
04 Jun 2019, 23:25 PM

04 June 2019 - Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Budva has recently posted an official statement, announcing that five seasonal information points are open starting June 4, 2019:

1. Info point CENTRE (In the hall of the Institute for the construction of Budva);

2. Info point PRŽNO (at the very entrance to the Miločer park, near the Hotel Maestral);

3. Info point RAFAILOVIĆI (Jadranski put, near the turn which leads to Rafailovići);

4.Info point CRVENA KOMUNA PETROVAC (In the hall of the Crvena Komuna in Petrovac);

5. Info Point BEČIĆI (Jadranski put, across the hotel Splendid, Boreti).

Business hours of the aforementioned info points are from 08.00 am - 08.00 pm.

The Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Budva has two permanent information centres located in the Old Town – Njegoševa Street no. 28 and the info point in front of the Municipal building.

From May to October, seasonal info points also opened at various locations in the city as well as in Jaz, Bečići, Rafailovići, Pržno, Sveti Stefan, Petrovac and Buljarica.

At the information centres, visitors are offered free tourist maps of the city, brochures and promotional materials on the tourist offer of Budva, as well as other service, tourist and useful information. Guest check-in and cancellations can be made at all currently open points.

All foreign nationals and Montenegrin citizens without registered residence in Montenegro are obliged to apply for residence within 24 hours of their entry into Montenegro. If individuals are staying at a registered private accommodation or hotel, the accommodation provider is obliged to do this for them within 12 hours of the hour of their arrival. A foreigner who resides in Montenegro for tourist purposes, and does not use the services of the accommodation provider, can apply for residence registration in tourist information centres.

The direct payment periods of the residence tax are:

1. Info point CRVENA KOMUNA PETROVAC 08.00 am - 5.00 pm

2. Info point RAFAILOVIĆI 08.00 am - 05.20 pm

3. Info point CENTRE 08.00 am - 05.40 pm.

There are currently 10 information points in Budva, out of which seven have the option to directly pay the residence tax, and the eighth - the information point Old City, offers tourists the possibility to directly pay the entrance fee to the Old City Budva.

Read more news important for tourists on TMN's dedicated page.

