
31 May 2019, 12:47 PM

Mejlis of the Islamic Community of Berane and Imam Rahim Muratovic from Berane prepared a traditional iftar social gathering last night.

Iftar has been held under the auspices of the Municipality of Berane and Mayor Dragoslav Scekic for the last five years.

Imam Muratovic praised this practice and said that "in the last days of Ramadan we gather in Iftar with the support of the Berane Municipality".

"This is a truly wonderful gesture, because Ramadan is just the symbol of the harmony, communion and brotherhood which distinguishes our city from its very beginning," Muratovic said.

He conveyed greetings and congratulations to a large number of citizens of Islamic religion for the incoming celebration from Budim-Niksic eparchy.

"We are here to hang out tonight together and make this month even more beautiful with this event," Muratovic said.

The president of the Municipality of Berane, due to his traditional friendly gesture of gratitude to the Islamic Community of Rifat Fejzic, addressed the message of gratitude by the representative of Mesihat IZ Rejhan Hot.


He spoke to the believers about the meaning of the Ramadan post, which, as he said, is hiding in building up the awareness of God and knowing that "the exalted observes and sees everything," then the need to share and thank, and the need to control the urge.

"These are the messages that are hidden. Only where there are differences, we can show all our goodness and beauty, our value. That is why I congratulate Mr. Scekic for allowing us to socialize on this occasion," said Hot.

The mayor of Berane, as host of iftar, to the believers and other officials, pointed out that the common iftar indicates multiethnicity and messages of equality. "From this place, we send a message of communion. We should not divide ourselves on any grounds, but only on those who do good or do evil," said Scekic.


Congratulating the upcoming Ramadan Eid, he pointed out that the Islamic Community, both in Berane and Montenegro and in the wider region, left permanent cultural and spiritual values.

In addition to Scekic and his associates, Iftar was attended by the President of the Assembly of Berane Municipality and President of OO Democrats Novica Obradovic, as well as President of OO SNP Tihomir Bogavac.

The local government in Berane is made up by the coalition Zdravo Berane (SNP and DF) and Democratic Montenegro. Since 2014, when he took over the duty of the municipal president, Dragoslav Scekic finances the iftar event in Berane every year.

The Ramadan fasting month for Islamic believers ends on Monday, and the first day of Ramadan Eid is celebrated on Tuesday, June 4th.

Text by Tufik Soktic, on May 31st, 2019, read more at Vijesti

31 May 2019, 11:07 AM

May 31, 2019 - Another confirmation that the Herceg Novi Strip Festival (HSF) is in the company of the most significant manifestations devoted to ninth art arrived in the form of consecration as a preface to the capital piece Smart Girl: I-matter in the release of Evolution comics, written by the author and great Spanish artist Fernando Dagnino. 

Thanks to the closest associates and anyone who helped him in the two-year realization of this work, Dagnino also thanked, as he noted, the great fans, artists and organizers he had met at the strip festivals. He did not speak in general about all the comics' gatherings, but individually listed  Clermont, Nice, Marseille, Lion, Paris, Edinburgh, New York, Alicante, and Herceg Novi.
With this kind of relationship between the audience and the organisers, not only the artists who always want to return to Herceg Novi, but also all the random visitors who at least once felt the atmosphere in the Herceg Novi band of comic strips, HSF has become and remains a festival that artists recommend to each other. According to Fernando Dagnino's recommendation among 13 special guests, this year, HSF has two more outstanding artists - Alain Mauricet and Raul Allen.
Belgian writer and comic artist, Alain Mauricet, has been working for one of the most popular comics in French, Spirou, for nine years, while currently working for one of the two most significant US and world publishing houses - DC Comics, which draws Batman and Superman. Last year, Alain Mauricet worked on another favorite project - Star Wars Adventures, for which he produced the "Lost Eggs of Livorno" annual edition and four individual stories: Tales from Wild Space: A Small Push -Star Wars Adventures 12 "Star Wars Adventures 14" and "An Unlikely Friendship" - Star Wars Adventures 15 and "Roger Roger" - Star Wars Adventures 19.
Raul Allen is an artist from Valladolid, who trained in belles art, illustration and design in Salamanca and Boston. He has received a significant number of awards for his work, including the annual award at the 49th New York Illustrator Association. His work on comics was inspired by the world-famous publishing houses such as DC Comics, Marvel, Valiant, Dynamite, for which he participated in the realization of a comic strip like Wonder Woman, Secret Avengers, Hawkeye, Immortal Iron Fist.
The HSF reminds that, alongside Alain Mauricet and Raul Allen, the celebrated Argentine artist, one of the world's most celebrated authors Enrike Breccia, and Bethan Havant Fernandez, Spanish artist, as well as the stars of the Italian comics scene- Andrea di Vito, Mario Alberti, and Pasquale del Vecchio are also coming to Herceg Novi.
The 13th HSF organizers promise to announce the names of all 13 special guests coming to Herceg Novi this September soon.
31 May 2019, 09:59 AM

