compensation will be used to finance the collection, gathering, and processing of special types of waste, including glass packaging waste.

Please note that the adoption of the Waste Management Act is planned for the first quarter of 2020," the ministry said. Glass belongs to one of the most durable materials and the time for the glass bottles and jars to dispose of is estimated at a million years. Since it is fragile and as such damages the living world, its recycling is recommended in every form because the glass can be unlimitedly recycled.

In the European Union, some countries have introduced a deposit system, and on average they collect and recycle 90 percent of glass and plastic bottles and cans.

Sweden introduced this system first in 1984, and in the group of ten countries, the last to join was Lithuania, which doubled the rate of the waste collection very quickly. In the region, only Croatia has introduced a deposit system, and in Serbia announced they would do this for years.

Director of Serbia's Environmental Protection Agency Filip Radovic announced the introduction of the deposit system at the beginning of the year. He stressed that the introduction of the deposit system should motivate citizens and industry not to deposit waste in the environment and clarified that Serbia would have appliances where citizens would place the packaging and receive money for doing the same. He did not specify when that might happen. In Belgrade and other Serbian cities, in certain locations, there are bells for the disposal of glass packaging. In the capital of Serbia, they are set where there are plenty of shops and restaurants.

In Podgorica, there are more and more underground containers, and in the region, their usage is diminishing

In Podgorica, ordinary containers have been replaced with underground ones in many locations in recent years. As the relevant authorities from the City Capital have indicated that the advantages of underground containers compared to ordinary waste disposal facilities are large - they provide more efficient garbage collection, hygiene is improved. However, experiences from the region are not the same.

Mayor of Belgrade Goran Vesic recently said that in Belgrade there are 400 recyclable containers, and they have been placed instead of the underground ones, which proved to be very bad. "In Belgrade, we currently have a total of four hundred recyclable containers. They are placed on the site of former underground containers, which proved to be very bad. Most of them failed, and the firm that maintained them went into bankruptcy. That is why we decided to replace them with the recyclable containers," said Vesic.

Recycling also brings peaceful dreams

Changing habits in the way of depositing the glass packaging will bring peace to the citizens of the center of Podgorica, who claim that they do not have peace due to the noise made by some caterers who do not choose the right time to throw away glass packaging from the shops into the containers.

"When they unload glass bottles into a container, the noise is unbearable, often in the late hours, as well as in the afternoon, when it's time to rest," one of the fellow citizens said.

Text by Borko Zdero, on May 28th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

29 May 2019, 15:41 PM

In the first half of June, Pljevlja will mark the 450th anniversary since the construction of the Hussein Pasha Mosque, one of the most important cultural-historical and religious buildings in Montenegro.

On the 8th and 9th of June, the Islamic Community will organize a two-day scientific meeting on "Hussein Pasha Boljanic and his endowment - on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of Hussein Pasha's Mosque in Pljevlja".

A member of the organizing committee Jakub Durgut said that the scientific conference would have an international character with the participation of historians from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, and Turkey.

"In addition to the scientific gathering, a miniature exhibition of the Quran from 1579 is planned in Hussein Pasha's mosque and at the end an academy, where they would give thanks to donors and credit-worthy individuals who helped restore the mosque in 2006 and 2007," Durgut said.

The Hussein Pasha mosque was built in 1569, and it is the endowment of Hussein Pasha Boljanic, a Herzegovinian Sandzak-Bey born in the village of Boljanici. His high position enabled him to build the mosque in Pljevlja as his endowment to his homeland. Hussein Pasha's Mosque, one of the most valuable oriental cultural monuments in the Balkans, is a stone-walled building with a minaret 42 meters high.

It is assumed that the mosque’s builder is Hajrudin who also built the bridge in Mostar. The Hussein Pasha mosque had two major restorations, the first in 1888 and 2006/2007 when the detailed renovation was done.

With the last restoration, the Hussein Pasha's mosque was restored to its original and authentic appearance.

Text by Goran Malidzan, on May 28th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

29 May 2019, 11:33 AM

May 29, 2019 - The public company Sea Property is not a partner of the Municipality of Herceg Novi nor to the citizens of our city. It does not respect the efforts to achieve the cooperation, reads the announcement of the Public Invitation for the Lease of the city port of Škver, announced by the President of the Herceg Novi Municipality, Stevan Katić. 

