
06 Jun 2019, 01:22 AM

05 June 2019 - In the first five months of 2019, 56 million EUR more was collected compared to the same period last year and over 21 million EUR more than planned as reported by the representatives of the Government of Montenegro, at the meeting with heads of the Public Revenues Administration, Customs Administration and the Administration for Inspection Affairs.

"This is an excellent result, but we have to continue and intensify our activities. The inspection services' activity on the ground is visible, as well as their commitment to the national interest. We have to charge each euro of the public money to provide better standards to citizens and create more jobs," the Government's Officials stated. 

Heads of the three administrations, Miomir Mugoša, Vladan Joković, and Alija Košuta, spoke about this year's positive results and the activities on reducing the grey economy in different areas. In terms of combating the grey economy and informal work, the meeting praised the coordination of inspections with other state authorities, especially the Prosecutor's Office and the police, also highlighting the results in the reduction of the tax debt through rescheduling, which resulted in the collection of about 50 million EUR up to now. 

The meeting especially emphasised the significance of the planned introduction of electronic fiscalisation and new excise stamps, which, together with the reforms being implemented in tax and customs services, will provide a modern and efficient system with many opportunities to reduce abuse and better state debt collection. 

Intensive activities of the competent state authorities are planned during the tourist season, where improvement is also expected in comparison to previous years.

06 Jun 2019, 01:12 AM

04 June 2019 - Prime Minister Duško Marković told citizens that the past two years of Montenegro's membership in NATO confirm that by joining the North Atlantic Alliance, Montenegro has strengthened the security and safety of the country, contributed to the stability of our region and created the preconditions for the development and better life of citizens, and that we can be proud of the fact that Montenegro is in the company of the most powerful democracies of the world.

"For the first time, we have the opportunity to preserve the values that we naturally belong to and promote them together within the 28-country Alliance. We have strengthened the security and safety of the country, contributed to the stability of our region and created the preconditions for the development and better life of our citizens. Without stability, there is no progress - and every citizen of the Balkans knows it best. Citizens of Montenegro can be proud of the fact that our State equally stands shoulder to shoulder with the most powerful democracies of the world, through the role of an ally in the global challenges facing every corner of the planet. It is in Montenegro's best traditions to be there for our partners. But today, unlike many other periods of our history, we have allies behind us ready to help us tackle every challenge, at any time," said Prime Minister Duško Marković in his address to the citizens on the occasion of the second anniversary of Montenegro's membership in NATO.

He also noted that NATO membership is much more than a military alliance because it contributes to the growth of foreign investments and tourists visits.

"What you can see in the past two years is the growth of foreign direct investment not only from the Alliance member states. NATO membership can be reasonably correlated with investment indicators and tourism records. I also believe that those who did not support the path of Montenegro to NATO today see that it is inseparable from our future membership in the European Union, to which Montenegro is getting closer and closer every day by making notable social progress," Prime Minister Duško Marković concluded.

06 Jun 2019, 01:04 AM

04 June 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received the Assistant Secretary General of UN and Regional Director of UNDP for Europe and the Community of Independent States Mirjana Spoljarić Egger.

President Đukanović welcomed and congratulated her on the recent appointment as the regional director with the wishes for success during the mandate. He expressed satisfaction with her visit to the region and Montenegro as an incentive for future cooperation with UNDP and the upgrading of the partnership relationship. He assessed that Montenegro has many reasons for mutual satisfaction, and that in the past period the expert and overall support of UNDP, which was always in the function of democratic development of Montenegro and realization of foreign policy priorities, was very well used.

On the trail of commitment to co-operation with the UN, the President expressed support for the reform processes of Secretary-General Guterres and Montenegro's intention to continue contributing to the implementation of all the tasks of reform, starting with the preservation of peace until the goals of the 2030 agenda are achieved.

"Activities that are in focus UN and UNDP are to a large extent consistent with the development strategy of Montenegro and the process of joining the European Union," Đukanović said, adding that Montenegro remains open to considering and further organizing the organizational structure in line with the new organization of the actions from UN System in the country as the best way to respond to the complexity of the implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy and the Agenda 2030.

In conversation with the Regional Director of UNDP, the President reminded that the main priorities of state policy remain further democratization of society and intensive economic development, and in this context, the importance of presence and improvement of cooperation with UNDP and the UN system as a whole is clearly recognized.

Regional Director of UNDP Mirjana Spoljarić Egger expressed satisfaction with her arrival in Montenegro and meeting with President Đukanović, highlighting excellent cooperation with Montenegrin state and local authorities at all levels.

