
05 Jul 2019, 00:50 AM

03 July 2019 - The fifteen-year-old Andrija Đukić from Podgorica is bravely taking one million steps for the children in Be Human Foundation, reported CdM.

The picturesque landscapes of France and Spain featured in “The way” film has inspired Andrija to start the journey of his dreams. On 20 June, together with his mother, Andrija went on a 900 km long journey, within the humanitarian action “Million steps”, with the aim of helping collect money for the treatment of children in the Be Human foundation.

“I have been thinking a lot about the ways I can help children who need the help most. And I found the answer in “The Way” film. This is the answer. Pilgrims carry this stone on their way. It represents the suffering and sorrow of the one who is carrying it. That is what I am going to do, in Cruise de Fero, the highest point of the journey. Symbolically, I will leave their pain there,” said the boy before he went on to pursue his noble goal.

And while most people were spending those hot days in air-conditioned rooms, Andrija was walking for the kids and resisting fatigue, heat, and pain.

“We are now in the Meseta section. It is 232 km long. They say it is dangerous. It affects the psyche. Many have given up right at this point. I am not surprised, I was able to see myself how Meseta impacts a person,” the boy describes his travels around Spain.

Andrija Đukić 15yo Walking Million Steps for Be Human Foundation

Desert, no protection from the sun and the heat, relentless desert are their common surrounding.

“I will keep walking for the kids. I will keep fighting the fatigue and the heat and pains, every single day… A miracle might happen. I will believe until the very end,” said this brave boy.

The Way of Saint James, pilgrimage route begins in Saint Jean Pied in France and leads to the Spanish Santiago de Compostela.

During the travel, pilgrims carry the “Credential”, a passport. They get the seal as a confirmation that they are on the Way of Saint James.

Pilgrims who complete the pilgrimage successfully receive Compostela, the official certificate of completion.

Andrija hopes that this experience will help him overcome his weaknesses and fears.

Read more about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.


05 Jul 2019, 00:37 AM

03 July 2019 - Intense heat in Podgorica and the south of the country has made domestic and foreign tourists look for some refreshment in the mountains. Durmitor has always been a tourist favorite and Žabljak is already packed with tourists, Director of the Tourist Organization Žabljak, Vanja Krgović-Šarović said, adding that the beginning of the season was very successful, reported CdM.

“We had two rainy months, the weather was bad and that definitely affected the tourist arrivals. Bur since the beginning of June, it is been much better. There is around 80% of hotel capacities occupancy,“ said Krgović-Šarović.

On this occasion, she also announced numerous events that will take place in Žabljak.

“We are starting congress tourism today. To be precise, a congress which is going to gather around 120 dermatovenerologists from Montenegro. After that, there is Days of Mountain Flowers, an event which is going to last six days this year, maybe even for a whole week, as it is going to feature numerous amenities,” pointed out Kargović-Šarović.

She added that there are going to be several cultural events too, in August, mostly.

“There will be three festivals in the coming month: one-day musical festival, international Green Film Fest, and finally, Wild Beauty Art. We expect big numbers of tourist in September as well,” said Krgović-Šarović.

She has many suggestions for those who are still indecisive about spending their vacation in the mountains.

“As far as short, one-day visits to Žabljak are concerned, Durmitor Ring is a must. The trip is 80 km long and we offer the possibilities of driving in jeeps, cars or bicycles. Around 80% of this panoramic route covers the National Park. We have a great audio guide and a map translated into several languages,” said Krgović-Šarović.

She also suggests bicycle rides and quads, Nevidio canyoning, Tara rafting, short routes or several-day-long ones. For younger tourists, adrenaline-lovers, there’s paragliding and Via Ferrata, an alpine path.

“I would also recommend mountaineering. Durmitor really has a lot to offer and that’s why I would suggest several days of mountaineering. Every path has its own beauty and something to offer. Families with children can enjoy walks to Black Lake, Riblje and Valovito Lake,” concluded the Director of TO Žabljak.