04 Jun 2019, 18:19 PM
June 4, 2019 - The Institute of Marine Biology from Kotor, with colleagues from the Adriatic countries, recognizes numerous projects to support this development in maintaining fishery management and marine ecosystem protection. One of these projects is the Adriatic Sea Network for the Marine Ecosystem - ADRINET. Although the archives of the Middle Ages witnessed the tradition of fishing in Boka and Ulcinj, Montenegro is today, when it comes to fisheries, still in the process of the formatting of a severe fishing fleet.  
Based on the documents of the Historical Archives in Kotor, the oldest papers that focus on fisheries in this area date back to the 12th century. Once the backbone of the local population's economy, fishing is nowadays struggling to survive on numerous other incompatible activities, unfair competition, and faulty equipment with the necessary tools to make the catch rate competitive even on the domestic market. Therefore, scientists at the Institute of Marine Biology in Kotor, apart from their regular activities, participate in numerous international projects with the preservation of the fish stock of the Adriatic Sea and the strengthening of Montenegrin fishers.
The Ichthyologist Dr. Aleksandar Joksimović is the head of the Working Group on the Negotiating Chapter on Fisheries in the Process of Approximation of Montenegro to the EU. As a representative of Montenegro and Chief of the Scientific Committee of that international organization, Dr. Joksimović participated last week at a meeting in Ljubljana with a review of the activities of the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean, our country joined in 2008.
"Considering that the Mediterranean and the Black Sea is a large region, we intend to be sub-regional, Montenegro is in the context of the Adriatic-Ionian region, to present opinions, views, conclusions, and suggestions regarding the work of the General Commission in the past ten years. We were obliged to send recommendations for the next ten years, as these reports will be included in the document, based on which scientists from the field of fisheries, marine biology and other spheres dealing with the protection of marine ecosystems and valorize their resources, will write their reports. That is how we are coming to a future strategy to the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean. This strategy should serve to make the best way of targeting its activities, so that member states, such as Montenegro, find their place and interest in it," explained Dr. Joksimović.
The position of Montenegro on the Adriatic is specific. The small country, with only 293 km of coastline, has a small fishing fleet. Therefore, representation of Montenegro's interest in the Adriatic and Mediterranean requires that our country is looking for a different position related to the fishing giants such as Croatia and Italy.
"It is precisely the essence of the meetings, discussions, and suggestions that we have conducted in Slovenia. Our efforts are a result of the team's defined needs of our fishermen, where, besides the Institute of Marine Biology and Representation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Fisheries Directorate, are also fishermen themselves, as the most important when it comes to fisheries in Montenegro and the Adriatic, of course. In Ljubljana and at all previous meetings of the working bodies of the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean, we have stressed that the Commission should recognize the specificities of small countries, such as Montenegro and Slovenia when defining future recommendations or limitations of fishing activities" Dr. Joksimovic explains what it means in practice. 
"All the data show that the state of fisheries in the Adriatic is not great. Along with scientific and reporting, some recommendations will be manifested by the reduction of the fleet and the overall fishing activities of the Adriatic countries. Our struggle and our goal are that Montenegro will be recognized as a small country and exempted from it."
Montenegro is a small country, which is only in the development phase of its fishing fleet, and nothing contributes to the state of the fish stock in the Adriatic as it is, says Dr. Joksimović.
"We expect the flexibility and understanding of the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean, as well as the European Commission and DG Mare,  to define reduction the fishing fleet in the Adriatic by 30 percent in some future documents, reduce the number of fishing days, but this does not apply to Montenegro from for objective reasons. It is a big battle; these institutions are difficult to accept because they want to bring a unique recommendation to the entire Adriatic. But we have to fight that our specificity, which is reflected in the geomorphologic configuration of the terrain and the vast depths in front of our shores, which makes our fishermen unable to work as intensely as fishers in the Middle or North Adriatic. And the Minister of Agriculture, Milutin Simović, is very dedicated to this issue and I believe that as a determined team we will succeed in contributing to the preservation of our fishing tradition, above all in Boka Bay and Ulcinj, as well as the moderate development of our fleet. We are not a competition on the Adriatic; we want to take what our sea offers to us. The estimates that the Institute for Biology made for these needs are very optimistic, and the biomass that is in front of our coasts is much more conservative and better than in the rest of the Adriatic. "
Empowering the Montenegrin fishing fleet, which currently has about 20 big fishing ships and a large number of small boats whose owners use traditional fishing techniques and tools, involves a lot of various needs and activities.  The education of fishers, the provision of grants and loans for the procurement of equipment, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies, have to be of benefit to both fishermen and marine ecosystem. 
adrinet 1ADRINET is implemented within IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy- Albaia- Montenegro
All these goals have been combined with the cross-border project ADRINET, whose implementation began in 2018. Adriatic Network for Marine Eco System- ADRINET is a cross-border project implemented under IPA Montenegro-Italy-Albania program. ADRINET project aims to establish a better management system for coastal fishing. In Montenegro, the pilot area is the Aquatics of Herceg Novi Bay, in Albania is the area of Vlora, while the project is implemented in Italy in the Bari area.
The overall objective of ADRINET is to improve a joint coastal management system and create governance plans to preserve biodiversity and coastal ecosystems inside the Programme area, whose territories share the same issues in terms of pollution, over-exploitation of fish stocks, illegal fishery, fish sophistication and 'ghost fishing.' The project includes investments in technology, to map fishing routes and monitor sea pollution, and provides services, scientific support, and skills for fisheries professionals and consumers, to make fish consumption safer and compliant with EU rules and guidelines.
"In pilot areas, hot spots will be determined, those with the most lost fishing gear. Of course, fishers are not able to extract the lost fishing gear; it remains at the bottom of the sea still active, catching fish and other species. This project brings an excellent idea that all fishing gears are coded by installing small chips that will send signals so that all fishermen in the future can find their tools and return to the ship or coast. That way, fishers save their money, because fishing tools are costly. What's even more important is that they will always know where the devices are lost, and we will be able to clean the sea bottom of these tools. "
Within the ADRINET project, scientists from the Institute of Biology must perform and analyze the quality of fish and other organisms that are caught in the pilot area, investigating the presence of heavy metals. They will examine the presence of cadmium and the presence of pesticides in fish species, antibiotic and microplastic concentrations in some species, as well as the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the seawater and sediment of the sea bottom of Herceg Novi.
04 Jun 2019, 17:51 PM
June 4, 2019 - The ODUPRISE Movement joins the part of the expert public who has the freedom to vote against the apparent punishment of the Montenegrin Constitution in the event of the third consecutive election of Vesna Medenica for the presidency of the Supreme Court, said the organization of the ODUPRISE movement to the Montenegrin public today.
"This case deserves our attention and reaction, first of all, because such a gross abuse comes from those most likely to protect the rule of law.
The Montenegrin Constitution stipulates that "the same person may be elected for president of the Supreme Court twice" and there is no such creativity in interpretation that can justify the intention of Judicial Council members to elect their boss for the third time. Retroactivity is just a cheap excuse, and the essence is in the replenishment of professional integrity," said the ODUPRISE movement.
"We, Montenegrin citizens, have the right to a trial before an independent, impartial and legally established court, which implies that the election of a judge is by the law, and above all, the election of the President of the Supreme Court. The court cannot be independent and independent if judges are elected unconstitutionally. Citizens cannot expect equality before the law if the election of the President of the Supreme Court is opposed to such a clear imperative norm."
Citizens assembled in the HOPE Movement are quoting the "Advocates of the Judicial Council as saying this will not happen to them."
"We will not allow the head of the judiciary to led by the same person who has twice been elected as President of the Supreme Court and who has been serving for 12 years now. Let us break this violation of the Constitution in the direction of those most likely to protect it because the Constitution was not written for looking for legal holes.
Within the legal order, we will begin proceedings that will legitimize us to bring this case in front of the Strasbourg court. We believe that such a situation so far was not recorded in its rich practice.
That is why we invite all professional associations and individuals, primarily the lawyers' association and the Montenegrin Chamber of Advocates to publicly distance themselves from the prepared strike on the rule of law under the direction of the Montenegrin Judicial Council," concludes the ODUPRISE movement.
04 Jun 2019, 13:39 PM