May 31, 2019 - The President of the Kotor Municipality Assembly with the imperative provisions of the Law on Local Self-Government, and on the basis of the submitted request - complies the initiative by the newly formed majority assembly to convene the session of the Kotor Assembly, scheduled the 20th session with the proposed agenda - the election of the President of the Municipality of Kotor. The meeting will be held on 14 June 2019, at 6 pm at the palace Bizanti.

President Perovic said that, although the initiative, as well as the previous action for the dismissal of President of the Municipality of Kotor, Vladimir Jokic, was not submitted following the law, which makes it deficient and unreasonable, she filed the request within the statutory deadline.
"With this act, I point at all the pressures and speculations of outdated DPS staff - public pretensions to the most responsible functions in legislative and executive power in the city. It is because I am deeply committed to the legitimate work of the management we formed in 2017, and in particular, the work of the local parliament, which, as a legislative body, is most likely to implement and apply the law. Of course, after the elections have taken place, and not after the deliberate overcompensation of the government.
However, as now underlined, the affirmed and prospective DPS deputies Aprcovic, Avramovic, and Sudjic revoke their hands from the fact that they are the direct culprits for the current situation in the Municipality of Kotor. I owe the most obvious explanation to the public," Perovic said.
"They are the ones who, with the so-called Assembly session of 24 April with its SDP facilitators, our former coalition partners, caused an "extraordinary state" in the Municipality of Kotor!
Citizens of Kotor and broader should know that employees in the Kotor Municipality and local public companies did not get their salaries for April. They left you and your families without dinner! Those, the same ones who, after they dismissed Vladimir Jokić, did not propose and elect a person who will serve as chairman until the election of a new president. They are those who knowingly and comprehensibly did it only for the purpose of being able to appear as rescuers now, after a month, just at a time when the Administrative Court and the competent Ministry of Public Administration should make decisions and give instructions for the work of the Municipality of Kotor to introduce it back to legal flows.
They are those who bring legal violence as a new manner and model of work on the Montenegrin political and legal scene. They are those, who earned the justification of their act on 24 April just a day later, 25 April, at the Assembly of Montenegro, proposing the so-called Kotor Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government. The reason is that it is easier for them to open each other, including Pandora's box, just not an electoral one.
And finally, I want to tell to this new assembly majority - how they started, they should continue to work, and the best judgment on them and us will be time, "Dragica Perovic, the President of the Kotor Municipal Assembly, told in a statement to the public.
31 May 2019, 00:51 AM

30 May 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received the head of the European Union delegation in Podgorica, Aivo Orav, who handed to him the European Commission Annual Progress Report on Montenegro in the negotiation process.

President Đukanović expressed his satisfaction with the occasion of the meeting, stating that after the delivery of the Report, he will be able to find out more about its contents in more detail. He stressed that, as before, we would be very responsible in accordance with the assessments and recommendations of the Report, starting from the fact that the Report is the view of the partner on the situation in our house and the view of those in whose community we want to enter.