Read more news about traveling through Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

04 Jul 2019, 10:51 AM

Tivat Airport continues to break records! On Sunday, June 30, the airport accepted and operated 56 aircraft and 11,313 passengers in less than 24 hours.

"On the same date last year there were 13 airplanes and 1,750 passengers less, and these results give us the assurance that 2019 will be another record year for the airports of Montenegro," said ACG's management.

They recalled that, when ACG 2003 took over the airport in Tivat and Podgorica from JAT, the annual traffic of passengers at both airports was 600,000

"Now it is two million more. In 2003 we had only two regular and ten charter lines. We are now connected to 80 destinations throughout Europe. Every year, we are progressively establishing new partnerships with reputable airlines, and only in the last two years, 30 new lines have been opened," emphasized ACG, adding that at the same time the assets of the state-owned company were increased by more than four times, with ACG's last year’s sales of 37, 5 million euros, which is nine percent more than in 2017.

Text by Sinisa Lukovic, on July 1st, 2019, read more at Vijesti

04 Jul 2019, 10:49 AM

The 2nd International Scientific Conference "Maritime and Port Logistics - MPL of the MHCL 2019" finished in Bar, which aimed at integrating science and maritime economics, transport and logistics. During the two days at the MPL Bar, 40 published scientific research papers were published by university professors and researchers from 16 countries around the world, from Memphis in USA to Kobe in Japan.

The special lecturers at the conference were two leading university professors, scientists and researchers worldwide in the field of naval and port logistics - prof. Dr. Harilaos Psaraftis from the Technical University of Denmark and prof. Dr. Kap-Hvan Kim from South Korea's State Pusan ​​University.

In a specially organized session on the maritime industry, the domestic companies AD Luka Bar, AD Marina Bar, DOO Agent Plus, “Cerovo”, Luka Drac, and the university “Aleksander Moisiu” from Drac, were introduced.

"The conference was a very useful experience for all the participants, we had the opportunity to share experiences directly and to gain new contacts. These meetings are particularly important for the development of the logistical direction through Bar, and I hope that they will continue to be in the future in Montenegro. Special Contribution with his engagement was provided by Prof. Dr. Branislav Dragovic from the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, and Prof. Nenad Zrnic from the Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering," said Kenan Perazic, Executive Director of the DOO Agent plus from Bar. The conference organizers were the Technical University of Vienna and the University of Šamgaj, and co-organizers and supporters were the Ministry of Science of Montenegro, AD Marina Bar, MARLCEN, MedAMPL and DOO Agent Plus.

Text by Radomir Petric, on July 3rd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

04 Jul 2019, 10:46 AM

In the waters of the Ljuca river, Plav lake and Lim, the competition part of the jubilee twenty-fifth European championship in fly fishing began, which is hosted in Montenegro for the first time.

President of the Association of Sport-Fishing organizations of Montenegro, Omar Basic, said that everything went well and that the host cities Plav, Gusinje, Andrijevica and Berane did their best to show our country in the best way possible.

"There are about a hundred contestants from twenty teams and states from across Europe. These are the best fishermen in fly fishing in the world. Their criteria are very high, but I think we have met the same. Already on the first day of the competition, we have great catches and even more impressions of nature and Montenegrin rivers," Basic said.

He reminded that the European championship in fly fishing is taking place in five areas - on the river Ljuca, in the territory of the Gusinje and Plav districts, then on Plav Lake, on the route below Plav, in Andrijevica and Berane.

"Local self-government in all municipalities has helped us prepare both financially and mechanically in preparations. The Ministry of Agriculture also assisted with the organization," Basic said.

He recalled that fly fishing is one of the oldest disciplines in sport fishing.

"Some even call it royal fishing and it is very popular in the world. In addition to a special accessory, it requires creativity and craftsmanship. You catch the fish in clear waters and gather a large number of nature lovers who, over time, have been promoting the technique," Basic said.