Djordje Peric, a student of the elementary music school "Kornelije Stankovic" from Bijeljina, won in the pre-category at the 9th International Festival “Harmonika Fest”, which was held in Tivat from 29th to 31st May. In the II category, Vladimir Stojanović from the music school I and II degree from Mostar was awarded, and in the III category Pavle Djuric, a pupil of the school "Vasa Pavic" from Podgorica, was awarded. Petar Balaban, a pupil of the school "Savo Popovic" from Cetinje, triumphed in the IV category, in the V was Lazar Janjusević from "Vasa Pavić", Podgorica, and in VII Ante Selak from Makarska.

The first place in the VIII category was won by Stefan Dimitrijevic, a student of the music school "Dr. Miloje Milojevic" from Kragujevac, and in IX Bozidar Rajic (Faculty of Arts Nis).

When it comes to chamber music, the best works were presented by Valentina Celebic (violin) and Vujic Petar (piano), pupils of the school "Savo Popovic" from Cetinje. In the second category, the best were Emina Visnjic (violin), Milica Djurović (violin) and Milica Rabrenovic (piano) from the music school in Bijelo Polje, and in the third the accordion trio - Hristina Merdovic, Relja Cetkovic and Nemanja Boljevic from "Vasa Pavić" Podgorica.

“Inat trio”, consisting of by Azmir Halilovic, Danijel Lovric and Asmir Hamzic (Academy of Music Sarajevo), won the first place in the fourth category.

In the orchestra competition, the first category was won by the orchestra of accordions from the music school "Kosta Manojlovic" from Smederevo, in second was the orchestra of the accordions "Dara Cokorilo" from Niksic, and in the third Kragujevac Academy Accordion Orchestra.

The festival gathered around 250 accordionists from 12 European countries.

Director and founder of the Festival, Predrag Jankovic, said that “Harmonika fest” has been progressing and developing year by year and is positioned well on the map of the well-known European accordion festivals.

"This year, we had a record number of participants in the competition segment. This is an indication that the Festival is going upward," he says.

The contestants were presented in 17 categories.

The participants were evaluated by a renowned jury, including the French Frederic Deshamps, President of the World Conference on Accordionists, Radomir Tomic and Miljan Bjeletic from Serbia, Dalibor Boljun from Croatia, Damir Sultanov from Kazakhstan, Miroslav Ilic and Aleksandar Basarab from Montenegro.