"The UN reform is an opportunity for even better quality work, a better focus on the substance of the UNDP mandate and strengthening ties with the government," Spoljarić said.

She added that UNDP remains committed to further support through regional policy investments that are relevant to the region, in particular in the direction of institution building, support to institutional reforms and further greening of the economy that will ensure sustainable growth.

"With dedication, you can represent an example of nationalization of the Agenda 2030 in the region," said Spoljarić.

The Regional Director of UNDP reminded that the Agenda offers the opportunity to speed up the EU accession plan, while achieving sustainable development that will benefit the country. In this context, UNDP remains fully open to continue advocating and supporting Montenegro as a candidate for EU membership, a member of the United Nations and a significant factor of regional stability in the future.

05 Jun 2019, 14:41 PM

Since in 2010, when they received visas for their first major competition, the European Championships in Denmark and Norway, the handball players of Montenegro did not play a more significant match in the qualifications. Between the “Lionesses” and the 13th consecutive big tournament stands the Czech Republic, which won the first match of the fight for the World Cup in Japan 26:24.

Tonight’s match in Niksic (at 8.15 p.m.) is even more important when it is known that only the participants of the December Planetary Championship have a chance to find themselves again in Japan next summer in a much more important contest - the Olympic Games. The goal of Jovanka Radicevic and her team is to find themselves in the biggest sporting venue for the third time, to amend the impression of Rio de Janeiro, perhaps even attempt to repeat the success from London, which is why the duel against the Czechs is for them of the utmost importance.

The class is on the side of Pero Johanson's team, who, with the help of the public can and must heavily exceed the minus from Mostar.

"We lost the first two match with two points difference, but in the analysis, we saw that we were not at our maximum level. We know we are threatened by the fact that the Czech Republic is extremely good in all positions, but I believe in our team because we have the experience of playing such games. We are aware that the atmosphere in Niksic will be an advantage, this will be our additional motive," Radicevic said.


The Captain of Montenegro is aware that five days ago, her team failed in what was its strongest point - defense.

It is necessary to play it the best way possible, because the attack lacks the creations of Milena Raicevic due to injury.

"We have to play the defense much better than in the Czech Republic because in some situations we did not react as we should have. I'm sure we will be taken away by the wish and the atmosphere, because the hall will be filled to the last place. Montenegro deserves to be part of the World Cup," said the best right wing of the Champions League.

Johanson does not escape from the proclaimed goal - the Olympics in Tokyo, and the first obstacle on that path is the team of Jan Bashni. The quality is on the side of the “Lionesses", but on Friday it was not felt as such in the field.

"We spent the last few days watching the first match in the Czech Republic. There were good things, but a lot of bad ones. We will try to repeat that we did well, but we have to play better than in the first match to win," says the 48-year-old Swede.


The man who led Montenegro to the 6th place at the World Cup in Germany and 9th at EHF Euro in France knows what his players need to improve from the first match. 

"The defense will always be the key to this team, and it was not good in the Czech Republic. This has to be corrected; we have to do much better to be successful," Johanson emphasized. 

The atmosphere in the hall is a plus

Niksic has hosted some of the unforgettable matches played by handball players and basketball players from Montenegro, who with huge support from the stands have entered some of the most important victories in the history. The audience should also fill the hall tonight and be the eighth player of the “Lionesses”. 

"This is a motif for all of us, we expect a full hall, as always in Niksic. We are not satisfied with the first match, there were a lot of mistakes, and certainly, we can do much better. We have analyzed this, and we are ready to enter the rematch," said 22-year-old Djurdjina Jaukovic from Niksic. 

Jelena Despotovic is also thinking similarly. 

"The support will mean a lot to us. We cannot wait to start the match, but this must not deconcentrate us, but we have to start very well from the first minute. The defense was the biggest problem in the first game; we will try to correct the mistakes we made," emphasized the Hungarian Debrecina.

Text by Nikola Nikolic, on June 5th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

05 Jun 2019, 14:40 PM

From 2017 to May this year, the Ministry of Science, with over €11 million financed a significant number of projects that are important for the progress of Montenegrin society.

The Ministry published a publication on these projects, whose total sum amounts to about €16 million, of which the Science Department allocated €11 million.

As stated, the brochure contains programs and instruments through which the Ministry has funded the projects such as innovative projects, scientific research, Horizon 2020, EUREKA program, international infrastructure, IAEA, bilateral program, as well as scholarships for Ph.D. research.