According to him, the goal is not to eat the fish - but to return it to the water so it can continue living, extend the life of the species, or gratify another fisherman.

"It is too much to emphasize how much this technique contributes to the conservation of fish stocks, and the participants in fly fishing enjoy adrenaline, competition and unique experience. For this most human aspect of fishing, it is often said that it is about life philosophy," explains Basic.

The zone of fly fishing in Plav is one of the best and most diverse offers in Montenegro, and tourists are equally attracted to the fly-fishing zone on Lim.

"We expect the European championships to promote these terrains significantly and to contribute to the development of fishing tourism, which is very popular in the world," Basic said.

The European Championship in fly fishing on the fields of Gusinje, Plav, Andrijevica and Berane will last for the next three days.

All of the one hundred competitors, judges and controllers who came from twenty countries are accommodated in hotels in Plav.

Text by Tufik Softic, on July 3rd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

04 Jul 2019, 00:49 AM

02 July 2019 - The value of trade exchange between Montenegro and Turkey amounted more than 100 million EUR in 2018. Around 45.000 tourists from Turkey visited Montenegro and generated 110.000 overnight stays. Since 2010, Turkey has invested around 187 million EUR into the Montenegrin economy which makes Turkey the fifth most important investor. The first four months of 2019 have recorded positive trends. There are 2.282 Turkish enterprises in Montenegro currently, as reported by the CdM.

This was stated in the meeting between the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro Vlastimir Golubović and Turkish Ambassador to Montenegro, Gori Songul Ozan.

The officials stated that interstate relations between Montenegro and Turkey are at a very high level and that there is room for further strengthening of economic ties. Turkey will keep encouraging companies to develop their business in Montenegro.

Ozan pointed out that the intention was to attract serious Turkish investors who will create new jobs and share their rich business experience.

“I invite Turkish companies to start long-term, sustainable businesses in Montenegro, in favor of both states,” said the ambassador.

She pointed out that the prerequisites of further development were a connection with the agrarian sector and high-quality road infrastructure while stating that Turkey is ready to contribute to their improvement.

Golubović said that tourism, transport, energy and the agricultural sector were priority branches. He acquainted the ambassador with the current projects in Montenegro, and he also presented to her the organization and work of the Chamber, the oldest business association in the country.

The Chamber takes into consideration ever act which refers to the economy. It builds up international cooperation through participation in numerous international chamber associations.

“The Chamber of commerce is at the service of all its members and Turkish companies in our country,” concluded Golubović.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

04 Jul 2019, 00:39 AM

02 July 2019 - President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović recently spoke with a delegation of OrCam, one of the most successful start-up companies in Israel in the field of digital technology. The visit came after President Đukanović's recent visit to Tel Aviv, during which he got familiar with the technological achievements of several Israeli companies. Israel's readiness to offer advanced technology to Montenegro was confirmed at that time during talks with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

From the Office of the President of Montenegro, they announced that Đukanović expressed satisfaction with continuing the dialogue with OrCam.

"The most valuable assistance, not only for Montenegro but for the whole region, is precisely to reduce the lagging behind and to realize modern technological advancements," the President said, stressing that Israel's leadership position in this area is an opportunity for successful inter-state cooperation.

He particularly noted the satisfaction that the first step in the cooperation project is for the visually impaired. Through the latest technological advancements to the visually impaired, it will be easier to read and write.

"Recognizing the significance of this project, the state will participate in the project," the Đukanović said.

He also added that, on the track of responsible examples of cooperation, this could be an incentive for other projects that will generate a culture of development based on new technologies.

Director Elad Serfaty expressed appreciation for the reception highly appreciating the president's commitment to projects that help visually impaired people, as well as the willingness of Montenegro to model high-tech projects using Israel’s model. He stressed that Montenegro could be the initiator of such cooperation for other countries of the region, but also other companies from Israel. In this context, they expressed readiness to open a research and development center in Montenegro.