"With the announced Public Call, the Sea Property has divided the Škver City Port into three different tenancy cases, disregarding the Municipality of Herceg Novi and its citizens, as well as the Municipal Harbor Management Agency as a longtime customer and a good host of Škver.
This kind of public call has shown extreme unfamiliarity with the local circumstances and disrespect for the citizens of Herceg Novi, a particular aspect being that this way shows the ignorance of the commitment and investment of the Municipal Harbor Management Agency and its employees during the past years.
How the Sea Property for years ignores citizens' interests is also evident from the Lease of beach resorts in our territory, as well as in other municipalities. Despite constant insistence that lease agreements should be concluded latest by 1 May, so that the beaches are ready for the season, there is no responsible relationship on this issue. That is why last year we came to the situation that, when the city is full of tourists, we have untidy beaches, we do not know who the landlords are and who is responsible for their maintenance.
Another example of neglecting citizens' interest is "managed" tenders and public calls. This time, the target of "managed" bids is the pier at Skver, which they think can be divided into three different units, with various tenants, under different rental conditions. It is interesting that in Tivat there was no problem that the local communal port of Kalimanj remains what it is," says the statement of the President of the Municipality of Herceg Novi.
The Municipality of Herceg Novi is an unacceptable part of the Public Call, which leases the platform for sailing the Blue Cave, which would open up additional space for favoring the individuals, and the natural environment was disturbed.
The Herceg Novi Municipality will continue its cooperation with the Public Company Sea Property under a single condition - when it withdraws the Call for Public Contracts for the Lease of berths in Skver harbor, and when the terms of Lease of the Škver and Blue Cave have been reconciled with the Municipality of Herceg Novi," concludes the statement.
29 May 2019, 10:42 AM

May 29, 2019 - The Music Education Society of Tivat, the oldest cultural institution in this city, marks 110 years since its founding. A central manifestation in the year of the great jubilee, a tour of at least 12 wind orchestras, is scheduled for 15 June at 7 pm. The program named"Big Noise" implies the defile of the city's street center, the joint performance of marches on the city waterfront of Pine, and individual representations of wind orchestras from Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.