"The brochure that highlights the two-years work shows the most important information related to projects such as the project carrier, the scope of their research, the name of the project and the sum that was allocated for the realization," the statement said.

Each year the Ministry of Science conducts numerous tenders on which the best-rated programs receive financial support and the goal of the brochure is to increase the visibility of the projects funded through the various instruments by that department, with the intention of opening new ways of collaboration at a national and international level.

The Ministry is proud of the scholarships for Ph.D. research that enable young people to focus their career on research work. 

"By increasing the number of young scientists in the territory of Montenegro, we are working on strengthening the human capacities that are necessary for us to create a knowledge-based society," they said. The Ministry of Science has argued that they remain dedicated to the promotion of scientific research activities, the provision of support to good and quality ideas, and the financing of projects whose implementation is practically applied in the society.

Text by MINA News, on June 4th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

05 Jun 2019, 14:34 PM

Montenegro is an attractive destination for investments due to the visible potential for tourism, agriculture, traffic infrastructure, energy and numerous investment opportunities in other sectors, especially in less developed areas, said the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce (PKCG), Vlastimir Golubovic.

"The results that the Montenegrin economy achieved in previous years and which continued in the first quarter of the current year will give us the right to state that Montenegro is a destination which is going on an upward trajectory," Golubovic said at a business meeting of the Montenegrin and Chinese businessmen, organized by the Embassy of China.

PKCG reported that China is the second Montenegrin foreign trade partner in import and is in the ninth position when it comes to exports. The trade turnover realized last year was EUR 270.6 million, which is 18.8 percent higher than in the previous year.

Last year, Montenegro was visited by 41.34 thousand tourists from China, who realized 94.78 thousand overnight stays.

"Recognizing the fact that tourists from the distant markets, such as the Chinese, can be attracted through the joint, regional tourist offer, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is working on forming a common tourist product targeted at this tourist group. We intend to extend this kind of cooperation to all Western Balkan countries to stimulate the promotion and diversification of tourism products and services and thus contribute to increasing the number of tourists from distant parts of the world," Golubovic said.




He said the investments in energy infrastructure are important, and in particular the installation of an underwater cable between Italy and Montenegro, which will lead to a direct link between the markets of Southeast and West Europe.

"In this way, we will valorize the rich energy potential of the region, so I use the opportunity to invite your companies to invest in the energy sector and take advantages of the benefits that the realization of this project will bring," said Golubovic.

Speaking of investments made in the traffic infrastructure, in particular by accentuating the construction of Bar-Boljar motorway, Golubovic said domestic companies are reliable partners to the company China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC).

He urged Chinese companies to use the comparative advantages of the Port Bar, whose geographical position allows shortening the time of transport and reducing total transport costs.

Ambassador Liu Jin assessed relations between China and Montenegro are at the best level possible.

"Our two countries inherit deeply traditional friendship; practical co-operation has yielded rich fruits, consistently expanding the exchange at the cultural level. The visit of the Chinese entrepreneurs is another proof of our friendship and we expect to be a chance to develop concrete cooperation," Jin said.

He reminded that China and Montenegro are currently working mostly on building the road and energy infrastructure.

"Cooperation should be extended to sectors such as tourism, telecommunications, agriculture, wood industry and others," added Jin.


Deputy Director of the school of professional and lifelong education Hong Kong University SPACE Robert Ning Rong said that the goal of the Chinese delegation's visit was to get acquainted with the Montenegrin society and the country's economy. 

"Although there is a difference in the size of our two countries, this is not an obstacle to establish a successful co-operation. Montenegro has a very important role in the initiative that brings together China and 17 Central and Eastern European countries, because through it we have established good relations with the Western Balkans region," said Ning Rong.

The event, organized by the delegation of the Chinese businessmen in Montenegro, organized by the University in Hong Kong, brought together representatives of more than 50 Chinese and Montenegrin companies from the tourism, manufacturing, trade, utility economy, construction, insurance, IT, finance, fashion, health care and others.

