
09 Jun 2019, 21:58 PM

08 June 2019 - Montenegro is a safe investment destination and investors from more than 100 countries have confirmed this fact. Our country is one of the most attractive investment destinations in the Mediterranean, especially in the field of tourism, real estate, energy and agriculture, said Montenegro’s ex-president, Filip Vujanović, at China-Central and Eastern European Countries Expo in Ningbo.

The China-Central and Eastern European Countries Expo opened Saturday in Ningbo, east China's Zhejiang Province. As reported by XinhuaNet, the expo that put focus on "deepening opening-up and cooperation for mutual benefit," attracted over 6,700 buyers from more than 500 firms and other leading international enterprises in 22 different countries and regions.

Speaking at the Ningbo Forum, Montenegro’s ex-president, Filip Vujanović highlighted that Montenegro is one of the most attractive investment destinations in the Mediterranean. “I have great respect toward this Fair of Investment and Trade, and I see it as a strong contribution to the improvement of cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It is a special honor to present Montenegro as a safe and attractive investment destination with economic parameters that confirm this title ”,Mr Vujanović’s said during his speech.

As reported by Vujanović's office, he also noted that Montenegro and China have excellent relations that have been improved in recent years through the 16 + 1 Mechanism and the Road Initiative.  “Montenegro recently started the construction of a highway linking the Adriatic coast with Serbia and Central and Western Europe. This largest infrastructure project in the history of Montenegro is being realized with CRBC. The Government of Montenegro continuously works on creating the preconditions for the continuation of the construction of other sections of the highway. We encourage Chinese companies to show interest in this project through public-private partnerships, “said Vujanović, inviting the present investors to a potential partnership with Montenegro.

Pointing out to the importance of trade, he also emphasized the potentials of the Port of Bar, being a significant maritime and transport center with valuable references. Moreover, former Montenegro’s president touched on many investments in the field of tourism.

“Fully realizing the importance of investment and trade for overall development, I invite you to visit Montenegro. I am convinced that we will continue our joint efforts towards high quality cooperation, “concluded Vujanović.

The expo, scheduled to close on June 12, includes over 20 events such as the image exhibition of Eastern European countries and the European commodity exhibition.

According to China's Ministry of Commerce, the total trade volume between China and Central and Eastern European countries reached 28.55 billion U.S. dollars in the first four months this year, up 7.9 percent year on year.

Read more about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

09 Jun 2019, 21:19 PM

08 June 2019 - The first segment of the project Creative Visegrad - a multimedia image of V4+ cities and states was recently held in Budva, reports the local government of this city.

The Municipality of Budva, in cooperation with partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, is implementing the project entitled Creative Visegrad - a multimedia image of V4+ cities and states, which is approved within the framework of Visegrad + fund. As explained by the local government of the Czech city Valašské Meziříčí, this purpose of this project is to enhance the awareness about common identity among the V4 member states and Montenegro.

Thirty-two young people from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Montenegro were introduced to each other through intercultural exchange, and during the summer they will work hard on short films that will be screened at the Festival of Lights (Signal Festival) in Czech Republic in September. The workshop, which represents the first phase of the project, was held in Budva, June 3 - June 6, 2019.

Budva Hosted First Phase of Project Creative Visegrad a Multimedia Image of V4 States 2

The workshop was intended for young people who are interested in discovering a common cultural identity with Montenegro and Budva, together with their peers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hunagry, and who are willing to create a short film about this subject.

The main challenge of the project is a lack of knowledge in younger generation both the V4 states and the Balkan states. This region has a generous diversity of culture identity, history and tradition. The project has a goal to make a new connection among youth and with creative way of presentation, to express differences to the large audience. The main challenge is to address accessibility and cooperation among nations. One of the main ideas is sharing the cultural diversity of all participants and creating proof that their homelands are open-minded and accessible. Since this region has a diverse cultural identity, history and tradition, the project aims to creatively create a new relationship among young people and present it to the general public.

This project also focuses on sharing knowledge in specific multimedia area – creating short movies, because each project partner has a different attitude and uses different techniques to create film content. This program’s aim is sharing of know-how in context in using short videos to express the participants’ cultural identity.

Within the project Creative Visegrad, another workshop and festival will be held in the town of Valašské Meziříčí, in the Czech Republic.

The Visegrad Group, Visegrad Four, or V4 is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European states – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia that are members of the European Union (EU) and NATO – for the purposes of advancing military, cultural, economic and energy cooperation with one another along with furthering their integration in the EU.