The festival was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, Tivat Culture Center, Tivat Municipality, and the General Sponsor is the Montenegrin Commercial Bank (CKB).

Text by CdM, on June 2nd, 2019, read more at CdM

04 Jun 2019, 13:36 PM

Montenegro, as a tourist destination, is open to the markets of the Far East, said the Director of Tourism and Tourism Traffic Directorate Armend Mila.

Mila at a meeting with the President of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of China, Markus Li, which was organized as part of an international conference in Bulgaria, said that the growth of the number of tourists from China is significant.

"Given that the panel discussion focused on the development of a single tourist product for promotion in the Far East, the collocutors agreed that it is of great importance to define a model for the management of tourist destinations in terms of sustainable tourism," reads the statement from the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

The ministry said that as part of an international conference entitled Investing in Sustainable Tourism, held in Suncev Brijeg, the main topic was a presentation of the best ways of investing in sustainable tourism.

The event was organized under the auspices of the Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism, and the key goal presented opportunities for international cooperation in the field of tourism, potentials for direct foreign investments, as well as open discussion of the problems facing the region when sustainable tourism is in question. Mila participated in a panel discussion that was specially organized within the conference, where he presented the potential of Montenegro, the growth rate in tourism and the problems facing tourism as a branch of economic activity. Mila also met with Bulgaria's Minister of Tourism, Nikolina Angelkov. It is commonly considered that the challenge is to reach the extension of the tourist season in all destinations.

"The speakers also agreed that for to extend the season it is necessary to examine the possibilities of optimizing foreign direct investments, preservation, and promotion of cultural heritage as well as diversification and development of new tourism products," the statement concludes.

Text by MINA Business, on June 1st 2019, read more at Vijesti

04 Jun 2019, 13:32 PM

The two-decades-old idea about constructing a cable car that would connect Becici and Kosmac fortress could soon be realized. Namely, Budva's new city administration does not give up on being a partner with the private company "Cable Car Montenegro" in the construction of a cableway from Becici Cucuci, not far from Hotel "Falkensteiner", to the Austro-Hungarian fortress Kosmac on Brajici.

At yesterday's meeting, the councilors had to come up with a proposal to establish a public interest that would envisage the expropriation of nearly 35,000 square meters of land on a 2.1-kilometer-long road, where this tourist attraction should pass. This is the seventh decision in the last decade since the idea of ​​the cable car was promised, but only now, after resolving the misunderstandings about the property and legal relations with the owners of the parcels on the track of the future lifts, the decision has been made. However, due to the turmoil within the ruling coalition, a session of the local parliament that needed the green light for this project was postponed until further notice.

The purpose of expropriation was the construction of a cable car on the route Becici - Brajici. The municipality will completely expropriate 16,780 square meters to erect pillars on the site, while 27,393 square meters will be completely expropriated for the official passage and use.

The municipality will be the expropriation user, but all costs will be offset by the company "Cable Car Montenegro", which had deposited money four years ago.

The story of the ski lifts started in 2008 when the company “Cable Car Montenegro” was founded. Investors then proposed that the municipality enter the project.

In the Central Register of Business Entities, 56 percent of the founding capital is owned by a tourist worker Branko Diki Kažanegra, 27 percent by Nikola Koprivica, and Ivan Tomic 17 percent. On March 16th, 2008, the Municipal Assembly adopted a decision on the role of the Municipality in establishing a company “Cable Car”. In December of that same year, the local parliament adopted amendments to that decision, which approved the entrance of the Municipality as the founder of “Cable Car Montenegro”. As a founding stake, the Municipality entered its immovable property. "Cable Car Montenegro" paid a deposit of 483,680 euros to the special account of the Ministry of Finance in the middle of November 2015 for expropriation purposes for the construction of the cable car.

Then the entire project was promoted, but due to unresolved property issues, there was no construction. It has been stated on several occasions that the project is worth EUR 12 million and that the investor or the company will provide the money for construction and expropriation. The runway of the future lifts would be 2.1 km long, the starting station in Becici, not far from the hotel complex "Falkensteiner", where it is planned to build a large parking lot and a couple of smaller facilities such as a ticket office and a big public toilette.