"We will very seriously study the recommendations, in order to further improve the pace and quality of the negotiation process," Đukanović said.

The President expressed satisfaction with the confirmation that Montenegro is in a state capable of facing and overcoming the challenges, especially, as he said, in relation to two key Balkan challenges: internal security and political stability and economic development.

"With the impression that we are on the right track, aware of the remaining work, we will intensify our efforts to continue the process optimally in cooperation with the European Union Office in Podgorica. We believe that we can do more than before and we will do it," Đukanović said.

Ambassador Orav expressed high marks for the achievements of Montenegro in the field of foreign policy and regional cooperation. He also pointed to the assessments in the Report that some areas require more visible progress, and that a new Report for Montenegro is being written from now on.

The interlocutors agreed that for the future of the Region, one of the most important issues is defining the European Unionropean perspective of Albania and North Macedonia, and that the decision of European Union member states to start the negotiations would be its strong confirmation, and of great importance for the entire region.

31 May 2019, 00:46 AM

30 May 2019 - From the beginning of the year, more than 4.500 workers have been engaged in seasonal jobs. That is by 50% higher than in the same period last year. The so-called permanent seasonal workers are included. They are persons who renew their contracts with the same employer, said the Chief of the Regional unit Podgorica, Mr Dragan Marović.

He pointed out that mediation was one of the most important roles of the Employment Agency and a challenge at the same time.

According to him, between 9.000 and 10.000 persons are employed via the Employment Agency every year. That is one-quarter of the total number of unemployed persons.

“There is a deficit in the sector of tourism and hospitality. The reason is that the periods of tourism and agriculture season overlap,” said Mr Marović.

Experience suggests that employers look for qualified and auxiliary workforce. Records of the Agency indicate that there is not enough qualified workforce.

“We must devote more effort in order to increase the share of the domestic workforce. “Zaposlimo domaće – Da Crna Gora radi” state campaign has produced good results. We have organized trade fairs in the central and northern part of Montenegro,” said Mr Marović.

Auxiliary jobs are generally intended for women: maids, hygienists, laundry workers, kitchen workers. However, due to family reasons, women are often tied to their domicile and sometimes men do these jobs. Marović says that employers do not plan their needs for the employees on time and they do not invest in their training and protection.

He points out that salary is not always the priority for a seasonal worker. Some of the determining factors are accommodation, working hours and the employer-employee relationship.

Salaries for unqualified seasonal workers range from 250 to 350 EUR. As for the qualified workers, it goes from 350 to 600 EUR.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

31 May 2019, 00:00 AM

30 May 2019 - The Mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vuković and his associates opened the Ankara Boulevard in Podgorica on May 30, 2019. The newly constructed 330-meter long road extends from the intersection of Ljubljanska Street with Ljubomir Rašović Boulevard to the Cetinje Boulevard.

Mayor of Podgorica Opened Ankara Boulevard 2

"The city administration is very satisfied, because in the last seven months this is the third new boulevard we are opening in Podgorica. We started with the road in Zeta, then on Independence Day - 21st of May we opened a boulevard in Donja Gorica, and today we are officially opening the Ankara Boulevard,” said Mayor Vuković.

Mayor of Podgorica Opened Ankara Boulevard 3

He explained that the city administration is investing large amounts of money in the infrastructure of the Capital, and that the completed projects are of high quality and great use to the citizens. “We invested 700 thousand euros in this latest project, and in a relatively short period we managed to build about 7 kilometres of new boulevard roads on the territory of Podgorica. This is truly a great pace, and we will continue to work with the same intensity in the future," said Vuković.

Mayor of Podgorica Opened Ankara Boulevard

The Mayor congratulated the city services on their excellent work and added that another new 110-meters long road was recently completed near the Ankara Boulevard, which is about half a kilometre of new roads in this part of the city.