Text by MINA Business, on June 4th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

05 Jun 2019, 11:55 AM
June 5, 2019 - On the occasion of the trial of one of the initiators of the civic movement ODUPRISE, the signatory of the Agreement on the Future, Demir Hodzic, scheduled for today at 3.20 pm at the Podgorica Offense Court, the organizing committee of the movement addressed the Montenegrin public.
"The Podgorica Security Center finds Demir violating the Law on Public Order and Peace, Article 7, which states that a person may be punished if they "publicly offend others or acts drunk." However, it is well known that there is footage of the incident where it is seen that the Prosecution's Podgorica Security Center is complete nonsense," says the ODUPRISE civil movement.
"Later, it turned out that the Security Service Representative Slavko Popovic violated the law because he did not show official legitimacy to citizens when they asked him what he was obliged to do. Citizens, including Demir, asked him only because they noticed that he was following them, and then he heard their names said to someone over the phone. However, after the incident, the police did not listen to Popovic, but let him go unchecked."
Movement members will be in front of the Misdemeanor Court at 15h. "We want to support not only Demir but also the judiciary to make an independent and just decision in this case. We call on the court to demonstrate that an autonomous system of institutions should function in a free society. We do not allow the system to unjustly condemn civil activists and punish the struggle for freedom while exchanging envelopes that I buy regimes buying the electoral will of citizens and remain unpunished. As for the drastic behavior, we recommend that the Podgorica Security Center review the statements of the Special State Prosecutor for which they held the performance on the day before the Prosecutor's Office building so that they will address that address."
"Against the members of the Movement" Overcome - 97,000 "has so far filed over 30 misdemeanor applications. Against Migo Stijepovic and the top of the DPS is none," emphasized the ODUPRISE movement.
05 Jun 2019, 11:12 AM
June 6, 2019 - The 2nd International Carnival organized by NGO "Maškarada" begins today in Tivat and lasts until 9 June. The manifestation will gather 20 international carnival groups with over 500 participants, announced the organizers at yesterday's press conference held at the small scene of the Tivat Culture Center.
Goran Božović from NGO "Maškarada" announced that the 2nd International Carnival in Tivat would host groups from almost all countries of the region, Italy, Germany, France, Holland, Ukraine, Sweden, and Brazil. The manifestation in Tivat is attended by the president of the FECC Federation of European Carnival Cities Lars Angel and Vice President Marian Hirsh.
"We are very proud of this event, the new cultural and tourist brand of our town which proved to be one of the best and most successful events not only in our city but also in the region. Even after the first edition, we became one of the most prestigious carnivals in Europe. We want this year to be original and attractive and to give great satisfaction to our guests, carnivals from abroad and the public who will come to enjoy the show. All this would not have been possible without the devoted members of the "Maškarada" who gave their best and voluntary service to organize this event at the highest possible level," said Božović at the conference attended by the Vice-President of the German FCC, Marie Claire Klein-Theisen.
carnival2nd International Carnival in Tivat, Press Conference, Photo by Zeljko Komnenović, Radio Tivat
The Great International Parade in the streets of Tivat will be held 8 June from 8 pm, and the central part of the program will be on the city's main promenade of Pine. "After the international procession follows the main attraction of this Carnival. It is the show "Brazil Bahia Show," a group coming from Brazil that will convey the spirit of Brazilian carnival and samba. We are hosting them for the first time in Montenegro. The carnival party continues late into the night with the Goca Tržan concert," Božović announced. The children's Carnival in cooperation with the Children's Alliance of Tivat starts 9 June at 6 pm.
During the program, the citizens of Tivat and their guests will also be able to enjoy the Masked Beetles parade, Water Ball under the Masks, carnival exhibition, and Regatta under the Masks.
Gabrijela Glavočić, director of the TO, who sponsored the event, highlighted the importance of the cultural and tourist aspect of the manifestation. "Since last year we are members of FECC. Our fellow citizens have endeavored to offer novelties in carnival festivals. It is also essential the tourist aspect of the event because its existence confirms the quality of the destination," said Glavočić.
The first parade of "Masked Beats" is organized by the NGO "Maškarada" with the Tivat Club "VW Classic Club Montenegro." Zlatko Jankovic, president of the club, gathering about twenty lovers of Volkswagen's famous "beetles," announced that for this occasion in Tivat, 50 oldtimers and about 150 fans of these cars will come.
After reading the proclamation of the Carnival by Neven Stanicic, sponsors and patrons of the Second International Carnival were presented with carnival flags. Among them was the family of the late Sladjan Kijac, the author of the hymn of this year's edition. "Maškarada" is the song he composed 25 years ago. Zoran Proročić adapted music and lyrics for this opportunity, and the guests of the conference heard the song by Damir Nikolic and Tivat's Klapa Jadran.
The Queen of the Second International Carnival in Tivat will be Martina Božinović, the current "Miss Tourism of Montenegro," who will wear the queen of Teuta dress, which is part of the first group mask of "Maškarada." The Carnival will also have a humanitarian character, collecting funds for the medical treatment of the boy from Tivat, Nikola Drmić.
Source: Radio Tivat
05 Jun 2019, 01:03 AM

03 June 2019 - In order to promote the extraordinary success of the Montenegrin producers at the recently held Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad, where they won 163 awards and recognitions, a meeting of manufacturers, hoteliers and retailers was organised today in Kolašin, within the Project Kupujmo domaće (Buy domestic products) in order to better connect these sectors, improve placement of domestic products and the tourist offer.