Festival of Lights, where the short films created within the project will be shown, is one of the most visited events in Prague that attracts thousands of tourists and locals with its fantastic light shows. Signal Festival represents a traditional event with amazing live dynamic performances of light and sound.

08 Jun 2019, 12:29 PM
June 8, 2019 - The Serbian band Baobab opens the second edition of the Independent Art Festival MORZ (an acronym for Marine Rhythm of Life, in Montenegrin Morski Ritam Život), which will be held from 21 to 23 June at the Amphitheater of Herceg Novi Theater.
Like the first edition, the MORZ festival consists of three segments - concerts of musicians and bands from the post-Yugoslavian alternative scene, the exhibition of young regional artists - illustrators and film programs.
The organizer of MORŽ is the portal Herceg Novi Cool in cooperation with the Secretariat for Culture of the Municipality of Herceg Novi, the Public Institution Herceg Fest, the Montenegrin Cinemateque and the Cafe Cinema. The beginning of this year's MORZ is scheduled for Friday, 21 June at 9 pm, when the official opening of the festival and exhibition will be followed by projection of the film and concert of the Baobab band.
Over 20 years of experience and three albums, the band Baobab, led by Misa Petrović, have proved themselves to the audience - and their latest collection, "Our Time," is considered one of the most excellent newer Serbian music releases.
Vladimir Skočajić Skoča, the author of the cult Gustav FM radio show, said: "Sometimes they remind me of Wilco, sometimes Neil Young, sometimes on War on Drugs, and most often of Baobab. The first single "How Greatly Love Has / In the City That Tones, In a Land That Has No" I would enter as the anthem of this unfortunate country. It's pure perfection."
The MORZ Art program is a cross-section of the post-Yugoslav illustrator scene, which without any thematic barriers is one of the most brilliant components of contemporary independent culture. While the topic of last year's edition was the sea, the genre of the second MORZ film program is 'road movies.'
The author of the visual identity of the festival is the young Montenegrin illustrator, Vuk Bojanić.
In the coming days, MORZ will announce new music program names.
All MORZ programs will take place in the cult space for Herceg Novi's generations, the Amphitheater of Herceg Novi Theater and its surroundings.
The quality and potential for growth of MORZ have been recognized by the Herceg Novi Municipality, Acoustica Cicak, Simo Milošević Igalo Institute, the Sea Property, Hotel Herceg Novi, Krušo Herceg Novi, Buffet Beograd, and Pizzeria Galeria Topla.
08 Jun 2019, 10:04 AM
Vladimir Jokic, until recently the chairman of the Municipality of Kotor, requested that the Administrative Court makes a decision on the lawsuit on his dismissal before 14 June when a session of the Kotor Municipal Assembly was scheduled, on which the new majority foresees that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Željko Aprcović will choose the new Mayor. In addition to Jokić, the Democratic Party of Montenegro (Neven Gošović) and the President of the SO Kotor Dragica Perovic, who was in the position of the defendant yesterday, was also asked by the Administrative Court at the main hearing, although her party, Democratic Serbs Party, is a coalition partner with Jokic's Democrats.
They demanded that it should be prevented that Aprcovic is elected for the new Mayor, and then the court decides in favor of Jokić. Therefore, Kotor would have two presidents.
The Judicial Council of the Administrative Court did not plead Jokic, Gošović and Perovic's request, but the judges stated that they had a legal deadline for deciding on Jokic's lawsuit following the law.
Dragica Perovic, as the defendant, admitted all allegations of Jokic's lawsuit and appealed to the court to make the decision as soon as possible, because, she personally suffers pressure, gains chauvinistic threats and insults in commentaries on internet media portals.
Jokic stated that there was a threat to the public interest in Kotor, that there was no allegation that he was dismissed and that the Administrative Inspectorate found that there was no controversial employment in the Municipality of Kotor.
In addition to other allegations in the lawsuit, Gošović added that the dismissal of Vladimir Jokic was unlawful because the deputies of the municipal councilors were voted in public, although the Rules of Procedure of the Kotor Municipal Assembly stipulated that they had to do so by secret ballot.
We remind that Jokic's dismissal is the decision of the opposition DPS, SD and HGI members, with the voices of two members of the former coalition partner of the ruling majority in Kotor-SDP at the Assembly Session of 24 April, which Perović previously released. Such assembly did not decide on appointing the acting president. It has blocked the work of local government and public companies, whose founder is the Municipality of Kotor.
07 Jun 2019, 21:14 PM

07 June 2019 - Montenegrin ICT sector is becoming one of the key economic branches in the context of economic recovery, besides traditional industries such as tourism, energy sector and agriculture.