Mayor of Podgorica Opened Ankara Boulevard 5

"Apart from what is “visible to the naked eye” there are completely new installations set up under this roadway, a new infrastructure that will service all the necessary residential and business facilities that are currently located in this area and which will be built in the vicinity. Ankara Boulevard will be a very useful road not only to people living in this part of the city, but also to frequent traffic, because this road will likely reduce the car jams that are common at the roundabout near the Public Service building," Vuković concluded.

30 May 2019, 23:32 PM

30 May 2019 - The Montenegrin Cup title race between Budućnost and Lovćen ended tonight with the celebration of FC Budućnost, who managed to secure their victory in the finals with the remarkable score 4:0 (2: 0) at the Stadium under Gorica Hill.

This was the fifth time FC Budućnost found itself in the final of the Montenegrin Cup, and the only time they managed to take the trophy was in 2013. 

"Tonight we need the support of every fan of FC Budućnost. That's why everyone should come to the stadium! For Budućnost!", said the announcement of FC Budućnost’s management just before the finals.

Football Club Budućnost Won the Montenegrin Cup 2018 19

On their way to the final, the Blues eliminated Rudar, Mladost, Lješkopolje and Sutjeska. This is the most convincing victory of a team in the current 13 Montenegrin national cups.

The comfortable 4:0 victory was secured by Mihailo Perović, who scored the first three goals, while Dejan Zarubica scored the final goal which proved the efforts of FC Lovćen were in vain.

In a game held on Thursday, May 30, 2019, starting at 8.30 pm at the Stadium under Gorica Hill, a large number of fans came to support Budućnost players. The 4:0 result confirmed the high expectations of the fans who came to cheer their club.

Representatives of the management of Football Club Budućnost could not hide the excitement for the big win.

“FC Budućnost won the Cup of Montenegro with a score of 4: 0 against the excellent Lovćen, with a hat-trick of Mihailo Perović, for whom this night is especially magnificent. Thanks to all the fans of the club who made this evening even more amazing, as well as to everyone else who cheered us in front of the TV," says the official announcement of Budućnost’s management right after the game.

The 2018–19 Montenegrin Cup is the 12th edition of the football tournament in Montenegro. The cup began on 28 August 2018. The winners of this competition, FC Budućnost will earn a place in the UEFA Europa League.

30 May 2019, 17:48 PM

29 May 2019 - Minister of Health of Montenegro Kenan Hrapović and his counterpart of the Republic of North Macedonia Venko Filipče signed the Memorandum of Understanding in the field of health and medical sciences, which has been harmonised on the basis of mutually expressed interest to formalise the cooperation of the two countries in this area.

The Memorandum stipulates the realisation of cooperation through the exchange of information in the field of health, medical personnel, as well as direct cooperation between medical faculties, medical chambers and other healthcare institutions.

Taking into account the existing spirit of friendship and mutual assistance in bilateral cooperation, the two health ministers expressed satisfaction with the signed agreement, which will further strengthen cooperation in the field of health and medical sciences, on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual interest.

The implementation of this Memorandum will strengthen healthcare capacities and expand knowledge about the latest achievements in the field of medicine. In order to implement it, a joint committee will be set up, which will be in charge of the implementation of activities.

The bilateral meeting between ministers Hrapović and Filipče agreed on cooperation in the field of telemedicine between the Clinical Center of Montenegro and the Clinical Centre in Skopje. The meeting also discussed the possibility of rehabilitation of citizens of North Macedonia at the Institute of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Rheumatology "Dr Simo Milošević" in Igalo.

30 May 2019, 17:43 PM

29 May 2019 - Montenegrins in Kosovo and Albanians in Montenegro are two pillars of a cooperation bridge between our countries and we will work together not to make an unstable Balkan bridge, but to make a solid European bridge, Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the opening of the Development Centre of Montenegrins of Kosovo.

"The Centre will contribute to strengthening ties with the home country as a place of gathering of the Montenegrin community and cherishing identity, culture, tradition and its values. At the same time, the Centre will be another strong link for strengthening existing ties and strengthening the overall cooperation between the two friendly states – Montenegro and Kosovo," said Prime Minister Marković, who is paying an official visit to Kosovo. 