OrCam devices such as OrCam MyEye are portable, artificial vision devices that allow visually impaired people to understand the text and identify objects through audio feedback, describing what they are unable to see.

Reuters described an essential part of how it works as "a wireless smart camera" which, when attached outside eyeglass frames, can read and verbalize text, and also supermarket barcodes. This information is converted to spoken words and entered "into the user’s ear." Face-recognition is also part of OrCam's feature set.

Read more news about business in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

03 Jul 2019, 12:26 PM

The 27th Kotor Festival of Children's Theater opened in Kotor last night. In the next 12 days, children will take over the government and manage the city, so the president of the municipality, Vladimir Jokic, handed over the keys of the town to Kristina Miljanovic.

Many children and parents attended the opening, and the festival director Petar Pejakovic announced a rich theater program.


27th Kotor Festival of Children's Theater

During the opening of the festival, Vanzemaljko (the Alien), who for 27 years has been wandering the universe in search of the festival, landed on the stage.


27th Kotor Festival of Children's Theater

This year's festival was opened with the play "Ivo Vizin-Captain of Dreams" co-produced by the Podgorica City Theater, Kotor Festival for Kids and KC Nikola Djurkovic.

The play is about becoming a hero and how heroes are struggling with failures.

The text won the first prize at ASSITEJ last year's competition.


27th Kotor Festival of Children's Theater

 The festival will last from 1 to 12 July and will be devoted to various educational workshops and cultural events dedicated to children.

Text by Boka News, on July 2nd, 2019, read more at Boka News

03 Jul 2019, 12:21 PM

City Games 2019, the popular summer "Games without borders", were held last night at the promenade Pine in Tivat in the presence of many fans, tourists and other visitors.

In front of the numerous audiences seven teams showed their strength and skills: "Tivat - Jadran", "Jedva se skupismo", "Galioti", "Mestri sa Pina", "Vikinzi", "Pocetnici" and "Leteci Sugamani".

Tivat's "Galioti" triumphed with 57 points scored. The second place was taken by Leteci Sugamani" (50 points), while the third was the team “Vikinzi” (32).

The fourth position was won by "Mestri sa Pina", the fifth was "Jedva se skupismo", sixth "Pocetnici" and seventh was the team "Tivat - Jadran".

The great atmosphere among the contestants confirmed once again that it is important to have fun, not to win. The teams were made up of four men and two female members and competed in new challenging games: flying water polo, sea basketball, racing, and paddle racing.

The most successful awards were given by Predrag Gajic, CEO of Brand New Tivat and Gabrijela Glavocic, the Director of Tivat Tourist Organization - for the third and second place, while the best team, golden medal, was awarded by the Secretary for Youth, Sport and Social Affairs of Tivat Municipality Darka Ognjanović.

Upon completion of City Games, a concert of the Belgrade group "Iskaz" was held on the town’s promenade Pine.

Text by Sinisa Lukovic, on July 2nd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

03 Jul 2019, 12:19 PM

The Israeli start-up company OrCam presented the "OrCam My Eye" device in Podgorica, which helps blind, visually impaired and dyslexic people.

The first user of this device in Montenegro will be Andrija Samardzic, whom the device was delivered at a press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The visit of the Israeli delegation to Montenegro is a continuation of the talks that began during the recent visit of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic to Israel.

A representative of OrCam, Elad Šerfati, said that during his visit Djukanovic recognized certain opportunities for innovation and technology transfer in Montenegro.

"It is a great privilege to meet a president who relies on the introduction of new technologies. That's not common. I thank him for his readiness to open the door to new technology in Montenegro and to enable us to work in a better environment," said Serfati.

He explained that the device is very small, designed as a bluetooth/handset, weighing 22 grams, which can be attached to all glasses.