The meeting was organised by the Chamber of Economy in cooperation with the Ministries of Agriculture, Economy and Tourism, the National Tourism Organisation and the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro.

In the middle of May 2019, Montenegro had ten exhibitors at the fair bringing together all the important actors of agribusiness from the region, including some of the most successful Montenegro's companies.

On this occasion, Montenegro had a joint stand of 117m2 in the Master Hall, consisting of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism. Minister Sekulić pledged full support to the private sector, through the creation of numerous support programmes for entrepreneurs.

The Government continuously invests in Northern Montenegro and they will continue to support the Municipality of Kolašin on its path towards further economic development and improving the quality of life of every citizen in the area, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Milutin Simović said during a working visit to this municipality. 

On the last day of the four-day working visit to Northern Montenegro, Simović met in Kolašin with the leadership of the local self-government headed by President of the Municipality Milosav Bato Bulatović, with whom he signed a contract to establish the Agribusiness Centre. 

05 Jun 2019, 00:51 AM

03 June 2019 - "The countries of our region, today, must not miss the chance to be part of modern trends in the field of energy and social development," Minister of Economy Dragica Sekulić said at the Summit on Energy Security in the Region.

She participated at the Summit on Energy Security in the Region, which was held in Belgrade, and said that she was honored to have the opportunity to talk with her counterparts from the region on such an important topic.

"It is known that providing sufficient amounts of energy is one of the key conditions for the sustainability of modern society, as well as the basic precondition for sustainable development that we all strive for. However, it seems to me that the question is - how do we provide sufficient amounts of energy - something that represents the most demanding task of this generation of decision makers," Sekulić said.

She recalled that this very complex job is somewhat easier. Namely, with our strategic goal (EU membership), we have created an opportunity to follow the example of those who actually set standards in terms of sustainable development and clean, climate-neutral energy.

In accordance with its energy priorities, Montenegro will continue to pursue activities to ensure secure energy supply, the development of a competitive energy market and sustainable energy development, with active cooperation with all those who have the same objectives.

"I think that we only develop energy in such a way that is economically viable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly," the Minister concluded.

This regional summit is organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia and is of great importance for the entire region, bearing in mind that it has gathered the ministers from Southeast Europe for the first time.

An open discussion in the three panels presented an international energy stability plan for the region and considered all aspects of the implementation strategies for the energy transition.

04 Jun 2019, 23:50 PM

04 June 2019 - Podgorica will soon receive its first public electric vehicle charging stations. The EV charging stations will be installed in two locations in the city: at the crossroad of Njegoševa Street and Vučedolska Street in the city centre, and in the garage of the "Parking service" in Milan Popović Street (behind the Restaurant "Maša"), said the report by the local government representatives.

The installation of the first public electric vehicle charging stations is part of the project entitled Development of Low-Carbon Tourism in Montenegro", which is being implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, and with the financial support of the Global Environment Fund (GEF).

Aside from the station in the Capital City, this project will include the installation of electric vehicle charging stations in Budva, Bijelo Polje, Kolašin, Cetinje and Žabljak, as well as in the National Park Skadar Lake (Vranjina).

The use of public EV charging stations will be free of charge during the first year, after which the service providers will individually decide on further conditions for charging electric cars.

Chargers will be stationary, with two types of chargers (sockets) of type 2: one with minimum power of 22 kW and the other with minimum power of 11.01 kW, in accordance with international standards IEC 62196, IEC 61851 and EN 62196-2.

Procuring the charging devices is funded by UNDP, while the preparation of locations, maintenance of the charging stations and provision of services for filling are included in the local government obligations.

At a UNDP meeting held on June 3, 2019, grant beneficiaries agreed on modalities of exchange of experience and best practice examples in the realization of this project, which aims to support the development of e-mobility in Montenegro.

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