Innovative Montenegrin ICT companies and start-ups are gradually getting into the international markets with a promising forecast regarding income generation and job creation.

International recognition of this sector is becoming stronger. Five leading ICT companies, Amplitudo, The Badger, Uhura solutions, Marleq and Super Hub are going to take part at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2019. The USA and the Netherlands are official organizers of the event which annually attracts over 2.000 representatives of business communities from more than 120 states. The event is taking place in the Hague, from 3 June to 5 June.

Montenegrin ICT companies are going to be presented at a special media conference, organized by the State Department. The companies will have the opportunity to present their innovation programs to the key players in the ICT industry, entrepreneurs, specialized media and potential partners.

This event is part of the regular support US Embassy in Podgorica provides to national economic reforms and endeavors to assist innovative companies with overcoming economic barriers.

The cluster-creation process is going to start soon. Clusters will consist of key innovative start-ups working on the promotion of digital services, software and hardware components and ICT solutions which are going to be competitive on the market.

Two big regional events, EDITA and PRODIGY, dedicated to digital transformation, are going to take place in September. They will bring top regional business experts, digital innovators and associations, in order to discuss cooperation in the area of digital innovation. This will be a great opportunity for Montenegrin start-ups as well.

Source: Cafe del Montenegro

07 Jun 2019, 21:07 PM

07 June 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović traveled to Bratislava recently, where he participated in prestigious security forum at the invitation of the GLOBSEC team.

At the end of the first day of the GLOBSEC Security Forum in Bratislava, President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović talked with the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Miroslav Lajčak, the OSCE Chairman, at a working dinner hosted in his honor, as reported official website of President of Montenegro.

Lajčak thanked Đukanović for participating in this prestigious gathering, with the pleasure that Bratislava will be the hosting panel on the Western Balkans.

Among other things, Đukanović noted that this is another confirmation of the commitment of friendly Slovakia to the European perspective of Montenegro and the region as a whole, which is further expressed through its role as OSCE chairmanship in the year of the recent elections for the European Parliament and the changes that will follow at the top of the institutions in Brussels .

Interlocutors jointly expressed satisfaction with the results of the pro-European forces and emphasized that it would be extremely important both for the EU and for the region to extend the policy of enlargement to the Western Balkans on the agenda of the new European administration.

In a long conversation and friendly atmosphere, Đukanović and Lajčak exchanged views on developments in the region, with an emphasis on remaining open issues, as well as on processes in Europe and globally, with expressed willingness to promote otherwise excellent bilateral relations and cooperation.

GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum, organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, traditionally gathers a large number of participants, political leaders and prominent thinkers, and with the World Economic Forum and the Munich Security Conference is one of the most important conferences on strategic issues in Europe.

Read more about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

07 Jun 2019, 21:01 PM

06 June 2019 - Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System Milutin Simović recently hosted UN Assistant Secretary-General Mirjana Spoljarić Eger. Following the bilateral meeting, DPM Simović and Ms Spoljarić Egger spoke at the opening of the "Green Days 2019 - Achieving Green Growth Potential" conference, sponsored by UNDP, the Government of Montenegro and the Chamber of Commerce.

As Government's of Montenegro report states, DPM Simović thanked Ms Spoljarić Egger for her arrival in Montenegro and accepting to take part in the "Green Days 2019" conference. He emphasised that her participation in this conference makes it respectable and significant, both in Montenegro and beyond.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the Government of Montenegro understood the need to organise a conference on this topic, in the year when Montenegro in the negotiations with the EU opened Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate Change, and in the years in which the Government is determined to make significant advances in economic and overall social development.

Alongside this, Montenegro supports the global role of the United Nations and the values ​​of multilateralism, and shares the goals of sustainable development set out in the 2030 UN Agenda, Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the meeting with Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, Assistant Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Both sides concluded that Montenegro and UNDP have established good cooperation and that all UNDP programmes in Montenegro are being implemented successfully, which is an excellent basis for cooperation in the time to come.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro and the UNDP Regional Director agreed that cooperation should give priority to the projects that are complementary to the process of Montenegro's accession to the EU and its strategic development priorities, in line with the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Read more about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

07 Jun 2019, 20:54 PM

06 June 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović received the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Italy Elisabetta Trenta, who is on an official visit to Montenegro. Trenta recently met with Prime Minister of Montenegro, Duško Marković.