He added that he is glad that talks with the Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj and other leaders, at the same time friends of Montenegro from Kosovo, convey decisive messages of a strong commitment to improving the status, constitutional recognition of Montenegrins in Kosovo, gaining seats in the Parliament.

Development Centre of Montenegrins Opened in Kosovo2

"The evidence of this commitment is precisely today's activity, which, besides the great contribution of the Association of Montenegrins of Kosovo, the Diaspora Administration, the Embassy of Montenegro in Kosovo and other friends, was supported by the competent institutions of Kosovo, not only in material, but in the essential sense," Prime Minister Marković said and thanked his counterpart Haradinaj for seeing significance of everything that the Development Centre is and should become in the upcoming period.

The Prime Minister emphasised that the spirit of contemporary Montenegro built on democratic values has the elements of multiethnicity, multiculturalism and respect for equality among its citizens, regardless of their nationality, political or religious orientation. That is, he said, the asset we are proud of.

"I want to use this festive occasion to convey a message to all Montenegrins living in Kosovo and anywhere in the world – Montenegro will never forget your contribution to the preservation of Montenegrin identity and awareness of its importance while being constructive and loyal citizens of the countries you live in. I assure you that Montenegro will continue to support all your activities that are aimed at cherishing such values," Prime Minister Marković stressed.

He emphasised the importance of respecting diversity and cherishing European civilization values. PM Marković said that good-neighbourly cooperation is the basis for the joint goals of our two countries, reflected in the commitment to belonging to European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

Development Centre of Montenegrins Opened in Kosovo1

Opening the Centre with Prime Minister Marković, Prime Minister of Kosovo Haradinaj said that Kosovo is the home of all citizens. President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said that the Republic of Kosovo and Montenegro will always be friendly countries, while President of the Assembly of Kosovo Kadri Veseli said that the Montenegrins in Kosovo should feel like they are in Montenegro.

President of the Association of Montenegrins of Kosovo Slobodan Vujačić said that the Development Centre will be the home of all Montenegrins from Kosovo and urged the Government of Montenegro to strengthen the economic presence in Kosovo.

Alongside the highest officials of Kosovo – the President of the State, the President of the Assembly and the Prime Minister, representatives of the diplomatic corps and numerous representatives of Montenegrins in Kosovo also attended the opening of the Centre.

Prime Minister Marković continues his visit to Kosovo with a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Haradinaj, after which a joint press conference will be held. During his stay in Kosovo, the Prime Minister of Montenegro will attend the opening of the Arben Xhaferi motorway.

30 May 2019, 17:38 PM

29 May 2019 - In this year's report, the European Commission has provided precise and detailed guidelines for the high-quality fulfillment of the obligations of joining the European Union, and it is the right moment for every member of Montenegrin society to see their role in the process of European integration and contribute to the EU accession through their work, Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević said. 

The Chief Negotiator and the members of the Negotiating Group presented today the findings of the European Commission's Report on Montenegro to the representatives of Montenegrin media. A working breakfast with journalists on the occasion of the presentation of the EC Report on Montenegro was organised by the Secretariat-General of the Government of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. 

Drljević reminded that this year's Report provides an assessment of the progress made, both in terms of fulfilling the political and economic criteria for EU membership, as well as the ability to take on the obligations of membership in 33 negotiating chapters. 

"The EC recorded the achieved results and Montenegro's progress in the accession process, but also gave precise and detailed guidelines in order to continue with the high-quality fulfillment of the obligations from the accession period, with emphasis on the areas in which additional efforts are needed in order for the reform effects to yield the desired results," Chief Negotiator Drljević stressed. 

He pointed out that in most negotiating chapters, the results and progress achieved during the reporting period were recognised, adding that the Montenegrin side is ready to open the last chapter 8, to obtain benchmarks for closing chapters 23 and 24, as well as to temporarily close several chapters. 