From here, the ski lift will climb up some 840 meters above sea level, not far from the Austro-Hungarian fortress Kosmac, where it is foreseen to build a complex that would include small ground buildings made of autochthonous materials, mostly stone. The complex would consist of a large restaurant, a couple of souvenir shops, as well as a large amphitheater in the open air, and large green areas for the visitors to have a rest.

In a car with a maximum of eight people, tourists would travel from Becici to Brajici in only six to seven minutes. This could take up to 1,350 to 1,540 passengers for about an hour.

President of the local parliament and Democratic leader Krsto Radovic submitted an amendment to the decision on determining the public interest by which they sought to enforce the expropriation and the protective band along the route.

It is required that the Investment Secretariat will order the execution of an Elaborate to determine the protective band that will also be subject to expropriation.

"After consulting with the citizens and looking at the situation on the field, it has been established that the land through which the pipelines, necessary for the operation of the lifts and the land nearby, cannot serve their purpose, and that it also remains in the property of the current owner of property rights which are obliged to pay the fee for the same," says the explanatory statement of the amendment.

Text by Vuk Lajovic, on June 4th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

04 Jun 2019, 10:23 AM

June 4, 2019 - An exhibition titled 'Word Blind' by Dutch painter Matthijs Scholten will be officially opened on Thursday, June 6, at the Naval Heritage Collection at 8 pm.

Matthijs Scholten uses many different components in his work, creating a unique, visual world. His artistic expression arises from the depths of the psyche by interpreting the chaotic world surrounding it. By combining contrast, he creates an atypical visual language.
Scholten's works represent the tumultuous emotions of human existence. Scholten's combat attitude towards the world around him is seen in his work through the use of color and form, making conflicts and movements almost "tangible."
The apparent element in his work is his eyes, big and piercing eyes. Matthijs' inspiration for his imaginative faces, colorful portraits, wild masks, and skulls is everywhere.
For Matthijs, minimalist street graffiti is particularly attractive. He takes pictures of those figures that often serve as great inspiration for the first moves of color on paper or canvas.
The artists who inspire him are Jean Michel Basquiat for his raw and street style. The Cobra Group, with artists such as Karel Appel, is interesting to him because of childish, naive, and spontaneous art forms, as well as Ecuadorian artist Oswaldo Guayasamin with his prodigious and vague portraits. Before all, his inspiration is Pablo Picasso with his enchanting faces and color combinations.
About his relationship to art, Matthijs Scholten says: "Painting calms me down. It allows me to let all the nonsense go. I create whatever I feel like, spontaneously, wild and colorful, unrestrained. The art is not in thinking, but in just doing it. If that succeeds, I'm free."
The works of this artist are available to the audience in his native Netherlands, where they are represented in a gallery promoting well-established and young contemporary artists - Galerie Mia Joosten Amsterdam, as well as in Russia, where his works were exhibited at the VB Gallery gallery in Irkutsk.
The exhibition of Matthijs Scholten in the Naval Heritage Collection at the Porto Montenegro marina in Tivat will be open until June 30.
04 Jun 2019, 01:19 AM

03 June 2019 - An exhibition entitled “ Steps “ (Italian: Passi) - installation by Italian artist Alfredo Pirri was opened at the Centre for Contemporary Art of Montenegro on June 03. The evening event, organized on the occasion of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Italy and 140 years of diplomatic relations between Montenegro and Italy, was opened by the Minister of Culture Aleksandar Bogdanović.

As reported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, on this occasion Bogdanović said that this installation by Pirri is a contemporary artwork, “which without a doubt reflects a certain boldness that was left to us as a model by the artistic seekers and demolitionists of the conventions of the European south”.

“The primary task of the art by Pirri is the determination of the relationships between space and activity, which builds a relationship rich in meaning and emotional energy. All this makes the work of Alfredo Pirri very appropriate in the days when we celebrate the jubilee of the cooperation of our two peoples, because it puts emphasis on those connections that are not visible in the area of ​​practical and political relations, but are hidden in deep layers of the spirit of space and historical experience,” Bogdanović explained.

Exhibition Passi by Alfredo Pirri at Centre for Contemporary Art in Podgorica

The Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Montenegro H.E. Luca Zelioli said that Alfredo Pirri is a versatile artist with international renown. “In my opinion, tonight we are taking part in a "cultural event”, not just viewing an exhibition. This event is conceived as a preparation for the celebration of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Italy, which will be held tomorrow in Cetinje. All this is part of a number of events organized by our Embassy on the occasion of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and Montenegro. These relations were established at a time when both countries were kingdoms,” Zelioli stressed.