President Đukanović thanked the minister for visiting Montenegro, which represents a new and especially important impulse for further improvement of the interstate relations between Montenegro and Italy. The additional value of the visit is and, as the President said, that this visit happened at the same time when Montenegro celebrate an important jubilee of 140 years of establishing diplomatic relations marked last night in Cetinje in the building of the former Italian mission. Đukanović expressed great satisfaction with the quality of interstate cooperation and emphasized that Montenegro is very proud of the tradition of relations between Montenegro and Italy.

He emphasized the importance of Italy's support to the European and Euro-Atlantic perspectives of the region, which is particularly important in order to overcome the multi-year lag of the WB for a developed Europe.

"Aware of missed opportunities in recent history as well as internal crises in the EU, we continue to believe that the only prospect for this region is integration, and for Europe to continue unification and strengthen its global competitiveness," as noted in an official report by President of Montenegro Cabinet.

Stressing that Montenegro is a NATO and EU partner, the President paid special gratitude to Italy for supporting that country's membership of Montenegro to NATO. At the same time, he also pointed to the importance of the alliance within the Alliance, because Italy together with Greece preserves the airspace of Montenegro, as well as defense cooperation, which is reflected in support for training officers in the prestigious Italian schools.

In the context of exceptionally good bilateral relations, the President assessed that there is a significant area for improving economic cooperation on the basis of positive experience through submarine cable projects and underwater exploration of oil and gas.

"With the pleasure of opening a Confindustria branch in Montenegro, an even greater presence of Italian investors is extremely desirable, not only because of investing in Montenegro, but primarily because of the transfer of European standards, new technologies and management knowledge," Đukanović said

The Minister of Defense of the Republic of Italy conveyed to President Đukanović the greetings from President Mattarella and expressed her gratitude for showing respect to her country by attending the celebration of the Day of Italy in Cetinje.

"Friendship has existed for a long time, but it is always good to have a new friendship gesture," Trenta said.

Recalling Italy's support to Montenegro for joining NATO, the minister stressed that with the great impression that country remains with Montenegro on its way to the EU. Integration is also very important because of the need for a common response to contemporary challenges, Trenta said, stressing that Italy's position towards the Balkans is very clear, both in terms of supporting the integration of Western Balkan countries, as well as meeting the criteria for membership.

The interlocutors agreed that while meeting the requirements for EU membership, it is extremely important to take advantage of the momentum and further strengthen the partnership of NATO and EU countries, which rests on the strongest basis, the Euro-Atlantic system of values. Extending cooperation in the field of defense and intensifying economic ties will undoubtedly contribute to better cooperation within NATO, but also to help to transfer knowledge in which Italy wants to participate.

Read more about politics in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

07 Jun 2019, 15:36 PM
June 7, 2019 - Hotel Regent's Murano Restaurant has launched the new menu for the summer season, inspired by Adriatic and its connections with inland Montenegro. While the coast brings freshness, mountains give a warm touch, allowing us to fulfill a simple, but vibrant gastro tradition of this country which for centuries has been a meeting point of East and West and can be best seen on our tables today.
Željko Knezović, Food and Beverage Manager of Regent Porto Montenegro, explains that the new menu features dishes that are rich in flavor, bright in color and presented to perfection. 
"We would highly recommend the Beetroot Risotto, Smoked Octopus Buzara, and the Three-color Linguine topped with fresh shrimps, peach and fresh summer truffles. Ideal for meat lovers, Murano offers an excellent choice of rabbit, duck and succulent Wagyu beef, originated from Chile. Firmly requested by guests, Regent has kept a selection of classic dishes on the menu, which have been reinvented for the summer menu with a creative twist. For example, the original Caprese Salad has been deconstructed, transforming from a salad to an impressive appetizer, with cream of buffalo mozzarella, tomato, and basil ice cream. My recommendation is our local red mullet – a fish of specific taste, which is also an integral part of the culinary heritage of Montenegro," suggests Regent Porto Montenegro F&B Manager, Željko Knezović.   
The food that will be served in the Murano Restaurant is based on the Mediterranean cuisine with a touch from the inland. It represents a combination of traditional tastes on this area and modern culinary technologies, local foods, and holistic food access, emphasizes the Murano Chef, Marko Živković. "The Murano Restaurant's menu brings you the avant-garde and the Montenegrin cultural heritage, expressed through traditional dishes, with the skill, care, and love of our chefs."
As a model of the world's best restaurants, Regent's Murano Restaurant introduced the Chef's Table inside the kitchen area to give guests a chance to meet their creative center. It is about removing the barrier and providing guests with the opportunity to experience gastronomy on the spot, uncover the secrets of Murano's cuisine, participate in the preparation of food, and enjoy the moments dedicated to them only.
"At the heart of the culinary philosophy, we take our guest's enjoyment and the intent to give them a chance to enjoy food with all their senses. The "local yet global" philosophy implies the presentation of local products and local culinary traditions in a different way, tailored to the requirements of an international guest. At the same time, we are equally devoted to the fact that residents who visit the Murano restaurant and try some of the dishes can proudly note that this is our local cuisine but is told in the manner of the best gourmet chefs." 
Marko says the new menu started with the research of Montenegrin gastronomy, which connects two completely different cultures from North to South. He intended to present a combination of the freshness of the Adriatic and the warmth of the North in combination with delicacies from the world, which Prince Nicholas had brought to Cetinje already in 1907 to present at his castle.
"With a new approach, a lot of love and dedication, we did our best to create a new dimension of the local gastro offer.  So, for example,"Composition" - Eggs, onions, and goat's cheese is a dish in which curiosity won with science, "Forest" is a dish that represents the centuries-old tradition of hunting for the forests of Montenegro.
As Jean Anthelme says:
"The number of flavors is infinite, for every soluble body has a particular flavor that is unlike any other." Right here we come to our focus - introducing our guests to the spell of flavor and taking them to an unforgettable journey that will create a memory," explains one of the authors of the new Murano Restaurant's menu, Marko Živković.
07 Jun 2019, 14:12 PM