"The evaluations from the Report will serve as guidelines for further reform work whose ultimate goal is to achieve European quality of life in Montenegro. The publication of the EC Report represents a right opportunity for all members of our society, to see their role in the process of European integration and contribute to Montenegro's membership in the EU through their dedicated work," the Chief Negotiator emphasised. 

Journalists were interested in how the institutions will treat the recommendations contained in the Report, as well as the negotiators' comment on freedom of expression assessments and the plan to overcome all the challenges highlighted in the Report on the professionalism and efficiency of the judiciary. 

Negotiator for chapters 23 and 24 Marijana Laković is pleased with the progress made in the judicial reform, pointing out that the Draft Strategy for Judicial Reform has planned measures that are in line with EC recommendations. 

"When it comes to freedom of expression, the Government has made efforts to improve the situation during the reporting period, among other things, by changing the set of media laws whose adoption is expected by the end of this year. The dedication of the police and judiciary institutions is reflected in the fact that from four attacks on journalists three have been solved by final convictions, while hopefully, the court epilogue of the attack on journalist Oliver Lakić is expected soon. The EC highlighted the weakness of media self-regulation. It is not up to the Government, but up to you, representatives of the media community and the Government will provide full support in resolving this issue, without any interference with the independence of self-regulation," Laković said. 

Answering the question about the duration of the negotiation process, the Chief Negotiator said that he was satisfied with the work done, but it is ungrateful to forecast the date of EU accession. 

"There is still a lot of work to be done before accession. It is important to us that the perspective of membership exists, and the date of accession will depend not only on us, but also on the situation in the EU and its member states. We are aware that various events, such as Brexit, the migrant crisis and internal consolidation in the EU, reflect on the enlargement policy. We cannot influence events in the Union, but we can continue with our reform activities," Drljević concluded.

30 May 2019, 17:34 PM

29 May 2019 - Montenegro continues to be a leader in the process of joining the European Union, and therefore retains the position of a stable and honest partner of the European Union in the Balkans, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin told the press following his meeting with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro Aivo Orav, who handed over to the Deputy Prime Minister the annual report on Montenegro's progress in the process of the EU accession.

"Montenegro does not expect and does not want the EU to turn a blind eye to it or to be admitted to the European Union before it fully meets all the necessary conditions for full membership. We responsibly accept the work that is ahead of us and we also expect that our efforts and results will be recognised and confirmed promptly. Montenegro's membership in the European Union is possible only if we are equally interested in it, both our European partners and us," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

He noted that the leading position of Montenegro in the current policy of enlargement of the European Union is not only an epithet, but also an obligation. "Montenegro, as a country where a clear institutional and legal framework has been established, today also shows that institutions are ready to implement laws, without exception and with a clear goal - to strengthen the country in which every citizen feels safe and lives a dignified life from their work, where institutions function as citizens' service. Of course, there is still more work to be done before we can start the final phase of the accession process that is waiting for us, as we hope for, from the end of this year. "

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed confidence that the Report will be a clear indication to all member states that Montenegro has achieved notable progress in the area of ​​the rule of law and that it is willing to open negotiations by the end of the year in the remaining Chapter 8, but also to get the closure criteria for negotiations in chapters 23 and 24 .

He announced that the Government would pay special attention this year to fulfiling certain recommendations he believes can contribute to further strengthening of credibility and trust in the institutions of the system. "In particular, I would like to emphasise certain activities that will be undertaken towards the strengthening of institutions dealing with the prevention of corruption, as well as further improvement of the environment for the professional work of the media."

He expressed satisfaction that the European Commission also showed that the enlargement policy is alive, stating that Montenegro, with 32 open and three temporarily closed chapters, is proud to retain the position of a leader in the enlargement policy, in which the first next candidate achieved only half such success.

"I would like to congratulate our friends from North Macedonia and Albania on the achieved success - getting the recommendation for opening of the EU accession negotiations, because their success is the success of the entire region, and when we have countries in the region that are on a clear path of adopting Western values, it is easier for Montenegro to persist and succeed on that path," the Deputy Prime Minister concluded.

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