The installation “ Steps ” represents a very successful concept that was realized in places of exceptional symbolic significance such as the Carthusian Monastery of Saint Lorenzo in Padua (2003), the Caesar Forum in Rome (2007), the National Gallery of Modern Art (2011) and Academy Gallery in Florence (2012) and Altemps Palace in Rome (2018).

Speaking about his installation “Steps“, Pirri stated: “With this work I should like to give the spectator the impression that while moving in space he can modify his vision of it, carrying out a twofold simultaneous action of demolition and reconstruction of the image. His sensations will lead him to think that he himself is the subject of the work, and in experiencing the action of looking at himself upside down, and feeling that infinitesimal space like a skin that binds him to and separates him from his own image, he will come to be part of it in a “natural” manner, in the same way that he is part of the world”.

04 Jun 2019, 00:25 AM

03 June 2019 - The Government of Montenegro will continue to support the Municipality of Kolašin on its road to further economic development and increase of quality of life of every citizen in the area, said the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Milutin Simović, during a working visit to this municipality.

According to the official report by the Government, Simović confirmed that the support for the growth of Kolašin would include forming of the Agribusiness Centre as a new impulse for the development of the city.

On June 3, Deputy Prime Minister Simović and the President of the Municipality of Kolašin Milosav Bulatović signed an agreement on the establishment of the Agribusiness Centre in Kolašin. The Agribusiness Centre will be equipped with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Agribusiness Centre New Impulse for Development of Kolašin 2

"This is another concrete indicator of Government support. The Agribusiness Centre will be a new and important address of interest to the citizens of Kolašin, primarily agricultural producers. At this address, all interested citizens can get support for the preparation of business plans, as well as explanations of the content of the extensive Agrobudget and projects financed from EU funds, "Simović stated during a press conference. He added that this example of cooperation of the Government of Montenegro with local government should become a new impulse for the development of agriculture and entrepreneurship in Kolašin.

Simović also said that it is very important that the Agribusiness Centre lives up to the expectations and fulfils its role, especially since the centre’s employees can look up to their colleagues in Žabljak, Mojkovac and Šavnik.

The Mayor of Kolašin Municipality Milosav Bulatović thanked the Deputy Prime Minister for the opportunity to discuss the topics and opportunities for the development of agriculture and the municipality of Kolašin in general. "We are optimistic about the possibilities of agricultural development. By opening the Agribusiness Centre, we get an address that will become a logistics and support centre for the realization of projects of importance for the development of agriculture, improvement of the tourist offer and opening of new jobs, "Bulatović said.

Get more information about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

03 Jun 2019, 23:59 PM

June 4, 2019 - The public hearing on Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts, announced on 13 May by the Ministry of Justice, was completed yesterday. However, after the reaction of the Chamber of Advocates, which claims that the proposed changes are not in line with the citizens' interest and EU recommendations, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Zoran Pažin, to its President, Zdravko Begovic, promised that the disputed text would be withdrawn from the assembly procedure.