The Delta City's shopping mall management publicly protested yesterday because the Ministry of Economy has refused to exempt the shopping malls from the Law on non-working Sundays, which is contained in the draft law on domestic trade. This company did not directly answer whether they would submit an initiative to the Constitutional Court following the example of the trade centers in Croatia if such a proposal is to be finally adopted.

"The proposed amendments to the law already cause justified disapproval and dissatisfaction with many entities. Shopping Mall Delta City is a member of the Employers' Union of Montenegro and we believe that it is the right way to justifiably seek to exercise our rights through this organization," said the company.

Commercial centers in Croatia have been able to overcome laws that limit their work on Sundays with the decision from their Constitutional Court, in two cases in 2003 and 2009. In both cases, the prohibition of work lasted only a few months. The Constitutional Court of Croatia has explained the termination of the law by granting a guaranteed right to the equal position of entrepreneurs and freedom of business.

"On the weekend, the first Montenegrin shopping mall is visited by 18,000 to 24,000 people. The industry's estimate is that Sunday as a non-working day, in this case, causes loss of a minimum of EUR one million in the monthly turnover of our tenants. The financial loss of the leaseholder entails the reduction of salary and the release of labor. It is estimated that around 20% of the workforce in the center will be left without a job," they added, stating that the state would, therefore, have lower incomes.

They say that in all the countries of the region and in most European countries, shopping malls are working on Sundays. They pointed out the examples of Hungary, for example, where a similar prohibition was abolished only after a few months due to the drastic drop in the turnover.

Text by Goran Kapor, on June 6th 2019, read more at Vijesti

07 Jun 2019, 14:09 PM

The Day of Environmental Protection was marked today in Zabljak with the great action of arranging the town and surroundings which was attended by 200 pupils and teachers of elementary and high school, employees in the local government, utility company, local TO, Forestry Directorate, "Zabljak Tourist Association", Nordic Skiing Club, Firefighters and citizens of Zabljak. 

"It was enough work, but thanks to the extensive actions outlined in the previous two years within this action, significantly smaller." The collected waste was packed in bags and transported to the city landfill. The machinery operated if necessary," said the action coordinator Nikola Dubljevic.


He adds that the participants of the action were divided into groups and, following the plan, acted in certain areas. The "Zabljak Tourist Association", which dominated through civic activism to defend the Black Lake environment from the planned investments, spontaneously acted in that area.


One worked from the center of the town to the sports hall, clearing the forest area on that route, and another from the center towards the Black Lake. Touristic paths were cleaned, grass mowed, low bushes and branches cut. Rotted and dried trees, as well as several smaller wild landfills, were removed," said Dubljevic, appealing to citizens and tourists to take care of the environment and not allow this tourist spot to be attributed a negative image with garbage dumps and other mess.

Text by Obrad Pjesivac, on June 7th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

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