The person using this device should point to the document or thing they want to read and the reading can be stopped. It is also possible that the device identifies the person in front, and when her/his name is pronounced, the device will remember it and say that name every next time.

 According to Serfati, the device fully protects the privacy of the person who uses it.

Nothing is stored on the device and nothing is sent to the internet cloud. If you read sensitive documents, it will read it for you and then simply dismiss it. Full privacy is guaranteed, said Serfati. He explained that the device will update the software with new features every three to six months.

Serfati said that they still need to talk to the Montenegrin Government about the realization of this program.

"There are still some official procedures we need to do with the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. We have to register the device. Only when we finish administrative issues can we present it on the market," said Serfati.

According to him, there will be talks about how to finance the device and how to install the Montenegrin language to adjust it to the people who need it and sell it in Montenegro.

Serfati said OrCam has been on the market for nine years, and the value of the company is $1 billion.

OrCam operates in more than 45 countries and, as he said, they expect to work in the Balkans for several months with the support of the Montenegrin Government.

Honorary Consul of Montenegro in Israel, Nimrod Rinot, said that the visit of the Israeli delegation continued the talks that began during the recent visit of Djukanovic to Israel.

He believes that the cooperation of the Israeli company with Montenegro could result in the joint establishment and development of new technology. Andrija Samardzic will be Montenegro's first representative to use the device and will be provided with free software updates when developing a version in the Montenegrin language.

He said this device would be very helpful when reading and pointed out that it is very important to be able to install it to any glasses.

As he said, the device will perform the work of a daily personal assistant to a greater extent.

“It's enough that you do not have to scan and let the screen reader on your computer read it for you, but you can read the document in real time without any special preparations," Samardzic said.

Text by MINA News, on July 2nd, 2019, read more at Vijesti

03 Jul 2019, 01:01 AM

02 July 2019 - Public institution Museums and Galleries of Budva organized an independent exhibition of the academic painter from Budva - Vaso Nikčević which will be opened at the Memorial House of Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša on Wednesday, July 3, 2019, reports RTV Budva.

Vaso Nikčević (1964, Nikšić) graduated from painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, in the class of Professor Živojin Turinski. Through solo exhibitions, he presented his work in numerous eminent galleries in Montenegro, the region, and abroad in cities such as Paris and Boston. Also, he participated in numerous joint exhibitions in the country and abroad. He received prestigious awards in Belgrade, 1991, the first prize "Petar Lubarda", and in Podgorica in 1996, the Painting Award of the Association of Artists of Montenegro "Milunović, Stijović, Lubarda".

Exhibition of Paintings by Vaso Nikčević in Budva Opens June 3

At the exhibition at the Memorial House of Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša, Nikčević will present the work that he created in the last two years within the cycle "Symbol in Abstraction," for which art historian Nataša Nikčević says that it is "a complex register of the very existence itself, but also cryptically suggested subscriptions about the World, the Universe, the Becoming. The dramaturgy of the painting, its space, its existence has the fundamental constitutive meanings”.

On the two-dimensional surfaces of the canvas, the projection and the metaphor of the artist's self, some core and the unity of active power are traced in the visual layer, where the gestural historical forms can be noted, that connotate the Bible's becoming of the world, conflicts, creation, transcending time as a metaphysical category and as a distant echo of sublime play of Nature. Some of these archetypal historical forms are repeated: a circle - a symbol of integrity, perfection, core (symbol of being, essence), rights, diagonals (symbols of movement, passage), crescent moon (symbol of the astral) - the artist uses symbols of the world.

In addition to the latest works from the cycle "Symbol in Abstraction", this exhibition is special because it represents Nikčević's first solo exhibition featuring his works on paper - smaller formats, as well as two sculptures, made in combined technique, and two larger paintings on fibreboard.

The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for 9 pm, and the exhibition will be open until July 25, 2019.

Read more about cultural events in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.

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