Attorneys from the South Region, gathered at the Chamber of Advocates of Montenegro, warned the public last week and urged citizens of Boka Bay to engage in the public debate on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts. One of the amendments made by this Draft is the territorial overlap of the courts, which is not in the interest of the citizens of Boka Bay, or following EU recommendations for rationalization of the judicial network, claim lawyers.
The transfer of jurisdiction for the territory of the Budva Municipality from the Basic Court in Kotor to the Basic Court in Cetinje is in the perspective of the removal of a court in Kotor, a town where the courts have been active for more than 600 years. Member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Advocates, Danijela Radulović from Kotor, explains:
"According to data from 2016, 54% of the cases of the Basic Court in Kotor were related to the territory of Budva municipality. It means that, with the proposed overlap of the jurisdiction of the courts, the Basic Court in Kotor lost more than half of the cases. It would, in turn, lead to the irrefutability, which would result in the extinction of this court. The consequences of such a situation would be borne primarily by the citizens because the court is formed for the needs of citizens, according to criteria of population, geographic distance, and so on. Of course, this would be at the expense of the employees of the Basic Court in Kotor, and the attorneys, therefore having far-reaching consequences."
Advocate Radulovic explains that the proposal of territorial over-representation of the courts was given without prior analysis, and was not in line with the recommendations of the European Union, to which the proposer of the law invoked.
"For such a proposal, there is no severe analysis that would justify the Cetinje court, which is now a small court with a small number of cases, an irrefutable court, transferring it the part of the jurisdiction of the Basic Court in Kotor. According to the instructions of the European Union, it would be profitable for this court to be accorded to the territorially closer Basic Court in Podgorica, rather than to ensure its survival so that the Basic Court in Kotor becomes economically unjustified. We have no analysis of such a proposal - what are the reasons, qualitative and quantitative, which justify it? It is true that the EU has proposed the rationalization of the judicial network. According to a report prepared by a non-governmental organization dealing with this topic, Human Rights Action, there are 21 judges per 100,000 inhabitants in the EU member states. We have 41 judges in Montenegro. The EU proposes to reduce the number of courts by abolishing those that are irrefutable. They even indicated that these were the courts in Danilovgrad, Žabljak, Plav. Therefore, the proposed rationalization does not apply to the territorial division of the courts," explains Radulovic, thanking the citizens who recognized the importance of this issue and included in the public hearing by submitting a large number of objections to the proposed text of the amendment to the Courts Act.
The Chamber of Advocates officially supported South Region lawyers, and its President, Zdravko Begović, met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Zoran Pažin.
"At the meeting with Minister Zoran Pažin, the President of the Chamber of Advocates, Zdravko Begović, requested that this Draft be withdrawn from the Assembly procedure, to receive a delegation of the Chamber of Advocates with representatives from the South Region, and to jointly give some criteria that would be justified for the rationalization of the judiciary network. Deputy Prime Minister gave the information to Mr. Begović that this proposal will be withdrawn and that further steps in the creation of amendments to the Courts Act will not be undertaken without agreement with the Chamber of Advocates."
03 Jun 2019, 23:08 PM

June 3, 2019 - Last weekend, Lustica Bay hosted the Lustica Bay Cup races for Laser and Optimist sailing classes. The regatta was organized in cooperation with local clubs - YC Delfin Tivat, YC Lahor Kotor and YC Jugole Grakalić Herceg Novi, who welcomed the idea to open the new sailing field, especially since their competitors, except international competitions, do not often have the opportunity to check their skills outside the aquatics of Boka Bay.

The weather conditions were maximally hand-picked by the organizers, so sailors enjoyed sailing with a wind of 6 to 10 knots and sunny days at the challenging regatta field in the Trašte bay. During the three days, there were six regattas in all classes - Optimist, Laser 4.7, and Laser Standard.
The winner of the Optimist class in general placement was Pavle Musić; second place was Petar Klakor, both sailors of YC Delfin. YC Lahor's sailor, Romina Racković won 3rd place. Romina is the winner in a girl's competition, her teammate Nina Strahinja is the second and the third is Nikolina Klakor from YC Delfin. In the category up to 12 years, the first is Petar Klakor, YC Delfin. Second place was Andrej Drakulović, and the third was Marko Vujović, sailors of Kotor's Lahor.
In the class of Laser 4.7, Nikola Golubović from Delfin was first place. Danilo Jončić, YC Delfin, is in second place and on the third is Miloš Vujović from Lahor.
Delfin's sailor Ilija Marković, at the moment one of the most successful Montenegrin sailing competitors, is first in the Laser Standard class, the second is Stefan Anđelić, YC Delfin, and Luka Ognjanović, YC Lahor is the third.
The Lustica Bay Cup is the result of long-time cooperation and the support Luštica Bay is providing to young sailors of YC Delfin Tivat.
"We are very grateful for the long-standing support and the brilliant household and the Lustica Bay Cup organization. With this regatta, we have been working on a higher level of cooperation. Lustica Bay Infrastructure and Logistics have made sailing available in the Gulf of Trašte. Having the field to the open sea for us is a significant training option," said Ilko Klakor, YC Delfin's coach and Montenegrin national team selector.
"The Regatta Field is of a great challenge for our sailors, and they enjoyed these three days of sailing. We are looking forward to starting cooperation with Lustica bay, and we believe it will be of mutual pleasure," said Filip Petričević, president of YC Lahor and the Lustica Bay Cup Regatta Committee Chief.

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