City orchestras have in the past been significant features of cities along the Mediterranean coast. Nevertheless, numerous challenges have arisen; there are not a large number of cities that have preserved this tradition today. In Montenegro, along with Tivat, wind orchestras operate in Herceg Novi, Kotor, Đenovići and Budva.
Apart from unavoidable participation in all manifestations of importance for the city, the Music Education Society today can boast numerous performances throughout Montenegro, but also in the countries of the region. Recently, they returned from a tour of the wind orchestras in Shkoder, Albania, where eight music companies performed.
music education society schoderTivat City Orchestra- Music Education Society in Schoder, Albania, Copyright: Society's FB Page
"Although the eight orchestras at first glance seem like a lot, there are actually a significant number of musicians in one place," says Nevilla Klakor, the Kapellmeister of the Music Education Society Tivat, expressing the pleasure that an even more significant number of musicians will take part in the 110th birthday in Tivat.
music education society nikoleta celanovicMusic Education Society in Performance, Photo by Nikoleta Celanovic
Unlike most other societies of this type, the Music Education Society of Tivat is in the ambit of the amateur orchestra, in which the musicians perform without compensation. Therefore, the prizes and plaques earned in Shkoder are even more valuable and significant. "The wind orchestras in Albania are connected with music schools that make them professional musicians. Our Society is amateur, made up of different generations, musicians from eight to 68 years. In recent years, we have had a significant change of generations; part of the orchestra is composed of children of elementary school age. In that sense, Tivat Music School is a source that regularly complements us with young forces," explains Nevilla Klakor.
When asked about the importance of the Music Education Society of Tivat for the development of music education in this city, the president of the Society, Boris Lanceroti, said:
"We can say that the Music Education Society was and still is a kind of support when it comes to music education in Tivat, primarily in the sense of long tradition. When something exists for more than a hundred years, it is undoubtedly a traditional basis for repeating the same activity in some other form. The music school is a public institution that represents a different profile of the organization. However, our continued cooperation, already processing the tradition of the people who played in our Society, and later acquired the title and professor of Music, certainly make this connection essential and will last for the benefit of our organizations, as well as the well-being of the city."
Gradska muzika Tivat 30 tih godina 20.vijeka resizeMusic Education Society orchestra in 1930s
Based on a long experience in the field of music, Boris Lanceroti states that Tivat has excellent musical potential when it comes to wind instruments, perhaps the biggest in Montenegro. "It takes only a little better organization to present Tivat as a guideline in the field of wind instruments, especially when we have in mind that the Music School in Tivat, both primary and secondary, has already profiled itself as an important educational institution for training.
The Music Education Society of Tivat was founded in 1909. "One hundred years, it can be done as a moment. But when you begin to analyze documents, events, people based on photography, knowledge, and the story, then you realize it is an extended period. Especially precisely this period - from 1909 to the present day, as there were wars and various situations, both good and bad - then you were increasingly proud of the people who were members of the Society, who managed to maintain the Society in all these situations."
Speaking of the founding of the Music Education Society Tivat, under which name it was founded in 1909, Lanceroti emphasizes that it is essential to know some of the events that happened before that year, which created the atmosphere for such a society to be founded.
antun i anan zezelicAntun and Ana Žeželić, founders of the first music school in Tivat
"In Tivat, of course, people played and sang even before that year. They played, making their everyday life better with various celebrations. Antun Žeželić formed the first organized orchestra in Tivat with 12 members in 1891. Fortunately, we have their photo, we recognize all these people, and we can see the instruments they played, so we know the structure of this orchestra. It was a professional group of musicians who performed classical music. In addition to this orchestra, it is worth mentioning the establishment of a Music school in Tivat in 1900. The same Antun Žeželić founded this school with his wife, Ana. Both were teachers at the Public school in Tivat. The first music school was in the house of Jako Golub in the village of Tripovići, in the locality which in Tivat is called Donji Kantun. The next company to be mentioned is Starčević Tamburitza Orchestra, founded by Šime Staničić, known as Šimeta in 1906. I consider all this as preparation of the atmosphere and habits of people for organized dealing with Music, and preparation for that year in 1909 and the founding of the Society,"explained Lanceroti.
Sime K. Stanicic SimetaŠime Staničić called Šimeta, one of the Music Education Society Founders
The Music Education Society Tivat was founded by Ilija Sindik, Sime Staničić, and Filip Vuksanović. These are the citizens of Tivat who were able to write down their wishes, formulate their intention to establish an orchestra, and gather the courage to present this idea to the mayor, captain in retirement Marko Krstovic, who performed this function voluntarily. They managed to convene the City Council, and the Council adopted the Decision on the Establishment of the Music Education Society. Everything was transparent under the then law and regulations. They only had the last and most difficult to provide funds for the purchase of instruments.
"There are still some facts on the scene, without which the establishment of this Society would be almost impossible. In the then Arsenal, the Austro-Hungarian Navy had its orchestra, at that moment with two Kapellmeister. One of them was Czech; his name was Antun Blažek. Asked to make a specification of the instruments for the Music Education Society Tivat, he normally envisioned the procurement of Czech instruments. He brought this specification with the prices of instruments to the City Council, which decided to finance their procurement. According to the witnesses of that time, the mayor trembled a bit, and said: "Poor children, do you know what you are doing?" I think that's close to the truth because that year the entire budget of the municipality of Tivat was sent for the purchase of instruments, there were no funds left for others activities," says its president, Boris Lanceroti. They say it was the first and only year when the budget was in the minus. The municipality went bankrupt by passing a decision on the purchase of instruments for the city orchestra.
"Antun Blažek was also the first Kapellmeister of the Music Education Society, which then gathered 23 musicians. They were not people who knew the notes, knew the instruments, or could play. He taught them everything and Music, as citizens of Tivat still call it. The first appearance was at today's intersection, near the Old Town Hall. The reason for the show was the visit of the Austro-Hungarian crown prince, Archduke Friedrich," said Lanceroti, emphasizing the pleasure of seeing the photo from that performance today in the cabinet of the president of the municipality. That was the beginning.
Later, the Society performed for the pride of all citizens, and there were also situations when they did not want to play, again for the pride of citizens, explains Lanceroti. There were also situations when they were banned from performing. What was the constant- significance of an event in Tivat was measured by the entire century of whether the Music Education Society took part in it. If it was music, the gathering was significant; if there was no music, then it wasn't so valuable.
glazba 3Music Education Society Performs in all manifestations of the importance for the city, Photo by: Antonela Stjepcevic
These attitudes towards the city orchestra of Tivat inhabitants also have today. In addition to the cultural and artistic, the city orchestra of Tivat and its citizens has a strong symbolic and emotional character. With the city in good days, with its citizens for the sad moments, the performance of the Music Education Society was a regular segment of the funeral ceremony. Due to the shift of generation, the orchestra has lost this function, which it had since its first decade of existence. But the relationship with music is ongoing.
gpd vijestiNew Year's Concert of the Music Education Society, Held in Decembre 2018, Photo by Sinisa Lukovic, Vijesti
"For our very successful New Year's concerts, the concert halls are always filled to the last place. Last year's show in the biggest concert hall in the city, in the Administration building of Porto Montenegro, confirmed this again. That is what makes us happy, what gives us strength. At the end of the year, when we are tired of all the problems and challenges, and at the concert, we are welcomed by 700 people, then all our efforts and renunciation gets the full meaning, and we continue," says the Society's Kapellmeister Nevilla Klakor.
glazba 6Music Education Society, Photo by Antonela Stjepcevic
On the occasion of the great jubilee, 110 years of activity of the Music Education Society of Tivat, our city will host many orchestras from the region, who are going to magnify its birthday. Participation at the birthday party of has so far been confirmed by 12 wind orchestras, which, knowing that the average number of members is between 30 and 40, leads to the number of about 350 musicians who will play on the streets of Tivat on 15 June. The program called "Big Noise" foresees the great defile of the streets of the city from three directions towards the city waterfront Pine, where the orchestras will arrange a joint performance of the marches. 
Each orchestra will have its term to present its program and the way of playing to the audience in Tivat. "I think it will be a big event, for the citizens of Tivat, as well as for all the guests who are in our town on that day, and certainly for us," they added, inviting citizens to join the celebration of the 110th birthday of the oldest cultural institution of Tivat.
The manifestation to mark the 110th anniversary is supported the Tourist Organization of Tivat and the Municipality of Tivat, and many local institutions, companies, civil society organizations, and individuals are grated to take part in the festival of wind orchestras scheduled for 15 June from 7 pm.

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